Stage 2 Preliminary Round Non Elimination

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Stage 2 Preliminary Round Non Elimination

Diocesan Spelling Bee Stage 2 Preliminary Round – Non elimination

Word: quiz

Pronunciation (say kwiz) Sentence We had a music quiz at school yesterday.

Word: beach

Pronunciation (say beech) Sentence We grabbed our towels and raced down to the beach.

Word: silver

Pronunciation (say sil-vuh) Sentence My new ring is made of silver.

Word: bridge

Pronunciation (say brij) Sentence As we drove over the bridge we could see the river below.

Word: scar

Pronunciation (say skah) Sentence She had a scar on her knee from her bike accident.

(5 words) Stage 2 – Round 1

Word: walk

Pronunciation (say wawk) Sentence Will we walk to the train station or catch the bus?

Word: breed

Pronunciation (say breed) Sentence The zoo keepers are hoping that the new elephants will breed.

Word: dawn

Pronunciation (say dawn) Sentence I had to get up at dawn to go on the school camp.

Word: church

Pronunciation (say cherch) Sentence We sat in the church waiting for the minister to begin the service.

Word: plane

Pronunciation (say playn) Sentence We are going to fly to Fiji on a plane.

Word: enjoy

Pronunciation (say en-joy) Sentence I enjoy science fiction films.

Word: thumb

Pronunciation (say thum) Sentence She hit her thumb with the hammer.

2 Word: early

Pronunciation (say er-lee) Sentence We set out early in the morning.

3 Word: marble

Pronunciation (say mah-buhl) Sentence (The grand staircase was made of marble.

Word: coach

Pronunciation (say kohch) Sentence The coach made us swim twenty laps to warm up.

Word: bush

Pronunciation (say boosh) Sentence We drove through open country, then through bush.

Word: mime

Pronunciation (say muym) Sentence You have to train for years to learn to mime well.

Word: control

Pronunciation (say kuhn-trohl) Sentence She used the control to turn the temperature up.

Word: buy

Pronunciation (say buy) Sentence I need to buy some new shoes.

Word: twig

Pronunciation (say twig) Sentence When we were camping, we used a twig to stir our tea.

Word: rash

Pronunciation (say rash)

4 Sentence He wasn’t supposed to scratch his rash even though it was really itchy.

Word: trust

Pronunciation (say trust) Sentence She’s been my friend for many years and I can trust her to help.

Word: cash

Pronunciation (say kash) Sentence I left some cash on the table to pay my paino teacher and now it’s gone.

Word: pain

Pronunciation (say payn) Sentence The pain in his leg made walking difficult.

Word: brain

Pronunciation (say brayn) Sentence An elephant’s brain is four times larger than a human’s.

Word: banjo

Pronunciation (say ban-joh) Sentence My uncle plays his banjo in a band.

Word: taxi

Pronunciation (say tak-see) Sentence We decided to take a taxi to the airport.

Word: skill

Pronunciation (say skil) Sentence She has many talents, but her greatest skill is singing.

5 Word: actor

Pronunciation (say ak-tuh) Sentence The actor who played the killer was frightening.

Word: story

Pronunciation (say staw-ree) Sentence We read a story about pirates in class today.

Word: above

Pronunciation (say uh-bove) Sentence Look above – there’s a possum in the tree!

Word: polite

Pronunciation (say puh-luyt) Sentence Even though she was very angry she tried to remain polite.

Word: verse

Pronunciation (say vers) Sentence We usually only sing the first verse of the National Anthem.

Word: creed

Pronunciation (say kreed) Sentence It is wrong to discriminate on the basis of race or creed.

Word: yellow

Pronunciation (say yel-oh) Sentence I painted my room yellow because it makes me feel happy.

Word: letter

6 Pronunciation (say let-uh) Sentence She received a letter from her friend in Vietnam.

Word: flask

Pronunciation (say flahsk) Sentence Our science teacher warned us to be very careful when we poured the acid solution into the flask.

Word: timber

Pronunciation (say tim-buh) Sentence The builder said the timber would be delivered the next day.

Word: power

Pronunciation (say pow-uh) Sentence We lost all electrical power in the blackout.

Word: data

Pronunciation (say day-tuh or dah-tuh) Sentence We collected data on the number of insects we found in the school’s playground and then entered it into the computer.

Word: smile

Pronunciation (say smuyl) Sentence We all had to smile for the camera.

Word: unit

Pronunciation (say yooh-nuht) Sentence The gram is the basic unit of weight.

Word: target

Pronunciation (say tah-guht) Sentence She hit the target with the ball and won a prize.

7 Word: laptop

Pronunciation (say lap-top) Sentence My dad took his laptop on holiday in case he needed to do any work.

Word: wisp

Pronunciation (say wisp) Sentence A wisp of smoke rose from the chimney.

Word: wild

Pronunciation (say wuyld) Sentence There are wild mushrooms growing in the paddock.

Word: waste

Pronunciation (say wayst) Sentence Don’t waste water by leaving the tap running.

Word: goal

Pronunciation (say gohl) Sentence Dad put a ring up on a tree to use as a goal so we could practise our netball.

Word: tide

Pronunciation (say tuyd) Sentence When the tide is low, you can see all the shells washed up on the shore.

Word: learn

Pronunciation (say lern) Sentence I would like to learn more about the speed of light and sound.

8 Word: golf

Pronunciation (say golf) Sentence Playing golf is good exercise because it involves a lot of walking.

Word: wombat

Pronunciation (say wom-bat) Sentence The wombat looked cute and cuddly but it had sharp claws so I stayed away.

Word: talent

Pronunciation (say tal-uhnt) Sentence The teacher said that my paintings show a talent for art.

Word: quiet

Pronunciation (say kwuy-uht) Sentence The lake is quiet early in the morning.

Word: paint

Pronunciation (say paynt) Sentence We asked our teacher for some more purple paint.

(50 words)

9 Stage 2 – Round 2

Word: flea

Pronunciation (say flee) Sentence A bite from a flea can make you very itchy.

Word: computer

Pronunciation (say kuhm-pyooh-tuh) Sentence Our new computer allows us to access the internet very quickly.

Word: sensor

Pronunciation (say-sen-suh) Sentence The sensor detected smoke, and set off the fire alarm.

Word: neither

Pronunciation (say nuy-thuh or nee- thuh) Sentence Neither colour suits me – I look awful in both orange and purple.

Word: sinew

Pronunciation (say sin-yooh) Sentence She strained a sinew in her knee playing netball.

Word: niece

Pronunciation (say nees) Sentence My aunt has five nephews, but only one niece – me!

Word: shriek

Pronunciation (say shreek) Sentence With a shriek of excitement the children ran into the waves.

Word: paddock

10 Pronunciation (say pad-uhk) Sentence During the flood, the sheep were moved to a higher paddock.

Word: dew

Pronunciation (say dyooh) Sentence The dew looked pretty, glistening on the grass in the early sun.

Word: steady

Pronunciation (say sted-ee) Sentence He is making steady progress in music.

Word: fathom

Pronunciation (say fath-uhm) Sentence One fathom is equal to six feet.

Word: altar

Pronunciation (say awl-tuh) Sentence The bride and her father walked into the church and up towards the altar.

Word: heal

Pronunciation (say heel) Sentence The job of a doctor is to try to heal sick people.

Word: engine

Pronunciation (say en-juhn) Sentence Our car’s engine stopped because we had run out of petrol.

Word: pencil

Pronunciation (say pen-suhl) Sentence I need a red pencil for this drawing.

11 Word: entire

Pronunciation (say en-tuy-uh) Sentence Michelle ate the entire cake all by herself.

Word: zebra

Pronunciation (say zeb-ruh or zee-bruh) Sentence My friend brought me back a painting of a zebra from Africa.

Word: earn

Pronunciation (say ern) Sentence He wants to earn some money by doing a paper run.

Word: router

Pronunciation (say rowt-er) Sentence We had to follow the instructions to set up the router.

Word: fresco

Pronunciation (say fress-koh) Sentence The council hired an artist to paint a fresco on the ceiling of our new town hall.

Word: tepid

Pronunciation (say tep-uhd) Sentence The water in his drink bottle was tepid because he had left it in the sun.

Word: season

Pronunciation (say see-zuhn) Sentence My favourite season is summer, because it’s warm and sunny.

Word: script

12 Pronunciation (say script) Sentence I practised my part for the play by reading the script in the bath.

Word: citrus

Pronunciation (say sit-ruhs) Sentence The citrus we planted last year is starting to produce fruit.

Word: sleeve

Pronunciation (say sleev) Sentence In art, I spilt red paint all over the sleeve of my white shirt.

Word: cornet

Pronunciation (say kaw-nuht) Sentence Luca plays the cornet in the school band.

Word: blazer

Pronunciation (say blay-zuh) Sentence The band uniform is a bright red blazer.

Word: composer

Pronunciation (say kuhm-poh-zuh) Sentence Sergei Rachmaninoff was a famous Russian composer.

Word: bushfire

Pronunciation (say boosh-fuy-uh) Sentence Several houses were destroyed before the firefighters could control the bushfire.

Word: engross

Pronunciation (say en-grohs) Sentence That book will engross you for days.

13 Word: buoy

Pronunciation (say boy) Sentence We swam around the buoy and then back to the shore.

Word: predict

Pronunciation (say pruh-dikt) Sentence The weather bureau tries to predict when it will rain, but it’s not always right.

Word: ferret

Pronunciation (say fe-ruht) Sentence It’s becoming more and more popular to keep a ferret as a pet.

Word: fever

Pronunciation (say fee-vuh) Sentence She had a fever for three days and had to stay at home.

Word: zoning

Pronunciation (say zoh-ning) Sentence The council changed the zoning of the land so that houses could be built there.

Word: braid

Pronunciation (say brayd) Sentence I will braid my hair for the school photos.

Word: vibrant

Pronunciation (say vuy-bruhnt) Sentence The vibrant colours in the fashion parade were a completely new look.

Word: unclean

14 Pronunciation (say un-kleen) Sentence They chose not to eat at that restaurant because it was so unclean inside.

Word: comfort

Pronunciation (say kum-fuht) Sentence I tried to comfort my little brother after he hurt his foot.

Word: movie

Pronunciation (say mooh-vee) Sentence Would you like to see a movie during the holidays.

Word: python

Pronunciation (say puy-thuhn) Sentence I like visiting the python at the zoo, but I wouldn’t want to meet one anywhere else!

Word: magpie

Pronunciation (say mag-puy) Sentence We wore empty ice-cream buckets on our heads to avoid being hurt if a magpie swooped while we were walking through the park.

Word: tidings

Pronunciation (say tuy-dings) Sentence The days had lengthened to weeks, and still we had not heard any tidings.

Word: strum

Pronunciation (say strum) Sentence The audience clapped as the musician started to strum his guitar.

15 Word: stadium

Pronunciation (say stay-dee-uhm) Sentence We are going to the stadium to watch tennis.

Word: mutiny

Pronunciation (say myooh-tuh-nee) Sentence We watched a film about the mutiny on the Bounty.

Word: peace

Pronunciation (say pees) Sentence Everyone celebrated when the war ended and there was peace at last.

Word: courage

Pronunciation (say ku-rij) Sentence She showed great courage when she saved the child from the fire.

Word: tomato

Pronunciation (say tuh-mah-toh) Sentence He made a tomato and cheese sandwich.

Word: melodic

Pronunciation (say muh-lod-ik) Sentence He played us a melodic tune on his clarinet.

(50 words)

16 Stage 2 - Round 3

Word: nocturnal

Pronunciation: (say nok-ter-nuhl) Sentence Possums and bats are nocturnal animals.

Word: telescope

Pronunciation (say tel-uh-skohp) Sentence The stars looked much brighter through the telescope.

Word: recuperate

Pronunciation (say ruh-kooh-puh-rayt or ree-koo-puh-rayt) Sentence It did not take her long to recuperate from the virus because she was so fit.

Word: faucet

Pronunciation (say faw-suht) Sentence Water was dripping from the tap because the faucet hadn’t been turned off completely.

Word: plateau

Pronunciation (say plat-oh) Sentence From the plateau, at the top of the mountain, we could see the endless plain beyond.

Word: relic

Pronunciation (say rel-ik) Sentence This ancient statue is a relic of a great civilisation.

Word: exercise

Pronunciation (say eks-uh-suyz) Sentence Walking is good exercise.

17 Word: communist

Pronunciation (say kom-yuh-nist) Sentence Citizens aren’t always treated equally in a communist regime.

Word: utmost

Pronunciation (say ut-mohst) Sentence The festivities would strain the small town’s resources to the utmost.

Word: bovine

Pronunciation (say boh-vuyn) Sentence Cattle, water buffalo and yaks are all part of the bovine family.

Word: blizzard

Pronunciation (say bliz-uhd) Sentence We got caught in a blizzard on the way back from our skiing trip.

Word: petunia

Pronunciation (say puh-tyoohn-yah) Sentence The nursery potted the petunia for us so we didn’t have to do it ourselves at home.

Word: incisor

Pronunciation (say in-suy-zuh) Sentence When the ball hit her in her mouth, her left incisor was knocked loose.

Word: eminence

Pronunciation (say em-uh-nuhns)

18 Sentence After many years of hard work, she had reached a position of eminence in her profession.

Word: frieze

Pronunciation (say freeze) Sentence A frieze had been carved all the way around the ancient building.

Word: organic

Pronunciation (say aw-gan-ik) Sentence They only use organic fertilizers on their crops.

Word: correlate

Pronunciation (say ko-ruh-layt) Sentence We had to correlate one set of figures with another.

Word: chariot

Pronunciation (say char-ree-uht) Sentence The actor had to learn to control a chariot for his role in the film about ancient Rome.

Word: endemic

Pronunciation (say en-dem-ik) Sentence Malaria is endemic in many tropical countries.

Word: abscond

Pronunciation (say uhb-skond) Sentence The treasurer planned to abscond with the club’s money.

Word: bizarre

Pronunciation (say buh-zah) Sentence The doctors were very worried by his bizarre behaviour. 19 Word: inflation

Pronunciation (say in-flay-shuhn) Sentence When inflation occurs, your money can buy less and less.

Word: republic

Pronunciation (say ruh-pub-lik) Sentence Australia is not a republic but the United States is.

Word: loofah

Pronunciation (say looh-fah) Sentence The gift basket contained two scented soaps, a loofah, and a moisturiser.

Word: obesity

Pronunciation (say oh-bee-suh-tee) Sentence Rates of obesity are increasing in Australia.

Word: raisin

Pronunciation (say ray-zuhn) Sentence It’s nice to have a raisin or two with cheese.

Word: fatigue

Pronunciation (say fuh-teeg) Sentence The rescued bushwalkers were suffering from fatigue.

Word: epidemic

Pronunciation (say ep-uh-dem-ik) Sentence Before vaccinations, an epidemic of flu could kill thousands of people.

Word: mollusc

20 Pronunciation (say mol-uhsk) Sentence A snail is a mollusc, and so is an oyster.

Word: dugong

Pronunciation (say dyooh-gong) Sentence The dugong was hunted for its meat and oil by some Aboriginal people.

Word: italics

Pronunciation (say i-tal-iks or uy-tal-iks) Sentence I use italics in my essays when I want to emphasise something.

Word: paraplegia

Pronunciation (say pa-ruh-plee-juh) Sentence My brother suffers from paraplegia and represents Australia in wheelchair basketball.

Word: census

Pronunciation (say sen-suhs) Sentence The government conducts a census of the whole country every five years.

Word: quantitative

Pronunciation (say kwon-tuh-tuh-tiv or kwon-tuh-tay-tiv) Sentence The analysts used quantitative data to make their comparisons.

Word: ultimate

Pronunciation (say ul-tah-muht) Sentence The ultimate objective is to get to the finals.

21 Word: briefcase

Pronunciation (say breef-kays) Sentence Mum could never fit her lunch in her briefcase, so she always had to take another bag.

Word: telecast

Pronunciation (say tel-uh-kahst) Sentence The telecast was to be screened at eight o’clock that night so we made sure we got home in time.

Word: misspell

Pronunciation (say mis-spel) Sentence You can’t afford to misspell a word in this competition if you want to do well.

Word: redolent

Pronunciation (say red-uh-luhnt) Sentence The night air was redolent of the scent of roses.

Word: appetite

Pronunciation (say ap-uh-tuyt) Sentence Your appetite is always good after you go hiking in the bush.

Word: modular

Pronunciation (say mod-yuh-luh) Sentence The library has modular furniture which can easily be moved around for different purposes.

Word: species

22 Pronunciation (spee-seez) Sentence Chimpanzees are a species of monkey.

Word: lyrics

Pronunciation (say li-riks) Sentence Can you remember the lyrics of that song we heard last night?

Word: trombone

Pronunciation (say trom-bohn) Sentence Joe gets very annoyed when his sister practises her trombone while he is trying to poach eggs.

(44 words)

23 Stage 2 - Round 4

Word: narrowcast

Pronunciation (say na-roh-kahst) Sentence We didn’t see the program because it was narrowcast on a pay- TV station only.

Word: fraternal

Pronunciation (say fruh-ter-nuhl) Sentence They weren’t brothers, but they had a fraternal relationship because they had been close friends all their lives.

Word: witness

Pronunciation (say wit-nuhs) Sentence Because Mum was the first witness at the scene of the accident, the police wanted to ask her lots of questions.

Word: coolamon

Pronunciation (say kooh-luh-mon) Sentence The coolamon was full of yams and nuts.

Word: dramatist

Pronunciation (say dram-uh-tust) Sentence The actor was overwhelmed to be chosen by the dramatist to perform in his new play.

Word: dynasty

Pronunciation (say din-uh-stee) Sentence The Ming dynasty ruled in China for over two hundred years from the 14th-17th century.

Word: tetanus

Pronunciation (say tet-nuhs or tet-uh-nuhs)

24 Sentence These days, most people in Australia are immunised against tetanus, so it is not very common.

Word: tabulate

Pronunciation (say tab-yuh-layt) Sentence We had to tabulate the amount of rain that fell each day over the whole month.

Word: arsenic

Pronunciation (say ah-suh-nik) Sentence Arsenic was often used as a poison in old murder mysteries.

Word: fauna

Pronunciation (say faw-nuh) Sentence The fauna of Australia includes the kangaroo.

Word: rueful

Pronunciation (say rooh-ful) Sentence She had a rueful look on her face as she looked at the broken window.

Word: dissolute

Pronunciation (say dis-uh-looht) Sentence The film was about a dissolute man who gambled and drank too much.

Word: anchor

Pronunciation (say ang-kuh) Sentence We threw the anchor over the side and started baiting our hooks.

25 Word: amplify

Pronunciation (say am-pluh-fuy) Sentence We used a microphone to amplify our voices so that we could be heard at the back of the hall.

Word: hangar

Pronunciation (say hang-uh) Sentence The plane was moved into the hangar for regular maintenance.

Word: citizen

Pronunciation (say sit-uh-zuhn) Sentence A baby born to Australian parents is automatically an Australian citizen.

Word: cleanse

Pronunciation (say klenz) Sentence The nurse started to cleanse the wound with a mild antiseptic.

Word: narrative

Pronunciation (say na-ruh-tiv) Sentence Her narrative was about two children who got lost but managed to find their way home.

Word: bight

Pronunciation (say buyt) Sentence The Great Australian Bight is the widest inlet on our coast.

Word: sombre

Pronunciation (say som-buh) Sentence He wore sombre robes in shades of brown and black.

26 Word: dungeon

Pronunciation (say dun-juhn) Sentence The soldiers were held captive in the cold, dark dungeon of the castle.

Word: whisker

Pronunciation (say wis-kuh) Sentence The cat was so afraid that every hair and every whisker was sticking straight up.

Word: injustice

Pronunciation (say in-jus-tuhs) Sentence She is always angered by injustice.

Word: methodology

Pronunciation (say meth-uh-dol-uh-jee) Sentence The success of the experiment was helped by a sound methodology.

Word: lasso

Pronunciation (say lass-ooh) Sentence The cowboy threw a lasso around the cow’s neck.

Word: ignorant

Pronunciation (say ig-nuh-ruhnt) Sentence Growing up in the city, he was ignorant of life in the country.

Word: propulsion

Pronunciation (say pruh-pul-shuhn) Sentence The missile was under rocket propulsion.

27 Word: prognosis

Pronunciation (say prog-noh-suhs) Sentence She was very relieved when the doctor gave her a good prognosis.

Word: quokka

Pronunciation (say kwok-uh) Sentence The quokka is only found on a small island off the western coast of Australia.

Word: gangrene

Pronunciation (say gang-green) Sentence My grandfather suffered gangrene during the war and lost his left leg.

Word: absolutely

Pronunciation (say ab-suh-looht-lee) Sentence I absolutely agree with you that apples taste better than grapes.

Word: constabulary

Pronunciation (say kuhn-stab-yuhl-uh-ree) Sentence The local constabulary tried to bring an end to the riot.

Word: devious

Pronunciation (say dee-vee-uhs) Sentence His devious ways made him a lot of enemies.

Word: deceit

Pronunciation (say duh-seet)

28 Sentence We were well aware of her deceit and no longer trusted her.

Word: variety

Pronunciation (say vuh-ruy-uh-tee) Sentence This shop sells a variety of cakes.

Word: competitor

Pronunciation (say kuhm-pet-uh-tuh) Sentence He was the only competitor not to fall down in the skating race, so he won!

Word: bassoon

Pronunciation (say buh-soohn) Sentence He plays the bassoon in the school band)

Word: queasy

Pronunciation (say kwee-see) Sentence Driving along the winding mountain road made me feel very queasy.

Word: performance

Pronunciation (say puh-faw-muhns) Sentence The Year Six students put on a great performance at the end of the year.

Word: equality

Pronunciation (say ee-kwol-uh-tee or uh-kwol-uh-tee) Sentence My mother says that in the interests of equality, everyone in the family should take turns in taking out the garbage bin.

29 Word: flamboyant

Pronunciation (say flam-boy-uhnt) Sentence The peacock is known for its flamboyant displays of feathers.

Word: foliage

Pronunciation (say foh-lee-ij) Sentence In autumn, the foliage of some trees turns orange and red.

Word: ricotta

Pronunciation (say ruh-kot-uh) Sentence On cold winter evenings, my sister in-law cooks her spinach and ricotta pie.

Word: haughty

Pronunciation (say haw-tee) Sentence His haughty manner didn’t fit in with the friendly atmosphere of the meeting.

(44 words)

30 Stage 2 - Round 5

Word: suspicious

Pronunciation (say suh-spish-uhs) Sentence We were suspicious when we heard a window shatter followed by footsteps running down the road.

Word: baklava

Pronunciation (say bak-luh-vuh or bah-kluh-vuh) Sentence When we go to our favourite café, I always have a piece of sweet, sticky baklava

Word: sluggard

Pronunciation (say slug-uhd) Sentence The sluggard refused to work and spent the day in his hammock.

Word: askance

Pronunciation (say uh-skance) Sentence I realised that I had said something wrong when the teacher looked askance at me.

Word: municipality

Pronunciation (say myooh-nuh-suh-pal-uh-tee) Sentence We have some good parks in our municipality.

Word: disinfectant

Pronunciation (say dis-uhn-fek-tuhnt) Sentence The vet sprays the examining table with disinfectant after each patient.

Word: solstice

Pronunciation (say sol-stuhs) Sentence The winter solstice occurs around the 22nd of June. 31 Word: mysterious

Pronunciation (say muh-steer-ree-uhs) Sentence We were woken by mysterious noises in the night.

Word: obliterate

Pronunciation (say uh-blit-uh-rayt) Sentence The thieves thought that the fire would obliterate all evidence of their crime but they were wrong.

Word: organism

Pronunciation (say aw-guh-niz-uhm) Sentence She saw the tiny organism under the microscope.

Word: repulsive

Pronunciation (say ruh-pul-siv) Sentence The smell of the garbage bin was repulsive.

Word: quandary

Pronunciation (say kwon-dree or kwon-duh-ree) Sentence I’m in a quandary about what to wear to this party.

Word: macaw

Pronunciation (say muh-kaw) Sentence The bright colours of the macaw caught their eyes as it flew away.

Word: nonentity

Pronunciation (say non-en-tuh-tee) Sentence I felt like a complete nonentity at the film premiere.

32 Word: cyberspace

Pronunciation (say suy-buy-space) Sentence She spent hours at the computer, lost in cyberspace.

Word: apparatus

Pronunciation (say ap-uh-rah-tuhs) Sentence We set up the apparatus for the experiment.

Word: stiletto

Pronunciation (say stuh-let-oh) Sentence She tripped when her stiletto wedged tightly in the drain.

Word: ferocity

Pronunciation (say fuh-ross-uh-tee) Sentence The attack was executed with frightening ferocity.

Word: hypocrite

Pronunciation (say hip-uh-krit) Sentence The outspoken conservationist was branded a hypocrite when it was discovered that she did not recycle her paper and plastic.

Word: impunity

Pronunciation (say im-pyoohn-uh-tee) Sentence Despite his wealth and connections, the disgraced judge found he could not flout the law with impunity.

Word: montage

Pronunciation (say mon-tahzh) Sentence In our art class we are cutting up old magazines to make a montage.

Word: recoup

33 Pronunciation (say ruh-koohp or ree-koohp) Sentence After the drought it was impossible for the farmers to recoup their losses.

Word: conceited

Pronunciation (say kuhn-seet-uhd) Sentence Unfortunately, his huge success as a writer has made him very conceited.

Word: hygienic

Pronunciation (say huy-jeen-ik) Sentence It is important to have a hygienic kitchen.

Word: paisley

Pronunciation (say payz-lee) Sentence My mother still has the paisley shirt that she wore before I was born.

Word: satisfactory

Pronunciation (say sat-uhs-fak-tuh-ree) Sentence That was a very satisfactory meal.

Word: krypton

Pronunciation (say krip-ton) Sentence Krypton is a gas which is used in some camera flashes.

Word: volatile

Pronunciation (say vol-uh-tuyl) Sentence It was a volatile situation which could lead to war.

Word: transcend

34 Pronunciation (say tran-send) Sentence His success after this show is sure to transcend any he has had before.

Word: anatomy

Pronunciation (say uh-nat-uh-mee) Sentence The anatomy of an alpaca is very similar to that of a llama, vicuna and guanaco.

Word: shrewd

Pronunciation (say shroohd) Sentence People often asked him for advice because they thought he was shrewd.

Word: predicament

Pronunciation (say pruh-dik-uh-muhnt) Sentence It was a real predicament for Rosie the dog when she was accidentally locked in the cupboard.

Word: warfare

Pronunciation (say waw-fair) Sentence Many towns were destroyed during the warfare between the two countries.

Word: conductivity

Pronunciation (say kon-duk-tiv-uh-tee) Sentence Copper is commonly used for electrical wiring because it has high conductivity.

Word: shiralee

Pronunciation (say shi-ruh-lee) Sentence All the swagman needed was in his shiralee.

35 Word: circuitry

Pronunciation (say ser-kuh-tree) Sentence The toaster stopped working because of a problem in the circuitry.

Word: programming

Pronunciation (say proh-gram-ing) Sentence My sister is studying programming because she loves working with computers.

Word: whirlwind

Pronunciation (say werl-wind) Sentence The roar of the whirlwind filled the air.

Word: mollycoddle

Pronunciation (say mol-ee-kod-uhl) Sentence Caitlin didn’t think it was a good idea to mollycoddle her teenage daughter so she encouraged her interest in rock climbing.

Word: albatross

Pronunciation (say al-buh-tross) Sentence Many sailors believe that it is bad luck to harm an albatross.

Word: generous

Pronunciation (say jen-uh-ruhs) Sentence Damien is so generous that he shared his lunch with me when I forgot mine.

Word: guava

Pronunciation (say gwah-vuh)

36 Sentence She explained that the tree was a guava, and we could eat the delicious fruit.

Word: queue

Pronunciation (say kyooh) Sentence The queue for the hamburgers was too long so we decided to make do with the chips.

Word: magnetism

Pronunciation (say mag-nuh-tiz-uhm) Sentence We learned lots about magnetism by moving the poles of the magnets around.

(44 words)

37 Stage 2 - Round 6

Word: petticoat

Pronunciation (say pet-ee-koht) Sentence Women used to always wear a petticoat under their dresses.

Word: scythe

Pronunciation (say suyth) Sentence He used a scythe to cut the long grass.

Word: magician

Pronunciation (say muh-jish-uhn) Sentence The magician was able to make a coin disappear and then appear again.

Word: ocarina

Pronunciation (say ok-uh-ree-nuh) Sentence The ocarina is not a very difficult instrument to learn.

Word: egotism

Pronunciation (say ee-guh-tiz-uhm) Sentence His egotism has lost him all his friends.

Word: transmitter

Pronunciation (say trans-mit-uh) Sentence The radio transmitter was out of order.

Word: mahogany

Pronunciation (say muh-hog-uh-nee) Sentence The house was full of old furniture made of cedar and mahogany.

38 Word: incandescent

Pronunciation (say in-kan-dess-uhnt) Sentence This metal is so hot it is incandescent.

Word: serrated

Pronunciation (say suh-ray-tuhd) Sentence A bread knife has a serrated blade.

Word: ambulance

Pronunciation (say am-byuh-luhns) Sentence An ambulance took her to hospital when she fell out of the tree and hurt her back.

Word: combustion

Pronunciation (say kuhm-bus-chuhn) Sentence The heater worked on a process of slow combustion.

Word: cygnet

Pronunciation (say sig-nuht) Sentence The cygnet paddled across the lake behind adult swans.

Word: ridiculous

Pronunciation (say ruh-dik-yuh-luhs) Sentence The idea may sound ridiculous, but I actually think it will work.

Word: simulator

Pronunciation (say sim-yah-lay-tuh) Sentence Pilots begin their training on a simulator before actually flying a plane.

39 Word: theatre

Pronunciation (say thear-tuh) Sentence The play opens at the local theatre on Friday.

Word: hypothesis

Pronunciation (say huy-poth-uh-suhs) Sentence The scientist proposed the hypothesis that the earth was much older than commonly thought.

Word: cormorant

Pronunciation (say kaw-muh-ruhnt) Sentence A cormorant landed on the rock and spread its wings out to dry.

Word: exhibition

Pronunciation (say eks-uh-bish-uhn) Sentence All their parents and friends came to see the students’ art exhibition.

Word: proponent

Pronunciation (say pruh-poh-nuhnt) Sentence Our member of parliament is a proponent of tax reform.

Word: violin

Pronunciation (say vuy-uh-lin) Sentence The violin is a very different instrument to learn to play.

Word: sanitary

Pronunciation (say san-uh-tree)

40 Sentence All procedures at the hospital must be sanitary, or germs will quickly spread.

Word: knowledge

Pronunciation (say nol-ij) Sentence She had a good knowledge of the rules of the games so they asked her to be referee.

Word: semibreve

Pronunciation (say sem-ee-breev) Sentence In our music class we learned that a semibreve is a note which is four times as long as a crotchet.

Word: terracotta

Pronunciation (say te-ruh-kot-uh) Sentence The tiles were in warm shades of terracotta.

Word: stationary

Pronunciation (say stay-shuhn-ree) Sentence She waited until the car was stationary before opening the door.

Word: tourism

Pronunciation (say toouh-riz-uhm) Sentence She loves travelling and hopes to get some sort of job in tourism.

Word: liana

Pronunciation (say lee-ahn-uh) Sentence In the rainforest, tangled liana jostled with strangler figs and massive tree ferns.

Word: vegetation

41 Pronunciation (say vej-uh-tay-shuhn) Sentence Much of the vegetation was cleared for grazing animals.

Word: broccoli

Pronunciation (say brok-uh-lee or brok-uh-luy) Sentence Albert added some broccoli to the stir fry.

Word: overwhelm

Pronunciation (say oh-vuh-welm) Sentence They knew that the arduous trek might overwhelm them but decided to start off anyway.

Word: amnesty

Pronunciation (say am-nuh-stee) Sentence During the amnesty, people could hand in their illegal weapons without being charged.

Word: chorister

Pronunciation (say ko-ruhs-tuh) Sentence She loved singing and wanted to be a chorister in the cathedral choir.

Word: reputable

Pronunciation (say rep-yuh-tuh-buhl) Sentence My uncle is looking for a good second-hand car from a reputable dealer.

Word: samskara

Pronunciation (say sam-skah-ruh) Sentence In Hinduism, the samskara are the special ceremonies that are carried out at significant times in a person’s life.

42 Word: geography

Pronunciation (say jee-og-ruh-fee) Sentence In his geography class, my big brother learns about things like how mountains were formed.

Word: etiquette

Pronunciation (say et-ee-kuht) Sentence We were taught the etiquette of addressing the governor when she visited our school.

Word: scheming

Pronunciation (say skee-ming) Sentence The scheming young politician took aim at his own party leader.

Word: morose

Pronunciation (say muh-rohs) Sentence He became very morose when he found out that dinner was to be lentil burgers.

Word: whim

Pronunciation (say wim) Sentence I just bought the dress on a whim.

Word: pillion

Pronunciation (say pil-yuhn) Sentence He rode as pillion behind his dad on the motorcycle – it was great fun!

Word: encapsulate

Pronunciation (say en-kap-shuh-layt or en-kap-syuh-layt)

43 Sentence She managed to encapsulate all the theories about the cause of the war in a one-hour lecture.

Word: palette

Pronunciation (say pal-uht) Sentence The artist mixed different paints on his palette until he created the perfect colour for the sunset.

Word: sewerage

Pronunciation (say sooh-rij or soohuh-rij) Sentence This government minister is in charge of water and sewerage.

(43 words)


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