Public Health


Textbooks Epidemiology/ Clinical Epidemiology and Statistics Evidence based medicine Sackett D, Richardson S Critical Appriasal of Epidemiological Studies and Clinical Trials Elwood, M Evidence Based Health Care, How to make Health policy and management decisions Muir-Gray JA Basic Epidemiology Beaglehole R, Bonita R, Kjellstrom T Epidemiology in Medicine Hennekens C, Buring J Modern Epidemiology Rothman K, Greenland S Statistics with Confidence Altman D Gardner M Epidemiology: beyond the basics Szklo M, Nieto FJ

Health Promotion People Centred Health Promotion Raeburn J, Rootman I

Environmental Health Planetary Overload McMichael AJ Basic Environmental Health Yassi et al. Handbook of Environmental Health and Safety, Principles and practice. Koren H, Lewis Publishers 3rd Ed, 1995

CDC Control and Health Protection Control of Communicable Disease Manual 17th Ed Editor Chin Modern Infectious Disease Epidemiology Giesecke J Field Epidemiology Greg M

Health Policy / Health Economic Health and Public Policy in NZ 2001 Davis P, Ashton, T Method of Economics for Health Care Programmes 2nd Ed (Mason Durie) Diagnostic Neuroradiology (Osborn)

Maori and Pacific Health Health Pacificness Finau S Culture/Place/Health, R. A. Kearns and W. M. Gesler, Routledge, 2002 Whaiora - Mäori Health Development - 2nd Edition, (Mason Durie), Oxford University Press (1998) Mauri Ora. Mason Durie. 2000 Lange, R., May the People Live: A History of Maori Health Development 1900-1920. 1999, Auckland: Auckland University Press.

Health Services and Health Management Health and Society in Aotearoa/ New Zealand Davies P, Dew K Primary Care: Balancing Health Needs, Services and Technology Starfield B Essentials of Health Care Management Shortell S M, Kaluzny A D Derek Dow, 1995, Safeguarding the Public Health: A History of the New Zealand Department of Health. General Text The New Public Health Baum F Public Health at Crossroads Beaglehole R, Bonita R The Fight For Public Health: Principles and Practice of Media Advocacy Chapman S, Lupton D Public Health and Preventative Medicine Ed Last Oxford Handbook of Public Health. Pencheon et al 2001.

Inequalities in Health Unhealthy Societies Wilkson R Social Epidemiology Kawachi I NZ Atlas of Social Deprivation Crampton, Salmond Why are Some People Healthy and Other Not? Evans R, Morris L, Mamor T Social Determinants and Health Marmot, Wilkinson Ed The Health of Nations, Why Inequality is Harmful to Your Health Kawachi I, Kennedy B

(b) EXAMS Public health diploma


College Fees Public Health Association Membership

(d) COURSES College courses


Annual Public Health Association Conference