Official Proceedings s2
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The Pledge of Allegiance was given. Chairperson Vonasek called the meeting to order with Commissioners Sharon Bring, Rolland Miller, LeRoy Vonasek, Gary Kiesow, Ken Borowicz, and Auditor-Treasurer Scott Peters present. The Board approved the September 2, 2014 meeting agenda with additions. M/S/C – Kiesow, Borowicz The minutes from the August 19, 2014 regular meeting were approved with corrections. M/S/C – Borowicz, Miller RESOLUTION 09-02-01– Approval of Bills BE IT RESOLVED, that after review of the following bills, authorization for payment of the same in the following total amounts, are hereby approved, with a detailed listing kept on file at the Auditor’s office. Auditor Warrants August 22, 2014 $93,803.30 Commissioner Warrants $406,511.95 M/S/C – Bring, Kiesow The following Commissioner/Committee Reports were shared: Commissioner Meeting/Report Borowicz Tamarac Sub Watershed, Park Board, Employee Benefits Committee Bring Markit, Park Board, AMC Extension, State Fair Outstanding Senior Program Kiesow Joint Powers of the Red River Basin, Joint Powers Natural Resource Board, Tamarac Sub Watershed, NW Community Action
Miller Employee Benefits Committee Red Lake Watershed Administrator Myron Jesme and Board member LeRoy Ose presented the Board with the 2013 Red Lake Watershed Annual Report. There have been some challenges this year with the higher amounts of precipitation. Some items discussed included; yearly projects, tiling concerns, and One Watershed One Plan. The Board considered approval to changes to County Ordinance 12 – the Marshall County Tobacco Ordinance. Helen Anderson, Frances Tougas, and Linda Gornowicz were present for this discussion. The Board approved the modified Tobacco Ordinance effective November 1, 2014 and to meet the publishing and training requirements to the same. M/S/C – Bring, Miller The 2015 proposed SWCD Budget was reviewed with Dan Thorstad, Janelle Kollin, and Lisa Newton. Programs and yearly activities for 2014 were also reviewed. The Board passed the following resolution regarding our Aquatic Invasive Species Aid program.
Resolution 09-02-02 WHEREAS, 2014 Session Law Chapter 308 enacted by the Legislature provides Minnesota counties a County Program Aid grant for Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) prevention. The amount designated for each county is based on the number of watercraft trailer launches as well as the number of watercraft parking spaces within each county. Marshall County was allocated $6,895.00 for 2014 and $15,323.00 for 2015 and years following, and
WHEREAS, the legislation requires that Marshall County must establish, by resolution or through adoption of a plan, guidelines for use of the proceeds which are to prevent the introduction or limit the spread of aquatic invasive species at water trailer launches and parking spaces within the county, and
WHEREAS, the county may appropriate the proceeds directly or may use any portion of the proceeds to provide funding for a joint powers board or cooperative agreement with another political subdivision, a soil and water conservation district in the county, a watershed district in the county, or a lake association located within the county. Any money appropriated by the county to a different entity or political subdivision must be used as required under this section, and WHEREAS, the county must submit a copy of the guidelines for use of the proceeds to the Department of Natural Resources by December 31 of the year the payments are received, and
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED the Board of Commissioners of Marshall County, Minnesota, designates oversight of Marshall County’s AIS prevention efforts to the Marshall County Soil and Water Conservation District and delegates to them the responsibility to prepare, implement and report annually a plan to allocate the funding in accordance with the above legislation. M/S/C – Miller, Bring
County Attorney Don Aandal was present to advise the Board on personnel policy procedure implementation.
Highway Engineer Lon Aune addressed the Board regarding a sugar beet meeting with Crystal sugar with prepile starting today and full campaign starting October 1st. Mr. Aune will inform the Board that MnDOT will remove mud on roads and charge the farmer if the mud is not taken care of properly this year.
Senator Dibble, chair of the transportation committee, will be making a tour of NW Minnesota on October 8th. It is intended to show Mr. Dibble the need for continued adequate road funding for our area and this is a good time of year to show how farmers are in need of this funding to ensure proper transportation of farm commodities.
The Board reviewed the proposed 2015 County Budget and Levy. The Board discussed the need for a County Grant Writer, how to best fill extension agent vacancies in 2015, and SWCD Budget needs. The final proposed levy and budget will need to be finalized by September 30.
2015 Employee Benefits were discussed. The Board approved 2015 benefits as follows: $.50 per hour COLA, $75 toward a single benefit plan and an increase of $5 per period for a deferred comp match. M/S/C – Kiesow, Borowicz
Auditor Treasurer Peters presented the following in his report: 1. Ditch Report through August 2. 2015 Electricity Billing changes – demand metering costs 3. County Park Reservation Management Software discussion 4. Election Update
The meeting was adjourned at 12:45 p.m. by Chairperson Vonasek.
The Pledge of Allegiance was given.
Chairperson Vonasek called the meeting to order with the following present: Commissioners Ken Borowicz, Sharon Bring, Gary Kiesow, LeRoy Vonasek, Rolland Miller, and Auditor-Treasurer Scott Peters.
The September 16, 2014 meeting agenda was approved with additions. M/S/C – Borowicz, Bring
The Board approved the September 2, 2014 meeting minutes with corrections. M/S/C – Borowicz, Kiesow Brett Brandon, Veteran Services Officer, addressed the Board and received approval on a permit for the Middle River American Legion for a temporary on sale liquor license outside of the Middle River city limits for the Goose Fest Mud Run. M/S/C – Borowicz, Miller
RESOLUTION 09-16-01 BE IT RESOLVED, that after review of the following bills, authorization for payment of the same in the following total amounts, are hereby approved, with a detailed listing kept on file at the Auditor’s office. Commissioner Warrants $584,152.31 M/S/C – Borowicz, Kiesow
RESOLUTION 09-16-02 Sharon Bring $120.00 Gary Kiesow $300.00 Rolland Miller $120.00 LeRoy Vonasek $120.00 Darlene Bates $60.00 Domita Mack $60.00 Totals $780.00 M/S/C – Miller, Bring
The following Commissioner/Committee Reports were shared: Commissioner Meeting/Report Borowicz Markit Miller MST Watershed Kiesow NWRDC, NW Regional Radio Board Vonasek Markit , Tri Valley, NW Mental Health Bring Markit, Council on Aging
Auditor-Treasurer Scott Peters provided the following items for his report: 1. 2015 Pay Structure 2. The Board set the time and date for Truth and Taxation Meeting for 6 pm on December 2, 2014. M/S/C – Bring, Kiesow 3. 5-Year Financial Report 4. Consider termination from FTJ Fund Choice. Approved. M/S/C – Kiesow, Bring 5. 2014 EMPG Grant signature consideration. Approved. M/S/C – Bring, Borowicz 6. NWRL Library funding discussion on state cuts to the library system 7. 2013 Quin County Audit 8. LAHBNP Thank you 9. Public Health concerns. The Board approved to send letters to properties in question. M/S/C – Borowicz, Kiesow 10. Policy Book updates 11. AMC meeting information 12. Election update 13. Standard and Poors increased bond rating for the County
Social Services Director Chris Kujava addressed the Board.
General Business Mr. Kujava provided updates on the new garage. It looks very nice and should be completed for the winter season. An Out of Home Place Rule 5 report was shared. There may be some changes in federal funding with this program. Mr. Kujava reported on the Social Services 5% Case Management Increase requirements and how COLA affects this.
Personnel Outside Employment for Eligibility Worker Michelle Staebler and Social Worker Jessica Hermanson was approved by the Board. M/S/C – Kiesow, Bring
Licensing And Contracts The Board approved the Electronic Data Management System – Caseworks Income Maintenance contract. M/S/C – Kiesow, Miller
Authorizations Case Activity, Bills, and Director Actions received Board approval. M/S/C – Bring, Miller
State Representative Dan Fabian addressed the Board. Items discussed included; transportation permits, costs, and funding, Con Con Area Ditch Assessments (the Board thanked Mr. Fabian on his successful efforts with this funding), County Program Aide funding, pipeline valuation concerns, Social Service Adult Mental Health Initiative Funding, Standard of Measures rating concerns, Medical Assistance Rule 5 funding concerns Election Processes, Fuel Taxation, and LAHBNP program proposed changes. Russ Steer, Chris Kujava, Lon Aune and Lou Tasa were present for Mr. Fabian’s time with the Board.
Highway Engineer Lon Aune met with the Board with MnDOT Representative Lou Tasa also present.
RESOLUTION 09-16-03 WHEREAS, the Engineer in charge has filed his final certificate setting forth that the Contractor on SAP 45-599-142 has completed the contract in accordance with plans and specifications and the total cost of said job was $30,024.90 and the balance due the Contractor is $968.00.
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that said certificate be and the same is hereby approved and the County Auditor is hereby authorized to issue a warrant on the Road & Bridge Fund in the amount of $968.00 to The Spruce Valley Corp. M/S/C – Bring, Kiesow
The Board recessed the regular meeting and opened the Ditch Authority Meeting.
The Board approved a cleaning and brushing request on County Ditch 35 in section 23 in Cedar Township. M/S/C – Kiesow, Borowicz
The Board approved a cleaning request on State Ditch 83, Branch 12, in section 9 in East Valley Township. M/S/C – Bring, Kiesow
Mr. Kiesow indicated that beavers are now being trapped on County Ditch 27.
The Board closed the Ditch Authority Meeting and reopened the regular meeting.
Mr. Borowicz was approached on a request to cut wood on County property on the Pembina ridge. Mr. Aune will check on the liability for the County with this request.
Marc Bloomquist and Tiffany Rivard addressed the Board to provide a Probation and STS Update. Mr. Bloomquist indicated that the agents working in Marshall County are doing a very good job in meeting the needs of probation and programs for the County. There are six officers that serve Marshall County in some capacity.
Extension Educators Howard Person and Van Swanson addressed the Board to discuss the future of extension. Mr. Person will be retiring in about one year and Mr. Swanson sometime after that. They suggest that the County consider looking at options for possible qualified replacements.
The Board discussed the option of having a Grant Writer for Marshall County. Jan Kaspari was also present for this discussion.
The Board discussed the 2015 Proposed Levy and Budget and approved the following resolution regarding the same.
WHEREAS, the departments within the County government of Marshall County have submitted proposed budgets for 2015, and
WHEREAS, the Marshall County Board of Commissioners have reviewed and considered said budgets,
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the proposed budgets for 2015 are hereby approved for proposed levies in the following amounts: Revenue Fund $3,761,449 Road & Bridge Fund $975,000 Social Services Fund $1,150,000 TOTAL $5,886,449 Less State Paid Aids $149,656 NET LEVY $5,736,793
M/S/C – Bring, Kiesow
The meeting was adjourned at 1:22 pm by Chairperson Vonasek.