Common Assessment 3 Study Guide

1. What number is closest to the Himalayan Mountains on the map above?


2. Referring to the map above, which number represents the Euphrates River?

3. Indian society was organized into a caste system. What determines the caste a person is born to?

4. Which of these river systems was home to ancient civilizations in both Egypt and Nubia?

5. The following illustrates the caste system in India.

Caste Role

Brahmin priests, scholars

Kshatriya leaders, warriors

Vaishya farmers, merchants Shudra servants, workers

The caste system is an institution that separates what?

6. Why is the Ganges River significant to ancient Indian civilization?


What word best completes the chart describing the role of the pharaoh in Ancient Egypt?

8. Ancient Egyptians used pictographs for writing. This system of writing they developed is called what?

9. The Mesopotamians constructed monumental buildings that served as temples. What was the name given these structures?

10. When the Aryans ruled India, they developed a society in which four social classes, called varnas, each played a certain role in society. What are the highest and lowest varnas and what type of people would be in each?

11. This pharaoh was known as a builder pharaoh because of the many building projects begun or completed during the years 1503 B.C. to 1482 B.C. In addition to buildings, many obelisks and statues were also completed. This pharaoh was the first woman to be king of both Upper and Lower Egypt. Who was she?

12. What is significant about the Indus River?

13. Why is it believed that Hinduism evolved from Brahmanism?

14. What is the significance of Hammurabi’s Code? 15. Why was agriculture important to the ancient Egyptians?

16. In what way did the people living in Mesopotamia adapt to their physical environment?

17. How do historians know that Hinduism has a basis in the religion of the ancient Aryans?


• Religion of the ancient Aryans • Had a major influence on the development of Hinduism • Based on sacred writings known as the Vedas • Believed in the existence of many gods • Rituals included placing sacrifices on a sacred fire as an offering to their gods

What religion is being described above?

19. Unfortunately, there is little evidence to document the period in which the Aryans invaded India. Any information historians have gathered has come from sacred writings. Historians call this somewhat mysterious time period the ______.

20. What was the name of the paper that the ancient Egyptians developed for writing?

21. The ancient Egyptians and the people of Mesopotamia were both polytheistic. What does this mean?

22. As the first king of unified Egypt, Menes is often credited with accomplishing what?

23. Why did the ancient Egyptians use the mummification process on the dead?

24. Siddhartha Gautama was born about 2,500 years ago and was a spiritual leader in India. He changed his name to Buddha, which means "The Awakened One"(The Enlightened One). What was the Buddha born as?

Civilization Government Religion Written Language used shaped symbols and drawings Mesopotamia ruled by kings and elected officials polytheistic called cuneiform

ruled by the pharaoh and his or her used "sacred drawings" known as Egypt polytheistic chosen advisors hieroglyphs

25. In what way was the written language of the Egyptians similar to the written language of the people of Mesopotamia?