Unit Plan Template s7

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Unit Plan Template s7

Intel® Teach Program Essentials Course

Unit Plan Template

Unit Author First and Last Name JoAnn Jensen School District Madison Metropolitan School District School Name Cherokee Middle School School City, State Madison, WI Unit Overview Unit Title Three sisters in the garden Unit Summary This unit focuses on the cultural aspects of how and what we eat and our activities. In this unit students wil be asked to reflect on and research their personal/family food culture, popular food culture and modern day activities and compare it to the Native American culture of the people who inhabited the Cherokee neighborhood hundreds of years ago.

Subject Area Nutrition Grade Level 7th or 8th grade Approximate Time Needed 5-7 50 minute class periods in computer lab Unit Foundation Targeted Content Standards and Benchmarks

Linked Wisconsin DPI Academic Standards WISCONSIN NUTRITION STANDARDS WI.N.A: Students in Wisconsin will understand the sensory characteristics, origins, and classification of foods WI.N.B: Students in Wisconsin will understand nutrition concepts related to growth, health, energy needs, and food safety WI.N.C: Students in Wisconsin will demonstrate critical thinking skills related to healthy eating and activity behaviors WI.N.D: Students in Wisconsin will demonstrate sensitivity and respect for diverse cultures, food preferences and appearance. WI.N.E: Students in Wisconsin will demonstrate ability to promote healthy eating and activity behaviors for self, peers, families and community

WISCONSIN HEALTH STANDARDS - 8TH GRADE WI.HE.A: Health Promotion and Disease Prevention--Students will understand concepts related to personal health promotion and disease prevention WI.HE.B: Healthy Behaviors--Students will practice behaviors to promote health, prevent disease, and reduce health risks. WI.HE.C: Goal Setting and Decision Making--Students will demonstrate the ability to use goal-setting and decision-making skills to enhance health. WI.HE.D: Information and Services--Students will demonstrate the ability to access valid health information and services WI.HE.E: Culture, Media, and Technology--Students will analyze the impact of culture, media, technology, and other factors on health.

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Student Objectives/Learning Outcomes

Analyze how culture influences eating and activity behaviors

Linked Standards WI.N.D: Students in Wisconsin will demonstrate sensitivity and respect for diverse cultures, food preferences and appearance. WI.N.B: Students in Wisconsin will understand nutrition concepts related to growth, health, energy needs, and food safety

You will demonstrate your competence: a. Explain how cultural beliefs impact diet and physical activity behaviors

Your performance will be successful when: a. Compare cultural beliefs and their impact on diet and activity behaviors b. Examine how one’s home culture influences eating and activity behaviors c. Analyze differences in dietary choices of various cultures

Learning Objectives a. Summarize the many roles that food plays in people’s lives b. Explore cultures through foods c. Examine food availability for various cultures

Curriculum-Framing Questions st Essential What is the role of the garden in the 21 century? Question

How does culture impact eating and physical activity behaviors? How does our family culture influence our eating and activity behaviors? How does early Native American culture compare to our modern culture? Unit How are modern day foods different from foods eaten by early residents of the Cherokee Questions neighborhood? How are modern day activities different from the activities of the early residents of the Cherokee neighborhood?

What are the 6 major nutrients? Which nutrients and ingredients are most abundant in modern foods? Which nutrients and ingredients are most abundant in foods from antiquity – during the time of the early residents? How do the foods compare? What are “ the three sisters” and which nutrients are available in these foods? What influences your eating habits? What influences your physical activity? What is a typical celebration meal for your family? Content When you and your friends eat food together, what do you usually eat and drink? Questions How are diet and activity linked in regard to one’s physical and emotional health?

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Assessment Plan Assessment Timeline Before project work begins Students work on projects After project work is and complete tasks completed Reflective and formative Formative and summative Summative

*Record a list of *Ask your family *Show how you can *Compare ads *Write a *Make a class cook foods eaten for about traditional modify your diet that promote statement bookof home recipes one day foods from your and activites to live healthy foods to describing your and share it on the *Record your culture a healthier life. ads that attitude towards school website promote”junk” eating and activities for one *Imagine what it *Outline the *Write a grant day would be like to attitudes of family foods exercise and how it has or has not to help fund the *Analyze food have no modern around eating GO *Research the conveniences – to effects of changed and school garden and activites *Outline the why. using mypyramid have to grow, attitudes of friends modern diets on using findings from .gov hunt, and make around eating GO children- use *Write or create research all your own food video a visual essay *List the foods *Write a letter to clothing, tools *Make a survey about the history eaten at a family about food *Write a brief the school board and shelter – this report, make a of food, your celebration preferences and superintendent would segue into web presentation family’s *Summarize your a project that *Look up recipes for create a blog, celebration in requesting they feelings about could be an early Native food, compare about your improve school your eating illustrated blog, American foods research findings new and early lunch habits slide 280, badgerlink foods webspiration museum box, *Plant a 3 sisters * peerfeed back *Cook a Native garden and blog America Feast GO = graphic about its growth organizer Assessment Summary Possible assessments: for students for teacher

Gauging need KWL, surveys, graphic organizers, prompts, The same as students and IEPs, questioning demopraphics, anecdotal notes, reflection

Setting goals Rubrics, planning matrix, checklists, Same as students timelines

Monitoring progress Checklists, rubrics, conferences Same as students

Providing feedback Conferences, check-ins, rubrics Confer with colleagues, document the project and present it to peers

Assessing thinking and Review of project/work, oral reporting, peer Journaling processes editing

Reflecting on learning Essays, evaluations, surveys, journaling, Journaling presentations, ptojects, see artifacts below Possible artifacts of student learning Websites, blogs, performances, demonstrations, presentations, documents, Museum boxes, timelines, brochures, books, lesson plans, student samples, garden work, recipes, photographs, cook books, food preparation

Unit Details Prerequisite Skills Students will call upon health and nutrition information learned in 6th and 7th grade. Students will have had training in using computers- know how to log on, use the internet, be able to identify a reliable site, be familiar with word processing, presentation programs, etc.. Instructional Procedures

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A “clear picture” of the scope and sequence of student activies : ) This is followed by an actual scope and sequence of activities Flow chart of instructional cycle

This chart was made with webspiration.

Scope and Sequence of Presentation

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Time: 5 to 7, 50 minute periods

Day one: Introduction of topic/unit presentation Know-Wonder-Learn, notes

Day two: Investigation, computer lab/LMC Instructions, options, checklist, rubric, planning rubric, wonder wheel, research materials, readings

Day three: Investigation continues… Conferences, interviews, graphic organizers, monitoring progress

Day four:Investigation wrap up, organization and creation Conferences, checklist, check-ins, monitoring progress

Day five:creation of presentation/project Peer edits, monitoring progress, checklists, rubric

Day six:completion of creation of presentation/project Checklist, rubric, product completed or homework

Day seven: presentations Rubric, evaluation

Depending on what is chosen for the product, this unit could take less or more time. Possible projects:  Use webspiration and make a graphic organizer of foods you eat and their nutrients  Use wonderwheel to make a site search  Create a time line of food processing  Create a time line of activity change  Create a timeline of the invention of fast food  Analyze a meal’s nutrient content using mypyramid.gov  Research the nutrient content of a favorite fast food and compare it to favorite home food  Analyze a day or week’s worth of eating using mypyramid.gov  Make a chart of the commonly eaten foods and the nutrient content- a) for early people b) for modern people – could compare vegan, vegetarian and diets with meats  Design a museum box about a particular food and its nutrient content  Create a slide 280 presentation about a) family culture and food b) Native American culture and food c) the benefits of good nutrition and exercise d) the Three Sisters Garden Accommodations for Differentiated Instruction

Special Needs Check lists, extra time for research, modified learning objectives and Students assignments, group work options, adaptive materials, possible extra classroom support, oral interviews and examination, pictorial reports, related demonstrations

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Nonnative Bi-lingual resources- staff, readings and websites, dual language Speakers dictionaries, group work, option to present in first language or bi-lingually, access to bi-lingual and first language web sites

Learning coordinator consultation, independent research, extended project, Gifted/Talented expanded project that encompasses a number of web 2.0 tools, student’s Students choice

Materials and Resources Required For Unit Technology – Hardware (Click boxes of all equipment needed) Camera Laser Disk VCR Computer(s) Printer Video Camera Digital Camera Projection System Video Conferencing Equip. DVD Player Scanner Other Internet Connection Television Technology – Software (Click boxes of all software needed.) Database/Spreadsheet Image Processing Web Page Development Desktop Publishing Internet Web Browser Word Processing E-mail Software Multimedia Other Encyclopedia on CD-ROM Rubrics, checklists, guides, rules for internet use, story of “the 3 sisters”- Printed Materials also could be accessed on the web, “The Hungry Planet” by Peter Menzel and Faith D”Aluisio Seeds, garden equipment, kitchen equipment, paper, poster making Supplies materials http://creativecommons.org/ http://www.schoolgardenwizard.org/, http://www.kidsgardening.com/school/searchform.asp, http://www.edibleschoolyard.org/ http://www.reapfoodgroup.org/ http://www.nypl.org/digital/ http://publicdomainpictures.net/ Internet Resources http://www.mypyramid.gov http://www.badgerlink.net/ http://edu.glogster.com/ http://animoto.com/ http://www.mywebspiration.com/ http://online.culturegrams.com/ http://www.280slides.com/ REAP farm to school program, local chef, Native American presenters, school Other Resources librarian, computer technology teacher,

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