Finding Comfort in Beholding the Incomparable God, Yahweh

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Finding Comfort in Beholding the Incomparable God, Yahweh

Finding Comfort in Beholding the Incomparable God, Yahweh Isaiah 40:1-11, Bible Study #2

Goals for this Bible Study: 1) To know God more through His revelation in the book of Isaiah, especially Isaiah 40-48 2) To consciously apply the truths which He intended through the Book of Isaiah 3) To learn how to interpret Old Testament literature like Isaiah. This will be done by example—i.e. learn by doing and imitating what you see me and your leader doing. 4) To encourage one another to love and good deeds (Hebrews 10:24-25, accountability) 5) Memorize, meditate, and apply Isaiah 40:12-31

Expectations: 1-2 hours this week of preparation/reading in order to contribute meaningfully to discussion

Suggested Homework:

A. Print out these lessons and place them in a notebook. B. Complete the following Bible study C. After completing the Bible study read Isaiah 40:1-31 three times this week with the assumption that God is trying to help his people see that He is God, alone! If you desire, please read Isaiah 40-48 with this perspective. D. Come prepared to share at least 1) 2-3 new insights you learned, 2) 2-3 ways you need to apply the lesson. E. Work on memorizing Isaiah 40:12-31 (the only passage being memorized this semester)

 Introduction.

DISCUSS: In times of trouble where do individuals tend to turn for comfort? Why? What does this tell you about their “god?”

DISCUSS: What makes up a sense of true comfort in your opinion?

 Review Background Summary:

In 1445 BC at Mount Sinai with Moses as the mediator, Yahweh entered into a covenant relationship with Israel in which He defined Himself as the Great King which demanded the exclusive loyalty of His servant—Israel. The very first stipulation of the covenant was that His servant, Israel, have no other god than Yahweh (Exodus 20). As Israel developed into a nation this stipulation was broken by the nation of Israel. Israel chased after other deities, while still proclaiming that Yahweh was Israel’s national deity (cf. Is 48: 1-2; 2 Kings 17). Notice the following Scripture.

 2 Kings 17:15 They despised his statutes, and his covenant that he made with their fathers, and the warnings which he gave them. They went after false idols, and became false, and they followed the nations that were round about them, concerning whom the LORD had commanded them that they should not do like them. Israel was to be the exclusive servant of an incomparable sovereign. Israel seemed to lack the capacity and the will to fulfill the main requirement of any servant--to remain loyal to his sovereign. The Bible’s prophetic books were warnings to the people to go back to serving the one true God.

As sovereign, Yahweh was justified in placing Israel under “the ban”, a status ineligible for redemption. Yahweh was justified in destroying Israel’s political and religious institutions, and in destroying its capital. It was within Yahweh’s sovereign rights to deliver His unfaithful people over to another nation so that Israel may have ceased to exist.

Because of their disloyalty (idolatry), the ultimate judgment of Israel corresponded to the nature of the offense. Yahweh gave the Israelites over to the system of idolatry with which they had been enamored. Israel became “deaf” and “blind” spiritually like the deaf and blind stone idols which they were following (cf. Psalm 135:14-18, Is 42:16-20). Yahweh even sent them into captivity to dwell in the very geographical heart of idolatry.

First Assyria conquered the Northern Kingdom of Israel by capturing its capital of Samaria in 722 BC and taking away its inhabitants. This is the time frame in which Isaiah wrote his prophecies. Isaiah warned the northern kingdom of impending doom and the southern kingdom as well (Isaiah 1). In 586 BC Jerusalem was destroyed and many inhabitants taken captive to Babylon.

 Jeremiah 5:19 And when your people say, ‘Why has the LORD our God done all these things to us?’ you shall say to them, ‘As you have forsaken me and served foreign gods in your land, so you shall serve strangers in a land that is not yours.’”

All these events—the destruction of the Northern Kingdom, the Southern Kingdom and the exile—brought the crisis of Israelite religion to a head. Apparently from the spiritually “blind and deaf” perspective of Israel (and for that matter the international perspective of the ANE), the national deity of Israel, Yahweh, had been unjust to Israel (Isa 40:27) or actually was overthrown by other national deities that had more power.

 The chapters of Isaiah 40-48, which is the content of our study, addresses God’s people in exile who have been disciplined by God for their idolatry.

 Isaiah 40:1-11 serves as an introduction or a prologue to the chapters 40-48. The introduction sets the theme for these chapters. Isaiah 40:1-11 which forms the introduction to Isaiah 40-48 is arranged in what is known as a “chiastic” pattern (from the greek letter chi X). Today we outline with roman numbers and letters and numbers. Many times, Hebrew writers made the beginning and ending thoughts parallel, then the next layer of thoughts parallel, until finally a center is reached. Often the center could be the “center” of thought or simply an emphasis. Notice the chiastic or parallel structure below.

1“Comfort, O comfort My people,” says your God. 2“Speak kindly to Jerusalem; And call out to her, that her warfare has ended, That her iniquity has been removed, That she has received of the Lord’s hand Double for all her sins.” 3A voice is calling, “Clear the way for the Lord in the wilderness; Make smooth in the desert a highway for our God. 4“Let every valley be lifted up, And every mountain and hill be made low; And let the rough ground become a plain, And the rugged terrain a broad valley; 5Then the glory of the Lord will be revealed, And all flesh will see it together; For the mouth of the Lord has spoken.” 6A voice says, “Call out.” Then he answered, “What shall I call out?” All flesh is grass, and all its loveliness is like the flower of the field. 7The grass withers, the flower fades, When the breath of the Lord blows upon it; Surely the people are grass. 8The grass withers, the flower fades, But the word of our God stands forever. 9Get yourself up on a high mountain, O Zion, bearer of good news, Lift up your voice mightily, O Jerusalem, bearer of good news; Lift it up, do not fear. Say to the cities of Judah, “Here is your God!” 10Behold, the Lord God will come with might, With His arm ruling for Him. Behold, His reward [exaltation of the humble] is with Him And His recompense before Him [humiliation of the proud ]. 11Like a shepherd He will tend His flock, In His arm He will gather the lambs And carry them in His bosom; He will gently lead the nursing ewes.

DISCUSS: What overall message is the introduction trying to convey to the exiles?

DISCUSS: What does the parallel structure suggest that…

(1) The center of thought is?

(2) The source of true comfort is? How is comfort related to the central thought?

So what we seem to have established so far is that the central message of Isaiah 40:1-11 is “The Glory of Yahweh will be revealed” and that true comfort comes from beholding that glory. But the question remains... “What is the glory of Yahweh? What will all people see and thus derive comfort from?” (v. 5) DISCUSS: What did all the people NOT SEE and NOT UNDERSTAND in Isaiah 6? What were the people blind to that Isaiah clearly saw? (Remember the “blind”/”deaf” motif from last week?) How does this relate to the people’s idolatry?

DISCUSS: The beings of Isaiah 6 were shouting out “Holy, Holy, Holy!” The very first time that concept is used of God is in Exodus 15:11. Moses wrote this psalm in Exodus after he had witnessed the only God, Yahweh, destroy the so-called “gods” of Egypt. How does the parallel structure of the verse Exodus 15:11 listed below help you to define what “Holiness” means?

“Who is like You among the gods, O LORD? Who is like You, majestic in holiness”

DISCUSS: If it is true that Isaiah 40:1-11 is the introduction of 40-48 we should find evidence in subsequent chapters of precisely what people “see” and “recognize” and therefore be able to establish what the glory of Yahweh is!

What is “seen” or “known What then is the “Glory of or “understood” or “heard” Yahweh”? If all “flesh” is seeing the “glory of Yahweh” what are they seeing? Isaiah 41:16-20

Isaiah 43:10-15

Isaiah 45:4-7

Isaiah 45:20-25

Cf. Is 48:8-11

POINT: Isaiah 40:5 declares that “the glory of the Lord will be revealed.” That glory is precisely shown to be the reality that YAHWEH IS GOD ALONE AND THERE IS NOTHING OR NO ONE LIKE HIM! DISCUSS: How practically do you think the message of Yahweh ALONE would help us today even though we don’t tend to bow down to idols?

DISCUSS: When you recognize how GREAT and how UNIQUE Yahweh, your God is, how will that impact your struggles in

1) Living for the praise of people (fear of man)? 2) Seeking after temporary pleasures of this earth (lusts—illicit pleasures, ease, gluttony, etc.)? 3) Fretting with evil seems to be pervasive? 4) Despairing when treated unfairly? 5) Worrying when things do not seem to be working out your way? 6) Seeking a marital relationship with someone who does not believe Yahweh is God alone.

Question to ponder: Would truly grasping God’s incomparability, then, bring significant comfort?

APPLICATION  YAYYYY!!! 1. Chart out your two idols by doing the following (I have attached the chart at the end of the study please print).

2. Bring a list of 5 things that God did this week to show you He Is Incomparable and like no other.

3. Complete Bible Study

4. Memorize Isaiah 40:12-17

5. Pray every day and thank God for His Incomparableness. Praise His Character and tell Him how He is different and more satisfying than the idols you worship, ask Him to help open your eyes, ears, and heart (Isaiah 40)

6. Take two steps of obedience and faith this week by turning to God instead of that idol.

Ex1: If I worship the praises of people, when my friends are gossiping I will not contribute and will call my friends out if they are believers.

Ex2: If I worship money/comfort/wealth I will give regularly and sacrificially to the Church even if I have to cut back on my mountain dew intake and the Starbucks venti half- calf no foam skinny caramel latte.

Ex3: If I worship physical pleasure or myself I will serve the Lord and others not myself and in moments I am tempted and I will pray for those in my Bible Study. IDOL #1: What am I deceived into seeing, hearing, What does God say How is God greater and understanding that causes me Am I truly comforted when I about the idol? more satisfying than this to worship this idol? see, hear, worship this idol? idol?

IDOL #2: What am I deceived into seeing, hearing, What does God say How is God greater and understanding that causes me Am I truly comforted when I about the idol? more satisfying than this to worship this idol? see, hear, worship this idol? idol?


DISCUSS: In times of trouble where do individuals tend to turn for comfort? Why? What does this tell you about their “god?”

ANSWER: Sex, People, Pleasure, Alcohol, etc. Where a person turns for “relief” from pressure many times reveals what are the ulimate god or gods of their heart.

DISCUSS: What makes up a sense of true comfort in your opinion? ANSWER: I can’t answer this one for you 

DISCUSS: What overall message is the introduction trying to convey to the exiles? ANSWER: Comfort is coming!!!

DISCUSS: What does the parallel structure suggest that…

(1) The center of thought is? ANSWER: Verse 5. The Glory of Yahweh will be revealed and all flesh will see it~ (2) The source of true comfort is? How is comfort related to the central thought? ANSWER: Comfort comes in seeing and beholding the glory of Yahweh!!!

DISCUSS: What did all the people NOT SEE and NOT UNDERSTAND in Isaiah 6? What were the people blind to that Isaiah clearly saw? (Remember the “blind”/”deaf” motif from last week?) How does this relate to the people’s idolatry?

ANSWER: The people were not seeing and hearing and understanding that Yahweh alone was God. They were not seeing and hearing and understanding that HE IS LIKE NONE OTHER!! Isaiah, in chapter 6, clearly saw that YAHWEH alone was God, high and lifted up but the people were not seeing, hearing, and understanding this!

DISCUSS: The beings of Isaiah 6 were shouting out “Holy, Holy, Holy!” The very first time that concept is used of God is in Exodus 15:11. Moses wrote this psalm in Exodus after he had witnessed the only God, Yahweh, destroy the so-called “gods” of Egypt. How does the parallel structure of the verse Exodus 15:11 listed below help you to define what “Holiness” means?

“Who is like You among the gods, O LORD? Who is like You, majestic in holiness”

ANSWER: “Holiness” means, when applied to Yahweh, that HE IS LIKE NONE OTHER!!! DISCUSS: If it is true that Isaiah 40:1-11 is the introduction of 40-48 we should find evidence in subsequent chapters of precisely what people “see” and “recognize” and therefore be able to establish what the glory of Yahweh is!

ANSWER: Notice the Logic: 40:1-11 is the introduction to 40-48 and as such it contains the messages will see unfolding in 40-48 40:5 is the central theme of the introduction—“The glory of Yahweh will be revealed and all flesh will see it” and as such we will see this theme unfolding in Is 40-48 So if we ask ourselves the question, “What DO the blind and deaf and not perceiving people in Isaiah 40-48 actually see, hear, and understand, then in we have what the “glory of Yahweh really is!”

What is “seen” or “known What then is the “Glory of or “understood” or “heard” Yahweh”? If all “flesh” is seeing the “glory of Yahweh” what are they seeing? Isaiah 41:16-20 Notice verse 20. God does the That Yahweh alone is God and things mentioned in vv 16-19 there is none other!!! so that people may see and recognize that “HOLY” ONE of Israel has done this. Notice the term Isaiah is using—“The Holy one—The one like none other!!! Isaiah 43:10-15 Notice verse 10—“So that you may known and believe Me That Yahweh alone is God and and understand that I am He there is none other!!!! and …..there is NO OTHER…”

Notice verse 12 Notice verse 15—“The Holy One!!”

Isaiah 45:4-7 Notice verse 5…”Besides Me there is no other” That Yahweh alone is God and there is none other!!!

Isaiah 45:20-25 Notice the end of verse 21 and That Yahweh alone is God and 22…”There is none except there is none other!!! Me” “For I am God, and there is no other”

Notice 24”Only in Yahweh”

Cf. Is 48:8-11 POINT: Isaiah 40:5 declares that “the glory of the Lord will be revealed.” That glory is precisely shown to be the reality that YAHWEH IS GOD ALONE AND THERE IS NOTHING OR NO ONE LIKE HIM!

DISCUSS: How practically do you think the message of Yahweh ALONE would help us today even though we don’t tend to bow down to idols?

ANSWER: Personal answer

DISCUSS: When you recognize how GREAT and how UNIQUE Yahweh, your God is, how will that impact your struggles in

1) Living for the praise of people (fear of man)? 2) Seeking after temporary pleasures of this earth (lusts—illicit pleasures, ease, gluttony, etc.)? 3) Fretting with evil seems to be pervasive? 4) Despairing when treated unfairly? 5) Worrying when things do not seem to be working out your way? 6) Seeking a marital relationship with someone who does not believe Yahweh is God alone.

ANSWER: Personal answer

Question to ponder: Would truly grasping God’s incomparability, then, bring significant comfort?

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