Chapter 24 the Simple Sentence

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Chapter 24 the Simple Sentence

Evergreen College Writing Review

Chapter 24 The Simple Sentence

First, cross out any prepositional phrases in these sentences. Then circle the subjects and underline the verbs. 0 1. You should bring a change of clothes to the beach.

02. Shanda always stretches before going on her daily run.

03. The box of cookies is in the cupboard behind the peanut butter.

04. One of Josephine’s contact lenses fell out of her eye.

05. A mystery admirer from Ian’s office sent the bouquet of flowers.

06. I should have taken more Caribbean literature courses before I went to graduate school.

07. Miguel can tell the difference between a male and a female parrot.

08. Bram Stoker is best known for his novel Dracula.

09. Your tickets will be sent to you by the first week of November.

10. One of our subscribers wrote a letter of complaint about the magazine’s quality.

Chapter 25 Coordination and Subordination

Read each pair of simple sentences below to determine the relationship between them. Then join each pair in three different ways, using the conjunctions or conjunctive adverbs in parentheses at the left. Punctuate correctly. 0 1. Arthur was anxious about the benefit dinner.

Only twenty people had responded to the invitation.

(because) ______

(for) ______

(since) ______0 2. I couldn’t bring the clients both to and from the conference.

Betty offered to drive one way.

(so) ______

(since) ______

(because) ______0

3. Stephen cleans the kitchen and bathroom once a week.

They always look cluttered and messy.

(but/yet) ______

(however) ______

(although) ______0

4. Marcia wanted to hire the actor.

She was concerned about his bad temper.

(but) ______

(however) ______

(although) ______0

5. You can wait here for your prescription to be filled.

It will take fifteen minutes.

(but) ______

(since) ______

(however) ______0

6. Rhonda’s parents chose to rent an apartment. They can’t afford a house.

(for) ______

(because) ______

(since) ______0

7. Angelo lost his key during football practice.

He could not get into the house that night.

(consequently) ______

(and) ______

(because) ______0

8. I would love to own an antique roll-top desk.

I need to save money for our family vacation.

(however) ______

(unfortunately) ______

(but) ______

0 9. Audrey was late for work.

She had to drive her sister to school.

(because) ______

(so) ______

(since) ______

10. Beth has an insatiable appetite for fatty foods.

She will have to cut down if she wants to stay trim. (although) ______

(however) ______

(nevertheless) ______

Chapter 26 Avoiding Sentence Errors

Proofread the following sentences for fragments, comma splices, and run-ons. Correct them in any way you choose. Be careful of punctuation. Put a C next to correct sentences.

01. Barbecues are not a modern phenomenon South and Central Americans have grilled meat on open flames for hundreds of years.

0 2. “Barbecue” comes from the Spanish word berbekot, which refers to the wooden framework used for cooking meat.

0 3. For broiling, smoking, and drying meat and fish.

0 4. Being an excellent way to cook meat for a large gathering of people.

0 5. In the late 1600s barbecues were introduced to the southern United States.

0 6. George Washington often attended barbecues in the years before the Revolutionary


0 7. The word barbecue can refer to the wooden or metal framework used for cooking and

it can also refer to the animal being cooked or it can refer to the event or meal at

which the food is being served.

0 8. When John Calloway was elected governor of Oklahoma in 1923, he had a large barbecue.

0 9. He served enormous quantities of beef, pork, lamb, buffalo, rabbit, chicken.

10. Nowadays, health-conscious people, add skewered vegetables, to their barbecues.

Chapter 27 Present Tense (Agreement)

Underline the subjects and circle the correct verbs in each sentence. Many of the sentences contain more than one clause. 0 1. Tsunamis (are, is) caused by underwater earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, or land

shifts beneath the ocean’s surface.

0 2. They can (have, has) wavelengths of several hundred miles, and their wave height

(can be, are) as low as 3 feet.

0 3. As a tsunami (approaches, approach) a coastline, its length (shortens, shorten) as its

height (increases, increase).

0 4. Some tsunami waves (rise, rises) as high as 100 feet, and when they (break, breaks),

they (can destroy, destroys) piers, homes, bridges, and human life.

0 5. Tsunamis (is, are) especially dangerous because they are so difficult to detect in


0 6. With the aid of modern technology, seismographers often (detects, detect) tsunamis

well in advance. 0 7. Before the advent of seismographs, however, tsunamis (are, were) a tremendous

threat to humans and nature.

0 8. In 1883, over 36,000 people (are, were) killed by tsunamis that followed the

eruption of a volcano in the East Indies.

0 9. The enormous waves (were, are) fast—over 450 miles per hour.

10. The U.S. Coast Guard (maintains, maintain) careful watch for tsunamis along the

Pacific coastline.

Chapter 28 Past Tense

Fill in the past tense of the regular and irregular verbs in parentheses.

1. On December 5, 1955, in Montgomery, Alabama, Rosa Parks ______(refuse) to give up her seat on a bus to a white man.

0 2. Greg and I ______(be) best friends at summer camp—we ______(play) kickball, ______(swim) in the lake, ______(tell) ghost stories to the other campers, and ______(look) out for each other.

0 3. Ana ______(forget) to feed her aunt’s dog, but her aunt ______(forgive) her.

4. The assistant ______(promise) Stewart that she would finish reading the manuscript by Tuesday.

0 5. I ______(visit) my grandfather when I ______(go) to Miami last summer. 0 6. Before we ______(purchase) our bus tickets, we ______(ask) if the company______(offer) a student discount.

7. Ted and Julio ______(be) at the Mets game when their nephew ______(be) born.

8. Our floors ______(be) clean, but the rug ______(be) filthy.

9. When our mother ______(hear) that a hurricane ______(be) approaching, she ______(tape) the windows, ______(buy) bottled water and candles, and

______(tell) us to sleep in the basement.

10. When Uncle Marty ______(paint) the walls, Aunt Gloria ______(leave) the house because the fumes ______(give) her a headache.

Chapter 29 The Past Participle

Some of these sentences contain errors in the past participle; others are correct. Revise the incorrect sentences and put a C next to correct sentences. Correct errors above the lines.

1. Lenny and Dora’s donation was mention on WGBH.

0 2. Our family has sang the same Christmas carols for as long as I can remember.

3. Tapioca, a substance obtained from cassava roots, is used to thicken puddings, pie fillings, and soups.

0 4. David ordered the broiled salmon with a bake potato on the side.

5. The feature article was finish by a rookie journalist.

6. Dad’s wallet was stole by a young pickpocket in Los Angeles.

7. Ruth has completed the physical fitness test with flying colors.

8. They had start the meeting without us.

9. In the time it took for me to wash my hair, the bread had rose in the oven.

10. George has teached special education classes for eight years.

Chapter 30 Nouns

Proofread the following sentences for errors in singular and plural nouns. Correct errors above the lines. 0 1. Louise dictated several memorandum to her secretary.

2. Children can sometimes recognize letter and short word as early as age 2.

3. Timber wolfs are extinct in Western Europe, but they can still be found in North

America, Russia, and parts of Asia.

4. The inspector generals ran a series of tests to confirm that the new chemical plant

meets environmental codes.

0 5. During the 1984 Olympics, the medium misinterpreted track star Carl Lewis’s

comments about money and success to be signs of arrogance. 0 6. For over thirty years, Gloria Steinem has been a tireless crusader for women’s right.

7. The developers are building another houses across from ours.

8. Many of Jay’s close friend practice law downtown.

9. A few of the conference participant have chosen to forego tonight’s dinner.

10. Tom and Linda treat all their childs as unique individuals.

Chapter 31 Pronouns

Read the sentences carefully. Then circle the correct word in parentheses.

1. On Mother’s Day, Maura rented The Color Purple because it is (she, her, hers) mother’s favorite movie.

0 2. The committee nominated Sandra Jimenez, (their, its) favorite candidate.

3. Every woman on the basketball team brought (her, their) date to the banquet.

4. Neither of the two fathers could find (their, his) son in the enormous museum.

5. (Their/The shift supervisor) said that Laina can leave early for her doctor’s appointment.

6. (It, The message machine) states that the store is open from 9 to 5.

7. (She, Her) and I have been close friends since college. 8. I hope you have more fun camping than (me, I).

9. To (whom, who) shall I direct your call?

10. My brother and (I, myself) arrived at Gina’s party on time.

Chapter 32 Prepositions

Circle the correct preposition.

1. I will take the GRE (in, on) April 8, 2000.

2. (On, In) June of 1863, the Confederate forces pushed north to Pennsylvania.

3. According (to, from) a recent study, daily servings of broccoli reduce incidences of colon cancer.

4. You will find the encyclopedias (on, in) the reference room.

5. Many philosophers are opposed (to, about) capital punishment.

6. My apartment building is (on, in) the corner of First Avenue and 14th Street.

7. I’ll take responsibility (for, from) all administrative errors.

8. (In, On) Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, Philip goes to the gym.

9. Heidi’s addicted (with, to) caffeine; she can’t start the day without a cup of coffee.

10. Mona studied (on, in) the library until it closed. Chapter 33 Adjectives and Adverbs

Read the following sentences carefully. Then circle the correct adjective or adverb in parentheses.

1. I’ll have two (largely, large) sodas and two (small, smaller) orders of French fries.

2. We got to know each other (quick, quickly).

3. Are you (certain, certainly) you know the way to Pedro’s apartment?

4. I did (bad, poorly) on my Chinese literature final exam. I didn’t prepare (well, good).

5. At age eight, Tanya can play the drums (good, better, best) than her teenage brother.

6. These cookies are more (crunchier, crunchy) than the last batch we made.

7. Juan considered childhood to be the (happy, happier, happiest) time of his life.

8. Gwen is the (old, older, oldest) of three daughters, but not the (pretty, prettier, prettiest).

9. The leak in the pipe is (bad, badly, worse) now than it was last week.

10. Steve knows Lena (good, well); they’ve been coworkers for ten years.

Chapter 34 The Apostrophe

Proofread the following sentences for apostrophe errors. Add an apostrophe where needed and cross out unnecessary apostrophes. Put a C next to correct sentences. 1. The middle of the hall isn’t the best place to hold this conversation.

2. These farmers’ feelings about the secretary of agriculture were clear.

3. As soon as you’re ready, Ill start the car.

4. The television announcers’ always manage to mispronounce the ambassadors name.

5. Its nobodys business how I spend my spare time.

6. Mick and Jerrys new album contains nine great songs.

7. Well send this applicants résumé to the accounting department.

8. On Thursday’s, the Childrens Museum opens at noon.

9. It’s eight o’clock and time for my favorite TV show.

10. If there’s a logical explanation, hell find it.

Chapter 35 The Comma

Proofread the following sentences for omitted commas. Add commas where necessary.

1. Alex put lettuce onions walnuts olives and cheese in the salad. 2. The coach a cigar-chewing bully pushed his team to first place.

3. My sister Marsha owns the largest hardware store in town.

4. Samuel a dedicated maintenance man won an award for outstanding service to the

Bugle Box Company.

5. A letter postmarked Bismarck North Dakota came for you today.

6. The waiter who works the late shift always has dark circles under his eyes.

7. It seems impossible to get tickets for Laughing on the Inside which is one of the

biggest hits in years.

8. Charles will always remember June 10 1985 as the day he became office manager

bought a house and became a father.

9. Tomorrow morning I plan to get up a 7 A.M. start my homework at 9 A,M. and be

finished by noon.

10. The company’s latest model a combination felt-tipped pen and lead pencil sells for

under $5. Chapter 36 Mechanics

Correct the following sentences. Capitalize and punctuate (using quotation marks, dashes, parentheses, and colons) wherever necessary. Correctly identify any titles. In some cases, more than one answer is possible, as in the use of the dash versus the use of parentheses.

1. tanglewood, a scenic retreat in the berkshire mountains, serves as the summer

residence of the boston symphony orchestra.


2. On November 19, 1863, abraham lincoln delivered the gettysburg address, a simple,

270-word speech that honors those who died in that civil war battle.


3. To get to kittery, maine, drive north on interstate 93; then follow the local signs.

04. This semester, professor ali the head of the department will be teaching physics I and


05. The reading list for asian american women’s literature includes the following:

Dogeaters by jessica hagedorn, Woman Warrior by Maxine Hong Kingston, and

interpreter of maladies, a short story by Jhumpa Lahiri.

06. Alcoholics anonymous was started in 1935 by two alcoholics and continues to help

thousands of recovering alcoholics each year.

07. In 1995, hallmark sold over 2 billion christmas cards. 08. When asked his opinion about the family’s move, juan said, I think it’s a mistake.

09. I never thought i would become a scientist,” Craig said, but after taking cell biology, I

became very interested in cancer research.”

10. There are three things you need to bring when you go to jones beach a towel,

sunscreen, and a good book.

Chapter 37 Putting Your Proofreading Skills to Work

Proofread this paragraph, correcting any errors above the lines.

(1) Many experts believe that before the year 2020. (2) The moon will be a popular tourist destination. (3) Adventure travelers now might climb mount everest or take a canoe trip down the Amazon, soon they will be paying large sums for the adventure of a lifetime in space. (4)After careful training and space suit drills, they will rocket out of Earths orbit and spend a day at a fuel depot. (5) Circling Earth and playing in zero gravity. (6) Then they will board the space ship for the two-day flight to the moon. (7) Once they land near the hotels main airlock and check in, guests will stare at

Mother Earth in the black vastness of the sky take tours in special buses through the dusty lunar landscape and experience the thrill of moving at one-sixth the gravity of Earth. (8)

They will be able to jump six times higher and the feeling of being six times lighter. (9)

The week will fly by. (10) As they pack for the return trip. (11) Many travelers will trade ten pounds of their baggage allowance for the moon rocks they have collect.

(12) After an unforgettable final flight and decontamination the space visitors will re- enter their lives in Earth, changed. Chapter 38 Spelling

Test your knowledge of the spelling rules in Chapter 38 by adding suffixes to these words.

1. floss + s/es ______

2. cruel + est ______

3. concur +ing ______

4. admire + able ______

5. activity + s/es ______

6. fly + ing ______

7. continue + ous ______

8. solicit + ed ______

9. sad + er ______

10. happy + ness ______

11. radio + s/es ______

12. judge + ment ______

13. predict + ing ______

14. supply + ed ______

15. pin + ed ______

16. file + s/es ______

17. mature + ly ______

18. pay + ed ______

19. limp + ing ______

20. pair + ed ______

Circle the correct spelling of each word 1. describeing/describing

2. relies/ relys

3. fliped/flipped

4. potatos/potatoes

5. perceive/percieve

6. separate/seperate

7. sincerly/sincerely

8. permited/permitted

9. conscience/consceince

10. foreign/foriegn

Chapter 39 Look-Alikes/Sound-Alikes

Proofread the following sentences for look-alike and sound-alike errors. Correct errors above the lines.

1. Armand doesn’t mind that he was past over for a promotion; he plans to except a new position at the end of the month.

2. Weather or not it rains, were going to the performance at the outdoor theater. 3. Do you no who’s jacket this is? Its not mine an it’s not your’s.

4. Accept for Julio, everyone here has being to Miami.

5. They are suppose to set in the last row because there late.

6. The Jacksons have risen ten foster children over the years; that’s quiet a family.

7. Before she new what she was doing, Annice had walked a block passed the bus stop.

8. If your going buy the sports shop, please pick up too pairs of goggles.

9. Joel hoped that his knew job on Sundays would not effect his grade-point average.

10. Myako is more use to this whether then Joyce is.

11. I hope your just been cute when you tell me that my suitcase is missing.

12. As dawn approached, the morning star seemed to loose some of it’s brilliance.

13. Please sit your books they’re on the table, and the librarian will check them out for


14. First Tony scraped the floors; than he set in a corner and surveyed his fine work.

15. Jingling the lose change in his pockets, Jim said, “So whose going to treat me to the


16. Although the old saying claims that know knews is good news, I love listening to the

news. 17. Marci has trouble excepting compliments; she blushes and becomes quite.

18. What affect will the strike have on the sale of hot dogs?

19. When the candidate tried to speak, several demonstrators rose their banners an

shouted slogans.

20. Is you’re brother going to except the teaching position he was offered?

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