The Latin American Scientific Society of Agroecology ( Sociedad Cientifica Latinoamericana

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The Latin American Scientific Society of Agroecology ( Sociedad Cientifica Latinoamericana

The Latin American Scientific Society of Agroecology ( Sociedad Cientifica LatinoAmericana de Agroecologia-SOCLA) launched

On August 13-15, 2007, SOCLA held its first Scientific Congress in Medellin , Colombia in collaboration with the Universidad de Antioquia and other Colombian academic institutions. The Congress was attended by 500 representatives from all over Latin America who presented papers and engaged in discussions on key issues at the interface of agriculture, environment and society. At this first major regional scientific congress, participants conducted a major analysis of the state of art of agroecology in the various fields of analysis ( ecological pest management, soil management, ethnoecology, ecological economics, etc), as well as discussions on the pressing contemporary problems affecting Latin America such as climate change, the emergence of biotechnology and biodiesel crops, impacts of globalization and free trade agreements, corporate type of organic agriculture, food sovereignty, etc.

The Congress was enriched by the presence of representatives of major NGO networks promoting agroecology in the region ( MAELA, RAPAL , IFOAM ,etc) as well as representatives from major farmers organzizations such as ViaCampesina –ACLOC and MST in Brasil. In addition to describing the challenges that these groups face and the activities that they conduct, grassroots representatives depicted to SOCLA members their educational, research and outreach needs, helping SOCLA define a collaborative working plan relevant and useful to the needs and aspirations of small farmers and peasants in the region.

SOCLA is a regional organization with 260 members ( researchers, professors, extensionists) from 14 countries in Latin America. The goal of SOCLA is to promote the development of the science of agroecology as the scientific basis of a sustainable rural development strategy in Latin America which emphasizes food sovereignty, conservation of natural resources and agrobiodiversity and empowers rural social movements. To accomplish its objectives SOCLA will organize one scientific congress every two or three years, short training courses in various countries, produces publications on key issues and maintains working groups that provide information, analysis and technical advise to a number of academic institutions and civil and farmers organizations involved in agoecology in the region

SOCLA is also actively involved in the creation of the only doctoral program on agroecology in Latin America initially based in Colombia ( Universidad de Antioquia- Universidad Nacional), which would consolidate a unique space for advanced studies and research on agroecology and sustainable food systems in the region. Agreements are being established with a network of Latin American Universities to provide this program a true Latin American dimension.

SIOCLA is also establishing working groups to conduct research, analysis and outreach on key issues defining sustainable agriculture in the region, informing rural social movements and civil society thus improving their work on development of technological alternatives, fair marketing systems, local rural development and policy change. By conducting rigorous analysis on the state of the art of agroecology, and on major issues affecting rural communities of the region ( climate change, globalization, deployment of transgenic crops and biofuel crops, etc), SOCLA will be able to empower hundreds of farmers organizations, civil sociey organizations and universities and research centers with key alternative analysis and information to confront major challenges facing agriculture and food systems in the region. Information will be provided via regional and national congresses and courses, publications, local training activities, technical advise, website and videos.

SOCLA will become an organized space of academics ( professors, researchers, extensionists) committed to agroecology to engage in common analysis of alternative technology, market or policy scenarios to further support the efforts of hundreds of farmers organizations and academic institutions committed to a truly sustainable agriculture in the region. Collaborative agreements have already been signed with ABA ( Brazilian Agroecological Society), MAELA ( Movimiento Agroecologico de America Latina y El Caribe), RAPAL (Red de Accion en Plaguicidas y Sus Alternativas para America Latina), SEAE ( Sociedad Espanola de Agricultura Ecologica), ACTAF ( Asociacion de Tecnicos Agricolas y Forestales-Cuba) which will allow SOCLA engage in projects of birad impact.

SOCLA is in the process of defining a strategic plan which will be implemented during 2007-2012. It is expected that most of the organizations working on sustainable agriculture in the region will be empowered by activities of this plan such as authoritative studies and/or other research and educational activities endorsed by SOCLA on issues of major importance to the future path of agriculture in Latin America.

For additional information:

Miguel A Altieri , President of SOCLA [email protected] www.agroeco,org/socla

To become a member of SOCLA, send a $25 check to

CENSA ( write SOCLA in memorandum) 2288 Fulton St. Suite 103, Berkeley, California, 94704 USA

Membership valid for one year ( August 15, 2007 to August 14, 2008)

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