K-PREP Performance Level Descriptors

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K-PREP Performance Level Descriptors


K-PREP Performance Level Descriptors


“Students will receive reports that place their performance on the Kentucky Performance Rating for Educational Progress (K-PREP) assessment in each content area into the categories of Novice, Apprentice, Proficient and Distinguished (NAPD). The Proficient level is the goal for all students with the NAPD distribution based on cut scores from the assessment. Performance Level Descriptors further define the performances of the constructed response and multiple-choice items. For more explicit and detailed descriptions, consult the descriptors for each particular grade level and content area.”

OAA:ONGL:rm/jb 10/26/2012 rev 5/22/2013 K-PREP Performance Level Descriptors K-PREP Performance Level Descriptors

Reading Performance Level Grade Novice Apprentice Proficient Distinguished

3 A Novice student is able to use An Apprentice student is able A Proficient student is able to A Distinguished student is able stated information to answer to answer questions to ask and answer questions to to use explicit or implied questions; determine simple demonstrate understanding of demonstrate understanding of information to make main ideas; identify basic a text; recognize the main a text, referring explicitly to summarizations and specific character traits, feelings or idea; identify a character’s the text as the basis for the inferences to demonstrate actions; sequence major traits, motivations or feelings; answers; determine main idea clear comprehension; explain events when given explicit sequence events when given and theme; recognize that a main idea and theme in depth context clues; identify explicit context clues; character’s traits, motivations using textual evidence; explain author’s point of view. determine author’s point of or feelings influence events in how a character’s traits, view and state personal a story; sequence events with motivations or feelings opinion on a topic. minimal context clues; influence events in a story; determine author’s point of sequence events containing view and distinguish personal subtle context clues; opinion from the author’s distinguish author’s point of point of view. view from personal opinion using textual evidence.

4 A Novice student is able to An Apprentice student is able A Proficient student is able to A Distinguished student is able determine meaning of simple to use explicit context clues to determine word meaning and to use explicit or implied words using explicit context determine word meaning and interpret literal and non-literal information to summarize, clues; identify general interpret literal and non-literal language; use explicit and demonstrating in-depth character traits and actions; language; identify character implied information to understanding; make use basic information to traits and actions; identify text interpret character traits, inferences and draw partially summarize; identify structures; use explicitly actions, and motivations; conclusions using implied main idea, supporting details, stated information to make interpret meaning from text information; explain main K-PREP Performance Level Descriptors

and theme; identify obvious limited inferences, summarize, structures and explain how it idea, central idea and theme; differences among prose, and determine main idea and contributes to a reader’s analyze the overall structure poetry, and drama. supporting details, central understanding; use explicit of the text; thoroughly explain idea, or theme; identify and implied information from subtle differences among general differences among the text to summarize, prose, poetry and drama. prose, poetry and drama. determine main idea and supporting details, central idea, and theme; identify differences among prose, poetry and drama, using the structural elements of the genre for support.

5 A Novice student is able to An Apprentice student is able A Proficient student is able to A Distinguished student is able make limited connections to determine main idea or determine main idea or theme to explain main idea or theme among details to identify main theme; identify the most and support with relevant based on contextual evidence; ideas; recall basic facts from important details as stated details; quote accurately to make insightful inferences; text; determine meaning of explicitly in the text; identify a support claims using explicit synthesize information simple words using explicitly quote to support a claim or information and by making throughout the text to stated context clues. reach a conclusion; use inferences; use specific details compare and contrast context clues, synonyms and to make connections among characters, setting, events, substitution to determine characters, settings or events; concepts or ideas; evaluate meanings of words and use context clues to the importance of specific phrases; support claims using determine the meaning of details and explain how the general information. words and phrases; describe author uses reasons or how information or events are evidence as support; influenced by point of view; determine the meaning of determine the importance of words or phrases (including specific details and explain multiple meaning words) K-PREP Performance Level Descriptors

how the author uses reasons when given minimal context or evidence as support. clues; analyze supporting details as to their impact in a text.

6 A Novice student is able to An Apprentice student is able A Proficient student is able to A Distinguished student is able identify theme, central idea, to support ideas using general analyze a text using specific to synthesize information author’s purpose and point of information; determine textual evidence to support from across texts to support view; recall given information theme, central idea, author’s inferences; determine how conclusions; use insight to from text; identify character purpose and point of view; literary elements and choose the most relevant traits when the details are identify important details as structure convey purpose, details to support claims, explicitly stated in the text; stated explicitly in the text; central idea, theme and point make inferences, and draw determine the meaning of make predictions, inferences of view; analyze how a conclusions; provide evidence words and phrases when and draw conclusions; identify character, event, or idea with thorough explanations to given explicit context clues. how a character, event, or develops; determine support their ideas; use idea develops; determine the meanings of words, phrases textual evidence to compare meaning of words, phrases and figurative language by and contrast texts across and figurative language as using connections across the genres to determine how used in the text to strengthen text; compare and contrast similar topics, central ideas or understanding. texts across genres to themes are addressed. determine how similar topics, central ideas or themes are addressed.

7 A Novice student is able to An Apprentice student is able A Proficient student is able to A Distinguished student is able recall information from text; to identify organizational analyze the impact structure to analyze the impact identify the theme or central structure in a text; identify has on text meaning, including structure has on text meaning, idea; use commonly used elements of a story or drama how the parts of text including how the parts of text context clues to determine and how they function within contribute to the whole; contribute to the whole to word meaning; draw the text; identify supporting analyze the author’s point of develop the central idea; K-PREP Performance Level Descriptors

conclusions from evidence details that relate to the view or purpose and the evaluate an author’s point of that is explicitly stated; rely on central idea or theme; draw effectiveness of supporting view or purpose and how the prior knowledge to identify conclusions from textual details; determine meaning author distinguishes this the meaning of grade- evidence; determine author’s and impact of unfamiliar position from that of others; appropriate words. purpose; interpret the words and phrases with evaluate the author’s use of meaning of figurative limited context clues; draw literary elements and their language and the impact of inferences from implied impact on the meaning of text; word choice; make some evidence; analyze the impact interpret central ideas, connections across texts. of literary elements or word concepts, and themes; analyze choice; analyze the the impact of literacy development of the theme or techniques or word choice on central idea; make meaning and tone; make connections across texts. insightful connections and inferences across texts citing evidence to support conclusions.

8 A Novice student is able to An Apprentice student is able A Proficient student is able to A Distinguished student is able identify the theme or central to identify supporting details determine the central idea of to differentiate information idea; identify literary and how they relate to the text and evaluate its based on relevance to central elements; determine the central idea; infer meaning relationship to supporting idea or author's purpose; meaning of unfamiliar words from explicit textual evidence; details and their relevance; synthesize the parts of text for using context clues; recall identify structures that recognize the importance of holistic interpretation; analyze relevant information; make contribute to meaning and structure, including the role of connections or distinctions predictions; make inferences purpose of text; define sentences in developing an within and across texts; using prior knowledge and unknown words and phrases idea; identify connotations analyze details for implied context clues. using context clues; identify through context clues; analyze meaning; identify and arguments. implied connections or evaluate the development of distinctions within the text; an argument, assessing K-PREP Performance Level Descriptors

analyze the impact of specific whether the reasoning is word choice on meaning and sound and evidence relevant tone; evaluate the argument, and sufficient, recognizing assessing whether the irrelevant evidence. reasoning is sound and evidence relevant. K-PREP Performance Level Descriptors


Performance Level Grade Novice Apprentice Proficient Distinguished

3 A student scoring Novice can A student scoring Apprentice A student scoring Proficient A student scoring multiply single-digit whole can solve two-step problems can represent and solve Distinguished can explain numbers; identify information using single-digit numbers; problems involving the four number patterns using from a chart to solve a word round to the nearest tens and operations; multiply and properties of operations; problem; add and/or subtract hundreds using knowledge of divide within 100; show the apply the distributive property whole numbers within 1,000; place value; multiply one digit relationship between to represent equivalent identify fractions as part of a numbers by multiples of ten multiplication and division number sentences; express whole; and count square units up to 90; locate and identify within 100; identify an whole numbers greater than 1 to find area. fractions on a number line equation to solve problems as a fraction; generate and including equivalent fractions including those with an explain equivalent fractions; less than or equal to 1; unknown; use area models to and decompose (break apart) interpret data from charts, bar represent the distributive rectilinear figures (shapes that graphs, and pictographs; property; relate area to can be broken into rectangles) recognize attributes of 2-D multiplication and addition; into non-overlapping shapes; partition a shape into solve problems involving rectangles to find the total parts with equal areas; apply intervals of time to the area of the original shape. the concept of tiling to find nearest minute; generate data the area of a shape; and by measuring lengths using calculate elapsed time. rulers marked with halves and fourths of an inch and graph the data using a line plot; and interpret graphs including line plots, scaled picture graphs K-PREP Performance Level Descriptors

and bar graphs.

4 A student scoring Novice can A student scoring Apprentice A student scoring Proficient A student scoring solve multi-digit addition can interpret and solve multi- can divide multi-digit whole Distinguished can apply problems; identify a rule for a step word problems with numbers by one digit divisors; understanding of place value number pattern involving one whole numbers using multiply 2-digit numbers; and the properties of operation; use place value to multiplication and division; apply understanding of the operations to solve and identify and compare whole solve multi-step word relationship between explain problems with multi- numbers; compare numbers problems and determine the multiplication and division; digit whole numbers; use using greater than, less than, reasonableness of the answer identify prime/composite factors and multiples to solve and equal to; add fractions using estimation; solve multi- numbers; generate a number word problems; show the with like denominators; digit subtraction problems; pattern when given a rule; relationship between convert fractions into represent numbers in word, compare and order fractions multiplication and division decimals using tenths or expanded, and standard form; less than one; multiply a unit using an unknown number; hundredths; solve simple real- multiply whole numbers by fraction by a whole number find equivalent fractions by world fractional problems fractions using a model; using visual models and multiplying; solve addition and using a given model; and identify parallel, equations; measure and subtraction problems with extend shape patterns. perpendicular, and estimate angles including mixed numbers using common intersecting lines; and identify angles in reference to a circle; denominators; compare and lines of symmetry in a 2-D recognize that angles are order decimals through figure. additive; identify relative sizes hundredths; solve problems of length; convert units of involving addition and measurement; classify 2-D subtraction of fractions; shapes from given attributes; interpret data from line plots; and apply area formula for and solve for an unknown rectangles. angle.

5 A student scoring Novice can A student scoring Apprentice A student scoring Proficient A student scoring identify a rule in a number can write numerical can write and interpret Distinguished can apply pattern; recall the steps of the expressions; translate numerical expressions; understanding of place value K-PREP Performance Level Descriptors

order of operations; perform between verbal and numerical analyze patterns; identify and the properties of addition with multi-digit expressions; use place value relationships between operations to solve and whole numbers including to read, write and compare corresponding terms; perform explain problems with multi- decimals to the hundredths; decimals up to the operations and evaluate digit numbers, including determine an ordered pair on thousandths place; perform expressions using multi-digit decimals to hundredths; a coordinate plane in addition and subtraction with numbers including decimals to create appropriate visual quadrant I; and measure multi-digit whole numbers the hundredths; compute with models to represent volume by counting unit including decimals to the powers of 10; interpret and expressions including cubes. hundredths; use place value to explain fractions using the operations with fractions; round decimals; find relationship between apply understanding of equivalent fractions to solve multiplication and division; adding, subtracting, and problems involving addition divide fraction with whole multiplication of fractions by and subtraction; interpret an numbers in real world context; fractions to solve problems in ordered pair in quadrant I in multiply fractions and mixed context; represent and context of a situation; numbers in real world context; interpret data from a line plot; determine volume of convert units of measure and solve problems using rectangular prisms with or within the same system; and information presented in the without a model and/or select appropriate units, line plot. formula; and classify two- strategies and tools for dimensional shapes by their estimating and measuring attributes. volume.

6 A student scoring Novice can A student scoring Apprentice A student scoring Proficient A student scoring calculate and interpret unit can find a percent and write as can find and simplify ratios in Distinguished can connect rate problems; interpret and a rate per 100; multiply real world context; use understanding of solve division problems in a decimals; find greatest proportional reasoning to multiplication and division to real world context; add and common factors and least solve problems; solve unit rate solve and explain ratio and subtract decimals; interpret common multiples; divide problems involving unit pricing rate problems in context; and evaluate exponents; multi-digit numbers; apply and constant speed; convert perform operations with K-PREP Performance Level Descriptors

evaluate algebraic expressions understanding of integers in units of measure; compute decimals; multiply and divide with one variable; solve one- real world context; evaluate and model division of a fractions by fractions and step equations; and find area algebraic expressions with two fraction by a fraction; explain why the procedures of a rectangle or triangle given or more variables using order interpret the quotient; order make sense; identify and the dimensions. of operations; solve one-step rational numbers (numbers reason about equivalent equations and inequalities; that can be expressed as an expressions; solve one- graph ordered pairs to integer or the quotient of an variable equations and construct figure(s) and integer divided by a nonzero inequalities; write, interpret determine the dimensions of integer); evaluate algebraic and explain statements of the figure(s); use data from a expressions including order for rational numbers graph to solve problems and exponents; reason about and (numbers that can be make predictions; and solve one-variable equations; expressed as an integer or the calculate the mean. calculate the area of complex quotient of an integer divided polygons in real world by a nonzero integer); and context; and summarize and solve multi-step problems describe distributions of data. involving area, surface area, and volume in real world context.

7 A student scoring Novice can A student scoring Apprentice A student scoring Proficient A student scoring A student recognize a percent as a can compute a percent of a can write and solve multi-step scoring Distinguished can decimal and a fraction; solve number; use ratios to solve problems that include rational create, solve and explain problems using a given unit problems; evaluate numbers, proportions, scale multi-step problems including rate; solve basic mathematical mathematical problems using drawings and a variety of proportions, scale drawings problems using order of order of operations with percent problems; convert and a variety of percent operations; solve one-step integers; solve two-step between forms of rational problems; create and solve equations; select formulas for equations; evaluate algebraic numbers; write and solve linear equations and area and perimeter of expressions with two or more multi-step problems, including inequalities; convert among rectangles; and use organized variables using order of problems in real-world various forms of rational K-PREP Performance Level Descriptors

lists, tables, or tree diagrams operations; select and apply context, using expressions and numbers in any form; select to illustrate data. basic geometric formulas; linear equations; select and and apply the appropriate identify cross sections of a 3-D apply the appropriate geometric formulas to find object taken parallel to a base; geometric formulas to find area of complex figures using identify an appropriate sample area of complex figures; use appropriate units; use and for a population; and compute angle relationships to apply knowledge of angle measures of central tendency. determine the degree relationships; compare measure of an angle; identify multiple cross sections of a 3- cross sections of a 3-D object; D object; use compound use probability to make probability to make inferences; and apply inferences; and apply measures of central tendency measures of central tendency to compare sets of data. and dispersion to compare sets of data.

8 A student scoring Novice can A student scoring Apprentice A student scoring Proficient A student scoring find the square root of a can recognize if the value of can locate on a number line an Distinguished can classify and perfect square; evaluate the square root is irrational or approximate location of an locate real numbers expressions that have positive rational; apply rules of irrational root; find perfect (rational/irrational numbers) exponents; identify and plot exponents to multiply positive cube roots; classify real on a number line; apply rules points; solve an equation in powers; identify and plot numbers; perform operations of integer exponents and the form ax + b = c; select an points on a graph; describe with numbers expressed in evaluate; solve a system of appropriate formula for and find the slope of a line; scientific notation; solve and equations algebraically; finding the volume of a identify linear functions and interpret a system of compare and solve multiple cylinder or a cone; identify linear associations; describe equations using graphs; proportional relationships; corresponding parts of relationships between values compare and solve compare linear and nonlinear congruent figures; translate a in a table; compute the proportional relationships; functions with justifications; figure; and determine volume of a cylinder and cone; identify linear vs. non-linear determine and interpret slope whether the relationship in a identify corresponding parts functions; compare functions and rate of change using K-PREP Performance Level Descriptors

scatterplot is positive or of similar figures; translate using tables, equations, and appropriate units; apply negative. and reflect a figure; use angle graphs; determine and multiple transformations; relationships to determine interpret slope and rate of apply ideas of congruence and facts about the angles created change; apply a single similarity; use reasoning to from parallel lines cut by a geometric transformation; solve volume problems and transversal; and choose a line use angle relationships to label; prove and apply the of best fit. determine similarity of Pythagorean Theorem; triangles; solve problems interpret scatterplots; and involving volume of cylinders, make predictions using the cones, and spheres; apply line of best fit. Pythagorean Theorem; and interpret scatterplots and line of best fit. K-PREP Performance Level Descriptors

Science Performance Level Grade Novice Apprentice Proficient Distinguished

4 and 7 A student performing at the A student performing at the A student performing at the A student performing at the Novice level has a minimal Apprentice level has a basic Proficient level has a broad Distinguished level has a understanding of science understanding of science understanding of science comprehensive understanding concepts and processes. The concepts and processes. The concepts and processes. The of science concepts and student communicates ideas student demonstrates some student usually communicates processes. The student ineffectively or inaccurately, problem-solving and critical ideas accurately using clear consistently communicates providing little detail and little thinking skills, but they are and appropriate examples, ideas in a sophisticated and or no support. Attempts at not consistently applied. The supporting or justifying those complex manner, using problem-solving or critical student communicates ideas ideas with relevant details and thorough supporting detail thinking are minimal or in a basic manner, but evidence. Problem-solving and explicit examples. The inappropriate. explanations, solutions or and critical thinking skills are student reasons and solves justifications may be unclear used effectively. Connections problems by using appropriate or ineffective. between science strategies in an insightful way. concepts/ideas, when Connections between science present, are reasonable and concepts/ideas, when appropriate. appropriate, are justified and insightful. K-PREP Performance Level Descriptors

Social Studies

Performance Level Grade Novice Apprentice Proficient Distinguished

5 and 8 A student performing at the A student performing at the A student performing at the A student performing at the Novice level has a minimal Apprentice level has a basic Proficient level has a broad Distinguished level has a understanding of social understanding of social understanding of social comprehensive understanding studies concepts and studies concepts and studies concepts and of social studies concepts and processes. The student processes. The student processes. The student usually processes. The student communicates ideas demonstrates some problem- communicates ideas consistently communicates ineffectively or inaccurately, solving and critical thinking accurately using clear and ideas in a sophisticated and providing little detail and little skills, but they are not appropriate examples, complex manner, using or no support. Attempts at consistently applied. The supporting or justifying those thorough supporting detail problem-solving or critical student communicates ideas ideas with relevant details and and explicit examples. The thinking are minimal or in a basic manner, but evidence. Problem-solving student reasons and solves inappropriate. explanations, solutions or and critical thinking skills are problems by using appropriate justifications may be unclear used effectively. Connections strategies in an insightful way. or ineffective. between social studies Connections between social concepts/ideas, when studies concepts/ideas, when present, are reasonable and appropriate, are justified and appropriate. insightful. K-PREP Performance Level Descriptors

On-Demand Writing Performance Level Grade Novice Apprentice Proficient Distinguished

5, 6, 8, 10 Novice writing may attempt to Apprentice writing attempts Proficient writing maintains Distinguished writing and 11 establish purpose but lacks to establish and maintain purpose; has an awareness of maintains a well-defined focus; shows limited purpose, but has some lapses audience using suitable voice purpose; shows strong awareness of audience needs; in focus; lacks awareness of or tone with occasional awareness of audience needs; absent or inappropriate voice audience needs; uses lapses; develops ideas maintains appropriate voice or tone; shows little or no language that causes voice or adequately by providing or tone; consistently develops idea development with few or tone to weaken; examples, details, facts, ideas with depth, complexity no details for support, or the demonstrates inconsistent explanations or descriptions and insight; uses appropriate support is inaccurate; development of ideas; may for support; applies examples, details, facts, attempts to apply some use irrelevant or inconsistent characteristics of the mode; explanations, or descriptions characteristics of the mode; support; may apply some uses logical and coherent for support; skillfully applies lacks clear organization; characteristics of the mode; organization; uses transitional the characteristics of the exhibits limited/ineffective attempts organization, but is elements, appropriate word mode; demonstrates use of transitional elements; often unclear; uses simple or choice and sentence variety consistent, careful and/or uses little or no variety in ineffective transitional that connect ideas and subtle organization including sentence structures and elements; uses simple and generally guide the reader; transitional elements that ineffective word choice; lacks sometimes awkward sentence exhibits correct grammar and effectively connect ideas and control of grammar and usage structures; shows simple or usage; includes few errors in guide the reader; effective with errors in spelling, inappropriate word choice; spelling, punctuation, sentence variety; consistently punctuation or has frequent errors in spelling, capitalization, abbreviation or uses appropriate language; documentation punctuation, capitalization or documentation that do not demonstrates effective disproportionate to the documentation that may interfere with control of grammar, usage, length; errors interfere with interfere with communication. and correctness. K-PREP Performance Level Descriptors

communication. communication.

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