EXCHANGE ON-LINE Blog for students

Indice dei post photos of videoconference Photos of video-konference :D Comics in Polish made by the Italian students Some more " Italian works of art" ;) giovedì 15 marzo 2007 Video Welcome! sabato 24 marzo 2007 photos of videoconference

Hi, Polish friends, here you find some pictures of our videoconference. It was very nice to communicate toghether. We are looking forward to see you in Poland Pubblicato da utente3ds alle 3.24 3 commenti at last :D, see you nicely :) Mira;* 24 marzo 2007 6.44 wonderfull :), thanks, there are really likable :) We wait for you :) kisses , sylvia :* 24 marzo 2007 14.11

We are very wounderful!!!! linda t. 31 marzo 2007 2.10 Photos of video-konference :D

Pubblicato da utente3ds alle 3.57 5 commenti omg hahaha very funny photos we wait for photos italian student:D Mira:) 23 marzo 2007 9.25

Mira I agree with you.... OMG :D:D hahah exactly!! We wait for Italian Students photos ! :) bacci sylvia. 23 marzo 2007 13.02

Hi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm Chiara and I don't go to Poland for some problems but I'm happy because you'll come here...... !I hope you will enjoy yourself! kisses CHIARA 24 marzo 2007 3.50

Hello,I'm Martina and I don't go to Poland...I'm sorry because I saw some photos about Poland and I like it..Morover I wanted to see new places. Bye martina 24 marzo 2007 3.55

Hello....we are very wounderful!!!!more more!!! the photo is very funny!!!! linda t. 1 aprile 2007 23.47

Comics in Polish made by the Italian students

During one of our Polish lessons I gave the students stripes of paper with different kinds of situations written on them. Each person had to draw the situation given using crayons, pencils or whatever they wanted. Some very interesting works were created. Have a look!!

Pubblicato da utente3ds alle 3.08 Very fantastic comics in Polish!!! 17 marzo 2007 10.55

heheh ;)I have a hope that we understand togheter without problems ;D kisses 18 marzo 2007 14.53

Aren't they beautiful these comics? La 3DS ha delle dote artistice particolarmente accentuate:) Ottimo lavoro ragazzi!! KK 22 marzo 2007 7.12

I make this paint...but my pain is very ugly...and Katerina don't put my pain in this blog!!!! :) linda t. 31 marzo 2007 2.13 Some more " Italian works of art" ;)

Pubblicato da utente3ds alle 5.10

Do you like it???? they are very pretty!!!! or no??? we are good for paint...:) linda t.

1 aprile 2007 23.49 giovedì 15 marzo 2007

from the left Michał, Łukasz, Karol,Mateusz:D

Our Group :) Pubblicato da utente3ds alle 3.35 4 commenti:

Beautiful picture ragazzi.Thanks for posting it:)I'm looking forward to seeing some more. Kasia 15 marzo 2007 4.33

Oh my good :) We are worry about this photo, because in real we look diffrend.. :) But ok ! We try to keep smille xD greetings 15 marzo 2007 4.48 ohhh.... it isnt good picture :) But... maybe we make some new :) and now , we wait for photos italian group ! :) 15 marzo 2007 8.10

Don't worry!you are very nice in these photos.. Alessia B. e Genny P. 24 marzo 2007 3.59 martedì 20 febbraio 2007 Video We connect with Italian students and we soo happy for that. That was very exciting expiriens for our students. Everyone has fun! Mateusz Pubblicato da utente3ds alle 4.07

37 commenti: Hi...I'm very happy for this experience and for this blog..I hope to comunicate with Klaudia...bye bye vanessa 24 febbraio 2007 2.30

HEY!I'm so happy today 'cause every day it's more important this experience...i hope to have a great time...see you soon Mariù 24 febbraio 2007 2.30 hi italian and polish students..this experience is beautiful and interesting..I think we 'll be a lot of fun...!!ps.. for my patner Katarzyna : " write me soon...! "Hello everybody..Elisa C. 24 febbraio 2007 2.33

Hello to everybody!!!I'm so happy to know you... I think we will have really a graet experience!! even if I must say that sometimes I have some doubts as: will I like Poland? Will I like the family? but then I think that this is a irripetible experience... and now that I start to Know you, I'm sure it'll be fantastic!!!Claudia F. 24 febbraio 2007 2.35 helloooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!=)after the videoconference i'm so happy!!!!polish students are so agreeable and nice!!!!!!!i'm shure..we will have a fantastic time togheter and we will enjoy a lot ourself!!!!....are you ok????only a month and we're coming to Poland....A famous song say:Que sarà,sarà.... and...i believe in it!!!!see you on 12 April...ciaoooooooooooooooo=)Federica=) 24 febbraio 2007 2.41

Hi to everybody!!!I'm happy to do this experience, even if it'll be not easy... but I hope to enjoy me and be well accepted...For Paulina: is since a long time which we don't communicate...maybe the memory of your electronic mail has been full...I hope that we will can to solve the problem very soon... Kisses...Martina d.d. 24 febbraio 2007 3.00

Hi!!!I have arranged the problem with Paulina!Ciaooo!!! :)Martina d.d. 25 febbraio 2007 1.55

HELLO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I'M VERY HAPPY TO GO TO PèOLAND THS IS AN INTERESTING EXPERIENCE ISABEL 7 marzo 2007 1.49 the videoconference was very funny :)I'm happy because I saw Silvia..I hope that we will make one more time that videoconference..Mira:) 7 marzo 2007 11.34 hi Mira!I'm happy too..I hope wiil we make another videoconference..the videoconference was fantastic and very funny...silvia 10 marzo 2007 2.12

Hi!!!! hello the next video..I will talk more with you...this expetience is very important for polish and italian people....linda t. 10 marzo 2007 2.27

Hi!We are very happy to Your arrival here. It's only one month. We think we will spend together most of wonderful time. To Martina from Paulina: With my e-mail is everything allright.Kisses Dagmara and Paulina 11 marzo 2007 11.49

Hi!I'm very happy I will meet You. It was nice to see You on Skype. I'm looking forward Your arrival here. Greetings Jagoda 14 marzo 2007 2.40

Hi!We are very happy that You come to Poland. Hot greetings!!!!!!We are waiting on mailsKasia i Ewelina 14 marzo 2007 2.41 wow!!! it's really interesting this blog!! both italian and polish student can talk together even if we aren't going to be partner on the's really fun!! I must go...bye bye!!!! margherita...=0) 14 marzo 2007 2.50

I'm happy for this videoconference, and beacuse I saw Linda :) ...This videoconference was very funny .I'm happy that you come to Poland...Linda in the next videoconference we will talk more :)kisses Sandra 14 marzo 2007 14.56 hello :)We are glad that we will see you soon ;)We are waiting for you ! :)bacciAnia & Sylwia :) 15 marzo 2007 4.45

Hi ;D I think that this will be interesting experience ;) we will have a more of fun! ;D I am very happy for this. A lot of kiss Magdalena Sz. 15 marzo 2007 4.50

Hello friends.. how are you...?Hi Kasia.. I don ' t write because you don ' t answer to me.can you write me with the e-mail of Paulina..??thanks..kisses Elisa c. 17 marzo 2007 3.25

Hi Polish boys and girls!!;) We'll see at Friday during the next videoconference!!!Many kisses to everyone...!!:) Ciao...Martina d.d. 19 marzo 2007 11.08

Hello sandra!!!are you ready for this video conferenza??? we will talk more...I look foraward!!linda t. 23 marzo 2007 0.06 Anonimo ha detto... hi everyone :*videoconference was interesting but a lot of person on polish group absent:(kisssss;**Mira:) 23 marzo 2007 2.25

HELLO !WE ARE ISABEL AND ALBERTO WE AREN'T SCARRY TO GO TO POLAND. FOR US THIS IS A BEAUTIFUL EXPERIENCE WE HOPE TO HAVE A LOT OF FUN AND MEET NEW FRIENDS:) :) KISS ISA&BEBO 24 marzo 2007 3.49 hi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i'm very happy becouse this is an importan chance to know other people and see another places.....I'm very excited becouse i never go outside italy and becouse when you came here we can enjoy ourself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!bye bye lisa 24 marzo 2007 3.52 the videoconference have been a fantastic experience..i talked with Rafal and i think he's a nice boy.. and all the polish students are very friendly people..Alessia B. 24 marzo 2007 3.52 hellooooooooo!!!!!!! we are Alessia R. and Giulia D.M....we aren't coming to Poland but we are very happy that you are coming here.The videoconference was very funny and nice.Our class was very happy to talk with we can't look forward to your arrival!!!!!!!!Alessia R. Giulia D.M. 24 marzo 2007 3.53 hi!!!!!!! yesterday we did the videoconference and many polish students were sick..i hope that nobody of them get me sick.....:):):):):):) i'm jocking!!Genny P. 24 marzo 2007 3.55

I don't see my patner in the videoconference but is very intersestig see other people speak see you soon Rachele 24 marzo 2007 3.56 hiiiii!!! this is a very important experience..and when i saw the polish partners i was happy.. because i've never done a similar thing before!! marti c. 24 marzo 2007 3.59 we are truly happy of being able to participate to this cultural exchange… we hope that it goes all for the best… hello we look at ourselves between 18 days… giorgia miriam 24 marzo 2007 4.01 a salute to ours two companions of experience… we are truly enthusiastic to know to you…miriam giorgia 24 marzo 2007 4.03

In this video conferenza sandra isn't...Sandra..where was you????I hope will see you soon!! 29 marzo 2007 22.59 in this video conferenza sandra isn't:::where is you???linda t. 29 marzo 2007 23.00 sandra...I miss you in this videoconferenza!!!! answer me!!! linda t. 31 marzo 2007 2.15 hello to everybody!! the videoconference has been also interesting for us who we aren't going to Poland.Some problems have been there in the communication but however we have been able to understand us. Bye Bye!!!Vale e Ale R. 31 marzo 2007 2.30

Linda i'm sorry but must went to lesson....Sandra :) 31 marzo 2007 23.38

Hello! I'm happy for the videoconferenza...this time we spoke very well...see you soon...elisa P. 1 aprile 2007 23.42 sabato 3 febbraio 2007 Welcome! Welcome in our common blog! We can introduce ourselves in the comment below here. (check identity = 'anonimo') Pubblicato da utente3ds alle 3.01 44 commenti: hi, Polish and Italian students and teachers. This is our common BLOG (great idea of Chiara, the Italian teacher of TIC and Math.)Wellcome to all of you.This is a free common place to be filled with your ideas, opinions, wishes and so on.We (the Italian teachers) was wery happy during the video-conference to see you to communicate 12 febbraio 2007 0.02 hi!!I'm Margherita and I'm going to stay in Malwina's and italian are you??? I'm so exciting for this exchange...I hope we will have a great time!!!and you?? how do you feel about that?? =0) 24 febbraio 2007 2.25

HI!!! my name is linda, I'm italian student...this project is very interesting..I like it so much...what do you think about this??? HI guys!!! linda t. 24 febbraio 2007 2.25 hi!I can't go to Poland, but I hope we will have a great time here in Italy.. so..goodbye and..arrivederci!! GIULIA d. 24 febbraio 2007 2.29

Hello to everybody!! I'm Claudia and my polish partner is Matteusz. I'm really ecited for this exchange... I can't wait to come to Poland and to your house!! I hope we'll have a really GREAT time together!!1 see you soon!! :) 7 marzo 2007 1.49 hello .! I am looking forward to seeing you in Poland.! I really enjoy.! See you soon ; )) Marta 7 marzo 2007 10.19 Anonimo ha detto... hello! I'm Mira,I'm polish student and my partner is Silvia..I can't wait for this's realy exciting kiss;* 7 marzo 2007 11.28 rocket90 ha detto... Elo everybody, my name is Piotr, I can not wait for this experience!! Will be greats, See youu :* 8 marzo 2007 9.34 hello to everybody!! I'm silvia my partner is Mira from one mounth are going to is very funny...and I look foward see you kiss silvia 10 marzo 2007 2.17

Hi! We are looking forward Your arrival here! We really enjoy! See You soon . Agnieszka and Paweł . 12 marzo 2007 0.23

I hope everybody will have a lot of fun during this exchange and that it will prove to be an unforgatable and instructive experience. In bocca al lupo a tutti!!! KK 13 marzo 2007 2.11

Hi! I'm veryy happy I saw You! M I'm looking forward Your arrival here. Greetings for Vanessa Klaudia 14 marzo 2007 2.43 for one mounth we are going to poland!!!wow...we are going to pub always togheter with uns is very interesting!!!! linda t. 14 marzo 2007 2.46 Hi!!! I am Karol and i am from partner is eliza :) I am very happy to exchange with italy students :)... we wait for you ;)... Greetings for Italy...see you :D 14 marzo 2007 13.02

Hi I'm Sandra. My partner is Linda. Yes, Linda only one mounth, I'm so happy... 14 marzo 2007 14.59

Hi everybody:) My name is Kasia and at the moment I'm a language assistant in Marco Belli. I'm having a lot of fun teaching Italian students Polish. Greetings for everybody!!! KK 15 marzo 2007 8.33

Hallo I'm Vanessa and my partner is Klaudia..I riceved the greetings to Klaudia...The day is caming and I'm very excited vanessa 17 marzo 2007 3.23

Hi!!:) I'm very happy that the blog is full of messages, also by the Polish students!!:) Really lacks by now very little time to our arrival in Poland!! I'm so excited...!!! :P Many greetings and kisses! Martina d.d. 17 marzo 2007 6.16

This blog is very good idea :) Emy, read my emails and answer me! :) This is very important to me.A lot of kiss for everyone, Magda. 19 marzo 2007 3.47 hello!!!!!!! I'm Isabel and my partner is Anna I hope we will have a great time 23 marzo 2007 0.09 hello. I'm Rafał :) i'm taking part in a project. My partner is Alessia....if you could awnser my emails :) CU :) 23 marzo 2007 0.27

This videoconference was less embarassing than the first!!:) I'm happy because I saw Paulina!! Kisses...Martina d.d. 23 marzo 2007 1.30 hi i'm Alessia!!and i'm very happy for this partner is Rafal and i hope we will have a lot of fun..Alessia B 24 marzo 2007 3.40 hello! here it's raining..i hope the weather will be good we're coming in Poland..i really like your biscuits..but i don't know their name so i will eat every type of their biscuits.. :):):):):):):) genny p. 24 marzo 2007 3.46 hello! here it's raining..i hope the weather will be good we're coming in Poland..i really like your biscuits..but i don't know their name so i will eat every type of their biscuits.. :):):):):):):) genny p. 24 marzo 2007 3.46 hi!!! i'm martina c.,this project is very interesting but very busy..because we must know a new culture..and,in my opinion,this thing is very important for ourselves and our character!!! marti c. 24 marzo 2007 3.50

Hello!!!we are Federica and Claudia=)What can we say.....ehm....that in only 18 days we are in Poland!!!!! we can't look forward it!!! We hope we will visit Zakopane because we saw some photos about and it is WONDERFUL!!! also we'd like to have some free time to spend all together (maybe only we, the students...) and have a lot of fun!!!! maybe we can go to a cinema and see a film in polish... of course we are joking!!!!! lot of kisses to everyone!!! :) :) :) fede e clau 24 marzo 2007 3.54 sorry sorry sorry magda if I didn't write to you recently, but now I don't have the computer at home and it's quite hard answere you sometimes...forgive me please I'm really looking forward to meet u!!! baci baci (kisses) emy 24 marzo 2007 3.55 =D=D=D=D=D=D=D=D=D HI!!!!!!!I'M MARIù...THIS EXPERIENCE IS USEFUL TO BOTH the PARTS TO INTERACT WITH ONE NEW CULTURE AND TO LEARN SOMETHING…BUT TO THE END THE IMPORTANT IS TO AMUSE ITSELF…MOST POSSIBLE!!!!=D BYE,BYE!!!1 24 marzo 2007 3.58

Hello!!!! we are Alessia R. and Giulia D.M. this project is very interesting. WE hope we will have a great time when you come here. Don't worry Italy is a beautiful country, the people are very friendly and the food is very...but very...very very veryyyy delicious. For example...PIZZA...or...SPAGHETTI ....(Mmmmm) Alessia R. and Giulia D.M 24 marzo 2007 4.00 hi I'm giulia and I'm so happy to partecipate in the change. this is a really interesting experience I belive!! I am sure I will spend a very very funnytime!! 24 marzo 2007 4.02 hello :D I can wait for your came ! I'm sure that we wil have lot of fun! see you soon ! :) sylwia 25 marzo 2007 5.35 hi girls and boys..we are very happy for this experience.. and we are sure that we will have a lot of fun..!! good luck to everybody!! Marti c. and Ely C. 26 marzo 2007 2.06

Anieszka read my emails and aswer me :) Rachele 26 marzo 2007 7.44 Anonimo ha detto... only two weeks!!!we are so happy!!!we are very exciting and a little worry but we hope to enjoy ourself with you!! vanessa and marty c. 30 marzo 2007 4.12

We hope to spend a lot of fun with the Polish students!!:) ...and we are sure that you will like Italy very much!!!!!! Kisses..!!! Martina d.d. and Alessia R. 31 marzo 2007 2.19

Lacks by now very little time to our arrival in Poland, lack only eleven days!! See you very very soon!!!!! Martina d.d. 31 marzo 2007 2.23 i hope the weather is not too cold in poland!!!! :):) i'm sure when we are in poland we have a lot of fun!!! :):)i'm worry about the weather...... :):) genny p. 1 aprile 2007 23.32 hello!!!how are you?i'm exiciting because time lacks little.. 1 aprile 2007 23.39 hello!!how are you? i'm exiciting because time lacks little.. Alessia B 1 aprile 2007 23.41

HELLO BOYS AND GIRLS... hello sandra!!!! how are you????I hope the polish food is good...I don't like the soups.....every night..we are going out..togheter!!!!! I look forward!!! linda t. 1 aprile 2007 23.45 hello!i'm Elisa, I'm going to stay with Karol...between 10days we are in Polish...I'm very happy...elisa P. 1 aprile 2007 23.46 hello Italian friends ! Dont worry about the weather - it's good ! WE have 15 degress centigrade every day , and its really , really sunny :) We wait for your came ! kisses sylvia 2 aprile 2007 9.53 hello Linda, I'm fine. and you? only 9 days :) Sandra 4 aprile 2007 5.45