The Caswell County Board of Education Met in Regular Session on Monday, June 12, 2006 s5

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The Caswell County Board of Education Met in Regular Session on Monday, June 12, 2006 s5


The Caswell County Board of Education met in regular session on Monday, February 28th, 2011, at 6:30 p.m. in the Whitley Administration Building. Members present: Chairman June Dailey, Vice Chairman Gladys Garland, Sylvia Johnson, Betty Sartin, David Byrd, Mel Battle and Ross Gwynn. Others present: Superintendent Dr. Douglas Barker, Assistant Superintendent Donna Hudson, Personnel Director Kelly Pointer, Jerome Wilson, Ray Reagan, Nicole Lancaster, Sue Glidewell, Cynthia McNeill, Sandra Beck, Brenda Floyd, Teresa Perkins, Derenda Slade, Carolyn Motley, Karha Johnson, Vanessa Chriscoe, Katrina White, Jennifer Neal, Mary Fogg, Charles Fogg, CaShawn Fogg, Faith Totten, Sherril Barrett, Mariel Weatherford, Kin Watlington, Charles Hudson, Richard Johnson, and Gerri Hunt representing the Caswell Messenger. Connie Kimrey recorded the minutes.


The meeting was called to order and a moment of silence was observed.


Betty Sartin moved, seconded by Sylvia Johnson to approve the minutes of the February 14th, 2011, meeting as presented. The motion carried unanimously.


Gladys Garland moved, seconded by Sylvia Johnson to approve the agenda with addition to New Business, Item D – Resolution to reconsider Senate Bill 8. The motion carried unanimously with the addition.


Dr. Barker recognized the National Board Certified Teachers in attendance and asked Personnel Director Kelly Pointer to make the introductions. Ms. Pointer recognized Sherril Barrett, Charles Hudson, Richard Johnson, Jennifer Neal, Teresa Perkins and Kin Watlington on receiving National Board Certification. Ms. Pointer thanked them for the work involved in achieving this certification and was pleased to have each individual employed by Caswell County Schools and working with our youth. Chairman Dailey congratulated all on their accomplishments on behalf of the Board of Education.


None at this time.



Mr. Jerome Wilson, Principal at North Elementary presented a PowerPoint presentation on North Elementary. Mr. Wilson was also accompanied by several of his students, staff and parents who Mr. Wilson noted as being a key in the growth at North Elementary. Mr. Wilson stated that everyone works together to get the job done.

Mr. Wilson began the program by describing the leadership training through the Collaborative Program with assistance from his students ranging from Pre-K to 5th grade who explained the Seven Habits of Happy Kids.

1. Ethan White – Be Proactive – Take Charge 2. Andy Ward – Begin with the End in Mind – Have a Plan 3. Bethany Blackwell – Put First Things First – Work First, Then Play 4. Ca’shaun Fogg – Think Win-Win – Everyone Can Win 5. Aaliya Nesmith – Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood – Listen before you speak 6. Kimber Woodson – Synergize – Working Together 7. Will McDowell – Sharpen the Saw – Balance your life with work and play

Mr. Wilson reviewed other areas the students are involved with including Panda News which allows 5 th grade students to make all the school announcements and can be viewed in each classroom. This is televised from the media center. Other areas reviewed included the Crystal Island Project, computer programs, tutorial programs, community projects, and PTSO involvement.

Dr. Barker and Chairman Dailey thanked Mr. Wilson and all in attendance for their participation and for a job well done.


A. Consent Agenda Mr. Battle requested Item # 3, Requests for Transfer, be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion during Closed Session. Gladys Garland moved, seconded by Ross Gwynn to approve the consent agenda of all items except for Requests for Transfer. The motion carried unanimously.

Consent Agenda Items: 1. Field Trip Request – Key Club to attend the District Convention in Durham, NC on March 25th – 27th, 2011 2. Fundraising Request – Women’s Basketball team to sell donuts (profits = 2011 Carolina Tarheel Basketball Team Camp) 3. Contract – Creating materials for the ABC’s of Kindergarten Grant – Ernie Doyle = $200.00 4. Contract – Johnston & Gentithes ART Pottery = $400.00 2 CASWELL COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION MINUTES February 28th, 2011 5. Contract – Lewis R. Johnson, Educational Consultant (Stoney Creek) = $700.00

B. Contract – SRS

Dr. Barker reviewed quotes to install two motorized hoists to raise and lower the lighting pipes on stage at the Civic Center. Only two companies submitted a bid to complete the entire job. One company opted to have the electrical work contracted out. Upon review and discussion, Dr. Barker recommended approval of contract with SRS at a cost of $30,585.00. Dr. Barker also noted that the Board had allotted approximately $35,000 for this project. Betty Sartin moved, seconded by Mel Battle to approve contract with SRS. The motion carried unanimously.

C. Resolution

Chairman Dailey read aloud the resolution for John Thomas Williamson.

Resolution in Memorial and Appreciation Of the Life of John Thomas Williamson

WHEREAS, John Thomas Williamson was born on August 26th, 1941, and formerly resided at 254 Wall Street, Yanceyville, NC 27379, at the time of his death on February 15th, 2011, and

WHEREAS, John Williamson was a faithful husband and father, and his family’s welfare was his major and constant concern; and

WHEREAS, John Williamson graduated from Caswell County Training School, served in the United States Air Force and was a member of Pearson Chapel AME Church; and

WHEREAS, John Williamson was a faithful and dedicated worker for the Caswell County School System serving at N.L. Dillard Middle School and North Elementary; and

WHEREAS, John Williamson will be remembered by his Community and Board of Education for his leadership and his commitment to education; and

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Caswell County Board of Education wishes to honor the memory of John Williamson and expresses its sympathy to his family by causing a copy of this Resolution to be spread upon the official minutes of the Board of Education and a copy forwarded to the family.

This the 28th, day of February 2011.

June Dailey, Chairman Gladys Garland, Vice Chairman

David B. Byrd Betty M. Sartin

3 CASWELL COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION MINUTES February 28th, 2011 Ross Gwynn Sylvia B. Johnson

Mel O. Battle Dr. Douglas N. Barker, Superintendent

Gladys Garland moved, seconded by Sylvia Johnson to approve the resolution. The motion carried unanimously.

D. Resolution – Senate Bill 8

Gladys Garland moved, seconded by Betty Sartin to delay this item until further in the meeting to allow time to review. The motion carried unanimously.


 None at this time.


Ross Gwynn made a motion to go into closed session for the purpose of considering a personnel action that involves an officer or employee of this Board (NC General Statute 143-318.11(a)(6); and for the purpose of discussing information that is privileged, confidential or not a public record (NC General Statute 143- 318.11(a)(1). Betty Sartin seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.


Gladys Garland made a motion to return to open session, Sylvia Johnson seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.


Dr. Barker recommended approval of personnel list as presented. Gladys Garland moved, seconded by Sylvia Johnson. The motion carried unanimously.

Employment Stoney Creek Elementary Tina Hall (Effective 3/1/11) – Bus Driver

Resignation South Elementary Janis Harris – Effective 6/15/11 – Teacher Bartlett Yancey High School Terrence Durham (Effective 7/1/11) – Naval Science Instructor


Sylvia Johnson moved, seconded by Mel Battle to approve resolution to reconsider Senate Bill 8. The motion carried unanimously.

Whereas, we are elected/appointed by the citizens of Caswell County to provide for the education of the students of the Caswell County school system (currently numbering approximately 2,986); and

Whereas, leadership of this school system charges us with the responsibility for securing and appropriately using funding for the educational program from multiple sources including federal, state, and local governments, as well as private donations, additional grants, and various fees and fundraisers; and

Whereas, Caswell County Schools have voluntarily taken affirmative action to secure funds to provide elective programs for their students including, but not limited to, prekindergarten programs and JROTC, believing that these programs provide significant benefits for their students beyond the basic education requirements; and

Whereas, the North Carolina General Assembly has provided for charter schools in North Carolina and is currently considering Senate Bill 8, No Cap on Charter Schools, that would expand these schools and redefine their funding; and

Whereas, Senate Bill 8 would entitle charter schools to a portion of all funds that flow through local public school system accounts, including: donations from private entities; reimbursement of expenses (such as activity bus fees and gymnasium rental fees); grants that school boards took affirmative action to secure for programs that charter schools choose not offer (such as Head Start, More-at-Four, JROTC and Free and Reduced Lunch); fund balances; and child nutrition funds (which include fees paid by parents and governmental subsidies even when the charter school does not serve lunch); and

Whereas, the only funds that Senate Bill 8 would exclude from charter school entitlement would be funds where donor specifications have provided that such funds be accounted for in a particular way, and federal grants restricted as to use; and

Whereas, in practice grantors and donors to public school systems restrict the use of funds but do not specify the manner of accounting; and

Whereas, when public school systems receive grants for specific programs such as Head Start and More at Four, the funds must be used solely for the purpose of providing those programs; thus, any portion of these grants shared with charter schools would have to be taken from the current operating budget of the local school system, leading to a reduction in services and/or positions that would otherwise be provided; and

Whereas, under Senate Bill 8, charter schools may apply for and secure grants for specific programs at their schools with no obligation to share such monies or donations with any local school system; and

Whereas, Senate Bill 8 as proposed would result in a significant disparity of per pupil operating funding in favor of charter schools; and

Whereas, Senate Bill 8 removes the minimum number of students necessary to form a charter school, thereby potentially diverting public funds for education to small groups of private individuals or homeschoolers, creating a voucher-type system; and

Whereas, Senate Bill 8 also provides for consideration of capital funding for charter schools which are owned by private in-state and out-of-state corporations at a time when local public school systems have billions of dollars of capital needs that are going unmet.

Therefore, be it resolved that the Caswell County Board of Education respectfully requests members of the North Carolina General Assembly to reconsider Senate Bill 8 and make modifications that address the above concerns, specifically:

 Provide a mechanism for accounting for funds that are not appropriate to share with charter schools.  Allow for monies to follow the students involved, not requiring sharing of funds when charter schools do not provide the programs involved.

5 CASWELL COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION MINUTES February 28th, 2011  Remove the provision requiring donor specified accounting and replace it with restrictions of use of funds as stated in the grants.  Allow for reimbursement of funds (such as activity bus fees, facility rental fees) to be accounted for in such a way as to not create a surcharge for charter schools.  Reinstate a reasonable number of minimum students necessary to form a charter school.  Reconsider the capital funding provision.  Create a bill that is truly fair and equitable for all public schools and public school students in North Carolina and is not subject to ambiguities which will have to be resolved through years of litigation at the expense of students.

At a minimum, revise the proposed legislation so that traditional public schools: 1) are not required to share in self-sustaining, fee-based programs such as child nutrition; 2) are not required to share preschool and other federal funds (such as JROTC and Free and Reduced Lunch) with charter schools that do not provide these programs; 3) are not required to share fund balance reserves; and 4) are not required to share reimbursements (such as facility rental fees and activity bus fees) to which charter schools have no legitimate claim.

If the General Assembly passes Senate Bill 8 without the requested changes we respectfully request that the Governor veto the legislation.

Adopted by the Caswell County Board of Education

Date: February 28th, 2011


Dr. Barker recommended approval of the requests for transfer as presented with stipulation that tuition must be received for students outside of school district. Gladys Garland moved, seconded by Mel Battle. The motion carried unanimously.

Isley, Caitlin LeAnne Rockingham County Schools to North (5th) (mother is employed @ North Elementary)

Smith, Aspen Danville-Pittsylvania County to Caswell (2nd) * Smith, Siera Danville-Pittsylvania County to Caswell (5th) *

* Tuition is required


 Dr. Barker updated members on the GPS System and reviewed areas where funds can be used if the board decides to pursue this. Upon lengthy discussion, Mr. Battle suggested implementing them on all buses at the same time to be fair. Concerns addressed by Mrs. Johnson included coverage in all areas. After more discussion, Betty Sartin moved, seconded by Mel Battle to approve installation of GPS systems on all buses with Navman Wireless. The motion carried 6-1 with Johnson voting “No.”

It was also discussed that this service can be cancelled at any time upon a 60-day notice. It was agreed to begin installation and notify all bus drivers that this will be effective at the beginning of the next school year. This will allow the remainder of the year to be used for installation and training for all bus drivers. 6 CASWELL COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION MINUTES February 28th, 2011

 Chairman Dailey reviewed the upcoming scheduled board meetings and suggested in lieu of two meetings for the month of April to have one meeting on April 18th. Mel Battle moved, seconded by Gladys Garland. The motion carried unanimously.

 Dr. Barker reviewed letter from the County Manager requesting available dates to meet with the County Commissioners to discuss ADM and Lottery Funds. The Board agreed to the following dates: March 14th @ 8:30 a.m. March 14th @ 11:00 a.m. April 18th @ 6:00 p.m.

Dr. Barker reviewed areas that these funds could be used which included renovating the old welding shop so that the NJROTC could be moved back to the high school. Other projects include renovating the old gym, additions to the media center.


 Mrs. Sartin distributed copies of the 2011-2012 school calendar to board members for their review and input prior to the next scheduled calendar committee meeting. One item noted was the word holiday is used instead of indicating specific holidays. Mrs. Sartin stated that other counties calendars had been reviewed and this seems to be the trend that others are using so as not to offend any religious beliefs.  Mrs. Sartin also shared news that a former student who attends NC State has been selected as the valedictorian of the class of 2011. The student is Joylynn Daniel and noted that her mother, Aloha Daniel, was employed at one time with Caswell County Schools. Mrs. Sartin felt this was a great accomplishment in which Caswell County Schools should be very proud of.  Mr. Battle commented on the high percentage of students who make the honor roll and questioned the comparison of numbers with the end of year tests.  Dr. Barker stated the roofing project at the Civic Center is coming along and if the weather cooperates should be completed in the near future.  Dr. Barker stated that the remainder of the school signs have been installed and look very nice. Our maintenance department will be connecting the electricity to the signs installed at South and Oakwood Elementary and N.L. Dillard Middle School.  Dr. Barker updated board members on an award presentation. The Jerry Lea Cole and Elizabeth Long Cole Honored Educator Scholarship honoring William E. Niven, former Principal at Bartlett Yancey High School will take place at the March 28th meeting with a reception to follow at the Yancey House.


Betty Sartin made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:20 p.m. Gladys Garland seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. The next regular meeting of the Board of Education will be held on Monday, March 14th, 2011 at 9:00 a.m. in the Whitley Administration Building.


______June B. Dailey Douglas N. Barker Chairman Superintendent


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