Read Each Section Below and Pay Attention to What Is Expected s1
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Student: ______Hour: 2-3 5-6 8-9 6 5 4 3 2 1 Superior Strong Good Okay Poor Incomplete On balance, the Need for revision Shows control and A bare beginning; Has a complete strengths Strengths and the outweighs skill in the main writer not yet grasp of the outweigh the need for revision strengths; needs requirements for showing any qualities; no weaknesses; a are about equal; a lot of work to this trait; many control or visible errors small amount of about half-way meet the strengths are mastery of this are present. revision is home. expectations for present. trait. needed. this trait.
Read each section below and pay attention to what is expected. Check box 1 when you have addressed and shown evidence for the expectation. When your writing is finished, put a score in the Student Score column. Score yourself a 6 if this is a Superior part and a 3 if that section is just ok. If you score yourself a 2 or 1, go back and correct what you see as missing. 1
+ Specific Expectations for This Assignment Student Teacher 6 General Description box1-student; box2-teacher
s Key:
t Score Score Grade i = Addressed and Evidence apparent a of Trait (x 1) (x 4) r = Not addressed or finished completely T Prewriting Completed the “You Write It” sheet Font size 14 1st draft
r Double spaced e h t n Read it out loud e o i g t a o Reviewed by a friend, ______total t The construction of the words T n
e points e *Starred the Hook
s st
and ideas l
e 1 revision p r
Awareness of the rubric and a Underlined the thesis P t
S d expectations Highlighted reasons the trip is fun n a
s Care and pride in the Boxed reasons the trip is safe s e c publication of the piece Circled possible spelling errors o
r Edit
P Corrected errors grade Double Spaced e l
p Font clean and 14
a Final copy t
S Packet is organized & paperclipped(top to bottom) rubric, final, rough draft)
Why is it important to read your writing out loud before you finalize it?
Sticks to the idea that you are a travel The main point or storyline Focus agency selling a trip ____tp s Awareness of details Is writer’s own thoughts and words a e Knowing what’s d States reasons why the trip will be fun I interesting/important and safe Details ____g Clarity, Focus, and Purpose Uses transition words Includes items provided for the trip
Why is it important to use transition words when you write?
Starts with a hook Beginning Mentions the travel agency Ends with the thesis statement ____tp n o i The internal structure of the piece Provides details about the trip t a
z Beginning, Middle and End Middle i Addresses some concerns people might n
a Good sense of sequence have and reassure them g r
O Ends with a encouraging thought about ____g the trip Conclusion States the name of the travel agency and a method of contact How does thinking about the organization of your writing help make it better? Zero Gravity and 100% Fun Mr. Klosterman
Traveling the world can take on a whole different meaning when you jump into your friends high-tech spacesuit and board a rocketship headed toward Mars. All of your freinds will jealous as they receive selfies of you floating in space. Here at Stars Are a Must Travel
Agency, you can book your fun and safe adventure to Earth’s nearest planet,Canaveral Mars!
The Red Planet special will leave from sunny Florida’s Cape Canavaril and zoom you moon past the moom toward Mars. For your safety, you will be provided a top-of-the-line Zentix Mars’ Spacesuit which is made of high-tech fabric to withstand Mar’s low pressure. No need to worry your blood will not fry, boil, or fizz in this suit. Stars will also provide you with all the air customers you can breathe and all the water you can drink. No accommodation is too small for our costomers. During this six month trip, we will show the latest movies for your viewing bring pleasure. Lie back in your recliner seats and watch Spaceballs, Star Trek, or Aliens. We advise lounge luxurious you pring a book or two so you can relax and lounde by our space pool. You should also bring some warm clothes and hiking books. This tour will take you to the top of the solar system’s tallest mountain, Olympus Mons. Brag to your friends through Interstellergram that you a mountain three times as tall as Mt. Everest. climbed three Mt. Everests! stories
This is a trip that you just can’t pass on. The photos alone will give you storiest to tell your friends and family for a lifetime. Contact the Stars Are a Must Travel Agency
wildly exciting exceedingly secure through our email, [email protected], and book a luxury, first-class spot on this safe and fun trip.
Zero Gravity and 100% Fun Mr. Klosterman
Traveling the world can take on a whole different meaning when you jump into your high-tech spacesuit and board an ultrasleek rocketship headed toward Mars. All of your friends will be seriously jealous as they receive selfies of you floating in space. Here at Stars Are a Must Travel
Agency, you can book your fun and safe adventure to Earth’s nearest planet, Mars!
In fact, the Red Planet special will leave from sunny Florida’s Cape Canaveral and zoom you past the moon toward Mars. For your safety, you will be provided a top-of-the-line Zentix Spacesuit which is made of high-tech fabric to withstand Mars’ low pressure. No need to worry your blood will not fry, boil, or fizz in this suit. In addition, Stars will provide you with all the breathtakingly clean air you can breathe and all the mountain stream water you can drink. No accommodation is too small for our customers. During this six month trip, we will show the latest movies for your viewing pleasure. Lie back in your comfy recliner seats and watch Spaceballs, Star Trek, or Aliens. We advise you bring a book or two so you can relax and lounge by our luxurious space pool. Of course, you should also bring some warm clothes and hiking books. This tour will take you to the top of the solar system’s tallest mountain, Olympus Mons. Brag to your friends through Interstellergram that you climbed a mountain three times as tall as Mr. Everest! Another excellent opportunity provided will test your gymnastic ability. Mars has little gravity so you can jump and flip in our Space Rover adventure area. Somersault, soar, and twist to heights no other human or alien has ever reached! In a word, this is a trip that you just can’t miss. The photos alone will give you amazing space stories to tell your friends and family for a lifetime. Contact the Stars Are a Must Travel
Agency through our email, [email protected], and book a luxury, first-class spot on this exceedingly secure and wildly exciting trip.