Healing Your Personal Psychology Teachings of the Divine Mother on Healing the Soul And

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Healing Your Personal Psychology Teachings of the Divine Mother on Healing the Soul And

Healing Your Personal Psychology—Teachings of the Divine Mother on Healing the Soul and the Spirit

Perfect Love Casts Out Fear—Overcoming Fear and Doubt Part 1

Jesus and his Disciples Faced Fear

Jesus has told us through Mark Prophet on July 3, 1962, “My apostles knew the terror and violence of the mob.”

Peace Be Still

Jesus is the Piscean Conqueror. Pisces is the 2 o’clock line of Fear, Doubt, Human Questioning and Records of Death.

In the name of Jesus Christ, Peace be still! Peace be still! Peace be still! (3x)

Peace be still and know that I AM God! (3x)

We are studying fear for a number of reasons:

1. Everyone has elements of fear

2. Fear affects our mental and emotional wellbeing

3. Fear takes a big toll on our physical bodies and has been linked to a number of illnesses including cancer

4. Fear is a stumbling block on our spiritual path

5. Fear and doubt block supply and the abundant life in the economy

6. There is fear out in the world and it affects us all

7. When we overcome fear we will all feel better

Fear can negatively affect our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health.

Emotionally and mentally, fear can be paralyzing. It affects our thoughts and emotions. We become agitated, forgetful and depressed. Prolonged fear makes us apathetic and sluggish. We can get physical symptoms from fear—sweaty palms, heart beating fast, high blood pressure, upset stomach, we can’t eat or we overeat and our bowels can become overactive or sluggish.

Fear is a huge hindrance on the spiritual path. It feels as if it is hard to contact our Higher Self and to be at peace and in a state of harmony.

Copyright © 2010 Neroli Duffy and Summit Publications Inc., All Rights Reserved. Page 1 Fear comes from without and it also comes from within. We all have layers of fear, doubt, human questioning and records of death in our four lower bodies. These records lodge in our finer bodies and affect the functioning of our organs and cells in the body [More about that later]

Strip Us of All Doubt and Fear

The messenger has told us of her first experience with fear. “When I gave the decree "Strip Us of All Doubt and Fear," those blocks disappeared, and I could feel a free flow of energy. Then I knew that beneath the surface, in my electronic belt, I had a record of fear.” Community book by Elizabeth Clare Prophet

Sometimes the fear comes from experiences in this life but it can also be records of fear and doubt from past lives.

The Thing Which I Greatly Feared is Come Upon Me

Lord Maitreya has come to deliver us from ourselves. In the book The Science of the Spoken Word Lord Maitreya has written a chapter called “Overcoming Fear Through Decrees.”

He points out that “each time man's consciousness revolves the idea of apprehension, fear as an unknown quantity is thereby strengthened.” He talks about the magnetism of fear—we magnetize more of that which we are.

How does a magnet work? Maitreya says ‘Each winding of the coil around the core of the electromagnet increases the number of turns through which the electrical current then passes, thereby strengthening the power of the magnet.” Similarly the magnetism of fear is directly related to the number of times that the idea feared is wrapped around the core of being. The more we fear the more we attract that which we fear.

Lord Maitreya says, “By mankind's continual revolving of ideas of apprehension or fear, he is strengthening the magnetic field which draws the object of his fear into the orbit of his world. Thus Job declared, ‘The thing which I greatly feared is come upon me, and that which I was afraid of is come unto me.’”i

Overcoming Fear Through Decrees

Lord Maitreya explains that “all of the negatives [in this world] whether it be pride, hardness of heart, prejudice, hatred, human gluttony and greed can be reduced to one common denominator—fear. This fear is the anxiety and the uncertainty that emerges from deep within the recesses of the human consciousness the moment that it separates itself from God.”

Copyright © 2010 Neroli Duffy and Summit Publications Inc., All Rights Reserved. Page 2 “As a result there is a great inrush of tides of unhappiness— the reverse of the heavenly plan.” The apostle Paul expressed the dilemma of these subconscious motivations and momentums when he said, "The good that I would I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do.” ii

I AM Free from Fear and Doubt

Fear and doubt blocks supply and abundance? The antidote is fearlessness. The color of fearlessness is a piercing white light tinged with brilliant emerald green. It is also the color of abundance and supply.

Besides Jesus and Maitreya, there are many masters have offered to assist us including Kuthumi the master psychologist, Mother Mary, Saint Germain. The expert on fearlessness is Ray-O-Light.

Ray-O-Light and the Fearlessness Flame Angels

Ray-O-Light is an ascended master who focuses the fearlessness flame—a piercing white light tinged with emerald green. The white light is the ray of purity and the green is the penetrating ray of truth. He was once embodied on earth. But after his ascension he asked to simply be called Ray-O-Light, the flame he had become. You can read all about him in the book The Masters and Their Retreats.

Ray-O-Light and his legions of fearlessness-flame angels will come in answer to your call. He also works with the Goddess of Purity. He says: “Before there is the vanquishing of all evil on the planetary body, there is the rising of the tide of fear. But the children of God do not how to combat that fear—do not know the name of Ray-O- Light or the mighty action of fearlessness flame. Therefore I call to the devotees…to invoke fearlessness flame, that you might preserve your sanity from ….the fallen ones who assail you and would tear from you your own Christ-mastery.” iii

Ray-O-Light’s Mantra:

“O God O Fearlessness Flame, Legions of Ray O Light Come Forth!”

Ray-O-Light explained how to overcome all projections of fear. He uses the imagery of a snowstorm. Imagine, “There is a path but you are in a snowstorm. Your staff is the teaching to guide you. You move against the wind and the storm, scarcely able to see a foot before you….You press on…Each step you advance, you advance by the action of fearlessness. That fear that you must conquer is the conglomerate of your own human consciousness amplified by the fallen ones who live by fear not love.

Copyright © 2010 Neroli Duffy and Summit Publications Inc., All Rights Reserved. Page 3 “Press on…for the fallen ones who have come disguised as followers of the Prince of Peace come saturated with the entities of doubt and fear and pride and tyranny! They come to thwart the release of the light—the high frequencies of the Buddha, of the Kumaras, of Maitreya, of the World Mother. They come to release their smoke screen. Men will be trembling in outer darkness, and the fear that shall come upon them is the fear of the last days.

“Christ walked this path. He cast out fear—as the demons, as the paralysis—paralysis with fear. He cast out fear of death and want. He cast it out in every form. He was all love.” iv

Ray-O-Light’s Key—Keep Moving

Ray-O-Light says, “The key to overcoming that fear that stiffens the corpse itself, stiffens the flow of life, the death of self-awareness. The key is to keep on moving! “When you find yourself in a snowstorm or a blizzard, you will not curl up on the side of the road, for you know instinctively you will freeze to death. You keep moving! This is the key to the conquering of all fear. Keep moving! Keep active! Move through the elements, move through the mirage of fear! Pierce! it with your sword and discover the island in the sun, the place of light, the Garden of Eden.” v

We have been through many lifetimes since Lemuria and the Golden Ages. There are records of fear that paralyze the people. These records do not allow them to go to deep levels of being to resolve their psychology where there is the subconscious anger and fear. This fear causes people to defend their positions. “In their fear, they will rise up to defend their position, the false position that has no tenure in the mind of God.” vi

Observe yourself when you get defensive—often there is fear behind it.

Transmuting the Energy Patterns of the Fallen Ones

Dr. Marilyn Barrick’s book Emotions—Transforming Anger, Fear and Pain describes our internalizing the energy patterns and emotions of the fallen angels as to part of the reason why we have fears. She says:

“The answer lies in our reaction to the antics of the fallen angels and what we have internalized from them. These energy patterns not only reside in the collective unconscious of the planet, they also reside in the depths of our personal unconscious. These planetary and personal patterns of darkness interact and play themselves out in our daily lives—until we completely transmute and transform the dark magnets we carry within ourselves.

Copyright © 2010 Neroli Duffy and Summit Publications Inc., All Rights Reserved. Page 4 “Remember what happened once the rebellious fallen angels entered the earth? Those prideful ones absolutely refused to honor the children of God evolving on earth. Instead, they found subtle ways to deceive those innocent ones, to steal their light, their spiritual energy, and to get them to embrace evil.

“Under the charisma and influence of these angels of darkness, both the children of God and the well-intentioned rescuers began to indulge in desires and behaviors that were incongruent with their divine nature.

“They internalized and reacted to the lies and misdeeds of the fallen angels; they began to create their personal dweller-on-the-threshold. This negative consciousness has been passed on from generation to generation. We are those people. And the dragon of the misuse of the sacred fire of God is still active today, warring upon the inhabitants of the earth.

“This negative dilemma is the spiritual challenge for us today. We have the opportunity to choose good over evil. But in order to do so, we must recognize evil when it appears, not only at its worst but also at the subtle levels that invade our personal lives.” vii

Lessons from Australia from Morya

El Morya has spoken of the records of fear in Australia:

“Among those who have passed through the hardships of a holocaust, a cataclysm, a nuclear war, among those in the very midst of these terrorist bombings, there is a fragmentation on the astral plane of the souls who are not sealed in a sheath of white fire. These problems and records then endure for many centuries, as I gave that instruction in Australia. And I now reveal, beloved, that Australia herself was the ancient scene of a typical nuclear holocaust long, long ago. And the barrenness there in certain parts is the protection of incoming lifewaves from living in those areas where the radioactivity is no longer physical but astral from the cause behind the effect, the evil forces themselves.

“I taught the Messenger the lessons of fear—fear from such experience that now in this hour renders the people incapable of dealing with anything but the most surface activities.” viii

Fear is Binding

“Fear is binding in all directions. Most of all it is the fear to delve deeply within oneself, to come to grips with oneself and all of those previous incarnations. This is the very plot of the fallen ones: not only to wreck a civilization or take power or see and enjoy the destruction while seizing the Light, but to set back the very soul, the psyche—the

Copyright © 2010 Neroli Duffy and Summit Publications Inc., All Rights Reserved. Page 5 psyche that must be able to stand and face Absolute Evil, to remain in the Light strengthened by the Light. It is no longer even a matter of the virtue of courage or of the stalwart. It is a mode of the mind that has become automatic because one has become the Light—one's Presence is the Light.” ix

Realize that God Is Where You Are

“You must be prepared for all types of energies and changes. You must know the signs. You must know, above all, that the Light within you is God and that God is where you are. The black clouds take their toll. But they cannot easily dislodge a fire that is built and roaring within the temple.x

Survival by the Concentration of the God Flame

In the history of the earth, we see the possibility with the development of technology, the proliferation of nuclear weapons by irresponsible nations, then what may lie ahead as a sudden act, instigated by fallen ones. They want to stop the golden age now dawning through the Teachings of the Ascended Masters and they are desperate. The only way you can survive in this earth or in the next, is by the concentration of the God flame— become God. xi

The LORD, he it is that doth go before thee; he will be with thee, he will not fail thee, neither forsake thee: fear not, neither be dismayed. [Deuteronomy 31:8]

Fear Affects the Condition of the Body and Its Organs

The book of Luke 21:26 says, “Men’s hearts fail them for fear.” Fear has a great deal to do with the condition of the physical body. The condition of the emotional body is many times dependent on and produced by the condition of the physical body. xii Fear sets up an agitation that affects the cardiovascular system, the digestive system and the immune system.

Fear increases when the body is acidic. The conscious mind has the propensity for agitation and worry, which increases when the body is more acidic. Acid conditions affect the mind and the way you think.xiii Our Western Diet is quite acidic including coffee, spices, processed foods and dairy products.

Fear is also focused in certain organs especially the kidneys. Macrobiotic diet has an approach to dealing with fear by healing the kidneys. There are foods which are healing to the kidneys. We can also pray for the healing of the kidneys. xiv

The right amount of salt in the diet influences the body too….too salty means anger… not enough salt is fear….the right amount of salt produces a state of fearlessness. xv

Copyright © 2010 Neroli Duffy and Summit Publications Inc., All Rights Reserved. Page 6 The propensity to have fear can be overcome by sticking to and mastering the diet that is right for you. You have to pray about it and God will give you an understanding of what is and is not the best way for you. Some have found the macrobiotic diet or a modification of it to be helpful. xvi

The condition of the body due to fear may also linked to the astrological sign of Cancer. The positive attribute of Cancer is emotional strength and self-assurance. The negative aspect of the astrology of cancer is fear of ridicule and emotional pain due to oversensitivity. The sensitivity of the Cancer is such that the pain is too great to suffer the ridicule that one will take because one has a unique idea, a unique perspective, anything that's out of the common herd and out of the mediocrity.

Cancer's maternal instinct is sensitive and protective but when negatively expressed it manifests as oversensitivity. People with prominent Cancer in their astrological chart often fear normal social interactions because of an unrealistic expectation of emotional pain. That can come from childhood experiences, past embodiments and other situations. xvii This does not mean that if you are born under this sign you will get cancer. But it is something to be aware of and to pray about.

Health professionals are recognizing that fear can also become a cancer in the body. Ray-O-Light spoke of this. “Know that fear is a disease that must be cast out, else it becomes a cancer.” xviii

There are a number of homeopathic remedies for fear. Arsenicum album is a remedy for fear, anxiety and fear of dying. Aconitum napellus is also a very effective fear remedy.

Cast the Records of Fear into the Violet Flame

Saint Germain has asked us to cast out fear and doubt.

“We are at a crossroads, beloved hearts…The entire hierarchy of Light stand with the sons of God in embodiment on earth. And when you make the call and you are consistent, your call then counts for the binding of this force wherever it appears in the Matter cosmos….I ask you to cast into the sacred fire all doubt and fear and records of death and even the projections of the fallen ones…who would tell you that it cannot be so….Well, I tell you, beloved hearts, it is so! Understand that there is no time and space, and that all these things can be compressed into a very narrow band of the physical octave… you have all lived for hundreds of thousands of years and experienced and observed this scenario.

“It is for no ordinary purpose that you are called together in this hour, and you ought to cherish it as no other opportunity you have ever had in cosmic history. For this opportunity is not only the opportunity to banish from these worlds every threat to the

Copyright © 2010 Neroli Duffy and Summit Publications Inc., All Rights Reserved. Page 7 lightbearers and to all evolutions who may seek and find union with God, but it is also the means to your own victory and the glorification of God within you and your return to the Heart.” xix

Archangel Zadkiel of the Violet Flame says, “‘O God, O Mighty I AM Presence, cast all fear and records of fear into the violet flame!’ Into that [violet] flame you may consciously place all fears known or unknown by you that have ever been a part of your experience in the earth.

“Simply make the call to your Mighty I AM Presence that all fear and records of fear be cast into the violet flame. Do this faithfully each day and it will be done. You have but to give the call in full faith that God through his violet flame angels is answering you hour by hour, day by day.”xx

O God, O Mighty I AM Presence, cast all fear and records of fear into the violet flame! (3x)

Hitherto hath the LORD helped us!

Saint Germain says that “All things are possible to you in God! All things are possible unto you as you study my teachings for the Aquarian age and put them into practice in your daily life. Yes, all things are possible unto you when you reject defeat and accept your victory in every arena!

“I remind you, as I reminded the Israelites when I was embodied as the prophet Samuel, “Hitherto hath the LORD helped us!” Yes, the LORD has helped us in the beginning, he has helped us in the middle and he will help us in the ending.” xxi

Remind yourself to say each day “Hitherto hath the LORD helped us!” Elizabeth Clare Prophet would often quote this in difficult situations. Try it! It works!

All things are possible in God! (3x)

Hitherto hath the LORD helped us! (3x)

[See also the handout Decrees to Consume Fear]

Copyright © 2010 Neroli Duffy and Summit Publications Inc., All Rights Reserved. Page 8 Resources for Overcoming Fear and Doubt www.SummitLighthouse.org 1-800-245-5445 USA

The Science of the Spoken Word, Chapter 3 “Overcoming Fear Through Decrees” by Elizabeth Clare Prophet

The Enemy Within by Elizabeth Clare Prophet

Understanding Yourself by Elizabeth Clare Prophet

Sacred Psychology series by Dr. Marilyn Barrick

The Masters and Their Retreats by Elizabeth Clare Prophet

Heart Head and Hand booklet of decrees

Understanding Yourself Summit University Sessions offered at various locations around the United States of America and Internationally

Soul Retrieval Ritual is offered at the quarterly conferences conducted by The Summit Lighthouse. You can attend in person at the Inner Retreat in Montana or over the internet broadcast. See events at www.tsl.org or www.SummitLighthouse.org

Copyright © 2010 Neroli Duffy and Summit Publications Inc., All Rights Reserved. Page 9 Copyright © 2010 Neroli Duffy and Summit Publications Inc., All Rights Reserved. Page 10 i The Science of the Spoken Word Chapter 3 Overcoming Fear Through Decrees ii The Science of the Spoken Word Chapter 3 Overcoming Fear Through Decrees iii The Masters and Their Retreats, Ray-O-Light, pages 301-304 iv The Masters and Their Retreats, Ray-O-Light, pages 301-304 v The Masters and Their Retreats, Ray-O-Light, pages 301-304 vi The Masters and Their Retreats, Ray-O-Light, pages 301-304 vii Emotions—Transforming Anger, Fear and Pain Dr. Marilyn Barrick viii Pearls of Wisdom, Vol. 29 No. 30 El Morya July 28, 1985 ix Adapted from Pearls of Wisdom, Vol. 29 No. 30 El Morya July 28, 1985 x Adapted from Pearls of Wisdom, Vol. 29 No. 30 El Morya July 28, 1985 xi Adapted from Pearls of Wisdom, Vol. 29 No. 30 El Morya July 28, 1985 xii ON HEALING AND THE FOUR TYPES OF FEAR, Teachings of the Divine Mother, Elizabeth Clare Prophet April 3, 1991 xiii ON HEALING AND THE FOUR TYPES OF FEAR, Teachings of the Divine Mother, Elizabeth Clare Prophet April 3, 1991 xiv Macrobiotic Seminars at Summit University with Herman and Cornelia Aihara March 5, 1989 Stages of Sickness, part 3 xv Macrobiotic Seminars at Summit University with Herman and Cornelia Aihara March 5, 1989 Stages of Sickness, part 3 xvi Adapted from PMA LESSON 2: THE MASTER MIND Teachings of the Divine Mother by Elizabeth Clare Prophet, July 19, 1990 Summit University Lecture xvii Adapted from PMA LESSON 2: THE MASTER MIND Teachings of the Divine Mother by Elizabeth Clare Prophet, July 19, 1990 Summit University Lecture xviii Ray-O-Light, July 2, 1995, Pearls of Wisdom, Vol. 47, No. 14, April 4, 2004 xix Saint Germain, April 29, 1984 Pearls of Wisdom, Vol. 27, No. 32, June 10, 1984 xx Pearls of Wisdom Vol. 36, No. 14 Archangel Zadkiel April 4, 1993 xxi Pearls of Wisdom Vol. 39, No. 8 Beloved Saint Germain February 25, 1996

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