Review Global Events

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Review Global Events

Global Name ______Review -- Global Events

Cause(s) Event/Description Effect(s)

Neolithic Revolution

Growth of Civilizations

Fall of Rome



Mongol Invasions

“Discovery of the ‘New’ World” Global History I Name ______Date ______


Essential Question: To what extent is Geography destiny? How has it shaped the history and culture of specific regions?

Feature Name and Location Impact on historical, economic or social development








Natural Resources Global History I Name ______Date ______


Essential Questions: Does religion unite or divide people? How does art and architecture reflect the values of a particular civilization? How do different civilizations maintain, achieve, and restore order?

Religion/ Basic Beliefs/ Impact on Historical, Political, Economic, Social Where Philosophy Practices Life Practiced Animism


Christianity Catholicism








Global History I –Final Review

Essential Questions Below is a working list of Essential Questions that have helped to frame our study of Global History. These questions can be answered based on what you have learned throughout the year.

1. What are the major turning points in Global History? Why should they be considered turning points? 2. To what extent has geography shaped history and culture? 3. How have religion/philosophy influenced political and social developments? 4. How have societies attempted to achieve and maintain order? 5. To what extent do art and architecture reflect the values of society? 6. How do societies deal with scarcity? 7. How did individuals shape history? To what extent did they reflect their societies? 8. Has contact between cultures resulted in more positive or negative change?

Focus Questions for Each Unit

The Work of Historians/Global Origins  What tools do historians use to learn about and interpret the past?  How did geography affect the culture of nomadic societies?  How did nomadic societies create and maintain order?  What distinguishes the Old Stone Age from the New Stone Age?  In what ways was the Neolithic Revolution a turning point?

Ancient Civilizations  How did the Neolithic Revolution lead to the rise of interdependent cities and early civilizations?  How did geography contribute to the settlement of ancient civilizations?  How did new technologies (farming and domestication of animals) address issues of scarcity?  How did early religions help create and maintain order?  In what ways were the arts of ancient civilizations mirrors of those societies?

Classical Civilizations  How did classical civilizations create and maintain order?  What enabled early empires to obtain and maintain power?  What caused the rise and fall of classical civilizations?  What trading routes led to interdependence between the various classical civilizations?  How did individuals such as Confucius, Lao Tzu, Ashoka, Socrates, etc. shape classical civilizations? To what extent did they reflect their societies?  In what ways were the arts of classical civilizations mirrors of those societies?

Era of Regional Civilizations  Why did the Rome fall?  How did the political, economic, and social structures of feudalism create and maintain order?  How did the political, economic, and social structures of feudalism address scarcity?  What defines a Golden Age?  To what extent do civilizations follow a pattern that includes a rise, a Golden Age, and a period of decline?  How did Byzantium’s geography shape its destiny?  How did Russia change as a result of its contact with Byzantium?  How did the ideas of Eastern Orthodox Christianity reflect, and differ from, Roman Catholicism? How did conflict between Eastern

Interregional Contacts  To what extent were the Crusades a turning point in history?  What role(s) did individuals such as Marco Polo and Ibn Battuta play in connecting regional civilizations?  How did geography contribute to, and ultimately limit, Mongol conquests and domination?  How did the Mongols create and maintain a Eurasian empire?  How did Mongol culture reflect and adapt to the surrounding cultures?  To what extent did Mongol political and military leaders shape the lands they conquered? To what extent were they shaped by those lands?

The (Re)Surgence Of The West  How did geography contribute to the political, economic, social, and intellectual rebirth of Europe (the Renaissance)?  Why did capitalism emerge?  How did Renaissance art, science, and literature reflect the political, economic, and social changes of the time?  What changes resulted from the Renaissance?  How did a lack of order contribute to the Reformation?  What technological factors contribute to the Reformation?  To what extent was Martin Luther “responsible” for the Reformation?  In what ways did the Reformation reflect, and change, European society?  How did Machiavelli’s ideas support absolute power?  Why did the Age of Exploration begin in the 15th century? To what extent was it a turning point in history?  What ideas and values of Renaissance Europe contributed to exploration and conquest?  To what extent was Columbus a reflection of his society? What changes did his exploits introduce?  What ideas and values of traditional China contributed to the cessation of exploration?  How did geography affect the development of the Olmecs, Mayas, Incas, and Aztecs?  How did the Incas and Aztecs create and maintain order prior to European arrival?  What geographic, political, economic, social, and technological factors enabled European conquistadores to dominate Latin American civilizations?  What were the positive and negative effects of European and American interdependence in the Columbian exchange?

People & Power  How did absolute monarchs obtain and maintain their power?  How were absolute monarchs both a reflection of, and sources of change in, European states/nations?  In what ways were absolute rulers similar to/different from dynastic rulers and totalitarian dictators in their justifications, tools, methodology, and impact?  To what extent was absolutism destined to be a source of conflict?  How and why did a limited monarchy emerge in England? Global II - Middle East - Review

Paleolithic Neolithic Neolithic Revolution (causes/effects) Geography - impact on history, economics, culture etc. Location - crossroads resources scarcity of water population distribution Civilization – characteristics Organized religion Gov’t Specialized jobs Etc. Patterns of civilizations Fertile crescent "cradle of civilization" Mesopotamia, Sumer, etc., Egypt (in Africa) How did the rivers shape each civilizations (remember the nature of the rivers is very different) Babylon Hammurabi’s Code

Three monotheistic religions (Use the overall religion sheet to review religions) Judaism Jewish Diaspora Zionism Christianity Spread of Christianity Jesus Islam 5 Pillars Koran (Quran) Muhammad Role of women Golden age of Islam (700s and 800s) Area covered Reasons for spread of Islam Preservation of Greek and Roman culture Art Science Trade Sunni Shiites Crusades Causes Effects Ottoman Empire defeat of Byzantine Empire in 1453 Suleiman Global Studies – China – Review Sheet

Physical features – impact Rivers Mountains Deserts Population distribution Middle Kingdom China’s relationships with other nations Ethnocentrism Dynastic cycle Mandate of Heaven Disunity Dynasties – be able to speak specifically about a few (you choose which ones) Date will help you connect them to other places – what else is going on in the world at that time? Yellow River Valley Shang dynasty Writing Oracle bones Zhou Daoism Legalism Confucianism Five relationships Impact on society Group over individual Impact on government Basic beliefs Traditional China- hierarchy Role of Women Qin Shi Huangdi -- Great Wall, Terra Cotta Soldiers Han (similarities to Rome?) Civil service exams Bureaucracy Empire Reasons for fall T'ang Song Mongols - Yuan Dynasty – impact (in China and in other areas – Eastern Europe (Russia), India) Expansion - Genghis Khan, Kublai Khan Effects of Mongol rule throughout Eurasia Pax Mongolica

Silk Road Black Plague Causes/ Effects Buddhism Ming Dynasty Traders – Zheng He Japan

Geographic features What impact have they had on the historical, political, economic or cultural development o f Japan? Scarcity of resources Mountains Islands Location

Selective borrowing explain and give examples

Shintoism Buddhism Confucianism

Heian period

Feudalism (compared to European feudalism) – 1185-1600 Hierarchy Daimyo Samurai Zen Buddhism Bushido

Tokugawa Period – 1600-1853 characteristics developments role of samurai? Global Studies/Africa Review

Geography How have specific features influenced the historical, cultural, economic development of Africa? Sahel Sahara Rivers Great Rift Valley “dark continent”

Achievements/contribution of… West African civilizations Ghana Mali Mansa Musa Songhai

East African civilizations Axum Kush

Ancestor worship Animism Masks Dances Art

Islam Christianity Oral history – griot Extended families – why?

Timeline of African history Slave trade – when? Causes Effects

Triangular trade Global Review/Latin America

Geography and its impact on history, culture, economy, etc. Size Landforms Regionalism 4 regions pampas resources

Pre-Columbian Early civilizations and contributions of each  Olmecs  Aztec  Inca  Maya  Taino Reasons for decline of civilizations

Age of Exploration Causes Effects

Conquistadors – Spanish and Portuguese influence - role of the conquistador Pizarro Cortes Bartolome de Las Casas Sepulveda

Colonialism/Imperialism – Who? When? Where? Why? How?

Slave trade – Think about it in a ‘global’ sense Who? When? Where? Why? How?

Columbian Exchange Fusion of cultures – explanation and examples of it Mercantilism Encomienda system

Social hierarchy Peninsulares Creoles Mestizos Mulattoes Slaves

Role of the church Missionaries Global Studies – South Asia Review Sheet (India)

Geographic features and their impact Monsoons Himalayas Nations of South Asia

Indus Valley civilization Harappan civilization Aryan invasions – impact?

Accomplishments/contributions of each civilization (Dates will help you connect them to other places) Maurya - Asoka Gupta - Chandragupta Mogul (Mughal) - Akbar

Hinduism - basic beliefs and practices and how they influence the lives of people who practice the religion. Polytheism Ramayana Dharma Karma Reincarnation Wheel of Life Caste system Varna Mobility connection to reincarnation Untouchables

Buddhism 4 Noble Truths Noble Eightfold Path

Islam Conflict

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