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Holbrook News Holbrook Lane, Trowbridge, Wiltshire, BA14 0PS Telephone (01225) 753708 Fax 01225 350034 www.holbrooktrowbridge.co.uk
23rd Feb 2017 Block 3, Week 1
From the Headteacher
Welcome back! I hope your half term break was an enjoyable one.
Brunel Teacher: Welcome (back) to Miss Duke (or Duke Sensei) who is teaching Brunel Class for the rest of the school year. It is good to have her back with us.
500 Words: Three Holbrook pupils entered the BBC Radio 2 500 words story competition. Well done to Isabelle Kerbey, Freya Legg and Evie Bailes. We wish them well and hope to hear good news at some point.
West Wilts Dance Festival: Our dance club takes to the stage this evening at the West Wilts Dance Festival. Well done to all participants for weeks of hard work and thank you to the staff involved. Miss Bradshaw and Mrs Hunter organised our participation this year supported by Mrs Rose and Mrs Hewson.
Block Three: We are now in Block Three of the school year. Pupil passports will be sent home tomorrow with the most up to date information about your child. Block Three lasts for ten school weeks and takes us up to May.
Bag Packing: Mrs Nunn has organised a bag packing session at Tesco on Sunday. This is in support of the Alzheimer’s Support charity. We already have volunteers but if any KS2 pupils would still like to participate, please collect a letter from the office. Grants: Mrs Nunn and Miss White have been applying for grants to support Happiness Year. They have been successful in obtaining funds from two organisations; Carriers for Causes from One Stop Stores and Tesco Bags of Help, to enhance the play areas of our school.
Our bid for £979.00 has been successful to provide the children with art equipment at lunchtimes. This ‘Carriers for Causes’ grant has been funded through the money raised from the 5p bag charge in One Stop Stores in England, Wales and Scotland. The equipment will be arriving over the next few weeks and staff from the local One Stop shop in Trowbridge will come to make an official presentation.
We have also just received confirmation of success for a further grant for £4904 to enhance the school grounds with environmental play equipment. We hope to have this in place in the summer term. Bags of Help is a local community grant scheme where the money raised from the 5p bag charge in Tesco is being used to fund local projects in communities.
Roger Whitewick
Celebration Certificates
Congratulations to all our pupils who received Celebration Certificates in assembly during the last week of term 3:
Kingsley Ella Yildiz Zac McKinlay Darwin Sam Cairns Julia Williets Somerville Jasiu Krazco Aimee Rawlings Kandinsky Residential Trip Zephaniah Mason Latchem Sophie Bull Brunel Thomas Groves Laura D’Ambrosio
Danywenaullt 2017 Assembly for parents, Thursday 9th March 10.25 - 10.45 in the school hall, please come along.
Missing Kit: Please can Y4 pupils check at home for some missing items from our residential trip. These include a wash bag and a few items of clothes. All pieces are named so please check the items you returned with. Assembly Music
This week during assembly Holbrook enjoyed listening to Clocks by Coldplay.
The music in assembly the last week of term was by the band Ardyn and we listened to extract of ‘Over the River’, ‘The Garden’ and ‘The Valley’.
Dates for your Diary
23rd Feb West Wilts Dance Festival
28th Feb – 3rd Mar Book Fair in recognition of World Book Week.
2nd March Dress Up as Book Character for World Book Day
6th April KS2 Holbrook Dance Festival
26th May TD Day
17th June Alzheimer Support Sponsored Walk – more information to follow.
8th July Alzheimer Support Funday – more information to follow.
WORLD BOOK DAY! Whole School Parent Open Afternoon On Thursday 2nd March 2017 between 1:15pm – 3:30pm we are inviting all parents to join us to celebrate World Book Day. Your child(ren) will begin the afternoon by taking part in a costume parade around the playground (weather permitting) and then your child will take part in three activities over the course of the afternoon. Parents will have the opportunity to work with their child(ren) when they are taking part in different activities and / or attend the below various different parent information sessions that will be offered by members of staff. The parent information sessions will be:
Time Parent Information Session 1:30 – Phonics Information Session KS1 / KS2– Miss Bradshaw 1:50 1:55 – Reading Comprehension Skills in KS2 – Mr. Whitewick 2:15 2:20 – The Reading Book Show – Recommendations for books 2:40 across all key stages. – Miss. Flann
The Scholastic Book Fair will be open all afternoon from 1:30pm. Refreshments will be served throughout the afternoon until 3:30pm. We are all looking forward to seeing you there!
Changes to School Dinner Menu Our spring / summer school dinner menu will be given out today; it includes meals starting from 1st March.
After the menu went to print and not included in the text is an improved extra option available every Tuesday and Thursday (apart from World Book Day). This extra option is a vegetarian version of the roast dinner, offering quorn fillet.
Every roast dinner, regardless of meat of vegetarian option will also include a Yorkshire Pudding.
World Book Day School Dinner Menu- Thursday 2nd March
Main – HAGRID’S DRAGON EGGS in gravy.
Vegetarian - Cheese and bean HUFFLEPUFF.
All served with:
RON’s rice or HERMION’s MUGGLE MASH and GRYFFINDOR green beans and SLYTHERIN sweetcorn.
Pudding will be COCKROACH CLUSTERS or RAVENSLAW raspberry yoghurt and DUMBLEDORE drink.
Andrea Corr Catering Manager
Calligraphy Club
Are you interested in learning different Calligraphy styles?!!
Starting next Thursday lunchtime Mrs Rogers will be running a Calligraphy Club for years 2 – 6. There will be limited spaces available, interested pupils need to contact the office by 28th Feb and commit to attending each week until the end of term. Congratulations
Congratulations to two members of Holbrook staff who have recently completed qualifications. Mrs Naji has completed Level 3 Diploma in Supporting Teaching and Learning in Schools, Mrs Hewson has completed Level 3 Diploma in Supporting Teaching and Learning in Schools and Level 4 Higher Level Teaching Award in Speech, language and communication.
Storehouse Food Bank
During March Holbrook is collecting food for Storehouse Food Bank. This food will be put together into parcels and received by local families in need.
If you would like to contribute, please bring in non-perishables with a long ‘sale by’ date to the children’s kitchen throughout March. We would like to collect as much as possible, including things like:
Tins: Baked Beans / Spaghetti / Potatoes / Peas / Carrots / Tomatoes/ Sweet corn / Stew / Pie / Curry / Soup / Tuna / Burgers / Spam / Fruit / Rice Pudding.
Packet: Pasta / Macaroni / rice / Soya Mince/ Burger Mix / Sausage Mix / Sugar / Cereal / Cereal Bars / Biscuits / Angel delight / Custard / Half Baked Bread
Instant: Pasta Bake / Pot Noodles / Tea / Coffee/ Squash / Long Life Milk / Cuppa Soup/ Pasta Snacks / Toiletries: Toothbrush / Toothpaste / Wipes / Deodorant / Sanitary Towels / Shampoo / Soap / Toilet Rolls / Nappies.
Household: Cloths / Bacterial Cleaning Fluid / Washing up Liquid
Thank you in advance for your contributions and support.