Beverley Town Council

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Beverley Town Council



20th May 2013 at 6.30pm

Present – Councillors Cox (Mayor), McGrath (Deputy Mayor), Aird, Astell, Elvidge, Jack, Pearson, Pinder, Sweet, Thorley and Whitfield.

In attendance – Helen Watson (Town Clerk), Catherine Goble (Administrative Assistant), Jackie Heffer (Cherry Tree Community Association)

918. To receive apologies for absence Apologies were received from Councillors Bottomley, Gray and Pearce.

919. (a) To record declarations of interest by any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below. Members declaring interests should identify the agenda item and type of interest being declared. No declarations were recorded.

(b) To note dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below. No dispensations were noted.

920. To confirm the minutes of the Town Council Meeting on the 15th April 2013 are a true and correct record of that which took place.

Resolved - The minutes of the Town Council meeting on 15 April 2013 were signed as a true and correct record.

921. To receive and adopt the minutes of the following Committees:

(a) Planning & Environment – 16th April 2013 (b) Property & Services – 22nd April 2013 (c) Personnel – 29th April 2013 (d) Policy – 1st May 2013 (e) Mayor Making – 13th May 2013 (f) Annual Town Meeting (to be signed and approved at the ATM in 2014)

Resolved - The above minutes were signed and received as a correct record, with an amendment made to (f) Annual Town Meeting – Beverley Town Council Precept – The wording ‘We have increased by £12,500 from a standing start six years ago’ was removed as it did not make sense out of context.

922. To note the minutes of the following working groups:

(a) Beverley in Bloom – 17th April 2013 (b) Christmas Lights – 7th May 2013

Resolved - The minutes of the above working groups were noted.

923. Matters arising from the above Minutes including a review of the recorded actions.

Full Council 15.04.13 Min 900 – Councillors Cox and Pinder and the Town Clerk need to arrange a follow-up meeting regarding the human resources review.

Full Council 15.04.13 Min 905 – The Town Clerk should contact Nigel Leighton at ERYC regarding devolution of services.

Property & Services 22.04.13 Min 206(b) – The Town Clerk reported that orders had been received for 50 hanging baskets. The Town Clerk requested that thanks should be given to Beverley in Bloom for the work they have done in organising a rainbow of colour around the town for the summer season.

Property & Services 22.04.13 Min 208 – The Town Clerk reported that town entry signs are at a standstill as nothing could be agreed upon at Renaissance Group. Austin Lillico will inform of any updates to the situation. Property & Services 22.04.13 Min 210 – Litter bins have been sited as requested, including using some of the existing street furniture from Saturday Market.

Beverley in Bloom 17.04.13 Min 527 – The Town Clerk reported that the watering system is in place and ready to be used. It has been checked by the handyman.

924. To receive reports of external organisation meetings attended and correspondence received:

(i) ERNLLCA letter regarding comments made about larger councils –circulated (ii) ERYC Healthwatch –circulated (iii) Beverley Renaissance Partnership – 11.03.13 - Business and Economy Action Group- circulated (iv) Beverley Renaissance Partnership – 17.04.13 - Management Committee –circulated (v) Beverley Rural Community Partnership – 08.03.13 - Heart Town –circulated. (vi) Beverley Rural Community Partnership – 10.04.13 –circulated (vii) ERYC Town/Parish Councils Liaison meeting Agenda & Minutes – 03.06.13 –circulated (viii) Beverley Chamber of Trade 24.04.13 –circulated (ix) The Bells of Beverley 09.04.13 –circulated.

Resolved - The above reports and correspondence were received.

925. Mayor’s Announcements

Resolved - The Mayor did not have any announcements to report.

926. To discuss issues from the Annual Town Meeting

Members discussed that the annual town meeting was extremely well-attended and views were expressed freely. Comments need to be passed back to East Riding of Yorkshire Council directly for their information. Other comments made regarding the closing of Flemingate crossing, Samman Road Day Centre and Saturday Market will all be included. It was suggested that the Town Clerk contact Alan Menzies with the information, for him to disseminate it to the relevant people. Councillor Pearson said he saw an email from someone in the Civic Society which encouraged people to attend the town meeting to talk about the southern bypass serving the Grovehill estate. His concerns were noted. Resolved – The Town Clerk to send a letter to Alan Menzies detailing the issues brought up at the town meeting.

927. To discuss the failing paving on Toll Gavel and Wednesday Market – Cllr Jack to report

A lot of the paving is cracking and spoiling which is causing trip hazards. Cllr Jack asked whose responsibility it is, and whether it is poor specification or due to the quality of materials supplied. Discussions ensued, with members who are also on ERYC saying that regular inspections have taken place and it has been noted. They will be replaced at the expense of the people who put them in. Should the company go out of business, the responsibility will fall on ERYC. It is being taken under consideration, but these things take time. It was suggested that a complaint go in to Nigel Leighton at ERYC from the Town Council, backing up the views expressed by Cllr Jack and those at the annual town meeting. We do not want them to replace it with similar materials and have the same issues again. Resolved – The Town Clerk to send a letter to Nigel Leighton outlining the Town Council’s concerns.

928. To consider policies and human resources report summary and recommendations, discussed by Policy Committee and Personnel Committee

i) Human Resources report summary and recommendations – see circulated. Members discussed the on-going role of the personnel committee to carry the recommendations forward. A member remarked that the staff team’s views need to be taken on board when discussing the future working practice. We need to recognise the pressure that the staff are under at the moment, particularly without the assistant town clerk, and the impact of the new working arrangements. Members thanked officers for the additional work undertaken at present, to cover staff absence. ii) Annual Leave policy – see circulated Resolved - The annual leave policy was accepted. iii) Toil and Overtime Policy – see circulated Resolved - The Toil and Overtime Policy has been withdrawn and will be taken back to personnel committee as some of the wording is incorrect and staff have expressed their concerns.

929. To consider the increased charges for use of the Guildhall – see circulated email

Members discussed the significant price increase imposed by ERYC, for hire of the Guildhall, The Town Clerk has asked for an explanation as to why the charges have increased. Members had a brief discussion but agreed that changes to the charges do not lie under the Town Council’s directive and all we can do is note it and accept it. We do not use the Guildhall very often and the people of Beverley are likely to accept Beverley Town Council paying the charges, as and when we do use it. Resolved – To accept the new charges for the Guildhall, and continue using it when required.

930. To receive the Detached Youth Report Resolved – The Detached Youth Report was received.

931. To approve the following Committees & Working Groups and their members/substitutes for the current Municipal Year

Policy Committee (8 members) Councillor Cox withdrew from the policy committee and a vote was taken for his replacement. Councillor Pearson was elected with five votes. A vote was taken on a substitute, with Councillor Whitfield being elected with seven votes to Councillor Aird’s three. Resolved – Cllr Astell, Cllr Gray, Cllr Jack, Cllr McGrath, Cllr Pearson, Cllr Pinder, Cllr Sweet, Cllr Thorley. Substitute – Cllr Whitfield.

Planning & Environment Committee (7 members) The members of the planning and environment committee will remain the same as in the 2012/13 year. There are two vacancies. Resolved – Cllr Aird, Cllr Astell, Cllr Bottomley, Cllr McGrath, Cllr Sweet, Cllr Whitfield

Property & Services Committee (7 members) The members of the property and services committee will remain the same as in the 2012/13 year. Councillor Pinder was elected as substitute. Resolved – Cllr Astell, Cllr Bottomley, Cllr Cox, Cllr Elvidge, Cllr Pearson, Cllr Thorley, Cllr Whitfield. Substitute – Cllr Pinder.

Personnel Committee (4 members) Discussion took place regarding membership of the personnel committee and the grievance committee. It was decided that the personnel committee would remain the same as in the 2012/13 year. But the disciplinary and grievance committee should include all remaining councillors, of which only three will serve at one time for a single issue. With a further, and different, three required for a second stage. Members of each political party should be represented in the three people chosen each time. The motion was proposed by Councillor Pinder and seconded by Councillor McGrath, and carried unanimously. Resolved – Cllr Cox, Cllr Gray, Cllr McGrath, Cllr Pearce. All remaining councillors to be part of the disciplinary and grievance committee.

Grants (2 members per ward) Councillor Pearce was removed from the St Mary’s East ward committee, and replaced by Councillor Cox. All other members remained the same as in 2012/13. Resolved – St Mary’s West: Cllr Aird and Cllr Pearson, St Mary’s East: Cllr Cox and Cllr Elvidge, Minster North: Cllr Pinder and Cllr Thorley, Minster South: Cllr Sweet and Cllr Whitfield.

Beverley in Bloom (3 members) Councillor Bottomley was added to the official working group, having expressed his desire to join the group last year. Resolved – Cllr Astell, Cllr Bottomley, Cllr Whitfield

Beverley Christmas Lights (3 members) The members of the Christmas lights working group will remain the same as in the 2012/13 year. Resolved – Cllr Bottomley, Cllr Gray, Cllr Whitfield.

Code of Conduct Committee Resolved - It had previously been decided to adopt the same policy as East Riding of Yorkshire Council and therefore would be dealt with by them.

932. To approve membership on external organisations:

Beverley Renaissance Partnership (2 delegates and 1 additional representative) Resolved – Cllr Bottomley and Cllr Sweet. Cllr Astell

Beverley & Rural Community Partnership (1 member and 1 additional representative) Resolved – Cllr Astell. Cllr Whitfield.

Beverley & Rural Community Partnership - Heart town (1 member) Resolved – Cllr Whitfield.

ERNLLCA Central District Committee (2 delegates) Resolved – Cllr Astell and Cllr Pinder

Charter Town Council & Charter Trustees Association (1 member) Resolved – Cllr Gray

Beverley Youth Town Council Resolved – We do not have a youth council at the moment, so no member was elected.

East Riding Town Councils Network (Mayor & Town Clerk) Resolved – Cllr Cox and Town Clerk

Beverley Memorial Hall Liaison (2 members) Resolved – Cllr Cox and Cllr Pinder

Flood Liaison (1 member) Resolved – Cllr Sweet

Festival of Christmas (3 members) Resolved – Cllr Astell, Cllr Bottomley and Cllr Whitfield

Schools Liaison Group (1 member) Resolved – Cllr Cox

Chamber of Trade Representative (1 member) Councillor Pinder had been asked by Julian Minshall, chairman of the chamber of trade, if she would be interested in taking on the role of representative for the Town Council. Resolved – Cllr Pinder.

ERYC Parish/Town Liaison (1 member) Resolved – Cllr Astell

933. To set dates for the first meeting of each committee meeting: - See circulated draft calendar to Sept 2013

The human resources review suggested we should streamline the committee structure, so we have provided a four- month calendar of meetings to give us time to work out a new committee plan.

Annual Town/Full Council meeting 20.05.13 Motion: “That the following provision of section 4 of the Scheme of Delegation Committee shall meet within the timetable approved by the Council at its Annual Meeting, be suspended pending the review of the Council’s Scheme of Delegation and related timetable, and that the interim timetable laid before Council be adopted subject to that review.” (As resolved at Policy Committee 1st May 2013). All agreed.

Resolved – Planning and Environment: Wednesday 29th May Policy: Wednesday 5th June Personnel: Monday 10th June Grants: Tuesday 25th June Property and Services: Monday 8th July Christmas Lights: Tuesday 4th June Beverley in Bloom: Wednesday 19th June.

Grant applications need to come in one week before the meeting (ie Tuesday 18th June). Cllr Sweet will write a press release and give information to the admin assistant to put on the Town Council website, Twitter and Facebook page.


Minute/Action PERSON RESPONSIBLE TIME TO BE REPORTED BACK 923 – To arrange a meeting to discuss Town Clerk, Councillor ASAP staffing roles and responsibilities Pinder, Councillor Cox 923 – Full Council 15.04.13 Min 905 – To Town Clerk ASAP contact ERYC with a view to their feedback after the previous meeting and arranging another meeting. 926 – To send a letter to Alan Menzies with Town Clerk ASAP the comments made at the annual town meeting regarding ERYC matters 927 – To send a letter to Nigel Leighton at Town Clerk ASAP ERYC expressing the Town Council’s concern at the state of the paving in Wednesday Market and Toll Gavel 928iii – To review the Toil and Overtime Personnel committee Next meeting – 10th June 2013 Policy 904 – To publicise the next round of grants Cllr Sweet/Admin Assistant ASAP applications

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