Great Longstone Parish Council s1

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Great Longstone Parish Council s1


Clerk to the Parish: David Burns Leverets, Little Longstone, Bakewell, Derbyshire DE45 1NN Tel: 01629 640005 e-mail: [email protected]

MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 16 th JULY 2008 Present : Councillors S. Barton (Chairman), Mrs S. Barton, Mrs W. Long, S. Headington, H. Wright, R. Topham, S. Mason, P. Thompson, D. Burns (Clerk), District Councillor J. Bentley, P.C. Kevin Lowe and two members of the public. Public Questions and Comments In response to a request from the Chairman, P. C. Lowe gave a detailed presentation on the subject of parking problems within the village. There then followed a lengthy question and answer session and P. C. Lowe concluded by suggesting that the council form a sub-committee to explore ways of solving the problems of cars being parked on pavements and lorries damaging grass verges. The Chairman thanked P. C. Lowe for his time. 090/08 Apologies for Absence There were no apologies. 091/08 Minutes of the Meeting held on 18 th June 2008 The minutes were proposed a true record by Councillor Mrs W. Long and seconded by Councillor P. Thompson with all in favour. 092/08 Declaration of Interest Councillor P. Thompson declared a prejudicial interest in item 6 in that he is a neighbour of the applicant. Councillor H. Wright declared personal interest in item 8(7) in that he is employed by DCC. Councillor S. Headington declared a personal interest in item 8(6) in that he resides on Main Street. Councillor R. Topham declared a personal interest in item 6 in that he is a personal friend of Councillor Thompson and item 8(2) in that the matter was first raised by his wife. 093.08 Police Matters / Neighbourhood Watch Councillor H. Wright reported that a missing person had been found dead in a lake at Hassop. He then gave a report on a Governance meeting he had attended on 2nd July which mainly covered issues of speeding, parking and school runs. 094/08 School Matters Councillor Mrs W. Long reported that the proposed new location for the public notice board was owned by the Church and that there would be no objections to it being re-sited to stand adjacent to the Parish Council one. 095/08 Planning Matters NP/DDD/06/08/0540, Conversion of outbuilding, 1 The Cross, Great Longstone. After much discussion it was agreed that the application be rejected on the grounds of parking, that it was once used for commercial use but never residential and that the house is included within the site. This was proposed by Councillor S. Mason, seconded by Councillor Mrs W. Long with all in favour. Planning Decision Notices G = Granted R = Refused NP/DDD/04/08/0336, Provision of shower room/WC, The Cottage, Moor Road. (G) 096/08 Financial Matters a) To note bank balances. The balance on the current account was noted as £1000.00 The balance on the deposit account was noted at £16726.26 b) To approve payments £ Cheque No. 1. D. J. Burns (Clerk’s Salary June-July 2008) 707.76 1040 2. Bruno Cardona (Strimming etc) 75.00 1041 3. G.L.C.C (Mowing of Rec) 975.00 1042 4. AON (Insurance Renewal) 899.97 1043 Approval of the above payments was proposed by Councillor R. Topham, seconded by Councillor Mrs W. Long with all in favour. c) To discuss the monthly financial statement Councillor Wright reported that the statement had not yet been completed. d) To approve the Annual Return and to adopt Risk Assessment Plan The Clerk reported that the Annual Return had been approved by the Audit Commission subject to two minor amendments and submission of a Parish Council Risk Assessment Plan. Approval of the amended Return was proposed by Councillor Mrs S. Barton, seconded by Councillor S. Mason with all in favour. The Clerk then presented for consideration a risk assessment plan that he had prepared. After some debate it was decided that copies of the plan be circulated to all members for discussion at the next meeting and the Clerk to ask the Audit Commission for an extension of time for its submission. e) To consider Councillor Headington’s proposals re Annual Accounts The Clerk said that, having taken advice from DALC, he would be happy to discuss Councillor Headington’s concerns over VAT, Charity matters, Section 137 payments and insurance issues he was not prepared to discuss accountancy methods until the members had studied the Governance and Accountability for Local Councils - A Practitioners Guide 2008 (England). This can be found on the web site of the National Association of Local Councils: home page. It was agreed this item be carried forward to the next meeting. 097/08 Maintenance ROADS AND PATHS 1. Bell Style - The Clerk said that the Footpaths Officer had not submitted his report and he would contact him again. 2. Monsal Trail Access - The Clerk reported that he was still waiting to hear from Gary Bacon of the Peak Park Rangers on this matter. The Clerk was instructed to confirm or otherwise that the field from which the proposed new Monsal Trail access will be made is owned by DCC. 3. Extension to Main St. Pavement - The Clerk said he had nothing further to report and it was agreed this item be removed from the agenda until further notice. 4. Cherpit Lane - A letter from a parishioner re the application of a B.O.A.T. was discussed and the Clerk was instructed to reply explaining the council’s position. Following perusal of DCC’s reply to the Parish Council’s objection to the B.O.A.T., which explained that the Parish Council’s grounds for objection were not valid, Councillor P. Thompson proposed that the objection be withdrawn. This was seconded by Councillor S. Mason with 5 votes for and 2 abstentions’. 5. Recreation Ground Path Dog Fouling - Councillor Mrs S. Barton reported that additional signage had been put in place. The Clerk reported on the legal position and said it would be extremely difficult to bring a successful prosecution. 6. Parking on Pavements and Verges - Following considerable discussion, it was proposed by the Chairman that a working group be set up as suggested earlier by P.C. Lowe. This was seconded by Councillor S. Mason but failed by 5 votes to 3. 7. Pavement Repairs - The article that Rick Gooch has submitted for inclusion in UTE, which the Clerk pointed out contained two inaccuracies, was discussed at length. Councillor R. Topham proposed that the Clerk write to DCC asking how many requests from parish councils for pavement repairs have been received and how many were successful. This was seconded by Councillor S. Mason and carried unanimously. Councillor P. Thompson proposed that the Clerk write to UTE on the matter and this was seconded by Councillor S. Mason with all in favour. The Clerk was also instructed ask DCC about yellow marks which have appeared on pavements in certain parts of the village. The Chairman suggested that, in view of the time, the remainder of the agenda items apart from correspondence be carried forward to the next meeting. 098/08 Correspondence 1. Peak Park - ‘Parishes’ Day - Confirmation of venue - Noted. 2. DDDC - Excellence in the Community Awards 2008 - Noted. 3. DDDC - Notice of Community Forums - Noted. 4. DDDC - Derbyshire Dales Handy Person Service - Noted and passed to UTE. 5. DDDC - Sports Award 2008 - Noted and passed to UTE. 6. Yvonne Palmer - Phone call re installation of road name signs - Noted. The following items of correspondence were placed in the folder for circulation. 1. Unlock Democracy - Guide to the Sustainable Communities Act. 2. Derbyshire Constabulary - Notice of Change of Delivery Structure. 3. DDDC - Foster Carers Recruitment. 4. Clerks & Councils Direct - July 2008 issue. 5. DALC - Circular No: 24/08 - Fly Tipping and VAT Workshops. 6. DALC - Circular No: 25/08 - Governance and Accountability Practitioners Guide. 7. DALC - Circular No: 26/08 - Pilot Compact for Code of Conduct Training. 8. DRCC - Rural Matters - Spring 2008. 9. Patricia Coleman - Parish members Update, July 2008. 099/08 Date of Next Meeting th The Council resolved to meet on Wednesday 20 August 2008 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall. The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.49 p.m.

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