Entry Form ANIMASI Immerse 3D Animation Challenge
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Ref no:
1. Participants of the Professional (Industry) category are strongly advised to read the Guidelines & Terms and Conditions available at AITI’s website (www.aiti.gov.bn) carefully to ensure that they are eligible to participate in this Challenge and that they have complied with and understand the basic of the Challenge format.
2. This entry form must be filled in by:
(a) Typing in black, font-size twelve (12); or (b) Clearly handwritten in black ink.
3. All participants must ensure that one entry form is submitted per submission. . 4. This entry form must be submitted together with the 3D animation clip by:
. 11.59pm on Sunday, 10 November 2013 for the Open category; . 4.00pm on Monday, 6 December 2013 for the Professional (Industry) category.
5. Entry submissions for the Open Category must be delivered by hand in a sealed envelope marked ‘ANIMASI-IMMERSE CHALLENGE 2013 – OPEN CATEGORY and be delivered to the :
iCentre Block B-28, Simpang 32-37, Kg Anggerek Desa Jalan Berakas BB 3713 Bandar Seri Begawan Brunei Darussalam
6. Entry submissions for the Professional (Industry) Category must be delivered by hand in a sealed envelope marked ‘ANIMASI-IMMERSE CHALLENGE 2013 – PROFESSIONAL (INDUSTRY) CATEGORY and be delivered to the :
Authority for Info-communications Technology Industry Block B-14, Simpang 32-5, Kg Anggerek Desa Jalan Berakas BB 3713 Bandar Seri Begawan Brunei Darussalam
7. Any submissions received after the closing date or which is incomplete or not delivered by hand may either be rejected or considered by AITI and iCentre in their ultimate discretion. AITI and iCentre shall inform all participants in advance should there be any changes to the submission dates.
8. All decisions of AITI, iCentre and the judges of the Challenge are final and are not subject to appeal or review by the participant.
9. If AITI and iCentre requests for any further information from you, you must supply such information to AITI and iCentre by the date stated in the letter requesting such further information failing which the submission will not be considered.
10. If there is insufficient space in any of the above boxes to complete your answers kindly continue on a separate piece of paper and securely attach the paper to your entry form. Category: Open Professional (Industry) (Please tick one)
Animation Clip Title:
Animation Theme: Nakhoda Manis Brunei Folklore (Please tick one)
Summary of Contents of Animation Clip:
Duration of Clip: (maximum 60secs for open ______minutes ______seconds category & 5mins for industry category)
Animation Format: .avi Audio Included: Yes .mov No .mp4
Participant Details (Focal Person):
Full Name:
Full Address:
Phone Number: Mobile Number:
Email Address: Website:
Team Details:
I.C No. / Relevant Experience, Full Name Job Designation Role in this Submission Passport No. if any
Participant Details 1 (Principal Business):
Business Name:
Full Address:
Phone Number: Fax Number:
Email Address: Website:
Please describe the nature of your business:
Team Details 1:
I.C No. / Relevant Experience, Full Name Job Designation Role in this Submission Passport No. if any
Page 4 of 7 Business Details 2 (For Co-production Only)
Only fill in this section if the animation is jointly produced with another business.
Business Name:
Full Address:
Phone Number: Fax Number:
Email Address: Website:
Please describe the nature of your business:
Team Details 2:
I.C No. / Relevant Experience, Full Name Job Designation Role in this Submission Passport No. if any
Page 5 of 7 Contact Person Details:
Full Name:
Full Address:
Contact Number: (M) (H/O)
Fax Number:
Email Address:
Page 6 of 7 Statement by Participant(s):
Individual (Focal Person)/Sole Proprietor I hereby confirm that, as far as I know, the information in this form is true and correct. Firm/Partnership I hereby confirm that, I am duly authorised by all the registered owners of the firm to sign this form on their behalf and that of the firm, and as far as I know, the information in this form is true and correct.
Limited Company I confirm that the company named on this form has given me the authority to sign this form on their behalf. I confirm that the activity in the form falls within the powers of the Company’s Memorandum of Association. I confirm that, as far as I know, the information in this form is true and correct.
Name: (use CAPITAL letters)
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