Expert Systems in Library and Information Science - a Review
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Malaysian Journal of Library & Information Science, Vol.2, no.2, December 1997: 57-92 id=30076&dl=ACM&coll=DL&CFID=39086521&CFTOKEN=56848118A REVIEW OF EXPERT SYSTEMS IN LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIENCE
Sharon Manel De Silva MLIS Programme, Faculty of Computer Science & Information Technology, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia E-mail:[email protected] ABSTRACT Reviews 422 published sources on expert system (ES) applications in library and infor- mation science (LIS) domains. The literature was reviewed under five categories which described ES applications in;LIS (general); technical services which include cataloguing and classification; public services which include reference services, information search and retrieval and document delivery; abstracting and indexing and; acquisition and collection development.
Keywords: Expert systems; Cataloguing; Classification; Reference services; Abstracting; Indexing; Acquisition; Information search and retrieval; Library science.
INTRODUCTION requires human expertise; and (c) a The term expert systems (ES) is used computer system that models human loose-ly and ambiguously as is evident thought processes. from the literature. Hawks (1994) explains As early as 1971, librarians have been in- that knowledge-based systems are the terested in ES. Since then, there have been broad category of systems that use some a number of books and articles published know-ledge to perform their functions. that address the potential of ES and the They need not use either heuristics or design of prototype systems. This article artificial intelligence (AI) techniques in attempts to summarise the developments performing their tasks. Intelligent systems of ES in the various domains and sub- are a subset of knowledge-based systems domains of LIS as reported in published in that they display intelligent behaviour, literature retrieved between 1958 and but not necessarily at the level of a human 1997. expert. ES is considered a more specific category and uses heuristics to perform SOURCES SEARCHED tasks pre-viously done by human experts. In essence, a well-developed ES should A scan of a few major CD-ROM based on- provide the same answers that an expert line reference sources identified as would give when approached with a relevant to the subject of ES in LIS particular pro-blem. This article considers domains retro-spective from June 1997 ES as; (a) a computer system that emulates was conducted to retrieve articles relevant human in-telligence; (b) a computer to AI, knowledge-based systems and ES. system that auto-mates a task that now These online refe-rence sources are (a)
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LISAPlus (Library and Information and touched minimally on library ES are Science Abstracts), (b) ERIC (Educational categorised under the subject area of “ES Resources Information Centre), (c) & AI”. Articles that discussed the appli- INSPEC, and (d) DAO (Disser-tations and cations of ES in libraries without specia- Abstracts Online). In addition, a manual lising on any area in particular are classed search of the bibliographies appended to under “LIS (General)”. Finally, articles that review articles by Poulter, Morris and cover the application of ES in a particular Dow (1994), Hawks (1994), Morris function of the library are grouped into (1991a) and Drenth, Morris and Tseng four main categories; Technical services (1991) proffered some relevant arti-cles which include cataloguing and classifi- not found in the online reference sour-ces. cation; Public services which include refe- Furthermore, the printed version of Li- rence services, information search and re- brary Literature was also searched. The trieval and document delivery; Abstracting search chose 1958 as the starting point, and indexing and; Acquisition and Collec- since the earliest article discovered in the tion development. manual search through the bibliographies Table 1 shows that out of the 422 articles, discussed the automatic creation of litera- 232 (55%) articles discussed issues ture abstracts using AI architecture was regarding ES application in public pu-blished in 1958. As the investigation services. Findings show that most of the into the literature began in July 1997, June articles on public services discussed issues 1997 is the cut-off date for this study. The regarding infor-mation searching and overall strategy involved in the CD-ROM retrieval. This includes peripheral areas based online search was using a combi- like information storage, interfaces to nation of nested keywords; (artificial intel- online retrieval and online searching. ligence or knowledge based systems or Another area where literature is prolific is expert systems) and (library and informa- in cataloguing because its depen-dence on tion science). The results were then AACR2 rules makes it easily adaptable to limited to English language publications automatic manipulation. only. It is necessary to state here that, as is typical with most computer searches, there Table 1: References Retrieved by Broad are no guarantees to retrieving “every” Subject Areas relevant reference available on a topic. The results retrieved in this study are no Subject Areas Total % (422) exception. The retrieved articles were then Expert Systems & entered into a database and coded into Artificial intelligence 12 3% different ca-tegories that represent subject areas. LIS (General) 67 15% Technical services 70 17% TOTAL REFERENCES RETRIEVED Public services 232 55% A total of 422 references were retrieved. Figure 1 shows a breakdown of the refe- Abstracting/Indexing 25 6% rences according to broad subject areas. Articles that discussed mainly ES and AI Acquisition/Collec- 16 4%
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tion development Since the onset of AI in the mid 60s, REVIEW LITERATURE ON EXPERT litera-ture on AI and its peripheral areas SYSTEMS IN LIS has sharply increased. However, its applica-tions in the area of LIS only took The earliest review article found on ES off in the late 70s. A gradual increase can and their applications in LIS has 59 be seen from the year 1979 onward, references (Vickery and Brooks, 1987a). peaking in the mid and late 80s. Figure 2 However this article concentrated on the shows the trend of publications in the field areas of docu-ment retrieval and reference of LIS pertain-ing to the use of AI and ES services, as these were the two areas steadily in-creasing from the early 80s and where work was most prolific then. peaking till the early 90s. Smith’s (1987) article on the use of AI and information retrieval is by far the most The literature retrieved on ES applications comprehensive with 204 references. in LIS is broken down into the following Drenth, Morris and Tseng (1991) in their categories; Review literature on Expert article also covered mainly ES in Systems in LIS; ES in technical services; information search and retrieval providing ES in public services; ES in abstracting 141 references. A review article by Morris and indexing; and ES in acquisitions and (1991a) which aimed to be comprehensive collection development. At the end of each in covering six areas of LIS contained 103 section, a table summarising the identified references. The latest review article that systems, the developers involved and the could be located is by Poulter, Morris and year it was reported in published literature Dow (1994) and has 144 references. is provided. However, their article was con-cerned with knowledge engineering and
Figure 2 Number of References on Expert Systems Application in LIS by Year
S 30 N O I 25 T A
C 20 I L
B 15 U P 10
0 58 68 69 71 72 75 77 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97
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and did not attempt to summarise progress Black and colleagues (1985). They built in specific application areas within LIS. two versions of a system called HEADS using the shells ESP Advisor and SAGE. ES IN TECHNICAL SERVICES The system was supposed to enable users The primary reason for developing ES for to browse through the text of the code or technical services is to bring the improve- to obtain advice regarding a particular ments that technology can provide to bear field in a record, or to work through the in existing tasks (Hawks, 1994). Literature com-plete cataloguing procedure. shows too that more effort has been However, both shells had poor string- expen-ded in developing ES applications handling facilities and thus were unable to for tech-nical services (Drenth and Morris, support certain rules, such as those dealing 1992; Fenly, 1992; Dabke, Thomas and with hyphe-nated surnames. Shams, 1992; Jeng, 1995), especially in the The following year, Eyre (1986) at the Po- do-mains of cataloguing and classification. lytechnic of North London developed a The complexity of each of these tasks and system that dealt with the form of names the availability of guidelines for perform- of persons. The knowledge base was ing them have spurred the development of deriv-ed from Chapter 22 of Anglo- ES for technical services. American Cataloguing Rules second ES in Cataloguing revised edition (AACR2). The system was written in PRO-LOG and was more of an According to Davies (1986), cataloguing exercise in learn-ing about the language is a possible domain of application for ES rather than an at-tempt to design a useful because it has certain characteristics such system. as; there are recognised experts, the experts are demonstrably better than Another example is a limited person-ma- amateurs, the task takes an expert a few chine interface developed in Wisconsin minutes to a few hours, the task is (Epstein, 1987). This is the MITINET/ MARC primarily cognitive, and the skill is system for microcomputer cataloguing ap- routinely taught to neophytes. The 1980s plications. MITINET/MARC provides the saw a huge increase in activity along with user with prompts and instructions for the popularity of developing ES and entering bibliographic data and giving knowledge-based systems in the sub- appropriate MARC format. domain of cataloguing. Three streams of researchers emerged; those interested in CATALYST was another advisory ES developing systems to give advice on the sys-tem. It was developed by Gibb and application of rules (advisory programs), Sharif (1988) using the shell ESP Advisor those concerned with record creation, and to enable researchers to add canned those more absorbed with automating the explana-tory text, so that users could ask whole process (Morris, 1992). for more information to be displayed about terms or menu choices that they did not Advisory programs in Cataloguing understand on request. A more detailed One of the earliest attempts at developing and specia-lised ES has been produced by an advisory system for cataloguing was by Ercegovac (1990) called MAPPER where
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MAPPER’s knowledge base consists of exper-tise of the users, or it must be relevant AACR2 rules and the knowledge directed at a single type of user (Thomas, of experts in map cataloguing. 1992). MacCat, like MAPPER, developed at the CONFER is an ES guide built using the University of California, Los Angeles by ES shell CRYSTAL. CONFER does not pro- Maccaferri (quoted by Morris, 1991a) duce a catalogue entry but guides the no- used Apple’s Hypercard environment. vice cataloguer to the appropriate AACR2 MacCat is intended for establishing rules and format of main entry headings headings, together with their MARC field for conference proceedings (Zainab, 1991). and sub-field codes. Since MacCat is An upgrade of the system, called implemented on the Apple Macintosh, full CONFER version 2, was developed under advantage is taken of the mouse and icons CRYSTAL 4.50 to guide both novice and for entering data. This makes it more student cata-loguers. It was tested with flexible than ear-lier systems that force the graduate library science students and user to proceed through chains of menus found to be effective in enhancing the one step at a time. Another system which trainee cataloguers’ learn-ing process in makes extensive use of windows was handling conference procee-dings designed by Piotr Murasik (quoted by documents (Zainab, 1996). Davies 1991), of Gdansk Uni-versity in Poland, called APEX (Access Point Another aspect of research done in this EXpert). Written in PROLOG, it was area is the formation of public knowledge completed in early 1991. Like MacCat, in cataloguing presented in various rules users are allowed short cuts so that they do and standards of cataloguing, such as not have to go through the entire catalo- AACR2. Codification of such public know- guing procedure to provide a bibliographic ledge is essential as it serves as the basis record. on which human heuristics can be applied CatTutor, a hypertext prototype tutorial for and interpreted into rules (Jeng and Weiss, training cataloguers to provide descriptive 1994). An attempt was made by Jeng cataloguing of computer files, was deve- (1991b) to study the logical structure of loped by the National Agricultural Library such public rules in a knowledge base. She (NAL). Included in the program are argues that rules for description as they are portions of the AACR2, the MARC format presented and grouped in the mnemonic for computer files, a glossary, five illustra- structure of Part I of AACR2 cannot be tive bibliographic records accompanied by used as logical base for codification. The instructional text, quizzes, and a mastery rules must be further studied and broken test. Evaluators were enthusiastic about down into logical condition / action pairs computer-assisted training and the ma- before they are codified into the chine-readable versions of the AACR2 knowledge base. To this extent, Smith, et and MARC format was integrated in the al. (1993) developed an ES called the pro-gram. It was felt, however, that the AACR2 EXPERT which provides an pro-gram must be redesigned to create algorithmic approach to the use of AACR2. dif-ferent paths for different levels of
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Meador and Wittig (1991) conducted a discover issues entailed in the creation of study to determine and then to compare the knowledge base (Hjerppe and Olander, the cores of AACR2 rules used in 1985; 1989). assigning access points for random samples of mo-nographs in chemistry and Weiss (1994) reported in his article of the a subset of economics. They found that Expert Assistant Project at the National there were differences in the usage of Li-brary of Medicine (NLM). The system AACR2 rules for assigning main entry to was designed to assist the human books in the two disciplines under study. cataloguer in selecting the form of a They sug-gested that the creation of a personal name heading to be used in subset of rules is necessary if an ES for catalogue records and create the local automatic catalo-guing is to be built. authority record. The author reported that Furthermore, the weight-ing of certain the NLM did not gain the production ES rules according to the dis-cipline to which that it had originally hoped for due to the the catalogued material belongs would aid reasons reported in the literature. the development of a more sophisticated system, one that re-quired less decision- ES for Automated cataloguing making on the part of the cataloguer. Interest in this area started with Ann M. ES for Record creation in cataloguing Sandberg-Fox in 1972 who conducted a pioneer study as her doctoral research at Attempts to integrate the advisory the University of Illinois at Urbana-Cham- approach with software that could produce paign. The study addressed the conceptual catalogue records were first undertaken by issues on determining whether the human Davies and James (1984). They conducted intellectual process of selecting main entry the Exeter Project which investigated the could be simulated by computers. tech-nical feasibility of encoding parts of the AACR2 rules concerning the selection It was only a decade later, in the late of the main entry. The project, although 1980s when interest in this area picked up not successful due to the failure of the pro- again. One research in Germany produced gram that reallocates space, was the first a system called AUTOCAT (Endres- attempt to develop an ES that can give Nigge-meyer and Knorz, 1987), which advice on the application of cataloguing attempted to generate bibliographic rules (James, 1983). records of perio-dical literature in the The following year, Hjerppe, Olander and physical sciences that were available in Marklund (1985) conducted the well- machine-readable form. known ESSCAPE (Expert System for Another significant work was undertaken Simple Choice of Access Points for by Weibel, Oskins and Vizine-Goetz Entries) Pro-ject in Sweden, which (1989). They built a prototype rule-based resulted in the creation of two ES - ES at OCLC known as “the OCLC ESSCAPE/EMYCIN and ESSCAPE Automated Title Page Cataloguing /Expert-Trees. Rather than producing Project” to auto-mate descriptive systems for practical use, the aim was to cataloguing from title pages. The system
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used OCR techniques and their study algorithm for identifying personal names, reports a success rate of 75% in they effectively use the initial element identifying and interpreting biblio-graphic cues (i.e., first name, initials, titles) and data on title pages using visual and post-name markers (such as punctuation or linguistic characteristics codified in only spacing). The results of their study show 16 rules. high success rates of more than 84% in identifying both kinds of names. Elaine Svenonius, like Weibel, was con- cerned with the interpretation of machine- The QUALCAT (Quality Control in readable title pages of English language Cataloguing) project at the University of monographs. Her research, however, fo- Bradford attempted to apply automated cused on the problem of automatically quality control to databases of bibliogra- deriving name access points, particularly phic records. Sets of records, putative du- personal names and corporate names (Sve- plicates that appeared to be for the same nonius and Molto, 1990). In their study, monograph were grouped together and an Molto and Svenonius (1991) propose an ES used to determine whether they were in algorithm for identifying corporate names fact duplicates, and if so which were the by creating a machine-readable corporate best records (Ridley, 1992; Ayres, 1994). name authority file, and matching charac- Table 1 gives a summary of the names of ter string sequences on the title pages with the ES developed (if one is clearly in- those in authority file. In formulating an
Table 1: Expert Systems in Cataloguing
NAME DEVELOPER YEAR * Davies, Roy and Brian James 1984 * Eyre, J 1986 * Jeng, Ling Hwey 1986 * Weibel, Stuart, William Oskins and Diane Vizine-Goetz 1989 * Svenonius, Elaine and Mavis Molto 1990 AACR2EXPERT Smith, David, et al. 1993 APEX Murasik, Piotr 1991 AUTOCAT Endres-Niggemeyer, B and G Knorz 1987 CATALYST Gibb, Forbes and Carolyn Sharif 1988 CatTutor Thomas, Sarah E 1992 CONFER Zainab Awang Ngah 1991 CONFER2 Zainab Awang Ngah 1996 ESSCAPE Hjerppe, Roland, Birgitta Olander and Kari Marklund 1985 Expert Assistant Weiss, Paul J 1994 HEADS Black, W J, P Hargreaves and P B Mayes 1985 MacCat Maccaferri 1991 MAPPER Ercegovac, Zorana 1990 MITINET/marc Epstein, Hank 1987 NAMA Juliaton Mohd Jawaini 1995 QUALCAT Ridley, M J 1992 QUALCAT Ayres, F H 1994 SYNONAME Siegfried, Susan and J Bernstein 1991 * Unnamed systems
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indicated in the article), the developer’s database in the MS-Windows personal name(s) and the year it was reported in pu- computer based environment. On evalua- blished literature. tion, it was found that the system per- formed well for the International Civil ES in Classification Aviation Organisation Library. Savic Classification is a difficult function to cap- noted that libraries require more complex ture in an ES. While there are guides to cut-tering and therefore would require a de-termine classification numbers and more complex CUTT-x system. subject headings, there are no strict rules available, and the relationships between ShelfPro, developed by Drabenstott, Ries- objects and classes are often ambiguous. ter and Dede (1992) addresses shelflisting. Among some of the systems that have Shelflisting is concerned with assigning a been developed on item, patent and book book number, as opposed to the class mark classification are by Sharif (1988); portion of the call number, to an item. Valkonen and Nykanen (1991); Cosgrove and Weimann (1992); Gopinath and The Defence Metallurgical Research Prasad (1994); Savic (1994); Gowtham Labo-ratory in Hyderabad, India (1995). developed an ES for classification of technical docu-ments using the Universial In 1986, Paul Burton conducted an explo- Decimal Clas-sification (UDC) schedule ratory research at the University of Strath- for metallurgy as the knowledge base and clyde in the United Kingdom, aiming to the UDC classi-fication as its rule base assess the merits of various ways of know- (Gowtham, 1995). Some benefits of the ES ledge representation and to assess the sui- are that: it inter-acts with the classifier tability of ES in classification. The re- making them con-form to the route search resulted in a prototype ES that was suggested by the classi-fication scheme; it able to advise a Dewey classification num- alerts the classifier to the minor variations ber based on the information provided by in the scheme thus avoiding overlooking the user, to justify the reasoning and to them; it leads to consistency in class explain why the ES asked certain ques- number generation; and it ensures that the tions. Following the research, OCLC classifier has incor-porated all the deve-loped Cataloguer’s Assistant, and concepts of the subject in the class tested it at the Carnegie-Mellon University number, by leading him/her through all the to reclassify the mathematics and groups, which is not possible in the computer science collection. The manual UDC scheme. Table 2 gives a experiment looks closely at research summary of all systems develop-ed for questions such as know-ledge classification and the developers involved. representation, the navigation tools, the search capabilities and the various ways of ES IN PUBLIC SERVICES displaying data. Reference Services CUTT-x, an ES for automatic assignment The first experiments in the automated of Cutter numbers (Savic, 1996) was deve- provision of reference services began in loped using Microsoft ACCESS relational the 1960s. A method of characterising bio-
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Table 2: Expert Systems in Classification NAME DEVELOPER YEAR * Burton, Paul 1986 * Sharif, Caroline A Y 1988 * Valkonen, Pekka and Olli Nyakanen 1991 * Cosgrove, S J and J M Weimann 1992 * Liu, Songqiao 1993 * Gopinath, M A and A R D Prasad 1994 * Gowtham, M S 1995 CLOD-x Savic, Dobrica 1994 CUTT-x Savic, Dobrica 1996 ShelfPro Drabenstott, Karen Markey, Leslie C Riester and Bonnie A Dede 1992 * Unnamed systems graphical reference books for the purpose In 1983 Purdue University Undergraduate of retrieving those most likely to answer Library in Indiana introduced its particular biographical queries was deve- Reference and Information Station for loped at the University of Chicago (Weil, public use (Smith, 1989). It was found that 1968) while at Berkeley REFSEARCH was most of the questions received at the based on a careful analysis of the charac- reference desk could be grouped into nine teristics of reference questions, such as categories, with another nine sub- how topics are qualified, and the func- categories, and these were used in the tions of the works used to answer them design of a menu-based system which runs (Meredith, 1971). REFSEARCH therefore, on both Apple and IBM microcomputers. embodied a more realistic model of the Another microcomputer-based, menu- reference process. driven ready reference system known as the Information Machine was produced at One of the earliest systems developed to the University of Houston Li-brary (Fadell answer routine enquiries was REFLES1 and Myers, 1989). Graphics were used to (Reference Librarian Enhancement Sys- illustrate floor layouts to help with tem) developed at the University of Cali- directional enquiries. Currently work is fornia, Los Angeles (UCLA) in the late being done on an ES that would be 1970s (Bivins and Palmer, 1980). It was a developed for selecting reference works microcomputer-based system for in-house and later linked to the Information data files of information about library Machine. facilities, services and operations, and also gave details of specific types of library The Online Reference System (ORS) materials along with some ‘how to use’ (Chis-man and Treat, 1984) was designed comments on the catalogue, abstracting to pro-vide menu access to MARC records and services. An enhanced version of of 1000 reference works in the science REFLES1, called REFLINK, was library subsequent-ly produced at Linkoping of the Bowling Green State University in University in Sweden (Bivins and North Carolina by subject (using broad ca- Eriksson, 1982). tegories based on the Library of Congress
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Classification), type of material, or course num-ber, inventor’s name, assignee name, name and number. class/ subclass, and keyword. Access is A prototype reference system, DISTREF, provided to external databases chosen for students taking courses by distance according to the type of search. learning offered by Charles Sturt Univer- The ES Reference Expert (Bailey and sity in Australia was designed to provide Gunning, 1990; Gunning, 1992) has a assistance in the choice of search terms by know-ledge base that is based on using ‘discipline maps’ (McDonald and interviews with the library reference staff. Weckert, 1990). DISTREF is an ES which Reference and library systems staff, is intended to link with a union catalogue working as know-ledge engineers, clearly on CD-ROM of the holdings of a wide recognised the ex-perts’ difficulty in range of libraries in New South Wales. articulating their know-ledge and the The Workstation for Information Seekers limits of the software in re-presenting the planned by Micco and Smith (1989) is in- complexity of that know-ledge. To tended to provide access to a thesauri of encourage ongoing input, they developed terms on maps. The system is used for prototypes, left them in the work area for searching reference works which would be experimentation with a log for comments, stored, along with the thesauri and cata- and on the basis of this feed-back from the logues of various collections, on a CD- experts, incrementally ex-tended the ROM jukebox. Search strategies employ- knowledge base. Three proto-types of ing ES techniques, including user model- Reference Expert were developed; one ling are used to narrow the search space. using KnowledgePro, another using VP- Expert, and the third using PDC Pro-log POINTER was one of the first systems to (Bailey, 1992). In the end, Prolog was be used routinely. It was developed at the chosen for the working model since it State University of New York at Buffalo gave better performance and control over for providing assistance in finding US the finished product than the shells. government publications when regular Although the Prolog version was faster staff members were not available (Smith, than the shells, the size of the knowledge 1986; 1989). Two types of searches are base (over 230kb) slowed the system to catered for by POINTER: enquirers unacceptable levels until a method of wanting speci-fic documents are given reducing the sys-tem load was devised. their SuDoc numbers; subject searching is also possible but there is difficulty in Online Reference for Expertise in Opera devising a suitable conceptual framework (ORFEO) recommends sources to answer for the organisation of the menus. questions about opera. It contains a know- ledge base developed from one major bi- The Patent Information Assistant (which is bliography of 700 items, plus some items also explained in the section under ES for added by Gerber (1992). This system is Retrieval in Subject Domains) was deve- based on the “given (the information loped at the University of Austin to handle known by the client) and wanted (the in- the time consuming and repetitive nature formation required by the client)” notion of patent enquiries (Ardis, 1990). It is of reference theory and is purely a menu driven and allows searches by patent prototype. Another subject specific
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reference ES was AquaRef. It was special rules had to be added to the designed by the U.S. National Agricultural knowledge base. Another difficulty was Library to give assis-tance with a limited that not all members of a class of range of frequently asked reference information sources could have a general questions about aquacul-ture (Haufman, set of rules applied. He argues that frames 1989). AquaRef was design-ed as a result would provide better representation where of experiences with an earlier ES differences are important. Answerman (Waters, 1986). Answer-man REFSIM, an ES designed by Parrott (1989) was one of the first expert advisory used frames as a model for the reference systems with links to external databases process. Each dialogue with a client was produced also by the National Agricultural driven by the need to fill in slots in types Library. It was created for demonstration of frames. Types of transactions were purposes using the shell 1st-class. Its direc-tional, holdings, ready reference, and domain is ready reference enquiries in sub-stantive. There were also frames for agriculture by giving details of relevant the librarian and the client. REFSIM was books, sometimes including specific page de-signed to simulate both the librarian numbers, or by allowing the user to search and the enquirer so that it can be used not a database such as Agricola. only for answering queries but also as a ChemRef, a guide to reference sources in tutorial system for instructing users, chemistry, was developed at Nova Univer- including no-vice librarians. REFSIM is sity in Florida (Sarangapani, 1990). When the successor to the Online Reference compared with the performance of expe- Assistance system (ORA) (Binkley and rienced reference librarians, it was found Parrott, 1987) which was a menu-driven that ChemRef was capable of operating at system but of a more complex nature than a level comparable to or better than library most referral systems. In enquiries about staff. The system however, has a tendency the library’s holdings, ORA would use an to recommend a much greater number of ES for interpreting citations in cases where titles. the enquirer could not distinguish properly between the diffe-rent fields in the Smith (1992) used the shell EXSYS to bibliographic reference (Parrott, 1986). develop a production rule-based advisor to help library assistants locate appropriate Harley and Knobloch (1991) built Govern- reference material to answer questions on ment Documents Reference Aid (GDRA) New Zealand. NZRef, like ORFEO, is to investigate the value of an ES to based on the notion that a reference enhance user access to these publications question is of given and wanted type as at Stan-ford University Library. The mentioned earlier. Smith judged the rule second and third phases of their project structure to be a limited but useful way to involved an investigation and evaluation represent knowledge about sources. One of the availa-ble ES shells. difficulty he noted was that certain combinations of rules used for particular The University Library of Gronigen in the reference tasks created unsuitable Netherlands, COWOG (Centre for recommendations and, to suppress these, Research on Higher Education) and PICA
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(the Dutch Organisation for Library relating to library facilities, services, regu- Automation), de- lations, loans, membership, location of items, and public amenities. veloped a computer assisted bibliographic Sourcefinder (SOFI) is an ES consisting of reference and advisory system - CoBRA a database of annotated reference sources, (Bosman, 1994). It is an ES that advises using the Nota Bene software, which users of the University Library when they serves as a support for reference services want to execute a search for literature on a at the reference desk of the Main Library certain subject and produces custom made at Ohio State University (Stalker, 1996). guides to the literature in the library. SOFI is used by new reference librarians Another standalone ES, MAKLUM, was as a training aid, by experienced librarians developed for the University of Malaya in unfamiliar subject areas and has the po- Library using the ES shell CRYSTAL 4.50 tential to be when reference librarians are running on DOS (Zainab and Nor Eliza, unavailable. Table 3 gives a summary of 1996). MAKLUM was designed to provide ES developed in reference services. answers to general reference enquiries
Table 3: Expert Systems in Reference Services NAME DEVELOPER YEAR * Weil, C B 1968 * Cavanagh, Joseph M A 1987 * Richardson, John 1989 * Butkovitch, Nancy J, et al. 1989 * Vedder, Richard G, et al. 1989 * Metzger, Paul 1993 Answerman Waters, Samuel T 1986 AquaRef Haufman, Deborah 1989 ChemRef Sarangapani, Chet 1990 CoBRA/RUG Bosman, F 1994 DISTREF McDonald, Craig and John Weckert 1990 Government Documents Reference Aid (GDRA) Harley, Bruce L and Patricia J Knobloch 1991 Information Machine Fadell, Jeff and Judy E Myers 1989 KARMA Liebowitz, Jay and Christine Letsky 1996 MAKLUM Zainab Awang Ngah and Nor Eliza Mohd Zaid 1996 NZRef Smith, Alastair 1992 Online Reference Assistance (ORA) Binkley, R D and James R Parrott 1987 Online Reference System (ORS) Chisman, J and W Treat 1984 ORFEO Gerber, Brian 1992 PLEXUS Vickery, Alina and Helen M Brooks 1987 POINTER Smith, Karen F 1986 RAS Carande, R 1989 Reference and Information Station Smith, Dana E 1989 Reference Expert Bailey, Charles W and Kathleen Gunning 1990 Reference Expert Bailey, Charles W 1992 REFLES1 Bivins, K T and R C Palmer 1980 REFLINK Bivins, K T and L Eriksson 1982 REFSEARCH Meredith, J C 1971 Refsearch White, H D and D Woodward 1990 REFSIM Parrott, James R 1988 Sourcefinder (SOFI) Stalker, J C 1996
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Workstation for Information Seekers Micco, Mary H and Irma Smith 1989 * Unnamed systems Information Search and Retrieval on null sets retrieved, repetitive use of commands, unused sets, rapid shifts in The area of most activity, having the long- search objectives, and the overuse of a est history and the largest number of re- single approach to a search. search and development activities, is work on expert search intermediaries. The pur- Meadow continued his work on expert pose of much of the work is to make on- advisory systems for online bibliographic line systems directly accessible to end searching with the Online Access to users without the need to rely on human Know-ledge (OAK) project. He developed inter-mediaries (Smith, 1987). This section OAK-DEC, available as a menu option in con-siders expert intermediary systems in OAK (Meadow, 1988). OAKDEC is rule the context of both their role in relation to based and uses factors such as the set size, end users - that of search advisor, the number of records reviewed by the intelligent front end, or intelligent user, and the user’s evaluation of records intermediary - and their role in the search to arrive at a recommendation. process (as search formulation experts, Another search advisor was the Intelligent for example). Database Enquiry Assistant (IDEA) deve- Search Advisors loped by Houghton, Rich and Bass (1987). It comprised a Tutor, an Advisor, and a Search advisors are expert intermediary User Question Handler. The Tutor presen- systems that aim not only to assist or ad- ted text describing the system and an inter- vise end users but also to train them in active lesson. The Advisor offered advice online searching. The search advisors de- on the choice of database and keywords, veloped to date focus on search tactics, giving general advice such as “try more particularly on monitoring the progress of general terms,” and suggesting alter-native a search and on selecting or revising terms. The User Question Handler dealt search terms. with questions of why, what, and how, such as “How do I narrow a search?” The first of these systems was Indivi- dualised Instruction for Data Access Sys- Intelligent Front Ends tem (IIDA) (Meadow, 1979; Meadow, He- Expert intermediaries that act as intelligent wett and Aversa, 1982a; 1982b). It was front ends to online services are closely designed to help scientists and technicians related to advisory systems. These front learn online bibliographic searching of ends intervene in the search process to a DIALOG in order to obtain a few good greater or lesser extent. Their primary aim references rather than attempting complex is to provide trouble-free access to online searches. IIDA was reactive, providing services. Early intelligent front ends assistance only when the user made a mis- focused on search tactics, especially those take or when aid was specifically reques- concerned with search formulation and the ted. In addition to dealing with syntactic selection of terms. Presently, this approach errors, IIDA detected and offered advice has been broadened to support a fuller
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intermediary role, incorporating know- not suggest suitable search terms unlike ledge relating to the selection of databases IR-NLI, it came closer to fulfilling an and search strategies. intermediary role because it used Marcus and Reintjes (1981) developed the knowledge derived from human inter- Connector for Networked Information mediaries to suggest suitable databases Transfer (CONIT) to aid end-user search- according to the query subject and the ing in overcoming the complexity and types of document required. diversity of online search systems. CONIT IR-NLI II (Brajnik, Guida and Tasso, gave user-friendly access to several hosts 1990) incorporates user modeling into a by means of a simple common-command domain-independent bibliographic retrie- language. CONIT also included some val ES. Domain knowledge is supplied limited facilities for reformulating search- separately by an online thesaurus. The ES es, such as automatically rerunning a clarifies its model of the query, proposes search with exact terms only when too terms to expand the query, and comments many references were retrieved. Another on the user’s search strategy. No system, EXPERT took a more active role automatic query reformulation is done. in the search process, by suggesting suitable databases and prompting the user Fox (1987) developed CODER using - for terms and synonyms before translating Prolog (a logic programming language them into Boolean search statements used for knowledge representation) to (Marcus, 1981). OASIS also followed this build a complex, multi-tiered system for “worksheet” approach to online searching, docu-ment retrieval. CODER, like IR- one of its main objectives being to reduce NLI, used a natural language interface. the amount of time spent online (Williams, Lucarella and Morara (1991) have 1984, 1985; Williams and Goldsmith, attempted to extend the representative 1982). Both EXPERT and OASIS could power of Prolog by building with it a suggest tactics for broadening or narrow- document retrieval sys-tem, FIRST (Fuzzy ing a search according to the number of Information Retrieval SysTem), which postings found. uses fuzzy instead of Boolean logic. The evolution of ES as intelligent front Tome Searcher, an intelligent front end ends was improved further by the use of which uses a natural language interface for natural-language user interfaces. The Infor- searching online databases in mainframe mation Retrieval Natural Language Inter- hosts in the fields of electrical/electronic face (IR-NLI) (Guida and Tasso, 1983) engineering, computer science, and infor- aimed to provide an intermediary system mation technology, was launched com- that could both comprehend a user’s mercially in 1988 (Vickery, 1988). How- search request and identify the underlying ever, it did not prove to be viable com- infor-mation need. The EURISKO mercially. (Barthes, Frontin and Glize, 1987) Intelligent Intermediaries prototype also used natural language processing which searched scientific Intelligent intermediaries refer to systems databases on the Ques-tel and Cedocar developed to investigate intelligent ap- online services. Though EURISKO could
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proaches to the information retrieval pro- to identify, parse, and represent query cess rather than to interface to existing expressions relating to dates. online services. These systems have inte- Other efforts in intelligent information re- grated document collections and do not trieval concentrated on knowledge-inten- use the exact-match retrieval techniques sive retrieval techniques. In the IOTA in- found in conventional retrieval systems. formation retrieval system, which incor- Some of these systems draw on knowledge porates a natural language interface, deve- of users and search tactics to interpret and loped by Chiaramella and Defude (1987), elaborate search requests. Others use every component of a document - title and knowledge of the concepts represented in fragments of text - was indexed by noun a document base to effect retrieval and so phrases organised into a hierarchical tree avoid many of the problem-solving tasks representing the document content. Re- associated with human information trieved references were evaluated, and if intermediaries. Although they do not judged inappropriate, IOTA set a goal, incorporate inter-mediary knowledge, such as “reduce the number of refe- these systems suggest new approaches to rences”, and reformulated the query. the intermediary func-tion that might be integrated into expert intermediary Browsing is another knowledge-intensive systems. retrieval technique in which the relation- The intelligent information retrieval sys- ships among documents, terms, and other tems that incorporate intermediary exper- bibliographic information are represented tise have a distributed ES architecture. The as a network, which the searcher can exa- Intelligent Interface for Information mine and use to identify the documents Retrie-val (I3R) (Croft and Thompson, required, as in the THOMAS system 1987) had experts for user modeling and (Oddy, 1977). A browsing interface is also modeling the search request, a domain planned for the KIWI system. knowledge expert that could infer related The Improving Library Subject Access search concepts, a search controller that (ILSA) prototype ES was developed at In- selected one of two available retrieval diana University of Pennsylvania using an techniques, a browsing expert, and an object oriented multimedia user interface explainer. with two databases; one with 100,000 The Composite Document Expert/Extend- MARC records and the other with 20,000 ed/Effective Retrieval (CODER) system, addition-al records enhanced with table of another distributed ES was developed by contents data (Micco, 1994). Items are Fox (1987) as a test bed for analysis, fil- grouped into subject clusters consisting of ing, and retrieving documents with widely the classifica-tion number and the first differing contents and structures, such as subject heading assigned. Every other those generated within electronic mailing distinct keyword in the MARC record is systems. CODER was unique in that it linked to the subject cluster in an could be distributed over several machines automated natural language mapping and included a temporal reasoning expert scheme, which leads the user from the term entered to the controlled vocabu-lary
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of the subject clusters in which the term and Carbonell, 1987), and the PLEXUS appears. The use of a hierarchical referral system on gardening (Vickery, et classification number (DDC) makes it al., 1987; Vickery and Brooks, 1987b), possi-ble to broaden or narrow a search topics and associated concepts and terms result. are represented explicitly, reflecting, in effect, the subject-based knowledge that Rule-Based Retrieval of Information by human intermediary brings to the interpre- Computer (RUBRIC) was another tation of search topics. In PLEXUS, for knowledge -intensive information retrieval example, entering a query activated a set system (McCune, et al., 1985; Tong, et al., of frames describing the search topic; 1985, 1987); a commercial version of it is these were used to identify any now available as Topic (CISLER). Topic ambiguities and elicit the information pro-vides for Boolean searching and for needed to complete the problem brow-sing by hyper-textual links. The description. PLEXUS was written in RUBRIC system is one of the few systems Turbo Pascal and Prolog, al-though the to provide intelligent assistance for full- former was chosen for the final prototype text searching. The Empty software for because: (1) at the time the programs were Common Knowl-edge Transfer being written, no Prolog compiler was (ESOCKS), an ES shell for document available for microProlog, so run-times retrieval developed by Hitachi (Yasunobu, were very slow; (2) loading the Prolog et al., 1989), uses a technique similar to databases was very slow; and (3) that of Topic. On finding docu-ments, interfacing of microProlog and Pascal ESOCKS assigns each one a rele-vance needed a significant amount of specialised value so the user can decide which work that was too costly. These problems documents to display. were exacerbated by the growth from an original projection of a rule base of appro- Expert Systems in Query Formulation ximately 250 rules to over 1,000 rules, including a number of rule sets. The Comprehensive Information Retrieval Computer Environment (CIRCE) was one To measure the success of a search and of the first systems to address the problem decide whether to reformulate the search of elaborating the search topic prior to statement, intermediaries frequently look formal specification of the search at the number of references retrieved, the (Aragon-Rami-rez and Paice, 1985). The “correct” number being determined by user entered a set of terms describing a user requirements. The reformulation of query, and these were matched against search strategies according to the number thesaurus terms. The thesaurus resides in of refe-rences retrieved has been the knowledge base. When some degree of addressed by a number of systems, match was found, terms were displayed including those deve-loped by Marcus for evaluation in order of their relevance. (1981), Williams (1984, 1985), Barthes, Frontin and Glize (1987), Gauch and In frame-based systems, such as the envi- Smith (1989), and Sormunen (1989). The ronmental pollution expert EP-X (Kraw- tactics used in all these sys-tems were czak, et al., 1985), CoalSORT (Monarch independent of the subject do-main and
72 Expert Systems in Library and Information Science
focused on broadening or nar-rowing the backward chaining through the knowledge search strategy. base. Experts for Database Selection Sajjad Zahir and Chew (1992) also deve- The problem of choosing suitable on-line loped a prototype for the selection of on- sources has only recently received much line databases named Online-Expert. The attention. Among some of the systems results of their evaluation of the system developed are Marcus’s work with auto- compared favourably with those of experts matic database selection in CONIT (1981), using traditional searching, considering and EURISKO that ranks databases on the that the system contained only 60 of a basis of subject coverage (Barthes, Frontin possible 150 databases available to the and Glize, 1987). The expert selectors experts. designed by Thornburg (1987), Morris, Drenth and Morris (1992) chose a shell for Tseng and Newham (1988) and Drenth, their proposed ES CIDA (Company Infor- Tseng and Morris (1991) drew on the mation Database Advisor) to select online expertise of human intermediaries in sources for business enquiries. They report selec-ting databases for topic areas. Wang that in addition to the many desirable (1990) has developed a database selector development features of shells, they are for busi-ness queries. Trautman and von cost effective, their developers offer good Flittner (1989) used printed guides to online support, and future clients are likely to sources for their ES knowledge with the have the hardware requirements to run a purpose of developing a stand-alone aid to shell-based system. In a later paper, Mor- databases rather than to investigate the ris, Drenth and Tseng (1993) discuss the database-selection problem. knowledge engineering problems resulting Kiwinet is an experimental prototype for from slow execution speed and severe advising on selection of databases on the memory problems. They needed to edit the Kiwinet online service. It is a very small knowledge base severely, reorganise the system built to permit comparison of the knowledge representation, and rewrite se- commercial shells EXSYS and ESIE. veral external files. Smith (1991) chose these because both ES for Retrieval in Subject Domains had been used for previous LIS A number of ES for assisting searches in applications. EXSYS was more flexible in specific subject domains have been deve- that it allow-ed multiple recommendations loped. These include NP-X (natural pro- of reference sources ranked by a ducts chemistry), EP-X (environmental probability value, whereas ESIE could pollution), CANSEARCH (cancer therapy), return only one refe-rence source GENSEARCH (biomedical genetics) and recommendation. In pro-viding Coach - the expert searching system de- explanations to the user, EXSYS displayed signed to help users of the Grateful Med the current rule under consi-deration and front end software to improve MEDLINE the facts collated to date, while ESIE search and retrieval capabilities (King- simply used a trace me-chanism to show sland, 1993). Pollitt says that the strength the thinking to date. Both provided for of this knowledge lies in the fact that
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domain-specific knowledge can be applied (1993b) and the other by Abate (1995). to improve the system’s overall perfor- Brown described the use of ES technology mance. CANSEARCH (Pollitt, 1984, 1987) at Raytheon Company’s equipment divi- is one of the earliest ES for bibliographic sion to co-ordinate requests for specifica- retrieval. The ES contains knowledge of a tions and standards documents with pur- single domain, cancer, rather than search chases made through the acquisitions unit. strategies in general. During the query She further discussed the development of a reformulation process, the ES guides the knowledge base using the shell VP- searcher through a hierarchy of menus. Expert. Abate reported on an ES which was deve-loped for document delivery The Patent Information Assistant (Ardis, decision ma-king in the library of a law 1990) was developed jointly by two pro- firm using the ES shell, VP-Expert. The grammers and two patent reference libra- summary of systems developed is given in rians, who used an iterative approach. The Table 5. team has identified interface screens that need rewriting, and the developers wish to ES IN ABSTRACTING add a module to explain the differences Most of the research in abstracting has between trade marks and patents. Ardis been concerned with abstracting papers also comments that the system never tires, from learned journals and conference pro- is never irritated, can often give users ceedings. The first reported experiment on customised information in a more indivi- automatic abstracting was in 1958 by dual way than the staff has time to Luhn. Since then, other systems have been provide, which suits the confidential developed by DeJong (1983), Kuhlen nature of many of the inquiries. (1984), Lebowitz (1986), Husk (1988), EP-X (Krawczak, Smith and Shuter, 1987; Black and Johnson (1988), Johnson (1988), Smith et al., 1989) is a prototype know- Rau, Jacobs and Zernik (1989), Black ledge-based system that assists users in (1990), Jacobs and Rau (1990), Paice conducting bibliographic searches of the (1990), and Endres-Niggemeyer (1995). environmental pollution literature. This DeJong (1982) produced the FRUMP system makes extensive use of domain system that analyses newspaper articles knowledge, represented as hierarchically using frame-based techniques. The articles defined semantic primitives and frames. are scanned and data are automatically fed The user enters a query as a list of key- into various slots within frames. Scripts words and the system interacts with him to are then used to generate summaries of the suggest possible broadening or narrowing information held in the relevant frames. operations. Table 4 gives a summary of all Another system, which reports on corpo- systems being developed in the domain of rate mergers and acquisitions, was deve- search and retrieval. loped by Rau, Jacobs and Zernik (1989). ES IN DOCUMENT DELIVERY Known as SCISOR, this system produced a detailed linguistic analysis of a text from There were only two references found which a semantic graph is constructed. pertaining to document delivery. The first reports a system developed by Brown
74 Expert Systems in Library and Information Science
Table 4: Expert Systems in Information Search and Retrieval
NAME DEVELOPER YEAR * Marcus, Richard S and J Francis Reintjes 1981 * Williams, Philip W and G Goldsmith 1982 * Meadow, Charles T, Thomas T Hewett and Elizabeth S Aversa 1982 * Guida, Giovanni and Carlo Tasso 1983 * Pollitt, A Steven 1984 * Smith, Philip J and Mark Chignell 1984 * Thompson, Roger H and W Bruce Croft 1985 * Zarri, Gian Piero 1985 * Crawford, R G and H S Becker 1986 * Desalvo, Daniel A and Jay Liebowitz 1986 * Borgman, Christine L 1986 * Watters, R C, M A Shepherd and W Robertson 1987 * Morris, Anne, Gwyneth M Tseng and Godfrey Newham 1988 * Yasunobu, Chizuko, et al. 1989 * Gauch, Susan and John B Smith 1989 * Trautman, Rodes and Sara von Flittner 1989 * Drenth, Hilary J, Gwyneth Tseng and Anne Morris 1991 * Blackadder, Alistair 1991 * Gauch, Susan and John B Smith 1993 * Khoo, Christopher S G and Danny C C Poo 1994 AGRIRES Konig, Eckehard 1992 ARGON Patel-Schneider, Peter F, Ronald J Brachman & Hector J Levesque 1984 CANSEARCH Pollitt, A Steven 1987 COACH Kingsland, L C 1993 CODER Fox, Edward A 1987 DIALECT2 Bassano, J C, M Braunworth and W Mekaouche 1992 EP-X Krawczak, Deborah A, et al. 1985 Eurisko Barthes, Christine, J Frontin and Pierre Glize 1987 European Research Letter Ford, Nigel 1991 FIRST Lucarella, D and R Morara 1991 I3R Croft, Bruce W and Roger H Thompson 1987 IDEA Houghton, Tony, Clive Rich and Andrew Bass 1987 ILSA Micco, Mary H 1994 INFOS Obermeier, Klaus K and Linda E Cooper 1984 IOTA Chiaramella, Y and B Defude 1987 KIWINET Smith, Alastair 1991 LOOK Thornburg, Gail E 1987 MenUSE Pollitt, A Steven 1988 Moss Morris, Anne, Gwyneth Tseng and Kathryn P Walton 1989 OAKDEC Meadow, Charles T 1988 OL’SAM Toliver, D E 1982 Online-Expert Sajjad, Zahir and Chew Lik Chang 1992 Patent Infor. Assistant Ardis, Susan B 1990 RUBRIC McCune, B P, et al. 1985 SAFIR Florian, D 1987 Tome Searcher Vickery, Alina 1988 * Unnamed systems
Table 5: Expert Systems in Document Delivery
75 De Silva, S. M.
NAME DEVELOPER YEAR * Brown, Lynne C Branche 1993 Document Delivery Expert Abate, A K 1995 * Unnamed system Table 6: Expert Systems in Abstracting NAME DEVELOPER YEAR * Luhn, H P 1958 * Kuhlen, Rainer 1984 * Black, W J and F C Johnson 1988 * Husk, G D 1988 * Paice, Chris D 1990 * Endres-Niggemeyer, B 1995 FRUMP DeJong, Gerald 1982 RESEARCHER Lebowitz, M 1986 SCISOR Rau, L F, P S Jacobs and U Zernik 1989 TOPIC Hahn, U and U Reimer 1985 * Unnamed systems
Summaries are produced by using a cept forms built around desired combina- natural language generator. tions of syntactic categories. These concept forms are specified in such a way A similar system was developed by Hahn as to be able to accommodate any and Reimer (1985). Their system TOPIC unresolved ambiguities present in the text summarises texts about microprocessor once it has passed through the syntactic systems. Table 6 summarises ES systems categoriser. developed for abstracting found in publish-ed literature. The MedIndex system (Humphrey, 1987; ES IN INDEXING 1989) assist indexers to select the most appropriate indexing terms from MeSH, There has been some progress made in the the National Library of Medicine’s com- area of indexing. Humphrey and Miller puterised thesaurus. The system provides (1987) produced an “Indexing Aid Sys- prescriptive aids, such as enforcing the tem” as part of the Automated Classifi- rule of specificity, which is common to cation and Retrieval Program (ACRP) most manual indexing systems, as well as conducted in the Computer Science sug-gestive aids, such as prompting users Branch of the National Library of to fill slots in the frame structures. Medicine. Other systems that have been developed are by Brenner, et al. (1984), Carande (1989) wished to demonstrate to Carande (1988), Bailey, et al. (1989), Purcell other library staff that a series of subject- (1991), Schuegraf and Bomm (1993), and specific ES could extend the expertise of Ford and Ford (1994). reference librarians well beyond their spe- cific bibliographic knowledge. He deve- FASIT (Dillon and Gray, 1983) was one loped INDEXES using the demonstration of the first systems to incorporate syntactic version of EXSYS that allowed a maxi- knowledge for automatic indexing purpo- mum of 25 production rules but did not ses. The system uses 161 predefined con- govern the number of sources that could
76 Expert Systems in Library and Information Science
be recommended. This limited prototype acquisitions have been developed and assigned probability weightings to reported in the literature. possible sources based on their suitability. The first system is the Monographic Ac- Index Expert designed by Bailey, et al. quisitions Consultant (MAC) which was (1989) used frames to represent the biblio- designed to eliminate the discretionary graphic records of reference sources. The component in monographic vendor selec- hierarchical structure of the frames, allow tion, replacing it with a more quantitative for efficient representation and mainte- decision-making model. The MAC uses nance of the knowledge base, which is the macro capabilities of the spreadsheet written in Turbo Prolog, using the Know- Lotus 1-2-3 to allow it to act like an ledge Base Management system. This inference engine. The system was also allows the use of a fully featured editor to developed to support the library’s update and to change the knowledge base, philosophy of using multiple vendors for which could be reloaded into the system monographic order-ing (Zager and Smadi, for error checking. Table 7 gives a 1992). Zager en-countered the classic summary of systems developed for problem of the expert not always being indexing. able to articulate her reasons for making a selection or the factors considered. ES IN ACQUISITIONS Hardware problems and the constant need to maintain the know-ledge base have In their 1989 survey of AI and ES in precluded the system from being used in libraries, Hsieh and Hall rightly acknow- production. ledged that in acquisitions, “there are no set rules to guide the creation of expert The second ES developed at Pennsylvania sys-tems.” Although acquisitions State University by Lynne Branche Brown librarians would like to argue that there (1993a) determines whether a title reques- are some set rules, the initial assumption is ted for order would be received on any of valid (Hawks, 1994). Since Hsieh and the extensive approval plans maintained Hall’s study, at least two ES in by
Table 7: Expert Systems in Indexing
NAME DEVELOPER YEAR * Brenner, E H, et al. 1984 * Schuegraf, Ernst J and Martin F van Bomm 1993 * Ford, Nigel and Rosalind Ford 1994 FASIT Dillon, M and A S Gray 1983 Index Expert Bailey, Charles W, et al. 1989 INDEXES Carande, R 1988 Indexing Aid Humphrey, Susanne M and Nancy E Miller 1987 MedIndex Humphrey, Susanne M 1987 WANTED Purcell, Royal 1991 * Unnamed systems
77 De Silva, S. M.
the library. The receipt of books on ap- University. Sowell selected a narrow sub- proval plans is determined by a set of rules ject field - classical Latin literature - called the plan profile, which could be because its scope was primarily limited to incorporated into an ES. Once again in this the works of a few dozen writers and se- system, the need for continuous main- condary works about those writers and tenance was evident. The system must be their works. A series of questions was de- updated as changes are made in each pro- veloped based on the following factors; file, as, for example, when publishers are subject; research and teaching needs; added or deleted (Hawks, 1994). Table 8 selec-tion sources; and budgetary gives a summary of ES systems developed constraints. Based on the user’s responses for acquisitions. to these questions the system would make five recommendations; whether an item ES IN COLLECTION must be bought, should be bought, can be DEVELOPMENT bought, should not be bought, or more information is needed. The problem here With the continual increase in number of is that the selection criteria are not clearly publications and reductions in materials delineated within the literature, and funding, it is more important than ever to experts use heuristics extensively with few select the best and most relevant material measures of their success beyond meting for the library’s patrons (Das, 1993; Cha- ex-pressed demands for materials. krabarty, 1993). Johnston and Weckert (1990) provide two additional arguments Shortly after Sowell’s endeavour, for the capture of collection development Selection Advisor was developed by expertise in ES. First, this expertise could Johnston and Weckert (1990, 1991) in be put to use in smaller libraries that could Australia which uses six categories of never afford the services of a full-time hu- selection criteria (in declining order of man expert (Debrower and Jones, 1991). importance), subject, intellectual content, Second, larger libraries could use the sys- potential use, relation to collection, tem as a second opinion to improve con- bibliographic considerations, and sistency in the decision-making process. language. Issues within these catego- ries Collection development is also an appro- are grouped into first, second, and third priate domain because perfect results are priorities. The system interacts with the not required, nor is it clear what perfect user through a series of thirty questions for results would be in this area (Hawks, 1994). each book or journal being considered for Monograph Selection Advisor was deve- purchase. Using PROLOG programing loped by Steven Sowell (1989) at Indiana language (because it is more flexible than
Table 8: Expert Systems in Acquisitions
NAME DEVELOPER YEAR * Brown, Lynne C Branche 1993 Monographic Acquisitions Consultant (MAC) Zager, Pam and Omar Smadi 1992 Unnamed system
78 Expert Systems in Library and Information Science
a shell), the system evaluates responses to The ES of Debrower and Jones (1991) these questions and recommends either called Gift Assistant for collection ma- purchase or rejection of the title. nagement, was built using a shell called Intelligent Developer. This shell allowed Journal Expert Selector (JES) was deve- both production rules and frames to be loped by Roy Rada (1987), editor of Index used and also provided links to HyperCard Medicus, and colleagues to capture the for building graphical user interfaces. Gift expertise of human journal selectors at the Assistant determines whether the library National Library of Medicine who were should accept a particular donation and is making decisions as to which journals well received by the professional staff in a should be indexed in Index Medicus. The division of the Johns Hopkins University main criteria of JES included (1) compo- Library. It conserves staff time and sition of the journal, (2) producers of the ensures that valuable gifts are processed journal, (3) information in articles, and (4) more quickly. Table 9 summarises ES authors of articles. deve-loped in collection development The Bibliographer’s Workstation, found in published literature. develop-ed by Meador and Cline (1992) at South-west Missouri State University, CONCLUSION represents the use of a hypertext tool rather than an ES. The system models the This paper has discussed the application of four-step col-lection decision process; ES in various domains of LIS. However identification of material, evaluation, there seems to be a lack of development in selection (or rejection), and acquisition. areas such as information management, Each stage relies on dif-ferent sets of data. duplicate control, Inter-library loans and The data are organised into four groups; book selection. Even so, it can be con- (1) bibliographic data, such as the library’s cluded that work on ES in LIS has advan- local OPAC; (2) critical and contextual data, ced tremendously in the last 30 years. such as collection de-velopment policies Research still tends to be largely experi- and accreditation stan-dards; (3) financial mental in nature with a large number of data, such as the library’s materials budget prototypes being developed and very few allocations; and (4) com-mercial data, such succeeding to be viable commercially. as vendor databases.
Table 9: Expert Systems in Collection Development
NAME DEVELOPER YEAR * Das, P 1993 Bibliographer’s Workstation Meador, John M and Lynn Cline 1992 Gift Assistant Debrower, Amy and Deanna T Jones 1991 JES Rada, Roy, et al. 1987 Monographic Selection Advisor Sowell, Steven L 1989 Selection Advisor Johnston, Mark and John Weckert 1990 * Unnamed system
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This could probably be due to the fact that Bailey, Charles W. 1992. The intelligent refe- knowledge engineering requires a high rence information system project: a merger level of experimentation in order to of CD-ROM LAN and expert system achieve the degree of expertise demanded technologies. Information Technology and of an ES. Some ES have not got beyond Libraries, Vol.11: 237 - 244. prototyping because once the researchers Bailey, Charles W. and Kathleen Gunning. achieve the desired outcomes, the systems 1990. The intelligent reference informa- are not required to perform an ongoing tion system. CD-ROM Librarian, Vol.5, function. Nevertheless, these systems add no.8: 10 - 19. to an ever widening pool of knowledge. Bailey, Charles W., et al. 1989. The index ex- pert system: a knowledge-based system to ACKNOWLEDGEMENT assist users in index selection. Reference Services Review, Vol.17, no.4: 19 - 28. I am grateful to Puan Zainab Awang Ngah, lecturer, MLIS Program, Faculty of Barrett, M. L. and A. C. Beerel. 1988. Expert Com-puter Science and Information Systems in Business: A Practical App- Technology, University of Malaya, for her roach. Chichester : Ellis Horwood. helpful advice when compiling the Barthes, Christine; J. Frontin and Pierre, Glize. references for this review. 1987. EURISKO : an artificial intel-ligence tool for automatic online informa-tion REFERENCES retrieval. In: Online Information 1987 : th Abate, A. K. 1995. Document delivery expert. Proceedings of the 11 International Journal of Interlibrary Loan, Document Online Information Meeting; 8-10 Decem- Delivery and Information Supply, Vol.6, ber 198, London, England: 431 - 442. no.1: 17 - 37. Bassano, J. C.; M. Braunworth and W. Aragon-Ramirez, V. and Chris Paice. 1985. Mekaouche. 1992. DIALECT 2: a multi- Design of a system for the online elucida- expert system for information retrieval. tion of natural language search statements. Expert Systems for Information Manage- In : Informatics 8 : Advances in Intelligent ment, Vol.5, no.1: 43 - 61. Retrieval : Proceedings of a Conference Jointly Sponsored by the Aslib Informatics Belkin, Nicholas J., et al. 1987. Distributed Group, and the Information Retrieval Spe- expert-based information systems: an in- cialist Group of the British Computer terdisciplinary approach. Information Pro- Society; 16 - 17 April 1985, Oxford, Eng- cessing and Management, Vol.23, no.5: land, pp. 163 - 190. 395 - 409. Ardis, Susan B. 1990. Online patent Binkley, R. D. and James R. Parrott. 1987. A searching : guided by an expert system. reference-librarian model for computer- Online, Vol. 14: 56 - 62. aided library instruction. Information Ser- vices & Use, Vol.7: 31 - 38. Ayres, F. H. 1994. QUALCAT : automation of quality control in cataloguing. British Li- Bivins, K. T. and L. Eriksson. 1982. RE- brary. Research and Development Depart- FLINK: a microcomputer information re- ment. British Library Research Depart- trieval and evaluation system. Information ment Report, 112 p. Processing and Management, Vol.18, no.3: 111 - 116.
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