Global History and Geography II Name: ______ s3

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Global History and Geography II Name: ______ s3

Lab Practice 20 Global History and Geography II Name: ______E. Napp Date: ______

1- Which area was once controlled by 6- In western Europe, the Middle Ages Britain, suffered a mass starvation in the began after the collapse of which empire? 1840s, and became an independent (1) Mughal (3) Ottoman Catholic nation in 1922? (2) Roman (4) Byzantine (1) Scotland (3) Ghana (2) India (4) Ireland 7- The topography and climate of Russia have caused Russia to 2-Which statement describes one major (1) depend on rice as its main source of aspect of a command economy? food (1) Supply and demand determines what (2) seek access to warm-water ports will be produced. (3) adopt policies of neutrality and (2) Most economic decisions are made by isolation the government. (4) acquire mineral-rich colonies on other (3) The means of production are continents controlled by labor unions. (4) The economy is mainly agricultural. 8- What was a significant effect of Mansa Musa’s pilgrimage to Mecca? 3- Since 1948, a major reason for the (1) The African written language spread to conflict between Arabs and Israelis is that southwest Asia. each side (2) Military leaders eventually controlled (1) wants the huge oil reserves that lie Mali. under the disputed land (3) Islamic learning and culture expanded (2) believes that the United States favors in Mali. the other side in the conflict (4) The trading of gold for salt ended. (3) claims sovereignty over the same land (4) seeks to control trade on the eastern 9- Both European medieval knights and end of the Mediterranean Sea Japanese samurai warriors pledged oaths of 4- One way in which the Tang dynasty, the (1) loyalty to their military leader Gupta Empire, and the European (2) devotion to their nation-state Renaissance are similar is that they all (3) service to their church included periods of (4) allegiance to their families (1) religious unity (2) democratic reforms (3) economic isolation 10- One similarity between animism and (4) cultural achievements Shinto is that people who follow these belief systems 5- What was one similar goal shared by (1) practice filial piety Simón Bolívar and Mohandas Gandhi? (2) worship spirits in nature (1) ending foreign control (3) are monotheistic (2) promoting religious freedom (4) are required to make pilgrimages (3) establishing a limited monarchy (4) creating collective farms Complete the Storyboard: The British Empire in India

Before the British government took After 1858, India came under the control of India, the British East India control of the British government. Company controlled most of India. In While the British built many hospitals, 1857, a large number of British-trained railways, and schools, Indians resented Indian soldiers, known as sepoys, British rule. rebelled against their British officers.

The mutiny began when the sepoys had The angry sepoys rose up against their to bite off bullet cartridges which they British officers. The Sepoy rebellion thought were greased with pork or beef quickly spread to cities across northern fat. Muslim and Hindu soldiers believed and central India. One effect of the they were being forced to violate their mutiny was that the British government religion. took over formal rule of India.

The British provided a single system of As a result, the mutiny was put down law and government unifying India. and India became a British possession as However, Indians worked long hours the British government abolished the under terrible working conditions to East India Company. enrich Britain not India. August 2006 DBQ: Historical Context: As World War II came to an end, a new conflict emerged between the United States and the Soviet Union. This conflict, known as the Cold War, affected many regions of the world, including Europe, Asia, and Latin America. Task: • Discuss how the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union affected other nations and/or regions of the world Document 2a “This is Hungary calling! This is Hungary calling! The last free station. Forward to the United Nations. Early this morning Soviet troops launched a general attack on Hungary. We are requesting you to send us immediate aid in the form of parachute troops over the Transdanubian provinces [across the Danube River]. It is possible that our broadcasts will soon come to the same fate as the other Hungarian broadcasting stations . . . For the sake of God and freedom, help Hungary! . . . — Free Radio Rakoczi Civilized people of the world, listen and come to our aid. Not with declarations, but with force, with soldiers, with arms. Do not forget that there is no stopping the wild onslaught [attack] of Bolshevism. Your turn will also come, if we perish. Save our souls! Save our souls! . . .” — Free Radio Petofi Source: Melvin J. Lasky, ed., The Hungarian Revolution: The Story of the October Uprising as Recorded in Documents, Dispatches, Eye-Witness Accounts, and World-wide Reactions, Frederick A. Praeger, 1957 (adapted) Based on these broadcasts from Free Radio Rakoczi and Free Radio Petofi, state two reasons the Hungarian people were asking for help in 1956. ______

Document 4 “. . . The preservation of peace forms the central aim of India’s policy. It is in the pursuit of this policy that we have chosen the path of nonalinement [nonalignment] in any military or like pact or alliance. Nonalinement does not mean passivity of mind or action, lack of faith or conviction. It does not mean submission to what we consider evil. It is a positive and dynamic approach to such problems that confront us. We believe that each country has not only the right to freedom but also to decide its own policy and way of life. Only thus can true freedom flourish and a people grow according to their own genius. We believe, therefore, in nonaggression and noninterference by one country in the affairs of another and the growth of tolerance between them and the capacity for peaceful coexistence. We think that by the free exchange of ideas and trade and other contacts between nations each will learn from the other and truth will prevail. We therefore endeavor to maintain friendly relations with all countries, even though we may disagree with them in their policies or structure of government. We think that by this approach we can serve not only our country but also the larger causes of peace and good fellowship in the world. . . .” Source: Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru, speech in Washington, D.C., December 18, 1956 According to Prime Minister Nehru, what was India’s foreign policy in 1956? ______Outline the Thematic Essay: Theme: Belief Systems

A variety of belief systems are practiced throughout the world today. Many of these beliefs have developed massive followings, and as a result, have had a considerable amount of influence on culture in the areas where they are practiced.

Task: Choose two belief systems from your study of global history, and for each one:  Identify the nation or region where it was founded.  Describe two basic teachings of the belief system.  Discuss how the belief system has influenced the culture of the areas in which it is currently practiced.

Suggestions: Animism, Shintoism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Daoism, Legalism

Divide the box and outline the essay: From the Global History and Geography Regents:

What does the information shown on this map indicate about the governments of Western Europe and Eastern Europe after World War II? ______

Based on this map, state one way the Cold War affected the city of Berlin. ______

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