8. Integrated Watershed Management Programme (IWMP)
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8. Integrated Watershed Management Programme (IWMP)
Department of land resources is implementing Integrated Watershed Management Programme (IWMP) since 2009-10. The scheme is extended to all States and UTs. The objectives of IWMP are harnessing, conserving and developing degraded natural resources such as soil, water and vegetative cover; prevention of soil run-off; rain water harvesting and recharging of ground water table; increasing the productivity of crops; introduction of multi- cropping and diverse agro-based activities; promoting sustainable livelihoods and increasing the household incomes; etc. The programme is being implemented as per the Common Guildlines for Watershed Development Projects, 2008. The components of the IWMP inter alia include institution & capacity building, DPR preparation, entry point activities, watershed works, production system & microenterprises, livelihood, monitoring & evaluation.
2. The target for 11th Plan under IWMP is to cover 22.65 million hectare of degraded/rained areas. A target of covering 25 million hectare has been proposed for the 12th Five Year Plan. One of the salient features of the IWMP is setting up of the dedicated institutions with multi-disciplinary professional support at State level (State Level Nodal Agency (SLNA)), at district level (District Wateshed Cell cum Data Centre (WCDC)), at project level (Project Implementing Agency (PIA)) and at village level (Watershed Committee (WC)). As per the recent amendment in the Common Guidelines, 2008, the WCDC will function in close coordination with the District Planning Committee (DPC). District Collector/CEO, ZP may be the chairman of WCDC and a District Officer of the Department, in which WCDC has been located, may be called the Project Manager for WCDC. The District Collector/CEO, ZP will have role in securing coordination and convergence along with periodical review of the programme. Representatives of MGNREGS, BRGF implementing agencies at the district level should be included in the periodical review meeting of the programme for convergence.
3. The funding pattern of IWMP is 90:10 between Centre and States. The fund flow under IWMP is as follows:
1 i) Project fund relating to watershed works, livelihood, production system & microenterprises flows from DoLR to SLNA to WCDC to WC.
ii) Institutional funds for administrative, capacity building, EPA, DPR, monitoring flows from DoLR to SLNA to WCDC to PIA.
4. Integrated Action Plan (IAP) scheme of Planning Commission is being implemented in 60 selected Tribal and Backward districts in 9 States. Out of 60 IAP districts, IWMP is being implemented in 48 IAP districts. So far, 307 projects covering 15.41 lakh Ha. have been sanctioned at a total project cost of Rs. 1850.06 crore. Out of this, Rs. 1665.05 crore is the central share. Against this central share, Rs. 213.39 crore has been released to these projects as on 31.08.2011. The State/District-wise details are given at Annexure-I. No district is covered in Bihar (7 districts) and West Bengal (1 District) as the IWMP is yet to be launched in these States by respective State Governments. No IWMP project has been proposed in Sidhi District in Madhya Pradesh, Narayanpur & Bijapur Districts in Chhattisgarh and Chatra District in Jharkhand by respective State Governments.
5. The watershed division of the Department is proposing following measures for effective implementation of the IWMP in the IAP districts subject to approval of the competent authority.
(i) Extending differential cost norm to IAP Districts as indicated below;
Category Existing provision Proposed for IAP districts Difficult and hilly areas Rs.15,000/Ha. Rs.15,000/Ha. by including IAP districts Other areas Rs.12,000/Ha. as difficult areas
(ii) Strengthening of Watershed Cell cum Data Centre – Dedicated Institution at District Level, with Professional Support as indicated below;
Name of the post Existing provision Proposed for IAP
2 districts
Upto 25,000 Ha More than 25,000 Ha. Technical Expert 1 2 2 Accountant 1 1 1 Accounts Assistant - 1 1 Data Entry Operator 1 2 2 Total 3 6 6
6. The Department also intends to focus implementation of IWMP including convergence with other related schemes such as MGNREGS, BRGF, NHM, and RKVY etc. in IAP districts on pilot basis. Accordingly, a meeting was held on 11.08.2011 under the chairpersonship of the Secretary (LR) with the Principal Secretaries/CEO, SLNAs of the States of Andhra Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Orissa and Uttar Pradesh wherein pilot districts were identified for focused implementation of IWMP including convergence with related schemes. The State wise list of identified pilot districts is at Annexure-II. The States were inter alia requested to prepare detailed action plan ensuring instituional mechanism for convergence along with proposed fund requirments from related schemes for the pilot districts.
7. The Department is emphasizing close monitoring of implementation of projects under IWMP. The online MIS for IWMP has been made operational for monitoring the progress of IWMP. Training programme on MIS has already been conducted for officials of States at respective State Head Quarters of Andhra Pradesh, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh and Orissa. It is proposed to impart this training for the officials of Chhattisgarh, Maharashtra and Uttar Pradesh by end of September, 2011.