Parents and Citizen’s Meeting

Date: Monday, 2nd February, 2015 Present: M Marciniak M Paraskevopoulos, J Mallios, E Siafakas, Ahmad Zahr, Jo Matagi, Shou Hu, F Suwito, V Cerqueira, Liam St Vincent, R El- Chikrawe, Z All-Ramadan, F Domanli, L Rendon, R Al QZW Apologies: H Cork Chair: M Marciniak Minutes: Meeting opened: 6.10 pm Previous meeting accepted: E Siafakas Seconded - M Paraskevopoulos

Business Arising: None

GUEST SPEAKER – Jim Mallios – Deputy Principal

 Purchasing of SENTRAL Administration system – Transitioning from Academy and a fragmented approach to administration. Will include; Electronic notices daily for Staff, Internal mail system, Electronic forms, Student profile in central place, School reports, and a Parent Portal.  School Infrastructure – working with DEC to improve school network and servers.  Communication with parents – Development of a school smartphone app for providing information to parents and students. http://skoolbag.com.au/  Establishment of school managed social media – platform to promote the school.  Thank you – for the warm welcome I have received and I look forward to serving the school community in partnership with Mark Marciniak – meeting the expectations and needs of the school community.

Principals Report: M Marciniak

 Welcome back and congratulations to our Year 12 students 2014. We are proud of their results. Significant percentage of band 5 and band 6 across the cohort and faculty areas. Maths and Science of a high standard. Ray Miao was our highest achieving student with an ATAR 99. Several students received an ATAR of 90 or above – a testament of the high quality of teaching.  Welcome Mr Mallios – we are privileged to have such an accomplished senior executive member join the James Cook community.  Ms H Cork was successful in her internal application and has been appointed Head Teacher of the amalgamation of TAS, Visual Arts and Music Faculty TAS/CAPA for 2015.

Officeshare/MINUTES/2015/P & C Minutes1  Ms Lisa Blake – school counsellor will be working at our school on Tuesday and Thursday.  Welcome to Year 7 students – they have been helped with their transition with Year 10 students who completed a peer mentoring program in 2014. Both groups will be attending Year 7 camp later this term.  Bon Appetite – were successful in the tender for the school canteen and offer a broad range of healthy foods at competitive prices – that cater for our culturally diverse community.  Sports Levy – will be introduced to cover cost of students catching sports buses for the year and replacement of sports equipment approximately $60.  School (weights) Gym – is nearing completion. Awaiting delivery of equipment provided by a community partner St George Leagues Club.  School Break in on the holidays.  Website update and promotions – we are looking at revamping our website and our school profile through social media. A promotions team will be meeting fortnightly.  HSC Ranking and School article in local paper during the holidays.  State elections are underway.  School planning process – All staff have been working of the school vision and school plan. Looking at input on the school’s progress.  Expression of Interest for Year 7 Advisor 2016  Harmony Day – 25th March 2015

Presidents Report: M Paraskevopoulos

 The P & C would like to welcome back the whole school community for 2015 and a special welcome is extended to our new Deputy Principal - Mr Mallios.  Presentation Day went really well. It was great to see so many parents attend. The P & C presented 7 Westfield Vouchers, a total of $300.  We would like to acknowledge the fantastic results achieved by our Year 12 boys in 2014 HSC. We wish them all the best, well done to the boys and congratulations to all their teachers.  Have received positive feedback on the new canteen menu. Welcome to Bon Appetite the successful applicant in the tender process.  Our AGM is scheduled for 2 March. Could this date be posted in Schools Web Page.  Easter Raffle – next fundraiser.

Treasurer’s Report – E Siafakas

 Christmas Raffle $ 219.16  Cheque for Presentation (No 200002) $ 300.00

 Balance of Account as at 31/12/2014 $ 887.27

Officeshare/MINUTES/2015/P & C Minutes2 Secretary’s Report

 Federation

School Captain’s Report – A Zaher

 School Formal for Year 12 – DEC Legal Branch would not allow school to arrange, finance or be contractually involved.  Seeking help of P & C  Thursday 12 November 2015 – Waterfront (The Rocks) 6pm-12.30 am minimum number of guests 70. $89 per guest.  $1000 bond needs to be paid

. General Business:

Year 12 Formal 2015

Points of discussion

 The year 12 class of 2015 would like to celebrate the conclusion of their formal education by arranging a formal in November of this year, (after the HSC exams).  Although the executive of the school already endorsed the idea of the formal, when Mr Marciniak contacted the DEC legal branch, we learned that the DEC would not allow the school to arrange, finance,or be contractually involved in year 12 formals.  It is for this reason that we are here to seek the support of the P&C in helping us to make the formal a reality.  Ms Cork has received an extension on a tentative booking that was made prior to Mr Marciniak’s discussion with the legal branch. The venue are willing to hold the date until the 4th of February with initial deposit required by the 9th of February.  The details of the tentative booking are outlined in the ‘Booking Arrangement and Terms & Conditions.’

The Date: Thursday 12th November

Venue: Waterfront (The Rocks)

Time: 6pm – 12:30am

Number of guests: Minimum 70 guests

Cost: $89.00 per guest (students plan to reduce cost through fundraising)

Package Includes:

Officeshare/MINUTES/2015/P & C Minutes3  Unlimited juice and soft drink  3 Course meal  Professional DJ  Photo booth and unlimited prints  Professional Wait staff and Event Supervisor  Security Guards  $1000.00 bond required that will be returned at conclusion of event.  We are a highly organised year group who plan to reduce the cost of the event through fundraising throughout the year.  Ms Cork is willing to support and assist in organising fundraising and the promotion of the event with the students (although for legal reasons she cannot be the ‘official’ co-ordinator of the event.  If the P&C are willing to act as a signature and co-ordinator for the event, Ms Cork will contact the Dockside group (company for Waterfront), to ensure the client details are amended to reflect the P&C as opposed to James Cook Boys High School) and the booking can move forward.  There will be a deposit of $2,557.50 required by the 9th of February, however the venue may be willing to offer an extension should we wish to proceed ($1000 of the deposit will be the refundable bond)  ‘If we do lose this booking, the year 12 formal committee would still like to proceed with arranging a formal at another venue, of course this is dependent on your support.  Ms Cork is happy to support the year 12 committee in collecting contributions of $30 from the year 12 co-host, so that the deposit can be made and the booking secured. Obviously if backed by you, we will need to collect the money at school and have it deposited into the P&C account.



Meeting closed: 7.35 pm

Officeshare/MINUTES/2015/P & C Minutes4