Questions and Answers from Information Sessions

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Questions and Answers from Information Sessions

Questions and Answers from Information Sessions 1. New Programme Structure

1.1. Under the previous Government there was an extension of Commonwealth Financial Counselling funding. Can we have an update if this programme will continue, or if it has been rolled into the new programmes? (Canberra)

Providers currently funded to deliver Commonwealth Financial Counselling services will be offered a six month extension to their contract. In order to be considered for funding beyond the extensions these organisations will need to apply for funding from 19 June 2014 under Financial Capability and Wellbeing activity of the Families and Communities Programme.

1.2. What assurance can the Department give that smaller organisations will not be disadvantaged by the broadbanding of programmes? (Canberra)

Each Programme and Activity will have different requirements in terms of preferred service delivery models. Overall, the Department values the diversity of having a mix of small and large organisations and acknowledges the different kinds of community connections and contributions both kinds of providers can offer ranging from tailored services for specific client or community groups through to economies of scale. The Government is also keen to ensure more efficient and effective ways for delivering Government funds, reducing red tape and increasing flexibility for service providers.

1.3. Is the amount of money budgeted for the grants starting 1 January 2015 the same amount budgeted for the grant extensions starting 1 July 2015? (Canberra)

The amount of funding provided in six-or 12-month extensions will remain in line with current funding agreements.

The total funding available for grant activities from 1 January 2015 has been reduced by $240 million over four years through the Federal Budget. Reductions to DSS grant programme funding are the result of streamlining the current grant programme structure to better reflect the way that services are delivered in communities while reducing costs to government. Improvements are being made to how grants are administered, which will reduce duplication and ensure providers meet communities’ priority needs.

1.3.1 Is the money budgeted for disability peaks the same this year as it will be next year from 1 January 2015?

Funding allocated to previous activities in Disability Services has been pooled at the new broadbanded activity level. An indication of the level of funding is available in the Department’s Portfolio Budget Statements. 1.4. Are there going to be Volunteer Grants this year? Which programme or activity do they sit under? (Canberra)

From 1 July 2014, funding to provide support and recognition for volunteers will be through the new Families and Communities programme, Strengthening Communities Activity, Volunteering sub-activity. At this stage, a decision has not been made on when the next Volunteer Grants funding round is to be held. As all funding opportunities are advertised on the Department’s website, you are encouraged to check this site regularly.

The current funding rounds advertised by the Department of Social Services do not provide funding for the purchase of small equipment items for use by volunteers.

1.5. Is there still funding for Emergency Relief? Which programme or activity does it sit under? (Canberra)

Emergency Relief is a part of the Financial Wellbeing and Capability Activity under the Families and Communities Programme. More information regarding this and other grant activities can be found on the Grants Programmes page of the DSS Website.

1.6. Where are Housing and Homelessness activities such as Reconnect now located in the programme structure? (Canberra)

The Families and Children and Financial Wellbeing and Capability Activities include a specific focus on recognising people at risk of homelessness and providing early assistance to prevent homelessness. More information regarding this and other grant activities can be found on the Grants Programmes page of the DSS Website.

1.7. Will there be capital and infrastructure grants available from 1 January 2015? Do capital and infrastructure programmes exist in the new programme structure? (Canberra)

This varies across programmes and individual Programme Guidelines provide more specific detail. Programme Guidelines are part of the Application Packs that is now available on the DSS Website.

1.8. With the current grants, has there been any exercise to transfer any to the new programmes? I don’t know where homelessness prevention services, that were in Outcome 2, fit in the new structure. (Alice Springs)

Current grants activities have been aligned in the new grants programmes. As a result, the Families and Children and Financial Wellbeing and Capability Activities include a specific focus on recognising people at risk of homelessness and providing early assistance to prevent homelessness. More information regarding this and other grant activities can be found on the Grants Programmes page of the DSS Website. 1.9. Where do suicide prevention services fit under the new programme structure? (Alice Springs)

These services fit under the Community Mental Health Activity in the Disability, Mental Health and Carers Programme. This Activity will provide accessible, responsive, high-quality and integrated community mental health services that improve the lives of people with severe mental illness, provide support for families and carers of people with a mental illness, and intervene early to assist families with children and young people affected by, or at risk of, mental illness. More information regarding this and other grant activities can be found on the Grants Programmes page of the DSS Website.

1.10. When do funding agreements for the new programmes start? (Alice Springs)

Following the current selection processes, grant agreements for the new programmes will commence from 1 January 2015. This information, plus other important dates, is available on the Key Dates page on the DSS Website.

1.11. How will the new funding agreements that start on 1 January 2015 impact on the services that get 12 month extensions (to Dec 2015)? (Alice Springs)

The new grant arrangements will not directly impact the services receiving 12 month extensions until those extensions expire and service providers are involved in future funding rounds. However, those services will still benefit from improved reporting arrangements and other improvements being made by the Department to reduce red-tape for service providers.

It should also be noted that a large proportion of the grants receiving 12 month extensions will be transitioning to the NDIS in coming years. Future funding arrangements for those grants will be made clear closer to the expiry of the extensions.

1.12. Is National Affordable Housing Agreement funding covered under these new arrangements? (Alice Springs)

No. Only discretionary grants are covered under these new arrangements.

1.13. Settlement Services was funded by the Department of Immigration. Now it looks like we are one of many in a bigger outcome. What are the chances of us getting funds as it now covers so many services rather than just a focussed programme? (Alice Springs)

Settlement Services is still an identified activity within DSS under the Families and Communities Programme. The alignment within the new grant programmes structure does not impact the chances of organisations delivering these services from receiving funding from the Department in future funding rounds. 1.14. Where does the specialised Family Violence sit, and does it have to be applied for? (Hobart)

The Families and Children Activity, in the Families and Communities Programme, will provide support and services for families experiencing domestic violence. More information regarding this and other grant activities can be found on the Grants Programmes page of the DSS Website.

1.15. What will the funding levels be for activities that continue on? Will there be a cut? (Hobart)

Please see Question Is the amount of money budgeted for the grants starting 1 January 2015 the same amount budgeted for the grant extensions starting 1 July 2015? (Canberra).

1.16. How do these savings translate to affecting service delivery? (Hobart)

Reductions are not expected to impact ongoing service delivery, however specific impacts of the broadbanding of programmes will not be known until after the selection processes later this year, when all new agreements are in place.

1.17. I have some programmes getting extended for twelve months and some for six. Does this selection process only apply for those being extended for six months? (Darwin)

If there are open funding rounds on 19 June 2014 relevant to the services you deliver under your current grant agreement, the Department strongly encourages you to apply through this process for grant funding to continue to deliver services after your current agreement expires. It is important to note that applications should reflect the new programme information that will be provided as part of the application pack. There is also an opportunity for service providers to expand on the services they offer and/or extend their footprint by applying in the upcoming selection processes.

1.18. The Department has described four main outcomes, and mentioned that Families and Communities Programme has the bulk of grants. Does the Department have any idea about the proportion of funding for this programme compared to others? (Darwin)

The level of funding allocated for the Families and Communities Programme, as well as other new grant programmes, is available in the Department’s Portfolio Budget Statements. Details of funding available for selection processes now open for application is available on the DSS Website now.

1.19. Family Law and Communities for Children Facilitating Partners are getting five year contracts. Will these programmes be rolled over or do they all have to apply for funding? (Darwin) The five year grant agreements that are being offered for particular services are a separate agreement that will be subject to negotiation with those service providers.

Service providers who have been offered five year agreements but wish to broaden their services or geographical footprint will need to apply for funding from 19 June.

The Letter of Variation that will be sent to eligible service providers will outline what steps need to be taken to accept funding for the period of five years. If service providers are unclear on the status of their funding or how they are affected by the new grant programme arrangements, they are encouraged to contact their grant agreement manager.

1.20. Will the pot of money for the Northern Territory change in size for future years? (Darwin)

Please see Question Is the amount of money budgeted for the grants starting 1 January 2015 the same amount budgeted for the grant extensions starting 1 July 2015? (Canberra).

1.21. Where do Harmony Day activities fit into this? Is it still a specific grant, or attached across activities? (Darwin)

Harmony Day is included within the new Strengthening Communities activity within the Families and Communities Programme. The Strengthening Community activity promotes the benefits of living in a culturally diverse society, through the participation of initiatives including Harmony Day.

For more information on how Harmony Day aligns with the new grant programme arrangements, please read the Strengthening Communities Programme Guidelines.

1.22. The Department currently has around 100 Reconnect services currently funded. Will they be allocated to the Housing and Homelessness Programme or the Families and Communities Programme? (Darwin)

Please see Question Where are Housing and Homelessness activities such as Reconnect now located in the programme structure? (Canberra).

1.23. How will the Mental Health Review be affected by the roll out of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)? (Brisbane)

The Review of Mental Health Services and Programmes being undertaken by the National Mental Health Commission on behalf of the Government has a specific set of terms of reference. These are available on the Commission’s website. The final report of the Review is due to be submitted to the Minister for Health, the Hon. Peter Dutton on 30 November 2014. As part of the Review process the Commission will consider a range of policy and service issues which will impact upon people living with a mental health issue, of which the NDIS will be one.

1.24. What is the future of the HACC programme? We don’t know if we will continue to exist. (Brisbane)

The Commonwealth Home Support Programme is due to commence in July 2015. The Department is currently consulting with stakeholders on key directions for the programme, with a discussion paper available on the DSS Website.

1.25. Will organisations under the current Family Relationship Services (Family Support Program) have to reapply for funding? (Brisbane)

For providers with grants to deliver Family and Relationship Services, Family Law Services and Communities for Children Facilitating Partners services, you are well aware of the Government’s commitment to longer term funding – as five year grants are being rolled out for these highly specialised and unique services.

The Department is looking to provide this level of funding certainty to service providers funded across our grant programmes where appropriate.

As part of the upcoming selection rounds, we are offering five year grant agreements to successful providers, where it is appropriate.

Appropriateness will be determined by risk. Some types of grants may not be suited to these longer term grants, such as those for:

 one-off, short term services;

 trials and pilot services; or

 higher risk services or service providers.

1.26. Is it part of the agenda to reduce the number of providers or consolidate into a smaller number of providers? (Brisbane)

There is no intention to reduce the number of service providers who are receiving funding from the Department. The new grant arrangements have been created to reduce red tape for providers, reduce inefficiencies and duplication in grant programme management and to take a more strategic approach to grant activities.

Applications will be assessed on their merits and are subject to various criteria to ensure that service providers are capable of achieving the objectives of a particular Activity. 1.27. Will peak bodies and advocacy continue to be funded and will they have to apply? (Brisbane)

Peak bodies and advocacy groups will receive their funding as agreed in their initial contract.

More information about applying to the new grant programme arrangements, including selection criteria and eligibility, is specified in the relevant application material available on the DSS Website.

1.28. Although we have funding until July 2015, we receive our funding through peak bodies, whose funding expires this year. Where does that leave us to get our funding? (Townsville)

Existing agreements are to continue until their expiry, or the expiry of an extension. As per all standard selection processes, the Department negotiates with the organisation that will sign the grant agreement. The Department encourages service providers to work out the best arrangements that suits their own needs and will facilitate effective service delivery.

If a peak body needs to secure funding for future years, they are encouraged to apply in the current funding rounds.

1.29. I understand Family Relationships Services, Family Law Services and Communities for Children Facilitating Partners will receive five year agreements. Will the other agreements be 1, 2, 3 or 5 year agreements? (Townsville)

Please see Question .

1.30. With, for example, the Disability, Mental Health and Carers Programme, organisations are not expected to deliver all services are they? Sure there’s some specialisation. (Townsville)

Please see Question .

1.31. Will our agreement that is currently due to expire in June 2016 continue? (Townsville)

A small number of grants have funding agreements in place until 30 June 2015 and 30 June 2016. These arrangements will continue until their expiry. Further information on how these grants will transition into the new arrangements will be provided to funded organisations closer to the conclusion of those agreements.

1.32. Will the general level of funding be the same? (Townsville)

Please see Question Is the amount of money budgeted for the grants starting 1 January 2015 the same amount budgeted for the grant extensions starting 1 July 2015? (Canberra). 1.33. We got information about the 6 month extension with current arrangements. Does that mean the same funding level? (Mildura)

The funding you will be offered for the extension will be in line with the funding you have been receiving through your current arrangements. If you have any questions regarding your specific agreements, please contact your Grant Agreement Manager.

1.34. How do you determine who is a "high risk" organisation? (Mildura)

The DSS Risk Management Framework is based on the Australian / New Zealand International Standard on Risk Management (AS/NZS ISO 31000:2009) and reflects better practices in risk management. The DSS risk matrix defines the departmental risk tolerance through the use of consequence and likelihood descriptors. The interaction of the likelihood and consequence descriptors is matched to the matrix to determine the assessed level of risk. Risk is determined as low, medium, high or extreme. For grant based programmes and services providers, risks are assessed across the following factors: governance; financial management; service delivery performance; issues management; and sustainability

1.35. Are there any new initiatives or is it the same money in the new broadbanded programmes? (Mildura)

The relevant Application Packs detail the funding available in each selection process and are now available on the DSS Website. The Department’s Portfolio Budget Statements are the best source of information on the total funding amounts available for each programme.

Some new initiatives were announced before and through the 2014-15 Budget. These include the Stronger Relationships Trial and the Young Carers Bursary Programme.

1.36. Are the Volunteer Management Program grants in DSS, if so which outcome will they come under? (Mildura)

From 1 July 2014, funding to provide support and recognition for volunteers will be through the new Families and Communities programme, Strengthening Communities Activity, Volunteering sub-activity.

1.37. Where is Volunteer Grants in the new programmes? (Mildura)

Please see Question Are there going to be Volunteer Grants this year? Which programme or activity do they sit under? (Canberra).

1.38. When we apply for future funding, would that funding be awarded to maintain current services or is there scope to increase the services delivered? (Perth #1) Existing and new service providers are able to apply for funding from 19 June. The selection process will determine the composition of services funded based on merit.

1.39. Will Home Support Programme / HACC funding be available in the upcoming funding round? (Perth #1)

Please see Question What is the future of the HACC programme? We don’t know if we will continue to exist. (Brisbane).

In Western Australia, HACC services are the responsibility of the Western Australian Government.

The Commonwealth holds full funding, policy and operational responsibility for HACC services for all other states and territories, except Victoria. The Western Australian Government has agreed to commence negotiations on implementing a transition of HACC services for older people to Commonwealth responsibility and control from 201617.

1.40. With the shift of housing and homelessness to the Families and Communities Programme, where will Reconnect and Newly Arrived Youth Services (NAYS) sit? (Perth #1)

Please see Question Where are Housing and Homelessness activities such as Reconnect now located in the programme structure? (Canberra).

1.41. The presentation mentions a $1 billion savings per year achieved through streamlining grant programmes. Does this mean there is still the same amount of funding available? (Perth #1)

The $1 billion savings per year discussed the presentation is a whole of Government savings target that is to be achieved by reducing red tape. This savings figure does not relate solely to DSS grants.

For DSS, the total funding available for grant activities from 1 January 2015 has been reduced by $240 million over four years through the Federal Budget.

For more information, please see Question Is the amount of money budgeted for the grants starting 1 January 2015 the same amount budgeted for the grant extensions starting 1 July 2015? (Canberra).

1.42. Will there be more flexibility for organisations in spending across their budget? Can we move funds across items? (Perth #1) Please see Question Will there be potential to consider applications that cover a number of Outcomes, or will there be budget silos for each Outcome, and how will this impact on collaboration? (Hobart).

1.43. How will funding be provided? Will it be in retrospect, a lump sum upfront or on a case-by-case basis depending on when clients receive services? (Perth #1)

How funding is provided to service providers will depend on the specific activity. More information is available in the relevant Application Packs, which can be found on the DSS Website .

1.44. When will we be notified about the extensions? (Perth #2)

The Department is currently writing to existing providers to outline details of the extensions and next steps. The letter you receive from the Department will make it clear what you need to do to extend your existing funding and who to contact for further information. Please contact your grant agreement manager if you have not yet been notified about a possible extension.

1.45. With those services operating until 2015, for example as Personal Helpers and Mentors, will the funding arrangements be reviewed early next year? (Perth #2)

Further information on how these grants will transition into the new arrangements, including future funding opportunities, will be available closer to the conclusion of those agreements. However, there is also an opportunity for service providers to expand on the services they offer and/or extend their footprint by applying in the upcoming selection processes.

1.46. Where does Emergency Relief come up these new programmes? Does it have the same grant requirements? Will the six month extensions involve Emergency Relief? (Perth #2)

The six month extensions will involve Emergency Relief services. For information regarding where Emergency Relief services are in the new programmes, please see Question Is there still funding for Emergency Relief? Which programme or activity does it sit under? (Canberra).

1.47. Financial counsellors were initially funded under the stimulus package. There has been no indication of whether they will continue to be funded or not. When will there be certainty? (Perth #2)

The details of all open application processes were advertised on the 7 June 2014. If there are open funding rounds relevant to the services you deliver, the Department strongly encourages you to apply through this process for grant funding.

1.48. Will there be funding for ongoing transport and accommodation for people with a disability to attend conferences? (Perth #2) Please see Question Financial counsellors were initially funded under the stimulus package. There has been no indication of whether they will continue to be funded or not. When will there be certainty? (Perth #2).

1.49. Have there been changes to funding that is State Government administered, such as the NPARI and NAHA? Have wage increases been taken into account? (Perth #2)

The NAHA is not a grant and so has not been impacted by these changes to grant arrangements.

The Homelessness Agreement has been extended by one year. Commonwealth and State Government are continuing to discuss and work together on the future of these arrangements.

The 2014-15 Budget Administered Programmes Indexation Pause will be applied to a number of programmes across the Commonwealth. Details of the Programmes impacted by the pause can be found on the Department of Finance Website. This means that indexation will not be applied to some programmes for a period of three years commencing from 1 July 2014 or 1 July 2015. Further information will be provided on the DSS website when available.

The Department acknowledges that the civil society sector will need to make the appropriate adjustments to their operational budgets to absorb the effect of the pause where relevant.

1.50. Has the amount of funding available stayed the same, increased or decreased? (Perth #2)

Please see Question Is the amount of money budgeted for the grants starting 1 January 2015 the same amount budgeted for the grant extensions starting 1 July 2015? (Canberra).

1.51. Currently in Emergency Relief (ER) service providers were able to apply to use ER funding to provide case work to those seeking assistance. In reading the Financial Wellbeing and Capability (FWC) Programme Information, case work is not directly mentioned instead intensive support is listed as a form of assistance that may be delivered under ER. Could you please clarify if we can offer case work/case management? (Perth #2)

The new DSS approach to working with civil society is based on reducing red tape and providing greater flexibility for the sector. As part of this approach, organisations will have more flexibility to deliver services that meet the required FWC Activity outcomes within the parameters of the service offer detailed in the FWC Programme Information. Therefore providers funded to deliver ER do not have to specifically apply to use funds to deliver ‘intensive support’. Intensive support involves conducting an in-depth assessment of a person’s situation to understand the extent of their difficulties, work with the person to identify options and plan appropriate action to address these. This can occur during one meeting with a person seeking assistance thought ER or through a number of visits.

Organisations delivering services under the FWC Activity are funded to help people impacted by financial stress and/or crisis and can meet with a consumer as many times as required to identify and address financial issues. Organisations are responsible for ensuring that workers are delivering services commensurate with their qualifications, experience and relevant legislative requirements, and for referring individuals to other appropriate services for assistance in addressing other underlying issues or difficulties.

1.52. Concerning clients in receipt of mental health services who aren’t eligible for the NDIS, what happens to these clients if their service isn’t funded under the new funding arrangements? (Sydney)

DSS funds a range of community mental health services through the new Disability, Mental Health and Carers Programme (DMHCP). The programme has a focus on early intervention and support through community based initiatives. More detail on the aims and objectives of the DMCHP is available on theDSS Website.

Some of these services are flagged to transition to the NDIS and some will continue, as detailed in the programme information available on the DSS Website.

1.53. Currently, the Government does not provide an allowance through its grant funding arrangements to accommodate additional costs for clients who are disadvantaged by technology, such as computer illiterate clients, or those in need of additional technology-related support, including interpreting and translation services. Will the department fund costs associated with these clients under the new grants funding arrangements? (Sydney)

If an applicant believes that their clients will have needs that require additional resources, the applicant should outline this as part of their application (including costs associated). The Department will take this into consideration during the assessment process.

1.54. Currently there are 120 activities and 12,900 grants. How many activities will be available under the new arrangements? And how much money will be available? (Sydney)

On 19 June 2014, the DSS Website was updated to include details of Activities and Sub-Activities that are now open for application. Relevant Application Packs detail the funding available in each selection process and are now available on the DSS Website.

1.55. What are some of the grant activities under the Families and Communities Programme? (Sydney) Under the new Families and Communities Programme there are seven activities:  Families and Children  Strengthening Communities  Civil Society  Financial Wellbeing and Capability  Settlement Services  National Initiatives, and  Families and Communities Service Improvement.

Under each of these activities there are a range of grants. These are identified as ‘sub-activities’ in each of the Programme Information documents available on the DSS Website.

1.56. Will there be funding for peak bodies to support capacity building in not-for profit community organisations? (Sydney)

Please see Questions There is a push for improved collaboration and organisations could be favoured if they show collaboration in their applications. Is there extra funding for these organisations to coordinate and bring together the services and discussions between organisations? (Alice Springs) and Is the Department committed to providing funding for collaboration given it takes time and resources to put in place? (Darwin).

1.57. Under what outcome are services for young carers in the funding arrangements? (Sydney)

Under the new DSS programme structure services for carers sit within the Disability and Carer Support activity under the Disability, Mental Health and Carers Programme.

Information on this programme is available from theDSS Website. The website was updated on 19 June 2014 to include information on open funding rounds.

1.58. In the future, will the department fund social enterprise? (Sydney)

The funding round that opened on 19 June 2014 provides an opportunity for organisations that could be described as social enterprises to apply, either as part of a consortium or separately, for funding to deliver one or more grant activities.

The types of organisations that can be funded by DSS are detailed in the programme information published for each programme.

Programme information is available on the DSS Website for each of the programmes under the new DSS programme structure. 1.59. Will organisations funded through to 2016 be eligible to be extended another five years? (Sydney)

Please see Question .

1.60. We have been informed by the Department of Immigration that funding for Humanitarian Settlement Services (HSS) has gone to the Department of Social Services. Has HSS gone to DSS or has it ceased? (Melbourne #1)

Funding for Humanitarian Settlement Services (HSS) is now within the Department of Social Services. Please note that these services are not grants and they are not impacted by these new grant arrangements. For more information on HSS, please visit the HSS page on the DSS Website.

1.61. How does this work with state government? Is the National Partnership Agreement on Homelessness (NPAH) included in this new way of working? (Melbourne #1)

The National Partnership Agreement on Homelessness (NPAH) is not a discretionary grant, and is outside the scope of the new grant programme arrangements. For more information on the NPAH, please visit the Department’s NPAH webpage.

1.62. Is the Department ready to talk about the level of funding for each programme? (Melbourne #1)

Please see Question Is the amount of money budgeted for the grants starting 1 January 2015 the same amount budgeted for the grant extensions starting 1 July 2015? (Canberra).

1.63. What mechanisms are there for advocacy about the consequences of this change on services between commonwealth and states? Are people on the ground listened to? (Melbourne #1)

The Department is responsive to comments and suggestions from organisations and the community, and incorporates this feedback into the way we do our business. In fact, our improvements to the way the Department administers grants are based on feedback and comments from organisations to both Minister Andrews and the Department. The Department has been talking to State and Territory Governments about these changes. These changes to grant arrangements should not impact on Commonwealth and State responsibilities

1.64. The Complex Case Support Programme expires February, what happens after this time? (Melbourne #1) Please see Question I have some programmes getting extended for twelve months and some for six. Does this selection process only apply for those being extended for six months? (Darwin).

1.65. If there is a smaller pool of money, is there any indication on whether the Department will cut some service providers or just give them reduced funding? (Melbourne #1)

Please see Question Is the amount of money budgeted for the grants starting 1 January 2015 the same amount budgeted for the grant extensions starting 1 July 2015? (Canberra).

1.66. Will the smaller organisations miss out in favour of the larger organisations? Is there something to ensure a diversity of organisation types in the new programme structure? (Melbourne #1)

Please see Question What assurance can the Department give that smaller organisations will not be disadvantaged by the broadbanding of programmes? (Canberra).

1.67. We have three grant programmes and have not be informed on whether we will be rolled over to new agreements. These are for Young Carers Respite and Information Services, Mental Health: Carer Respite, and Respite Support for Carers of Young People with a Severe or Profound Disability. Can the Department comment on whether we will be offered five year agreements? (Melbourne #1)

A list of grant activities subject to extension or renewal is available on the DSS Website.

Service providers who are unsure of their eligibility for extension are encouraged to contact their Grant Agreement Manager.

1.68. We were wondering about the Aged Care Service Improvement and Healthy Ageing activities, are they affected? (Melbourne #2)

Under the new grant programme arrangements, the Aged Care Service Improvement and Healthy Ageing activity is within the Ageing and Service Improvement Programme. The Aged Care Service Improvement and Healthy Ageing Activity has been refined in the broadbanding process, and service providers are encouraged to visit the DSS Website. on 19 June for more information on the programme’s relation to the upcoming funding round.

1.69. Where about does the national disability advocacy programme fit under Outcome 5? (Melbourne #2) Disability advocacy is a key component of the Disability and Carer Support Activity in the Disability, Mental Health and Carers Programme. This Activity aims to provide appropriate means of self-reliance, communication, expert health, education services and advocacy.

More information regarding this and other grant activities can be found on the Grants Programmes page of the DSS Website.

1.70. What is the division of funding of activities? (Melbourne #2)

Please see Question The Department has described four main outcomes, and mentioned that Families and Communities Programme has the bulk of grants. Does the Department have any idea about the proportion of funding for this programme compared to others? (Darwin).

1.71. Is the National Partnership Agreement on Homelessness (NPAH) initiative part of this process? (Melbourne #2)

Please see Question How does this work with state government? Is the National Partnership Agreement on Homelessness (NPAH) included in this new way of working? (Melbourne #1).

1.72. We are currently awarded a grant to support volunteers. Do those sorts of programmes exist in the future? (Melbourne #2)

Please see Question Are there going to be Volunteer Grants this year? Which programme or activity do they sit under? (Canberra).

1.73. Where is the Community Investment Program under the grant structure? (Melbourne #2)

The types of services provided by the Community Investment Programme have been incorporated into the new Families and Communities Programme. Service providers who are currently funded under the Community Investment Program are encouraged to read the Families and Communities Activity Fact Sheets and Programme Information documents to see how their services align with the new grant programme arrangements.

1.74. Will Disability Sector Support, receive an automatic five years funding or is it still up for grabs? Is there still the same amount of funding for peaks or reduced? (Melbourne #2)

Please see Question . In addition, the relevant Application Packs detail the funding available in each selection process and are now available on the DSS Website.

1.75. What is the Department aiming for with its grant agreement lengths? (Melbourne #2)

Please see Question .

1.76. We have Emergency Relief funding, and have used 30% of our resources on case management, will this still be allowed? (Melbourne #2)

The Department’s new way of working with grants has a strong emphasis on service provider flexibility. The broadbanding of existing programmes into the new programme arrangements is part of a larger effort to give service providers less prescriptive funding agreements.

The Programme Guidelines for the Financial Wellbeing and Capability Activity detail the way in which grant funds can be managed and distributed.

1.77. Outcome 5, as well as providing services for carers, does it also provides services for those who refuse assistance? This is common in our space. (Melbourne #2)

The Programme Guidelines, which can be found on the DSS Website. , indicate of the types of services included within each programme activity.

1.78. Is the government reducing the number of providers it funds? (Melbourne #2)

Please see Question Is it part of the agenda to reduce the number of providers or consolidate into a smaller number of providers? (Brisbane).

1.79. Under section 2.6.4 of the new Family Wellbeing and Capability Guidelines a series of duties are listed which DSS funded financial counsellors do not provide. The fourth dot point down identifies “business/small business advice” as one of the precluded activities. My organisation has, over time, developed specialist skills to provide information and guidance to failed/failing small business owners on bankruptcy etc. This specialist area has been accepted as within the sphere of Commonwealth Financial Counsellors in the past and we are unsure whether this will be a prohibited activity under the new guidelines? (Perth)

Financial counsellors are prohibited from using DSS grant funding to provide financial advice for the effective management of businesses. Providing information and options in relation to sole traders or small business owners who are in financial difficulty or facing potential bankruptcy is aligned to the aims of the Commonwealth Financial Counselling service and is an acceptable service offer. 1.80. Which programmes are changing? Is the NAHA included? (Adelaide)

Please see Question Have there been changes to funding that is State Government administered, such as the NPARI and NAHA? Have wage increases been taken into account? (Perth #2).

1.81. Under the new funding arrangements, what happens to funded organisations that have a focus on indigenous clients? (Coffs Harbour)

The new grant programmes do not preclude or disadvantage any organisation. All service providers are encouraged to apply for funding for the services they can deliver.

Please also be aware that the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet has responsibility for Indigenous- specific grant programmes. For more information, please visit the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet website.

1.82. Some organisations already receive funding from State Government community services departments for ‘family support’ or ‘strengthening communities’ services. Are these DSS grants duplication or are they for enhancing the State services? (Dubbo)

The Commonwealth does not want to directly duplicate the services already provided by the States. However, as the Department is looking to fund services that meet the need of individuals, families, communities and population cohorts, grants funded by this Department will have strong linkages with services funded by the States. This provides the opportunity for collaboration between organisations, regardless of the source of their funding, to enhance already existing services and provide new, innovative services that fill service gaps and meet the needs of the community.

1.83. 2. Applications and Selections

1.84. Will there be money available in programme budgets for grants ending 1 July 2015 or 1 July 2016? Or is the entire programme budget being released in the grants starting 1 January? (Canberra)

The relevant Application Packs detail the funding available in each selection process and are now available on the DSS Website.

2.1.1 Should organisations with grants ending 30 June 2015 or 30 June 2016 apply for funding in the selections processes opening 19 June if they want to secure future funding?

A small number of grants have funding agreements in place until 30 June 2015 and 30 June 2016. These arrangements will continue until their expiry. Further information on how these grants will transition into the new arrangements will be provided to funded organisations closer to the conclusion of those agreements. If there are open funding rounds on 19 June 2014 relevant to the services you deliver under your current grant agreement, the Department strongly encourages you to apply through this process for grant funding to continue to deliver services after your current agreement expires. It is important to note that applications should reflect the new programme information that will be provided as part of the application pack. There is also an opportunity for service providers to expand on the services they offer and/or extend their footprint by applying in the upcoming selection processes.

1.85. Can organisations with grants ending 30 June 2015 or 30 June 2016 still apply for funding in the selections rounds opening on 19 June? (Canberra)

Please see Question 2.1.1 Should organisations with grants ending 30 June 2015 or 30 June 2016 apply for funding in the selections processes opening 19 June if they want to secure future funding?.

1.86. Why is the turnaround for applications only five weeks? (Canberra)

The five week period is in line with timeframes for application processes conducted by the Department with a minimal number of selection criteria. The Department is also putting in place a number of changes such as web-based applications and a one off registration process to simplify the application process. Note that selection criteria are available now in the Programme Guidelines.

1.87. Can an organisation “cherry pick” which activities, sub-activities, or components of the broad banded programmes to be funded for? Or do organisations need to apply for funding at the programme level (e.g. for Families and Communities Programme)? (Canberra)

Organisations do not need to provide all the services under a single programme to be considered for funding. While the broadbanded programmes provide flexibility so that organisations can deliver the range of services under each programme, organisations will still be able to apply for the more specific services they can deliver. Further, if organisations can deliver a number of different services or services in different locations, they are encouraged to identify that when they apply for funding.

1.88. When will organisations hear back about whether they are successful or unsuccessful for the selections processes opening 19 June? (Canberra)

Organisations that apply through the 19 June selection processes will be advised by the Department whether they are successful or unsuccessful from October 2014. More information is available on the Key Dates page on the DSS website.

1.89. Are there geographical limits to applying for funding? For example, when an organisation applies for funding, do they have to deliver that service for a region, town or suburb? (Canberra)

Where specific locations are a requirement of the activity this will be specified in the Application Pack which was made available on 19 June 2014.

1.90. There is a newspaper ad being released on 7 June. Will this provide a list of which application processes are available, and which are direct or open? (Canberra)

The details of all open application processes were advertised on the 7 June 2014 at the programme level. Specific information about each selection process was made available on 19 June 2014.

1.91. What is the review and/or appeals process for the selections starting on 19 June? When will these details be made available? (Canberra)

Information regarding the appropriate recourse for unsuccessful applicants is available here.

1.92. Which application processes open on 19 June? For example, will there be funding available under the Home Support Programme (e.g. HACC)? (Canberra)

The new DSS grant programme arrangements, which opened on 19 June 2014, do not include the Commonwealth Home Support Programme. The Commonwealth Home Support Programme is due to commence in July 2015. The Department is currently consulting with stakeholders on key directions for the programme, with a discussion paper available on the DSS Website.

1.93. All our current funding is going to finish on 30 June? When will we know if we get funding from the selections? (Alice Springs)

Most services with grant agreements ending on 30 June 2014 are being offered a six month extension to ensure service continuity while transitioning to the new arrangements. Some agreements related to aged care and disability services are being offered a 12 month extension to enable an effective transition into the National Disability Insurance Scheme, the Commonwealth Home Support Program or other long-term, ongoing programmes.

Organisations that apply through the 19 June selection processes will be advised by the Department whether they are successful or unsuccessful from October 2014. More information is available on the Key Dates page on the DSS Website.

1.94. Will there be an annual ongoing process for grants selection? (Alice Springs)

The Department is yet to determine the frequency of future selection processes under the new arrangements.

1.95. Will there be a training version of the application form made available? (Hobart)

The Department is not providing a training version of the application form. However, the form has help functionality that will assist you to complete the form. There will also be a technical helpdesk available to assist at 1800 020 283.

1.96. What is the timeframe for assessments, and announcements of successful applicants? What is the timeframe for negotiating agreements? (Hobart)

Please see Question When will organisations hear back about whether they are successful or unsuccessful for the selections processes opening 19 June? (Canberra).

1.97. Will there be potential to consider applications that cover a number of Outcomes, or will there be budget silos for each Outcome, and how will this impact on collaboration? (Hobart)

Funds from one Portfolio Budget Statements Outcome cannot be moved to another. However, where there are grant activities that could achieve multiple objectives across Outcomes, the applicant should make sure they lodge the proposal in each of the relevant funding rounds and make sure the proposals are cross- referenced.

Organisations can collaborate in both formal and informal ways regardless of how funding is allocated across Outcomes and Programmes.

1.98. Are there going to be some applications later in the year? When will this be? (Darwin)

Information on future funding rounds will be advertised as they become available. If you wish to be alerted to updates to the DSS Website., please subscribe to the DSS Grants mailing list using the form on the main page.

1.99. Does the Department have any information on how the region allocation of funding might change? (Darwin)

The relevant Application Packs are now available online and detail any regional requirements for current selection rounds open to application.

1.100. Will the Department provide help from local staff with applications, or will there be a reduced level of face to face support for creation of applications? Will they all be managed through a central process? (Darwin)

In general, grant agreement management in the Department of Social Services is conducted in each State and Territory Office rather than being centralised in Canberra. There are some exceptions. If you require information specific to your grant agreements, please contact your Grant Agreement Manager.

Further clarification (Updated 16 June 2014): The response provided relates to existing grant agreements, however due to probity requirements, DSS staff are not in a position to provide face to face support with the development of applications. Please refer to the grants website or the hotline (1800 625 136), or the application forms, for assistance in developing applications.

1.101. What does the pause on CPI mean for current funding and for the new applications? When the application process is issued will it contain financial information for going forward? We have calculated about a 10 per cent reduction over five years. (Darwin)

Please see Question Have there been changes to funding that is State Government administered, such as the NPARI and NAHA? Have wage increases been taken into account? (Perth #2).

1.102. Will the application process give a deadline for getting back to organisations? How long will it take from 23 July to assess the applications and get back to organisations? (Darwin) Please see Question When will organisations hear back about whether they are successful or unsuccessful for the selections processes opening 19 June? (Canberra).

1.103. Will it be clear what criteria we are being assessed on through the application process? (Darwin)

The selection criteria for each programme activity can be found on their respective Programme Information documents. These are available on the Grant Programmes page on the DSS Website. They are also included in the Programme Guidelines.

1.104. Will new agreements be for five years? If not, how long will they be for? (Darwin)

Please see Question .

1.105. Can I clarify how organisations will be targeted for the direct selection approaches? (Brisbane)

A direct selection process is a closed non-competitive process, where an approach is made directly to an existing, high performing provider to expand their current service delivery activities or deliver new services. It involves assessment of a provider’s capacity to deliver an expanded service or capability to deliver a new service through use of selection criteria and/or an assessment of a provider’s current performance.

1.106. Is there any information about geographical arrangements? (Brisbane)

Please see Question 2.6.

1.107. It takes months to establish new arrangements. Is there any opportunity to extend the application period? If not, where is this push coming from for the tight timeframes? (Brisbane)

Please see Question Why is the turnaround for applications only five weeks? (Canberra).

1.108. What are the dates for evaluation on the applications and when funding will start? (Brisbane)

Please see Question When will organisations hear back about whether they are successful or unsuccessful for the selections processes opening 19 June? (Canberra).

1.109. Are the applications open to all sectors? (Brisbane)

On 19 June 2014, the DSS Website. was updated to include information, including eligibility requirements, on selection processes now open for application. 1.110. Will organisations be reimbursed for the work involved in applying? (Brisbane)

As is the case with all grant application processes, the Department does not reimburse those who undertake the application process. It is up to service providers to ensure that they complete the application process within their available resources.

1.111. The information in today’s presentation indicated that some services, for example those that are deemed high risk, may not be funded. What is the Government’s definition of high risk? (Brisbane)

Please see Question How do you determine who is a "high risk" organisation? (Mildura).

1.112. Big organisations have the resources to put together a quality application more easily than small organisations. Where does this leave small organisations? Is the Government going to provide workshops or support to level the playing field? (Townsville)

The Department has no intention to fund larger organisations over smaller, local service providers. Each application will be assessed on its merits and how it aligns to the new programme arrangements. The Government is committed to ensuring that local community services remain a vital component of the sector.

1.113. We are a new small company who would like to go national? Can the funding be used to deliver our services nationally? (Mildura)

The current selection rounds may provide the opportunity for organisations to deliver services specific to their local community or across their state/territory or even expand nationally. However, this will be subject to the specific requirements of the grant activities you are applying for, particularly in relation to geographical boundaries, and each organisation’s ability to demonstrate their capability to deliver services across those geographical areas.

This information is included in the Application Packs, which are now available on the DSS Website.

1.114. Will grant funding rounds be just for Families and Children, and Financial Wellbeing and Capability or will a range of different grants be available? (Perth #1)

A list of which grants are now open for application is now available on the DSS Grants website. This includes grants that are subject to open, direct and restricted selection processes.

Information on selection types is available on the Selection Types page. 1.115. For those grants offered a 12 month extension, should we be reapplying in the 19 June process or will there be other opportunities later to apply for funding? (Perth #1)

Please see Question 2.1.1 Should organisations with grants ending 30 June 2015 or 30 June 2016 apply for funding in the selections processes opening 19 June if they want to secure future funding?.

1.116. What will be the eligibility criteria for the upcoming selection processes? (Perth #1)

Please see Question Are the applications open to all sectors? (Brisbane).

1.117. With applications closing on 23 July 2014, how long after that will be we know the outcomes? (Perth #1)

Please see Question When will organisations hear back about whether they are successful or unsuccessful for the selections processes opening 19 June? (Canberra).

1.118. Is there any more information on the two approaches to selections – open and direct? Who will receive a direct approach? (Perth #1)

Please see Question Will grant funding rounds be just for Families and Children, and Financial Wellbeing and Capability or will a range of different grants be available? (Perth #1).

1.119. With the direct approach for Communities for Children Facilitating Partners, does this mean all other services will be going out to an open tender? (Perth #1)

Please see Question Will grant funding rounds be just for Families and Children, and Financial Wellbeing and Capability or will a range of different grants be available? (Perth #1).

1.120. Will specialist organisations, such as those who target CALD groups, be required to partner with mainstream organisations to receive funding? (Perth #1)

The Department recognises the need for specialist services that support specific population cohorts. The new grant programmes do not preclude or disadvantage organisations that provide those services. All service providers are encouraged to apply for funding for the services they can deliver.

While the Department encourages collaboration, in both formal and informal ways, it does not mandate who service providers can collaborate with.

1.121. If we are not successful in this round, does this mean there will not be any further opportunities for funding for another five years? (Perth #1) Given that some agreements would be locked in for five years it is unlikely that the Department would go out to fund those same services for a while, unless a review was conducted in the interim.

Further clarification (Updated 17 June 2014): Decisions regarding the allocation of five year grant agreements cannot be made until after the selection processes has been completed. Information about future funding opportunities will be made available on the DSS Website.

1.122. If we are able to provide a comprehensive service across streams, is there a potential to combine applications into one? (Perth #1)

On 19 June 2014, the DSS website was updated to include details of Activities and Sub-Activities that are now open for application. Application Packs are available for each open funding round and each application will be assessed on its merits against the relevant selection criteria to ensure organisations are capable of achieving all the objectives of a particular Activity.

Where there are grant activities that could achieve substantial multiple objectives across Outcomes, the applicant should make sure they lodge the proposal in each of the relevant funding rounds and make sure the proposals are cross-referenced.

1.123. With the direct processes for Communities for Children Facilitating Partners, what is the process, timing and level of funding? (Perth #1)

Please see Question When will organisations hear back about whether they are successful or unsuccessful for the selections processes opening 19 June? (Canberra). Information regarding funding is available in the Application Pack on theDSS Website.

1.124. What is happening on 7 June 2014? (Perth #2)

Please see Question Will grant funding rounds be just for Families and Children, and Financial Wellbeing and Capability or will a range of different grants be available? (Perth #1).

1.125. The Programme Information materials on the website outline that selection processes could be open selections or direction approaches. Alongside this, the Department is encouraging collaboration and better integration across services that have natural synergies. If an organisation is successful in an open process, but locked out of the direct approaches, does this not prevent organisations from being able to integrate services? Is it an error in the Programme Information documents? (Perth #2)

The Department is encouraging integrated approaches to service delivery. While this could involve single organisations integrating multiple services they are funded for to more flexibly to suit the needs of their community, it is not the only option. Collaboration between organisations can provide a more comprehensive and cohesive selection of support services for individuals, families and communities.

1.126. With the funding round that closes in July 2014, when are programmes expected to start? (Perth #2)

Funding for the new grant programmes commences from 1 January 2015.

1.127. When will the designated areas be advertised? (Perth #2)

Please see Question 2.6.

1.128. How will the assessment of applications be conducted? What is the role of State Offices? (Perth #2)

The Department of Social Services National Office and State and Territory Offices are involved in the selections process. While the selections assessments will be conducted in the National Office, the State and Territory Offices will be involved throughout to ensure local expertise is incorporated into the selections.

1.129. In relation to applications and service coverage areas, will the amount of funding and how it is allocated be based on need? Will the application material state the amount of funding and number of providers for each coverage area? (Perth #2)

The Application Pack contains information on funding allocation and its relation to coverage areas. They can be found on the DSS Grants website.

1.130. Under the Families and Communities Programme, applicant eligibility includes local governments. It also mentions that “certain organisations may be invited in special circumstances”. What does this mean? (Perth #2)

This provision indicates that the Commonwealth may invite other organisations to apply, in cases where:  very specialised services are required;  the intended coverage area is a location that is difficult to service; or  It is appropriate that other entities such as State or Local Governments or for-profits should participate.

Please note that local governments will not always be eligible, as it will depend on the specific requirements of the grant programme or activity.

1.131. If applicants come to the Department with new service delivery ideas that are evidence based will these be taken in serious consideration through the application process or is it simply business as usual? (Perth #2) The Department is encouraging innovation and collaboration. It is not looking for business as usual.

1.132. In the Programme Information materials, it is mentioned that organisations can only submit one application per organisation and per region. How does impact organisations that operate nationally as separate legal entities? (Perth #2)

The Department will enter into grant agreements with each separate legal entity. Therefore, each separate legal entity will need to provide a separate application.

1.133. Will for-profit providers be eligible to apply for funding? (Perth #2)(Sydney)

Applicant eligibility details can be found in the Programme Guidelines for each programme. Information is available on the DSS Website. for each of the programmes under the new DSS programme structure. For more information please see Question Under the Families and Communities Programme, applicant eligibility includes local governments. It also mentions that “certain organisations may be invited in special circumstances”. What does this mean? (Perth #2).

1.134. At what point in the application process should providers reference existing services? (Sydney)

When addressing selection criteria, applicants should demonstrate their track record in delivering quality services. This can include those services providers who are currently funded or have previously been funded by DSS or another agency.

1.135. Will guidance be provided on productivity measures, specifically concerning guidance on what the department considers to be value for money? (Sydney)

The Department considers value for money in line with the Commonwealth Grants Guidelines. Best value is not always measured by monetary value alone. Consideration is also given to how funds might:  effectively meet the aims and outcomes of the programme/activity; and  deliver sustainable outcomes for the government, grant recipients and those communities individuals we seek to help.

Proposals which demonstrate two or more of these features will score more highly than proposals which demonstrate one of these features.

1.136. Early documentation released by the department talks about value for money. Specifically this documentation mentions that, where applicable, providers should demonstrate they lack capacity to fund a proposal themselves, using for example, debt financing. Could this advice be clarified? (Sydney) The Programme Information available through the DSS Website. prior to 19 June 2014 is for guidance only, and final versions of all selection materials have been made available from 19 June 2014. For more information please see Question Will guidance be provided on productivity measures, specifically concerning guidance on what the department considers to be value for money? (Sydney).

1.137. Information provided on the hotline and through the FAQs concerning volunteer grants is inconsistent. Are volunteer grants also available to be applied for on 19 June 2014? (Sydney)

Please see Question Are there going to be Volunteer Grants this year? Which programme or activity do they sit under? (Canberra).

1.138. My organisation provides services with an exclusive focus on a single minority group. Because of this narrow scope, my organisation was deemed ineligible for funding in previous grants rounds. What is the Department’s current policy on organisations that have a strong focus on any specific single group or ethnicity? (Sydney)

The Department recognises the need for specialist services that support specific population cohorts. However, organisations funded by DSS must comply with all relevant Commonwealth and state/territory legislation and regulations, including, but not limited to the Racial Discrimination Act 1975 and the Sex Discrimination Act 1984.

Organisations must also deliver activities in accordance with the relevant terms and conditions of their grant agreement and comply with DSS policies as specified at Doing Business with DSS.

Grant activities funded by the Department are generally designed to be targeted towards particular client groups, however services cannot exclude clients on the basis that they are not a member of a minority group or on the basis of their ethnicity.

1.139. For services that are currently funded until 2015 or 2016, should we rely on existing levels of funding when applying to enhance existing activities under the new arrangements? (Sydney)

Please see Question 2.1.1 Should organisations with grants ending 30 June 2015 or 30 June 2016 apply for funding in the selections processes opening 19 June if they want to secure future funding?.

1.140. What does the term ‘direct approach’ mean? (Sydney)

Please see Question Can I clarify how organisations will be targeted for the direct selection approaches? (Brisbane). 1.141. Concerning the risk assessment measures the department applies to organisations throughout the assessment process, what constitutes a high risk organisation? Have these organisations been red-flagged? (Sydney)

Please see Question How do you determine who is a "high risk" organisation? (Mildura).

1.142. We have an age care service and ageing improvement service that ends this year, will the age service and improvement grants be advertised in this round? (Melbourne #1)

Yes. There are funding opportunities open for the Aged Care Service Improvement and Healthy Ageing Grants.

1.143. Will the Communities for Children Facilitating Partners have to apply for this round? (Melbourne #1)

All existing Communities for Children Facilitating Partners will be offered five year agreements. There will be no open competitive selection process for Communities for Children Facilitating Partners

1.144. Are you able to comment on what will be subject to open selections and direct selections? (Melbourne #1)

Please see Question Will grant funding rounds be just for Families and Children, and Financial Wellbeing and Capability or will a range of different grants be available? (Perth #1).

1.145. Is there a process for partner organisations that have programmes that are in the Communities for Children’s sector and deal in local partnerships (that is, the sub contracted)? We are contracted until June 30. (Melbourne #1)

Service providers will need to discuss any partnership arrangements with the lead organisations they are working with, including how they will apply for future funding.

1.146. In regards to the five year contracts, costs will increase in this timescale, how will that be factored in the funding – do we need to put it in tender application? (Melbourne #1)

Available funding for activities is outlined in the relevant Application Packs. The decision to fund for a longer period of time is a decision of Government and would depend on an assessment of the appropriateness to do so, including an assessment of risk. This offer, if available will be made at the time of a formal offer of funding.

1.147. Do service providers need to submit different applications per activity or can we use one for all? (Melbourne #1)

The Department has worked to finalise a streamlined application process that will reduce red tape and make the application process a smoother, simpler experience. In particular, the Department is working to allow service providers to easily apply across multiple activities. However, to be considered for funding organisations need to apply in each round.

The Application Pack is available on the DSS Website.

1.148. Will the geographic catchments be changed? (Melbourne)

Please see Question 2.6.

1.149. How many grants can be approved for one organisation if they have the capacity to deliver multiple services? (Melbourne #1)

The Department has no limit on the number of grants that can be awarded to one service provider, providing that they are able to meet the programme activity criteria. The Department assesses each application on its merits.

1.150. When will decisions be made regarding the funding of successful applications? (Melbourne #1)

Please see Question When will organisations hear back about whether they are successful or unsuccessful for the selections processes opening 19 June? (Canberra).

1.151. Can you give a timeframe on whether you will be advised whether you are in a direct or open selection process? How will the Department communicate this decision to service providers? (Melbourne #1)

Please see Question Will grant funding rounds be just for Families and Children, and Financial Wellbeing and Capability or will a range of different grants be available? (Perth #1).

1.152. We deliver services in NSW and Victoria, will this involve one application or two? (Melbourne #1)

Where specific locations are a requirement of the Activity, these are specified in the Application Pack. Where applicable, multiple locations can be selected through the Application Form.

Where there are grant activities that could achieve multiple objectives across locations, the applicant should make sure they lodge the proposal in each of the relevant funding rounds and make sure the proposals are cross-referenced.

1.153. Does the Department have the capacity to assess all applications to ensure successful applicants are funded 1 January? (Melbourne #1) The Department is currently on track to provide funding under the new grant programmes for successful applicants within the stated timeframe.

1.154. Is the 19 June a multi-level application process? That is, is there going to be one funding round or multiple shortly after this date? (Melbourne #2)

Please see Question 2.1.1 Should organisations with grants ending 30 June 2015 or 30 June 2016 apply for funding in the selections processes opening 19 June if they want to secure future funding?.

1.155. In regards to direct approaches verses open selections; does the Department have any information on what will be subject to which selection type? Any sense of where the pools of money are? (Melbourne #2)

Please see Question Will grant funding rounds be just for Families and Children, and Financial Wellbeing and Capability or will a range of different grants be available? (Perth #1).

1.156. With specific service coverage areas, there is confusion on when and whether they will be released prior to the funding rounds. Also, is there an indication on what funding is available for each geographical area? (Melbourne #2)

Please see Question 2.6.

1.157. Some grants used to be based on post code or local area, or will we not do anything based on community needs? This is particularly in regards to the Mental Health sector. (Melbourne #2)

Please see Question 2.6.

1.158. In relation to geographical location, typically the Department has used statistical sub divisions, is this still the way? That is, by post code? (Melbourne #2)

Please see Question 2.6.

1.159. How many funding rounds will there be? (Melbourne #2)

Please see Question Will grant funding rounds be just for Families and Children, and Financial Wellbeing and Capability or will a range of different grants be available? (Perth #1).

1.160. Deaf Australia peaks has advocacy funding that ends in December. How will we be informed on whether we are successful or not, and if we need to apply? (Melbourne #2) Please see Question 2.1.1 Should organisations with grants ending 30 June 2015 or 30 June 2016 apply for funding in the selections processes opening 19 June if they want to secure future funding? and Question When will organisations hear back about whether they are successful or unsuccessful for the selections processes opening 19 June? (Canberra).

1.161. When do I apply for HACC and NRCP? (Melbourne #2)

Please see Question .

1.162. Will providers be given guidance on funding limits and geographic locations? (Sydney)

Please see Question 2.6.

1.163. Will the department publish information about priority communities as part of the selection process? (Sydney)

Where specific locations are a requirement of the activity this will be specified in the relevant Application Pack, which is available on the DSS Website.

1.164. When will the call for submissions for volunteer grants be made? (Sydney)

Please see Question Are there going to be Volunteer Grants this year? Which programme or activity do they sit under? (Canberra).

1.165. Are Local Governments eligible to apply? (Adelaide)

Please see Question With the Government’s move towards enhancing civil society, will there continue to be support for local government? Should we be increasing services? (Perth #1).

1.166. What is the alignment between services that already have evidence based practice and new, innovative services that don’t have that evidence base? (Adelaide)

The Department expects that new, innovative services would be developed based on existing evidence about what works; and have in place evaluative processes to assess the value of these services.

1.167. In applying for services that cut across outcomes, do you apply separately or refer to the crossover? (Adelaide)

Please see Question If we are able to provide a comprehensive service across streams, is there a potential to combine applications into one? (Perth #1). 1.168. What happens with agreements in place to 2015? (Adelaide)

Please see Question 2.1.1 Should organisations with grants ending 30 June 2015 or 30 June 2016 apply for funding in the selections processes opening 19 June if they want to secure future funding?.

1.169. Do those with 6 and 12 month extensions need to apply now? (Adelaide)

Please see Question 2.1.1 Should organisations with grants ending 30 June 2015 or 30 June 2016 apply for funding in the selections processes opening 19 June if they want to secure future funding?.

1.170. Is there a centralised vetting of applications? Will State Offices play a role in vetting the current applications? (Adelaide)

Please see Question How will the assessment of applications be conducted? What is the role of State Offices? (Perth #2).

1.171. What are the arrangements for the 2015-16 National Disability Advocacy funding and what happens into the future? (Adelaide)

Please see Question 2.1.1 Should organisations with grants ending 30 June 2015 or 30 June 2016 apply for funding in the selections processes opening 19 June if they want to secure future funding?.

1.172. What are the timeframes for outcomes of the selection process and the finalisation of the 6 month extensions? (Adelaide)

Please see Question When will organisations hear back about whether they are successful or unsuccessful for the selections processes opening 19 June? (Canberra).

1.173. What is meant by direct approaches? (Adelaide)

Please see Question Can I clarify how organisations will be targeted for the direct selection approaches? (Brisbane).

1.174. You said that everyone’s encouraged to apply now, does that include Ageing and Aged Care Services? (Adelaide)

Please see Question We have an age care service and ageing improvement service that ends this year, will the age service and improvement grants be advertised in this round? (Melbourne #1). 1.175. Is funding for the new application process only for 12 months or is it for longer? (Adelaide)

Please see Question .

1.176. When will applicants find out whether they were successful in their application? (Coffs Harbour)

Please see Question When will organisations hear back about whether they are successful or unsuccessful for the selections processes opening 19 June? (Canberra).

1.177. Are the applications open to organisations who are currently not funded by DSS as well as organisations with existing funding? (Coffs Harbour)

Yes. Any organisation (subject to the eligibility criteria of the particular activity) is able to apply for funding in the upcoming open selection processes.

1.178. What is a direct approach? (Coffs Harbour)

Please see Question Can I clarify how organisations will be targeted for the direct selection approaches? (Brisbane).

1.179. If our agreement continues until 2015 do we need to apply in this process? (Coffs Harbour)

Please see Question 2.1.1 Should organisations with grants ending 30 June 2015 or 30 June 2016 apply for funding in the selections processes opening 19 June if they want to secure future funding?.

1.180. If we currently have funding agreements or extensions, should we only apply under the new programmes once those funding agreements expire? (Coffs Harbour)

Please see Question 2.1.1 Should organisations with grants ending 30 June 2015 or 30 June 2016 apply for funding in the selections processes opening 19 June if they want to secure future funding?.

1.181. Should existing providers apply for funding to continue their existing programs, even if they aren’t invited to do so? (Coffs Harbour)

Organisations will not be invited to apply for the open processes. Organisations who wish to deliver services being advertised as open selection processes on 19 June 2014 need to apply through the new arrangements to be considered for grants. For direct and restricted processes, only organisations invited to apply are eligible for funding. The DSS Website. outlines which process are open, direct or restricted. DSS Website.

1.182. How will providers know whether they should conduct research for their applications? (Coffs Harbour)

This is a matter for organisations to determine based on their approach to applying. DSS expects that applicants will review the available reference information, such as the Application Pack and be familiar with the content available on the DSS grants page.

1.183. Can the Department provide a further information session after the release of documentation? (Coffs Harbour)

The Department will not be holding information sessions after the release of the documentation on 19 June 2014. The DSS Website. will continue to be updated with any new information and you can subscribe to receive email updates as new information is published on the website.

Any queries during the application process can be sent to [email protected].

1.184. Is it going to be obvious as to whether we need to apply for regional specific grants? (Coffs Harbour)

Please see Question 2.6.

1.185. If my organisation delivers services under two programmes do I still need to apply twice? (Coffs Harbour)

Please see Question Do service providers need to submit different applications per activity or can we use one for all? (Melbourne #1).

1.186. Can you provide more detail on what is considered innovative? (Coffs Harbour)

The Department is encouraging innovation because it is interested in looking at how we can better service individuals, families and communities. The Department is interested in hearing from organisations how they can meet the needs of clients in line with the objectives for each grant as stated in the Application Packs.

1.187. Concerning the concept of collaboration, is the Government going to give preference to consortiums? (Coffs Harbour)

Please see Question Would you rather applications from large organisations or consortiums? (Darwin). 1.188. Does the Department understand that service delivery is different in regional than urban and the challenges that are faced in regional areas? (Coffs Harbour)

The Department understands that regional service providers face a different set of challenges than those based in urban areas. We also understand the different and valuable contributions regional providers can provide, given their connection to the local community.

Like all providers, those based in regional areas are encouraged to apply for funding for the services they can deliver. The programme and application information on the DSS Website. also includes details about which activities have a focus on particular regional areas.

1.189. How long will it take us to complete the online applications? How complicated will they be and will we need help to do it? (Coffs Harbour)

The Department will be offering a new online application process that will be easier than previous application processes. The time needed to complete the application form will depend on the organisation and the grants that are applied for. The Department recommends the organisations are familiar with programme information documents and considers the selection criteria noted within them to begin preparing for the upcoming selections.

The online application form has help functionality that will assist you to complete the form. There is also a technical helpdesk (1800 020 283) available to assist.

1.190. Why is the process being run at the end of the financial year when all organisations are already busy? (Coffs Harbour)

The Government wants to ensure service delivery beyond 1 January 2015 when the six month extensions expire, while at the same time ensuring the timely implementation of the improved grant arrangements.

1.191. Why are the information sessions being held before the release of the selection information? (Coffs Harbour)

The information sessions were held to give service providers an understanding of the new grant programmes and improved arrangements following the announcement at Budget. The sessions were prior to the selection processes in order to assist organisations understand the changes before having to apply from 19 June 2014. While we want to provide as much information as possible about the new grant arrangements, the Department’s engagement during application periods is informed by strict probity principles. Any questions during the application process should be directed to [email protected].

1.192. Where a provider applies to receive funding under the new arrangements but does not receive funding, what happens to its clients (Coffs Harbour)? Please see Question Error: Reference source not found.

1.193. If you are already providing a service in your community and you wish to extend, do you have to find another service provider or can you apply for additional funding? (Dubbo)

Through the upcoming selection processes organisations can apply for funding to continue their current services or expand their service type. Organisations may also want to partner with other complementary organisations to better demonstrate their capacity for expansion.

1.194. What is the timeframe for assessing the applications? (Dubbo)

Please see Question When will organisations hear back about whether they are successful or unsuccessful for the selections processes opening 19 June? (Canberra).

1.195. Are all grants closing at the same time? (Dubbo)

All of the 19 June 2014 selection processes will close on 23 July 2014.

1.196. Are they offered annually? (Dubbo)

Please see Question Will there be an annual ongoing process for grants selection? (Alice Springs).

1.197. If you fail in your application – will it be open again in 12 months’ time or do you have to wait 5 years? (Dubbo)

Please see Question If we are not successful in this round, does this mean there will not be any further opportunities for funding for another five years? (Perth #1). 1.198. If you are unsuccessful, will there be feedback? (Dubbo)

After successful agreements are finalised, the DSS Website. will be updated with feedback for unsuccessful applicants. This will provide clarity on how successful applications were prioritised and how unsuccessful applicants can improve their applications in the future.

Please subscribe to the email list on the DSS Website. to be alerted to such website updates.

1.199. Will the website advise how much money is available for each grant? Will this define how the grant is applied for? (Dubbo)

Please see Question Will Programme Guidelines be different from the current arrangements (i.e. Part C of grant agreements)? (Canberra). 1.200. Should I be talking within our organisation about applying for a collective number of grants, including settlement grants or is it permissible to apply for one aspect of the grant? (Dubbo)

Each organisation needs to determine which grants to apply for depending on the capability, capacity and experience of the organisation as well as the community/sector need for each activity. 3. Extensions

1.201. When will organisations receive individualised letters advising of their grant extension? (Canberra)

Existing service providers who have been identified for extension and whose agreement is due to cease on 30 June 2014 will receive a Letter of Variation from the Department shortly. If you have any questions regarding your specific agreements, please contact your Grant Agreement Manager.

1.202. For extensions starting 1 July 2014, when will the money be confirmed and/or delivered? (Canberra)

A payment schedule will be included within your Letter of Variation.

1.203. Are Communities for Children grants receiving six month extensions, or new five year offers? (Canberra)

The Government will offer new five-year grant agreements to most Communities for Children Facilitating Partner services. Communities for Children Direct services will be offered six month extensions to ensure service continuity with the Department transitions to new grant programme arrangements. If you have any questions regarding your specific agreements, please contact your Grant Agreement Manager.

1.204. Community for Children providers didn’t have to apply for funding. You mentioned that for some programmes we don’t need to apply for under the new structure – is communities for children or Emergency relief part of that? (Alice Springs)

The Government will offer new five-year grant agreements to most Communities for Children Facilitating Partner services. Most other services, including Communities for Children Direct and Emergency Relief services, will receive a six month extension. In order to be considered for funding beyond the extensions these organisations will need to apply for funding from 19 June 2014 under the new grant arrangements. More information regarding the selection processes is now available on the DSS website.

1.205. Do organisations (i.e. FSP) receiving five year agreements, need to apply to receive the five year agreement? (Hobart)

The Department is offering funding extensions to the majority of existing grant recipients with grant funding due to expire on or before 30 June 2014. Extensions will be based on your current arrangements. This will enable continued service delivery as the new grant programme arrangements are put in place over the coming 12 months. There is no application process for extensions. You will soon receive a Letter of Variation to update your current agreement and extend your funding. Applications for new funding under the new grant programmes open on 19 June 2014 and will close 23 July 2014. These applications will provide an opportunity for organisations to apply for funding under the new arrangements. Please see the Programme Information documents and Fact Sheets on the Grant Programmes webpage for more information on the specifics of each programme.

The best source of information is the DSS website, which will have everything you need to know about applying for grant funding through DSS. The website is being updated regularly – you can also subscribe to receive alerts when new content is made available.

1.206. In regards to the six and twelve extensions, will they be completed by 19 June? (Darwin)

The six and 12 month extensions are to take effect from 1 July 2014. The Department is currently distributing the formal letters.

If you are unsure on whether you are being offered an extension, or when the extension will begin, please contact your grant agreement manager.

1.207. Will any organisations miss out on the extension for existing agreements? (Darwin)

Some organisations will not be offered an extension. Particularly, the naturally ceasing, non-ongoing, one-off arrangements will not be extended. The Department may also examine others that might have performance issues, but those that are in discussion with the Department about performance issues know that. The majority will be extended and you will receive a letter from the Department shortly to outline that extension. If you are unsure, please contact your grant agreement manager.

1.208. Are there going to be some organisations that don’t get an extension? How do we find out? (Brisbane)

Please see Question Will any organisations miss out on the extension for existing agreements? (Darwin).

1.209. When will we get an official notice of our 5 year funding? Staff are nervous about the future of their jobs. (Mildura)

Existing service providers who have been identified for five year funding, under Family Law Services, Family and Relationship Services and Communities for Children Facilitating Partners services, will receive a new grant agreement from the Department shortly. If you have any questions regarding your specific agreements, please contact your Grant Agreement Manager. 1.210. Can you confirm when the Letters of Variation are going out? The website states between May and June. (Perth #1)

A complete list of activities being extended is available on the DSS Website.

Please contact your grant agreement manager if you have not yet been notified about a possible extension

1.211. When will we be given the information that we can forward on to our community partners for contracts that end 30 June, particularly for the five year grant agreement. (Melbourne #1)

Five year agreements will be put into place for Family and Relationship Services, Communities for Children Facilitating Partners and Family Law Services under the new Families and Communities Programme. Service providers that are currently funded under these programmes are encouraged to contact their grant agreement manager to clarify their future state of funding.

All other service providers are encouraged to apply for funding 19 June 2014, and will receive an update on whether their application was successful in October 2014.

1.212. We have Family Relationship Services, Family Law Services and Communities for Children Facilitating Partners, are these services applicable for automatic five years? (Melbourne #1)

Please see Question .

1.213. Do we need to apply for an extension, and then also for funding from 1 January 2015? Is this an invitation to apply later? (Melbourne #1)

Please see Question Do organisations (i.e. FSP) receiving five year agreements, need to apply to receive the five year agreement? (Hobart).

1.214. What programmes are not going to extensions? What about activities within the Families and Communities Programme, particularly in the multicultural sector specifically? (Melbourne #2)

A complete list of activities being extended is available on the DSS Website.

1.215. We are a Find and Connect organisation and have been told we are getting a 6 month extension, yet we don’t know how much it will be. We have heard it won’t be the same, and in fact less. Will we need to apply for a 5 year grant? (Melbourne #2)

Service providers eligible for six month grant extensions will be offered funding on a pro rata basis. For any questions on your extension please contact your DSS Grant Agreement Manager. If you have any other existing agreement other than for Family and Relationship Services, Communities for Children Facilitating Partners and Family Law Services, you will need to apply for the upcoming selection process.

1.216. We haven’t received clarification on whether we have an extension yet. (Melbourne #2)

A complete list of activities being extended is available on theDSS Website.

Please contact your grant agreement manager if you have not yet been notified about a possible extension

1.217. Which programmes or grants are being extended for six months, and which are being extended for 12 months? Could we get a list of which activities fit into which category? (Canberra)

A complete list of activities being extended for six or 12 months is now available on the DSS Website. at the Grants Extensions and Renewals page. Please note these extensions only apply to grants expiring 30 June 2014.

If you have any questions regarding your specific agreements, please contact your Grant Agreement Manager.

1.218. Have all existing service providers who are receiving extensions already received their offers of extension (Coffs Harbour)?

A complete list of activities being extended is available on theDSS Website.

Please contact your grant agreement manager if you have not yet been notified about a possible extension 4. Data and Reporting

1.219. If you agree to the new Partnership Approach and provide DSS with additional opt-in data, who is the owner of that data? (Canberra)

This information will be reflected in the DSS Data Protocols Document which will be released on the DSS Website. shortly.

1.220. When will the DSS Data Exchange and Partnership Approach be implemented? (Canberra)

Service providers can choose when they would like to transition to the new reporting arrangements anytime between 1 July 2014 and 1 July 2015.

1.221. What relationship do existing data systems have with the DSS Data Exchange? For example, Housing Connect or the Family Support Program Data System (FSPDS)? (Canberra)

The DSS Data Exchange will provide a streamlined and automated approach to reporting. It will progressively replace the following existing data systems across Department:  the Family Support Payment Data System (FSPDS);  the Mental Health Support Service Online Portal;  the Online Settlement Services Client Activity Report (OSCAR); and  the Reconnect Online Data System (RODS).

1.222. For current agreements receiving 6 month extensions, will the current report due in June be extended in recognition of the potential need to write applications? (Hobart)

If you have concerns regarding your ability to meet reporting requirements under your current agreements you should discuss this matter with your Grant Agreement Manager.

1.223. Will the introduction of the new data requirements be across all four outcomes or only the Families and Communities outcome? (Darwin)

The new data reporting requirements will be featured across of the outcomes within the new grant agreements. These will come into effect progressively from 1 July 2014. For more information see the Programme Reporting page on the DSS Website.

1.224. If the DSS data exchange is to encompass all programmes, will it have capacity to upload documents to the system? (Darwin) The DSS Data Exchange will encompass all of the new grant programmes. This new web-based portal will be flexible enough to accommodate bulk uploading of files, as well as system-to-system data transfers and direct data entry.

1.225. Will funding and support be provided to organisations to help them transition to the new data collection arrangements? (Brisbane)

The DSS Data Exchange Framework has been designed to reduce the cost of reporting administrative data to DSS by automating processes and replacing multiple programme-specific reporting requirements with a single, streamlined data set. As such, no additional funding will be provided to service providers to transition to the DSS Data Exchange.

1.226. Is it possible to know what service providers will be required to report on at the start of the reporting period, rather than new questions appearing at the end? (Brisbane)

For service providers delivering programmes covered by the DSS Data Exchange Framework, all smart forms will be replaced by the new simplified and streamlined DSS Data Exchange reporting processes. Rather than completing aggregate or summary reports through a smart form, you will be asked to report a consistent set of priority requirements across the different programmes you deliver. Please refer to the factsheet Programme Reporting: Cutting red tape in collecting administrative data for a list of these data items. This change means you will know what questions and data items are required up front, enabling you to plan for and reduce your administrative effort at the end of reporting periods.

Until providers transition to the DSS Data Exchange existing reporting arrangements will continue to apply, which may include smart forms. The Department will work with you to ensure these forms are correct and useable during this transition period between 1 July 2014 and 1 July 2015.

1.227. When will the DSS Data Exchange arrangements commence? (Townsville)

Please see Question When will the DSS Data Exchange and Partnership Approach be implemented? (Canberra).

1.228. Will the data exchange build on work already done, will best practice examples that have worked in the past be available? (Townsville)

When developing the DSS Data Exchange, the Department undertook a comprehensive review of the ways in which programme performance information was collected and used across different programmes. As part of this work, the Department conducted consultations with programme advisory groups and service providers from a range of programme areas across the Department to build on previous efforts to improve data collection. These consultations provided valuable feedback and ‘on the ground’ expertise to inform the development of the DSS Data Exchange Framework. To support providers to transition to the new arrangements, a DSS Data Exchange Protocols document is being developed that will provide guidance and examples of how the DSS Data Exchange is best implemented in practice. This document will be made available on the DSS Website. shortly. Once available, it will be continually updated to incorporate additional practice examples and provide more detailed guidance on questions and common themes as they arise.

1.229. How does your reporting relate to the minimum data set? (Mildura)

The Department has undertaken a significant review of the information collected across the broad suite of programmes that will transition to the DSS Data Exchange. As part of this work the Department reviewed legislative requirements for collecting data, as well as any relevant minimum data sets. The priority requirements capture a small set of meaningful information to help service providers and the Department reflect on achievements to inform service delivery planning and policy development. This includes understanding what services were delivered and whether targeted demographics (such as age, gender and Indigenous status) are being met. Where possible, data definitions have been aligned with other government data requirements such as the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare and the Australian Bureau of Statistics.

1.230. What will be acquittal process be like? Self Help send us an acquittal form and a timeline. Can DSS do the same? (Mildura)

As part of the new grant arrangements, the Department will be implementing simplified financial acquittal reporting to cut down on administrative costs for providers. More information regarding this will be available on the DSS Website. in the near future.

1.231. With the reports due at the end of July will these need to be through the new reporting arrangements or through the old methods? (Perth #1)

The new reporting arrangements (the DSS Data Exchange) will apply to new funding agreements only. If you are currently funded through an existing agreement, please continue to use the methods and reports required as part of that agreement.

1.232. Is the DSS Data Exchange a requirement to use or is it just a suggested tool? (Perth #1)

All service providers will be required to use the DSS Data Exchange, which provides for three different ways in which to report:  Direct entry of data into the web-based portal (which can be used like a case management system)  System-to-system transfers with compatible software  Bulk uploads of files 1.233. Will reporting move from quarterly reporting to six monthly? (Perth #1)

The Department is working to reduce red tape for providers, including improving and minimising reporting. However, the reporting requirements within your grant agreements may be specific to the type of service being delivered, the length of the agreement and the degree of risk involved.

1.234. Where providers use third party software to upload data to the DSS database to meet reporting requirements, will the department contact the third party to advise on the DSS Data Exchange requirements? (Sydney)

The Department will not contact third party software providers. The Department will release a Technical Specifications document that outlines the technical requirements third party software needs to meet in order to transmit data to the DSS Data Exchange. This document will be relevant to service providers who would like to use system to system transfers or bulk upload but is not necessary for those who would prefer to use the web based portal. The Technical Specifications document will be made available on the DSS Website. The Technical Specifications for the priority requirements will be released in July 2014. The document will be updated to include the Technical Specifications of the partnership approach towards the end of the year.

1.235. What training will be offered to familiarise providers with the reporting process? (Sydney)

The Department is working to provide supporting documentation for the DSS Data Exchange to allow service providers the resources to understand and utilise the new reporting system. This documentation will be primarily web-based and will be uploaded to the DSS Programme Reporting webpage as the assessment period progresses. The DSS Website. will be updated on 1 July 2014 with supporting documentation for the DSS Data Exchange.

1.236. If my organisation reports to a number of government departments, how will those departments share my data? (Sydney)

The DSS Data Exchange is for reporting on DSS programmes only. If you receive funding from other Commonwealth Departments or state and territory governments, you must continue to use the reporting processes specified by those departments.

1.237. What is the lead time for the DSS Data Exchange? Is that coming soon? What education will be provided to allow service providers to understand it? (Melbourne #1)

The DSS Data Exchange will be available from 1 July 2014. For more information regarding support for the new DSS Data Exchange, please see Question What training will be offered to familiarise providers with the reporting process? (Sydney). 5. Consortium Arrangements

1.238. If a group of organisations form a consortium to apply for funding, which organisation receives the funding? How is this determined? (Canberra)

Grant funding can only be made available through a grant agreement between the Department and another organisation or entity. In the case of funding being provided by the Department to an organisation that is part of a consortium arrangement, the Department would fund the lead agency.

Consortium governance arrangements, including lead agency arrangements, will need to be determined by consortium members.

1.239. For organisations funded for Communities for Children Facilitating Partners, how will 5 year offers interact with their sub-contracting arrangements? (Canberra)

This will be a matter for individual funded organisations to discuss with their sub-contracted partners. The Department will continue to engage the currently funded provider as the lead organisation.

1.240. What are the expectations from the Department on consortium arrangements? Will they be mandatory? (Darwin)

Please see the Collaboration Factsheet on the DSS website on the Department’s expectations of collaboration in this funding round.

1.241. Would you rather applications from large organisations or consortiums? (Darwin)

The Department does not have a preference for larger organisations ahead of small organisations or for consortiums in comparison to single providers. Successful applicants will be chosen based on their ability to meet the requirements as set out in the Application Pack.

1.242. Reducing red tape translates to us as cutting small organisations; it’s easier for Governments to deal with one, big, state-wide organisation. You alluded to consortia arrangements; is that what we’re meant to do? (Townsville)

The Department is not looking to cut small organisations as part of the upcoming selection process. The Department expects that it is the responsibility of the organisation to decide the best method of application. Applications will be based on their individual merits, with no preference given to small or larger organisations. This extends to consortiums, which the Department has no agenda to fund ahead of other, more eligible service providers. 1.243. With consortium arrangements, would each member receive funding directly from the Department? (Perth #2)

Please see Question If a group of organisations form a consortium to apply for funding, which organisation receives the funding? How is this determined? (Canberra).

1.244. Is there merit in applying under different ways, such as consortium, lead agency, and a small group? (Melbourne #1)

Successful applicants will be chosen based on merit. The Department recommends providers apply based on the arrangements most suitable for their circumstances. While collaboration is encouraged, preference is not given for consortium arrangements over single providers, or for large organisations compared to small ones. Informal collaboration is also encouraged along with more formal arrangements.

If you do choose to submit multiple applications, you should ensure that this is made clear to the Department in your applications.

1.245. What is the Government’s position on consortiums in the tender process? (Adelaide)

Please see Question What are the expectations from the Department on consortium arrangements? Will they be mandatory? (Darwin). 6. Collaboration

1.246. Will you be looking for evidence of collaboration in the applications opening 19 June? (Canberra)

The Department has always encouraged collaboration and partnerships as a key component of effective service delivery models. There is now strong support across Government that in delivering services, organisations must develop and maintain links with other relevant organisations to assist making appropriate referrals and coordinating services with a view to improving outcomes for individuals. The goal is to encourage organisations to develop a strong referral pathway across the suite of services and other programmes for the target group as appropriate. Collaboration and inter-agency networking is an integral part of delivering an integrated, consumer centred service offer and should be built into the service delivery model as part of an organisations day to day operations.

The Department accepts that most DSS funded organisations have these structures and processes in place and strongly recommends that partnerships, linkages and collaboration to support a consumer centred service offer across the Financial Wellbeing and Capability Activity are developed and/or maintained.

1.247. There is a push for improved collaboration and organisations could be favoured if they show collaboration in their applications. Is there extra funding for these organisations to coordinate and bring together the services and discussions between organisations? (Alice Springs)

No additional funding will be available ahead of the selections process to support collaboration. However, we know that many organisations are already working in this way and the Department wants to recognise, where possible, the value of this approach in the delivery of services in the community.

1.248. Are the organisations receiving five year extensions required to collaborate? (Hobart)

The Department encourages all organisations to collaborate, through formal or informal arrangements, to ensure the best outcomes for your clients and community regardless of whether you are receiving an extension or whether you are successful in the upcoming selection processes.

1.249. Given the competitive nature of the application process, will DSS be identifying potential collaborators? (Hobart)

Please see the Collaboration Factsheet on the DSS website on the Department’s expectations of collaboration in this funding round. 1.250. Is the Department committed to providing funding for collaboration given it takes time and resources to put in place? (Darwin)

No additional funding will be available ahead of the selections process to support collaboration. However, we know that many organisations are already working in this way and the Department wants to recognise, where possible, the value of this approach in the delivery and services in the community.

1.251. Will there be any formal arrangements for collaboration efforts? (Darwin)

Please see Question Given the competitive nature of the application process, will DSS be identifying potential collaborators? (Hobart)

1.252. How formal does the collaboration process have to be? (Darwin)

Please see Question Given the competitive nature of the application process, will DSS be identifying potential collaborators? (Hobart).

1.253. Collaboration is clearly an important feature. Is DSS likely to expect collaboration arrangements to be sorted and in place before application or can it be developed though the implementation? (Darwin)

Please see Question Given the competitive nature of the application process, will DSS be identifying potential collaborators? (Hobart).

1.254. Will the effort for collaboration be reflected in the resources for funding? (Brisbane)

Please see Question There is a push for improved collaboration and organisations could be favoured if they show collaboration in their applications. Is there extra funding for these organisations to coordinate and bring together the services and discussions between organisations? (Alice Springs).

1.255. Collaborative mechanisms don’t happen overnight, they take time to develop. Will that evolution be considered in the application process? (Brisbane)

Please see Question Given the competitive nature of the application process, will DSS be identifying potential collaborators? (Hobart).

1.256. Has there been any consideration for small, independent organisations and how they will compete with the larger organisations? I understand collaboration, but partnering with a large organisation that doesn’t have the social capital or local knowledge is often not beneficial for services. (Townsville) The Department understands that there is strong value in having mix of small and large organisations working in the sector. Furthermore, the Department acknowledges the different kinds of community connections and contributions both kinds of providers can offer, ranging from tailored services for specific client or community groups through to economies of scale. We acknowledge that small organisations are a key component of their community and their services are considered to be crucial to their area.

We know that many organisations are already working in a collaborative way and the Department wants to recognise, where possible, the value of this approach in the delivery of services in the community.

The formal collaborative networks and their relation to the selection criteria are now available as part of the Application Pack, found on the DSS Website.

1.257. You mentioned the Data Exchange, collaboration etc. Is there an opportunity to share good examples of collaboration? (Townsville)

Please see Question Given the competitive nature of the application process, will DSS be identifying potential collaborators? (Hobart)

1.258. Is collaboration intrastate or interstate? Can it be across borders? (Perth #1)

The Department is not prescribing the requirements or parameters for collaboration. Organisations can choose the best way for them to work across and within their communities.

1.259. When the Department talks about collaboration must it occur only with other DSS funded organisations or can it occur with any organisations? (Perth #2)

You can collaborate with any organisation. These organisations do not need to be funded by DSS.

1.260. To assist with collaboration, can the Department provide of list of funded organisations? (Perth #2)

Please see Question Given the competitive nature of the application process, will DSS be identifying potential collaborators? (Hobart)

1.261. In relation to collaboration, we currently have an arrangement with another provider. Who would apply for funding? (Perth #2)

Please see Question If a group of organisations form a consortium to apply for funding, which organisation receives the funding? How is this determined? (Canberra).

1.262. If the partner we are collaborating with is a better applicant, would that be a reason to get knocked back for funding? (Perth #2) The Department will select successful applicants based on merit. If you are collaborating with another organisation, the Department recommends you discuss your approach to applying with your collaborative partner.

1.263. Is there an intention by the department to fund and resource collaboration between providers? (Sydney)

Please see Questions There is a push for improved collaboration and organisations could be favoured if they show collaboration in their applications. Is there extra funding for these organisations to coordinate and bring together the services and discussions between organisations? (Alice Springs) and Is the Department committed to providing funding for collaboration given it takes time and resources to put in place? (Darwin).

1.264. Will collaboration with other community organisations such as schools and business be eligible under the new arrangements or will the focus be on collaboration with other service providers only? (Sydney)

Please see Question Given the competitive nature of the application process, will DSS be identifying potential collaborators? (Hobart) 1.265. In relation to the collaboration model, will organisations be required to provide information on how they articulate a contract with smaller service providers during the application process? We want to know how they will go. (Melbourne #1)

Please see the Collaboration Factsheet on the DSS website on the Department’s expectations of collaboration in this funding round.

1.266. What is the Commonwealth definition of collaboration? Will it be defined or be allowed to emerge? If emerge, will provide any guidance? (Adelaide)

Please see Question Given the competitive nature of the application process, will DSS be identifying potential collaborators? (Hobart) 7. Programme Guidelines

1.267. Will Programme Guidelines be different from the current arrangements (i.e. Part C of grant agreements)? (Canberra)

The Programme Guidelines for each selection constitute:  An overview document for each Programme Activity (PBS administered line item) that provides an overview of how funding rounds may be conducted; and  The Application Pack - a suite of documents specific to each funding round conducted for that Activity.

All applicants applying for a funding round will be able to access information specific to that funding round through an Application Pack. The Application Pack will include the following items:  Activity Programme Guidelines (the overview document mentioned above);  Application Form;  Funding Round Summary which includes:  objectives and requirements of the funding round;  funding amounts available for this funding round;  the type of selection process ;  opening and closing dates;  selection criteria;  eligibility criteria; and  how to complete an application process.  Questions and Answers – provides additional information on the funding round and the application process; and  Streamlined Grant Agreement template and Terms and Conditions.

More information regarding the selection processes .is now available on the DSS Website. 8. Civil Society

1.268. What does civil society mean? (Alice Springs)

While there is no singular definition of civil society it is commonly understood to comprise of those groups, networks and relationships that are not organised or managed by the state and include non-government organisations, community organisations and other formal and informal networks.

Minister Andrews has emphasised the importance of promoting and strengthening civil society as a mechanism to reduce the role government plays and to enhance service provision, support and relationships at a community level.

1.269. You have talked about Civil Society and Volunteering a lot. What are we talking about for Civil Society? What does it mean? (Darwin)

Please see Question What does civil society mean? (Alice Springs).

1.270. What is the Department of Social Services’ definition of civil society? (Townsville)

Please see Question What does civil society mean? (Alice Springs).

1.271. With the Government’s move towards enhancing civil society, will there continue to be support for local government? Should we be increasing services? (Perth #1)

There will continue to be support for local government. For some funding rounds, local governments will be eligible to apply.

Funding eligibility for each grant funding round is detailed in the Application Packs available on the DSS Website. Partnering across all levels of government has great benefits to clients and services and the Department will continue to support these arrangements. 9. Indigenous Grant Programmes

1.272. With the Indigenous Affairs grants that have moved to the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, who are our contacts? (Perth #1)

Your contacts regarding those grants should be the same as they were in the previous Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs. Your Grant Agreement Manager should now be with the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet.

If you are unsure, please contact your Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet Office in your state or territory for more information.

1.273. Does the reduction in duplication also cover the Indigenous grant programmes in the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet? Has there been consultation in terms of what is offered across departments? (Perth #1)

No. However, the Commonwealth Grant Guidelines make it clear that we are working in collaboration with other Australian Government departments to simplify arrangements.

Questions regarding Indigenous programmes should be directed to the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet .

1.274. What is the impact of funding if an organisation is funded by both the Department of Social Services and the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet? (Perth #1)

The funding you receive from the Department of Social Services is not impacted by the funding you receive through the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, and vice versa.

1.275. Some Indigenous specific early intervention services, funded through the mainstream Family Support Program, were moved to the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet. What was the rationale for moving these services to a programme that does not have early intervention funding? (Perth #2)

The movement of Indigenous programmes into the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (PM&C) was a decision of Government. Please contact PM&C directly regarding Indigenous programmes.

The contacts regarding specific Indigenous programme grants should be the same as they were in the previous Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs. Your Grant Agreement Manager should now be with PM&C. If you are unsure, please contact the PM&C State Office for more information. In terms of funding from the Department of Social Services, organisations delivering services that focus on supporting Indigenous Australians can still apply for funding under the mainstream Families and Communities Programme or our other grant programmes. 10.Other

1.276. When will the new outcomes be reflected on the DSS Website? (Canberra)

The Department’s website is currently being updated to reflect the new outcomes and programmes announced in the 2014-15 Budget.

1.277. What is the NDIS Advocacy Programme? (Canberra)

The NDIS Advocacy Programme was incorrectly labelled on the Department’s ‘A New Way of Working’ diagram. The diagram has been updated to include the correct title: National Disability Advocacy Program.

1.278. The hexagon diagram shows an activity called the NDIS Advocacy Programme. Where does the rest of disability advocacy sit in the new structure? (Canberra)

The NDIS Advocacy Programme was incorrectly labelled on the Department’s ‘A New Way of Working’ diagram. The diagram has been updated to include the correct title: National Disability Advocacy Program. Disability advocacy is a key component of the Disability and Carer Support Activity in the Disability, Mental Health and Carers Programme. This Activity aims to provide appropriate means of self-reliance, communication, expert health, education services and advocacy. More information regarding this and other grant activities can be found on the Grants Programmes page of the DSS Website.

1.279. How does DSS relate to peak organisations? Do peak organisations have to apply for funding per state, per sub organisation or does DSS consider the peak to be a national body? (Hobart)

The Department traditionally funds peak bodies that are national in scope. However, the Application Pack for the current selection processes detail what funding is available and which organisations will be eligible.

More information regarding the role of peak bodies can be found in the Programme Information materials on the Grants Programmes page of the DSS Website.

1.280. Will there be a freeze to grants supplementation and the CPI? And will this affect our budget? (Darwin)

Please see Question What does the pause on CPI mean for current funding and for the new applications? When the application process is issued will it contain financial information for going forward? We have calculated about a 10 per cent reduction over five years. (Darwin).

1.281. We have one contract managed through the NT office and one managed through Canberra. Will there be a change and centralised approach to management of future agreements? (Darwin) In general, grant agreement management in the Department of Social Services is conducted in each State and Territory Office rather than being centralised in Canberra. There are some exceptions. If you require information specific to your grant agreements, please contact your Grant Agreement Manager.

1.282. Is your presentation on the website? (Darwin)

Yes. A video version of the presentation shown at all the information sessions is available to watch online here. The recorded voice over in the video presentation follows the exact script given at information sessions, to ensure those that are unable to attend the sessions are not disadvantaged.

1.283. Will the pay equity payments that are currently paid separately continue to apply to current applications? (Darwin)

SACS supplementation will still be applicable to grants in the new programmes. Due to the establishment of the SACS Special Account, supplementation will be drawn from there and shown as a separate milestone in grant agreements. It will be assumed all wage information provided by grant applicants will include the costs of the annual SACS wage increases and the SACS team in DSS will work backwards to determine the appropriate amount of funding to be drawn from the programme appropriation as opposed to the SACS Special Account.

Service providers who have any queries regarding SACS are encouraged to email their queries to the SACS inbox ([email protected]).

1.284. How can we be sure that this deregulation agenda won’t just result in cost shifting to the sector? (Brisbane)

The Government is committed to reducing red tape for providers. The goal of the Government’s broader red tape reduction agenda is to allow service providers to have more resources to conduct their business. The new grant programmes provide greater freedom for service providers who will no longer be restricted by overly prescriptive Programme Guidelines that can hinder solutions to community needs.

In particular, reporting processes have been simplified and standardised to reduce the administrative effort of service providers and allow them to focus more on service delivery. The new approach is collaborative and shares this information back with service providers to help them improve client and community outcomes.

The Government’s deregulation agenda has resulted in several changes to the way the Department works with grants. These changes include:

 simplified grant programme arrangements

 longer term grant agreements  a new DSS streamlined agreement

 a move to a single grant agreement per service provider

 a transition towards web based applications

 a new DSS acquittal policy

1.285. What is the difference between red and green tape? (Mildura)

Red tape is the administrative burden relating to processes and requirements imposed by government on business, community organisations and individuals. For DSS funded organisations an example of these processes and requirements includes performance and financial reporting.

Green tape is a more specific form of red tape that refers specifically to processes or requirements associated with environmental or heritage protection.

1.286. Can you provide any information regarding the rumour of freezes to CPI increases for grants? (Perth #1)

Please see Question What does the pause on CPI mean for current funding and for the new applications? When the application process is issued will it contain financial information for going forward? We have calculated about a 10 per cent reduction over five years. (Darwin).

1.287. What is green tape? (Perth #2)

Please see Question What is the difference between red and green tape? (Mildura).

1.288. What is meant by ‘red tape’ and ‘green tape’? (Sydney)

Please see Question What is the difference between red and green tape? (Mildura).

1.289. When will we hear about details on the Stronger Relationships trial? (Melbourne #1)

All selection processes will be advertised on the Department’s website.

You can also subscribe to receive email updates as new information is published on the website.

1.290. How will the red tape savings affect service providers? Does this mean organisations will get more money? (Melbourne #1)

In addition to providing easier, simpler application and reporting processes, a reduction in red tape will allow service providers to expend fewer resources on administrative processes. This is independent from the funding available in the upcoming funding rounds, but does mean that providers can use more of their funding for service delivery to improve outcomes for their clients rather than on filling out forms.

1.291. We have recently had an increase in funding of crisis services. What is the nature of pool in this area? Will there be any CPI adjustments over these extended periods? (Melbourne #2)

Please see Question What does the pause on CPI mean for current funding and for the new applications? When the application process is issued will it contain financial information for going forward? We have calculated about a 10 per cent reduction over five years. (Darwin).

1.292. We understand that there is a three year freeze on all indexation. Can we have clarification? (Melbourne #2)

Please see Question What does the pause on CPI mean for current funding and for the new applications? When the application process is issued will it contain financial information for going forward? We have calculated about a 10 per cent reduction over five years. (Darwin).

1.293. If a small programme is left unfunded, what happens to the clients? Are they left to the market forces? (Melbourne #2)

The Department does not anticipate vulnerable people will miss out on access to crucial social services. Community services will continue to be funded under the new grant programme arrangements.

1.294. For programmes transitioning to the NDIS and related NDIS advocacy programmes, where will information be published? Will this be available on the DSS Website or the NDIA website? (Canberra)

Activities transitioning to the NDIS will be extended for 12 months. A complete list of those activities is now available on the DSS Website at the Grants Extensions and Renewals page.

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