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This semester, you will be completing an independent reading assignment. The purpose of this assignment is: to be become a better reader by reading more often to explore a larger range of literature than can be covered in class to be able to engage more intensely with a certain piece of literature to observe and display economic connections in literature
Rationale: Read, Kids, Read by Frank Bruni – describes some of the reasons why it is important to read literature.
Choosing your independent reading book – Bring your own book from home, check out a book from the High School or Public library, or purchase a book from a business establishment. The book you choose must be at least 100 pages long. All independent reading books must be approved by Mr. Majewski and there will be no duplicates within all my classes (First come, first serve starting after school Today). The last day to pick a book will be Friday, November 17th and then Mr. Majewski will pick a book for you.
Economic Themes – the following themes are potential topics that could be covered in your book. You should have at least one of these or some other economic connections not listed below in your book (Directly or Indirectly). However, it is important to choose a book that you have some level of interest!!!
Microeconomic Topics: Macroeconomic Topics: Thinking Like An Economist Gross Domestic Product Principles of Economics Consumer Price Index Interdependence and Trade Inflation Supply and Demand Economic Growth Elasticity Productivity Price Controls Finance Surplus and Shortage Risk Analysis Taxation Unemployment Externalities Fiscal Policy Public Goods and Common Resources Monetary Policy Costs of Production Federal Reserve Perfect and Imperfect Competitive Markets Exchange Rates Factor Markets Aggregate Demand and Supply Utility and Consumer Choice Budgets Income Inequality and Poverty Asymmetric Information Political Economy Behavioral Economics Saving and Investment
End-of-Book Projects – Book Review Project, Model/Montage Project, or Write a Song/Rap/Poem/Speech Project. As a recommendation, it might be beneficial to review with me what project you actually choose to alleviate any confusion. (No Powerpoints)
Due Dates – all projects including printed rubric are due Friday, December 22 by 2:30 pm (Soft Deadline: you may turn in earlier between December 1-22). The “Write a Song/Rap/Poem/Speech” project will be performed possibly on December 22 or a different date in class, so please let me know your intentions to complete the performance project in order to efficiently conduct class time. This is a major grade on the 2nd quarter and a great opportunity to marginally improve your quarter average. Book Review Project – all written aspects must be typed.
*Research book review writing (20 points) In order to show that you have researched how to write a book review, you must provide documentation that you have looked at one actual book review of YOUR CHOSEN BOOK as an example for your own writing. You can find book reviews in newspapers, magazines, and online. For the review you look at, write one paragraph that describes your own reaction to the review and describe writing strategies the author used to persuade his/her audience of his/her opinion of the book being reviewed. Please include the actual review along with your personal critique. If you need additional help writing a book review, check out the following website:
____ Included researched book review of chosen book (5 points) ____ 1-paragraph personal response of book review that is well organized and well written (10 points) ____ Describes written strategies (5 points)
*Book review of your Independent Reading Book (70 points) Now it’s time to use your understanding of how book reviews are written with your own ideas regarding your independent reading book. Using some of the writing strategies you noted in the above research, begin crafting your own review: what did you think of the book? Why do you feel the way you do about it? Make sure you don’t just give a list of opinions about the book, but provide evidence from the book explaining your opinions. Should someone else read this book? Why or why not? These are just some of the ways you can choose to approach your review. Besides reviewing the book, you must also describe the economic connection(s) highlighted in the book. Review must be at least 3 pages in length.
____ Student highlights economic connection of book in review (15 points) ____ Student demonstrates knowledge and understanding of independent reading book (15 points) ____ Review provides evidence from the text to support opinions (10 points) ____ Review is persuasive, convincing me to either read or not read the book (10 points) ____ Review is well-written and clear that the student has put thoughtful time into his/her project (10 points) ____ Review is typed and at least 3 pages in length (10 points)
*Personal Notes of Chosen Book (10 points)
____ You may use any format in completing this task, but it must be at least 2 pages
Comments for student:
Grade: ____
*Please submit this rubric sheet with your final project. Model/Montage Project – all written aspects must be typed.
*Model/Montage (55 points) Create your own model or montage about your book using your artistic skills. Your design should illustrate characters, settings, events, and/or themes from your independent reading book. It is also important to make connections to the economic theme(s). You may use magazine pictures, your own drawings, or any other materials you choose to complete this project. Model or montage must be created on something other than a piece of notebook paper, for example on poster board.
____ Model/Montage is pristine, colorful, and carefully constructed (10 points) ____ Model/Montage clearly uses the student’s independent reading book by showing representations of characters, settings, events, and/or themes from the novel (15 points) ____ Student uses creativity to construct a thoughtful visualization of the book (15 points) ____ Student displays economic connection(s) throughout model or montage (15 points)
*Reflection or summary of project (35 points) After you complete your model/montage, write at least a 2 page reflection or summary of your project. Describe what you were trying to represent in your model/montage and why you chose to create the project you created. What were some of the challenges in making a visual representation of your book? What was fun or enjoyable about completing the project? How did you highlight economic connection(s)?
____ Student highlights economic connection of book in reflection (5 points) ____ Reflection is at least two pages in length, thoughtful, well organized, and well-written (10 points) ____ Reflection thoughtfully explains the student’s purpose in creating the collage/montage and exhibits an understanding of the student’s independent reading book (10 points). ____ Reflection of the project includes addressing the questions stated above (10 points)
*Personal Notes of Chosen Book (10 points)
____ You may use any format in completing this task, but it must be at least 2 pages
Comments for student:
Grade: ____
*Please submit this sheet with your final project. Write a Song/Rap/Poem/Speech Project – all written aspects must be typed.
*Song/Rap/Poem/Speech (55 points) This project involves exactly what it sounds like. Pick a certain event, character, or theme from your independent reading book and compose a song, rap, or poem about your subject. You must then present your song/rap/poem orally to the class and explain what you are trying to get across to or describe for your audience. If necessary, you must be prepared to answer any questions your audience might have about your book and/or performance.
____ Song/rap/poem/speech deals with an important event, character, or theme from the student’s chosen book. It is clear the subject matter was carefully chosen and demonstrates an understanding of the book. (10 points). ____ Song/rap/poem/speech is creatively and thoughtfully constructed (10 points). ____ Song/rap/poem/speech is clearly and effectively presented to class (10 points). ____ Student efficiently and effectively explains the meaning of his/her project to the class, and discusses how the project represents a particular aspect of the student’s independent reading book (15 points). ____ Student highlights the economic connection(s) from the book in artistic expression and presentation (10 points)
* Reflection or summary of project (35 points) In your reflection, describe why you chose the subject you did and why your subject reveals or expresses an important aspect of your independent reading book.
____ Reflection is at least two pages long, thoughtful, well organized, and well-written (10 points). ____ Reflection successfully explains why the student chose to write about the subject s/he chose, and how that subject relates to an important aspect of the student’s book (15 points). ____ Student highlights economic connection of book in reflection (10 points)
*Personal Notes of Chosen Book (10 points)
____ You may use any format in completing this task, but it must be at least 2 pages
Comments for student:
Grade: ____
*Please submit this sheet with your final project.