Class Expectations & Grading Policy
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Class Expectations & Grading Policy Español 1A(7) Sra. Narkiewicz This class is graded on class participation, skills and homework.
1) Class participation is an extremely important part of this class and the largest grade received. Your child will receive a class participation grade (usually) every four to five days, approximately once a week. Class participation is how your child uses class time. This includes effort, being prepared, respectful, and on time, and trying to do what is expected during class time. The key to successfully learning a language and being prepared for the Proficiency examination* is practicing the language. This includes speaking, listening, reading, and writing...all in Spanish. Your child is (eventually) expected to use Spanish at all times in the classroom. Each student is taught how to ask a question when they don't know the word or understand what is being said/taught. Each student is given specific opportunities to engage and grow in the language every day, regardless of how timid or knowledgeable s/he might be. The key to class participation is trying one's best in class each day.
2) After appropriate preparation, each language skill is tested through a variety of formats. This could be a quiz, test, project or presentation. The student will always be clearly informed of what and when this is, as well as how it is graded.
3) A homework grade is given (usually) for every four or five assignments, approximately every one to two weeks. It is not graded on accuracy or correctness, only on effort and that it was completed in good faith. Homework is due at the beginning of class for full credit. A student may receive half credit if it is completed by the end of the day (and answers not given in class). If it is not received by the end of the day, the student must stay after and complete it or make alternate arrangements with the teacher THAT DAY! Cheating of any kind results in a non-negotiable zero. In class, we have discussed what it is and what not to do. Cheating is very obvious to the teacher. This includes copying and using certain computer programs.
The lowest of any one of these grades (#s 1-3 from above) is dropped each marking period.
General Information: Materials Needed: 3-ring binder (1 or 1 ½ “), loose leaf paper, dividers, pen and pencil (or 2 different colors for writing), 2 packs of index cards, and a one-subject spiral or composition notebook
Absences are the responsibility of the student. The student has until the following week after her/his absence to make up the class (unless the student has specifically made other arrangements with the teacher).The student needs to talk to the teacher to set up a time that we can meet to review what was taught and to make up any missing work, which includes class participation points. I certainly understand that Spanish is not your child’s only class and I am very flexible. Yet it is extremely important that the student understands it is her/his responsibility to see me. You may call the school for homework before 10:00 a.m. or consult the school's website: (Go to Sra. Narkiewicz's webpage; Click Español/Spanish7; Tarea/Homework and it will state the day's homework). Class participation still needs to be made up in person.
Extra help is always available during free time or after school. The student is expected to stay after school if s/he is showing difficulty in a particular area, has neglected to do her/his work or is requested to do so by the teacher.
Please call or email me if you have any concerns or questions. I can only help if I am aware of the issue and I am happy to communicate with you! My job is to teach your child Spanish…successfully! Phone: 677-8527 X 1508 Email: [email protected]
*The Proficiency Examination is a state required exam given at the end of Spanish IB(8), usually at the end of the 8th grade.