B.- Useful Language

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B.- Useful Language



PARAGRAPH 1 Where did the story take place? Explain how the story starts. Introduce the main characters. PARAGRAPH 2 Make a list of the main events in the order they happened. What did the characters do? How did they feel? PARAGRAPH 3 What happened in the end? How did the characters feel?


NARRATIVE TENSES We usually use past tenses when writing a narrative text:

PAST SIMPLE Two years ago Tom met a very attractive woman.

PAST CONTINUOUS I was speaking to Mary when…

PAST PERFECT I had just bought a present when…

PRESENT PERFECT I have never been back again…

USED TO We used to go there every year.

TIME EXPRESSIONS PAST SIMPLE When (cuando) Last year, etc. (el año pasado) Five years ago,… (hace cinco años) PAST CONTINUOUS While (mientras que)

PRESENT PERFECT Already (ya) PAST PERFECT Ever (alguna vez) For (durante, desde hace) Just (acabar de) Never (nunca) Since(desde) Yet (todavía)

LINKERS ALTHOUGH (aunque) AND (y) AS (cuando) AS A RESULT (como resultado) BUT (pero) CONSEQUENTLY He wanted it, consequently, he bought it. (por consiguiente, y entonces) FOR THAT REASON (por esa razón) HOWEVER (sin embargo) IN ORDER TO/THAT (para) SO AS TO (para) SO (así que)

SEQUENCING WORDS MEANING SENTENCE After a while Después de un rato After that Después de eso Afterwards Después As soon as Tan pronto como First /firstly En primer lugar Last of all Finalmente, por último Lastly/ Finally Later (on) Más tarde Next A continuación The next day Al día siguiente Then Después In the end Al final ADVERBS USED TO DESCRIBE AN EVENT You can make your narrative more interesting by using adverbs: Amazingly Soprendentemente Fortunately Afortunadamente Incredibly Increíblemente Luckily Afortunadamente Luckily we arrived on time to take the flight. Suddenly De repente Unfortunately Desafortunadamente

ADJECTIVES USED TO DESCRIBE FEELINGS AND EMOTIONS ADJECTIVES MEANING SENTENCES Amazed Sorprendido, alucinado Angry Enfadado Anxious Preocupado Cold Frío Confused Confundido Delighted Encantado Dry Seco Excited Emocionado Exhausted Agotado Freezing Congelado Glad Contento I was glad to hear he was coming. Guilty Culpable Grateful Agradecido He was grateful for the gift. Happy Feliz Hot Acalorado Hungry Hambriento Lonely Solo Miserable Desdichado Pleased Encantado Proud Orgulloso Relieved Aliviado Sad Triste Scared Asustado Shocked Impactado Surprised Sorprendido Terrified Aterrorizado Tired Cansado Warm Tibio Worried Preocupado Wet Mojado

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