1 Infomaths/Mca/Maths

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1 Infomaths/Mca/Maths

INFOMATHS MOCK TEST –(MAHCET) SECTION–1 (GA) 10. If the length and breadth of a rectangle are changed 1 by +20% and -10%. What is the percentage change 1. If the average marks of th class is 85% and that of 4 in area of rectangle? (a) 8% (b) 10.8% (c) 20% (d) data insufficient 1 rd class is 70% and the average marks of the rest 11. What per cent is 3% of 15%? 3 (a) 15% (b) 20% (c) 40% (d) 66.66% class is 56%, then the average of the whole class is 12. 40% of a number when added to the square of the (for the given subjects): same number, then it is increased to 4040% of itself (a) 67.916% (b) 72.33% the actual number is : (c) 69.165% (d) can’t be determined (a) 175 (b) 400 (c) 40 (d) 120 2. The average value of property of Mittal, Ambani and 13. In an examination 70% of the candidates passed in Singhania is Rs. 1111 core. The property of History and 50% in Geography and 20% students Singhania is as less as the property of Mittal is failed in both the subjects. If 500 students passed in greater than the average property of both the both the subjects, then how many candidates Singhania and Mittal. The value of property of appeared for the exam? Ambani is : (a) 1,000 (b) 1,500 (c) 2,500 (d) N.O.T (a) Rs. 111 crore (b) Rs. 1111crore 14. My salary is Rs. 12,345 per month. The salary of my (c) Rs. 3703.7 crore (d) can’t be determined brother is 10% greater than that of mine. The salary 3. The average weight of boys in a class is 30 kg and of my only sister is 9.09% greater than my only the average weight of girls in the same class is 20 kg. 12 If the average weight of the whole class is 23.25 kg, brother. The salary of my wife is 56 % less than what could be the possible strength of boys and girls 23 respectively in the same class? the total salary of my brother and sister together, (a) 14 and 26 (b) 13 and 27 then the salary of my wife is : (c) 17 and 27 (d) None of these (a) greater than my sister’s salary 11 4. The speeds of rickshaw, car and scooter are in the (b) 33 % less than my sister’s salary ratio of 3 : 5 : 6. What is the ratio of time taken by 23 each one of them for the same distance? (c) equal to my salary (a) 6 : 5 : 3 (b) 10 : 6 : 5 11 (d) 44 % greater than my own salary (c) 12 : 7 : 6 (d) data insufficient 23 5. The LCM of two numbers is 210 and their ratio is 2 : 15. A milkman mixes 10% water in pure milk but he is 3. The sum of these numbers is : not content with it so he again mixes 10% more (a) 210 (b) 175 water in the previous mixture. What is the profit (c) 315 (d) can’t be determined percentage of milkman if he sells it at cost price: 1 6. 10 years ago the age of Karishma was rd of the (a) 11.11% (b) 20% 3 (c) 21% (d) 12.1% age of Babita. 14 years hence the ratio of ages of 16. Ragini purchases oranges at Rs. 10 per dozen and Karishma and Babita will be 5 : 9. Find the ratio of sells them at Rs. 12 for every 10 oranges. What is the their present ages: profit percentage? (a) 13 : 29 (b) 11 : 27 (a) 40% (b) 44% (c) 60% (d) 48% (c) 29 : 17 (d) 13 : 25 7. The ratio of numerator to a denominator of a fraction Direction (Q. 17-18): Read the following information and 1 answer the questions based on it. is when x and 5x are added to the numerator and 5 Ten students A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I and J are sitting in a denominator respectively to the given fraction then row facing west. the ratio of the new fraction will be : (i) B and F are not sitting on either of the edges. (a) 1 : 1 (b) 1 : 25 (c) 1 : 5 (d) 2 : 7 (ii) G is sitting to the left of D and H is sitting to the 8. Sachin bought 1.5 kg fresh grapes. The ratio of water right of 3. is to pulp was 4 : 1. When his naughty child crushed (iii) There are four persons between E and A. these grapes, then some water get wasted. Now the (iv) I is to the north of B and F is to the south of D. ratio of water is to pulp is 3 : 2. What is the total (v) J is in between A and D and G is in between E and F. amount of the crushed grapes? (vi) There are two persons between H and C. (a) 0.5 kg (b) 1 kg 17. Who is sitting second left of D? (c) 0.75 kg (d) N.O.T (a) G (b) F (c) E (d) J 9. A vessel of capacity 2 litre has 25% alcohol and 18. If G and A interchange their positions, then who another vessel of capacity 6 litre had 40% alcohol. become the immediate neighbours of E? The total liquid of 8 litre was poured out in a vessel (a) G and F (b) F only of capacity 10 litre and thus the rest part of the vessel (c) A only (d) J and H was filled with the water. What is the new Directions (Q. 19-22): Read the following information concentration of mixture? carefully and answer the questions given below it : (a) 31% (b) 71% (c) 49% (d) 29% Five friends A, B, C, D and E are sitting on a bench. (i) A is sitting next to B.

1 INFOMATHS/MCA/MATHS/ INFOMATHS (ii) C is sitting next to D. 36. Laptop is a (iii) D is not sitting with E. (a) Wireless device (b) Personal computer (iv) E is on the left end of the bench. (c) Mobile device (d) All the these (v) C is on second position from right. 37. ALU is responsible for performing. (vi) A is on the right side of B and to the right side of E. (a) Only arithmetic operation (vi) A and C are sitting together. (b) only logical operations 19. A what position is A sitting? (c) Both Arithmetic and logical operations (a) Between B and C (b) Between D and C (d) storing the most importat (c) Between E and D (d) Between C and E 38. The word VLSI stands for 20. Who is sitting at the centre? (a) Very Large Scale industry (a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D (b) Very large Scale integration 21. What is the position of B? (c) Very large simple integration (a) Second from right (b) Centre (d) None (c) Extreme left (d) Second from left 39. Which of the following statements in a Boolean 22. What is the position of D? algebra is NOT correct? (a) Extreme left (b) Extreme right (a) A + A = A (b) A . A = A (c) Third from left (d) Second from left (c) A + 1 = A (d) A + AB = A 23. In a multiple choice question there are fur alternative 40. Which of the following statements in a Boolean answers of which one or more are correct. A algebra is correct? candidate will get marks in the question only if he (a) AB  A  B (b) AB  A.B ticks all the correct answers. The candidate decides (c) AB  A  B (d) AB  A  B to tick the answers at random. If he is allowed up to 41. The sequence that is in ascending order in size is three chance to answer the question, find the (a) bit, word, byte, nibble probability that he’ll get marks in the question. (b) nibble, byte, bit, word (a) 1/5 (b) 6/5 (c) 1/6 (d) None of these (c) nibble, bit, word, byte 24. sinh ix equals (d) bit, nibble, byte, word (a) coshx (b) i sin x (c) cos x (d) 1 42. The binary representation of the hexadecimal 25. tan A + 2 tan 2A + 4 tan 4A + 8 cot 8A is equal to number 3B7F is? (a) tan 2A (b) cot A (c) sin 3A (d) None of these (a) 0011 1011 0111 1111 (b) 0011 1010 0111 0111 (c) 0011 0100 0110 0111 (d) 1100 0100 1000 1000 SECTION-2 (COMPUTERS) 43. DMA is responsible for 26. Assembly language (a) data movement in registers (a) uses alphabetic codes in place of binary numbers (b) data movement in ALU used in machine language (c) data movement in I/O devices (b) is the easiest language to write programs (d) data movement from I/O to memory and vice- (c) need not be translated into machine language versa (d) None 44. Which of the following is the most powerful type of 27. Data (information) is stored in computers as computer? (a) Files (b) Directories (a) super-micro (b) superconductor (c) Floppies (d) Matter (c) Supercomputer (d) Megaframe 28. Time taken to move from one cylinder of a hard disk 45. The word length of a computer is measured in to another is called. (a) bits (b) bytes (a) Transfer rate (b) Average seek time (c) milimetres (d) metres (c) Latency (d) Roundtrip time 46. The errors that can be pointed out by the compiler 29. Which of the following is not a logic gate? are (a) AND (b) OR (c) NOT (d) NAT (a) syntax errors (b) semantic errors 30. What is the largest decimal number that can be (c) logical errors (d) internal errors represented using 8 bits? 47. Which gate is a single integrated circuit? (a) 128 (b) 255 (c) 256 (d) 1024 (a) Gate (b) Mother Board 31. ______does not belong to C.P.U. (c) Chip (d) CPU (a) Control Unit (b) P.C.U. 48. Compilers and Interpreters are themselves (c) Memory (d) A.L.U. (a) High level language (b) Codes 32. Processing capacity of CPU is measured in : (c) Programs (d) Mnemonics (a) I.P.S. (b) nano seconds 49. If 123 in hexadecimal system is x in octal system, (c) C.I.P.S. (d) M.I.P.S. then x is 33. All the physical parts of computer are called: (a) 123 (b) 291 (c) 344 (d) 443 (a) Software (b) Hardware 50. The acronym “DVD” stands for : (c) Freeware (d) Shareware (A) Dynamic viewable disc 34. An example for non-weighted code is (B) Decompressed video disk (a) Excess-3 (b) 8421 (C) Digital versatile disc (c) 5421 (d) 8421 (D) Digital video drive 35. Information is (a) Data (b) Processed data (c) Manipulated input (d) computer output 2 INFOMATHS/MCA/MATHS/ INFOMATHS

GA ANSWERS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 A B B B B A C C D A 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 B C D C C B A C A D 21 22 23 24 25 A B A B B

COMPUTER 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 A A D D B B D B A B 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 B C B C D D A D C B 46 47 48 49 50 C A C D C

MY PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS No. of Questions No. of Right No. of Wrong Net Score Percentage Accuracy Attempted (=A) Responses (=R) Responses (=W) (NS = R – 0.25W) (= PA= 100R/A)


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