The Struggle Is Worth It Part 2- Don T Believe Your Thought

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The Struggle Is Worth It Part 2- Don T Believe Your Thought

FILE INDEX (Press Shift-click on any line in the index to jump to that section.)








MAKE POVERTY HISTORY PRESENTATION—PART 2 (About Land Rent/Jubilee Economics)...... 25

MAKE POVERTY HISTORY--Article for Students to Read...... 29

MAKE POVERTY HISTORY REVIEW SHEET (use with Christian/SDA version)...... 31


MAKE POVERTY HISTORY LISTENING QUIZ (students write answers during the speech)...... 33


DISCUSSION QUESTIONS FOR PRESENTATION #2 (on land rent/jubilee)...... 35





Announcement and Pictures for Online Ads (in English and Korean)...... 40


HANDOUT SUMMARIZING THE ISSUE IN KOREAN (English translation)...... 44





SUGGESTIONS FOR PRESENTATION IMPROVEMENT...... 58 KOREAN NGOs JOINING THE CAMPAIGN...... 59 MAKE POVERTY HISTORY MATERIAL--EXPLANATION OF FILE CONTENTS This file includes most of what you will need to do anti-poverty presentations to show people the importance of joining the Make Poverty History campaign that has about 2.4 million members including many pastors, stars, activists and leaders as well as 400 organizations worldwide. It is a campaign started by churches who took the Bible ideas on economics seriously and tried to implement them. There are presentations targeted towards different groups of people to show them how to solve poverty and how the Bible played an instrumental role in starting this campaign and continuing it. For non-Christians, the purpose of this is to encourage them to join the campaign and also to build credibility for the Bible and to involve students in practical religion. For Christians/SDAs, the purpose is to show them the importance of joining the campaign as their Christian duty and responsibility and privilege since how we treat the poor is the same way that we are treating Jesus according to Matthew 25. Jesus’ example (and Ellen White's instructions) tell us to present practical Christianity first and then later the deeper issues. This is following that principle.

The presentation scripts, powerpoints, posters, videos, Korean subtitles, MP3 songs, song lyrics, discussion questions, ads and handouts (In English and Korean) that go with this presentation are either in this file (You can click the index below to jump to any section you wish to) or online at:, then click the “Poverty Campaign” link). In this file there are several presentations about how to make poverty history (and notes on when to use the slides and videos are included in the file) 1) Make Poverty History #1-- This file which is about the basics of the poverty problem, Bible based solutions and the “Make Poverty History Campaign and how important it is for people to join this campaign. There are 4 versions of this in this file: for secular people/students/general population, a Korean translation of this and 2 versions for Christians/SDAs (see index above) 2) Make Poverty History #2—A 2nd presentation on the basic right of everyone to share natural resources. This is by far the single best thing to do to eliminate poverty.

POSSIBLE PROGRAM SCHEDULE FOR PRESENTATION (everything below is either in this file already or online): 1) Welcome, intro and tell basic content of program and time it will take…give out song lyrics handout, 2) Prayer 3) Song: Love in any Language 4) Give out listening quizzes/handouts to audience and explain that you will be checking their English ability (can give out a prize as well for best scores) or that this is for their further reference 5) Do Presentation: Make Poverty History 6) Song: “Lord I give you my heart” and/or “We Are the World” 7) Prayer 8) Separate into small groups to discuss questions about poverty. Then join into a big group and summarize and brainstorm ways that you could be more involved and what actions you could take to join this campaign and help others to join it as well. 9) Give out other White Band stuff? Announce next meeting or formation of a club or whatever.

BEST WEBSITES FOR MORE RESOURCES: Go to these websites for more information and resources to use:

SITES WITH VIDEOS(웹싸이트로 보내주시길 바랍니다. 비디오 싸이트는 다음과 같습니다. ) ,,,, and

ENGLISH: , , ,  (There are several books online at the “online books” section. Read especially “Economic Democracy: The Political Struggle of the 21st Century” and “Cooperative Capitalism”. These are the books that helped me to understand why God’s economics work in the real world today. I’m not sure if the authors are Christian or not, but many of the principles are strongly connected to Bible instructions and these books explain how they work economically and how the world has been deceived and modern society has been set up intentionally in ways that hoard wealth for a few while billions suffer for want of basic needs).  resources for teachers   , ,

KOREAN: contact: Ms. Kim Dohye, [email protected] ,,,, ,,, etc.

ORGANIZATIONS (These are good organizations that have joined this campaign and where you can help out in practical ways some of the people in the world who are suffering the most):  Adventist Disaster Relief Agency:  Compassion International:  Red Cross  World Vision  UNICEF

KOREAN ORGANIZATIONS World Vision Korea, Korean Foundation for World Aid, Save the Children Korea, Korea Food for the Hungry International, Good Neighbors, Korea Welfare Foundation, Koreans Sharing Movement, Christian NGO

DOWNLOADING VIDEOS, POSTERS & USING KOREAN SUBTITLES FOR VIDEO Many videos to help with the Poverty Campaign can be downloaded in these ways: 1) Go to, click “Poverty Campaign” and download the videos. 2) Go to ( also has them available, but e-mail them) login: unmc pass: unmc9605 port: 21 directory: 3) WHITE BAND FLYER 1) type in in internet explorer 2) put in the login/pass 3) go to the directory 4) drag the files you want to the directory you want on your computer

======USEFUL VIDEO CLIPS (Korean subtitles available)====== Bono Video: Bono talking about 3 issues to make poverty history  Influencing Millenium Development Goals to be kept video: Video impressing everyone with the importance of pressuring governments to keep the MDG goals that they promised.  Mandela Video: Mandela campaigning for action on 3 issues...saying poverty isn't natural and that we can prevent a genocide.  Snapping Fingers Video: video of many actors snapping fingers every 3 seconds to show how often poverty kills people  Toddlers Video: Video of many toddlers on the street...1 girl, 2 years old, can't walk...because rats chewed off her toes.  Wake up to poverty Africa Snap: Video of African's snapping fingers and citing stats about poverty.  Wake up to poverty English promo: English video on poverty...with good stats online

======How To Use Korean subtitles with your videos)======Korean subtitles that go with the poverty video clips. You just need to make sure the movie file and the script file (*.smi) are in the same directory and that you are playing them with the GOM player available from: (click the gift box or bear paw a little down on the "Gomplayersetup.exe" to download the file..then the instructions are all in English to install it. IMPORTANT again...make sure the movie name and the *.smi file have exactly the same name and are in the same directory if you want to see the Korean subtitles. MAKE POVERTY HISTORY PRESENTATION (English Version) (NOTE: This presentation is to non-Christians outlining how to end poverty and how the Bible played an instrumental role in starting this campaign and continuing it. The purpose of this is to build credibility for the Bible and to involve students in practical religion. Jesus example’ (and Ellen White's instructions) tell us to present practical Christianity first and then later the deeper issues. This is following that principle. )

1. Hi, My name is Bryan Bissell and I’d like to welcome you to our program tonight. We are meeting tonight because there are some very major challenges tonight that are important for the world to understand and take action on. Before we begin, I’d like to Mi-ra who has done a lot of translation work for tonight and 2nd to Byung-Gyu who added Korean scripts to the videos and also made the posters for this campaign. Thanks a lot for their help. Tonight will be our first meeting, but we have more meetings on this topic so that you can invite your friends to hear about this. 2. There are many wonderful things in our world…but we also face more serious crises than our world has ever faced before…and it’s critical for us to make everyone aware of these issues so that we can influence our leaders to take wise actions. 3. I ask you to listen carefully, write down any questions and ideas you may have for a discussion after the presentation and to invite your friends to come and discuss this more next week. 4. There are some radical changes that will happen in the future…and we need to be not just Pusan citizens, not just Korean and American citizens, but world citizens in order to overcome them. 5. So, please join us for the next few weeks and learn some things that will greatly increase your understanding of world issues and possibly change your lives. 6. (SLIDE: old lab)***It sometimes seems like our world is in a seemingly endless progression of improvement and progress. 7. (SLIDE: -new lab) Advances made in science, technology, medicine, and global trade have all been astounding. 8. People can travel around the globe in the space of a day, (SLIDE: -sending money) transmit money and data to anywhere on the planet in seconds. 9. (SLIDE: -Healthy life) In general, people live longer, healthier and happier lives, than any time in the past 1000 years. 10. (SLIDE: -democracy)Democracy is more widespread than ever before in the history of the earth. 11. Things look relatively good. As a species, humans have accomplished amazing things. 12. (SLIDE: -carriage) We used to ride about on horses and in carriages 13. (SLIDE: -rocket) Now we travel to the moon in rockets. 14. **But, if we look a little deeper, there are problems so serious they threaten to radically alter modern society, or perhaps even destroy it completely. 15. (SLIDE: -Homer Dixon) Homer Dixon is a professor at the University of Toronto. He studies global systems and how they work together. 16. In a recent speech, he outlined five major global stresses that are seriously threatening our world. 17. (SLIDE: -world population), These include excessive population growth, (SLIDE: -destruction of environment) destruction of the natural environment, resulting in drastic climate changes, (SLIDE: -depletion of energy) depletion of energy sources, (SLIDE: -worldwide disease) worldwide disease, (SLIDE: -gap between rich/poor) and the widening gap between the rich and poor on the planet. 18. (SLIDE: 5 CRITICAL GLOBAL STRESSES) Presently all these problems are uncontrolled and volatile. If any one of them were to provoke a collapse, it would radically change the world as we know it. 19. More alarming is the fact that these stresses are interconnected, and if one collapses, it might cause multiple systems to collapse at the same time. 20. (SLIDE: -next 100 years) Looking ahead at the coming century, Prof. Dixon offers a grim picture. He says “I believe that the next one hundred years will be a time of great instability and, quite likely, of extraordinary violence and human hardship.” 21. (SLIDE: -humanity on brink)Prof. Dixon warns that “humanity is on the brink of a planetary emergency”. 22. *Tonight I’m going to focus on one problem that Professor Dixon highlighted and ways to solve it that need your help. 23. **When we hear the word war, we think of guns, tanks, bombs, soldiers, spies and airplanes. But, there is a worse kind of war. It’s an economic war and it’s been going on for centuries. 24. (SLIDE: Poverty is Economic War) Poverty kills 30,000 people a day (~8 million a year). &&By comparison, 3,000 people die every day from Malaria and 8,000 from AIDS. 3,000 people will die from poverty while we meet together tonight. These deaths from extreme stupid poverty are all unnecessary and avoidable. They are directly caused by unfair and greedy economic policies. (SLIDE: Disease/Hunger) And because of hunger and disease a child dies every 3 seconds. 25. (SLIDE: Poverty causes war) Poverty is also a major cause of violence because many desperately poor go to war or get involved in terrorism hoping for a better life. Then nations have to spend more money on military and security which directly affects us in higher taxes and prices. 26. A Latin proverb says, “Poverty is death in another form.” and it’s true. I’d like to watch 2 videos with you right now. As the actors snap their fingers…please snap with them…and remember that each snap means someone dies because of poverty. 27. MOVIE: Click with actors That’s a son...dead…there’s a daughter…lifeless…a mother…gone. During this short video, over 30 people died from poverty. 28. (SLIDE: Poverty Kills more than War & AIDS) Now, more people die of hunger in Africa than war and AIDS put together (war: 200,000 in 1998, AIDS: 3+ million a year).*** 29. Poverty also destroys the next generation too Watch this. 30. MOVIE: Wake up to Poverty English Promo—stats on children??? How does poverty kill? Here are 3 ways that poverty directly kills people:

NO MONEY FOR NECESSITIES: 31. ***(SLIDE: 600 million children) 600 million children around the world live in poverty. Many of them die from simple things like diarrhea, malaria, flu and other things we can easily cure with medicine costing about 1 or 2,000 won. 32. **(SLIDE: education) These children never get a chance to go to school and get an education. To educate all children in the world would only cost about $4 billion dollars…the cost of just a few military jets. ***Why do we spend more money on machines and fighting than on helping people? Because they have no money for necessities like medicine, clean water and food, millions of people are dying every year and their futures are destroyed.

DEBT: 33. ***(SLIDE: debt results) Many poor countries have borrowed lots of money. Many times, this money was borrowed by dictators who used it in luxurious living. 34. (SLIDE: rich countries give/take) Rich countries, the World Bank, and IMF and others seem to consider debt repayments a greater priority than the preservation of life, education, and developing roads, housing and other critical needs. Yes, we give money to them sometimes…but African countries spend up to 5 times more on debt repayments to wealthy countries and institutions than they spend on health care, food, and education for their sick, illiterate, and hungry millions. Let’s watch a short movie about this. 35. MOVIE: Wake up to Poverty (African Snap)

3. UNFAIR TRADE 36. ***(SLIDE: make trade fair) Wealthy nations *** give their farmers US $1 billion per day in subsidies. These farmers then export the food to poor countries (esp. in Africa and South America) and sell them very cheaply. Poor farmers don’t get subsidies from their governments, so, they can’t sell their crops on the market. The result is that poor farmers get almost nothing for growing the things that we buy. Hamed Sahehussan says, “ It’s unfair that you pay $3.00 for a cup of coffee and yet we only get a couple of cents.“ ***This deprives the poor of even their basic necessities. 37. Wealthy countries also threaten poor governments with sanctions and penalties if they subsidize their farmers. This is a deadly hypocrisy since rich countries governments give massive amounts of money to their farmers. 38. Haiti is an ideal place to grow rice. In the early 1980s, Haiti produced almost all of its own rice. 39. But wealthy nations including the US forced Haiti to open up its markets to foreign imports. As a result, Haiti has been flooded by cheap, subsidized. The subsidized American rice drove down the price of local rice and put thousands of small rice farmers out of business. 40. (SLIDE: Haiti children), This had devastating consequences**. So, up to fifty per cent of children in Haiti are now malnourished, with the highest rate in the rice-growing areas. Many rice growers are now unable to buy the foods that would give them and their families a well-balanced diet. 41. ***Opening the markets actually increased poverty and hunger ***because displaced peasants streamed into the city in search of work. The unemployment rate rocketed to almost 80%. So, foreign companies came in and hired workers for extremely low wages…exploiting the problem even further. 42. (SLIDE: “Free Market” Results) Inodil Fils, a rice farmer, says, “Rice producers want a better life. We work hard for it. But when we get to market we are bombarded with an invasion of cheap imported rice. How can we compete against the big guys?” Because of trade injustices like this, prices for food around the world has dropped drastically…sometimes by as much as 70%. Hundreds of millions of farmers are suffering terribly because of this. 43. (SLIDE: Can we solve poverty?) Can we solve poverty? In the 1990s, many churches formed a campaign called Jubilee2000 (SLIDE: Jubilee). In many places the Bible tells us economic principles that God promises will end poverty. 44. They decided to campaign for the world to follow 3 economic policies: 1) (SLIDE: Share/Be Generous) More and better aid (money, technology, education, infrastructure, etc.) (James 1:27, Deut. 15:7, 2 Corinthians 8:11-14) (SLIDE w/Korean) 2) (SLIDE: Cancel Debts) Cancel debts for the poorest countries so they can spend money on education, health and development. (Deuteronomy 15, Psalm 15:5, Nehemiah 5:7, Exodus 22:21-25, Amos 8:4-6) (SLIDE w/Korean) 3) (SLIDE: Trade Fairly) Establish fair trade regulations so people can support themselves (Amos 8:4-7,James 5:4, Jeremiah 21-11-12, 22:13-30, Micah 6:10-16) (SLIDE w/Korean)

45. (SLIDE: famous people) This is now one of the largest campaigns in history and now includes many politicians, singers, actors. Over 400 organizations are working to “Make Poverty History” and we need you too! (SLIDE: Koreans Protesting) 46. (SLIDE: Geldof) In July, the biggest concert in history, LIVE8 was held to support this campaign. 47. Unfair trade, debt and other economic injustices are destroying the futures, health and lives of millions. Poverty is a prison that is deadly and murders hopes and lives. 48. (SLIDE: Mandela) Poverty is not natural. Poverty is man made. It happens when money and resources are hoarded by a few people for themselves. People CAN stop poverty. Poverty, ignorance, war are not inevitable. Listen to what Mandela says: 49. MOVIE: Mandela 50. (SLIDE: Mandela and 3 goals) Mandela also says that by doubling aid, fully canceling debt, and delivering trade justice for Africa, our world can avoid genocide and change the future for millions of people. 51. Bob Geldof, the organizer of LIVE8 says, “It’s not just an issue of politics. It’s an issue of morality. We’ve never been wealthier. We’ve never been healthier. We know what it costs. We know what to do. DO IT! DO IT!” 52. I hope that you join this movement to DO IT. Bono, famous leader of the rock band US says: 53. MOVIE: Bono

54. **MAKE SLIDE Even Bill Gates says, “We can do this, and when we do, it will be the best thing that humanity has ever done.” 55. ** MAKE SLIDE Jesus said, “Whatever you have done to the least of these my brothers, you have done it unto me.” In Matt 25:40 and over 2,000 other verses, God gave us methods to end poverty that work. God tells us that He is especially concerned about our treatment of the poor. The way we treat the poor is recorded as the way we treat God!

56. OPTIONAL ACTIVITIES 57. Solving poverty is very possible. The UN estimates that poor countries are being denied at least $700 billion a year because of unfair trade rules. 58. There are several ways that poverty could be eliminated: 59. 18 Studies by the United Nations suggest that just an additional $70-80 billion a year would be enough to eliminate poverty by providing access to essential services like basic health care and education for everyone. It would take 5.3 billion dollars to educate all the children in the world. That sounds like a lot..but it’s really not.

(SLIDE: Ways to eliminate poverty--military) 1) In comparison, the world spends almost $1 trillion dollars on military expenditures. Isn’t it crazy that we spend so much on security and military rather than on guaranteeing people their basic needs to live? We could eliminate poverty just by reducing our military by 10%.

(SLIDE: Ways to eliminate poverty--generosity) 2) If just Americans and Koreans gave $250 a year, we could pay for all basic expenses for all the poor in the world.

(SLIDE: Ways to eliminate poverty--tithing) 3) If just American Christians tithed (Malachi 3:8-12, Deuteronomy 14:28-29), we could get rid of poverty. Think what we could do if all Christians tithed as God has instructed us to do many places in the Bible?

(SLIDE: Ways to eliminate poverty--governments) 4) America, Europe, Korea, Japan and many other rich countries were given huge amounts of money, technical assistance and support by other governments and the UN. It’s now time for us to give as we have received esp. since Korea is the 12th largest economy in the world. Let’s give the same kinds of chances to the poor countries of today.

**(SLIDE: Ways to eliminate poverty—sharing land) 5) Our world mostly ignores the fact that everyone has economic rights as well as human rights. But, guaranteeing similar economic rights to land and natural resources is the single easiest way to eliminate poverty. Since no one made nature, it is simple logic that all of us should share it and guarantee a basic equal opportunity in this way. This has been tried in at least 30 countries and it always ends hunger and homelessness and extreme poverty. More on this in our next meeting.

60. Solving poverty is not a dream. We know many methods to do it. We just need everyone to put pressure on our leaders to do this. This movement has already accomplished a lot: 61. (SLIDE: SUCCESSES) This year, the debt of 38 nations has been cancelled. Aid has been doubled to $50 billion. But, the WTO did nothing on trade which is the most critical problem to solve. **Friends, these successes have happened and millions of lives will be saved because people didn’t just read the Bible’s words, they acted on it. God’s Word has the solution for all problems that our world faces. But, we must surrender our lives to Jesus and let Him be the ruler of our lives. Then we must live and spread the truths that he has given us that bring such hope to the world. I sincerely hope that you decide to let Jesus rule your life and through you bring hope to many around you like this campaign is doing. 62. We need to keep pressure up so that this and other issues are eventually conquered as well and people will not be denied basic necessities like water, cheap medicine, education and simple housing. 63. (SLIDE: How Can You Help!) What can you do to help? Here are some ideas (and more are at the sites): 1) &&Sign Internet protests like the ONE Campaign ENGLISH:,,,,, KOREAN:,,,,,, etc. Make your voice heard. 2) &&Join e-mail lists at these sites so you can join in street campaigns and other actions against poverty in your country. JOIN E-MAIL LISTS: [email protected] 3) Educate yourself about this information then share this information at your church, school, make campaigns, e-mail your friends., 4) Vote for leaders who will work for economic justice. 5) Pray and follow Bible economic principles whenever you can in your own life, especially support self-sufficiency. 64. (SLIDE: Deuteronomy 15-English) The Bible principles do end poverty as God has promised us in Deuteronomy 15. Other religions agree. Most economists and philosophers also agree. We have the resources to end the deaths of millions. It’s a crime for us to let people die when we could stop it, esp. when it’s so easy..just joining an e-mail list and telling our friends about this. Our last video is about joining your voice to the millions of people that are already campaigning to end poverty. (SLIDE: Deuteronomy 15-Korean) 65. MOVIE: Use Your Voice to Speak! (25-MDGPSA) 66. (SLIDE: JOIN THE DREAM—12 slides from Hong Kong to Korea) Your voice is very important. We have a dream…that one day…no child will have to die from conquered diseases like malaria. We have a dream…that no mother will ever again have to die because she couldn’t buy $1 medicine. We have a dream…that no man will be so desperate for a good life that he will think becoming a terrorist is his only option. We have a dream…that every single person on this planet will have the chance to learn and to contribute their skills to this planet. We have a dream…that someday…people will become more important than machines and BMWs and fancy houses and nice clothes. We have a dream…that one day…as Martin Luther King Jr. believed that justice will rolls down like waters and righteousness like a mighty stream. 67. There have been movements for freedom at different times in history. But, this campaign for economic freedom will dwarf the effects of almost every other campaign in history. If we achieve even half of the goals, there will be an explosion of peace and justice and security such as the world has never dreamed of before. People the world over will have the basic necessities they need to live meaningful and useful lives and contribute to progress and dreams. 68. Please join the ONE campaign. Together you and millions of other people take action together. The fight is just beginning and we at the very least we will save millions of lives…Even one life is worth saving…what if that were your life in danger? Wouldn’t you want someone to stand up for you? Then stand up for those who can’t. **That’s what Jesus did. 69. (SLIDE: Dream Big) Let’s be that great generation that ends poverty! Let’s dream big. Let’s catch a vision…not just to get a good job and get that newest cell phone…what is that in comparison to a human life? 70. (SLIDE: Make Poverty History) Let’s dream far bigger! Let’s do far more. Let’s be the generation to end poverty **with God’s help! This is a first step. Let’s join to make the first step and the second and whatever is needed to finally MAKE POVERTY HISTORY!

71. We would now like to give you a little time for discussion with each other on a few questions. I’d also like to remind you that this is just the first meeting. We will have a similar presentation next week as well…and we ask you to bring your friends to that meeting…We will present some of the same things as tonight…but we will also talk a little more about what Korean groups and agencies are doing and focusing on and how you can help. And we will also discuss one more principle that is the most important way to end poverty! Tell your friends about it and join us for this campaign that can change the world and save millions of lives! MAKE POVERTY HISTORY PRESENTATION (Korean Version) (note: this version is fairly close to the English version above. There are a few small differences. Look at the ** marks in the English above for most of the differences.) 1. 안녕하십니까? 저는 브라이언 비슬입니다. 오늘밤 이 프로그램을 함께 하게 돼서, 대단히 기쁩니다. 우 리는 오늘 밤, 현재 세계 곳곳에서 일어나는 일들을 이해하고 행동할 수 있기 위해서 이곳에 모였습니 다.

2. 현재 우리 세상에는 엄청나게 많은 놀랄만한 일들이 일어나고 있습니다. 우리가 이전에는 겪어보지 못 한 심각한 위기가 우리 앞에 놓여있습니다. 우리는 이런 이슈들을 알아야만 합니다. 우리가 앞으로의 미래를 위해서 우리의 지도자들에게 현명한 대처를 할 수 있도록 촉구하기 위해서입니다.

3. 저의 프리젠테이션 잘 들으시고 메모하셨다가, 저의 프리젠테이션이 끝난 다음 여러분이 생각하는 아 이디어도 좋구요. 궁금하신 점들, 질문해 주시기 바랍니다. 그리고 다음주에는 여러분들의 친구들도 초 대해서 이 문제에 대해서 얘기해 봤으면 좋겠습니다.

4. 미래에 일어날 엄청난 변화들이 예견되고 있습니다. 그 변화들을 극복해 가기 위해서는, 부산시민 뿐만 아니라, 한국민, 미국민, 아니 세계 사람들의 도움이 필요합니다.

5. 그래서 앞으로 몇주동안 우리가 함께 하면서, 세계에서 일어나는 일들에 대해 깊이 생각해보고 공부해 보려고 하는 것입니다. 이러한 공부는 앞으로 당신의 인생을 바꿔놓을 수도 있으리라 생각합니다.

6. 선진화된 세계의 현대 사회를 돌아보면, 지구촌은 끝없이 발전 진보하는 것처럼 보입니다.

7. 특히 과학, 기술, 의학, 국제통상의 부분에서의 발전은 가히 놀랄만합니다.

8. 사람들은 하루만에 지구촌 어디로든 여행할 수 있고, 몇초만에 이 지구상 어디로건 돈과 정보를 전송할 수 있습니다.

9. 대부분의 사람들운 지난 1000 년의 어느 시간보다, 훨씬 더 오래, 더 건강하게 더 행복하게 살고 있습니 다.

10. 민주주의는 지구 역사가 시작된 이후, 어느때보다 더 넓게 확대되었습니다.

11. 모든 것들이 지난 시절보다 상대적으로 좋아보입니다. 인간이란 존재는 정말 엄청난 일을 실현시켜왔 습니다. 12. 예전에 우리는 말과 캐리지(아주 초보적인 탈것)를 탔습니다.

13. 지금 우리는 로켓을 타고 달을 여행합니다.

14. 하지만, 좀더 깊이 살펴보면, 현대 사회를 송두리째 바꿔놓을만큼 위협적인 문제들이 존재하고 있습니 다. 어쩌면 그것은 우리 세상을 완전히 파괴시킬지도 모릅니다.

15. 토론토 대학의 호머 딕슨 교수는 지구의 시스템과 그 시스템들이 어떻게 작용하는지를 연구하는 사람 입니다.

16. 최근의 발표를 보면, 그는 우리의 세계를 심각하게 위협하는 스트레스(원인)를 다섯가지로 정리했습니 다.

17. 그것들은 ① 과도한 인구증가 ② 급격한 기후변화로 인한 자연환경의 파괴 ③ 에너지 자원의 고갈 ④ 지구촌의 갖가지 질병 ⑤ 빈부격차의 심화입니다. 18. 현재로서는 이 모든 문제들이 통제할 수 없을 뿐만 아니라 시시때때로 변합니다. 이들 중 하나만이라도 혼란을 부추긴다면, 당신도 알다시피, 그것은 세상을 완전히 변하게 만들 것입니다.

19. 더 심각한 문제는 지구를 위협하는 원인들이 서로 결부되어 있다는 사실입니다. 그래서, 만약 한가지가 붕괴된다면, 그것으로 인해, 다양화된 시스템을 동시에 붕괴될 수도 있습니다.

20. 딕슨 교수는 다가오는 세기를 아주 무시무시하고 불길한 모습으로 예견합니다. 그는 앞으로의 100 년은 불안정한 정서가 만연하고, 가공할만한 폭력과 각박한 인간관계의 시기가 될 것이라고 말합니다.

21. 또한 딕슨 교수는 현재 인류애는 이 지구상에서 사라지기 일보 직전이라고 경고합니다.

22. 오늘밤 우리는 딕슨 교수가 조명한 문제와 당신의 도움이 필요한 해결방법을 찾는데 포커스를 맞출 것 입니다.

23. 우리는 전쟁이란 단어를 들으면, 우리는 보통 총이나 탱크, 폭탄, 군인, 스파이, 비행기들을 떠올립니다. 하지만 여기에 그보다 훨씬 더 나쁜 전쟁이 있습니다. 그것은 경제전쟁이고 수세기 동안 계속 진행되어 오고 있습니다.

24. 가난은 하루에 3 만명(일년에 8 백만명)의 사람을 죽입니다. 전세계에서는 매일 말라리아로 삼천명이, 에이즈로 8 천명이 죽습니다. 우리가 오늘밤, 여기에 있는 동안에, 3 천명의 기아로 죽어갈 것입니다. 이 러한 극도로 어리석은 죽음들은 모두 불필요하면서도 피할 수 있는 것입니다. 이 죽음들은 불공정하고 탐욕적인 경제정책의 소산이기 때문입니다. 1. (디지즈/헝거) 삼초마다 한명의 아이가 배고픔과 질병으로 죽어가고 있습니다.

25. 가난은 또한 폭력의 주요 원인이 됩니다. 왜냐하면 대다수 절망적으로 가난한 사람들이 더 나은 삶을 위해서, 전쟁에 투입되거나 테러에 연루되기 때문입니다. 그렇기 때문에 국가는 군대와 안보에 더 많은 돈을 쓸 수밖에 없습니다. 그것은 곧 우리가 더 높은 세금과 댓가를 치러야 한다는 뜻입니다.

26. 테러라틴 속담에 “가난은 또다른 형태의 죽음”이라는 말이 있고, 그것은 사실입니다. 지금부터 두 개의 비디오를 보겠습니다. 배우들이 손가락으로 스냅할 때마다 그들과 함께 스냅해 주십시오. 스냅을 한번 할때마다 누군가가 가난으로 죽어간다는 사실을 기억해주십시오.

27. (무비 - click with acters) 한 소년이 죽었습니다. 한 소녀도 삶을 잃었습니다. 한 어머니가 돌아가셨습니 다. 이 짧은 비디오를 보는 동안 30 명이 넘는 사람이 가난으로 죽었습니다.

28. 아프리카에서는 전쟁과 에이즈로 합친 것보다 더 많은 사람들이 가난으로 죽습니다.(전쟁 : 2 만명, 에 이즈 : 일년에 3 만명)

29. 가난은 또한 다음세대의 젊은이들까지 죽입니다. 다음을 보십시오.

30. (무비 - wake up to poverty english Promo) 가난이 어떻게 사람을 죽입니까? 여기에 가난이 사람을 직접적 으로 죽이는 세가지 방법이 있습니다.

2. No Money For Necessities : (생필품을 위한 돈이 없다)

31. (600 million children) 전세계 6 억명의 아이들이 가난으로 고통받고 있습니다. 그들의 대부분은 설사, 말 라리아, 독감 같은, 천원 이천원짜리 약으로 쉽게 고칠수 있는 병으로 죽어가고 있습니다. 32. (education) 이 아이들은 결코 학교에 가거나 교육을 받을 수 있는 기회를 얻지 못합니다. 이 모든 아이 들을 교육하는데 드는 돈은 고작 40 억 달러, 몇 대의 제트기값에 불과합니다. *** 왜 우리는 가난한 사 람들을 돕기 보다, 싸움에 이용되는 기계에 더 많은 돈을 쓰는 겁니까? 그들은 약이나 깨끗한 물, 음식 과 같은 생필품을 구할 수 있는 돈이 없어서, 매년, 수백만명이 죽어가고 있고, 그들의 미래는 파괴되고 있습니다.

3. Ddbt : (빚) 33. 많은 가난한 나라들은 천문학적인 빚을 지고 있습니다. 많은 경우, 이 돈은 독재자들의 사치스러운 삶 을 영위하는데 쓰이고 있습니다.

34. 부자 나라들. 월드뱅크, 아이엠에프, 그리고 다른 부자나라들은, 생존, 교육, 도로건설, 그리고 주택과 같 은 중요한 생존조건보다는, 더 큰 이익을 위해 가난한 나나라에게 빚을 내주는 것 같습니다. 맞습니다. 우리는 가끔 그들에게 돈을 줍니다. 하지만 아프리카의 나라들은, 아프고 글 모르고 배고픈 국민들의 의료, 음식, 교육에 쓰는 돈보다 5 배나 많은 돈을 부자나라들의 빚을 갚는데 쓰고 있습니다. 다음 비디 오를 봐 주십시오.

35. (무비 - wake up to poverty)

4. Unfair Trade : (불공정한 무역)

36. 부자 나라들. 그들은 자국의 농부들에게 매년 10 억달러(1 조)의 농가보조금을 줍니다. 그러면, 이들 농 부들은 이 돈으로 가난한 나라(특히 아프리카나 남미)에 매우 싼 가격으로 수출을 합니다. 가난한 나라 의 농부들은 나라로부터 보조금을 받을 수 없기 때문에 세계 시장에서 그들이 키운 농작물을 팔 수가 없습니다. 그 결과 가난한 농부는 우리가 살만한 어떤 것도 기를 수 없게 됩니다. 해미드 사헤후산은 “ 당신은 커피 한잔에 삼달러를 지불하지만, 우리는 몇센트를 얻을 뿐”이라고 말합니다. 이것이 가난한 사람들에게 기본적인 생필품조차 구할 수 없게 하는 원리입니다.

37. 부자 나라들은 역시 가난한 나라의 정부가 그들의 농부들에게 보조금을 주지 못하도록 제재와 벌칙으 로 위협합니다. 자기네들은 자기 나라의 농부들에게 엄청난 돈을 지원하면서, 가난한 나라에게는 하지 못하도록 하는 건, 위선입니다.

38. 하이티는 쌀을 키우기에 최적의 장소입니다. 1980 년대 초반! 하이티는 거의 대부분 쌀을 자급했습니다.

39. 하지만 이즈음, 미국을 비롯한 부자나라들은 하이티 정부에 시장 개방을 강요하기 시작했습니다. 그 결 과 하이티는 보조금으로 대량생산된 쌀이 넘치게 됐습니다. 지원받은 미국쌀은 하이티가 생간한 쌀의 가격을 대폭 떨어뜨렸고 수천명의 소농들을 파산하게 만들었습니다.

40. (Haiti Children) 이것은 정말 파괴적인 결과를 낳았습니다. 50 퍼센트에 해당하는 하이티의 아이들이 영 양실조로 고통받고 있고, 이것은 쌀생산지역에서 최고 높은 수준입니다. 많은 쌀농가는 현재, 그들과 그 들이 가족들이 생활을 유지할 수 있는 균형적인 식사를 할 수 없게 됐습니다.

41. 시장을 개방하는 것은 사실 가난과 기아를 증가시키는 것입니다.... 왜냐하면 농촌에서 추방된 소작농 들은 일을 구하기 위해서 도시로 흘러들었고, 그 결과, 실업률은 거의 80 퍼센트에 육박했습니다. 또한 외국계 회사들도 도시로 와서 극도로 싼 임금을 주고 일꾼을 부리는가 하면 나아가 노동력을 착취하기 레 이릅니다.

42. 농부 이노딜 필리스는 이렇게 말합니다. “쌀 생산자는 더 나은 삶을 바란다. 우리는 그것을 위해 열심히 일한다. 하지만 우리가 생산한 쌀을 팔려는 시장에는 싼가격의 수입쌀이 무차별로 공격한다. 어떻게 우 리가 이 큰 거인과 경쟁할수 있겠는가?”라고 말입니다. 이같은 무역의 불공정성 때문에, 지구촌의 음식 가격은 철저하게 바닥으로 떨어집니다. 심하면 70 퍼센트까지 떨어집니다. 수백 수천만의 농민들은 이 렇게 고통을 받고 있습니다. 5. (Can We solve poverty?) 우리가 가난을 구할 수 있을까요? 1990 년대, 많은 교회들이 “주빌리 2000”(희년 2000)이란 캠페인을 펼쳤습니다. (Jubilee) 성경은 곳곳에서 하나님이 가난을 종식시킬 거라는 경제의 법칙 을 우리에게 말해주고 있습니다.

43. 그들은 지구촌을 위해서 세 가지 경제 원칙에 따른 캠페인을 계획했습니다. 1) (제임스 1:27) 더 많고 더 좋은 도움! (돈, 기술, 교육, 기반시설 등) 2) (듀터로노미 15:1) 가장 가난한 나라 사람들이 교육, 의료 관리에 돈을 쓸 수 있도록 빚을 탕감해 주십시 오. 3) (이자이아 8:4-7) 사람들이 그들 스스로를 부양할 수 있도록 무역 규제를 공정하게 세워주십시오.

44. (Famous People) 기아종식은 역사에 길이 남을 가장 큰 캠페인 가운데 하나이며 지금 많은 정치인들, 가 수들, 영화배우들이 함께 하고 있습니다. 400 개가 넘는 단체들이 가난의 역사를 종식시키기 위해 일하 고 있고, 우리 역시 당신의 도움이 필요합니다.

45. (겔도프) 지난해 7 월! 역사상 가장 큰 콘서트 “라이브 8”가 가난 종식 캠페인을 지원하기 위해서 열렸 습니다.

46. 불공정한 무역, 빚, 그리고 다른 경제적 불공정은 수백만명의 미래와 건강, 삶을 송두리째 파괴합니다. 가난은 참혹하게 삶과 희망을 죽이는 감옥입니다.

47. (만델라) 가난은 자연적인 것이 아닙니다. 사람이 만든 것입니다. 돈과 자원이 일부 힘있는 몇사람에게 집중되는 일이 일어나고 있습니다. 우리는 가난을 멈출 수 있습니다. 가난, 무지, 전쟁은 피할수 없는 것 이 아닙니다. 만델라의 얘기를 들어보십시오.

48. (무비 - 만델라)

49. (만델라 and 3 goals) 만델라는 두배의 원조, 완전한 빚탕감, 그리고 아프리카와 공정한 무역을 하게 된다 면, 지구촌은 가난으로 인한 대량학살을 막을 수 있고, 수백만 명의 미래가 바뀐다고 말합니다.

50. “라이브 8”을 조직한 밥 겔도프는 이렇게 말했습니다. “가난 종식 캠페인은 정치적인 이슈가 아니다. 도덕성에 관한 것이다. 우리는 결코 더 부유해지지도 더 건강해지지도 않았다. 우리는 그 댓가를 치룬 다는 것을 알고 있다. 우리는 해야 할 일을 알고 있다. 지금 하자! 지금 하자!”라고 말입니다.

51. 나는 당신이 “지금 바로 시작”하기 위해서 이 캠페인에 참여하기를 원한다. 유명한 락밴드 “U2"의 리 더 보노의 말을 들어보자.

52. (무비 - 보노)

53. (슬라이드) 빌 게이트도 말한다. “우리는 가난을 종식시킬 수 있다. 우리가 행동할 때, 그것은 인간이 이 룬 가장 위대한 업적이 될 것이다.“

54. (슬라이드) 예수 그리스도는 “여러분이 가난한 형제들이 위해 기울인 최소한의 노력이 무엇이든 간에 이미 당신은 나의 뜻으로 이뤘다.”고 말씀하셨습니다. 마태복음 25 장 40 절! 그리고 2 천명이 넘는 절을 통해서 하나님은 우리에게 가난을 끝내는 방법을 알려주셨습니다. 하나님은 그가 가난한 사람들을 대 접하는데 특별히 관심을 있다는 걸 우리에게 말씀하셨습니다. 가난한 사람들을 대접하는 방법은 바로, 우리가 하나님을 대우하듯이 하는 것이라고 성경에 기록되어 있습니다.

55. (Optional Activities) 56. 가난은 해결가능한 문제입니다. 유엔은 가난한 나라들이 불공정한 무역으로 인해서 일년에 최소 7 천억 달러를 손해보는 것으로 추정하고 있습니다.

57. 가난을 끝내버리는데는 몇가지 방법이 있습니다.

58. 유엔 산하 18 개 연구단체들은, 모든 사람들이 기본적인 의료제도와 교육을 받기 위해서라면 일년에 7,8 백억 달러만 부가적으로 지원하면 충분하다고 제안하고 있습니다. 또한 전세계 어린이들을 교육시 키는데는 53 억 달러면 가능하다고 합니다. 아주 큰 돈인 것 같지만, 실제로는 그렇지 않습니다. 1) (ways to eliminate poverty - milltary 군대) 비교하자면, 세계는 군사시설을 위해서 거의 1 조원 의 돈을 씁니다. 살기 위해 필요한 기본적인 것들보다 안전이나 군사시설에 수백수천배이 돈을 쏟 아붓는 건 미친짓 아닐까요? 우리는 군대와 군사시설에 대한 예산을 10 퍼센트만 줄여도 가난을 없 앨 수 있습니다. 2) (ways to eliminate poverty - generosity 관용, 베품) 만약 모든 미국인과 한국인이 일년에 250 달 러(25 만원)만 기부한다면, 전세계 가난한 사람들의 기본적인 생계비를 지불할 수 있습니다. 3) (ways to eliminate poverty - tithing 십일조) 미국 기독교인이 십일조를 한다면, 역시 가난을 끝 낼 수 있습니다. 만약 모든 기독교인들이 하나님께서 성경을 통해 우리에게 지시하신 것처럼 십일 조를 한다면, 우리가 무엇을 해내게 되는지 상상해 보십시오. 4) (ways to eliminate poverty - governments 정부) 미국, 유럽, 한국, 일본 그리고 많은 부자나라들은 이전에 유엔을 비롯한 다른 나라들로부터 엄청난 돈과 기술적 지원과 보조를 받았습니다. 이제 우 리가 베풀 차례입니다. 대한민국은 세계에서 12 번째로 경제규모가 큰 나라입니다. 오늘날 가난으로 신음하는 나라들에게도 같은 기회를 주도록 합시다. 5) (ways to eliminate poverty - sharing land 땅 공유) 대부분의 사람들은 사람에게 인권이 있는만큼 경제적인 권리도 있다는 사실을 무시합니다. 하지만 땅과 자연자원에 대한 경제적인 권리를 보장하 는 것은 가난을 없애는 가장 쉬운 방법입니다. 누구도 자연을 만들지 않았기 때문에 자연은 공유되 어야 하고, 자연자원 이용에 대한 균등한 기회가 보장되어야 한다는 건 당연하고도 간단한 논리입 니다. 자연자원의 공유는 지금까지 서른개 이상의 나라들에서 시도되어 왔고, 배고픔, 홈리스, 극도 의 가난을 끝내는 결과를 낳았습니다.

59. 가난을 끝내는 건 꿈이 아닙니다. 우리는 그것을 할 수 있는 많은 방법을 알고 있습니다. 단지 우리의 리더들이 이런 선택을 할 수 있도록 우리 모두가 힘을 모아야 한다는 것입니다. 이 캠페인은 이미 많은 것을 실현시켰습니다.

60. (Successes) 올해, 38 개 나라의 빚이 탕감됐습니다. 지원은 5 백억 달러로, 두배가 됐습니다. 하지만 WTO 가 빈곤 문제를 해결하는 가장 핵심이 되는 무역에 관해서는 아무런 조치도 취하지 않았습니다.

61. 우리 근본적으로 정복되어야 할 빈곤문제를 해결하기 위해서 힘을 모아, 우리의 리더들에게 압력을 행 사해야합니다. 그래야 사람들이 물이나 상비약품, 교육, 간단히 가재도구 같은 기본적인 생필품 때문에 곤란을 겪지 않을 것입니다.

62. 당신은 어떻게 도울 건가요? 여기에 몇가지 아이디어가 있습니다.

6) (What You can do!) 우리나라에서 행해지는 시위에 참여하십시오. 그리고 온라인 시위에 가담 하십시오. 주소는... 한국어 지원은... 당신이 목소리를 들려주십시오. 7) 앞서 말씀드린 싸이트들에 당신의 이메일 리스트를 올리십시오. 그러면 캠페인에 참여할 수 있고, 정부 관계자들에게 빈곤에 대항하는 행동을 보여줄 수 있습니다. 8) 먼저 스스로가 빈곤에 대해 잘 알고, 교회, 학교에 정보를 공유하고, 캠페인에 참여하고, 친구 들에게 이메일을 보내십시오. 9) 경제적인 정의를 이룰 수 있는 사람에게 투표하십시오. 10) 바쁜 생활 중 짬짬이 틈을 내 기도하고, 성경의 경제원칙에 따르며, 특히 스스로 만족하는 자 세를 생활화하십시오.

63. 성경의 원리는 하나님이 신명기 15 절에서 우리에게 약속하신 것처럼, 빈곤을 끝냅니다. 다른 종교들도 인정한 사실입니다. 대부분의 경제학자, 철학자 역시 인정했습니다. 우리는 수백만명의 생명을 살릴 자 원이 있습니다. 가난을 끝낼 수 있음에도 불구하고, 우리가 그들을 가난으로 죽게 놔두는 것은 범죄입 니다. 쉬운 방법으로 시작하십시오. 이메일 리스트에 참여하거나 이 사실을 친구들에게 알려줍시다. 마 지막 비디오는 우리의 목소리를 이미 가난종식을 위한 캠페인에 뛰어든 수백만명의 사람들과 함께 하 는 내용입니다.

64. (movie - Use your voice to Speak)

65. 당신은 목소리는 매우 중ㅇ합니다. 우리는 꿈을 꿉니다. 말라리아 같은 병으로 죽는 어린이가 아무도 없는 그런 날... 우리는 꿈을 꿉니다. 더 이상, 1 달러짜리 약을 살 돈이 없어서 죽어야 하는 어머니가 없 는 그런날... 우리는 꿈을 꿉니다. 어느 누구도 절망적인 삶을 견디다 못해 유일한 선택인 테러리스트가 되는 일이 없는 그런 날... 우리는 꿈을 꿉니다. 지구위의 모든 사람이 배우는 기회를 가지고, 더 나은 세 상을 위해서 자신들의 재능을 기여하는 날... 우리는 꿈을 꿉니다. 언젠가... 사람들이 기계나, BMW, 멋 진 집, 사치스런 옷 보다 사람이 더 중요해지는 그런 날을... 우리는 꿈을 꿉니다. 어느날... 마친 루터 킹 주니어처럼 믿었던 것처럼... 정의가 물처럼 흐르고, 올바름이 강력한 흐름이 되는 날을...

66. 역사적으로 보면, 자유를 향한 운동이 몇차례 있어왔습니다. 하지만 경제적 자유를 위한 이 캠페인은 다른 캠페인들로 인해서 위축될 것입니다. 만약 우리가 목표의 반을 이룬다면, 세계가 이번에는 결코 꿈꿔보지 못한 세상으로, 평화와 정의, 안전로 넘쳐날 것입니다. 세계 사람들은 그들이 필요로 하는 의 미있고 유용한 삶을 살며, 세상은 꿈과 희망으로 진보해 나갈 것입니다.

67. 이 캠페인에 참여해 주십시오. 이미 캠페인을 시작한 수백만의 사람들과 함께 행복합시다. 싸움은 바로 지금 시작되었고, 우리는 최소한 수백만명의 목숨을 구할 수 있습니다. 아니.. 한 목숨이라도 구한다면, 의미있는 일이겠지요. 만약 당신이 위험에 처했다면 어떨지 상상해 보셨나요? 당신이 누군가가 당신의 편이 되어 주지 ksg 는다면, 할수 있는 그 사람들이

68. (드림 빅) 위대한 우리 세대가 빈곤을 종식시킵시다. 꿈을 크게 꿉시다. 미래 비전을 바라봅시다. 단지 좋은 직업을 얻고, 최신 휴대전화를 얻는 게 아니라, 인간이 생활을 바꾸는 위대한 꿈을...

69. (Make Poverty History) 더 큰 꿈을 꿉시다. 앞으로 더 나갑시다. 우리 세대에서 가난을 끝냅시다. 이것이 첫 번째 단계입니다. 첫 단계에 참여하고, 두 번째 단계로 나아가면, 결국에는 성공시킵시다.

!!Make Poverty History!!

70. 지금부터 몇가지 질문에 서로 대답하며, 토론하는 시간을 갖겠습니다. 저는 우리의 첫 번째 미팅이 기 억되기를 바랍니다. 우리는 다음주.. 혹은 시간이 되면, 비슷한 프리젠테이션을 다시 할 것입니다. 여러 분의 친구들을 데려오기를 원합니다. 몇 개의 그룹으로 나눠서 우리가 어떻게 가난을 종식시키는데 도 움이 될지를 얘기하고 싶습니다. 그리고, 가난을 없애는 가장 중요한 방법들에 대해서 의견을 나눌 수 있었으면 합니다. 수백만명이 삶을 구하고, 세상을 바꿀 수 있는 이 캠페인에, 여러분이 함께 하기를 바 랍니다. MAKE POVERTY HISTORY PRESENTATION --TO CHRISTIANS/SDAS (This is a presentation on the poverty issue to SDA and Christian audiences to get them involved in the poverty campaign. It focuses on the 3 campaign issues and also explains the more effective and biblical solution of sharing natural resources as in the Jubilee system or Land Rent.)

1. Hi, My name is Bryan Bissell and I’m happy to be here today to share about an important worldwide movement that I think every Seventhday Adventist and every Christian should be involved in. Our world has some very major challenges that are critical for us to understand and take action on. 2. I’m going to share some ideas today that are compiled from three different presentations and I encourage you to go on internet and use and adapt any of them to your own situation. Only a few of these ideas are original with me. They are original with Jesus, Ellen White, many Christian activists throughout history, philosophers and others. 3. As Pastor Rick Warren says, “We are not called to be creative. We are called to be effective.” He jokes, “If you borrow from 1 person, it’s called plagiarism. If you borrow from 5 people, it’s called adapting. If you borrow from 10 people, it’s called research”. Even Einstein said that the secret to creativity is hiding your sources. 4. Even more importantly is that most of the effective movements in Christian history have boiled their goals down to very simple and memorable and practical things to do. You look at CCC, Purpose Driven, the Navigators. Think of the Roman Road to Salvation, the Methodists. They made things simple and easy to remember and shared. In CCC, you are supposed to read several main articles 6-7 times until you know them and are able to transfer them to others. They call this transferable concepts. 5. In his book, “Guns, Germs and Steel”, the scientist Jared Diamond notes that knowledge can be transmitted from one society to another by a variety of means, some of which are highly efficient and some of which are not. The least efficient way to transmit knowledge is "idea diffusion"--"when you receive little more than the basic idea and have to reinvent the details," he writes. The most efficient is "Blueprint copying"--"when you copy or modify an available detailed blueprint." Ancient civilizations that enjoyed access to language "blueprints" from other cultures developed written language thousands of years faster than those that had to invent them from scratch. (quoted on p. 261, "How To Change the World" by David Bornstein.) 6. This is also true in spiritual areas. Interestingly, Rick Warren came to Korea in June to do some conferences. He said that he got many of his ideas from Korean churches. Korean churches got a lot of their ideas from Yongi Cho of the Yoido church (with 1 million members...not an exxageration)..and Pastor Cho stated to an Andrews University theo graduate student in an interview that he based his church principles on Ellen White's books Christian Service and Gospel Workers. 7. We need to not just share ideas, but the practical how tos so that all can join effectively in the work of God. And so on my website, you can download and adapt or plagiarize anything you see today. It’s all for the cause of God who gave us everything that we possess. 8. I’m going to be talking about the issue of poverty and the worldwide campaign to stop poverty. This month from September 16-October 17, Korean NGOs are sponsoring many events to highlight this problem and over 400 organizations and millions of people are going to stage protests and events worldwide on October 17 to increase awareness and to ask governments to act to “Make Poverty History”. It is my prayer that you join this campaign and inspire your students, friends and family to really make a difference to millions of lives through this campaign. 9. To start I’d like to sing the song “Love in any Language” as a reminder that no matter where we come from, we are all God’s children and we share many of the same emotions, feelings and needs. 10. There are many wonderful things in our world…but we also face more serious crises than our world has ever faced before…and it’s critical for us to make everyone aware of these issues so that we can influence our leaders to take wise actions. 11. There are some radical changes that will happen in the future…and we need to be not just Pusan citizens, not just Korean and American citizens, but citizens who have a global view and more importantly a spiritually based global view in order to overcome them. 12. (SLIDE: old lab)***It sometimes seems like our world is in a seemingly endless progression of improvement and progress. 13. (SLIDE: -new lab) Advances made in science, technology, medicine, and global trade have all been astounding. 14. People can travel around the globe in the space of a day, (SLIDE: -sending money) transmit money and data to anywhere on the planet in seconds. 15. (SLIDE: -Healthy life) In general, people live longer, healthier and happier lives, than any time in the past 1000 years. 16. (SLIDE: -democracy)Democracy is more widespread than ever before in the history of the earth. 17. Things look relatively good. As a species, humans have accomplished amazing things. 18. (SLIDE: -carriage) We used to ride about on horses and in carriages 19. (SLIDE: -rocket) Now we travel to the moon in rockets. 20. **But, if we look a little deeper, there are problems so serious they threaten to radically alter modern society, or perhaps even destroy it completely. 21. (SLIDE: -Homer Dixon) Homer Dixon is a professor at the University of Toronto. He studies global systems and how they work together. 22. In a recent speech, he outlined five major global stresses that are seriously threatening our world. 23. (SLIDE: -world population), One is excessive population growth which drastically stretches our natural resources. 24. (SLIDE: -destruction of environment, Gore) Another is the destruction of the natural environment, resulting in drastic climate changes. Just a couple months ago, Al Gore’s movie “An inconvenient truth was released. It’s shocking. He says that the environmental problems will likely cause 100 million refugees in addition to much more dangerous weather, the death of many species, famines and many more serious diseases if we do not make the correct choices within the next 10 years. He stated that we are about to enter a period of consequences and most scientists agree. 25. (SLIDE: -depletion of energy) depletion of energy sources. This is extremely serious and several professor friends of mine think that this problem may be the motivation to bring about the end time prophecy scenarios that we know so well. Oil is the basis of most of modern life. Because of oil, our production of food has skyrocketed, making the largest population in the history of the world possible. Oil provides energy to bring the food to the cities, water to our apartments, energy for elevators, factories, planes, electricity for lights, the internet and so much else of modern life. Without oil, modern life would pretty much cease to exist. Many experts are saying that we are reaching a peak in the supply before the year 2012. 26. Worse, even if we do find another energy source, it may not be enough. We don’t just have to find a new energy source, we have to convert the world’s entire infrastructure to run on it. And this will take many decades and trillions of dollars. But, we don’t have that kind of luxury now. 27. (SLIDE: -worldwide disease) Another is worldwide diseases like AIDS, SARS, the bird flu and many others. Medical researchers say that it’s just a matter of time before some deadly disease becomes airborne and kills millions. 28. (SLIDE: -gap between rich/poor) 5th is the widening gap between the rich and poor on the planet. I will spend most of my time today focusing on this one. 29. (SLIDE: 5 CRITICAL GLOBAL STRESSES) Presently all these problems are uncontrolled and volatile. If any one of them were to provoke a collapse, it would radically change the world as we know it. 30. More alarming is the fact that these stresses are interconnected, and if one collapses, it might cause multiple systems to collapse at the same time. 31. (SLIDE: -next 100 years) Looking ahead at the coming century, Prof. Dixon offers a grim picture. He says “I believe that the next one hundred years will be a time of great instability and, quite likely, of extraordinary violence and human hardship.” 32. (SLIDE: -humanity on brink)Prof. Dixon warns that “humanity is on the brink of a planetary emergency”. 33. (SLIDE—Hawking) In light of these and other problems, Stephen Hawking, a couple months ago posed the question on the internet, “How can the human race survive the next 100 years.” His answer…move to another planet or there will be a mass extinction, but some humans will survive. 34. These are not stupid people talking…they are not prophets of doom. They are some of the smartest minds on the planet and there are many more saying similar things like never before in history. 35. If there is no oil, the cities will have very little food and water and they will likely descend into far more chaos and violence as Ellen White said. This helps us understand why God gave us a specific sign, the Sunday law, as our sign to leave the cities so that we can avoid this chaos and destruction. Ellen White doesn’t say anything about oil, but to many thinkers, this is a very likely way that it could happen. 36. In addition to all the secular warnings, we see things happening in the religious world. “There are those who say we cannot ‘legislate morality.’ The reality is we can, we have and we must….” Zig Ziglar 37. May 7, 2006--First annual 10 commandments day in America with many evangelical groups campaigning to force spiritual symbols back into government buildings and parks. 38. And some Christians are starting to propose that we enforce moral laws like the 10 commandments. 39. 'Religious liberty is merely endured until the opposite can be carried into effect without peril to the Catholic world.' Bishop O’Connor 40. Today, I’m going to focus on one problem that Professor Dixon highlighted and ways to solve it that need your help. 41. **When we hear the word war, we think of guns, tanks, bombs, soldiers, spies and airplanes. But, there is a worse kind of war. It’s an economic war and it’s been going on for centuries. 42. (SLIDE: Poverty is Economic War) Poverty kills 30,000 people a day (~8 million a year). &&By comparison, 3,000 people die every day from Malaria and 8,000 from AIDS. 3,000 people will die from poverty while we meet together tonight. These deaths from extreme stupid poverty are all unnecessary and avoidable. They are directly caused by unfair and greedy economic policies. (SLIDE: Disease/Hunger) And because of hunger and disease a child dies every 3 seconds. 43. (SLIDE: Poverty causes war) Poverty is also a major cause of violence because many desperately poor go to war or get involved in terrorism hoping for a better life. Then nations have to spend more money on military and security which directly affects us in higher taxes and prices. 44. A Latin proverb says, “Poverty is death in another form.” and it’s true. I’d like to watch 2 videos with you right now. As the actors snap their fingers…please snap with them…and remember that each snap means someone dies because of poverty. 45. MOVIE: Click with actors That’s a son...dead…there’s a daughter…lifeless…a mother…gone. During this short video, over 30 people died from poverty. 46. (SLIDE: Poverty Kills more than War & AIDS) Now, more people die of hunger in Africa than war and AIDS put together (war: 200,000 in 1998, AIDS: 3+ million a year).*** 47. Poverty also destroys the next generation too Watch this. 48. MOVIE: Wake up to Poverty English Promo—stats on children??? How does poverty kill? Here are 3 ways that poverty directly kills people:

NO MONEY FOR NECESSITIES: 49. ***(SLIDE: 600 million children) 600 million children around the world live in poverty. Many of them die from simple things like diarrhea, malaria, flu and other things we can easily cure with medicine costing about 1 or 2,000 won. 50. **(SLIDE: education) These children never get a chance to go to school and get an education. To educate all children in the world would only cost about $4 billion dollars…the cost of just a few military jets. ***Why do we spend more money on machines and fighting than on helping people? Because they have no money for necessities like medicine, clean water and food, millions of people are dying every year and their futures are destroyed.

DEBT: 51. ***(SLIDE: debt results) Many poor countries have borrowed lots of money. Many times, this money was borrowed by dictators who used it in luxurious living. 52. (SLIDE: rich countries give/take) Rich countries, the World Bank, and IMF and others seem to consider debt repayments a greater priority than the preservation of life, education, and developing roads, housing and other critical needs. Yes, we give money to them sometimes…but African countries spend up to 5 times more on debt repayments to wealthy countries and institutions than they spend on health care, food, and education for their sick, illiterate, and hungry millions. Let’s watch a short movie about this. 53. MOVIE: Wake up to Poverty (African Snap)

3. UNFAIR TRADE 54. ***(SLIDE: make trade fair) Wealthy nations *** give their farmers US $1 billion per day in subsidies. These farmers then export the food to poor countries (esp. in Africa and South America) and sell them very cheaply. Poor farmers don’t get subsidies from their governments, so, they can’t sell their crops on the market. The result is that poor farmers get almost nothing for growing the things that we buy. Hamed Sahehussan says, “ It’s unfair that you pay $3.00 for a cup of coffee and yet we only get a couple of cents.“ ***This deprives the poor of even their basic necessities. 55. Wealthy countries also threaten poor governments with sanctions and penalties if they subsidize their farmers. This is a deadly hypocrisy since rich countries governments give massive amounts of money to their farmers. 56. Haiti is an ideal place to grow rice. In the early 1980s, Haiti produced almost all of its own rice. 57. But wealthy nations including the US forced Haiti to open up its markets to foreign imports. As a result, Haiti has been flooded by cheap, subsidized. The subsidized American rice drove down the price of local rice and put thousands of small rice farmers out of business. 58. (SLIDE: Haiti children), This had devastating consequences**. So, up to fifty per cent of children in Haiti are now malnourished, with the highest rate in the rice-growing areas. Many rice growers are now unable to buy the foods that would give them and their families a well-balanced diet. 59. ***Opening the markets actually increased poverty and hunger ***because displaced peasants streamed into the city in search of work. The unemployment rate rocketed to almost 80%. So, foreign companies came in and hired workers for extremely low wages…exploiting the problem even further. 60. (SLIDE: “Free Market” Results) Inodil Fils, a rice farmer, says, “Rice producers want a better life. We work hard for it. But when we get to market we are bombarded with an invasion of cheap imported rice. How can we compete against the big guys?” Because of trade injustices like this, prices for food around the world has dropped drastically…sometimes by as much as 70%. Hundreds of millions of farmers are suffering terribly because of this. 61. (SLIDE—Kwame) Kwame says that in Senegal and many other countries the poor are “fighting a losing battle because of policies made in rich countries. 62. (4 slides) Compare their situation to our situation. If you have food in the refrigerator, clothes on your back, a roof overhead and a place to sleep ... you are richer than 75% of this world. 63. If you have money in the bank, in your wallet, and spare change in a dish some place ... you are among the top 8% of the world's wealthy. 64. If you have never experienced the danger of battle, the loneliness of imprisonment, the agony of torture, or the pangs of starvation... you are ahead of 500 million people in the world. 65. If you can read this message, you just received a double blessing that someone was thinking of you, and furthermore you are more blessed than over two billion people in the world that cannot read at all. 66. And just by worshipping here, you are more blessed than over 2 billion people who don’t have the freedom to worship God according to their consciences. 67. ****RICE QUIZ***** 68. (SLIDE: Can we solve poverty?) Can we solve poverty? Many people in history have tried to create a utopia. Most failed. Why? They founded their ideas on human wisdom rather than the Bible and what God tells us will solve our problems. People keep on looking everywhere for answers…except to the word of God where the real answers that work are to be found. About 3 years ago, I didn’t think it was possible to solve poverty until we get to heaven. Now, through study of the Bible, I have realized that it’s very easy to solve poverty if we and our nations and churches follow the principles that God has given to us. What does God say? 69. (SLIDE: God says we can stop poverty—3 slides) Let’s take a look at Deuteronomy 15:4-6, Deuternomy 10, 28 **** 70. (SLIDES—2EGW on miracles, principles) BUT, it won’t happen unless we do what God has said. 71. (SLIDE: Jubilee). In many places the Bible tells us economic principles that God promises will end poverty. In the 1990s, many churches formed a campaign called Jubilee2000. They decided to finally take God seriously and implement his principles into their lives and to try to convince governments to act with justice and fairness starting with 3 areas. There are over 2,000 verses in the Bible on economic issues, more than most other topics in the Bible, even more than on prayer for example. So, if we are consistent and really believe in God, this is an issue that must be important to us as well and something that we act on. 72. They decided to campaign for the world to follow 3 economic policies: 4) (SLIDE: Share/Be Generous) More and better aid, especially focusing on creating independence (money, technology, education, infrastructure, etc.) (James 1:27, Deut. 15:7, 2 Corinthians 8:11-14) (SLIDE w/Korean) 5) (SLIDE: Cancel Debts) Cancel debts for the poorest countries so they can spend money on education, health and development. (Deuteronomy 15, Psalm 15:5, Nehemiah 5:7, Exodus 22:21-25, Amos 8:4-6) (SLIDE w/Korean) 6) (SLIDE: Trade Fairly) Establish fair trade regulations so people can support themselves (Amos 8:4-7,James 5:4, Jeremiah 21-11-12, 22:13-30, Micah 6:10-16) (SLIDE w/Korean)

73. (SLIDE: famous people) This is now one of the largest campaigns in history and now includes many politicians, singers, actors. Over 400 organizations are working to “Make Poverty History” and we need you too! (SLIDE: Koreans Protesting) 74. (SLIDE: Geldof) In July, the biggest concert in history, LIVE8 was held to support this campaign. A similar campaign was held in 1985 and raised ~280 million dollars. That was helpful and important, but we have now realized that poverty is a structural problem that will not be solved by just throwing money at it. We can give all the money we want, but the economic laws of the world have been manipulated to keep the cruel chains of poverty fastened forever on the world poorest and most vulnerable people. And our nations are the ones who are actively involved in this crime. What is needed now is not so much money as influence. And you can influence the government by just spending a few minutes on internet and joining your voice to millions of others in this campaign. 75. Unfair trade, debt and other economic injustices are destroying the futures, health and lives of millions. Poverty is a prison that is deadly and murders hopes and lives. 76. (SLIDE: 3 Ellen White quotes) What does Ellen White have to say about this? 77. (SLIDE: Mandela) Poverty is not natural. Poverty is man made. It happens when money and resources are hoarded by a few people for themselves. People CAN stop poverty. Poverty, ignorance, war are not inevitable. Listen to what Mandela says: 78. MOVIE: Mandela 79. (SLIDE: Mandela and 3 goals) Mandela also says that by doubling aid, fully canceling debt, and delivering trade justice for Africa, our world can avoid genocide and change the future for millions of people. 80. Bob Geldof, the organizer of LIVE8 says, “It’s not just an issue of politics. It’s an issue of morality. We’ve never been wealthier. We’ve never been healthier. We know what it costs. We know what to do. DO IT! DO IT!” 81. I hope that you join this movement to DO IT. Even rock stars realize that Christians cannot stay silent while people die for lack of $2 medicine. Bono, famous leader of the rock band US says: 82. MOVIE: Bono

83. **MAKE SLIDE Even Bill Gates says, “We can do this, and when we do, it will be the best thing that humanity has ever done.” 84. ** MAKE SLIDE Jesus said, “Whatever you have done to the least of these my brothers, you have done it unto me.” In Matt 25:40 and over 2,000 other verses, God gave us methods to end poverty that work. God tells us that He is especially concerned about our treatment of the poor. The way we treat the poor is recorded as the way we treat God! 85. OPTIONAL ACTIVITIES 86. Solving poverty is very possible. The UN estimates that poor countries are being denied at least $700 billion a year because of unfair trade rules. 87. There are several ways that poverty could be eliminated: 88. 18 Studies by the United Nations suggest that just an additional $70-80 billion a year would be enough to eliminate poverty by providing access to essential services like basic health care and education for everyone. It would take 5.3 billion dollars to educate all the children in the world. That sounds like a lot..but it’s really not.

(SLIDE: Ways to eliminate poverty--military) 1) In comparison, the world spends almost $1 trillion dollars on military expenditures. Isn’t it crazy that we spend so much on security and military rather than on guaranteeing people their basic needs to live? We could eliminate poverty just by reducing our military by 10%.

(SLIDE: Be Moral—Reduce Security Costs) 2) If people didn’t commit crime, we would have trillions to spend on food, education, science, religious, technology, etc.

(SLIDE: Ways to eliminate poverty--generosity) 3) If just Americans and Koreans gave $250 a year, we could pay for all basic expenses for all the poor in the world.

(SLIDE: Ways to eliminate poverty--tithing) 4) If just American Christians tithed, we could get rid of poverty. Think what we could do if all Christians tithed as God has instructed us to do many places in the Bible? But only ~6% of Americans do this.

(SLIDE: Ways to eliminate poverty--governments) 5) America, Europe, Korea, Japan and many other rich countries were given huge amounts of money, technical assistance and support by other governments and the UN. It’s now time for us to give as we have received esp. since Korea is the 12th largest economy in the world. Let’s give the same kinds of chances to the poor countries of today.

**(SLIDE: Ways to eliminate poverty—sharing land) 6) Our world mostly ignores the fact that everyone has economic rights as well as human rights. But, guaranteeing similar economic rights to land and natural resources is the single easiest way to eliminate poverty. Since no one made nature, it is simple logic that all of us should share it and guarantee a basic equal opportunity in this way. This has been tried in at least 30 countries and it always ends hunger and homelessness and extreme poverty. More on this in our next meeting. 89. (SLIDE: Psalms 24:1 ) Of course not! Land, trees, food, gold, silver and so many other things….NONE of them were made by people. In Psalms 24:1 God says that He made them, “The earth is the LORD's, and everything in it. The world and all its people belong to him.2 For he laid the earth's foundation on the seas and built it on the ocean depths.” God’s principle is that He made everything that exists. Because we are His children, each human being has a basic natural economic right to part of God’s earth…land, forests, water, oil, animals, gold…something. The Jubilee system of the Old testament was the practical implementation of this principle. Capitalism directly opposes this and bases everything on greed and the ownership of everything by a few, rather than equal opportunity for all as God intended. 90. (SLIDE: Jubilee) God’s Jubilee economic system in the Bible was based on sharing natural resources. Basically, it divided all the land in Israel between families equally. This land could never be sold and it could only rented out for a maximum of 49 years. Then it would return to the family. 91. This meant that each generation was guaranteed economic opportunities and fresh chances since each of them possessed land or resources to help them reach their dreams. 92. Geniuses disagree on many things. But, on this thorniest issue of poverty...geniuses from east and west, religious and atheist all agree on a simple solution—sharing natural resources fairly. 93. (SLIDE: )Abraham Lincoln, “The land, the earth God gave to man for his home, sustenance and support, should never be the possession of any man, corporation, society or unfriendly government, any more than the air or water” 94. (SLIDE: )Thomas Jefferson wrote, "The earth is given as a common stock for men to labor and to live on.” 95. (SLIDE: )The atheist Voltaire said, "The fruits of the earth are a common heritage of all, to which each man has equal right." 96. (SLIDE: )Another atheist Rousseau said, "You are undone if you once forget that the fruits of the earth belong to us all, and the earth itself to no one." 97. (SLIDE: CHINA) CHINA: Confucius (BC 551-479), Chinese philosopher, said, "When the Great Way prevailed, natural resources were fully used for the benefit of all and not appropriated for selfish ends... Thus evil schemings were repressed, and robbers, thieves and other lawless elements failed to arise, so that outer doors did not have to be shut. This was the Age of the Great Commonwealth of peace and prosperity… 98. Does it work? Yes, it has in many places. Here are 3 examples: (SLIDE: DOES IT WORK ) 1) TAIWAN: When Chiang Kai-shek retreated to Taiwan in the 1940s, people were very poor and hungry. 20 rich families monopolized the entire island. General Chiang felt that he had lost the war with Mao Tse Tung because Mao promised equality to all. So, he started the system of land rent. Soon, owning and holding lots of land was not profitable at all because all taxes were based on land. So, they sold of the land they weren’t using as fast as possible at cheap prices. The new owners worked hard and within 10 years, debts were paid off, hunger was ended and the economy began to skyrocket. Taiwan set world records with 10% per year GDP growth and 20% in their industry. (Fred Harrison, Power in the Land, 1983) By comparison, Korea’s GDP growth in 2005 was 3.5% ( So land rent produces an economy three times better than capitalism. 99. **Douglas MacArthur encouraged Japan and Korea to do the same thing and in less than 50 years both countries have risen to the top 15 economies in the world! **Sentence moved to #75** 100. CALIFORNIA: In the 1890s in California, one man Henry Miller owned 1,000,000 acres of land. Miller could travel from Mexico to Oregon and spend every night on his own land. California started following land rent and Miller realized he would be poor if he kept all that unused land. He sold the land to over 7,000 independent farms and California became the "bread basket of America" and is equivalent to the 5th largest economy in the world. 101. (SLIDE) EVERY PERSON HAS A RIGHT TO LAND Ellen White says, “If men would give more heed to the teaching of God's Word, they would find a solution of these problems that perplex them….In God's plan for Israel every family had a home on the land, with sufficient ground for tilling. Thus were provided both the means and the incentive for a useful, industrious, and self-supporting life. And no devising of men has ever improved upon that plan. To the world's departure from it is owing, to a large degree, the poverty and wretchedness that exist today. . . . {WM 195.3} In Busan 1% of the people own ~95% of the land. 102. Ellen White says that the hoarding of wealth and resources is a major cause of poverty. The ironic thing is that this as most of already know doesn’t increase happiness. 103. (SLIDE: Australian research about happiness) 104. Solving poverty is not a dream. We know many methods to do it. We just need everyone to put pressure on our leaders to do this. This movement has already accomplished a lot: 105. (SLIDE: SUCCESSES) This year, the debt of 38 nations has been cancelled. Aid has been doubled to $50 billion. But, the WTO did nothing on trade which is the most critical problem to solve. 106. We need to keep pressure up so that this and other issues are eventually conquered as well and people will not be denied basic necessities like water, cheap medicine, education and simple housing. 107. (SLIDE: How Can You Help!) What can you do to help? Here are some ideas (and more are at the sites): 1) SIGN INTERNET PROTESTS LIKE WWW.ONE.ORG 2) JOIN E-MAIL LISTS TO KNOW WHAT’S HAPPENING, 3) JOIN EVENTS/ACTIVITIES IN KOREA (Sept 16-Oct. 17) [email protected], 4) LEARN ABOUT POVERTY PROBLEM & TELL OTHERS (free books),, 5) VOTE FOR LEADERS WHO WILL HELP POOR 6) PRAY, FOLLOW BIBLE PRINCIPLES, 7) HELP PEOPLE BE INDEPENDENT (support ADRA, etc.) 108. Some have scolded me that we cannot in good conscience join movements that are from other churches or Babylon. But, as I’ve read more and more of Ellen White, I’ve found that she recommends that we join in positive work of other churches when these movements do not support any unbiblical principles. 109. (SLIDE: SDAs should join good movements…) In some matters, the workers of the W. C. T. U. are far in advance of our leaders…I have been surprised as I have seen the indifference of some of our leaders to this organization. We cannot do a better work than to unite, so far as we can do so without compromise, with the W. C. T. U. workers…. If we will do this, we shall come to see that the temperance question means more than many of us have supposed. {GW 384} 110. But, should Christians try to influence the government? Yes and No. We cannot legislate people’s relationship and worship of God. But, Christians have often worked to influence the government to act more justly and fairly. 111. John Newton, the writer of Amazing Grace, influenced the politician William Wilberforce to lead the fight to make slavery illegal. It took over 30 years to do it, but the English govt. finally passed one of the first laws in history making slavery illegal. In issues ranging from racism and equality to the rights of children, education and many other areas, Christians have worked to make the government just and fair to all. At our time, with some of the worst disasters in the world’s history in our century, it is right for us to follow their holy example and ask the government to raise the bar of justice closer to where God has directed it to be. 112. (SLIDE: Deuteronomy 15-English) The Bible principles do end poverty as God has promised us in Deuteronomy 15. Other religions agree. Most economists and philosophers also agree. We have the resources to end the deaths of millions. It’s a crime for us to let people die when we could stop it, esp. when it’s so easy..just joining an e-mail list and telling our friends about this. Our last video is about joining your voice to the millions of people that are already campaigning to end poverty. (SLIDE: Deuteronomy 15-Korean) 113. MOVIE: Use Your Voice to Speak! (25-MDGPSA) 114. (SLIDE: JOIN THE DREAM—12 slides from Hong Kong to Korea) Your voice is very important. We have a dream…that one day…no child will have to die from conquered diseases like malaria. We have a dream…that no mother will ever again have to die because she couldn’t buy $1 medicine. We have a dream…that no man will be so desperate for a good life that he will think becoming a terrorist is his only option. We have a dream…that every single person on this planet will have the chance to learn and to contribute their skills to this planet. We have a dream…that someday…people will become more important than machines and BMWs and fancy houses and nice clothes. We have a dream…that one day…as Martin Luther King Jr. believed that justice will rolls down like waters and righteousness like a mighty stream. 115. There have been movements for freedom at different times in history. But, this campaign for economic freedom will dwarf the effects of almost every other campaign in history. If we achieve even half of the goals, there will be an explosion of peace and justice and security such as the world has never dreamed of before. People the world over will have the basic necessities they need to live meaningful and useful lives and contribute to progress and dreams. 116. Please join the ONE campaign and together you and millions of other people take action together. The fight is just beginning and we at the very least we will save millions of lives…Even one life is worth saving…what if that were your life in danger? Wouldn’t you want someone to stand up for you? Then stand up for those who can’t. 117. (SLIDE: Dream Big) Let’s be that great generation that ends poverty! Let’s dream big. Let’s catch a vision…not just to get a good job and get that newest cell phone…what is that in comparison to a human life? 118. (SLIDE: Make Poverty History) Let’s dream far bigger! Let’s do far more. Let’s be the generation to end poverty! This is a first step. Let’s join to make the first step and the second and whatever is needed to finally MAKE POVERTY HISTORY! 119. We would now like to give you a little time for discussion with each other on a few questions. I’d also like to remind you that this is just the first meeting. We will have a similar presentation next week as well…and we ask you to bring your friends to that meeting…We will present some of the same things as tonight…but we will also talk a little more about what Korean groups and agencies are doing and focusing on and how you can help. And we will also discuss one more principle that is the most important way to end poverty! Tell your friends about it and join us for this campaign that can change the world and save millions of lives! MAKE POVERTY HISTORY PRESENTATION- SERMON (A sermon outlining 7 of God's economic solutions to poverty, esp. the problem of unfair trade, some real people who are affected by it..and action steps that churches and classes can take. This one is for SDAs especially and NOTE esp. that she says that the closer we come to the end of time, the more we need to be involved with the poor because many can be reach by salvation in no other way. She also says that prayer will avail nothing unless we do the work of beneficence commanded in Isaiah 58. (updates will be made soon to this). This version was the 1st sermon made directed at churches. The other presentations are better in most ways, but this version explains 7 economic principles very briefly and not 3-4 like the other ones do. Powerpoint for this one is not available online, but if you wish I can upload it. E-mail me at [email protected])

1. (SLIDE—MAKE POVERTY HISTORY) 30,000 people die everyday they are too poor to buy nutritious food or to buy medicine which we can buy for a few thousand won in any drugstore or to buy clean water. 2. (SLIDE—children in extreme poverty) 600 million children live in extreme poverty 3. (SLIDE-disease) Every year 10 million children die from hunger and preventable disease…that’s 1 child every 3 seconds. dies because of extreme stupid poverty that we can easily stop, that’s 3,000 people just while we are at church today. Please snap your fingers with me…that’s a daughter..dead..a son…dead…a mother…a grandpa…dead. 4. I’d like to show you a short video clip that shows children whose parents have died because they are too poor. There are now 10s of thousands of street children like this. 5. All these deaths are easily preventable and this year is our best chance to stop this injustice through a campaign of many churches, organizations and superstars. It’s called the ONE campaign. Think about this as you watch.

6. (intro videos…3 seconds…children on street..AIDS children) 7. Before we go any further, I want you to understand what God says about this issue. 8. Let’s read Matthew 25:34-40. Jesus goes on to say that the wicked are those who didn’t care about the hungry and poor. That’s a very serious thought. Our actions towards the poor are going to be the focus of the Jesus’ 2nd coming. In a real sense…God is in each person that we see around us. And the way we treat each person is the way we are treating God. How are you treating the poor in the world right now? 9. (SLIDE-- CAN WE SOLVE OR REDUCE POVERTY) I used to think that poverty was inevitable and that there was nothing we could do. But, as I studied the Bible, Ellen White and other books, I found out that they think differently.

10. (SLIDE—God says we can stop…) In Deuteronomy 15:4, 5, God say that if we follow His laws, there will be no poor. 11. Ellen White explain this in Patriarchs and Prophets, pg. 530.3 She says, “Then, as now, persons were subject to misfortune, sickness, and loss of property; yet so long as they followed the instruction given by God, there were no beggars among them, neither any who suffered for food.” 12. (SLIDE—We Can Stop Poverty) Many people around the world like Mandela are realizing that “Poverty is not natural and can be overcome.” 13. Poverty happens because people disregard God’s economic laws. There are at least 13 economic laws that I have found in the Bible and that really have ended extreme poverty. When they were followed, hunger, homelessness and other terrible conditions have been ended in cities, tribes and even nations. Here are 5 of them very briefly: 1) (SLIDE) TRADE FAIRLY/PAY FAIR WAGES The Bible says that God hates unfair business practices and never forgets them. Amos 8 says, “4Listen to this you who rob the poor and trample the needy!…5…you cheat the helpless and measure out your grain in false measures and weigh it out on dishonest scaled…6..Then you enslave the poor for a debt of one piece of silver or gold or a pair of sandals. 7Now, the Lord has sworn this oath by his own name, the Pride of Israel, “I will never forget the wicked things you have done! Unfair business rules and practices exploit the poor and are a kind of slavery of the poor. Every year millions of people die because of unfair economic practices. More on this later.

2) (SLIDE) CANCEL DEBTS EVERY 7 YEARS In Deuteronomy 15:1, God gave this command. “At the end of every seventh year, you must cancel your debts.” Many countries in the world are in debt so much that ½ of their GDP goes to pay off the debt.

(SLIDE-Debt Results) This makes it impossible for them to improve education, health care, roads, housing and many other things. Canceling debt was a way that God gave new hope to people that they could build a good future.

In biblical times if one fell into debt their go'el, or next-of-kin, had the first option of buying back the person's property, land or freedom to protect the person, family and property. Yahweh was considered the final Go'el for Israel. This was also a symbol to people of Christ’s death which cancels the debt to sin that we can never pay. Christ is the one who releases us and redeems us.

3) (SLIDE) SHARE & BE GENEROUS TO THE POOR The Bible often commands us to share with the needy. James 1:27 for example says this, “Pure and true religion in the sight of God our Father means that we must care for orphans and widows in their troubles, and refuse to let the world corrupt us. Notice that the first aspect of true religion is taking care of the needy. Ellen White says, “If men would do their duty as faithful stewards of their Lord's goods, there would be no cry for bread, none suffering in destitution, none naked and in want. It is the unfaithfulness of men that brings about the state of suffering in which humanity is plunged.”{WM 16.3}

4) (SLIDE) BE INDEPENDENT—DON’T SUPPORT DEPENDENCY 2 Thess. 3:10 “Even while we were with you, we gave you this rule: ‘Whoever does not work should not eat.’” We should not support people being lazy. In addition, the best kind of help is to make people independent. Ellen White says that “No man who can earn his own livelihood has a right to depend on others.” {Ministry of Healing 195.1} Ellen White She also says that, “Real charity helps men to help themselves…This is the truest charity. {Ministry of Healing 195.2} A missionary in Africa, pastor David Wilkinson, stresses self-reliance this way: “The Bible teaches that the person who is not willing to work should not eat, he says: ‘If you have 150 people who you feed on a daily basis, and you don't have them lift a finger, you are disobedient to the Bible.’”

5) (SLIDE) GIVE TITHES AND OFFERINGS 18 Studies by the United Nations report that just an additional $70–$80 billion a year would be enough to provide access to essential services like basic health care and education for all the poor of the earth.

(SLIDE—education) All children in the world could be education for only 3 billion pounds. If American only Christians tithed, we would have 143 billion dollars to end poverty AND $60–$70 billion more to do evangelism around the world. Unfortunately the tithing rate has dropped from 12% to 6% since 2000. What would happen if all Christians in the world tithed? Christians alone could end poverty!

Jesus and Ellen White both say there will always be poor on the earth because people don’t follow God’s laws. But, this gives Christians a very important way to spread the Gospel. In Welfare Ministry, pg. 177.1, she says that,. “By Christian liberality souls are reached that could be reached in no other way. It is the helping hand of the gospel.”

14. (SLIDE--summary) These are some of the Bible principles on economics and poverty. 15. (SLIDE-God’s principles stop poverty) In Patriarchs and Prophets, pg. 536.2, Ellen White says, “The principles which God has enjoined, would prevent the terrible evils that in all ages have resulted from the oppression of the rich toward the poor and the suspicion and hatred of the poor toward the rich…They would bring a peaceful solution of those problems that now threaten to fill the world with anarchy and bloodshed.” 16. It is also critical for the church to be involved in helping to alleviate poverty. Not only will we be judged by God at Jesus’ 2nd coming on how we have helped the poor, the spiritual life of our local churches depends on our efforts to help the suffering. 17. (SLIDE—Helping poor…) In Welfare Ministry, pg. 29,30, Ellen White says, “I have been instructed to refer our people to the fifty-eighth chapter of Isaiah. Read this chapter carefully and understand the kind of ministry that will bring life into the churches….When you meet suffering souls who need help, give it to them. When you find those who are hungry, feed them. In doing this you will be working in lines of Christ's ministry…All our praying and abstinence from food will avail nothing unless we resolutely lay hold of this work. Sacred obligations are resting upon us.” 18. Notice that she says that all our prayer and fasting will do nothing unless we join this work of ministry to help suffering souls. Prayer is very critical and important to the life of our church…but if we are not actively working in some way to help those who are suffering, it will be useless. Our church cannot be really alive unless we fulfill our sacred obligations to solve the problems of the helpless. 19. In addition, poverty causes war, crime and terrorism. And many people’s lives are suddenly ended without ever hearing the truth about Jesus. 20. (SLIDE—What should the church do) She also says, “I cannot too strongly urge all our church members, all who are true missionaries…to consider the message of the fifty-eighth chapter of Isaiah. The work of beneficence enjoined in this chapter is the work that God requires His people to do at this time…and the nearer we approach the end, the more urgent this work becomes. . . {WM 33.2} 21. (SLIDE—we are helping) US Christians give over $7 billion every year to help people around the world. That and concerts like Live Aid in 1985 which raised $200 million saved many lives…like Birhan Woldu. 22. (SLIDE—God’s principles save lives) Doctors said she would die in 20 minutes when this picture was taken. But amazingly, with aid she survived. Today, she is a beautiful young woman studying in the University of Ethiopia. 23. But, millions of people are still dying every year. Giving food and money only solves the problem for a short time. So, in the 1990s, many churches began campaigning for governments to start following Bible economic laws like canceling debts and making fair economic laws for everyone. They did this because if the unfair economic laws aren’t changed, poverty will return just like a cancer that has been in remission. 24. (SLIDE--Jubilee) This campaign was called the Jubilee campaign after the Bible economic system of Jubilee that was a year of hope and new chances and freedom. 25. (SLIDE-people who…) This Jubilee Campaign has now expanded to include many singers, actors, politicians and pastors like Nelson Mandela, Tony Blair, Brad Pitt, Bono, Pastor Rick Warren and millions of other people. It includes 400 aid and relief organizations. It is now called THE ONE campaign. 26. (SLIDE—LIVE8, SIR GELDOF) In July, 2005, the biggest concert in history, Live 8, was held in 10 cities around the world. Over 2 billion people attended or watched it. 27. The organizer Sir Geldof said that, “Charity will never really solve the problems.” He said, “It is time for justice…This is really not an issue of politics. It’s an issue of morality. We’ve never been wealthier. We’ve never been healthier. We know what it costs. We know what to do. DO IT! DO IT!” 28. (SLIDE—ONE campaign) The ONE campaign and Live 8 are campaigning to MAKE POVERTY HISTORY by following 3 Bible economic principles: 1) Canceling Debt (Deuteronomy 15:1) 2) Better Aid (James 1:27, 2 Corinthians 8:11-14) 3) Make trade fair. (James 5:1-6, Jeremiah 21:12; 22:13-30 , Amos 8:4-7, Leviticus 19:35, Micah 6:11) 29. (SLIDE—SUCCESS-GOALS)Already, this campaign has succeeded in canceling the debt of 18 poor nations and in getting governments to give $50 billion dollars to poor countries. This will save millions of lives! 30. But we must do more. If we do not change the trade laws to be just and fair, the cancer of poverty will return very quickly and these nations will sink back into poverty and death. We will have resurrected them for a short bit only to kill them again and enslave them in a prison of poverty. 31. (SLIDE—make trade fair) The most important thing to achieve is fair trade. Unfair trade destroys the lives of millions of poor people. And because of unfair trade, even diligent workers have no way to get out of poverty. Let me give you some examples. 32. (SLIDE- Haiti Children) In the early 1980s, Haiti produced almost all of its own rice. But pressure from the international community & the USA forced Haiti to reduce tariffs from 35% to 3%. As a result, Haiti was flooded with cheap, subsidized rice. Rice prices fell drastically. Many rice growers are now unable to buy food for a balanced diet. 50% of children in Haiti are now malnourished and Many farmers have taken their children out of school. 33. Inodil Fils, a rice farmer, says "Rice producers want a better life. We work hard for it…But, How can we compete against the big guys?" 34. Another rice farmer Al-Hassan Abukari Gyebila in Ghana says, “If I had my own way, I'd stop US rice coming into the country – and, I tell you, if it didn't come in, we would have prospered and we'd be out of poverty.” 35. Al-Hassan earns $215 from his annual harvest of 27 bags (100kg each) of rice. He says, "We sell it to pay for all the things we need for the household." Nine bags pay for his sons, Yakubu (18) and Adamu (10), to go to school. And a bag paid for transport, hospital fees, and medicine, when Adamu became sick recently. 36. What’s the reason for this? The reason is that rich countries heavily subsidize their farmers. They give them about $1 billion dollars a day. So, the farmer’s of rich countries can sell their produce at far lower prices than farmers in poor countries. So, they can sell rice far more cheaply than Al Hassan can. 37. Worse, poor governments are banned from subsidizing their farmers by the IMF, WTO and rich countries. If they subsidize their farmers, they can’t receive any aid. 38. Even worse, rich countries force poor countries to open their markets in the name of free trade. But, at the same time they often don’t allow poor countries products to be imported into their countries. All these reasons make poor farmers unable to survive. 39. There is no other word for this than to call it an economic war. And poverty cannot be stopped permanently as long as these policies exist. 40. (illustration) Let me illustrate this here. Let’s say this person (choose an audience member A) is president of America. And this person is president of Haiti (choose audience member B). You are the farmers of America. You are the farmers of Haiti (point out groups). You are the consumers who will buy the rice. The president of America (person A) can give lots of money to his/her farmers. Right now the US government is giving about $232 per hectare in government subsidies to its rice farmers. The president of Haiti has no money to give its rice farmers. So, when the American farmers go to market, they can sell their rice for $20/50kg sack. 40% of their profit comes from the government subsidies. The Haitian govt. couldn’t give its farmers money. So, they had to sell their rice for ~$30/50 kilograms. Who will you consumers buy from? And what will happen to the farmers in the Haiti? 41. This really happened. The subsidized American rice drove thousands of small rice farmers out of business. Opening the markets actually increased poverty and hunger and displaced peasants streamed into the city in search of work. Foreign- owned assembly industries thrived on a work force kept desperate by an 80% unemployment rate. 42. (SLIDE-Kwame) NBA player Kwame visited Senegal and said, “I saw a very proud people, working hard to be self sufficient, but ultimately fighting a losing battle because of policies made in rich countries thousands of miles away. 43. Jamaican dairy farmers are throwing away milk that they are unable to sell - thanks to a market flooded with cheap imports from Europe. 44. Fourteen million people die from treatable diseases every year. Many of these lives could be saved if cheap drugs were provided. 45. Belkis Perez, Dominican Republic, says, "It is not right that we cannot get the medicines we need. If we had access to anti- retrovirals we would have a future. I really can't see a future, not for me, not for my children. But we will just keep on struggling." 46. These are just a few stories…and it’s so sad. Every year poor countries lose $700 billion dollars because of unfair economics. They receive only a fraction of that in aid. This directly causes millions of deaths. 47. What can we do? Giving money is not going to solve this long term. The real solution is to make economic laws fair so that these people can work diligently and earn their own way out of poverty. 48. We need to influence governments to do justice and to love mercy. In December, there will be a meeting in China that will focus on making fair trade. Here are some things that we can do(SLIDE—how can we help): 49. 1) PRAY: Pray for God to change the hearts of many leaders in the world to follow justice. 2) LEARN: Get educated. Read from these websites about the issue and see how serious the problem is., 3) PROTEST: Sign protests at many websites to show governments that you support fair trade:,,,,,, etc. Make your voice heard. You can also join local protests and campaigns. 4) SUPPORT INDEPENDENCE: You can give money to help people be independent. Give to ADRA or Compassion International and your money will help people learn skills so they can support themselves. Sometimes it costs only 20- 30,000 won a month for food, clothes, books and other things! 5) E-MAIL: Join e-mail lists at these sites so you can join in campaigns and other actions against poverty to government leaders. Korean e-mail is: [email protected] 6) TEACH OTHERS: Teach this information at your church or school or make campaigns. Send information like this to your friends. It would be great if our church could make a campaign…that would also be following Ellen White’s instructions. 7) VOTE: Vote for leaders who will follow fair economic policies.

50. I’d like you to watch one last video. It’s a video of 2 children whose parents died because they couldn’t get access to medicine. How would you feel if you were them? Would you want someone to help you? If so, remember what the Bible says, “Do unto others what you would have them do for you.” 51. (SLIDE—Join the Campaign!) You may remember the movie Schindler’s List and Schindler’s words after the Nazi war… he saved over 1,500 people…people were thanking him, but he was crying…they asked why…he said, “This car…it could have saved 10 lives…this gold watch…that’s 5 lives…this pin…I could have saved one more life with that…I did do a lot of good..yes…but I could have done so much more.” 52. (SLIDE—Let’s make Poverty History) Is that what you want to say when Jesus comes back and asks you how you used your resources? I hope not. I hope that all of us are able to say that we have fought a good fight and that we have done all the good that we could do! I hope we in Haeundae church will work to MAKE POVERTY HISTORY! MAKE POVERTY HISTORY PRESENTATION —PART 2 (About Land Rent/Jubilee Economics) (A presentation reviewing part 1 and explaining from the Bible, philosophers (east, west, religious and atheist) and with practical examples...why all land and natural resources belong to humanity and not only certain individuals who grabbed possession of them at some point in the past. The #1 cause of poverty is living under capitalism instead of a just and equitable system like Jubilee or Land Rent where everyone is guaranteed similar basic opportunities from the start of life. A little difficult, but massively worldview changing idea that could eliminate poverty from the world in less than 50 years. See books at for practical details on how to implement it in nations.)

1. Good evening and welcome to our 2nd program on the issue of ending poverty. 3 weeks ago we talked about many of the issues, and I’d like to first quickly review some highlights from our first meeting. 2. (SLIDE: -modern life) Our modern world has made amazing advances in science and technology***. 3. (SLIDE: -Homer Dixon) But, scientists and professors like Homer Dixon from the University of Toronto are extremely concerned about five major global stresses. 4. (SLIDE: 5 world problems) These include excessive population growth destruction of the natural environment, resulting in drastic climate changes, depletion of energy source, worldwide disease and the widening gap between the rich and poor on the planet. 5. (SLIDE: Professor Dixon) Prof. Dixon warns that “humanity is on the brink of a planetary emergency” and that these problems will likely cause far more stress, violence, deprivation and war in the near future if we don’t take action. 6. (SLIDE: Poverty is War) Poverty is one of these dangers and it kills 30,000 people a day. 7. MOVIE: Click with actors Just during our short meeting tonight, 3,000 people will die from poverty. These deaths from extreme stupid poverty are all unnecessary and avoidable. 8. This happens because of 3 major reasons: 9. (SLIDE: Extreme Poverty) 1) EXREME POVERTY: makes the poor so poor that they can’t afford medical care, education and housing. They can’t even buy medicine that costs a couple dollars to save their lives…medicine for things like diarrhea, malaria, flu, etc. things that we don’t even give a second thought about these things are killing 1 person every 3 seconds. Major reasons for poverty are debt and trade injustice. 10. (SLIDE: Debt) 2) DEBT: Many selfish dictators borrowed huge amounts of money. Now their people have to pay up to 50% of their income in debt repayments even though they never benefited from the money. 11. (SLIDE: Unjust Trade) 3) TRADE INJUSTICE: “There are trade barriers and subsidies that create a dangerously unfair marketplace in our world today. Over $700 billion is stolen from poor countries every year. Let me illustrate: Let’s say that you are president of America (A). And this person is president of Haiti (B). You are the farmers of America. You are the farmers of Haiti (point out groups). The president of America (A) gives about $232 per hectare in government subsidies to its rice farmers or $4 billion a year. This is about 40% of their profit. The president of Haiti has no money to give its rice farmers. So, when the American farmers go to market, they can sell their rice for 400 won/kg. The Haitian farmers have to sell their rice for 600 won/kg just to survive. But, who will consumers buy from? And what will happen to the farmers in the Haiti? In this way, the poor all around the world are deprived of even their basic necessities. 12. Rock singer Bono went to a slum in South Africa. A man and his wife both had AIDS. But, they had only enough drugs to keep one of them alive. Bono says, "I stood there thinking, This is barbaric. This is actually barbaric." 13. The Bible gave us many principles to solve this barbaric situation of our time. 7) (SLIDE: Share/Be Generous) verse: The UN says that $70 billion a year will eliminate poverty. If we're generous, just Americans and Koreans can do this by giving $250 a year to the poor. More and better aid (money, technology, education, infrastructure, etc.) (James 1:27, Deut. 15:7, 2 Corinthians 8:11-14) (SLIDE w/Korean) 8) (SLIDE: Cancel Debts) verse: If we cancel debts that eat up to 50% of income, poor nations can help themselves out of poverty. (Deuteronomy 15, Psalm 15:5, Nehemiah 5:7, Exodus 22:21-25, Amos 8:4-6) (SLIDE w/Korean) 9) (SLIDE: Trade Fairly) verse: If we establish fair trade, poor nations will receive $700 billion a year and no longer be poor. (Amos 8:4-7,James 5:4, Jeremiah 21-11-12, 22:13-30, Micah 6:10-16) (SLIDE w/Korean) 14. In the 1990s, churches formed a campaign called Jubilee2000 (SLIDE: Jubilee) to ask the world to follow these principles and stop the tragic deaths of so many people. 15. As we see all the instability and violence and terrorism around us, it is becoming more and more obvious that Martin Luther King spoke the truth when he said, “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere” 16. (SLIDE: famous people) But now, singers, actors, politicians and over 400 organizations have joined to “Make Poverty History”! 17. Let me show you how lucky we are. 18. (SLIDE) If you have food in the refrigerator, clothes on your back, a roof overhead and a place to sleep ... you are richer than 75% of this world. 19. (SLIDE) If you have money in the bank, in your wallet, and spare change in a dish some place ... you are among the top 8% of the world's wealthy. 20. (SLIDE) If you can attend a church meeting without fear of harassment, arrest, torture, or death ... you are more blessed than three billion people in the world. 21. (SLIDE) If you can read this message, you just received a double blessing that someone was thinking of you, and furthermore you are more blessed than over two billion people in the world that cannot read at all. 22. I’d like you to understand that this issue is not just an issue of kindness. It’s an issue of justice. Are you going to be just going along with the barbarians who are involved in killing 1 person every 3 seconds or are you going to be doing something to try to change this injustice. 23. Most of us think…well…yes, that’s sad. I can be kind, but it’s not really my concern that they are suffering. 24. We think this way because we have believed the lie of capitalism. What lie is this you ask? It’s the lie that enables the children of wealthy people like the Rockefellers, Carnegies, Rothschilds Gates to start out life with a billion dollars inheritance while the children of billions of Indo Fils struggle to even eat. 25. We think…oh that’s what they deserve…they worked hard and now they are rich. That is somewhat true, but somewhat false. 26. Tonight we’re going to learn about the #1 source of poverty and injustice in the world that dwarfs all others. In addition, the solution is very easy to implement and brings incredible economic growth and peace. Put on your thinking caps because this is going to turn a lot of your past ideas about economics upside down. 27. How do people make money? We make money from businesses from buying and selling things. Most businesses need to operate in buildings and on land and with products. 28. This is what makes land so valuable. It is the source of nearly all wealth. Land ownership and monopolies have been the key to the wealth of most of the richest people in history. 29. But, who made the land? Who made the trees for the company that produces paper? Who made the rice for the companies that sell sacks of rice? Who made the gold that jewelry companies use? Who made the sand and silicon for CDs and computer parts and wires? Did any person make these things? 30. (SLIDE: Psalms 24:1 ) Of course not! Land, trees, food, gold, silver and so many other things….NONE of them were made by people. In Psalms 24:1 God says that He made them, “The earth is the LORD's, and everything in it. The world and all its people belong to him.2 For he laid the earth's foundation on the seas and built it on the ocean depths.” 31. (SLIDE: Haggai 2:8) In Haggai 2:8 God states "The silver is mine, the gold is mine, saith the Lord of Hosts." 32. (SLIDE: Psalms 50:12) In Psalms 50:12, God says, “If I were hungry, I would not tell thee: for the world is mine, and the fulness thereof. 33. In addition to all these material things, God made your body, muscles, tendons, organs, eyes and especially your brain. 34. (SLIDE: Psalms 139) The Bible says in Psalms 139;14, “You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother's womb. 14 Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous-- and how well I know it. 35. Why am I telling you all this? Because I want you to realize that all wealth and intelligence and business acumen and every ability we have comes directly to us from our Creator. 36. (SLIDE: God’s gifts) You and I are constantly using gifts from God…and every single benefit that we have and every single pleasure that we experience…every bite that we savor…every kiss or hug that we receive, every single laugh that escapes our lips…is all due to the generosity and gifts of God. 37. Therefore we are not at liberty to use our money for our own selfishness while others starve. God has given us our abilities and nature to use to take care of our basic needs and to enable us to enjoy some of the simple things in life and to be able to follow the dreams and purposes that God has made us for. 38. (SLIDE: 2 Corinthians) And God tells us that after we take care of our basic needs, we have a duty to help guarantee the basic needs of others. (2 Corinthians 8/9) 39. ??**(SLIDE: Hoarding Causes Suffering) But, when people misuse God’s gifts in an unnatural way, great suffering results. Great suffering happens when money and resources are hoarded by a few people or nations for themselves. 40. The world is realizing today as Mandela said that poverty is man made. 41. MOVIE: Mandela Poverty can be stopped when people decide to live in justice and when our world decides to give equal opportunities to every child of God. 42. How can rich nations and citizens be so arrogant and so incredibly selfish as to appropriate most of the world’s benefits to ourselves and deprive others of even their basic human rights to eat, to live in safety, and to use their talents to contribute to a better world. 43. (SLIDE: happiness study) Ironically being wealthy doesn’t even make them happy. According to a study from Australia, once you can meet your basic needs…simple food, housing, education, etc…more money doesn’t add any happiness to life. 44. In fact, millionaire hip-hop promoter Russell Simmons said that, "If I know 15 billionaires, I know 13 unhappy people," 45. And yet the #1 dream that I hear from so many of my students is usually to make a lot of money. 46. There’s some serious brainwashing going on here that makes people want to hoard money that doesn’t bring happiness and then at the same time deprives others of their basic needs. This is barbaric. 47. It was for this reason that the Bible put so many safeguards on the use and misuse of money. There are more than 2,000 verses on the subject. Watch this video to see more examples of tragic results that happen when we ignore God’s principles. 48. MOVIE: Toddler 49. Every person on the planet is a child of God and because of this every person deserves to own or use some of nature…land, water, gold, forests, animals, mountains…whatever. 50. (OPTIONAL: This is not communism at all..communism forces everyone to have equal wealth. This is very different. It is a guarantee of a fairly equal start in life. What you do with those opportunities is up to you.) 51. (SLIDE: Jubilee) God’s Jubilee economic system in the Bible was based on sharing natural resources. Basically, it divided all the land in Israel between families equally. This land could never be sold and it could only rented out for a maximum of 49 years. Then it would return to the family. 52. This meant that each generation was guaranteed economic opportunities and fresh chances since each of them possessed land or resources to help them reach their dreams. 53. Geniuses disagree on many things. But, on this thorniest issue of poverty...geniuses from east and west, religious and atheist all agree on a simple solution—sharing natural resources fairly. 54. The Jubilee way is best. Another similar idea called Land Rent is very simple 55. (SLIDE: Basic Economic rights) 1) BASIC ECONOMIC RIGHTS FOR ALL: Societies must recognize each person’s basic economic rights to share nature. This right is recognized by almost all philosophers as basic justice. 56. (SLIDE: tax people for using nature ) **2) TAX PEOPLE FOR USING NATURE: Most governments charge taxes on many things: salary, work, houses, businesses, sales tax, etc. But, these are not just taxes because they in a sense steal people’s labor. (SLIDE: alternative ) But, it is just to tax people for using nature because they didn’t make land, trees, gold, etc. So, land rent only taxes nature use…nothing else ( usually about 10% of it’s value) and each person has the full right to keep or sell whatever they make. The land tax will be used for education, medical care, roads and other projects that benefit everyone. 57. (SLIDE: Nature can’t be inherited) 3) NATURE CAN’T BE INHERITED: Natural resources like land cannot be inherited since they belong to society. Whoever wants to use it, pays tax to society. This ensures equality and opportunity for each generation. 58. Here are some of the philosophers who support this: 59. (SLIDE: )Pliny the Elder (23-79), Roman naturalist, concluded, "Land monopoly ruined Rome." 60. (SLIDE: )Abraham Lincoln, “The land, the earth God gave to man for his home, sustenance and support, should never be the possession of any man, corporation, society or unfriendly government, any more than the air or water” 61. (SLIDE: )Thomas Jefferson wrote, "The earth is given as a common stock for men to labor and to live on.” 62. (SLIDE: )Mencius (the philosopher and contemporary of Confucius), said: “In the market places, charge land-rent, but don't tax the goods; (or make concise regulations and don't even charge rent). Do this, and all the merchants in the realm will be pleased and will want to set up shop in your markets.” 63. (SLIDE: )Dr. Sun Yat-sen (1866-1925), father of modern China, wrote, "The (land tax) as the only means of supporting the government is an infinitely just, reasonable, and equitably distributed tax... The centuries of heavy and irregular taxation for the benefit of the manchus have shown China the injustice of any other system of taxation." 64. (SLIDE: )The atheist Voltaire said, "The fruits of the earth are a common heritage of all, to which each man has equal right." 65. (SLIDE: )Another atheist Rousseau said, "You are undone if you once forget that the fruits of the earth belong to us all, and the earth itself to no one." 66. **??(SLIDE: ) Albert Einstein, Helen Keller, Tolstoy, John Keynes, Winston Churchill and 100s of other great thinkers agree. 67. Does it work? Yes, it has in many places. Here are 3 examples: (SLIDE: DOES IT WORK ) 1) TAIWAN: When Chiang Kai-shek retreated to Taiwan in the 1940s, people were very poor and hungry. 20 rich families monopolized the entire island. General Chiang felt that he had lost the war with Mao Tse Tung because Mao promised equality to all. So, he started the system of land rent. Soon, owning and holding lots of land was not profitable at all because all taxes were based on land. So, they sold of the land they weren’t using as fast as possible at cheap prices. The new owners worked hard and within 10 years, debts were paid off, hunger was ended and the economy began to skyrocket. Taiwan set world records with 10% per year GDP growth and 20% in their industry. (Fred Harrison, Power in the Land, 1983) By comparison, Korea’s GDP growth in 2005 was 3.5% ( So land rent produces an economy three times better than capitalism. 68. **Douglas MacArthur encouraged Japan and Korea to do the same thing and in less than 50 years both countries have risen to the top 15 economies in the world! **Sentence moved to #75** 69. CALIFORNIA: In the 1890s in California, one man Henry Miller owned 1,000,000 acres of land. Miller could travel from Mexico to Oregon and spend every night on his own land. California started following land rent and Miller realized he would be poor if he kept all that unused land. He sold the land to over 7,000 independent farms and California became the "bread basket of America" and is equivalent to the 5th largest economy in the world. 70. (SLIDE: CHINA) CHINA: Confucius (BC 551-479), Chinese philosopher, said, "When the Great Way prevailed, natural resources were fully used for the benefit of all and not appropriated for selfish ends... Thus evil schemings were repressed, and robbers, thieves and other lawless elements failed to arise, so that outer doors did not have to be shut. This was the Age of the Great Commonwealth of peace and prosperity… 71. (OPTIONAL: Native peoples in history like the Indians, the Eskimos and many others also shared nature…and they almost never had poverty like we do.) 72. These examples and many more show us that people and nations experience incredible economic growth when people share God’s resources and take care of each other’s basic needs. 73. When people share God’s resources and when the desire for luxury and opulence is not #1, there is so much peace and safety that you don’t even have to lock your doors. Just amazing! 74. Unfortunately, ***many countries now have neglected this principle and as in other countries, the top 5% of the wealthy rich own more than 90% of the natural resources. 75. (SLIDE: ) God says, “Study this Book of the Law continually. Meditate on it day and night so you may be sure to obey all that is written in it. For then you shall make your way prosperous, and then you shall deal wisely and have good success.” Joshua 1:8 76. (SLIDE: ) God has told given us principles of incredible wisdom that solve poverty. And He says in Romans 12:8, “Don't just pretend that you love others. Really love them.” 77. Capitalism which is based on greed tells us to just think about ourselves. But, what happens when we do this? 78. (SLIDE Nationalism ) Nationalism says the comfort of people in my country is more important than foreigners having enough food, clean water and housing. As a result, the world spends $1 trillion on military. God says, “Love one another.” 79. (SLIDE: Expensive Security) Selfishness says I’ve just got to have the latest fashion, the newest jeans, the newest BMW. My pleasures are more important than others’ basic needs. As a result, we have to install locks, set up guard walls, buy security systems, hire security guards, hire policemen. The costs of security in our world are least in the trillions of dollars. God says, “Love one another.” 80. (SLIDE: Future Einsteins wasted) Capitalism says you can own nature without caring about others rights. As a result, we waste the lives of millions and billions--including many probable Einsteins--they can’t even afford to learn to read and write. God says, “Love one another.” 81. (SLIDE: Aids) Selfishness says, Even if I have AIDS, I’m going to just satisfy my sexual needs and not care about others. And so, we have an AIDS epidemic that is spreading like lightening and infecting even infants right when they’re born. God says to think of others first. 82. ??MOVIE: Sister and Brother with AIDS 83. One girl’s high school in Korea has a plaque saying, “If I can get one more point on the quiz, I can marry a man with a better job.” Thinking selfishly like this will destroy true love and they will never be satisfied in the relationship. Their life will be a total waste. 84. (SLIDE: Enron Scandal) Greed tells CEOs of major corporations like Enron to embezzle vast sums. This then bankrupts the life savings of numerous investors…often grandparents and elderly. God says, “Love one another.” 85. The world says, “Copy movie star lifestyles …fancy restaurants, luxurious houses, the newest cars and fashions.” As a result jealous and pride cause disappointment and crime to rise. “God says, “Love one another.” 86. (SLIDE: 1 Timothy 6:10) God tells us “The love of money is at the root of all kinds of evil.” 1 Timothy 6:10 Money is good and useful in the right place…but as #1 it causes a flood of costly and even deadly problems. 87. (SLIDE: Proverbs ) My friends, “God’s people know the rights of the poor; the wicked don’t care to know”. Proverbs 29:7 88. (SLIDE: Hosea) But, no man is an island. God pleads with us…live by the principles of love and justice…” for God has much much to give us and “Riches cannot make up for sin.” Hosea 7-8. We cannot live the satisfying life that God intended with all its joys if we live selfishly. We cannot experience the fullness of compassion, satisfaction, grace and the true beauty of life unless we truly recognize that every thing we have comes from God and all are entitled to share these blessings. 89. (SLIDE: Albert Schweitzer) To finish, keep this quote from 2 time Nobel prize winner Albert Schweitzer in your mind always, “One thing I know: the only ones among you who will be really happy are those who will have sought and found how to serve.” 90. (SLIDE: Together we can..) I hope that you choose to make love and justice the foundation of your life and use your talents to help the poor, to join NGOs, to volunteer, to support or teach orphans, to protest against injustice through organizations like Amnesty International and in many other ways to create rivers of justice and fountains of mercy and love flowing to all points of our world. Truly “Love one another” and use your influence, talents, abilities and money wisely to help restore basic human rights in all areas including economic. 91. Will you do that? If so, raise your hand as your hand with me as we pray. MAKE POVERTY HISTORY --Article for Students to Read War. When we hear the word war, we think of guns, tanks, bombs, soldiers, spies and airplanes. But, there is a worse kind of war. It’s an economic war. Poverty kills 30,000 people a day (~8 million a year). Poverty is also a major cause of violence because many desperately poor go to war or get involved in terrorism hoping for a better life. A Latin proverb says, “Poverty is death in another form.” and it’s true. Every 3 seconds someone dies because of extreme stupid poverty that is directly caused by unfair and greedy economic policies…that’s a son...dead…there’s a daughter…lifeless…a mother…gone. In the time it takes to read this paragraph, over 30 people will die from poverty. The economic policies that many rich countries forced on the world are an economic war that kills millions of innocent people. Now, more people die of hunger in Africa than war and AIDS put together(war: 200,000 in 1998, AIDS: 3+ million a year). In response to poverty & famines in Africa, Bob Geldof organized a huge concert called LiveAid in 1985. Later he was knighted for this. That concert with many famous singers and sad pictures of starving people appealed for donations for Africa. People were stirred with compassion and gave over $289 million dollars. Many people’s lives were saved. One was Birhan Woldu. Doctors said she would die in 20 minutes after the picture on the left was taken. But amazingly, with aid she survived. Today, she is a beautiful young woman. How does poverty kill? Here are a few of the ways it kills: 1) NO MONEY FOR NECESSITIES: Many poor children die from simple things like diarrhea, malaria, flu and other things that can easily be cured with very cheap medicine. Kalki’s mother for example is no longer with us. Why? She couldn’t get an injection that we can buy very cheaply in any drugstore. Because of no money for necessities like medicine, clean water and food, millions of people are dying every year. 2) UNFAIR TRADE: Wealthy nations of the world give their farmers US $1 billion per day in subsidies. These farmers then export the food to poor countries (esp. in Africa and South America) and sell them very cheaply. Poor farmers don’t get subsidies from their governments, so, they can’t compete. They can’t sell their food and so they have no money for clothes, school, medicine, etc. Rich countries also prohibit poor governments from subsidizing their farmers. If the governments help their farmers, they can’t get aid. This is a deadly hypocrisy since rich countries governments give massive amounts of money to their farmers. Rich countries pressure poor countries to open up their markets - and then dump subsidized goods on them, wreaking havoc on local industries. At the same time, rich countries fiercely protect their own markets from exports from poor countries. Here are examples of the results of this trade injustice. In 1997, farmers could expect to receive more than 600 shillings - around 24 pence - for a kilo of their sun-dried robusta coffee beans. By 2001 the price had fallen 70% to 100 shillings. Similarly, world cotton prices have fallen to record lows, and over 10 million small-scale cotton growers in Africa are suffering terribly. Bruno Selugo, a 17-year old boy in Uganda says, "Everyone used to pay for school with the money from coffee. But now the price is so low that people are not even picking coffee. We can't survive like this. I can't have a better future if I don't go to school." Bruno and his brother Michael (15) have been forced to drop out of school because their family can no longer pay the fees. In 1997, there were more than 400 students at Bruno's school. By the end of 2001, there were just 54. In this way subsidization is destroying the futures of many young people. HAITI: "Rice producers want a better life. We work hard for it. But when we get to market we are bombarded with an invasion of cheap imported rice, so we have to sell at any price that a buyer is prepared to give us. How can we compete against the big guys?" - Inodil Fils, rice farmer, Haiti In the early 1980s, Haiti produced almost all of its own rice. But pressure from the international community & the USA forced Haiti to open up its markets to foreign imports. As a result, Haiti has been flooded by cheap, subsidized rice from the USA. This has driven down the price of local rice, with devastating consequences like widespread child malnutrition. Many rice growers are now unable to buy the foods that would give them and their families a well-balanced diet. So, up to fifty per cent of children in Haiti have been malnourished, with the highest rate in the rice-growing areas. (for more stories on unfair trade, go to:, click on fair trade section and stories listed there) 3) DEBT: Many poor countries have borrowed lots of money. Sometimes this money was borrowed by terrible dictators. Sometimes it was borrowed to help people survive. Rich countries, the World Bank, and IMF and others seem to consider debt repayments a greater priority than the preservation of life and other development needs in Africa. African countries spend up to three times more on debt repayments to wealthy countries and institutions in the West than they spend on health care, food, and education for their sick, illiterate, and hungry millions. Unfair trade, debt and other economic injustices are destroying the futures, health and lives of millions. Poverty is a prison that is deadly and murders hopes and lives. But, poverty is not natural. Poverty is man made. It happens when money and resources are hoarded by a few people for themselves. People CAN stop poverty. Poverty, ignorance, war are not inevitable. In the 1990s, many churches formed a campaign called Jubilee2000. In Leviticus 25, Deuteronomy 15, etc. the Bible tells us economic principles that God promises will end poverty. One principle of the Jubilee system was to cancel debts of the poor every 7 years. So, the churches called for rich nations to cancel the debts of poor nations following this Bible Jubilee principle. This campaign to cancel debts has now broadened to include politicians, singers, actors and many others. A coalition of 400 organizations is working to “Make Poverty History” this year, 2005. They are insisting that rich nations do three things: 10) Cancel debts for the poorest countries so they can spend money on education, health and development. (Deuteronomy 15, Psalm 15:5, Nehemiah 5:7, Exodus 22:21-25, Amos 8:4-6) 11) Establish fair trade regulations so people can support themselves (James 5:4, Jeremiah 21-11-12, 22:13-30, Micah 6:10-16) 12) More and better aid (money, technology, education, infrastructure, etc.) (James 1:27, Deut. 15:7, 2 Corinthians 8:11-14) After LiveAid, Sir Geldof realized that, “Charity will never really solve the problems. It is time for justice, and 20 years after Live Aid people now demand it.” He says, “This is really not an issue of politics. It’s an issue of morality. We’ve never been wealthier. We’ve never been healthier. We know what it costs. We know what to do. DO IT! DO IT!” He organized 10 Live8 concerts (referring to G8) in July, 2005 to be held simultaneously around the world. He said, “By doubling aid, fully canceling debt, and delivering trade justice for Africa, the G8 could change the future for millions of men, women and children.” The concerts were not done to ask for money. Sir Geldof focused world attention on influencing policies that would help people earn their own way out of poverty. It was the biggest concert in history and this campaign is our biggest chance to end poverty! Billionaire and philanthropist Bill Gates, says, "We can do this, and when we do, it will be the best thing that humanity has ever done." Nelson Mandela says, “Sometimes, it falls upon a generation to be great. You can be that great generation. Millions of people in the world’s poorest countries are trapped in the prison of poverty. It is time to set them free. Poverty is not natural. It is man made and can be overcome by the action of human beings. The G8 when they meet in Scotland in July have already promised to focus on the issue of poverty, especially in Africa. The steps that they must take are very clear. The first is insuring trade justice, the 2nd is an end to the debt crisis for the poorest countries. The 3rd is to deliver much more aid and make sure it is of the highest quality. I say to all those leaders, do not look the other way! Do not hesitate! Recognize that the world is hungry for action not words! Act with courage and vision. Let us work to make poverty history this year. And then we can all stand with our heads held high…It is within your power to prevent a genocide.” Bono, U2 singer, says, “We're not looking for charity, we're looking for justice. We cannot fix every problem, but the ones we can, we must…It is an emergency. This year is the best opportunity we’re going to get to do something about this. World leaders are meeting in Scotland in July--the G8. They’re gonna discuss debt cancellation, more and better aid. They’re gonna discuss making trade rules fairer for everybody so that these people can earn their own way out of poverty. It’s a real chance to do something. Not just for Kalki (a girl whose mother died because she didn’t have access to cheap medicine), but for millions like her. What will our generation be remembered for? The internet? Yes. The war against terror? Yes. Wouldn’t it be great if we were remembered as being the ones that set about making poverty history.”

Jesus said, “Whatever you have done to the least of these my brothers, you have done it unto me.” (Matt 25:40) Ending poverty is one of the best ways to truly care about other people. The Bible shows that the way we treat the poor is also the way we are treating God! Solving poverty is not impossible. The UN estimates that poor countries are being denied at least $700 billion a year because of unfair trade rules. 18 Studies by the United Nations suggest that just an additional $70-80 billion a year would be enough to provide access to essential services like basic health care and education for all the poor of the earth and 3 billion pounds would pay to educate all the children in the world. In comparison, the world spends almost $1 trillion dollars on military expenditures. Isn’t it crazy that we spend so much on security and military rather than on guaranteeing people their basic needs to live? Shouldn’t we try to change this? These objectives can be reached if enough people keep pressure on our leaders this year. The leaders who make major economic choices need to know that the world will not tolerate poverty any longer. The G8 meetings did listen to the Live8 protests. They cancelled the debt of 18 countries and doubled aid to $50 billion. Bush and Europeans promised this money and other money to help develop Africa and to fight diseases. AIDS kills over 5,000 people a day and malaria kills over 3,000 people a day. These decisions provide medicine that will save millions of lives. This is an important first step to make poverty history. But, they didn’t do anything on trade justice which was the most important issue being considered. One aid organization leader said, “The G8 whimpered when it should have roared.” But, in December, 2005, there will be an international meeting in Hong Kong. China has stated that it will focus the meetings on the issue of trade justice. So, it’s critical for us to keep pressure on all our leaders so they do what’s right. After G8, Bono also said, "A mountain has been climbed only to reveal high peaks north of us.” We’ve saved millions of lives already. But, there’s more to do.” Getting true trade justice passed will be the next step. What can you do to help? Here are some ideas (and more at the sites): 1) Sign protests at:,,,,, KOREAN:,,,,,, etc. Make your voice heard. 2) Join e-mail lists at these sites so you can join in campaigns and other actions against poverty to government leaders. 3) Educate yourself about this information then share this information at your church, school, make campaigns, e-mail your friends. 4) Vote for leaders who will work for economic justice. 5) Pray and follow Bible economic principles whenever you can in your own life, especially support self-sufficiency. Let’s be that great generation! This is a first step. Let’s join to make the first step and the second and whatever is needed to


(NOTE: Give this to the audience before the presentation. They can fill in the missing answers and remember better the content and have this as a reference for themselves)

1. Circle the 5 major problems in our world that Homer Dixon refuse to let the world corrupt us. “ (also 2 Cor 8:10-14) spoke about. Poverty Media Crime War Diseases Population B) FOCUS 2:______VERSE Deuteronomy 15:1 “At Environment Energy Resources Dating the end of every seven years you must ______2. Homer Dixon said, “I believe that the next one hundred years ______.” will be a time of great ______and, quite likely, of extraordinary ______and human ______. C) FOCUS 3:______VERSE Amos 8:4-7” you who rob the ______and trample the needy…you ______the 3. How often does poverty kill someone: every A) 2 seconds helpless and measure out your grain in false ______and B) 3 seconds C) 5 seconds D) 10 seconds weigh it out on dishonest scales…

4. How many times more people are killed by poverty than by 13. How many organizations are working together to stop war and AIDS? poverty? 14. What does Mandela say about poverty? Is it man made? 5. What are 3 reasons poverty is killing so many people these YES NO days? 15. Bill Gates says, “We _____do this, and when we do, it will be the ______thing that ______has ever done.” 16. Ways to eliminate poverty: 1) Reduce ______spending 2) Everyone give 6. “Then, as now, persons were subject to misfortune, sickness, ______a year to help the poor and loss of property; yet so long as they followed the 3) American/Korean Christians pay _____ of our money a instruction given by God, there were no _____ among them, year 4) Governments help ____ countries neither any who suffered for ______.” PP 530 17. (SLIDE: )Abraham Lincoln, “The land, the earth God gave to man for his home, ______and support, should never 7. Deut 15:4There should be no ______among you, for be the possession of any man, corporation, society or the LORD your God will greatly bless you in the land he is unfriendly government, any more than the air or ______” giving you as a special possession. 5You will receive this 18. (SLIDE: )Thomas Jefferson wrote, "The earth is given as a blessing if you ______the commands of the ______for men to labor and to live on.” LORD your God 19. (SLIDE: )The atheist Voltaire said, "The fruits of the earth 8. Deut 10:12"And now, Israel, what does the LORD your God are a ______of all, to which each man has require of you? He requires you to fear him, to live according ______." to his will, to love and worship him with all your heart and 20. (SLIDE: How Can You Help!) What can you do to help? soul, 13and to obey the LORD's commands and laws that I Here are some ideas (and more are at the sites): am giving you today ______. 1) SIGN INTERNET PROTESTS LIKE WWW.ONE.ORG 9. Deut 30: 19"Today I have given you the choice between life 2) JOIN E-MAIL LISTS TO KNOW WHAT’S and death, between blessings and curses. I call on heaven and HAPPENING earth to witness the choice you make. Oh, that you would, ______, that you and your descendants 3) JOIN EVENTS/ACTIVITIES IN KOREA (Sept 16-Oct. might live! 17) 10. God does not generally ______to advance [email protected], 011-9582-0823, His truth. If the husbandman neglects to cultivate the soil, God works no miracle to counteract the sure results. He 4) LEARN ABOUT POVERTY PROBLEM & TELL works according to ______made known to OTHERS us, and it is our part to mature ______, and, set in operation the means whereby God shall bring about (free books), 5) certain results. Those who make no decided effort, but VOTE FOR LEADERS WHO WILL HELP POOR simply wait for the Holy Spirit to compel them to action, will 6) PRAY, FOLLOW BIBLE PRINCIPLES, perish in darkness. You are not to sit still and do nothing in 7) HELP PEOPLE BE INDEPENDENT (support ADRA, the work of God.--The Southern Watchman, Dec. 1, 1903. etc.) {ChS 228.3} 21. How many nations have had their debt cancelled so far? 11. “”What ______power can do ______power is not 22. Do you want to join the big dream? YES NO MAYBE summoned to do. God does not dispense with man's aid. He 23. What do you promise to do to help in this campaign against strengthens him, co-operating with him as he uses the poverty? powers and capabilities given him.” EGW in DA 535.3 12. What are the 3 focuses of the “Make Poverty History” All material you’ve seen is available for you to use/adapt Campaign at:, click poverty section A)FOCUS 1:______VERSE James 1:27 “Pure and true ______in the sight of God our Father means that we must care for ______and widows in their ______, and MAKE POVERTY HISTORY REVIEW SHEET ANSWERS true ______in the sight of God our Father means that we 1. Circle the 5 major problems in our world that Homer Dixon must care for ______and widows in their ______, and spoke about. refuse to let the world corrupt us. “ Poverty Media Crime War Diseases Population Environment Energy Resources Dating B) FOCUS 2:______VERSE Deuteronomy 15:1 “At the end of every seven years you must ______2. Homer Dixon said, “I believe that the next one hundred years ______.” will be a time of great ______and, quite likely, of extraordinary ______and human ______. C) FOCUS 3:______VERSE Amos 8:4-7” you who rob the ______and trample the needy…you ______the 3. How often does poverty kill someone: every A) 2 seconds helpless and measure out your grain in false ______and B) 3 seconds C) 5 seconds D) 10 seconds weigh it out on dishonest scales…

4. How many times more people are killed by poverty than by 13. How many organizations are working together to stop war and AIDS? poverty? 14. What does Mandela say about poverty? Is it man made? 5. What are 3 reasons poverty is killing so many people these YES NO days? 15. Bill Gates says, “We _____do this, and when we do, it will be the ______thing that ______has ever done.” 6. “Then, as now, persons were subject to misfortune, sickness, 16. Ways to eliminate poverty: and loss of property; yet so long as they followed the 1) Reduce ______spending 2) Everyone give instruction given by God, there were no beggars among ______a year to help the poor them, neither any who suffered for food.” PP 530 3) American/Korean Christians pay _____ of our money a year 4) Governments help ____ countries 7. Deut 15:4There should be no poor among you, for the LORD 17. (SLIDE: )Abraham Lincoln, “The land, the earth God gave your God will greatly bless you in the land he is giving you to man for his home, sustenance and support, should never as a special possession. 5You will receive this blessing if you be the possession of any man, corporation, society or carefully obey the commands of the LORD your God unfriendly government, any more than the air or water” 18. (SLIDE: )Thomas Jefferson wrote, "The earth is given as a 8. Deut 10:12"And now, Israel, what does the LORD common stock for men to labor and to live on.” your God require of you? He requires you to fear 19. (SLIDE: )The atheist Voltaire said, "The fruits of the earth him, to live according to his will, to love and are a common heritage of all, to which each man has equal worship him with all your heart and soul, 13and right." to obey the LORD's commands and laws that I 20. (SLIDE: How Can You Help!) What can you do to help? am giving you today for your own good. Here are some ideas (and more are at the sites): 9. Deut 30: 19 "Today I have given you the choice between life 1) SIGN INTERNET PROTESTS LIKE WWW.ONE.ORG and death, between blessings and curses. I call on heaven and 2) JOIN E-MAIL LISTS TO KNOW WHAT’S earth to witness the choice you make. Oh, that you would HAPPENING choose life, that you and your descendants might live!, 10. God does not generally work miracles to advance His truth. 3) JOIN EVENTS/ACTIVITIES IN KOREA (Sept 16-Oct. If the husbandman neglects to cultivate the soil, God works 17) no miracle to counteract the sure results. He works according [email protected], to great principles made known to us, and it is our part to 4) LEARN ABOUT POVERTY PROBLEM & TELL mature wise plans, and set in operation the means whereby OTHERS God shall bring about certain results. Those who make no (free books), decided effort, but simply wait for the Holy Spirit to compel, them to action, will perish in darkness. You are not to sit still 5) VOTE FOR LEADERS WHO WILL HELP POOR and do nothing in the work of God.--The Southern 6) PRAY, FOLLOW BIBLE PRINCIPLES, Watchman, Dec. 1, 1903. {ChS 228.3} 7) HELP PEOPLE BE INDEPENDENT (support ADRA, 11. “”What human power can do divine power is not summoned etc.) to do. God does not dispense with man's aid. He strengthens 21. How many nations have had their debt cancelled so far? him, co-operating with him as he uses the powers and 22. Do you want to join the big dream? YES NO MAYBE capabilities given him.” EGW in DA 535.3 23. What do you promise to do to help in this campaign against 12. What are the 3 focuses of the “Make Poverty History” poverty? Campaign A)FOCUS 1:______VERSE James 1:27 “Pure and MAKE POVERTY HISTORY LISTENING QUIZ (students write answers during the speech) 1. Circle the 5 major problems in our world that Homer Dixon spoke about. Poverty Media Crime War Diseases Population Environment Energy Resources Dating

2. Homer Dixon said, “I believe that the next one hundred years will be a time of great ______and, quite likely, of extraordinary ______and human ______.

3. How often does poverty kill someone: every A) 2 seconds B) 3 seconds C) 5 seconds D) 10 seconds

4. How many times more people are killed by poverty than by war and AIDS?

5. What are 3 reasons poverty is killing so many people these days?

6. What are the 3 focuses of the “Make Poverty History” Campaign (see for Korean)? A)FOCUS 1:______VERSE James 1:27 “Pure and true ______in the sight of God our Father means that we must care for ______and widows in their ______, and refuse to let the world corrupt us. “

B) FOCUS 2:______VERSE Deuteronomy 15:1 “At the end of every seven years you must ______.”

C) FOCUS 3:______VERSE Amos 8:4-7” you who rob the ______and trample the needy…you ______the helpless and measure out your grain in false ______and weigh it out on dishonest scales…

7. How many organizations are working together to stop poverty? 8. What does Mandela say about poverty? Is it man made? YES NO 9. Bill Gates says, “We _____do this, and when we do, it will be the ______thing that ______has ever done.” 10. Ways to eliminate poverty: 1) Reduce ______spending 2) Everyone give ______a year to help the poor 3) American/Korean Christians pay _____ of our money a year 4) Governments help ____ countries 11. How many nations have had their debt cancelled so far? 12. Do you want to join the big dream? YES NO MAYBE 13. What do you promise to do to help in this campaign against poverty?

DISCUSS ION QUESTIONS/VOCABULARY FOR PRESENTATION #1 accomplishments: 실현, dishonest: 부정적한, 불 modern: 현대의 원리 실천 성실한, movement: 운동, 캠페인 prosperity: 번영, 영화 cancel: 취소하다. 끝내 economics: 경제, 경제 necessities: 생필품, 불 rights: 권리, 기본권 다. 학 가결한 것 salaries: 월급, 임금 commit: 맡기다. 인도하 ethics: 윤리, 윤리학 negative: 부정적인, 거부 social justice: 사회적 정 다. 책임지다. 약속하다. generation: 세대, 동시대 적인, 소극적인 의 compete: 경쟁하다. 의 사람들 pioneered: 개척자적인, subsidize: 보조금을 주다. confucious: 공자(유교) government: 정부 선구자적인 장려금을 지급하다. corrupt: 타락한, 부패한 graduation: 졸업, 학위취 policies: 정책, 대책, 방 tax: 세금 debt: 빚 득 향 unfair: 불공정한, 불공평 disappear: 사라지다. 없 guaranteed: 보장된, 신 poverty: 가난, 빈곤 한 어지다. 뢰 아래 principles: 원칙, 법칙, violence: 폭력, 가학

1. Q: What was most interesting or surprising to you about this presentation? What did you agree/disagree with? A: I was surprised that rich countries steal $700 billion a year from poor countries.

2. Q: Have you heard any songs from the LiveAid or Live8 concerts? Which singers do you like best? A: Yes, I heard some of the songs. I liked the songs from U2 and Mariah Carey best.

3. Q: Have you or your family ever experienced being poor? How did it feel? How poor were you? What are some of the negative results of poverty? A: My wife’s family was very poor. She didn’t have $1 to go on a school graduation trip. She was very sad about that. Poor people don’t have chances to study. They often don’t have time to be with their families. And they often can’t get important medicine.

4. Q: Why are people and nations poor? A: I think some people are poor because they are lazy. But, many people are poor because of unfair economics. Some nations are poor because they don’t follow good ethics from the Bible. They have corrupt and dishonest leaders. Some nations are poor because of economic war by rich nations.

5. Q: A lot of people think we can “make poverty history”. Do you think it is possible to end poverty? Why or why not? What are good ways that can help end poverty? Have you ever heard of an area or a city or a country where poverty has disappeared? A: I think it is possible to end poverty. There are many ideas about how to do this. One idea is to tax only land and not buildings or salaries. Poverty disappeared in Taiwan when this was done. But, our leaders need to follow and do these good ideas. That’s the difficult part.

6. Q: Were you surprised that the Bible has answers to modern economic problems? What do you think about this? A: Yes, I was surprised that the Bible could end poverty. I thought we could only achieve that in heaven. Now, I understand that it’s possible on earth.

7. Q: The Bible has at least 13 economic policies. God says they will end poverty if followed (Deuteronomy 15:4). Do you think this is possible? A: Yes, I think it’s very easy to stop poverty if the leaders will follow Bible principles.

8. Q: Do you know of other ancient economic principles from other religions or philosophers? Explain them briefly. Do you think they could be applied in our world? A: Yes, Confucius taught economic principles that can stop poverty. He talked about the “Great Age of Prosperity” in Chinese history. At this time, the government taxed only land. There were no poor people. The country was very safe and people took care of each other.

9. Q: Christians have pioneered in modern anti-slavery, anti-poverty movements and many others to help people have better lives. What does your religion say about social justice? Have you been active in social justice efforts? How? A: Yes, the Bible says we must help the poor and fight for those who are hurting. I have written letters for Amnesty international to help people. I have signed e-mail protests. I have told many people about human rights issues.

10. Q: Would you like to help in the fight against poverty? What anti-poverty actions will you commit to do? How will you to help end poverty? A: Yes, I want to help. I will sign the e-mail protests. I will read about this issue and tell people around me.

11. Q: Are many Koreans active in the fight against poverty? How can you help more of your friends, relatives, colleagues, etc. to be involved? A: I think some Koreans are actively fighting against poverty. But, many don’t know about this issue or don’t know what to do.

12. Q: What necessities do you think should be guaranteed to every person on earth? What are basic economic human rights? A: I think every person should be guaranteed simple food, housing, education and basic medical care IF they are willing to work.

13. Q: Nelson Mandela says that we can be a “great generation”. What accomplishments would make our generation truly great? A: I think to be a great generation, we need to end poverty and guarantee basic economic rights to every human being. We also need to establish a way to solve conflicts without war and to stop powerful and unethical leaders from killing and torturing people. I also think that we need to guarantee education with morals and spirituality included to every human being.

EXTRA QUESTIONS 14. A Latin proverb says that “Poverty is death in another form.” Do you think poverty and violence/death are associated? How closely and why? 15. Does your nation subsidize farmers? Why? Does your nation export subsidized products to other countries? 16. What would you do if you were a farmer in a poor country competing against subsidized food? 17. Why do you think rich countries have pushed poor countries to open their markets? 18. People say free market principles are proven to work mathematically. Do you think so? Should they be followed always or just in certain situations? 19. Most people probably don’t know that their country is subsidizing and damaging other countries economies. How could we inform the public better of damaging government policies? 20. How do you think governments around the world were allowed to spend so much money on their militaries? 21. If you were Sir Bob Geldof, what world problem do you think we should focus on next? DISCUSSION QUESTIONS FOR PRESENTATION #2 (on land rent/jubilee) INTRO QUESTIONS (easier) 22. Does land rent sound fair to you? Have you heard of any 1. What ideas surprised you from the presentation? What did other ideas that make life fairer to all people? you agree with? What did you disagree with? Why? 23. Would you like to follow land rent or Jubilee in Korea if it 2. What problems do you hear about these days in our world? were possible? What are the most serious problems for us? 3. Did you think that you were rich before the program? How MONEY do you feel now? Are you among the top A) 8% or B) 25% 1. What are your spending habits these days? richest people in the world? 4. How is your life blessed/lucky? What 2. Prepare a budget for yourself to analyse how you freedoms/opportunities do you have that many other people are spending your money. don’t? 3. How do you spend most of your money? 4. What are some of the things that you consider to be PRESENTATION REACTION QUESTIONS (to see people’s a waste of money? reaction to the topic and if it hit home...if they have questions or opinions to answer better) 5. If you won a million won, or if you win the lottery, 5. Do you think money/wealth makes people happy? Why? what would you do with the money? How much money makes people happy? How many people 6. If you could afford to give 100,000 won away, who will make that much money? If money is the basis of would you give it to? why? happiness how many people can be happy? 7. Do you think you are spending your money wisely 6. Who has made the earth, trees, gold, water, flowers, metal in this world? Does it make sense that we all should share these days? Give reasons for your answer. these things that God made? 8. Which bad spending habits do you want to change 7. What did you think about the philosophers’ thoughts on or replace? sharing nature and land rent? 9. What does society think of people who are very 8. Selfishness is the basis of most people’s lives. What rich? People who wear Rolex watches, Gucci problems does this cause for each person and for nations and the world? handbags, and drive BMWs? Are they more important 9. Do you feel that you are a selfish person (with money, than ordinary people? talents, service, intelligence, love, etc.)? How? 10. Do you think it's wise to avoid doing business with 10. What are the benefits of sharing the earth’s resources fairly friends and relatives? equally? 11. Have you ever been hurt because of money? 11. Is it fair for 1 person to inherit billions just because of the family or country he was born in while another person 12. Are you good at managing your money? inherits nothing? 13. Are you satisfied with the money you make? 12. Will the ideas you heard tonight change any of your choices 14. Do you consider yourself generous or cheap? and goals? How? 15. How much money do you really need every 13. Albert Schweitzer said, “One thing I know: the only ones month? among you who will be really happy are those who will have 16. Do you budget how much you spend? sought and found how to serve.” Have you found ways to serve others? How do you do that? 17. Do you trust yourself when it comes to using 14. How will you “love one another” as God tells us to do? credit cards? 18. Have you ever been in a "get rich quick" situation EASIER QUESTIONS where you were hoping to make a lot by doing a little? 15. People die every 3 seconds from poverty. Should we be responsible? Why or why not? 16. Are you convinced that the 3 goals of “Make Poverty POVERTY History” (1) Cancelling debt 2) Making fair trade and 3) 1. When you see poor people in the streets how do you Being more generous) can really stop poverty? usually react? 17. Do you agree that all wealth comes from nature or gifts of 2. What are some of the ways we can help poor God? If so, what responsibilities do we have in using wealth and our bodies and minds? people? 3. Do you think poverty is a social problem in Busan? HARDER QUESTIONS 4. What are some of the poorer areas in Korea? 18. Russell Simmons says, “If I know 15 billionaires, I know 13 5. Do you think the Korean government is doing unhappy people." Why do you think so many rich people are enough to assist the poor? unhappy? 19. Which TV shows/media teach people to focus their lives on 6. What are some things you would like to see your money? Which TV shows teach people that there are more government do to improve the situation for the poor? important things than wealth? 20. Bono says that this situation is “barbaric”. Do you agree with him? What would you call it? 21. Why do so many TV and media programs focus so much on money? MAKE POVERTY HISTORY ARTICLE QUESTIONS INTRO QUESTIONS 1. Do you think it is possible to end poverty? Why or why not? What kinds of methods have you heard about that might help end poverty? Have you heard of any practical methods that have worked somewhere? 2. What do you think are the main causes of poverty-individual causes and international causes? 3. Has your country always had poverty? Was there ever a “golden age” when poverty disappeared? How about other countries that you know about? 4. Do you think we are responsible to help people in poverty? Why should we do this? 5. Do you think that poor people are poor mostly because they are lazy? Why or why not? 6. Do you think most people have freedom to escape poverty if they work hard? 7. Poverty is a big problem. What are some of the negative results of poverty? 8. A Latin proverb says that “Poverty is death in another form.” Do you think poverty and violence/death are associated? How closely and why?

ARTICLE QUESTIONS 9. What was most interesting or surprising to you about this article? What did you agree/disagree with? 10. Have you heard any songs from the LiveAid or Live8 concerts? Which singers do you like best? 11. A lot of people this year think we can “make poverty history”. After reading this article, do you think it is possible to to eliminate poverty worldwide? Why/why not? 12. What successes have you heard about in the fight against poverty? 13. Why do think the rich countries were able to make unfair trade rules for the whole world to follow? 14. What necessities do you think should be guaranteed to every person on earth? What are basic economic human rights? 15. Does your nation subsidize farmers? Why? Does your nation export subsidized products to other countries? 16. What would you do if you were a farmer in a poor country competing against subsidized food? 17. Why do you think rich countries have pushed poor countries to open their markets? 18. People say free market principles are proven to work mathematically. Do you think so? Should they be followed always or just in certain situations? 19. Most people probably don’t know that their country is subsidizing and damaging other countries economies. How could we inform the public better of damaging government policies? 20. The Bible has at least 10 economic policies like cancelling debts every 7 years. God says they will end poverty if followed (Deuteronomy 15:4). Do you think this is possible? 21. Were you surprised that the Bible has answers to modern economic problems? What do you think about this? 22. Do you know of other ancient economic principles from other religions or philosophers? Explain them briefly. Do you think they could be applied in our world? 23. Christians pioneered have pioneered in modern anti-slavery, anti-poverty, movements and others. What areas has your religion/worldview worked in? Have you been active your religion’s social justice efforts? 24. How do you think governments around the world were allowed to spend so much money on their militaries? 25. If you were Sir Bob Geldof, what world problem do you think we should focus on next?

ACTION POINT 26. Would you like to help in the fight against poverty? What anti-poverty actions will you commit to do? How will you to help end poverty? 27. What do you think is most important to help Koreans be involved in this fight against poverty? How about your friends, relatives, colleagues, etc.? 28. Nelson Mandela says that we can be a “great generation”. What accomplishments would make our generation truly great?

WEBSITES TO VISIT: The Farm Fight:,13673,501051128-1132867,00.html Bono and Gates’—persons of the year:,9171,1142278-1,00.html: Bono—the constant charmer:,9171,1142270, ml

LISTENING QUIZ BELOW (MP3 can be downloaded from many places online legally for very cheap). Itunes for example is one place and there are many others.) SONG LYRICS FOR PROGRAM Oh, and it's time to lend a hand to life The greatest gift of all LOVE IN ANY LANGUAGE Je t'aime te amo, Ya tyibya I yublu, Ani ohevet othka, I love you We can't go on pretending day by day The sounds are all as different That someone, somewhere will soon make a change As the lands from which they came We're all a part of God's great big family And though our words are all unique Our hearts are still the same And the truth - you know love is all we need

-----CHORUS----- ( CHORUS ) Love in any language, straight from the heart. We are the world, we are the children Pulls us all together, never apart We are the ones who make a brighter day And once we learn to speak it so let's start giving All the world will hear Love in any language, fluently spoken here. There's a choice we're making ------We're saving our own lives We teach the young our differences It's true we'll make a better day Yet look how we're the same Just you and me We learn to laugh, to dream our dreams We know the sting of pain From Leningrad to Lexington Well, send'em you your heart The farmer loves his land So they know that someone cares And daddies get all misty eyed And their lives will be stronger and free When they give their daughters' hands As God has shown us And maybe now we realize By turning stone to bread How much there is to share We have too much in common And so we all must lend a helping hand To pretend it isn't there ( REPEAT CHORUS ) REPEAT CHORUS When you're down and out BRIDGE Though the rhetoric of governments There seems no hope at all May keep us worlds apart But if you just believe There's no misinterpreting, the language of the heart. There's no way we can fall Well, well, well, let's realize REPEAT CHORUS That a change can only come LORD I GIVE YOU MY HEART When we stand together as one This is my desire, to honour You Lord with all my heart I worship You ( REPEAT CHORUS AND FADE ) All I have within me, I give You praise All that I adore is in You. Jesus Your Name Jesus Your name is power, Jesus, Your name is might -----CHORUS----- Jesus, Your name will break every stronghold Lord I give You my heart. I give You my soul Jesus, Your name is life I live for You alone.Every breath that I take. Jesus, Your name is healing, Jesus, Your name gives sight Every moment I'm awake. Lord have Your way in me. Jesus, You name will free every captive Repeat Chorus Jesus, Your name is life Jesus, Your name is holy, Jesus, Your name brings light CHANGE MY HEART OH GOD Jesus, Your name above every other -----CHORUS----- Jesus, Your name is life Change my heart oh God. Make it ever true Change my heart oh God. May I be like You REPEAT ------You are the potter. I am the clay Mold me and make me. This is what I pray. REPEAT CHORUS

WE ARE THE WORLD There comes a time when we heed a certain call When the world must come together as one There are people dying WE ARE THE WORLD LISTENING QUIZ WE ARE THE WORLD LISTENING QUIZ There 1______a time when we heed a ______call There 1______a time when we heed a ______call When the 2______must come ______as one When the 2______must come ______as one There are people 3______There are people 3______Oh, and it's ______to 4______a hand to life Oh, and it's ______to 4______a hand to life The ______gift of all The ______gift of all

We can't go on 5______day by day We can't go on 5______day by day That someone, somewhere will soon make a ______That someone, somewhere will soon make a ______We're all a part of 6______great big ______We're all a part of 6______great big ______And the 7______- you know ______is all we need And the 7______- you know ______is all we need

( CHORUS ) ( CHORUS ) are are the world the children We, we are are the world the children We, we A______A______We are make a brighter day the ones who We are make a brighter day the ones who B______B______start giving so let's start giving so let's C______C______a choice There's we're making a choice There's we're making D______D______We're own lives saving our We're own lives saving our E______E______day It's make a better true we'll day It's make a better true we'll F______F______Just me you and Just me you and G______G______

Well, send'em your 8______Well, send'em your 8______So they know that someone ______So they know that someone ______And their 9______will be ______and free And their 9______will be ______and free As God has shown us As God has shown us By 10______stone to ______By 10______stone to ______And so we all 11______lend a helping ______And so we all 11______lend a helping ______


When you're 12______and ______When you're 12______and ______There seems no 13______at all There seems no 13______at all But if you just ______But if you just ______There's no 14______we can ______There's no 14______we can ______Well, well, well, let's 15______Well, well, well, let's 15______That a change can only come That a change can only come When we ______together as one When we ______together as one


James 1:27

하나님 아버지 앞에서 깨끗하고 순수한 신앙은 어려운 처지에 있는 고아와 과부들을 돌봐 주고 자신을 지켜 세속에 물들지 않는 이것입 니다.

Deuteronomy 15:1

`여러분은 7 년마다 그 해 연말에 여러분이 받을 빚을 다 면제해 주십시오.

Amos 8:4-7

 가난한 자를 짓밟고 이 땅의 힘없는 자들을 못 살게 구는 자들아, 이 말을 들어라.  너희는 이렇게 말하고 있다. `언제나 초하루가 지나가고 우리가 곡식을 팔며 언제나 안식일이 지나가고 우리가 장사를 할 수 있을까? 물건은 적게 주면서 값은 올려 받고 저울을 속여 팔며  은으로 가난한 자를 사고 신 한 켤레로 빈곤한 자를 사며 찌꺼기 밀을 팔자'  이스라엘의 자랑이신 여호와께서 맹세하며 이렇게 말씀하셨다. `그들이 행한 일을 내가 절대로 잊지 않을 것이다.

Matthew 25:40

그때 왕은 그들에게 `내가 분명히 말하지만 너희가 이들 내 형제 중에 아주 보잘 것없는 사람 하나에게 한 일이 바로 내게 한 일이다.' 하 고 말할 것이다. Announcement and Pictures for Online Ads (in English and Korean) (Note: This text and the 3 pictures were used to ask university professors to invite their students to a campaign in Pusan. The next page has a shorter Korean version and the pictures are after that)

Hi English Department Professors, It was nice to meet you at the restaurant a few weeks ago and I’m very pleased and privileged to be working together with you. I hope to get to know you better as we seek to educate our students for a greater future and greater service.

This Friday, June 2 at 5:30pm I’m doing a presentation on “How to End Poverty” and I would appreciate it if you would invite your students to come and I’d be pleased and honored if you would attend as well (there will be Korean translation for any students who don’t speak English and a short Korean summary is also below with pictures).

“Make Poverty History” is a global campaign to drastically reduce the deadly injustice of poverty that literally kills many millions of people every year. Poverty kills more people than war and AIDS every year and even worse it kills far more dreams. The most tragic thing is that poverty is almost completely man made and the solutions are well known. But, 400 NGOs and aid organizations, numerous actors, singers, politicians, pastors and other leaders are joining working together to drastically reduce this injustice. I think this is a perfect opportunity for us to help our students gain global awareness and responsibility and to take some action to improve the future. If you would like to join this campaign and do similar presentations, you are welcome to use any of the resources you see used at the program that I have compiled/written.

One of my strong beliefs is that education should not be just transmitting information, but it should give students passion to do something truly useful and meaningful with their lives. I am very much a learner in implementing this, but this presentation is one step in that direction. These are some of the quotes that inspire me and motivate me toward this goal (probably you’ve read them before, but they’re a good reminder):  “It is not the highest work of education to communicate knowledge merely, but to impart that vitalizing energy which is received through the contact of mind with mind, and soul with soul. It is only life that can beget life.” Desire of Ages, p. 250  "The end of all education should surely be service to others." Cesar Chavez  "Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire." William Butler Yeats  “The great aim of education is not knowledge, but action.” Herbert Spencer  In the Hebrew culture…The goal of teaching is not the impartation of facts but the changing of lives. For the Hebrews, knowledge (yadah) involves personal encounter and response to God's revelation. The classroom becomes a place of impassioned discussion and the sharing of real life experience. It is a place where we meet God and share in the life experiences of others. The classroom becomes a place where we practice truth. The classroom is not separated from life but is actually part of our lives.” from

To change lives and to saves lives is an amazing opportunity and privilege. We now have the opportunity to save millions of life with just a little time and use of the internet (and no money) through this poverty campaign! How can we not join in this largest ever social movement in history? I hope to see you at the program, but more importantly that maybe you can join this movement yourself and share with others.

Sincerely, Bryan Bissell P.S. contact me with any questions at: [email protected] or 010-2302-4068. I apologize for this being late. I’m working on developing many topics like this and next term will hopefully have several more presentations, but with more advance notice. Announcement and Pictures for Online Ads ( 세계 각국의 빈곤원인과 그 해결책 ) bindex=1924&command=view&groupid=0000002

-일 시 : 2006 년 6 월 2 일(금), 오후 5 시 30 분-오후 7 시 30 분 -장 소 : 인문대학 2 호관 409 호 -강연자 : 브라이언 비셀(영어영문학과 강의전담교수)

내용: 피할 수 없는 극심한 빈곤 때문에 매 3 초마다 한명의 어린이가 죽어갑니다. 빈곤으로 인해 매년 전쟁과 에이 즈로 인한 것보다 더 많은 사람들이 죽습니다. 비극적인 사실은 우리 정부가 매달 그리고 매년 이 사태가 일어나도 록 하고 있다는 것입니다. 만델라는 “빈곤은 선천적인 것이 아니다. 그것은 인간이 만드는 것이며, 인간의 힘으로 극 복해 낼 수 있는 것이다.”라고 말했습니다. Bill Gates, Rick Warren 과 수많은 배우, 가수, 사업가, 지도자들 그리 고 세계에 있는 400 개가 넘는 비정부주의 기구들이 이 말에 동의합니다. 그들은 우리세대가 더 나은 선택을 할 때 라고 합니다. 하지만 우리는 필수적인 구조조정을 할 지도자들에게 영향을 줄 모두의 목소리를 모아야 합니다. 이 강연회에 참가해서 Bissell 교수님의 실질적으로 가난을 끝내는 방법과 어떻게 빈곤을 끝내는 것을 시작한 위대한 세대의 한 부분이 될 수 있는지에 대해 들어 보세요!

미리보기: , , 동영상

HANDOUT SUMMARIZING THE ISSUE IN KOREAN 전 여러분이 수백만명의 사람들에게 희망을 줄 수 있는 이 운동에 학원생들과 부모님께서 빈곤의 종지부를 찍도록 도와줄 수 있습니 동참하길 바랍니다. 이 운동을 후원해주기 위한 당신의 목소리를 청종 다 ! 하기위해, 그리고 여러분의 교회에서 좋은 아이디어들이 있다면 7 월 2 일, 역사상 가장 큰 콘서트인 “Live8”이 세계의 10 곳 정도에서 열 ENGLISH:,, 렸고, 20 년 전에 열렸던 “LiveAID”도 아프리카에서 굶주리고 있는 사람들,, 을 도와주기 위한 콘서트였습니다. 그 콘서트 기부금으로 단기간동안은, 웹싸이트로 보내주시 그 문제를 해결할 수 있었지만, 엄청난 빚, 불공정한 무역 정책들과 다른 부 길 바랍니다. 비디오 싸이트는 다음과 같습니다. 정비리로 인해 30,000 명이 여전히 극심한 가난으로 매일 죽어가고 있습니, 다., and 이 운동은 1990 년대 레위기 25 장과 신명기 15 장에 있는 하나님의 경 제적인 원칙들을 진지하게 숙고한 교회들에게서 시작되었습니다. 그들은 가난한 나라의 빚을 탕감해주고 빈곤의 늪에서 수백만의 사람들이 헤어날 우리는 여러분들도 빈곤의 종지부를 찍을 수 있는 이 캠페인에 참 수 있도록 도와주기 위해 Jubilee(희년)2000 캠페인을 시작했습니다. 이제 여하길 바랍니다. 그렇게할 때 우리는 큰 일을 이룬 세대로 기억될 수 이 운동은 400 개의 기관들과, 많은 정치가들, 유명스타 및 지도자들에 이르 있을 것입니다! 기까지 전 세계적으로 확산되고 있습니다. 만델라 닐슨, 토니 블레어, U2, 브레드 피트, Bono(U2 싱어) 그 외 많을 사람들이 참여하고 있습니다. 전 여 KOREAN: contact: Ms. Kim Dohye, [email protected] 러분들도 이 캠페인에 참여함으로써 수백만명의 하나님의 자녀들이 매일,,,, 겪고 있는 고통과 아픔을 함께 나누시길 원합니다. ,,, 이러한 비극은 막을 수 있는 것입니다. 빈곤이 절대 자연스러운 것이 etc. Also see: World Vision Korea, Korean Foundation for World 아닙니다. 빈곤을 해결하는 것이 힘든 일은 아닙니다. 많은 철학자들과 지 Aid, Save the Children Korea, Korea Food for the Hungry International, Good 인들이 그 해결책에 동의합니다. 하지만, 정책상 대부분의 나라들이 탐욕을 Neighbors, Korea Welfare Foundation, Koreans Sharing Movement, Christian NGO 먼저 따르기 때문에 그것이 불가능하게 보였습니다. 하지만, 올해 수백만 의 사람들이 이러한 비극에 맞서 싸우기 위해 고군분투하고 있습니다. 많 7 OF GOD ’ S ECONOMIC LAWS 은 세계 지도자들과 유명한 사람들은 올해 우리가 정말 빈곤의 종지부를 1) Trade fairly 2) Cancel debts 3) Share and be generous 찍을 수 있다고 확신합니다. 그들이 정부에 다음과 같은 것들을 원합니다. 4) Don’t Support Dependency or laziness! 5) Give tithe/offerings 1) 아프리카에 두배 더 지원하기(신 15:7, 고후 8:11-14) 6) Don’t Charge Interest 7) Share natural resources fairly 2) 가난한 나라의 빚과 이자 탕감해주기(신 15, 시 15:5, 느 5:7, 출 22:21- 25) THINGS YOU CAN DO: 3) 공정한 무역법 보증(렘 21:12, 22:13-30, 아모스 8:4-7, 약 5:1-6) 1) SIGN INTERNET PROTESTS LIKE WWW.ONE.ORG

만델라 닐슨이 말하길, “세계의 가장 가난한 나라들에 있는 수백만의 2) JOIN E-MAIL LISTS & STREET PROTESTS IN KOREA 사람들이 빈곤의 감옥에 갇혀 있다. 이제 그들을 해방시킬 때다!” [email protected],, U2 싱어인 Bono 는 “우리의 세대는 어떻게 기억될 것인가? 인터넷? 그 럴 수도 있다. 테러와의 전쟁? 그럴 수도 있다. 하지만, 만약 우리가 역사상 3) LEARN ABOUT POVERTY PROBLEM & TELL OTHERS 빈곤을 퇴출시킨 세대로 기억되어진다면, 더 금상첨화가 아닐까?” 라고 말,, 합니다. 빌 게이츠는 “우리는 해낼 수 있다. 그리고 이것을 해낼 때, 인류 역사 4) VOTE FOR LEADERS WHO WILL HELP POOR 상 가장 큰 일이 될 것이다.” 예수님이 말씀하시길, “그러면 왕은 이렇게 말할 것이다. `내가 진정으 5) PRAY, FOLLOW BIBLE PRINCIPLES, HELP PEOPLE BE 로 말한다. 너희가 여기 있는 내 형제 중에 가장 보잘 것 없는 사람 하나에 INDEPENDENT 게 해준 것이 곧 내게 해준 것이다!” Matthew 25:40 올해가 역사상 빈곤의 종지부를 찍을 수 있는 가장 좋은 기회입니다! (Presentations, posters, videos, questions, songs, Korean subtitles and much 사람들이 가난의 종지부를 찍기 위해 성경에 있는 원칙을 따르는 것은 놀 more all available for you to use/adapt at: 라운 일입니다 만약 우리가 이 일에 동참한다면 우리는 빈곤의 종지부를 . , , (click “Poverty Campaign”). Other 찍도록 도와줄 수 있습니다. 그리고, 우리는 또한 사람들에게 하나님의 원 칙들이 세계가 직면한 문제를 해결하는 가장 좋은 방법이다는 것을 보여줄 resources for teachers: 수 있습니다. HANDOUT SUMMARIZING THE ISSUE IN KOREAN (English translation) This is the basic translation of the Korean handout above. 목사님께 Dear Students, 7 월 2 일, 역사상 가장 큰 콘서트인 “Live8”이 세계의 10 On July 2, the biggest concert in history, “Live8”, happened in 10 cities around the world. 20 years 곳 정도에서 열렸고, 20 년 전에 열렸던 “LiveAID”도 아 ago, “LiveAID” was held to ask people to give 프리카에서 굶주리고 있는 사람들을 도와주기 위한 콘서 money for starving and hungry people in Africa. 트였습니다. 그 콘서트 기부금으로 단기간동안은 그 문 Donating money solves the problem for a short time. 제를 해결할 수 있었지만, 엄청난 빚, 불공정한 무역 정책 But, because of huge debts, unfair trade policies and other injustices, 30,000 people are still dying every 들과 다른 부정비리로 인해 명이 여전히 극심한 30,000 day of extreme stupid poverty—that’s one person 가난으로 매일 죽어가고 있습니다. every 3 seconds.

이 운동은 1990 년대 레위기 25 장과 신명기 15 장에 있는 This movement began with churches in the 1990s 하나님의 경제적인 원칙들을 진지하게 숙고한 교회들에 who took seriously God’s economic principles in Leviticus 25 and Deuteronomy 15. They started a 게서 시작되었습니다. 그들은 가난한 나라의 빚을 탕감 Jubilee 2000 campaign to cancel debt for poor 해주고 빈곤의 늪에서 수백만의 사람들이 헤어날 수 있 nations and help millions escape the cruel prison of 도록 도와주기 위해 Jubilee(희년)2000 캠페인을 시작했습 poverty. This campaign has now expanded to a 니다. ***이제 이 운동은 400 개의 기관들과, 많은 정치가 worldwide movement of more than 400 들, 유명스타 및 지도자들에 이르기까지 전 세계적으로 organizations, many politicians, entertainers and others superstars and leader. Some of them are: 확산되고 있습니다. 만델라 닐슨, 토니 블레어, U2, 브레 Nelson Mandela, Tony Blair, U2, Brad Pitt, Bono 드 피트, Bono(U2 싱어) 그 외 많을 사람들이 참여하고 (U2 singer) and many others. We hope you join this 있습니다. 전 여러분들도 이 캠페인에 참여함으로써 수 campaign to stop pain and suffering that millions of 백만명의 하나님의 자녀들이 매일 겪고 있는 고통과 아 God’s children experience every day! 픔을 함께 나누시길 원합니다.

이러한 비극은 막을 수 있는 것입니다. 빈곤이 절대 자연 The tragedy is that all of this is preventable. Poverty 스러운 것이 아닙니다. 빈곤을 해결하는 것이 힘든 일은 is NOT natural. It is man made and can be stopped. 아닙니다. 많은 철학자들과 지인들이 그 해결책에 동의 Poverty is not difficult to solve. Many philosophers and geniuses agree on the solutions. But, politically 합니다. 하지만, 정책상 대부분의 나라들이 탐욕을 먼저 it looked impossible because most of the world 따르기 때문에 그것이 불가능하게 보였습니다. 하지만, follows greed first. But, this year millions of people 올해 수백만의 사람들이 이러한 비극에 맞서 싸우기 위 are coming together to fight this tragedy. Many 해 고군분투하고 있습니다. 많은 세계 지도자들과 유명 world leaders and famous people believe that this year we can really end poverty! They want 한 사람들은 올해 우리가 정말 빈곤의 종지부를 찍을 수 governments to: 있다고 확신합니다. 그들이 정부에 다음과 같은 것들을 1) double aid to Africa (Deuteronomy 원합니다. 15:7, 2 Corinthians 8:11-14) 4) 아프리카에 두배 더 지원하기(신 15:7, 고후 8:11- 2) cancel the debt and interest of poor nations 14) (Deuteronomy 15, Psalm 15:5, Nehemiah 5) 가난한 나라의 빚과 이자 탕감해주기(신 15, 시 5:7, Exodus 22:21-25) 15:5, 느 5:7, 출 22:21-25) 3) guarantee fair trade laws (James 5:1-6, 6) 공정한 무역법 보증(약 5:4, 렘 21:13, 레 19:35, 미 Jeremiah 21:12;1\22:13-30 , Leviticus 6:11) 19:35, Micah 6:11) Nelson Mandela says, “Sometimes, it falls upon a 만델라 닐슨이 말하길, “세계의 가장 가난한 나라들에 있 generation to be great. You can be that great 는 수백만의 사람들이 빈곤의 감옥에 갇혀 있다. 이제 그 generation. Millions of people in the world’s poorest 들을 해방시킬 때다!” countries are trapped in the prison of poverty. It is time to set them free.”

U2 싱어인 Bono 는 “우리의 세대는 어떻게 기억될 것인 Bono, U2 singer, said, “What will our generation be 가? 인터넷? 그럴 수도 있다. 테러와의 전쟁? 그럴 수도 remembered for? The internet? Yes. The war against 있다. 하지만, 만약 우리가 역사상 빈곤을 퇴출시킨 세대 terror? Yes. Wouldn’t it be great if we were remembered as being the ones that set about making 로 기억되어진다면, 더 금상첨화가 아닐까?” 라고 말합니 다. poverty history.”

빌 게이츠는 “우리는 해낼 수 있다. 그리고 이것을 해낼 Bill Gates says, "We can do this, and when we do, it 때, 인류 역사상 가장 큰 일이 될 것이다.” will be the best thing that humanity has ever done."

**예수님을말하길, “그러면 왕은 이렇게 말할 것이다. `내가 Jesus said, “Whatever you have done to the least of 진정으로 말한다. 너희가 여기 있는 내 형제 중에 가장 보잘 것 these my brothers, you have done it unto me.” Matthew 25:40 It’s time for us to act on what we 없는 사람 하나에게 해준 것이 곧 내게 해준 것이다!” Matthew believe! It’s not just treating them right. It’s treating 25:40 God right!

올해가 역사상 빈곤의 종지부를 찍을 수 있는 가장 좋은 This year is our greatest chance in history to end 기회입니다! 사람들이 가난의 종지부를 찍기 위해 성경 poverty! The great thing is that people are following 에 있는 원칙을 따르는 것은 놀라운 일입니다. 만약, 우리 economic principles from the Bible to end poverty. If we join this movement maybe we can help end 가 이 일에 동참한다면 우리는 빈곤의 종지부를 찍도록 , poverty! And we can also show people that God’s 도와줄 수 있습니다. 그리고, 우리는 또한 사람들에게 하 principles are the best solution for problems that our 나님의 원칙들이 세계가 직면한 문제를 해결하는 가장 world faces. 좋은 방법이다는 것을 보여줄 수 있습니다.

전 여러분이 수백만명의 사람들에게 희망을 줄 수 있는 I hope join this movement that can bring hope to 이 운동에 동참하길 바랍니다. 이 운동을 후원해주기 위 millions! To make your voice heard and learn ideas 한 당신의 목소리를 청종하기위해, 그리고 여러분의 교 for your church to support this movement, go to 회에서 좋은 아이디어들이 있다면 these websites: (Rick Warren’s site),,,,,,,,, Videos are at: 웹싸이트로 보내주시, 길 바랍니다. 비디오 싸이트는 다음과 같습니다., ndex.htm, and We hope you also join this campaign to stop poverty! 우리는 여러분들도 빈곤의 종지부를 찍을 수 있는 이 캠페인 Together we can be a great generation! 에 참여하길 바랍니다. 그렇게할 때 우리는 큰 일을 이룬 세대 로 기억될 수 있을 것입니다! ** EXTRAS (Not included in best handout above) Vision English Language Institute is joining this 비젼 영어학원은 이 운동에 참여하고 있으며, 가능한한 movement and trying to share the information with 많은 사람들과 이 정보들을 나누길 원합니다. 저희 학원 as many people as we can. We also are a different kind of language school. We are a Christian 은 차별화된 학원입니다. 우리는 비젼이 있는 기독교 영 language school with a vision! We use the best 어 학원입니다. 우리는 가장 좋은 교수 자료들을 사용합 teaching materials we can find. But, we are not 니다. 하지만, 우리는 단순한 지식을 심어주거나, 문법이 content with just technical knowledge, with making 나 단어만을 가르쳐 주는 것에 만족하지 않습니다. 우리 people skillful at grammar or vocabulary. We 는 학생들에게 영감을 불어넣어 주고, 진리, 순종, 순결, believe that true teachers inspired students and teach them principles of truth, obedience, honor, integrity 고결 등의 원칙을 가르쳐 주는 교사가 진정한 교사라고 and purity—principles that will make them a positive 생각합니다. force for the stability and uplifting of society.

대부분의 저희 학원생이 이 운동에 참여하고 있으며 세 Many of our students have joined this movement and 계의 불의와 맞서고 있습니다. 우리는 학생들이 수업시 protested against the injustices in the world. We desire our students to learn life’s great lesson of 간에 하나님을 만나는 경험을 하고, 이타적인 봉사의 삶 unselfish service and to experience God in our 의 교훈을 배우기 원합니다. classes. VISION ENGLISH—A LANGUAGE SCHOOL WITH A CHRISTIAN VISION

MAKE POVERTY HISTORY — EXTRA RESOURCES AND INFO Here are some extra ideas and resources you can to fill out or adapt your presentation more if you wish.

From CNN.COM Brangelina's pricey baby pictures, Pitt and Jolie selling photos to raise money for charity Monday, June 5, 2006; Posted: 1:09 p.m. EDT (17:09 GMT) NEW YORK (AP) Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt will give the world its first peek at their newborn daughter by releasing photos of Shiloh Nouvel, with profits going to charity.

The images, taken at a private photo shoot, will be distributed by Getty Images, the photo agency said Monday. All profits will be given to charity, though no specific foundation was announced.

"While we celebrate the joy of the birth of our daughter, we recognize that two million babies born every year in the developing world die on the first day of their lives," the couple said in a joint statement. "These children can be saved, but only if governments around the world make it priority." ------SECURITY COSTS:  Reuters reported that security costs for oil facilities in Saudia Arabia are ~$2 billion per year.  America is building a wall to separate the rich Americans from the poor Mexicans. Cost: $1.2 billion (what if we were to use our brains and use that money on people, even Mexicans instead of on concrete???

Congress OKs 700 miles of fence on border with Mexico POSTED: 11:07 p.m. EDT, September 29, 2006 by

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Republicans will go into the elections with a message that they've made great strides fighting illegal immigration, including authorizing a fence along one-third of the U.S.-Mexico border and making a $1.2 billion down payment on it.

Among its final tasks before leaving to campaign, the Senate on Friday night passed and sent to President Bush a bill authorizing 700 miles of fencing on the nearly 2,000-mile long southern border.

No one knows how much it will cost, but a separate bill also on the way to the White House makes a $1.2 billion down payment on it. A 14-mile segment of fence under construction in San Diego is costing $126.5 million. (Watch senators tussle over whether fences work -- 1:45 )


Today, poverty is at one of the worst points in history. There are a very few extremely rich people and millions of extremely poor. Maybe you have played the game monopoly. In that game, everyone starts out with equal money and property. But, as time goes by, most players get poorer. One or two players slowly become very very rich. That game was based directly on capitalism and we can see in real life that the exact same thing is happening these days. These are some of the serious problems caused by poverty in our world today:

1) Susan Willett did research for the Trust for Research and Education on the Arms Trade (TREAT). She found that if a country has a high level of debt, it is very likely that they are having many conflicts and sometime wars. So, poverty and debt are definite causes of violence and war. During the 1990s alone there have been 39 major conflicts with more than 4 million people killed. Nine out of ten casualties are civilians. There are over 200,000 child soldiers in the world - a corruption of childhood which threatens all of our futures.

2) About a sixth of the world's population -- nearly 1 billion people -- live in slums. The report describes slums as poor areas that lack basic services or access to clean water, where housing is poorly built and overcrowded.

3) An analysis of long-term trends shows the distance between the richest and poorest countries was about : 3 to 1 in 1820 11 to 1 in 1913 35 to 1 in 1950 44 to 1 in 1973 72 to 1 in 1992 --1999 Human Development Report, United Nations Development Programme

4) “The combined wealth of the world's 200 richest people hit $1 trillion in 1999; the combined incomes of the 582 million people living in the 43 least developed countries is $146 billion." --Human Development Report 2000, p. 82, United Nations Development Programme

5) Debt relief for the poorest 20 countries would cost only US$5.5 billion- the cost of building one Disneyland/Paris.

6) The world's seven richest men could wipe out poverty. Their combined wealth is more than enough to provide the basic needs for the poorest of the world's population.

7) The world population's basic need for food, drinking water, education and medical care could be covered by a levy of less than 4% of the accumulated wealth of the 225 richest individuals.

8) The New York Times in one of their email updates, in their Quote of the Day section, for July 18, 2001 provided the following quote: "A world where some live in comfort and plenty, while half of the human race lives on less than $2 a day, is neither just, nor stable." -- President Bush

9) U.N. Secretary General said, "Almost half the world's population lives on less than two dollars a day, yet even this statistic fails to capture the humiliation, powerlessness and brutal hardship that is the daily lot of the world's poor."

Optional to include somewhere: I often wonder about the difference between heaven and earth. When I see how God’s principles in this area of poverty are so effective to eliminate poverty and suffering and in so many other areas, I began to think that maybe heaven will not be utopia because of some miracle that God does to make it that way. It will be heaven because the people who live there will really get it…that God’s way is best and they will all be fully submitted to God. That’s why it will be utopia. ------Article on Where does wealth come from!!

Universal Life-Long Social Security Who Has Life-Long Security? Why? From

First of all, there are many in the US who have life-long security, but it is not seen as “social” security.

In fact, the great American myth is that wealthy people created their wealth on their own. The assumption is that each of us is a self creation, and we each started our creation effort with the same lump of clay. The individual is everything, and society is nothing. Those who succeed are the best of men (and they are disproportionately men) and deserve everything they gain, and those who don’t succeed are, well, losers.

Security comes from having wealth, by which I mean more than just an income that allows you to survive from week to week – enough to both comfortably meet the costs of living, and enough to cushion yourself and your family from life’s unexpected and inevitable blows, like the loss of a job, a disabling illness, a hurricane.

But where does wealth come from?

When asked for the secret of his wealth, J. Paul Getty used to say it was three little things. One: work hard. Two: get up early in the morning. Third: find an oil well. In other words, he understood that good luck played into his success story. United for a Fair Economy recently put out a report called, “I Didn’t Do It Alone,” which tells the stories of many successful people, all of whom recognize that they did not create themselves. For some like Getty, being in the right place at the right time helped. Some started out with sizable inheritances from their parents. Others started businesses and had hard-working, productive employees who generated large profits. Still others recognized that the social infrastructure – things like roads, water supply, police and fire protection - gave them a basis from which to start, things that are not available all over the world. Bill Gates Senior mentions in his defense of the estate tax that little Billy would not have been able to start Microsoft without tax-funded investments in computer and internet research, as well as the patents and business protections provided by government.

J. Paul Getty could have also mentioned one other factor, invisible to him and to Americans. Many white Americans got a start with cheap land, some of which had oil underneath it. But that land was not really “free.” The Homesteading Act of 1862 followed bloody conflicts which wrested massive tracts of land from Native American Indians who saw land as a public good, free to be used by all. They had no notion of private property. Today, it is estimated that one quarter of the wealth of whites has its roots in the Homesteading Act.

In fact, the history of the US is rife with examples of the forcible transfer of resources from people of color to whites, from land grabs from Native American Indians, to annexation of Mexican lands, to slavery and the exploitation of black labor, to special taxes placed on Chinese miners and laundry workers. Those without life-long security are disproportionately people of color. In fact, even “Social Security” itself, which created a system that would cushion workers after retirement, left out two occupations: agricultural and domestic workers, occupations held mostly by African Americans and Latinos.

“Self-made men, indeed! Why don’t you tell me of the self-laid egg?” Francis Leiber, a political scientist, made that remark back in 1882. Individual wealth is based in large part in social investment.

Universal Social Security

The first thing that needs to happen is that people need to recognize the obvious: no one can create themselves, no one can do it alone. It takes a village to raise a child, and it takes a village to raise a millionaire! Unfortunately, the US “village” has over the last 30 years decided that it will use its public resources to make a few millionaires, rather than to raise our children. Tax policy has been used to redistribute wealth – from the poor to the rich. Income based on what people earn is taxed, but income based on what people own is taxed far less. Repeal of the estate tax, our tax on wealthiest 1% of Americans, is being pushed by making ordinary Americans think that they too will pay a universal “death tax.” While policy makers are loathe to raise the minimum wage, there is no maximum wage, and the average CEO pay of large businesses is now 300 times that of their average workers’ pay, according to Business Week. It was 40 times more as recently as 1980, and that was bad enough!

Today, we have the greatest wealth disparity since the roaring days before the Great Depression, which means the greatest disparity in life-long security. Every year, more and more people are without health insurance; every year, more and more children fall into poverty; every year, more and more people are losing guaranteed pension benefits.

So what needs to be done? The answer is in that small word with a big heart, “social.” Over the years, the role of government has been to distribute the resources of our society among various groups. Through various rules, they have transferred assets from people of color to whites, and from poor to rich.

Tax policy can also be used to turn the tables. After the end of World War II, the highest income tax rate was 91%. The estate tax was unassailable, when people tired of the excesses of the wealthy. When we recognize that the tax dollars of the poorest among us has contributed to the security of the wealthy, then we will recognize that a fair system will collect high taxes from those who have benefited the most, and use those dollars to create opportunities for the many. There is no reason we cannot have a strong public health system as well as universal health insurance (the biggest health improvements came from public investments such as water sanitation, not from the provision of individual care to people already sick). We can have a well funded Social Security system so that hard work is rewarded with rest in the twilight of our years. Our country should invest heavily in public education, which is the basis for a citizenry that can think critically to strengthen our democracy.

Socializing security will also mean providing new opportunities to move up. High quality, affordable public Universities and offering more federal scholarships than loans will allow our society to tap the intellectual capacity of all our young people, not just those who can afford to pay. Legislating higher minimum wages and setting limits on CEO pay will recognize that it takes a workplace to raise a profit.

In addition, we need to return to helping all of us build assets. A new GI Bill for the 21st century would be a good start. Using public dollars to assist people in buying their own homes or starting new businesses would rebuild our middle class.

But as we consider new policy, everyone must be included in the policy discussions to insure that any new policies truly benefit all of us; sometimes there is not a one size fits all solution, and variations need to be offered that best fit the different cultures that exist within our society. Communities of color need a central role, in order to reverse the years of affirmative action for whites, and to claim their place and their share in the creation and distribution of this country’s wealth in the years to come.

Martin Luther King said in 1968, “There is nothing new about poverty. What is new is that we have the techniques and the resources to get rid of poverty. The real question is whether we have the will.” It is still our task today to build the nation’s will.

OPTION 1--RICE QUIZ 1) Rice is a staple food for how many of the world's people? A 100 million B 500 million C 1 billion D 3 billion

3 billion. This figure is expected to rise to 4 billion by 2025. In some languages the words for rice, food and agriculture are the same.

2) How many of the world's rice farmers are smallholders - typically living on plots of less than one hectare? 60% 70% 80% 90%

90%. 2 billion people depend on growing and processing rice for a living. 96% of the world's farmers are from poor countries.

3) In 2003 how much money did the United States government pay its rice farmers in subsidies? $175 million $550 million $1.3 billion $1.5 billion

$1.3 billion. The crop cost $1.8bn to grow meaning the United States government effectively paid 72% of the bill for rice production. Between 2000 and 2003 it cost an average $415 to grow and mil one tonne of white rice in the US. However, this was dumped on developing countries for $274 per tonne, 34% below its true cost. Local farmers struggle to compete with this artificially cheap rice.

4) How much of the rice eaten in Haiti - itself a rice producing country - comes from farms in the United States? 10% 25% 50% 75%

75% - or three of every four plates. In the early 1980s Haiti produced almost all of the rice it consumed - but came under pressure from the IMF to cut its import tariff from 35% to 3%. This led to a surge of cheap subsidised rice from the US - Haiti's rice farmers income slumped by 25% as a result.

5) What percentage of international aid goes towards supporting agriculture in poor countries? 8% 16% 32% 64%

8%. Between 1984 and 2002 total aid to agriculture fell by more than two-thirds. Agricultural aid is now just 8 per cent of total aid given to poor countries - down by more than 50 per cent on its share in the early 1980s.

OPTION 2--Let me illustrate this here. Let’s say this person (choose an audience member A) is president of America. And this person is president of Haiti (choose audience member B). You are the farmers of America. You are the farmers of Haiti (point out groups). You are the consumers who will buy the rice. The president of America (person A) can give lots of money to his/her farmers. Right now the US government is giving about $232 per hectare in government subsidies to its rice farmers. The president of Haiti has no money to give its rice farmers. So, when the American farmers go to market, they can sell their rice for $20/50kg sack. 40% of their profit comes from the government subsidies. The Haitian govt. couldn’t give its farmers money. So, they had to sell their rice for ~$30/50 kilograms. Who will you consumers buy from? And what will happen to the farmers in the Haiti? (for more stories on unfair trade, go to: , click on fair trade)

Economic aid 50 times better at eliminating poverty.

COFFEE CHAIN—shows who makes money from coffee and how much:

Bono described a 2002 visit to Soweto, South Africa, where he talked with a young widower trying to decide whether to keep his life-saving AIDS drugs for himself or give them to the woman he had come to love. "He said, 'I can give her my drugs and my children can lose their last parent, or we can share the drugs and both die slowly, or I can keep the drugs and lose, for the second time, my love,' Bono recalled. "I stood there thinking, This is barbaric. This is actually barbaric." (SLIDE—Let’s make Poverty History) Is that what you want to say when Jesus comes back and asks you how you used your resources? I hope not. I hope that all of us are able to say that we have fought a good fight and that we have done all the good that we could do! I hope we will work to MAKE POVERTY HISTORY! ------

(SLIDE) CHARGING INTEREST IS EVIL (especially to the poor or relatives) In Nehemiah 5:7, Nehemiah strongly reproved the rich for charging interest. He said, "You are oppressing your own relatives by charging them interest when they borrow money!" …You are selling them back into slavery again. How often must we redeem them?" The Bible, the Koran and many religious and ancient texts condemn charging interest as a way that the rich can steal from the poor. They strongly support the rich investing wisely. with the so that the lender is very interested in the success of the borrower. But, they condemn one person getting rich while another suffers.

(SLIDE) EVERY PERSON HAS A RIGHT TO LAND (and/or natural resources) Ellen White says, “If men would give more heed to the teaching of God's Word, they would find a solution of these problems that perplex them….In God's plan for Israel every family had a home on the land, with sufficient ground for tilling. Thus were provided both the means and the incentive for a useful, industrious, and self-supporting life. And no devising of men has ever improved upon that plan. To the world's departure from it is owing, to a large degree, the poverty and wretchedness that exist today. . . . {WM 195.3} If each family owned land or natural resources, every individual could support himself and get out of poverty with diligent work. Under God’s system people could not sell their children’s heritage. Every 50 years the land would return to the family and the next generation would have a new chance to make a good life.

53. The last couple years I’ve been doing a lot of studying in the Bible and on economics. People are often surprised to learn that the Bible has so much to say on poverty. But, according to one pastor, there are more verses in the Bible about poverty than there are about prayer.

God has made men His stewards, and He is not to be charged with the sufferings, the misery, the nakedness, and the want of humanity. The Lord has made ample provision for all. {WM 16.1} In the US, some 25,000 cotton producers receive almost $4bn a year in subsidies.

According to the World Bank, this has had a substantial influence on the world price for cotton, which has been hovering at all-time lows in the past two years.

At least 10 million small-scale cotton growers in West and Central Africa are suffering dramatically from the plummeting prices. ... Mali's Finance Minister Bassary Toure goes even further in his criticism of European and American governments.

"The money that those countries put into agricultural subsidies is five times what they give as development assistance. And we've always said to those rich countries, "you're hypocrites". You tell us to play the rules of the open market at the same time as you subsidize your farmers."

"How can they twist the arms of our impoverished farmers, when they're using extraordinary amounts of money to subsidize farmers in America and Europe?"

Mali has now linked up with Benin, Burkina Faso and Chad, to fight along with Brazil the US and European cotton subsidies at the World Trade Organization.

But back in Konseguila, all this talk does nothing to ease the immediate suffering and mayor Tiecoura Kone, says the famine is serious. He has a message for western governments.

"If the West is going to continue to subsidise its farmers the people in the impoverished country of Mali will continue to harvest the costs." ------International trade is destroying the livelihoods of poor farmers in Africa, says Christian Aid's new goodwill ambassador, Kwame Kwei-Armah, who is star of BBC's Casualty, Celebrity Fame Academy and a writer for the National Theatre.

Kwame has recently returned from Senegal where he saw for himself the disastrous impact imports from rich countries are having on the lives of poor people in the country. While there, he witnessed how Senegal's national dish, thieboudienne (pron: cheb-oo-jen), a rice and fish stew, is now made with mostly imported ingredients - a recipe for disaster for Senegalese farming and fishing families.

'Before I went to Senegal I didn't really understand how grossly unfair international trade has become and how the losers are the poorest people in the world's least developed countries,' said Kwame. 'I saw a very proud people, working hard to be self sufficient, but ultimately fighting a losing battle because of policies made in rich countries thousands of miles away.

'It's not about romanticising and clinging to traditional industries, it's just about giving people a chance to earn a living,' said Kwame. 'What the people I met in Senegal need is trade justice - positive discrimination in the global trading system so they can catch up. The rules of international trade should be rewritten to work in their favour.' ------Jamaican dairy farmers are throwing away milk that they are unable to sell - thanks to a market flooded with cheap imports from Europe

"Dairy farmers are crying out for help. But we cannot offer them a market while processors have a choice of cheap imports. This is our opportunity to say to Europe: 'Export subsidies are killing the developing countries. Jamaican farmers are pleading with you.'" - Fiona Black, Dairy Herd Services, Jamaica

Before the early 1990s, the Jamaican dairy industry was healthy, and growing. But when the Jamaican government opened up the dairy market to imports - in response to pressure from the World Bank - that changed overnight. Shiploads of cheap milk powder from Europe, produced and exported with the aid of massive EU subsidies, spelt disaster for Jamaica's dairy farmers.

Jamaican dairy processors - including the multinational, Nestl?- have turned their backs on the local dairy industry, preferring to use the cheaper, imported powder.

In spite of their efforts over the past ten years, Jamaican dairy farmers are losing the battle against subsidised imports. Less than one-fifth of what the country consumes is now provided by the local industry.

The effects on dairy farmers - many of whom are women running their own small businesses - are disastrous. They are literally throwing away thousands of litres of milk from overflowing coolers. Many are leaving the industry that has supported their families for generations.

Rich countries pressure poor countries to open up their markets - and then dump subsidised goods on them, wreaking havoc on local industries. At the same time, rich countries fiercely protect their own markets from poor countries' exports. ------Fourteen million people die from treatable diseases every year. Many of these lives could be saved if cheap drugs were available

"It is not right that we cannot get the medicines we need. If we had access to anti-retrovirals we would have a future. I really can't see a future, not for me, not for my children. But we will just keep on struggling." - Belkis Perez, Dominican Republic Belkis and her second child, Jennifer, were diagnosed HIV-positive four years ago when Belkis was pregnant with her third daughter, Yania (left). She did not receive the simple medication which would have prevented the virus from passing to her child, so Yania was also born with AIDS.

Belkis can't afford the anti-retroviral drugs that could greatly prolong her and her children's lives. Like millions of other people around the world, Belkis and her children are condemned to death because they are poor. And it could get worse.

Global trading rules - drawn up by rich nations at the World Trade Organisation - oblige all countries to grant at least 20-year patents on new drugs manufactured by the transnational pharmaceutical companies. This will prevent poor countries from producing their own cheaper equivalents of those drugs, and drive medicines even further out of reach of poor people.

The pharmaceutical companies claim that the patents (which effectively put an end to competition) are fair. They argue that patents allow them to recoup their investment in developing new drugs, and to spend more on further research. In fact, as some companies privately admit, developing-country markets are so small that they make little difference to their research agenda. ------Unemployment created by Bangladesh's garment industry crisis means some parents can no longer afford to send their children to school

"I used to go to the government school in my village. I loved it so much I used to get there very early, before all the other children arrived," says ten-year-old Momena. "When we moved to Dhaka my mother got a job at one of the garment factories and I was able to continue my education."

Momena is a lively, intelligent girl who dreamed of one day having a good job, a decent income, and a better life. But now that dream has been shattered. Like thousands of other garment workers, Momena's mother has been laid off, and the family can no longer afford to send their daughter to school.

Momena now spends her days helping her mother to cook and clean for a well-off family. The ten-year-old is all too aware that she is being deprived of the one thing that could help her to enjoy a better future. "When I see my friends going to school in the morning I want to cry," she says. "But what can I do? I need to help my family to survive."

Momena is not alone. In Bangladesh, 21 per cent of all school-age children are out of school. They will grow up to join the 45 million illiterate adults who are unable to grasp the opportunities that an education would have given them. Now the crisis in the garment industry looks set to make things worse.

Billionaire and philanthropist Bill Gates, says, "We can do this, and when we do, it will be the best thing that humanity has ever done."

4) UNFAIR TRADE: Wealthy nations of the world give their farmers US $1 billion per day in subsidies. These farmers then export the food to poor countries (esp. in Africa and South America) and sell them very cheaply. Poor farmers don’t get subsidies from their governments, so, they can’t compete. They can’t sell their food and so they have no money for clothes, school, medicine, etc. Rich countries also prohibit poor governments from subsidizing their farmers. If the governments help their farmers, they can’t get aid. This is a deadly hypocrisy since rich countries governments give massive amounts of money to their farmers. Rich countries pressure poor countries to open up their markets - and then dump subsidized goods on them, wreaking havoc on local industries. At the same time, rich countries fiercely protect their own markets from exports from poor countries.

Here are examples of the results of this trade injustice. In 1997, farmers could expect to receive more than 600 shillings - around 24 pence - for a kilo of their sun-dried robusta coffee beans. By 2001 the price had fallen 70% to 100 shillings. Similarly, world cotton prices have fallen to record lows, and over 10 million small-scale cotton growers in Africa are suffering terribly.

Bruno Selugo, a 17-year old boy in Uganda says, "Everyone used to pay for school with the money from coffee. But now the price is so low that people are not even picking coffee. We can't survive like this. I can't have a better future if I don't go to school." Bruno and his brother Michael (15) have been forced to drop out of school because their family can no longer pay the fees. In 1997, there were more than 400 students at Bruno's school. By the end of 2001, there were just 54. In this way subsidization is destroying the futures of many young people.

HAITI: "Rice producers want a better life. We work hard for it. But when we get to market we are bombarded with an invasion of cheap imported rice, so we have to sell at any price that a buyer is prepared to give us. How can we compete against the big guys?" - Inodil Fils, rice farmer, Haiti

In the early 1980s, Haiti produced almost all of its own rice. But pressure from the international community & the USA forced Haiti to open up its markets to foreign imports. As a result, Haiti has been flooded by cheap, subsidized rice from the USA. This has driven down the price of local rice, with devastating consequences like widespread child malnutrition for one-fifth of Haiti's population. Many farmers have taken their children out of school because they can't pay the fees. Many rice growers are now unable to buy the foods that would give them and their families a well-balanced diet. So, fifty per cent of chilren in Haiti are malnourished, with the highest rate in the rice-growing areas. (for more stories on unfair trade, go to:, click on fair trade section and stories listed there)

God has made men His stewards, and He is not to be charged with the sufferings, the misery, the nakedness, and the want of humanity. The Lord has made ample provision for all. {WM 16.1}

In the mid-1970s, Ghana's rice industry supplied all the rice needed to meet national demand. It could still provide the bulk of it today. But harsh conditions imposed by the IMF and World Bank – in return for loans – allow an ever- increasing torrent of unnecessary imports. Ghana's parliament tried raise the tariff, but was forced to back down by the IMF. Now, at Ghana's markets, customers often ignore the huge bowlfuls of nutritious locally grown brown rice on display. Instead, they buy from nearby shops that are stacked to the ceiling with sacks of cheap white rice from the USA, heavily subsidised by the US government. US farmers receive around $232 per hectare in government subsidies – more than Al-Hassan's annual income. It's no wonder that farmers like him are unable to compete. ------Slavery and poverty

54. Poverty happens because people disregard God’s economic laws. There are at least 13 economic laws that I have found in the Bible and that really have ended extreme poverty. When they were followed, hunger, homelessness and other terrible conditions have been ended in cities, tribes and even nations. Here are 5 of them very briefly: 6) (SLIDE) TRADE FAIRLY/PAY FAIR WAGES The Bible says that God hates unfair business practices and never forgets them. Amos 8 says, “4Listen to this you who rob the poor and trample the needy!…5…you cheat the helpless and measure out your grain in false measures and weigh it out on dishonest scaled…6..Then you enslave the poor for a debt of one piece of silver or gold or a pair of sandals. 7Now, the Lord has sworn this oath by his own name, the Pride of Israel, “I will never forget the wicked things you have done! Unfair business rules and practices exploit the poor and are a kind of slavery of the poor. Every year millions of people die because of unfair economic practices. More on this later.

7) (SLIDE) CANCEL DEBTS EVERY 7 YEARS In Deuteronomy 15:1, God gave this command. “At the end of every seventh year, you must cancel your debts.” Many countries in the world are in debt so much that ½ of their GDP goes to pay off the debt.

(SLIDE-Debt Results) This makes it impossible for them to improve education, health care, roads, housing and many other things. Canceling debt was a way that God gave new hope to people that they could build a good future.

In biblical times if one fell into debt their go'el, or next-of-kin, had the first option of buying back the person's property, land or freedom to protect the person, family and property. Yahweh was considered the final Go'el for Israel. This was also a symbol to people of Christ’s death which cancels the debt to sin that we can never pay. Christ is the one who releases us and redeems us.

8) (SLIDE) SHARE & BE GENEROUS TO THE POOR The Bible often commands us to share with the needy. James 1:27 for example says this, “Pure and true religion in the sight of God our Father means that we must care for orphans and widows in their troubles, and refuse to let the world corrupt us. Notice that the first aspect of true religion is taking care of the needy. Ellen White says, “If men would do their duty as faithful stewards of their Lord's goods, there would be no cry for bread, none suffering in destitution, none naked and in want. It is the unfaithfulness of men that brings about the state of suffering in which humanity is plunged.”{WM 16.3} 18 Studies by the United Nations report that just an additional $70–$80 billion a year would be enough to provide access to essential services like basic health care and education for all the poor of the earth.

(SLIDE—education) All children in the world could be education for only 3 billion pounds. If American only Christians tithed, we would have 143 billion dollars to end poverty AND $60–$70 billion more to do evangelism around the world. Unfortunately the tithing rate has dropped from 12% to 6% since 2000. What would happen if all Christians in the world tithed? Christians alone could end poverty!

55. (SLIDE--summary) These are some of the Bible principles on economics and poverty. In Welfare Ministry, page 173.3, she says, “There are not many, even among educators and statesmen, who comprehend the causes that underlie the present state of society. Those who hold the reins of government are not able to solve the problem of moral corruption, poverty, pauperism, and increasing crime. They are struggling in vain to place business operations on a more secure basis. If men would give more heed to the teaching of God's Word, they would find a solution for the problems that perplex them. Testimonies, vol. 9, pp. 12, 13. 56. make it impossible for many of the poor to sell the crops that they grow. Because of this their children are malnourished, they can’t earn money to support their families, they can’t buy medicine and their children can’t get an education. It dooms them to a horrible future. Every year millions die because of extreme stupid poverty.

In the mid-1970s, Ghana's rice industry supplied all the rice needed to meet national demand. It could still provide the bulk of it today. But harsh conditions imposed by the IMF and World Bank – in return for loans – allow an ever- increasing torrent of unnecessary imports. Ghana's parliament tried raise the tariff, but was forced to back down by the IMF. Now, at Ghana's markets, customers often ignore the huge bowlfuls of nutritious locally grown brown rice on display. Instead, they buy from nearby shops that are stacked to the ceiling with sacks of cheap white rice from the USA, heavily subsidised by the US government. US farmers receive around $232 per hectare in government subsidies – more than Al-Hassan's annual income. It's no wonder that farmers like him are unable to compete. QUOTES AND ARTICLES FROM FAMOUS PEOPLE ABOUT POVERTY LONDON, England (AP) -- British Prime Minister Tony Blair said it is crucial to address terrorism's underlying causes, which he identified as deprivation, lack of democracy and ongoing conflict in the Middle East.

Thursday's bomb attacks on London demonstrate the pressing need for world leaders to tackle problems like poverty, he told BBC radio.

"I think this type of terrorism has very deep roots," Blair said. "As well as dealing with the consequences of this -- trying to protect ourselves as much as any civil society can -- you have to try to pull it up by its roots," he said.

That meant boosting understanding between people of difference religions, helping people in the Middle East see a path to democracy and easing the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians, he said.

"Ultimately what we now know, if we didn't before, is that where there is extremism, fanaticism or acute and appalling forms of poverty in one continent, the consequences no longer stay fixed in that continent, they spread to the rest of the world" said Blair.

BONO, GELDOF REACTION TO G8 AFRICA COMMUNIQUE Reaction from Bono, lead singer of U2 and co-founder of DATA (Debt AIDS Trade Africa): "A mountain has been climbed only to reveal high peaks north of us. But for this moment, let's stop and look back at just how far we've come. The world around us has changed. What does $50 billion mean to the poorest of the poor, $25 billion of which is going to Africa? As examples, it means the financing is in place to halve deaths from malaria by 2010. Six hundred thousand people will be alive to remember this G8 in Gleneagles who would have lost their lives to a mosquito bite. Three thousand Africans -- mostly children -- die every day from malaria. Every country who delivers a credible plan to put their children in school will have the money to do so. If the words are followed through, 9 million people across the globe will have access to lifesaving AIDS drugs, which brings us to the most important lesson learnt over the past weeks. The world spoke, and the politicians listened. Now, if the world keeps an eye out, they will keep their promises. It is down to the hundreds of thousands -- indeed millions -- who have assembled on this issue to make sure they don't just sign the cheque, but that they cash it. If an Irish rock star can quote Churchill, this is not the end of extreme poverty, but it is the beginning of the end." On the US: "We always want more on the numbers but there's no questioning the man's commitment to Africa. His money on malaria has been matched leaving this President in the enviable position of leading the charge against the world's most wanted killer diseases--HIV and malaria. I wish he would have matched the European challenge on overall assistance. He has a great idea for every country with a credible plan to put African children in school but by today's numbers, the Europeans are mostly paying for it."

Reaction from Sir Bob Geldof, member of the Commission for Africa and creator of Live 8: "It is only time that will decide whether this summit is historic or not. What is true is that never before have so many people forced a change in policy onto the global agenda, and that policy has been addressed. The beginning of the end of making poverty history starts now. The summit at Gleneagles is a qualified triumph. A great justice has been done. We are beginning to see the lives of the poor of Africa determined not by charity but by justice. It's been a long walk from Live Aid's $200 million 20 years ago to Live 8's $25 billion today. This has been without equivocation the greatest G8 summit there has ever been for Africa. Today gives Africa the opportunity of beginning to end poverty over the next 10 years. We need Live 8's 3 billion people to make sure it gets done." QUOTES ON POVERTY TO SHARE WITH STUDENTS You can share these with students as an intro thought at the beginning of class.

We may give to the poor, and harm them, by teaching them to be dependent. Such giving encourages selfishness and helplessness. Often it leads to idleness, extravagance, and intemperance. No man who can earn his own livelihood has a right to depend on others. The proverb "The world owes me a living" has in it the essence of falsehood, fraud, and robbery. The world owes no man a living who is able to work and gain a living for himself. {Ministry of Healing 195.1} Ellen White

Real charity helps men to help themselves. If one comes to our door and asks for food, we should not turn him away hungry; his poverty may be the result of misfortune. But true beneficence means more than mere gifts. It means a genuine interest in the welfare of others. We should seek to understand the needs of the poor and distressed, and to give them the help that will benefit them most. To give thought and time and personal effort costs far more than merely to give money. But it is the truest charity. {Ministry of Healing 195.2} Ellen White

"To ease another's heartache, is to forget one's own."-By Abrham Lincoln

If the misery of the poor be caused not by the laws of nature, but by our institutions, great is our sin. ~Charles Darwin

God forbid that India should ever take to industrialism after the manner of the west... keeping the world in chains. If [our nation] took to similar economic exploitation, it would strip the world bare like locusts. ~Mahatma Gandhi

Empty pockets never held anyone back. Only empty heads and empty hearts can do that. ~Norman Vincent Peale

Poverty sits by the cradle of all our great men and rocks all of them to manhood. ~Heinrich Heine

You can't get rid of poverty by giving people money. ~P.J. O'Rourke, A Parliament of Whores

The poverty of our century is unlike that of any other. It is not, as poverty was before, the result of natural scarcity, but of a set of priorities imposed upon the rest of the world by the rich. Consequently, the modern poor are not pitied...but written off as trash. The twentieth-century consumer economy has produced the first culture for which a beggar is a reminder of nothing. ~John Berger

Poverty is like punishment for a crime you didn't commit. ~Eli Khamarov, Lives of the Cognoscenti

The prevalent fear of poverty among the educated classes is the worst moral disease from which our civilization suffers. ~William James

It would be nice if the poor were to get even half of the money that is spent in studying them. ~Bill Vaughan

Every man has a right to be poor. ~Richard Jefferies

Love and business and family and religion and art and patriotism are nothing but shadows of words when a man's starving. ~O. Henry, Heart of the West, 1907

Affluence creates poverty. ~Marshall McLuhan

Poverty is the mother of crime. ~Marcus Aurelius

Hunger makes a thief of any man. ~Pearl S. Buck

To a man with an empty stomach food is God. ~Gandhi Almsgiving tends to perpetuate poverty; aid does away with it once and for all. ~Eva Perón

There are people in the world so hungry, that God cannot appear to them except in the form of bread. ~Mahatma Gandhi

For every talent that poverty has stimulated it has blighted a hundred. ~John Gardner

However mean your life is, meet it and live it: do not shun it and call it hard names. Cultivate poverty like a garden herb, like sage. Do not trouble yourself much to get new things, whether clothes or friends. Things do not change, we change. Sell your clothes and keep your thoughts. ~Henry David Thoreau

Everybody can be great. Because anybody can serve. You don't have to have a college degree to serve... You don't have to know about Plato and Aristotle to serve. You don't have to know Einstein's theory of relativity to serve... You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love." - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.


I have been instructed to refer our people to the fifty-eighth chapter of Isaiah. Read this chapter carefully and understand the kind of ministry that will bring life into the churches.When you meet suffering souls who need help, give it to them. When you find those who are hungry, feed them. In doing this you will be working in lines of Christ's ministryThis is the special work now before us. All our praying and abstinence from food will avail nothing unless we resolutely lay hold of this work. Sacred obligations are resting upon us. {WM 29,30}

I cannot too strongly urge all our church members, all who are true missionaries, all who believe the third angel's message, all who turn away their feet from the Sabbath, to consider the message of the fifty-eighth chapter of Isaiah. The work of beneficence enjoined in this chapter is the work that God requires His people to do at this timeGod's people have a special work to do in repairing the breach that has been made in His law; and the nearer we approach the end, the more urgent this work becomes. All who love God will show that they bear His sign by keeping His commandments. . . . {WM 33.2}

The record declares, "Neither was there any among them that lacked," and it tells how the need was filled. Those among the believers who had money and possessions cheerfully sacrificed them to meet the emergency. Selling their houses or their lands, they brought the money and laid it at the apostles' feet, "and distribution was made unto every man according as he had needThus it will ever be when the Spirit of God takes possession of the life. Those whose hearts are filled with the love of Christ, will follow the example of Him who for our sake became poor, that through His poverty we might be made rich. " {AA 70.2}

There is no question in regard to the Lord's poor. They are to be helped in every case where it will be for their benefit. God wants His people to reveal to a sinful world that He has not left them to perish. Special pains should be taken to help those who for the truth's sake are cast out from their homes and are obliged to suffer. More and more there will be need of large, open, generous hearts, those who will deny self and will take hold of the cases of these very ones whom the Lord loves. The poor among God's people must not be left without provision for their wants. Some way must be found whereby they may obtain a livelihood. Some will need to be taught to work. Others who work hard, and are taxed to the utmost of their ability to support their families, will need special assistance. We should take an interest in these cases and help them to secure employment. There should be a fund to aid such worthy poor families who love God and keep His commandments. {WM 179.1}

None need fear that their liberality would bring them to want. Obedience to God's commandments would surely result in prosperity. "Thou shalt lend unto many nations," He said, "but thou shalt not borrow; and thou shalt reign over many nations, but they shall not reign over thee." Deuteronomy 15:6. {PP 533.1} QUOTES ON THE JUSTICE OF SHARING NATURAL RESOURCES--Jubilee, Land Rent Here are a few quotes by people who believe sharing natural resources is the answer to economic injustice:

Pliny the Elder (23-79), Roman naturalist, concluded, "Land monopoly ruined Rome."

Andrew Carnegie (1835-1919), the steel magnate, noted, "The most comfortable, but also the most unproductive way for a capitalist to increase his fortune, is to put all monies in sites and await that point in time when a society, hungering for land, has to pay his price."

Landlords can exploit tenants as easily as masters can slaves. Aristotle (384-322 BC) wrote that in the 7th century BC, "the whole land (of Attica) was in the hands of a few, and if the cultivators did not pay their rents, they became subject to bondage..." (The Constitution of Athens)

Two thousand years later, (7) Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860), German philosopher, noted, "Whether it is the man or the earth I own, the bird or its food, it is essentially the same thing."

Horace Greeley (1811-1872), the anti-slavery crusader, elaborated, "Whenever the ownership of the soil is so engrossed by a small part of the community that the far larger part are compelled to pay whatever the few may see fit to exact for the privilege of occupying and cultivating the Earth, there is something very much like slavery." Consider how some modern farm owners treat farm workers.

Besides this direct exploitation, there are indirect ones. As Winston Churchill noted, "land monopoly is not the only monopoly, but ... it is the mother of all other ... monopolies."

Pierre Joseph Proudhon (1809-1865), French journalist/anarchist, elaborated: "As long as land monopoly is maintained, the few can take possession of what Nature free of charge has granted to everyone, and usury will penetrate the whole society, and we will have banks, which instead of being servants for the exchange of goods will become powerful extorters."

John Maynard Keynes (1883-1946), the third great economist in the triumvirate with Smith and Marx, put this analysis in modern economese. "There have been times when it was probably the craving for the ownership of land, independently of its yield, which served to keep up the rate of interest... The high rates of interest from mortgages on land, often exceeding the probable net yield from cultivating the land, have been a familiar feature of many agricultural economies ... The competition of a high interest-rate on mortgages may well have had the same effect in retarding the growth of wealth from current investment in newly produced capital-assets, as high interest rates on long-term debts have had in more recent times." (The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money, 1936, pp. 250, 358, 241)

Abolitionist president Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865) decided, "The land, the earth God gave to man for his home, sustenance and support, should never be the possession of any man, corporation, society or unfriendly government, any more than the air or water if as much... an individual or company or enterprise requiring land should hold no more than is required for their home and sustenance, and never more than they have in actual use in the prudent management of their legitimate business, and this much should not be permitted when it creates an exclusive monopoly." (Abraham Lincoln and the Men of His Time, Browne, Dr. Robert)

Voltaire (1694-1778), more than a millennium later in the Age of Enlightenment, had his character Candide say, "The fruits of the earth are a common heritage of all, to which each man has equal right." His colleague, (19) Jean Jacques Rousseau (1712- 1778), said, "You are undone if you once forget that the fruits of the earth belong to us all, and the earth itself to no one."

Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826), author of the Declaration of Independence and with Ben Franklin the most inventive and intellectual of the Founding Fathers, wrote, "The earth is given as a common stock for men to labor and to live on... Wherever in any country there are idle lands and unemployed poor, it is clear that the laws of property have been so far extended as to violate natural right. Everyone may have land to labor for himself, if he chooses; or, preferring the exercise of any other industry, may exact for it such compensation as not only to afford a comfortable subsistence, but wherewith to provide for a cessation from labor in old age." (Notes on Virginia, 1791)

Henry George (1839-1897), author of Progress and Poverty (1879) which outsold every book of its era but the Bible, distinguished between creation and production and urged us to "abolish all taxation save on the value of land."

Mencius, the philosopher and contemporary of Confuscius in ancient China, said: 밒 n the market places, charge land-rent, but don't tax the goods; or make concise regulations and don't even charge rent. Do this, and all the merchants in the realm will be pleased and will want to set up shop in your markets. At the borders, make inspections but don't charge tariffs, then all the travelers in the realm will be pleased and will want to traverse your highways." 2A: 5. A new translation by Charles Muller. (Tom Sherrard.)

John Stuart Mill (1806-1873), English philosopher and economist, wrote, "Landlords grow rich in their sleep without working, risking or economizing. The increase in the value of land, arising as it does from the efforts of an entire community, should belong to the community and not the individual who might hold title."

Leo Tolstoy (1828-1910), who kept a photo of Henry George on his desk and whose dying words to passengers on a train were to tax land alone, told the Russian Czar and the world that "people do not argue with the teachings of George, they simply do not know it. And it is impossible to do otherwise with his teaching, for he who becomes acquainted with it cannot but agree."

Dr. Sun Yat-sen (1866-1925), father of modern China, wrote, "The teachings of Henry George will be the basis of our program of reform... The (land tax) as the only means of supporting the government is an infinitely just, reasonable, and equitably distributed tax... The centuries of heavy and irregular taxation for the benefit of the manchus have shown China the injustice of any other system of taxation."

Albert Einstein (1879-1955) said, "Men like Henry George are rare, unfortunately. One cannot imagine a more beautiful combination of intellectual keenness, artistic form, and fervent love of justice."

Helen Keller (1880-1968) wrote, "Who reads shall find in Henry George's philosophy a rare beauty and power of inspiration, and a splendid faith in the essential nobility of human nature." (In a letter to a Mr. Hennessy dated 1930 Jan 14)

Sir Winston Churchill (1874-1965) said, "I have made speeches by the yard on the subject of land value taxation, and you know what a supporter I am of that policy."

Gen. Douglas MacArthur (1880-1964), commander of the US occupation force in Japan after World War II, hired Carl Shoup to help him reform land holding and thereby rebuild Japan. Their revision of the Japanese Constitution reversed the rent ratio between owners (whose portion dropped from 2/3 to 1/3) and tenants (whose rose from 1/3 to 2/3). Shoup also simplified Japan's tax code, facilitating investment. James Michener in his novel Hawaii created a fictional version of Shoup who endorsed the single tax on land. The New York Times' lengthy obit quoted Shoup's colleague, C. Lowell Harris, emeritus Columbia and member of and Advisor to the Geonomy Society.

Confucius (BC 551-479), Chinese philosopher, said, "When the Great Way prevailed, natural resources were fully used for the benefit of all and not appropriated for selfish ends... This was the Age of the Great Commonwealth of peace and prosperity."

What keeps down such a sound idea? Brand Whitlock (1869-1934), former U.S. Ambassador to Belgium, said, "The Single Tax will wait, I fancy, for years, since it is so fundamental and mankind never attacks fundamental problems until it has exhausted all the superficial ones."

It seems we must hit bottom first. Yet perhaps we can just imagine the worst, then work our way out. (101) Aldous Huxley (1894-1963) in the preface to his Brave New World Revisited (p. viii), wrote, "If I were now to rewrite the book, I would offer a third alternative ... the possibility of sanity. Economics would be decentralist and Henry Georgian." May this sane way out of our modern dilemma yet attract a critical mass of thoughtful reformers.

Pictures from: SUGGESTIONS FOR PRESENTATION IMPROVEMENT Suggestions for improvement for next time from me and team members: --make some binary questions for low level students --have translator not seen…Byung gyu’s idea…but not sure this is so great --change Heal the World song…key is too high for most to enjoy singing…We are the world?? --fix speaker system for videos next time --a bit more enthusiasm from translator --better if both speaker and translator can kind of memorize the script…so we aren’t so stuck to the paper…not bad…but could be a bit better here… --add…I used to think solving poverty was impossible…and info about Korea heavily subsidizing it’s farmers, make solutions to poverty a little clearer..include gigantic solution of making trade fair as #1.

Print Script for 3 people Prepare CD/USB with script, presentation, song files, videos, etc. Print discussion questions, song lyrics, handout for students Print handout with English (with blank spaces) and Korean Bring old CD Bring blank CD Get thank yous Get Whiteband stuff from Vision Take keyboard? Bring Lord I give you my heart CD Make handout cover???

IDEAS FOR SERMON: On earth verse, 2 Corinthians verse, Jesus idea from internet, Mi-ae/Destiny, Bible verses, #60S

POVERTY—AH 170??, training/discipleship, listening without doing, testimony/service, SDAs join other movements, how many can it save/why get involved, just giving money is not enough, pictures of Destiny/Mi-ae **question time??

On earth as it is in heaven verse, Deut 15/10 Sermon: even churches often don’t take God seriously, but when we do, amazing things happen, working with non- SDAs, saying go to hell, Christian activists-John Newton, James Grant, man who saved a billion lives, basketball sharing, we obey teachers and police and parents, but why not God, keep alive this passion, this fire,

You Can Change the World, Utopia is not a Fantasy, On Earth as it is in Heaven, Making Earth A Little Bit of Heaven, To Give you a Hope and a Future

GCAP, networking body for whiteband campaign, Sept. 16- Oct. 17, Kor GCAP, online campaign from Oct 9-17 with DAUM (not quite concluded). “Stand up against poverty.” Korea will count the number who click Daum,

Events: maybe in front of City Hall Daum campaign website: doesn’t know yet call Do-hye—011-9582-0823 2 weeks before 10/17 will know more buy whiteband at: map to CCEJ: focus on Deuteronomy 15:4-6, Deut 10. Deut 30:15-20 KOREAN NGOs JOINING THE CAMPAIGN

Public launching of Korean NGOs Network against Global Poverty

"Even though we have achieved this remarkable economic development, our contribution to the alleviation of poverty is insignificant compared to what we've received from the international community," the Network points out in its declaration. It asserts that Korean civil society should do its duty as a member of international civil society as well.

Representatives of participating NGOs and H.E. Radinck J. van Vollenhoven, the ambassador of the Netherlands, took part in this event and offered congratulations on the inauguration of the Korean NGOs Network Against Poverty.

There was a white-band wearing event at the end of the public launching event to declare its commitment to continue the poverty reduction campaign. The Network made public its plan to participate in the global White Band Day Campaign-to engage in activities to raise the awareness of Korean people about international cooperation, to call upon Korean government to improve ODA drastically, and to join movements through cooperation with international civil society. The Network announced that its plan for the 1st White Band Day campaign will be held on 25 June 2005, the memorial day of the Korean War in 1950.

Korean Coalition: Korea NGO Council for Overseas Cooperation(KCOC), Citizens' Coalition for Economic Justice (CCEJ), National YWCA of Korea, World Vision Korea, Korean Committee for UNICEF, Korean Foundation for World Aid, Save the Children Korea, Korea Food for the Hungry International, Good Neighbors, Global Civic Sharing, Korea Welfare Foundation, JungTo Society, Korean Women's Associations United (KWAU), Korea YMCA, Koreans Sharing Movement, Christian NGO, Green Future, Network for Green Transport, Plan Korea and Korea Anti-AIDS Federation.

For more information please contact: Ms. Kim Dohye, [email protected]

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