Social Media Policy (Interim)

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Social Media Policy (Interim)

Cardinia Shire Council

Cultural diversity policy

Adopted July 2012


Purpose...... 4

Policy Statement...... 4

Council policy...... 5

Our people...... 5

Our environment...... 5

Our community...... 5

Our economy...... 6

Stakeholder engagement...... 7

Conclusion...... 7


The purpose of this policy is to demonstrate Council’s commitment to creating a welcoming, inclusive and accessible community for all. This will be achieved through compliance with all relevant legislation and striving to achieve best practice in supporting culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities in the Cardinia Shire.

This policy will complement and align with the Cardinia Shire Council Plan 2009–13.

This policy has been established in recognition and support of Cardinia Shire’s growing diverse population and the value that diversity adds to the fabric of the Cardinia Shire community.

This policy identifies that local government must advocate for appropriate, inclusive and accessible services and facilities for our culturally diverse community members.

This policy is underpinned by the following key vision statement articulated by ‘Our vision’ in the Council Plan 2009–13.

‘Cardinia Shire will be developed in a planned manner to enable future generations to enjoy and experience the diverse and distinctive characteristics of our shire’.’ POLICY STATEMENT

Council is committed to creating a welcoming, inclusive and accessible community for all.

This policy has been established in recognition of the increasing growth of culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) community members choosing to reside within the Cardinia Shire and articulates Council’s position in relation to Cultural Diversity.

This policy identifies Council’s role to adequately respond to the growth of culturally diverse residents. It is considerate of the culturally sensitive nature of CALD community members, creating a harmonious community, encouraging participation in civic activities and relevant legislation. This will be achieved by:

 Council ensuring that all services delivered by Council are accessible, responsive and sensitive to the needs of culturally diverse community members;

 Provision of cross cultural training to Council staff to ensure that they have the skills and confidence to work with culturally diverse community members;

 Facilitating and /or providing direct support to the Cardinia CALD Network, the Cardinia Interfaith Network and the Building Harmony Program,

 Building and establishing partnerships with locally based community service organisations;

 Identifying gaps and opportunities that can be addressed in partnership with locally based community service organisations;

3  Advocating for appropriate services to operate within the Cardinia Shire, particularly organisations that are funded to deliver the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) Settlement Grants Program within the Cardinia Shire;

 Keeping up to date with community identified issues and responding efficiently, effectively and appropriately;

 Facilitate partnership development and where possible access funding opportunities to improve service development within the Shire;

 Promotion and provision of free telephone, over the counter and where appropriate, onsite Translating and Interpreting Services (TIS) to residents of the Cardinia Shire.

 Creation of an accessible website;

 Facilitation and delivery of festivals and celebrations throughout nominated times of the year (Cultural Diversity Week and Refugee Week);

 Consistent mapping of community members migrating into the Cardinia Shire to identify opportunities and to respond to their diverse needs;

 Aligning with Commonwealth and State Government legislation, policies, standards and regulations to support CALD Community members and;

 Advocate to government bodies regarding the diverse needs of community members. COUNCIL POLICY

There are key components of the Council Plan 2009–13 that support the development of this Cultural Diversity Policy. This is demonstrated in the following actions identified in the Council Plan 2009–13.

 Our people

 Our environment

 Our community

 Our economy

Our people ‘We support a variety of needs and lifestyles through programs and activities that promote and develop the wellbeing of Cardinia Shire’s people’.

Access to a variety of services for all (Section 1)

 Continually review services to ensure those offered meet community needs

 Routinely review community needs for services and deliver or advocate for adequate service delivery.

 Advocate for locally based services not provided by Council.

4 Our environment ‘We will continue to plan and manage the natural and built environment for future generations’.

Provision and maintenance of assets on a lifecycle basis (Section 1)

 Provide accessible facilities to meet identified community needs.

Our community ‘We will foster a strong sense of connection between Cardinia Shire’s diverse communities’.

Our diverse requirements met (Section 1)

 Monitor research and demographic trends to assist in planning for resident’s needs.

 Facilitate and support opportunities for participation in a diverse range of artistic and cultural pursuits.

 Plan for provision of facilities to service and support our changing communities.

 Our communities actively engaged (Section 2)

 Communicate the activities and decisions of Council to the residents in a variety of ways.

 Foster community leadership.

 Increased levels of community participation (Section 3)

 Promote initiatives that connect and strengthen our communities.

Our economy ‘We will create and support local employment and business opportunities for our community and the wider region’.

Increased business diversity in Cardinia (Section 1)

 Facilitate accessible local employment opportunities.

Legislative compliance

In addition to Council’s commitment to meeting the culturally diverse needs of our community, Commonwealth and State Government legislation, policies, standards and regulations also guide and complement Council’s actions in relation to CALD community members.

Commonwealth legislation, policies and reports include:

 Racial Discrimination Acts (1975 and 1982)

 Access and Equity Strategy (1985)

5  Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Act (1986)

 Charter of Public Service in a Culturally Diverse Society (1996)

 The Charter of Public Service in a Culturally Diverse Society (1998)

 Multicultural Australia-United in Diversity (2003)

 The People of Australia- Australia’s Multicultural Policy (2011)

 The Australian Multicultural Council (AMC) (2011) (successor of the Australian Multicultural Advisory Council 2008)

State legislation, policies and reports include:

 Victorian Mental Health Act (1986)

 Victorian Local Government Act (1989)

 Victorian Equal Opportunity Act (1995)

 Racial and Religious Tolerance Act (2001)

 Valuing Cultural Diversity Strategy (2002)

 Access, Services Support, Respect: Local Governments Response to Cultural Diversity in Victoria (2003)

 Local Government Response to Cultural Diversity in Victoria (2003)

 Multicultural Victoria Act (2004)

 The Victorian Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act (2006)

 The Municipal Association of Victoria (2007) Statement of commitment to cultural diversity

 The Multicultural Victoria Amendment Act (2008)

 Fair Work Act (2009)

 All of Us: Victoria’s Multicultural Policy (2009)


This policy has been informed by the following: culturally diverse community members, relevant Council staff, Cardinia CALD Network, Cardinia Interfaith Network and relevant community service organisations.

The next stage of development is to produce a three year action plan, to be completed by June 2013. This action plan will have clearly identified outcomes, timelines, responsible business units and/or community organisations and will identify how we will evaluate the outcomes. This will be achieved through different methodology:

 Establishment of a working group which will consist of culturally diverse community members, a Councillor, relevant Council staff and a representative from the Cardinia CALD and Interfaith networks.

 It is also envisaged that there will be targeted community engagement of the wider Cardinia Shire community to provide input into the three year action plan.

 Engaging with internal business units to identify existing programs and services that may complement or enhance CALD specific initiatives. CONCLUSION

The Shire is currently home to an estimated 77,233 residents and is the third fastest growing municipality in Victoria. Population forecasts suggest that the Shire will experience a 103.86 per cent population increase by 2031 and will become home to 155,619 residents. This rise in population will also attract a rise in culturally diverse community members.

Predictions founded on the migration patterns flowing south-eastward from Melbourne’s centre suggest that the Shire is likely to experience an influx of CALD population groups as the neighbouring municipalities; City of Casey and Greater Dandenong, have already experienced. More specifically, the Cardinia Shire will welcome CALD community members who are part of a secondary movement, migrating from City of Greater Dandenong and the City of Casey.

With this in mind, it is essential to prepare Council and the wider Cardinia Shire community for the increase in diverse cultures that is anticipated to occur over the next three years. The establishment of this CALD policy will lay the foundation for Cardinia Shire to become a welcoming, inclusive and accessible place to reside, work and recreate.


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