NES (Or Committee Reference Etc) NES/12/33 (Insert Correct Paper Number)

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NES (Or Committee Reference Etc) NES/12/33 (Insert Correct Paper Number)

NHS Education for Scotland Equality Impact Assessment Report

Name of function, policy or programme:

NES Leadership & Management Development Framework inc. Manager’s Passport

NES directorate or department:

Human Resources & Organisational Development

Name of person(s) completing EQIA:

Tom Power – Head of OD & Learning

Individuals or groups contributing to EQIA:

Dorothy Wright – Director of HR & OD

Date Report Completed:

October 2014

1. Define the function1

The purpose of the NES Leadership & Management Development Framework is to clarify expectations of leaders and managers in NES, and outline how the HR & OD Directorate will help to develop the capability of current and future leaders and managers. Within this, the Manager’s Passport is a vehicle for promoting self-directed development amongst existing managers against the expected standards of practice, and planning support to be provided for NES managers by the internal OD & Learning function.

Whilst primarily focussed on line managers, both the Framework and the Passport are designed to benefit all staff in NES through:

 the provision of clarity around expected standards of practice to be demonstrated by leaders and managers  support for managers in identification of learning needs and accessing resources / development that will help to enhance their practice  clarification for staff with an ambition to manage about activity areas where they should aim to develop their potential.

The intended outcomes are appropriate value being attached to leadership and management skills, greater consistency of performance amongst managers through an increased awareness of

1 In this document, 'function' is used broadly to cover all the areas of work for which impact assessment is required, as defined in the Regulations. This includes policy, programme, project, service and function, among others.

1 expectations amongst staff and managers and the provision of more person-centred development support for managers. If these intentions are reflected in practice, staff across the organisation will benefit from an improved workplace experience.

The HR & OD Directorate has primary responsibility – through the OD & Learning Team - for developing and delivering products and services in connection with the Framework. The Manager’s Passport is an example applicable to all managers in NES. Others include development under the Framework of a Manager’s Induction package and provision of Leadership Development support for those Managing Organisational Change in NES.

Other NES Directorates, staff side representatives, and the Staff Governance Committee are partners in development of these internally focussed products and services. The OD & Learning team also works closely with other Boards through the OD Leads Network and the L&D Leads Networks. This is reflected in alignment of the Framework with the National Leadership Strategy for NHS Scotland, and the recognition that national programmes and initiatives provide a valuable source of leadership development for NES staff.

2. Evidence used to inform assessment

The existing provision of Leadership & Management Development programmes in NES was subject to an Independent Impact Assessment in 2011 by Brightpurpose Lld. This was based on a review of programme content, as well as the experiences of participants and their line managers.

Brightpurpose’s recommendations for the provision of future Leadership & Management Development in NES are summarised in Appendix A. They were accepted by the Executive Team in December 2011 and Staff Governance Committee in April 2012. They are reflected in the Leadership & Management Development Framework.

The data on which they are based included an online survey and series of interviews conducted with programme participants and their line managers. As shown at Appendix B, comparison of the sample population with that of the organisation shows close alignment between the two profiles.

In addition to the Impact Assessment recommendations, the Practice Standards for Leaders and Managers in NES (published as part of this Framework and the Manager’s Passport) were developed based on best practice HR guidance drawn from a variety of sources. These included:  NHS Scotland National Leadership Strategy

2  KSF Dimensions and NHS National Leadership Framework  Chartered Institute of Personnel & Development website and materials  Report on Management Culture at NHS Lothian – May 2012  King’s Fund report on recent trends in Leadership - 2011  NES Strategic Framework and People & OD Strategy - 2011-14

The Practice Standards were made available for consultation across NES in September 2012. The feedback received at that time was reviewed, and the recommended actions agreed with the Manager’s Passport Steering Group, Chaired by the Chief Executive, in October 2012.

3. Results from analysis of evidence and engagement

Effective management practice is important for all equality groups. The ability to apply policy fairly and consistently in practice, with reference to individual circumstances where appropriate is a core requirement of the Practice Standards for Leaders and Managers in NES.

The ability to manage and promote health, safety and wellbeing is also important for all equality groups. It has perhaps the greatest significance for those with a disability, physical or otherwise, and for women, given the importance of effectively managing risks associated with pregnancy. Again, this is a core requirement for all managers reflected in the Practice Standards, and reflects the work being undertaken organisationally in respect of achieving the Mentally Healthy Working Lives Gold Award.

Barriers to progress for female staff were identified as part of the Single Equalities Scheme Action Plan in 2011. The process for accessing and supporting Continuing Education – a common route for accessing extended programmes of management education and training - was amended as part of implementing the Learning & Development Policy in 2012. It is hoped this will allow lower-graded staff in NES (the majority of which are female) to more easily access funding support for educational activities that will support their career development in this respect.

In addition, the Manager’s Passport will gather data on an individual and their line manager’s views on the former’s managerial effectiveness. As the data will be captured on an individual basis, the OD & Learning team will be able to review and analyse the aggregated data using equality characteristics. This will help to enhance understanding of whether an imbalance exists between different equality groups in terms of their preparedness to progress.

As a key link between the Framework, the Passport and other developments mentioned above, the Practice Standards aim to promote equality and good relations by confirming the expectation that managers will conduct all of their duties in accordance with equality and diversity best practice. What this is, and how it should be achieved will be included in the two day Manager’s Induction programme for all enw managers (plus those in post for less than 12 months) currently under development

3 4. Actions taken or planned in response to issues identified in the analysis

Issue identified Action to be taken in Responsibility Timescale (indicate Resources What is the expected response to issue whether actions required outcome? have already been completed, or provide timescale for carrying out the action) Need to further Use Manager’s Head of OD & Planning of reports understand Passport data to Learning underway as part of barriers to career generate aggregated Manager’s Passport progression for reports that allow pilot. Expect to women in NES comparison of generate data from perceived October 2013 effectiveness / onwards. development needs across equality groups.

Use data to inform equalities action planning / provision of development support for any under-represented groups.

4 Need to ensure Ensure learning Head of OD & Practice and that managers content re: Policy in Learning / Associate Development undertake their to Practice / Health, Business Partners Guides being tested duties in respect of Safety & Wellbeing in Manager’s E&D appropriately standards reflects Passport pilot, and importance of E&D. initial learning content being drawn Incorporate key together August requirements of 2013. Managers for E&D in to 2 day Manager’s Induction Manager’s Induction programme being developed for review by Executive Team September 2013.

Need to ensure Explore potential for Head of OD & Establish best managers providing training on Learning / Associate method of understand that unconscious bias / Business Partners introducing that actions taken incorporating this in unconscious bias for positive to existing training for reasons are not development managers in NES free from risk in programmes. by March 2014. terms of E&D

5 5. Risk Management

In this assessment, have you identified any equality and diversity related risks which require ongoing management? If so, please attach a risk register identifying the risks and arrangements for managing the risks.


6. Consideration of Alternatives and Implementation

If there is a need to revise content of Leadership & Management Development Framework and / or Manager’s Passport there will be an opportunity to do so within the current financial year after current refresh of the NES Strategic Framework is completed and the Manager’s Passport Pilot is evaluated.

7. Monitoring and Review

The development and practice of Leaders and Managers in NES will be monitored via:

 Review of Manager’s Passport data on perceived effectiveness / development needs – At least every 3 years

 Review of PDP data for managers and comparison of aggregated data with that from Manager’s Passport – At least annually

 Staff Experience Survey results at team level relating to relationship with direct line manager – At least every 3 years

The OD & Learning team will seek to cross-reference this data to build an accurate picture of leadership and management effectiveness in NES.

The HR & OD Directorate Operational Plan includes targets relating to this EQIA and ensuring that responsibilities of managers for E&D and cultural competence are adequately reflected in Practice Standards. These are specific targets that will be reported on through the NES corporate performance management process.

The function will be reviewed at the end of 2013/14 to ensure consistency with the refreshed NES Strategic Framework. This will be led by the Head of OD & Learning. The implications of any monitoring data relating to the above will be considered at that time.

Sign off (by accountable director)

Date 08/5/14

6 Appendix A - Recommendations for Future Delivery of Leadership & Management Development

APPENDIX B – Comparison of Impact Assessment sample population with NES workforce Leadership community events (for all levels of manager) The following was incorporated in to Executive Team manager) paper on Manager’s Passport May 2012 Masterclasses Adaptive leadership programme (internal) Action learning and coaching Comparison of the [Impact Assessment] Survey sample (n=63) and our organisational profile shows the two datasets as consistent across the equality groups, with the following exception.

Age: There are some differences in the distribution of different age groups between participants in the diagnostic exercise (Series 1) and the profile of the NES workforce (Series 2), as shown below.

Participants Comparison - Leadership & Management Development Impact Assessment

45.00% 40.00% 35.00% 30.00% 25.00% Series1 20.00% Series2 15.00% 10.00% 5.00% 0.00% 21-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 61+

This may be explained by the fact that formal leadership and managerial roles tend to be held by those with experience, which is built up over time. The data is comparing those in leadership and managerial roles (programme participants, their line managers and senior team members) with the whole organisation, which may lead to the differential.

It is not felt that this differential represents a significant risk. However, provision will be made within the Leadership and Management Development Strategy to ensure that appropriate development support is proactively provided for all age groups, reflecting the nature of lifelong learning respect of managers’ and leaders’ continuing professional development


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