Meeting of Community Council Reps with NHS Lothian
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Notes of Meeting of Community Council Reps with NHS Lothian to discuss reprovisioning of services on the REH and AAH sites
Board Room, St Roque, Astley Ainslie Hospital 5.00 pm Thursday 16th March 2017
Present (for CCs) Jo Scott (JS) Southside CC Tony Harris (TH) Grange Prestonfield CC Sue Tritton (ST) Grange Prestonfield CC Goff Cantley (GC) Morningside CC Fiona Bell (FB) Morningside CC Helen Zealley (HZ) (For NHS Lothian) Andrew Milne (AM) NHSL, Project Director Major Hub Initiatives (including Royal Edinburgh Campus Redevelopment) Lynsey Cullen (LC) NHSL, Communications Apologies: Iain Graham NHSL, Director of Capital Planning and Projects
Introduction: All welcomed and introduced themselves to LC who was attending her first meeting. AM said that he had a number of updates to report regarding the development of the REH Campus.
REH Site Some Disruption: Myreside Road would be closed, in both directions, for about a week in April (in the school holidays) in order to install traffic lights, resurface the road etc. Some Good News (regarding parking): There are some potential changes to the masterplan, which should be welcomed in Morningside, which include demolishing the Andrew Duncan building and moving the location of Learning Disabilities Unit. This would allow the space created to possibly become a carpark which would relieve pressure on local streets. Some Exciting news: The NHS has offered the University space in the McKinnon building allowing the University to vacate the Kennedy Tower which could then be demolished. NHSL are still awaiting a decision from the University but are hopeful for a solution. All present welcomed this. However, the name “Kennedy” should be remembered (possibly in part of McKinnon House?). AM confirmed that the whole focus of the REH site is rehabilitation, both mental and physical.
In response to questions from the CC representatives: Verandah Café: JS asked if there could be space for the Verandah Café – AM thought this could be possible on the Andrew Duncan site after the completion of Phase 2. Hydrotherapy Pool: AM confirmed this would be part of the Astley Ainslie Building Bus routes on site: GC asked if the No 38 could be diverted onto the site. AM said the NHS is in discussion with Lothian Buses. Discussions include the possibility of a through route, one-way system or a turning circle. Community support would be necessary if surrounding roads were to be considered for one way systems. Green Travel Plan: Each phase has its own plan – hoped to reduce the need for car travel. McKinnon House: This will provide outpatient facilities and administration for the whole site – 4 outpatient units with mental health separate from physical will be incorporated. Business Case and Phase 2 funding: This is being altered to accommodate new building proposals and is now expected to be submitted in the summer. Ideally, if Government support is forthcoming, NHSL would like to start some advanced site works in late 2017 with the main contract starting in early 2018. AAH Site AAH Site: AM suggested that the masterplan for this site would be informed by consultations via a Forum consisting of 6-10 community representatives who would meet on a monthly basis with NHS Lothian plus consultants etc. NHSL is also still awaiting feedback on the proposal from Scottish Future Trust. AM said it was important to get local views. The NHS would arrange these meetings, produce the agenda, take minutes etc. which would be publicly available. The NHS has spoken informally to various consultants but the routes of procurement are not yet decided and no appointments have been made. Various issues might be discussed at different meetings of the Forum including: Trees: Clarification is needed about exactly what the “Site TPO” covers. It was not clear if the plantation next to the railway line is part of the AAH site and if these trees are within the TPO. Archaeology: These will be reported on as part of the masterplan – City archaeologist could come to a meeting. A formal study needs to be done – e.g. on possible burial of plague victims. There is a lot of history in the names e.g. St Roque. Site boundary: This needs to be defined. Eco studies: Again these will be explored as part of the masterplan. GC asked about an EIA. AM said this would be done by looking at the impact of the masterplan. Planning: NHS Lothian has been talking to Linda Hamilton in the Planning Department. Photographic studies: CC reps thought it very important that the site as it is now should be recorded. LC confirmed that photos taken of the site will be a public record. AM said they had been meeting with the City architect. He referred to the booklet “Between the streamlet and the town” as a history of the site. Possible charrette: AM said there are no plans, at present for this. There were comments that this only works with considerable community involvement.
Possible visits to the REH site Suggestions were made that it would be nice to see round the new buildings at the REH before they are occupied. At present 20 beds are occupied with a further 165 expected to be occupied in about 2 months. LC commented that people can walk round the outside of buildings; JS said it would be nice to see inside; HZ said former employees would be interested. LC said it might be possible to organise on a Friday afternoon – possibly in May; groups of about 10.
Building names on REH site. No decision has yet been made on the name for the whole campus but the previous names (REH and AAH) would be recognised in buildings/areas on the site. McKinnon House is listed as it was the original Mental Health facility (rather than its architectural merit). Both AM and LC stressed the history of both hospitals must be reflected in the names of buildings etc. There might be a public vote on the name of the “new” facility – from an approved shortlist.
Actions: Community reps to agree who should be on the AAH Disposal Forum which would expect to meet monthly. AM said it was important that there is continuity in the representation although individuals could attend single meetings if there was a relevant agenda item. This group (CC reps) would continue to meeting quarterly for updates on both sites.
Dates for future meetings: Forum (new group) to meet monthly: First meeting at St Roque, Thursday April 27th 5pm AAH-REH group (this group): Thursday 22nd June 5pm.
Sue Tritton 17th March 2017 Including amendments from Andrew Milne in May 2017