MINUTES OF CLAS MEETING 17/01/2011 Air Leagues Hall, Jubilee Lane, Parramatta. NSW

Meeting opened at 8.15pm

Present: B.Hoffmann, B.Eather, J.M.McIntyre, R.Towell, P.Turner, D.Keyssecker, D.Simons, H.Hanna, M. Howell, F.Battam

Apologies: J.McIntyre

Minutes of Previous Meeting: Moved D.Keyssecker and seconded R.Towell that the minutes be accepted as read. Carried.

Business Arising from Previous Minutes: Moved R.Towell and seconded P.Turner that any business arising from the previous minutes is carried forward to general business. Carried.

Correspondence In: From MAAA: Receipt of payment of invoices ($180.00) Advice of receipt of MR1’s Membership cards Invoices totalling $180.00 for membership fees. Request for Sub Committee delegate nominations. Advice of impending retirement of MAAA Treasurer. Minutes of November 2010 Executive Tele Conference. Confirmation of receipt of team trial details.

Other than MAAA: Input for CLAS Calendar 2011. J.Parisi. Input for Team Trial discussion. MAAQ. Emails re State Championships. D.Milides. RE Whalan Reserve booking. Responses re request for assistance at Team Trials. John Taylor. QLD. Emails re Dalby Nationals. B.Hoffmann. Re meeting with MAS Executive. Airflow. Oct/Dec 2010 Brian Cochrane. Code of Coduct proposed for MAAA Rules.

Correspondence Out: Minutes of previous meeting. Rob Robey. Telephone call to book hall for special meeting. CLAS Calendar. ACLN. CLAS Calendar. Brian Cochrane. Response to email and acknowledgement of receipt of Code of Conduct. Notification of special meeting scheduled for 17th January 2011. D. Milided. Formal request to extend booking of Whalan Reserve. C/L Sub Committee. Code of Conduct. F.Battam and B. Eather. Response to queries re Team Trials. MAAA. Details of proposed Team Trials. Reminder of special meeting to discuss Team Trials. Request for input for Team Trials discussion. D. Percival. Request to act as Risk Assessment co-ordinator for TT. Request for offers of assistance for team Trials.

(Note that any correspondence item tabulated above is available from Hon. Secretary upon request.)

Business Arising from Correspondence: Moved to general business by consensus.

Treasurer’s Report: Not presented. Meeting scheduled to finalise details for F2B Team Trial.


Nationals at Dalby.

Brian Eather raised the issue of misinformation received in regard to conditions at Dalby. He advised the meeting that he had made a number of phone calls following the news reports of the dire circumstances in SE Queensland and had been told that there were no problems. Brian and Steve followed through with their plans to travel to Dalby based on the advice received. However, the situation was terrible to say the least. Road surfaces and flooding were such that police were advising those travelling north to go back. Various other routes were impassable and there was little accommodation in Warwick or Stanthorpe. The road between Tenterfield and the coast was cut. In all it was a dreadful situation. Even at this point, some members told of indecision on the part of the organisers in regard to either postponement or deferral of event/s.

This was confirmed by other members who had endeavoured to reach Dalby.

It was felt that such misinformation was dangerous and could have resulted in a more serious situation, should members have proceeded through the flooded areas.

It was proposed by Brian that a letter be forwarded to the MAAA expressing our deep concern at this misinformation, which could have resulted in tragedy.

The motion was seconded by Bruce Hoffmann and passed unanimously. Hon. Secretary to attend.

Organisation of Team Trials.

Frank Battam, as co-ordinator, provided the meeting with details of personnel already organised for the team trials and confirmed positions of those still unconfirmed. Frank will make this list of personnel and relevant details of the event organisation available in the near future, and this will be circularised to members and the relevant personnel. Page 2.

There was in depth discussion on the number of rounds to be flown and which would be counted. A number of options were presented and the reasoning behind such options. After much discussion, it was agreed by the majority that six rounds would be flown over the two days of competition (3 per day) and that one round only would be dropped each day. (2 rounds per day to count). Various scenarios were put forward in the event of fewer rounds being able to be flown, and a decision was made with regards to each individual situation. This has been put on the entry form to be circulated to all and put on various websites and in ACLN.

It was also agreed by the majority that all judges’ scores would be counted.

The entry fee was discussed and it was moved by Brian Eather and seconded Bruce Hoffmann that a fee of $200 should be paid, from which the various costs of running this event would be taken and that team members decided at this trial would also receive financial assistance. Carried.

As a matter of urgency, all details of the event need to be widely distributed as quickly as possible and the Hon. Secretary was asked to send on this form as soon as it had been finalised by the CLAS President and the event co-ordinator. Hon. Secretary to attend.

A daily hire fee is to be ascertained before the next meeting.

The question of Jury members was raised and some names were suggested but this will be firmed up in the near future.

2013 Nationals.

President, Bruce Hoffmann advised the meeting that a second meeting was scheduled for next Friday to discuss all possibilities for a NSW hosted Nationals. He mentioned that MAS does not go along with the present time frame for holding the Nationals and has mooted the proposal of bi-annual Nationals. Various questions were posed in regards to holding a Nationals with C/L and Free Flight only, but with separate funding arrangements, whether Control Line is happy with the present arrangement of holding the Nationals each year, and what other possibilities might there be, in regard to the timing of the Nationals and also the venue.

This discussion is an ongoing one and Bruce will advise the meeting of ay outcomes from his proposed meeting w MAS Executive members.

Meeting closed at 10.40pm.

Joan McIntyre. Hon. Secretary CLAS. Postal address of CLAS Secretary: Email: [email protected] 19 Alston Drive, Berowra Heights. NSW. 2082

Ph: 02 9456 1546 or Mob: 0408 92 1065 CLAS website: www.control-line.com.au

Next CLAS Meeting: Monday, 14h February, 2011.


Thunderbolt Glo Plugs, (4 stroke $6.50 and Idlebar $7.50), Nitro Methane and Non- Shrink Dope ($20.00 per litre) are available.

Also available 0.008” Tinplate 500x300 at $10.00

Synthetic Oil (VP Nitro Glide Plus) is also available at $45.00 for 4 litres.

For further information, contact Brian Eather on 9602 4934.