Bridestowe Parish Council

Mr P.J. Daniels. Clerk to the Council 4 Trescote Way Bridestowe Okehampton Devon EX20 4QB Tel: 01837 861244 Email: [email protected]


Matters raised by the public: (prior to parish council meeting).

(a) A parishioner raised the matter of dog fouling in the parish. The PC has recently put up more anti-dog fouling signs in the Sporting Green and on the cemetery gates. Dog fouling is a difficult problem to solve and the cost effectiveness of employing WDBC’s dog warden is limited as well as being unaffordable in the current climate of substantial cuts in public expenditure. (b) A parishioner expressed the opinion that it does seem to take a long time to complete some projects undertaken by the PC. The question was asked as to whether the PC reviewed the effectiveness of delivery of projects. A number of councillors explained that reviews are undertaken and that the bureaucracy of local government is part of the reason why it is sometimes difficult to ensure speedy delivery of projects. CM said that councillors are always looking to improve the effectiveness of the parish council.


METHODIST HALL: 22/01/14 at 7.30 pm

PRESENT: (Councillors): C. Mott (Chair); A. Young (Vice chair); B.Coward; R. Haythornthwaite; D. James; J. Leonard; R. Rattenbury; J. Hockridge (WDBC Councillor); 3 members of public present; P. J. Daniels (Clerk).

1. APOLOGIES AND DECLARATION OF INTERESTS: No apologies. There was one declaration of interest by Alison Young as editor of the newsletter, BaSE, because grants to external bodies, including the newsletter, were to be discussed.

2. MINUTES: The minutes of the last PC meeting (20/11/13) were agreed as a true record. Proposed BC. Seconded DJ. Unanimous.


(a) Brambles in churchyard: BC & DJ have kindly agreed to clear the remaining brambles in the churchyard when the weather improves. (b) Boundary stone: SW Highways has replaced the stone in Rectory Road, set back from it’s previous position, so as to reduce the risk of it being damaged by grass cutting of verges. (c) Play equipment: Replacement grab handles require fitting and some bolts require tightening for climbing wall in Sporting Green. JL has kindly agreed to carry this out. (d) Dog control on footpath through Sporting Green: Mark Spry has installed two signs indicating “Access for dogs on leads via footpath only.” A “no dogs” sign has been placed on the cemetery gates. Thank Mark Spry for his kindness and generosity as he is not charging the PC. Request to Mark Spry that the two signs on the Sporting Green gate be mounted on a post, just inside the gate against the churchyard wall. CM may be able to donate a suitable post for this purpose. (e) Tap Grant Funding: Both Sourton & Bridestowe have bid for £2500 from the TAP fund for additional lengthsman hours. Each parish will support this bid with a contribution of £250. Owing to a misunderstanding WDBC have granted £500 for this project, erroneously believing this was the amount requested. They have apologised and have re submitted the application for the full amount to the Northern Link meeting for consideration by the members in February. (f) Bus Shelter: Grant application for £1000 made to Kevin Ball via DCC for bus shelter near garage on old A30. If successful then a meeting with Steve Brockman of DCC Highways will be required to discuss an appropriate site for the shelter. (g) Grass cutting: The green by the Methodist Church has now been cut and the edges of the cemetery and Sporting Green have been strimmed. At the beginning of new grass cutting season clerk to discuss with the contractor, Pete Badge, the PC’s expectation that the grass should be strimmed very close to the boundaries of the cemetery and Sporting Green. (h) New seats/benches: The purchase of two recycled plastic “Olympic” bench/tables for the Sporting Green has been completed. An additional seat of similar construction was funded by a donation from a parishioner. Mark Spry has kindly bolted and erected the tables and seats. (i) Pedestrian footbridge by Riverside Stores: DCC bridge inspector, Stuart Hunt has reported that the bridge is safe to walk on. The decking ply has delaminated along the inner edge of the bridge, removing the surface layer. There is no risk if anyone walks on the affected area. He will undertake minor repairs in due course and will also look to repair the approach ramp on the shop side which is showing signs of deterioration. (j) Damaged stonework: On corner of Launceston Road there is damaged stonework and there is a sign on the wall that is loose. Clerk to investigate whose responsibility is the required repair. (k) Fly tipping: There has been more fly tipping at Cocksheath layby. JL to investigate what has been dumped. CM to report this to WDBC. (l) New extension to cycle path: Lack of signage informing vehicular traffic of cyclists crossing road, when approaching the old railway bridge. Suggest rumble strips on road. Inform DCC Highways.


(14) P. J. Daniels (Clerks ann. Salary + ann. expenses) £1635.28 (15) Ranches Ltd (Signs) £61.38 (16) C. Mott (Signs) £44.10 (17) Marmax Products Ltd (Benches in Sporting Green) £1344.60 (18) Okehampton Ring & Ride (Grant) £100.00 (19) Okehampton CAB (Grant) £100.00 (20) BaSE newsletter (Grant) £100.00

Financial Report/Plan up to 31 st March 2014:

Balance in current account after all outstanding cheques cleared: £5555 approx.

This balance is expected to increase by £1200 (VAT return of £900 and seat donation of £300) making a total of £6755 at 31st March 2014. (There is no planned general expenditure).

This total balance of £6755 is made up of: (approx.)

Parish Plan (Grants received) £1900.00 Parish Plan (PC contribution) £250.00

Lengthsman project (Grant received) £500.00 Lengthsman project (PC contribution) £250.00 PC Play Equipment (Contingency) £415.00 PC balance (Available for expenditure) £3440.00 Total (Projected cfwd. at 31/03/14) £6,755.00 5. CORRESPONDENCE:

(a) Tavistock Newspapers: Request for minutes of PC meetings. Inform of availability on Bridestowe web site. (b) WDBC: Annual Mayoral Awards. Request for nominations. (c) WDBC: Housing vacancy at Town Farm. Request for prospective qualifying tenant. A suitable local applicant has been suggested by PC. (d) WDBC: Invitation to councillors to attend workshop on planning for sustainable development on Friday 28th February from 10.00am to 1.00pm in the council chamber at Kilworthy Park.


(a) Application for change of use of outbuilding to a separate dwelling at Bridge House. PC Planning Sub- committee objected to the proposal because of limited parking provision. (b) Application to separate single dwelling (South Ball, Bridestowe) to two separate dwellings. PC approved the application but is concerned at lack of parking when applications are made for additional dwellings in central village locations.


AY presented a report from a Northern Links meeting (28/11/13) attached to these minutes. RH presented an update on the village hall management’s action against the builder and architect who constructed/designed the hall. An initial legal hearing was held in December in the hall but there was no conclusion. More (legal) information is required for a subsequent meeting in February.


AY and RR reported on good progress with a full strength team. A draft questionnaire has been drawn up and is expected to be sent out at Easter.


(a) Parking in village: Request to school that staff use the available parking in Rectory Road to ease congestion in village. Contact community policeman to request he arrange a possible PCSO visit to the village to monitor parking in the village, particularly on the junction of Rectory Road with Fore Street, (b) Pot holes: Way Cross to Cross Lanes has many potholes. Inform Steve Brockman of DCC Highways. (c) Dog walkers: Request in BaSE that dog walkers wear bright clothing when walking dogs at night. (d) Fly posters: CM to talk to those placing posters on telegraph poles and request they remove them. (e) Sand bags: New supplies of sand and sand bags have been delivered to New Standon Farm for use by the public. Advertise in BaSE that sand bags are available, but it is the responsibility of the public to fill the bags themselves and protect their own homes. CM expressed thanks to Dean, Brian and Ray for their invaluable help in assisting the public with sand bags/delivery etc. during the recent high rainfall. (f) Emergency plan: AY and RR have offered to draw up an emergency plan for the parish. (g) Sheep worrying: Mention was made of sheep being attacked by dogs in the South Zeal area. (h) Fernworthy Lane: Inform Tim Freeman (DCC footpath inspector) of a hole in the bridleway, approx. 150m from the road, that is a potential danger to horses. (i) Ward boundaries: John Hockridge informed PC of possible changes to the ward boundaries, that may affect Bridestowe. (j) Derelict car: JL to speak to owner of a seemingly abandoned car on old A30 verge, close to the garage. (k) Next meeting: Wednesday 26th March 2014 at 7.30 pm in the Methodist Hall. There will also be a parish meeting prior to the PC meeting. Invite speaker, Alex Rehaag, of WDBC, to this meeting to give a presentation on local housing. (l) Meeting closed: 9.25 pm. Northern Link meeting held on November 28th 2013 at Hatherleigh Community Centre Discussion prompts 3a. Police report Sarah Jepp and Sam Miller outlined how anyone could access crime statistics in their area: Search Devon & Cornwall Neighbourhood Policing, Find my local policing team, search Okehampton rural. This will do away with paper reports. The priority is to get officers back to rural areas, new Special Constables were being recruited. Overall crime not a major problem. A Domestic Violence Awareness Week in the pipeline 3b. Planning and Enforcement The Enforcement Team are trying to engage more with towns and parishes. Some parishes have entered a "Service Level Agreement" with WDBC, formalising the Parish's status as the "eyes and ears" of WDBC. These parishes would alert them to any breaches of conditions or perhaps monitor compliance of enforcement notices. 3c. South West Devon Community Energy Partnership Included in the partnership - WDBC, South Hams DC and Dartmoor National Park.. The aim is to understand future energy needs of the area and how they can be met. £400m pa spent in SW Devon and the aim is to achieve a 15% saving. Looking at developing Community Energy Plans plus communication and education tools for community groups for use at shows, fetes,etc. The emphasis is on energy efficiency before renewable sources. 3d. Okehampton Rail Link to Exeter - deferred to a future meeting 4. TAP funding. 1. Bridestowe & Sourton applied for a grant to extend Lengthmen service in our area. This is being presented again at the next meeting on 27th February after an error on my part applying for the wrong amount! Should be OK. 2. Hatherleigh and Meeth requested £5k to put towards renovation of the much used Old Schools Building in Hatherleigh. A reduced sum of £2.5k was awarded after discussion. Next meeting: 27th February 2014 - Exbourne Village Hall

Alison Young.