Minutes of the Meeting of the Standing Committee Held On

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Minutes of the Meeting of the Standing Committee Held On


1. Present: The Revd Patrick Taylor, The Revd Dr Steve Bate, Lynne Bunker, Hilda Craig, Miriam Dow, Tim Raistrick, Mike Warrillow, Anthony Woollard

2. Opening Prayers – The Revd Patrick Taylor

Patrick welcomed Hilda as Churchwarden and Miriam as PCC Secretary

3. Apologies - all present

4. Minutes of the meeting held on 4 April 2016 – agreed

5. Matters arising a) Review of Churchwardens: It was agreed that this should be discussed first with the current wardens at their next meeting on 13 June before opening it up to wider debate. b) Boiler in St John’s Close: There is no need now to replace this. c) Yarn Bombing: The PCC had formally approved this. Stratford District Council has no objection as long as the trees are not pruned. In addition to yarn bombing the 24 trees lining the main path to the church, (from the beginning of November to mid-January), GAGA would like to have a book of remembrance in church. Patrick to talk to Paul Harris about where this could be placed. They would also like to hold a service of remembrance. Miriam to check with the Town Council who look after the churchyard, and to let GAGA know that we are happy for them to go ahead. d) Vacancies on PCC: There was discussion about the number of co-options to the PCC with Luddington & Clifford Chambers taking up 2 of the 3 allowed. It was agreed that next year we should encourage them to stand for election so as to free up the possibility of co-opting others. Rhod Mitchell had now joined the Electoral Roll, and it was agreed that he should be nominated at the September PCC, once his 6 months was up. Mark Lorenz’ name was also suggested.

6. Vicar’s items a) Proposal for Marketing & Visitor Development role (paper circulated): Patrick proposed a new salaried post of 1 day a week, reporting to the Vicar. Anthony suggested a job share with the person doing a similar job at St Mary’s, Warwick. They could apply when the job is advertised. It was agreed that once the focus on presentation/signage/ interpretation had been achieved, the post would be unnecessary, so should be for a fixed period of 12 months. Advertising to be put on hold in view of the need to appoint a new Associate Vicar. Other responsibilities outlined in the paper already covered, except volunteer to handle social media. Patrick to approach Esther Rambaud about this. b) Associate Vicar: Patrick congratulated Steve Bate on his appointment as Rector of Albury, Little Hadham & Much Hadham, St Albans Diocese. To be announced: Sunday 29 May. Steve to tell Luddington & Clifford Chambers on Saturday evening, & to go in 5 June pew sheet. Installation - Saturday 24 September at 3.00 pm. Steve’s last Sunday here – 4 September, with a bring & share lunch. Patrick had discussed the process for appointing his replacement with Morris Rodham, who as Archdeacon would chair the interview panel. The Area Dean, Patrick and 2 parish reps would make up the rest of the panel. Hilda and Mike agreed to represent Holy Trinity. As Luddington would be part of the job specification, it was agreed that Patrick should ask Morris whether there could be a 3rd parish rep from the village. Roger Dopson’s name was suggested, or Jane Beeley. Morris recommended that we make it clear that this role has significant levels of responsibility: Luddington, adult nurture & discipleship, pastoral care, oversight of children & families work – a “shared leadership role”. Person specification – One option Patrick wished to explore was someone with energy and vision who wanted experience in a large church for a few years before moving on to be an incumbent. In addition to advertising in ‘The Church Times’, he would contact diocesan directors of ordinands about possible candidates coming to the end of curacies. Parish profile – Mike agreed to update this. House The present house is not in a good location. Tim agreed to obtain a valuation on Coopers Close, and Mike would visit the St John’s Close property with the letting agent to see whether that might be suitable. Phil Harper would be line-managed by Patrick in the interim. c) Stratford Monopoly: Holy Trinity has been allocated the equivalent of Old Kent Road. Miriam to ask Linda to ask for clarification about art work.

7. Associate Vicar’s items In view of his departure, Steve proposed buying a cheap laptop to use at FAB/Rosebird/Open to God etc. Marion’s laptop is now back in circulation, and could be used for this. Steve would be prepared to buy the one he uses for a sum to be agreed with Linda. A new one would be needed for Phil and the new Associate Vicar, based on their needs.

8. Hon Treasurer’s items a) VAT reclaim on South Side & repayment of Diocesan loan: Anthony anticipated receiving £8,000 reclaim on VAT, and to repay the diocesan loan by 10 June. He would then hope to repay other loans. b) Pensions: Anthony still sorting out Paul & Benedict; needs to be in touch with Phil as soon as possible. c) Chancel takings: Takings are up 50% on this time last year.

9. Hon Secretary’s items Confirmation of e-mail decisions:- a) Agreed purchase of 4 cinctures approx. cost of £60 b) Requested return of Marion’s laptop c) Agreed Marion’s pension arrangements d) Agreed purchase of portable sound system at cost of £2,962.48 10. Wardens’ items a) Induction plan for Children & Families Minister: Mike to draw up schedule of people for Phil to visit. Phil might come to Rosebird in June; Patrick to do Rosebird in July with Phil. b) Take-over Day for The Willows School: David White to co-ordinate, with Paul & Linda. c) Faculty approvals: A bench on the north avenue near the church door, the same as the others, had been paid for. There was some debate as to whether the PCC had in the past turned down any further benches. Mike to check this. The design of the paschal candle had been agreed. Stratford District Council were willing to pay for a handrail up the steps near the Bier House. Mike wanted to request a faculty to dispose of the old red kneelers from the chancel. All agreed. d) Organ repairs: The problem is that the humidifier has leaked and the organ is now whistling. Mike had received a quote for £5k from Nicholsons for basic work. There would be other costs, including scaffolding for 10 days. There are two weeks at the end of August without weddings when the work could be done. e) Shakespeare’s Birthday Luncheon: We would be receiving approx. £3k plus another £3k from table donations. f) 2015 Quinquennial Report: There are still 61 items requiring attention, the main being £75k for the south transept and £48k for the bier house. Mike has already commissioned a survey of the bier house, which is Grade 2 listed. He is talking to Stephen Oliver about applying to the Heritage Lottery Fund re: the south transept together with the bier house as a “south churchyard” package.

11. Any other Business a) Friends of the Music: Jane Hornby & Jane Armitage had resigned as Chair and Treasurer of Friends of the Music respectively, with effect from 22 June, due mainly to a lack of clarity in decision making and a breakdown of relationships. FOM has approx. £19k in the bank, thanks largely to the success of Soundbites. Upcoming costs include the proposed CCTV system and choral scholars. There was some discussion about the anomalies of the independence of FOM but its need for a faculty through the PCC for the CCTV system. It was agreed that a back-up option of coming under the PCC was not right, and that it was for FOM to elect a new chair and treasurer at an extra AGM which they call. It was also agreed that it would be better if these posts are not taken by members of the choir. b) Staff coverage in church: Patrick had discussed coverage of leave with Linda & Paul. It is possible to shut the church with the alarm and yale, and for a churchwarden to come later to do the deadbolt.

12. Date of next meeting Monday 27 June 2016 at 7.45 pm

The meeting closed with The Grace at 9.40 pm

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