ENG/HUM 2433: World Literature 1
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ENG/HUM 2433: World Literature 1 Reading Response Journal
The reading response journal is worth 200 points of your overall grade. The criteria and assignments are as follows:
A. Each entry should be at least one full page, typed, double-spaced. Each entry should be clearly identified by name (use titles in chart below), and placed in the order we get to it on the schedule. Staple the entries together, but do not place them in a binder or folder of any kind. B. Your reading responses (RR) on literary works must focus in part on the core questions we will be following this semester: a. As 21st century humans, what can we learn from the literature we are reading? Why does it still hold value? b. How does the author or his culture define the heroic? Give examples from the text to support your definition. c. What conflicts get in the hero's way as he/she tries to fulfill his/her destiny or get what he/she wants? Conflicts can occur between the hero and: other person(s); society; nature; god(s); or self. There can be multiple conflicts. d. How does this particular work reflect the traditions of its genre? (e.g. what makes it an epic, a tragedy, a romance, etc.) C. Some journal entries listed below do not ask you to answer the questions above. Instead, answer the question I have listed in the table. D. Stay current with your entries. I will pick them up at the end of the semester. However, I do want to see your first 2 entries to make sure you are on the right track. E. No late entries will be accepted. F. The entries will be graded on length and content. G. Assignments (see schedule for page numbers): RR1 How do you define "hero"? How does modern "society" define "hero"? Give examples of real or fictional heroes as you define them. RR2 Gilgamesh RR3 Iliad RR4 Beowulf RR5 Medea RR6 Atsumori RR7 Othello RR8 Bhagavad-Gita RR9 1001 Nights RR10 Sir Gawain and the Green Knight RR11 Canterbury Tales RR12 The Prince RR13 Don Quixote RR14 Joseph RR15 Job RR16 Identify your most favorite and least favorite works – explain why.