Shakespeare in Cyber Space!

This is an internet scavenger hunt. You must answer each of the questions using information from the appropriate website. Please note that some addresses will take you directly to the answer, while others will take you to a page where you will have to follow other links to locate the answers.


1. What is traditionally regarded as the date of Shakespeare’s birth? ______

2. Where was Shakespeare born?______

3. What is the only date relating to his birth for which we have an actual record, and why was the record created? ______

4. Describe Shakespeare’s early childhood. Include details about his parents, siblings, and education. ______

5. Where is Shakespeare’s hometown located? Be specific. ______ education.htm

6. In which year would William Shakespeare have started his education at the King’s New School in Stratford and what year did he stop? ______

7. What is a hornbook?______ What type of studies did Shakespeare learn from this school? ______

How long was the school day? ______

How many days did Shakespeare attend school and which day was a half- holiday? ______

8. Who did Shakespeare marry and when?______

9. Why was this marriage a hasty one?______

10. Name Shakespeare’s children and their dates of birth: ______

11. Which of Shakespeare’s children died at the age of 11?______

12. When did Shakespeare die? ______


13. What was the name of the first play Shakespeare published? When was it published? How many plays did he write in total?


14. Describe one of the theories about what Shakespeare might have been doing during the “Lost Years”______

15. How do we know Shakespeare was involved in the London theater scene by 1592?______


16. What was one sport required by all upper class nobility? ______

17. How much bread would the average Lower Class Elizabethan consume in one day? ______

18. What was the major Elizabethan holiday in August? ______

19. Why was it considered unlucky to keep peacock feathers? ______THE GLOBE THEATER

20. When was the Globe Theater built?______

21. Who financed the construction of the theater?______

22. What was the traditional shape of an Elizabethan theater?______

23. Where were the cheapest seats in the Globe?______

24. True or False: Shakespeare’s original productions were known for their elaborate scenery.

What six men became joint owners of the Globe theater? ______

What reputation did actors have and when did it improve? ______

What were the three names of Shakespeare’s acting company and why did the name change to the last one? ______

Who built the globe? ______

How was acting different in Shakespeare’s day? ______ 26. What story from mythology probably forms the basis for Romeo and Juliet? ______

27. In this story, what did the male character think had happened to the female character? ______

28. According to this story, what now serves as a constant reminder of the young couple’s true love? ______

29. What epithet is used to describe Romeo and Juliet in the prologue to the play? ______

30. What does enow mean?______

31. What does aroint mean?______

32. How would a proper Elizabethan say goodbye?______

33. How many plays did Shakespeare write? ______

34. Shakespeare’s plays are not boring and dull. They had to be entertaining for the crowds that came to see them. So, many of Shakespeare’s plays have jokes (sometimes quite rude!) and insults. Consult this website to get a sample of an insult. List 4 of them.