GGS 12 Review Sheet for Exam

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GGS 12 Review Sheet for Exam

GGS 12 Review Sheet for Exam Name:______


The data below will help you answer the questions following.


World 6320 26 11 74 3 520

Africa 743 45 14 1113 629

Europe 620 11 10 11 12 540

North America 308 12 10 9 18 899

Asia 3887 29 12 69 1450

Latin America 556 30 8 55 2130

1 The doubling time for Asia is...

a) 17 years b) 3 years c) 18 years d) 41 years

2 The doubling time for Africa is...

a) 67 years b) 128 years c) 23years d) 31 years

3. The natural increase for North America is...

a) 7/1000 b) 5 /1000 c) 16/1000 d) 2/1000

4. Thomas Malthus would call 20 000 people killed in an earthquake...

a) a negative population check b) a positive population check.. c) a controlled population check. d) an exponential decrease check.

5. The relation between GNP and Infant Mortality Rate probably shows...

a) no real pattern. b) a weak relationship. c) a strong relationship.

6. Which region would most likely have the lowest fertility Rate?

a) Africa b) Latin America c) Asia d) Europe

7. The relation between population growth rate and GNP probably shows...

a) a strong positive relation. b) a weak relation. c) no real pattern.

8. Which region is closest to the stage of zero population growth?

a) Central America b) Latin America c) North America d) Asia 10. A country with a low birth rate probably...

a) is located in Africa. b) has a high death rate. c) has a fast doubling time. d) is very developed.

11. A low birth rate and a low death rate is not an indication of...

a) a developed country. b) a country with a large population. c) an under developed country. d) a rich country.

12. Which country below probably has the fastest doubling time?

a) Canada b) United Kingdom c) Nigeria d) Columbia

13. A country with a high total fertility rate probably has...

a) a slow doubling time. b) a low status for women. c) lots of hospitals. d) a low death rate.

14. A country with a natural increase of 2% would see its population double in...

a) .35 years. b) 3.5 years. c) 350 years. d) 35 years.

Population Pyramids

Calculate the dependency ratio for China’s population 2000 and answer the questions.


TOTAL 1,268,853 653,870 614,983 1,453,124 738,940 714,184 0-4 94,476 50,348 44,128 81,227 41,757 39,470 5-9 103,368 54,449 48,919 90,685 46,840 43,845 10-14 125,227 65,228 59,999 95,581 49,853 45,728 15-19 102,944 53,194 49,750 87,453 46,029 41,424 20-24 95,658 49,186 46,473 80,393 42,655 37,738 25-29 118,459 60,842 57,617 91,395 48,367 43,028 30-34 124,817 64,210 60,607 99,836 52,090 47,746 35-39 102,589 52,588 50,000 120,687 62,219 58,468 40-44 82,103 42,637 39,466 98,338 50,176 48,162 45-49 83,934 43,095 40,838 90,924 46,145 44,779 50-54 61,044 31,699 29,345 111,734 56,612 55,121 55-59 45,870 23,876 21,994 115,132 58,151 56,981 60-64 40,827 21,153 19,674 90,917 45,302 45,615 65-69 34,704 17,561 17,143 67,167 33,296 33,871 70-74 24,987 12,142 12,845 61,284 29,213 32,071 75-79 15,807 7,084 8,722 36,357 16,769 19,588 80-84 7,938 3,212 4,726 19,231 8,289 10,942 85-89 3,130 1,103 2,027 9,948 3,790 6,158 90-94 832 233 599 3,823 1,174 2,649 95-99 132 28 104 884 196 688 100+ 9 1 8 128 17 111

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, International Data Base, March 2004 version. Dependency Ratio = ______

1. Which stage of the Demographic Transition Model is China in? 2. Give two pieces of evidence to support your answer in # 1. 3. What problem is China likely to experience in the future? Look at the statistics for 2025. 4. Something happened in to reduce the birth rate twice in this population. What were they? When did they happen?

Global Resources/Intro to Global Geography Define the following:

Human Hunger Green starvation resources revolution Capital Famine blue ecosystem resources revolution Natural United Nations 20/80 thresholds resources distribution Non carrying North-South PQLI renewable capacity Gap resources Renewable GM Foods desertification Time space resources convergence/divergence Sustainable interdependence HYV interconnectedness development Global malnutrition absolute GDP/GNP Village poverty Monoculture exploitation relative Ecological footprints poverty

The Global Economy

Match the correct concept with the corresponding letter.

Free trade A. Provides world forum for trade issues, regulations and discussions Fair trade B. Lends money to developing countries Quota C. Magazine advertisement of tea Subsidy D. Unlawful labour Tariff E. Processing tea leaves into tea bags Transnational company F. Mexico, USA and Canada WTO G. Developing partnerships and creating equity NAFTA H. Does not use pesticides or herbicides Sweatshop I. Buying a box of tea Primary sector industry J. Reducing taxes on the flow of goods Secondary sector industry K. Tax placed on imported goods Tertiary sector industry L. Limits to goods from other countries Quaternary sector industry M. Pepsi Co. Organic farming N. Tea leaves World Bank O. Financial aid for local business

Global Trade

Describe the three Industrial Revolutions

First Industrial Revolution

Second Industrial Revolution

Third Industrial Revolution Name the 4 types of Economies the correspond to each description.

Price of good and services determined by free enterprise and government intervention. Price of goods and services determined by supply and demand.

Economy is dominated by subsistence agriculture.

Price of goods and services determined by the government.


A. Define the following:

-Central Place

-Shantytown/squatter settlement



-Urban Sprawl

-Zone of influence/umland/hinterland

-Christaller’s Central Place Theory

-Urban hierarchy

-Low order service

-Medium order service

-High order service

-Very high order service

-Bid Rent Theory


-Concentric Zone Model

-Sector Model

-Multiple Nuclei Model


-Push/Pull Factors

*Make a list of 10 megacity problems you encountered in the urbanization unit and solutions to help deal with them.


1. The degree of reflectivity of the surface of the earth. ______2. This is a national count of a population.______3. This is the process by which dryland areas are degraded to the point where they are no longer usable because the soil is unproductive and conditions are desert-like. ______4. This type of population pyramid is reflective of Stage 1 of the demographic transition model and is characteristic of high birth rates and high death rates. ______5. This is the name for the Greek goddess of the earth. ______6. This results when there is too much carbon dioxide heating up the earth’s surface. ______7. This is the acronym for a country that would have formerly been called third world, such as Mali. ______8. Another term for the number of deaths per year in a country is known as the ______rate. 9. This is a type of natural resource such as oil that once it is extracted is gone forever. ______10. This stage of the demographic transition model is the first stage, also known as ______. 11. The United Nations is conducted in how many official languages? ____ 12. This organ of the UN is no longer active. ______13. This type of resource in a country consists of printable money, factories, machinery and equipment. ______14. This is the study of the number of people in a country. ______15. The way in which a population is spread over an area of land is known as population ______. 16. Thomas Malthus predicted a population ______in which the growth of the world’s population was superceding the resources of the earth. 17. This organ of the UN meets in NY and discusses issues of international concern. ______18. This type of gas is created by increasing levels of carbon, methane and nitrous oxide in the atmosphere ______. 19. Canada can be categorized as this type of country (acronym) ______. 20.______measures birth rates subtract death rates divided by 10. 21. This is like sunscreen for the earth and protects us from harmful ultraviolet rays. ______22. A characteristic of Canada that attracts people to it is its good education system. This is known as a ______. 23. This organ of the UN deals with the administrative functions and performs the day to day runnings of the organization.______24. This stage of growth in the demographic transition model is characterized by low birth and death rates. The population pyramid for a country of this nature would be ______. 25. This is the type of light/radiation emitted from the sun. ______26. The maximum population an area can support given the resources available and without permanent damage to the environment is known as ______. 27. The average number of people per unit of land is known as population ______. 28. One of the six principles of the UN is that all countries are ______. 29. The number of children born to a woman in her lifetime is called the ______rate. 30. The internet is one way in which the concept of the ______makes the world feel like it has shrunk or become smaller in terms of distance. 31. The Green Revolution was responsible for creating these types of crops which were heartier, resisted disease and withstood harsher climates and growing conditions. ______32. The planting of only one type of crop or vegetation is practiced in many LDC’s so they can sell the produce for profit. This is known as ______. 33. An organization that is not funded by the government but exists to assist LDC’s with aid, sustainable economic development and protection of the environment (acronym). ______34. The process by which plants take in carbon dioxide and use the carbon as food to grow is called ______. 35. This type of natural resource can replace itself or renew itself during a human lifetime or a relatively short period of time, such as forests. ______36. This organ of the UN is responsible for maintaining international peace and security. It is known as the ______council. 37. The use of resources in such a way as to ensure there will be enough for future generations is known as ______development. 38. The increasing proportion of people living in cities which is now near 50% of the entire population is called ______. 39. The number of children per woman required to keep the population of a country constant is called ______level. 40. The process by which an area becomes less urbanized because of the movement of people and or economic activities away from the city is ______. 41. A very large urban centre having several million people or more is called a ______. 42. An unplanned slum development, usually on the outskirts of the city, characterized by homes made of salvaged materials and has very few, if any services, like water, sewer and electricity is called a ______. 43. An attribute or feature that is typical or a particular location, such on a bay is an example of a ______characteristic. 44. An attribute that describes where a location is relative to another community or feature, such as at a trans-shipment point, is an example of a ______characteristic. 45. The physical, uncontrolled growth of a city into the surrounding hinterland is referred to as ______. 46. The movement of people from rural areas to urban areas is known as ______. 47. The minimum number of people necessary for a business to break even is called ______. 48. The point between two central places where people are equally attracted to both. 49. The area that is served by an urban place is called the ______. 50. The relationship between urban size and the level of sophistication of available goods and services is referred to as ______.

Exam Format: TOTAL = 90 MARKS

Matching Definitions (10 Marks) Explaining Global Concepts (10 Marks) Multiple Choice/Application (35 Marks) Rank Correlation (10 Marks) Article Analysis (5 Marks) Short Answer (10 marks) Essay (10 marks) The exam will cover the entire semester and all topics covered in class, for homework and assignments. You must bring a calculator, pencil, eraser and pen to the exam.

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