Like Arrows in the Hands of a Warrior Are Children Born in One S Youth- Psalm 127:4

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Like Arrows in the Hands of a Warrior Are Children Born in One S Youth- Psalm 127:4

Parent/Student Handbook

2013-2014 I. Purpose Arrows Academy was developed by 3 homeschool moms in 2010 who desired more educational opportunities for their children. They desired a school that would combine the best of both the traditional brick and mortar classroom and homeschooling. And as moms, they desired more time, support, and encouragement for themselves. They wanted teachers who shared their biblical values and would instruct their children’s hearts as well as their minds. Why “Arrows”? Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children born in one’s youth- Psalm 127:4 As parents we have been given the awesome privilege and responsibility of raising children whom God has blessed with unique gifts, talents, and personalities. God has a plan for their lives and like the arrows of a warrior our children will one day be let loose to fly at the target set before them by the Lord. Our job as parents and educators is to shape those arrows in such a way that they will one day fly with precision and accuracy. Although Arrows meets the needs of many families in the homeschooling community, it is only one of many excellent educational opportunities available to families. The social, academic, and spiritual needs of children vary greatly even within one family. We are thankful and recognize that our Heavenly Father, the most loving and wise teacher of all, has provided so many different ways to meet those needs.

II. Contact Information Mailing Address: 18 Southfern Court, Columbia, SC 29212 Class Location: Columbia Crossroads Church 2723 Ashland Rd. Columbia, SC 29212 Phone/text: 803-210-5902 (we will respond as quickly as our own homeschooling responsibilities will allow) Email: [email protected] Website:

III. Leadership Director: Jessica Jones Assistant Director: Angela Herskind page 1 IV. Statement of Faith Arrows Academy holds to the doctrinal position of our host church, Columbia Crossroads: 1. There is one God, who is infinitely perfect, existing eternally in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. 2. Jesus Christ is the true God and the true man. He was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary. He died upon the cross, the Just for the unjust, as a substitutionary sacrifice, and all who believe in Him are justified on the ground of His shed blood. He arose from the dead according to the Scriptures. He is now at the right hand of Majesty on high as our great High Priest. He will come again to establish His kingdom, righteousness and peace. 3. The Holy Spirit is a divine person, sent to dwell, guide, teach, empower the believer, and convince the world of sin, of righteousness, and of judgment. 4. The Old and New Testaments, inerrant as originally given, were verbally inspired by God and are a complete revelation of His will for the salvation of men. They constitute the divine and only rule of Christian faith and practice. 5. Man was originally created in the image and likeness of God: he fell through disobedience, incurring thereby both physical and spiritual death. All men are born with a sinful nature, are separated from the life of God, and can be saved only through the atoning work of the Lord Jesus Christ. The portion of the unrepentant and unbelieving is existence forever in conscious torment; and that of the believer, in everlasting joy and bliss. 6. Salvation has been provided through Jesus Christ for all men; and those who repent and believe in Him are born again of the Holy Spirit, receive the gift of eternal life, and become the children of God. 7. It is the will of God that each believer should be filled with the Holy Spirit and be sanctified wholly, being separated from sin and the world and fully dedicated to the will of God, thereby receiving power for holy living and effective service. This is both a crisis and a progressive experience wrought in the life of the believer subsequent to conversion. 8. Provision is made in the redemptive work of the Lord Jesus Christ for the healing of the mortal body. Prayer for the sick and anointing with oil are taught in the Scriptures and are privileges for the Church in this present age. 9. The Church consists of all those who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, are redeemed through His blood, and are born again of the Holy Spirit. Christ is the Head of the Body, the Church, which has been commissioned by Him to go into all the world as a witness, preaching the gospel to all nations. The local church is a body of believers in Christ who are joined together for the worship of God, for edification through the Word of God, for prayer, fellowship, the proclamation of the gospel, and observance of the ordinances of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper. 10. There shall be a bodily resurrection of the just and of the unjust; for the former, a resurrection unto life; for the latter, a resurrection unto judgment. The second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ is imminent and will be personal, visible, and premillennial. This is the believer’s blessed hope and is a vital truth which is an incentive to holy living and faithful service. Page 2 V. Admission Procedures

1. Submit Registration form and fee 2. Receive Acceptance Letter & Enrollment Packet 3. Submit Enrollment Packet along with supply fee 4. Pay yearly tuition or First Monthly payment 5. Attend Parent orientation 6. Submit parent agreement and student expectation form

Arrows Academy does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, gender, nationality, or ethnic origin. However, because Arrows is a distinctly Christian organization, the administration reserves the right to discriminate in areas of religious beliefs and affiliations. Acceptance for enrollment in Arrows is at the discretion of the Administration. It is based upon the satisfactory completion of all application requirements and a thorough review of all responses on the application forms. In order to maintain a wholesome Christian atmosphere and to prevent any negative reflection on the school itself, Arrows Academy reserves the right to review any pertinent information, records, or circumstance of any applicant or enrolled individual. Arrows Academy reserves the right to ask for letters of referral or may contact former schools, etc. to request references regarding any individual or family. Any information gathered will be kept confidential. Arrows Academy reserves the right to take whatever steps it deems necessary toward any individual or family in order to ensure that Arrow’s reputation and purpose are not hindered. Such action includes, but is not limited to, the denial of enrollment or removal of any student or family. .

VI. Drop off & Pick Up

8:15-8:25 Morning car line * Please drive straight into the parking lot, turning at the woods and pulling up to the double doors at the back of the church to unload. * Parents of nursery students must park and walk their children to class. * Assembly starts at 8:30, so drop off should be complete by 8:25. 12:00-12:10 Half-day dismissal (nursery, 3k & 4k) * Parents must come inside and pick up their child from class. * There will be a $1.00 per minute charge after 12:10 for any late pick ups. 3:00-3:15 Afternoon car line *Please drive straight into the parking lot, turning at the woods and pulling up to the double doors at the back of the church to pick-up. *If you prefer to park and pick up your child, you will need to walk across the carline and wait at the door for your child to be called. You will then need to walk child(ren) across carline. * There will be a $1.00 per minute charge after 3:15 for any late pick ups. Page 3 VII. Communication In order for your child to benefit the most out of Arrows Academy, parent-teacher communication is essential! Your child will bring home a communication folder each day that will contain all their assignments for the week, any checked work, and a space for teacher comments. Please check and sign this each week. Teachers may be contacted via email or a conference may be scheduled upon request. Car line and at the end of class are generally not good times to discuss concerns. VIII. Dress Code Everyone on campus should dress modestly. It is not the staff's intent to be legalistic regarding dress. We would ask that all be edifying to God in their appearance. - No low cut necklines on shirts, tanks with spaghetti straps, shirts that reveal midriffs or have inappropriate pictures/slogans. - Shorts and skirts should be finger-tip length, and shorts or leggings should be worn under skirts. - No ripped jeans or baggy pants that show any part of a guy’s undergarment. - No tight clothing such as leggings or skinny jeans without a finger-tip length shirt. - Hats may not be worn in the building. - Shoes should be worn at all times. Flip flops and sandals are acceptable for both boys and girls.

IX. Phones and Electronics Phones and electronics are not allowed on campus. If a student brings a phone, ipod, mp3 player, etc., it will be confiscated and returned only to that student’s parent. Students taking keyboarding may bring their laptop to school for use in that class.

X. Care and Use of Facility We are privileged to be able to use the facilities at Columbia Crossroads Church and Woodland Hills Community Church. We are entrusted to be good stewards of this resource.

 All parents and children should enter through the double doors furthest away from Ashland Road. Do not use the door to the sanctuary or the door under the portico which leads to the church offices.  Students and parents should remain in the lower hallway at all times and not go up the ramp towards the church offices or the sanctuary.  Students should not be on the playground during Arrows Academy hours unless under parent or teacher supervision.  All trash, both inside and out, should be thrown away in proper receptacles.  Students should not be in the building after hours unattended.  Siblings of Arrows Academy students must be supervised at all times when on campus Page 4 XI. Class Schedule

Grades K3- 2 8:30- 9:00- 11:50- 12:15- 1:10- 2:05- 3:00- 8:55 11:45 12:10 1:05 2:00 2:55 3:15 K3 Reed CORE HOME K4 (Lit, Sci, K3 & K4 will be picked up from classroom at noon. Stockman SS, Bible) T-Music T-Trip K5 Recess: Richards Recess Oliver Richards W-spanish McDonald W-Art K3& 2s Traylor Price Assembly 9:45-10:15 LUNCH T-Trip T-Music (in lunch Car 1 4k&5K Oliver Richards Recess room w/ Hewitt 10:15-10:45 W-Art W-spanish McDonald Line teachers) Price Traylor st nd 1 & 2 T-Trip T-Music 10:45-11:15 2 Recess Oliver Richards Herskind McDonald W-Art W-spanish Price Traylor

Grades 3-5 8:30- 9:00- 11:50- 12:15- 12:40- 1:50- 3:00- 8:55 11:45 12:10 12:35 1:45 2:55 3:15 T-Science T-Science 3 McClure McClure Moss W-Art W-Bible 1 Ratcliff Shipman CORE T-Science Recess T-Science Car 4 (History, LUNCH Norman Norman Assembly (w/ teach- Norman W-Bible 2 W-Art Line Lit, ers) IEW) Shipman Ratcliff T-Art T-Bible 3 5 Ratcliff Price Traylor W-Science W-Science Norman Norman

Grades 6-9 8:30- 9:15- 11:30- 12:45- 1:10- 2:05- 3:00- 8:55 11:25 12:30 1:05 2:00 2:55 3:15 Assembly Saxon 7/6 Lunch T-Elective T-Elective (Tharp) 6 CORE W-Science W-Science Owens Saxon 8/7 Tharp Tharp (Owens) T-Elective T-Elective 7/8 Pre-Alg Car CORE- W-General W-General Line Price (Wheeler) Kirkland Kirkland

T-Elective T-Elective 9 Algebra I CORE W-Phys Sci W-Phys Sci Reeves (McClure) Wilson Wilson Study Hall= alternative Electives: Latin 1&2/3, Bible x2 math option (6-9) drawing, worship team, keyboard- ing, study hall x2

XII. Discipline Policy

The Bible clearly indicates that parents are responsible for the discipline (that is, training for instruction) of their children. Arrows Academy exists to assist parents in their God-given responsibilities. Arrows Academy does not seek to assume a task that God has given to parents, but only to serve, in a limited way, as the parents’ appointed and authorized representatives in the child’s training process. During school hours and at other school related and school supervised functions, students are to respond to school faculty and supervisory staff members with obedience in action and respectfulness in attitude. Failure to maintain an appropriate attitude of respect and obedience toward school authority, which manifests itself in improper behavior or violated standards, will result in appropriate disciplinary action. The school expects that parents will support the administration of such disciplinary action by encouraging obedience and respectfulness to the authorities in the school as well as the staff of Columbia Crossroads Church who also minister in the facility.

XII. Disciplinary Process

Classroom rules: Each teacher will develop a set of rules to govern their classroom. These rules will be the basis for conduct for those students throughout the year. Classroom guidelines for behavior and work may vary slightly among teachers. Students are expected to adjust and accommodate these differences. Students are expected to be a good example and testimony 24 hours a day, both on and off campus.

Correction: 1. Verbal correction/counsel- the teacher may confront a student concerning misconduct, poor attitude, lack of responsibility, etc. At this point the teacher is free to explain the concerns and potential difficulty. If the student is responsive and has a teachable heart no further discipline will be needed. 2. Parent notification- – Parents will be notified about the student’s behavior or attitude and asked to fulfill their God-given role of correction. 3. Meeting with the director: if the misconduct continues, the student will be sent to the Director’s office. The Director will discuss the student’s actions with them, pray with them and decide further consequences. 4. Disciplinary Probation. Probation gives the student the opportunity to correct a serious problem. Reasons for probation are as follows: a. Continued, deliberate disobedience. b. An unchanged rebellious spirit that continues after counseling and prayer. c. A continued negative attitude and bad influence upon other students. d. A serious breach of conduct inside or outside of the school that negatively affects the testimony of the school. 5. If disciplinary probation is unsuccessful, a parent will be required accompany their child to all Arrows Academy classes

Page 6 XIV. Parent Volunteer Positions As part of the enrollment packet, families are asked to choose an event to help with during the year. This may involve sending in food, supplies, set-up, and/or clean-up. Please consider donating your talent or expertise as well. While families are only asked to assist with one event, involvement above and beyond that amount would be a welcome blessing. XV. Grades and Progress Reports Letter grades will be given for grades 3-9 using the following grading scale:

nd A= 93-100 In lieu of grades, K3-2 grade will receive Exceeds Expectations, Meets Expectations, or Needs Improvement. Rubrics will be used B= 85-92 to grade writing assignments and special projects. Syllabi and C= 77-84 Semester reports will be given to families to help them keep D= 70-76 records of the subjects taught at Arrows Academy. Teachers will F= below 70 notify parents mid-semester if grades are below a B.

XVI. School Closings

In the event of inclement weather, Arrows Academy will follow the closing policy of Richland/Lexington District 5. XVII. Illness In the interest of every child’s well being, parents MUST keep their child home when he/she is sick. If a child has symptoms such as elevated temperature, rash, vomiting, excessive nasal discharge or diarrhea, please keep your child home. If your child develops symptoms at school, the student will be isolated, and the parents will be notified to pick up the child as soon as possible. If we cannot reach anyone listed on the student’s application, we will, as necessary, obtain medical attention from a doctor of our choice.

Elementary students who have a fever of 100.4 degrees or more or are vomiting will be sent home. These students may return when the fever is below 100.4 for 24 hours (without medication) and/or the vomiting has stopped. If an ambulance is required, the parents agree to pay any fees incurred.

Medication: Students are not permitted to carry medication (either over-the-counter or prescription) on their persons. School personnel are NOT able to administer any medications. All drugs must be in the original Pharmacy or Manufacturer’s labeled container. A signed/notarized consent form is to be on file for those students who may need to use self- administered medications. These will need to be kept in the director’s office.

First Aid: Designated faculty with proper training shall render first aid treatment. Emergency medical treatment will be sought for students whose medical needs warrant such action. Page 7

XVIII. Parties

A child's birthday is a special occasion. We encourage your child to celebrate by sending treats to class the day of their birthday if you wish. Since class time is limited, birthdays need to be limited to a 15-minute time period and limited to just treats and not full-blown affairs. Invitations to birthday parties off-campus may be passed out at school if all students in the class are invited. If all students are not invited, the invitations need to be passed out somewhere besides the school grounds. Afternoon car line is not appropriate for birthday party pick-up. XIX. Special Needs Arrows Academy does not want to discriminate against children with learning differences or disabilities. Out of consideration to our teachers and other students, parents must inform their teachers in advance of any learning difficulties your child may have. In certain cases, Arrows Academy may meet with the parents and teachers to determine what would be in the best interest of the academy and the student in question. Arrows Academy reserves the right to deny enrollment upon such consideration. XX. Lost and Found The lost and found collection is kept in the Director's office. Unclaimed items are given to Goodwill in December and May. Please help us by labeling lunch boxes, jackets, water bottles, pencil boxes, and backpacks. XXI. Supplies Classroom materials and supplies will be provided as part of the supply fee. Families will need to provide the following for each student. These must be brought to class each day. We will not be able to provide extra supplies for every student! Please teach your child to be responsible in this area.

Bring a pencil box with the 3K & Grade Grade Grades Grades 5K following supplies: 4K * 1 2 3-6 7-9 2 regular pencils x x x x X Pencil sharpener x x x x X Student scissors x x x x x X 2 large glue sticks (not purple) x x x x x X Twistable crayons x x Twistable color pencils x Colored pencils x X Mini stapler x X Washable crayons x Rain coat/poncho & umbrella x

* Supplies brought by 3K and 4K do not need be contained in a pencil box and will be collected the first day to be kept in the classroom.

Page 8 XXII. Accountability Group Options

In order to fulfill legal requirements as a homeschooler, a decision must be made between option 1, option 2, and option 3. Option 1 is not available to Arrows Academy families, leav- ing option 2 and 3. There are several option 3 groups to choose from, including our Arrows Academy Accountability Group. This is an option, not a requirement for our families. Many families choose option 2 with South Carolina Association of Independent Home Schools (SCAIHS) instead of option 3.

As there are many advantages and resources available via SCAIHS, we are excited to an- nounce a new partnership that will benefit our Arrows families. SCAIHS has generously of- fered our Arrows Academy families annual membership at the rate of $100/year. In order for SCAIHS to be able to offer this discounted rate, Arrows Academy will act as the liaison be- tween our families and SCAIHS. Please see the charts below for an overview of these 2 op- tions. While both options should work for all of our families, we strongly recommend that parents of high school students choose the SCAIHS membership. We also recommend this for parents of middle school students taking courses for high school credit.

Arrows Academy Accountability Group (Option 3) Our responsibility Your responsibility Additional Benefits Provide complete course of Provide syllabus for courses study plan for subjects not taken at Arrows Academy taught at Arrows Academy. Discount for optional* HSLDA and Review course of study for Keep daily plans, attendance SCHEA memberships subjects not taught at Arrows records and sign 90 & 180 Academy. day attendance cards *families with high school students are re- Create progress reports and Provide grades for classes quired to join HSLDA keep portfolio/evidence of taught at Arrows Academy. student work Membership fee: $45.00 per family

SCAIHS Membership (Option 2) Our responsibility Your responsibility Additional Benefits Provide complete course of Provide syllabus for courses Discount for optional HSLDA and study plan for subjects not taken at Arrows Academy SCHEA memberships taught at Arrows Academy. Review course of study for Keep daily plans and atten- Curriculum counseling sessions avail- subjects not taught at Arrows dance records able for a fee Academy. Create progress reports and Provide grades for classes Special Needs services available for keep portfolio/evidence of taught at Arrows Academy. a fee student work Provide grades for classes Workshops & bi-weekly SCAIHS Ad- not taken at Arrows Academy vantage email updates Annual testing for 3rd grade 15% discount at SCAIHS bookstore through 11th grade Transcripts and permanent records Membership fee: $100.00 per family Page 9

Comparison Chart: What’s the best choice* for your family?

Arrows Accountability SCAIHS (Option 3) (Option 2)

Discount for optional HSLDA and SCHEA memberships

Curriculum counseling sessions available ( fee)

Special Needs services available (fee)

Getting Started and other work- shops

15% discount at SCAIHS book- store

Transcript generation.

Permanent storage of school grades, transcripts, and records

Require Course of Study for each student

Require parents to keep daily plans and attendance records

Require parents to complete 90 and 180 day checks

Require parents to keep a portfo- lio/evidence of child(ren)’s work Require parents to submit grades and progress reports for classes not taught at Arrows Require annual testing for third grade and up. Reduced rate ($25) for families with only a preschool or K5 stu- dent (1 free curriculum counseling session-request voucher from Ar- rows.) * These are two options available to our Arrows families. Families are still welcome to register with other third option groups.

SCAIHS Partnership Option- FAQ:

1. Can I take advantage of this option if I have a school-aged child that does not attend Arrows Academy? This discounted rate is only available if all of your school aged children are attending Arrows Academy.

2. What if I need help with curriculum choices? Curriculum counseling is available at a rate of $50/1 hour session. Families paying the reduced rate for pre-school/K5 are entitled to 1 free curriculum counseling session and must request their voucher from Arrows prior to scheduling this session with SCAIHS.

3. Can I take advantage of the special needs services? What if I’m not sure If my child has a learning disability or special need? Yes, the SCAIHS Special Needs Department is available to Arrows Academy families based on these schedules:

1- FULL MEMBERSHIP WITH SCAIHS— a- reading and explanation of all psychological evaluations, IEP’S and doctors notes b- curriculum consultations, and follow up questions c- accommodation interpretations/suggestions d- testing accommodations requests for College Boards (SAT, ACT) e- answers to phone calls, emails throughout the year f- reading of progress/attendance reports g- transcripts compiled and mailed (extra fee) h- Individual testing available for Brigance, Woodcock-Johnson, Iowa, or Stanford (extra fee)

2- AUXILLARY MEMBERSHIP WITH SCAIHS-$75 SN fee* a-reading of psychological or other official documents b-extra work involved in preparing a transcript. b-transcripts compiled and mailed (extra fee) c-testing accommodations requests for College Boards SAT, ACT) d-Individual testing available for Brigance, Woodcock- Johnson, Iowa or Stanford (extra fee) *Consults are available at $50/hour. Follow-up phone calls and/or emails are not included in the consult fee.

4. Does my child have to take a standardized test in the spring? Students in grades 3-11 are required to test each spring.

5. How does my child earn honors credit? Honors credit is not available with the Arrows/SCAIHS partnership this year. If you would like your child to pursue honors credit, you can sign up for the full-priced SCAIHS membership or register with a third option accountability group that meets your family’s needs.

Page 11

6. My child is taking additional courses for high school credit outside of Arrows Academy. How do I document these classes? A course description form must be filled out for each course not taken through Arrows Academy. These forms must be turned in to Arrows Academy.

7. I want my child to earn .5 HS credit for keyboarding (typing) in 7th or 8th grade. I know that SCAIHS does not offer that option. If you have a child in 7th grade, and you are seeking that half credit, SCAIHS is not an option at this point, and you will need to register with a third option group. If you have a child in 8th grade taking keyboarding and Latin with us, they can then earn HS credit.

8. How do I sign up? In addition to one family enrollment form, each family must submit an application and course of study form for each student. These forms have been tailored for Arrows Academy and cannot be found on the SCAIHS website. (Additional forms may be required for some high school classes.) These forms should be turned into Arrows Academy along with a check made out to SCAIHS in the amount of $100.

9. After I complete the initial paperwork, what additional documentation does SCAIHS require? You will be required to submit end of year grades for subjects taught outside of Arrows as well as attendance records for the 116 days required in addition to attendance at Arrows. You will also be required to submit standardized test scores to Arrows. Arrows Academy will then provide SCAIHS with a complete year-end report for each student.

10. Why is this discounted membership available to Arrows families? SCAIHS desires to reach out to more homeschool families, and Arrows would like assistance in documentation and record keeping. Because Arrows acts as the liaison by providing detailed course descriptions, long range plans ,and syllabi to SCAIHS, the workload is reduced- allowing for the reduced rate.

Please Note that families taking advantage of this partnership and reduced rate should communicate with SCAIHS via Arrows. All paperwork, including applications, course of study documentation, testing, and end of year reporting must be submitted to Arrows, not SCAIHS. Arrows will act as the liaison between Arrows families and SCAIHS. Additional SCAIHS services are available for additional fees. Please see Arrows leadership with questions or for more information. These benefits and this partnership are contingent on each family adhering to this policy.

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XXIII. Parent Expectations

Arrows Academy believes that all children were created uniquely and with an eternal purpose by a loving Heavenly Father. We believe that it is the responsibility of parents to nurture, train, and educate the children that have been entrusted to them in such a way that they will be prepared to hear and obey the call of their creator.

Believing that parents are the primary educators of their children, the ministry of Arrows Academy exists to provide support, structure, and encouragement to homeschooling parents as they undertake this weighty responsibility. Families that choose to join in a partnership with Arrows Academy agree that their children’s education takes place both at home and at school. With this partnership, parents and school staff commit to be mutually supportive, working together to enhance each child’s growth. Based upon this agreement, students, parents and staff accept certain responsibilities as partners in this educational endeavor.

This Family Partnership Agreement is a requirement of initial and continued enrollment. Arrows Academy can only exist if everyone invests in its operation and supports its mission. Listed below are the collective responsibilities of everyone needed for the success of each child at Arrows Academy:

Responsibilities of the Parents:

* To model attitudes and behaviors that support the Arrows Academy's mission by: - Showing respect to the teachers and Arrows staff in words and attitude, both at school and away from school. - Modeling effective conflict resolution by handling concerns appropriately, directly and honestly, only with those involved.

* To show respect for the importance of school by having students: - Arrive on time and remain the full length of the school day. - Comply with the school calendar for vacations as much as possible. - Keep their supply box stocked with needed materials - Complete and turn in assignment on time.

* To enhance learning by: - Reading, discussing and signing the communication folder weekly, thereby staying informed. - Monitoring the completion of homework, projects and class work. - Assisting with any remedial instruction if such a need is indicated through quiz/test scores or as noted in conferences with teachers. - Making a plan to obtain make-up assignments and monitoring the completion of those assignments when necessary. - Attending parent conferences to obtain detailed information about your child’s strengths, weaknesses and progress, and fulfilling agreements made at those conferences. - Ensure that your child has proper rest, nutrition and recreation to promote well-being and readiness to learn.

*To cooperate with specific requests of the school to ensure appropriate student behavior - Providing home consequences for inappropriate behaviors that interfere with instruction, learning, and/or the well-being of all students.

Student Responsibilities

* To join staff and peers in creating a healthy supportive and safe environment for learning to take place by: - considering the needs of others - encouraging the efforts of classmates - refraining from behavior that would belittle or discourage others

* To understand that learning takes work and to give his/her best effort. * To come to school prepared to learn with necessary materials and completed assignments. * To make good use of time by: - arriving on time. - concentrating and cooperating during the learning periods. - exhibiting attitudes and behaviors that encourage a learning environment. * To communicate honestly and respectfully with the Arrows staff. * To complete and turn in homework and projects, as directed, and on time. *To adhere to the school’s dress code.

Responsibilities of Arrows Academy

*To provide qualified instructors who are passionate about inspiring and encouraging students *To encourage and train staff *To partner with parents in the instruction of Christian values and principles -by encouraging and modeling Christ-like behavior -praying with and for students during times of correction *To research resources, activities, and curriculum to continuously improve Arrows Academy *To act as mediator to resolve conflicts *To promote and recognize Christ like behavior and academic excellence

Responsibilities of the Arrows Academy Staff

* To prepare lessons that are interesting, challenging and appropriate for the students. * To create a safe and positive school environment by: - Recognizing each child’s value as unique individuals created in God’s image - Treating each student with respect and kindness - Rewarding appropriate behavior and academic growth *To support parents in their instruction at home by: - Communicating honestly and frequently regarding student progress and fulfillment of responsibilities.

Page 14 XXIV. Student Expectations

1. Respect for God I will honor God by striving to serve Him, pursuing deeper knowledge about His nature and kingdom, and participating in the spiritual life of the school. I will work for the Lord with all my heart (1Colossians 3:23-24) and seek to keep his commandments (Ecclesiastes 12:13)

2. Respect for teacher I will show respect for my teachers by giving them my attention, constructively participating in class, and following their directions. I will pursue excellence in all I do, faithfully meeting my obligations and completing my assignments to the best of my ability. I will tell the truth. In my academic work I will not cheat or turn in another person’s work calling it my own. I won’t copy and plagiarize information from the internet or any other source. I will speak respectfully to my teachers and seek to honor them with my words and actions. I will obey all the way, right away and with a happy heart.

3. Respect for fellow students I will treat fellow students with respect and kindness looking out for their welfare as much as my own. Specifically, I will: • Compliment and affirm • Respect others’ personal space • Respect others’ possessions • Take my concerns or problems to the source • Include others in what I am doing • Take responsibility for my own actions • Stop rumors with truth • Be honest in my words and actions I will not: • Tease, provoke, threaten or name call • Engage in any inappropriate or unsolicited physical contact • Throw anything inside the school at any time • Gossip or spread rumors • Exclude my peers • Blame someone for something I did • Cheat • Make nasty gestures or suggestions • Say words that are cruel and hurtful

Above all, I will seek to honor others above myself (Romans 12:10)

4. Respect for property I will take care of the property of Arrows Academy and Crossroads Church. I will not take anything that doesn't belong to me. I will not defame, misuse, or misplace any property.

I have read the student expectations and commit to follow them with the help of my teachers and parents as I attend Arrows Academy for this school year.

Student Signature:______Date:______

page 15 XXV. Student Expectations (younger version for 3k-2nd)

1. Respect for God I will work for the Lord with all my heart (1Colossians 3:23-24) and seek to keep his commandments (Ecclesiastes 12:13)

2. Respect for teacher I will show respect for my teachers by giving them my attention, participating in class, and following their directions. I will tell the truth. I will obey all the way, right away and with a happy heart.

3. Respect for fellow students I will treat fellow students with respect and kindness. Specifically,

I will: • Compliment and say nice things • Include others in what I am doing • Be honest in my words and actions I will not: • Tease or name call • Exclude my peers • Say words that are cruel and hurtful

Above all, I will seek to honor others above myself (Romans 12:10)

4. Respect for property I will take care of the property of Arrows Academy and Crossroads Church. I will not take anything that doesn't belong to me.

I understand the student expectations and will follow them with the help of my teachers and parents as I attend Arrows Academy for this school year.

Student Name or Signature:______

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