CCUSD-Culver City Middle School

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CCUSD-Culver City Middle School

CCUSD-Culver City Middle School 6th grade Scholars’ Language Arts Course Description and Expectations- 2011/2012 Ms. Green-Bratton Course Overview: Welcome to Sixth Grade Scholars’ Language Arts! Scholar’s class is designed to give students a more in- depth picture of written expression and literature. Scholar students will be introduced to advanced written and oral expression giving them a much broader understanding. This course will prepare students to master California’s Sixth Grade English-Language Arts Content Standards. It provides a balanced, unified program of instruction that addresses reading comprehension, literature, composition, and communication by teaching students essential skills. These skills include reading, writing, grammar, vocabulary, spelling, speaking and listening, plus library/media skills.

Objectives: 1. Students will be exposed to a variety of literature. 2. Students will continue to develop reading, writing and speaking skills. 3. Students will complete a wide variety of writing assignments. 4. Students will analyze and use a variety of language devices.

Texts: Holt- Literature and Language Arts, Second Course, Holt- Handbook, Holt- Interactive Reader

Novels (to be chosen from): The Watsons Go to Birmingham-1963, The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle, D’Aulaires’ Book of Greek Myths, Flush, Freak the Mighty, The Egypt Game and a variety of literature circle novels. Language Arts Materials List

You must have the following items in class EVERY day:  Backpack or book bag  Time Tracker (this will be given to students on the 1st day of school)  Three ring notebook ( one 1 ½” - 2” notebook with dividers can be used for all of your classes)  Three hole, loose-leaf, lined paper in the three ring notebook  One two/three subject spiral notebook  Writing utensils - at least ten pencils (sharpened), two blue/black pens and two red pens  Completed homework assignment(s)  Silent Sustained Reading (SSR) book (required in all of my periods). (If you have trouble getting the materials mentioned above please see Ms. Green- Bratton)

Suggested Materials for Home

 Middle school/high school level dictionary & Thesaurus  Stapler & staples  Glue sticks; colored pencils, crayons or markers; plain & lined paper  A quiet, dedicated place to study and do homework

GRADING Grading Scale: A - 90-100% B - 80-89% C - 70-79% D – 60-69% F – 59% and below

Work Habit grade is based on completing all assignments on time, bringing all necessary materials to class, writing assignments in your Time Tracker and actively participating in classroom activities.

Citizenship grade is based on respect and responsibility. Every student is expected to: work cooperatively in class, observe school and classroom rules, treat others with respect, and be on time

*Students must maintain a “B” average in a scholar class in order to remain in the class for the 2nd semester Grading Categories Category Percent of Grade Description Class work 20% Daily class assignments include individual and group activities, reading and response to literature, discussions, grammar review, notes, and/or projects. Homework 15% Homework supports the work that we do in class. It is essential that students complete homework. Please see homework policy below. J J J J J J J J J J J J J Essays, Projects 30% Essays and responding to literature play key roles in the Language Arts and Independent curriculum. Also, reading is an important part of L.A. Students are expected Reading to read independently on a daily basis and will be required to respond to their novels in various ways. Tests/Quizzes 25% Tests and quizzes help evaluate strengths and areas for improvement. It’s also a great way to monitor understanding and growth. Presentations 10% Speaking and listening are a major component or Language Arts, and both and participation and presentation address this area. This includes formal Particip presentations, informal presentations, engaging in whole class discussion, ation paired work and small group work.

Homework Policy

Homework is assigned regularly, and it must be recorded in the Time Tracker.  In the case of an absence and for parents/guardians, the homework is posted online at –follow these steps: *on the left side of the screen click on “Homework” *next click on Language Arts *then scroll down to Green-Bratton, Cathi and click on the period you have me

Make-up Work Policy Absent students 1. Check the Homework website to see what assignments were missed. It is the student’s responsibility to ask for any necessary handouts. Students have two days for every day they are absent to complete and turn in assignments, 2. Put the assignment in the “make-up work tray” to receive credit. Name, period and date must be on the top right hand corner!!!

Late or Incomplete Work 1. Incomplete work/ missing work may be completed within one week from due date (late work/ incomplete work). Late work will not be given full credit and will not be accepted Semester 2. 2. Bring the assignment in and put it in the “late work tray” before the week is up. Name, period and date must be on the top right hand corner!!! 3. Work made up past the seven-day deadline will not count for credit except at the discretion of the teacher. Basic Procedures How we start class:  Enter the room silently: 1) place your completed homework assignment and SSR book on the upper left-hand corner of your desk; 2) take out your Time-Tracker and a sharpened pencil; 3) place your backpack securely under your desk.  Begin by copying your homework exactly as it is written on the board.  Next, review the daily agenda and be prepared with any required materials.  Finally, look on the board or overhead for daily bellwork and begin writing immediately. If you have completed the first three procedures, you may read your SSR book until we move on as a class.

Extra Help: I am available upon request after school for additional help. Students are encouraged and expected to seek my help if they are struggling with any course content. I look forward to a successful school year. Please contact me with any questions or concerns, [email protected]

Ms. Green-Bratton Student Name ______Period ______

Student signature______Parent signature ______

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