Spacelabs Clinical Access
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SPACELABS CLINICAL ACCESS 1. Log In to Clinical Access Set printer default (first time) Select a Patient
2. Analyze Click the Waveforms or the Arrhythmia folder (Top of screen) Analyze (upper right hand corner of the screen)* must be done every time you log in on each patient Choose Duration every 8 hours or greater Click OK Wait for the message box that states “Analysis has been completed” then “OK” *The timeline (bottom) will turn green for the amount of hours that were analyzed **This must be done every time you log in for each and every patient.
3. Chart Strips at Admission, **Go to Settings bar first to remove the Respiratory wave form if desired Beginning of shift & As Needed Click the Waveforms Folder for the patient Click Calipers Click on the word Rate to turn on Calipers. Click within the 6-second strip to obtain the rate. Set beginning and end of the 6-second strip Click on the letters QRS, find a complex within the 6-second strip and click on the beginning of the QRS wave and then click on the end of wave (<.06-.10) Click on the letters QT, find a different complex within the 6-second strip and click on the Q wave and the end of the T wave. This will also calculate your QTc interval (>0.5 for adult) Click on the letters PR, find a different complex within the 6-second strip and
click just before the P wave and at the beginning of QRS for the PR interval
(0.12-20) Click Save, in the Title Section type: rhythm, initials of first name and full last name/title (Example: NSR, J. Cool, RN) Type pertinent information in the Comments Section Check “Print while saving” and then OK to print the strip now Place the strip in the patient’s chart All saved/printed Strips are sent to “Saved Events” folder and can be printed later and placed in the chart. Multiple saved strips can be printed from the saved folder at one time. Approximately 2-3 strips will print on an 8X11 page depending on whether the Respiratory wave form is included or if the event is >6sec. Saved Folder events are stored for rolling 72h, and are not part of the patient eHR unless printed and placed in the patient chart.
4. View the Arrhythmia tab and **Save/Print in Clinical Access to document Arrhythmia or alarm in pt. chart SPACELABS CLINICAL ACCESS Alarm tab at the beginning of **remember to Analyze prior to folder review every shift and as needed Arrhythmia tab (stores for rolling 72 hours) throughout shift. Click Home Click Thumbnails view button Choose an Arrhythmia that needs to be viewed (if no arrhythmias are present, always reanalyze to verify there are not arrhythmias present) Once an arrhythmia is chosen it defaults to the thumbnail view Click in the thumbnail box to open into Strip view Click the drop down Arrow underneath the list to scroll through all arrhythmias that have been recorded for the patient in the analyzed time Click Home to return to all arrhythmias for the analyzed timeframe Check box of arrhythmia thumbnail(s) to save/print (to chart if appropriate) include: rhythm type, then initials of first name and full last name/title *Can save arrhythmia events, but cannot remove from them Arrhythmia folder
Alarms tab (stores for rolling 72 hours) Click Thumbnails In right lower corner of the screen check High and Medium Select the Dropdown list and change the time to view the specified time of alarms (EX: 8 hours) In the time line (bottom screen), move the orange bar all the over to the right Or use the vertical alarm bars if to take a closer look at the alarm Review alarms that are a significant change for the patient Once alarms are reviewed, chart what is needed. Click Save to save in “Saved Events” folder. Complete information in the Title Section and Comments sections as you did for strips and arrhythmias.
Print to document in the patient’s chart
5. How to Document for a Code Click Waveforms or Arrhythmia tab Blue / long arrhythmia event Click Analyze choose Duration (ex: Previous 2 hours)
Find the arrhythmia event and change to Waveforms tab if not there already
Click Compressed (top of tab)& change the minutes to either 1,2,3,4 or 5 for the amount detail for the waveform data that you want to see
Locate the event: Scroll the timeline (bottom screen), to obtain the beginning and end of the arrhythmia event
Click Save
Click on the start of the arrhythmia event and then the end of the arrhythmia.
Label the title and add comments SPACELABS CLINICAL ACCESS Choose “Strip” vs. “Compressed” in the Save window
Click Print While Saving, then OK. Once printed, label the strips printout, with barcode sticker #365 (centered at the bottom of the page) and add to patient’s paper chart