JavaScript Take Home Quiz (due via email by December 10) Create a JavaScript program for each of the following problems. Once you have tested the program and confirmed that it works, send each JavaScript file to me in a single email with the email subject containing the following information: CIS 120 Your Name JS Take Home Quiz week 13. Each filename/email attachment must contain the following information: CIS120_YourName_JSQuizweek13_Problem (followed by the appropriate problem number). Be sure to clearly identifying the problem number/description within the html title. If you do not, points will be deducted.

1. (5 points) Write a JavaScript and program that outputs every number from 1 through 10.

2. (10 points + 5 points algorithm) The No Interest Credit Company provides zero-interest loans to customers. Design an application that gets customer account data, including an account number, customer name, and balance due. Output the account number and name; then output the customer’s projected balance each month for the next 10 months. Assume that there is no finance charge on this account, that the customer makes no new purchases, and that the customer pays off the balance with equal monthly payments, which are 10 percent of the original bill. For this problem, I would like you to also submit an algorithm which outlines the logic and a sample input (see week 9 Algorithm Process for more information) 3. a. (10 points) Mr. Roper owns 20 apartment buildings. Each building contains 15 units that he rents for $800 per month each. Design the application that would print 12 payment coupons for each of the 15 apartments in each of the 20 buildings. Each coupon should contain the building number (1 through 20), the apartment number (1 through 15), the month (1 through 12), and the amount of rent due.

b. (5 points): Modify the No Interest Credit Company application in number 2 so it executes continuously for any number of customers until a sentinel value (exit value) is supplied for the account number.

If you have received a grade of C or higher on either the week 11 in class quiz or the Take Home Logic Flowchart and Pseudocode Quiz (week 9), the following problem is optional, but will be considered as extra credit. If you have not met either of these requirement, you must complete the problem below for credit.

4. (10 points): The Howell Bank provides savings accounts that compound interest on a yearly basis. In other words, if you deposit $100 for two years at 4 percent interest, at the end of one year you will have $104. At the end of two years, you will have the $104 plus 4 percent of that, or $108.16. Design a program that accepts an account number, the account owner’s first and last names, and a balance. The program operates continuously until an appropriate sentinel value is entered for the account number. Output the projected running total balance for each year for the next 20 years.