Wimblington Parish Council

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Wimblington Parish Council

WIMBLINGTON PARISH COUNCIL 28 THORNHAM WAY EASTREA WHITTLESEY CAMBS PE7 2AS Tel/Fax: 01733 351223 Mobile 07808 58 22 50 e-mail [email protected] Clerk Mr. R Wright

2nd September 2014

You are cordially invited to attend the Annual General Meeting of Wimblington Parish Council which will be held in the small room of the Parish Hall on Wednesday 10th September 2014 at 7.00 pm. Please do not hesitate to contact the Chairperson or Clerk should you have any problem with any agenda item. Yours truly R Wright A G E N D A

A resolution under section 1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to meetings) Act 1960 that as publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the special confidential nature of the business to be transacted must be proposed if any item should be discussed in Committee.

1 Apologies for Absence

1a Pursuant to the National Code of Local Government Conduct Members are reminded that they must declare Any direct or indirect pecuniary interest in respect of any item to be discussed at the Meeting.

1b The Chairman to report additional items for consideration which the chairman deems urgent by virtue of the special circumstances to be now specified

2 Confirmation of minutes - To confirm minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 8th July 2014

3 Police representative report – July & August reports circulated

4 Matters Arising a) War Memorial - Further to minute 891/14(a) Cllr Brown to report. b) Concurrent Grant – Further to minute 891/14(b) the Chairman to report.

5 Income Expenditure a) The members to consider and approve the following accounts for payment British Gas Gas electricity 29.08 1.45 30.53 R Wright July salary 658.94 R Barker Caretaker salary 136.72 Mrs M Moulton Booking duties 82.03 Cambs CC Clerks pension 238.61 CGM Ltd Gras cutting 619.46 123.90 743.36 Fenland DC Hall rates 122.00 British Gas Hall maintenance 20.00 4.00 24.00 G Whitfield Internal audit fee 146.25 e.on Pavilion – electricity 26.70 1.34 28.04 British Gas Hall – electricity 57.02 2.85 59.87 Anglian Water Water – hall, cemetery & Pavilion 156.18 R Wright August salary R Barker Caretakers wage 136.72 Mrs M Moulton Booking Clerks wage 82.03 Cambs CC Clerks pension 238.61 Fenland DC Hall rates 122.00 British Gas Maintenance 20.00 4.00 24.00 b) To consider income and expenditure. c) Risk Management & health & Safety – the Clerk to report d) To consider the report of the internal auditor - circulated 6 Planning Observations on the following applications - FYR14/0566/LB Ward & Mann 23 Doddington Road – internal and external restoration FYR14/0623/F M Rooney east 5 Doddington Road – 2 dwellings FYR14/0653/F Fengrain Ltd – Hook Lane – Anaerobic digester plant FYR14/0679/F P Randle Fengrain Ltd – change of use of land for storage and formation of concrete pad Cambs CC have confirmed removal of condition 15 Lyons Farm, Lyons Drove Fenland District Council will shortly be arranging training for their Planning Committee Members. As part of this process they would like to invite any interested Councillors from Parish Councils to attend as well.

7 Highway Matters/Street Lighting/Transport a) New lights – b) Footpaths and highway issues – The condition of Woodman’s Way has led to several complaints. The Council to consider footpath and bridle ways within the parish. Community Pay Back – The Council to consider clearance of vegetation around the village following works at Old Station Way. Cllr Brown to report upon fund raising and donations towards such works c) Street names - the site that was originally gardens and parking area of The Bell Public House - suggested names for the development are:- Bell Gardens Bell Close Park View

8 Recreation Ground a) WMPF - J Clarke to report. b) Parkfield – E Gowler to report

9 New Cemetery/Churchyard a) New Cemetery – The Clerk to report b) Wimblington St Peters Churchyard – request from PCC for repairs to church paths £1395 + vat £279

10 Parish hall a) General matters

11 Correspondence & Other matters a) The Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014 which came into force on the 6 August 2014. Members of the public can now use modern technology and communication tools to take photographs, film and audio-record all public meetings. They will however have to do it in a respectful manner which not disruptive and does not detract from the proper conduct of the meeting. The guidance states that the “usual laws will apply, including the law of defamation and the law on public order offences. Freedom of speech within the law should also be exercised with personal and social responsibility – showing respect and tolerance towards the views of others.” b) Cambs CC - subsequent to a safety review visit to the Padgetts Road and Upwell Road junctions with the Sixteen Foot Bank Road, near Christchurch, it has been confirmed that the legal notification for the 50mph speed limit on the Sixteen Foot Bank Road, introduced in the mid-1980's, has, in fact, never been rescinded. The removal of the road's 50mph signage that subsequently occurred, has led to the impression that the single-carriageway national speed limit of 60mph applies on the road, however, this has been confirmed not to be the case.

12 Date of Next Meeting Tuesday 14th October 2014


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