Lytchett Minster & Upton Town Council s1

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Lytchett Minster & Upton Town Council s1



A MEETING of the ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE was held in the Council Chamber, 1 Moorland Parade, Moorland Way on TUESDAY the 28 May 2013 and commenced at 7pm.

PRESENT: Councillor R Griffin (in the Chair) Councillor J Whippey Councillor Mrs M Pryor Councillor P F Johns Councillor F Rickard Councillor J R Burns Councillor P Rusling Councillor M Dodds Councillor J C Small (V/Chairman of Council)

Also in attendance: Karen Wright, Town Clerk Barbara Lake, Office Manager

24/13 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST AND APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: There were no declarations of interest and apologies for absence were received from: Cllr Mrs J M Richards (unwell) Cllr F H Drane (holiday) Mr B Cooper, Tree Warden

25/13 CLERKS REPORT: a) Minute 318/11 Jubilee Garden Improvements. Attempts to organise the opening at short notice have proved difficult so it was agreed to postpone the event until a later date. The High Sheriff of Dorset will be invited to perform the opening ceremony at a date convenient to her. Invitations will be extended to Mr Charles Hancox, and representatives from the Royal British Legion, the Schools and the Marine Camp.

b) Minute 24/12 Trailway South. No further information.

c) Minute 64/12 Pedestrian Crossing at Blandford Road and Poole Road. This item will now be removed from the minutes.

d) Minute 108/12 Proposed Cycleway along Poole Road. No further information.

e) Minute 109/12 Maintenance of Limberlost. The area needs weeding and Tappers will be informed. Concern was expressed about the condition of a tree on site and this will be referred to the Groundsman.

f) Minute 159/12 Volunteer Working Parties. No further information.

g) Minute 217/12 Funding application for Boardwalk at Lytchett Bay View. The Turbary trust has declined to provide funding for the additional footpath improvements. Other funding sources will now be explored. A further quote will be obtained for the additional footpath. It was reported that two signs had been vandalised and a repair is in hand. The installation of signage to the boardwalk and Chad’s Copse will be invgestigated.

h) Minute 218/12 Ongoing problem of lack of car parking in the town. The Vicar and LUCA have been contacted to request a meeting to discuss parking and other issues within the town. A meeting has been provisionally organised for Wednesday 2 October 2013 at 2 pm.

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25/13 CLERKS REPORT:(Cont) i) Minute 219/12 Options for improved entrance signs to the town. No further information.

j) Minute 341/12 Lengthsman Funding. DCC has given the council a further £1250 and we have chased them regarding our participation in the new pilot. No response has been received to date.

k) Minute 343/12 Dropped Kerbs. The dropped kerbs in Yarrells Lane and Meadows Drive are now in place.

l) Minute 344/12 Dragons Teeth. It will be ascertained from the list where dragons teeth are required.

m) Minute 345/12 Recycling Centre. We have been advised by the DWP that “when the site works were undertaken at the end of March, a request was made to highways to empty the gullies as we were aware that this is an issue. Following a site visit several weeks ago after the rain I spoke to highways again and they confirmed that the work is on the list to be done but due to the unprecedented number of defects within our area due to the last 7 months of bad weather it had not been complete yet. It should be complete in the next couple of weeks. Once the gullies have been emptied we can reassess if there are any remaining issues on site to see if any further improvements are required. As you can see from the recent improvements we are conscious of the problems on this site and have been trying to improve them. Likewise we are also doing an "education" morning at the site to try and reduce the fly tipping.”

n) Minute 385/12 Dog Fouling, Dorchester Road. The flyers were circulated and the dog bin installed, however the problem with dog fouling at this location is ongoing. Concern was expressed that members and staff from other towns were invited to a training session at PDC and investigations are in hand as to why this Council were not included.

o) Minute 385/12 Road Issues. Nothing further to report.

p) Minute 430/12 Pathway Lighting at Clocktower No further information.

26/13 CORRESPONDENCE: a) A letter expressing concern about flytipping on the land leading to Lytchett Bay was received from a resident. This is part of the Lord Wimborne Estate which is believed to be managed by Dorset Wildlife Trust and this matter will be referred to them in the first instance.

b) A letter expressing concern about the mess caused by tree works in the vicinity of Pony Drive/Bridle Close was received from a resident. This work was undertaken by contractors for the electricity board and they have been contacted but no response received. This will be pursued with the contractors and Southern Electric.

27/13 TO ELECT A VICE-CHAIRMAN: Upon nominations being called for Cllr Whippey was proposed and seconded and in the absence of any further nominations was unanimously elected Vice-Chairman of Environment Committee.

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28/13 TO RECEIVE UPDATE ON THE BAKERS ARMS ROUNDABOUT SPONSORSHIP: Further to a press release relating to the provision of a beacon the Town Council was approached by a member of the public who had researched the history of the beacon. DCC have confirmed that a safety audit is not required and the beacon may be sited on the roundabout. A full planning application will be submitted. The next meeting with Tappers and the Landscape Group will take place on Tuesday 4 June 2013.


30/13 TO CONSIDER A 5 YEAR STRATEGY FOR ENVIRONMENTAL PROJECTS: The following suggestions were put forward for consideration: A tree survey on Town Council owned trees. DCC provide such a service. A long term financial strategy which would include looking at private sponsorship and funding applications. One member to take over the project and to work closely with Upton In Bloom to run co-projects. Mark the site where a forge and well was once located. A brown information sign at the crossroads. Create a wildlife pond in Lytchett Minster.

31/13 TO RECEIVE COMMITTEE FINANCIAL UPDATE: The committee financial update was received and agreed.


Waste and Recycling Report Cllr P F Johns Report awaited.

Street Furniture Cllr Mrs M Pryor The telephone box on Poole Road needs cleaning and this will be referred to BT. The seat outside the Co-op is badly in need of attention and shotblasting and powdercoating of the seat will be investigated.

Open Spaces Lytchett Bay View Cllr J Whippey It was suggested that wild flowers could be grown and the Clerk will look into obtaining some seeds.

Jubilee Garden Cllr J Small None.

St. Martins Park Cllr J C Small None.

Meadows Garden Cllr Mrs J M Richards The area needs weedkilling and this will be referred to the Groundstaff who will also be asked to include the corner piece when grasscutting.

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Trees Cllr J R Burns None.

Overgrowing vegetation Cllr F Rickard None.

Lengthsman activities. None



35/13 TREE WARDEN’S REPORT: See attached list.

36/13 ITEMS OF REPORT AND MATTERS FOR FUTURE AGENDAS: a) Notices have been distributed to households in the vicinity of the wall in Poole Road to advise them of the current situation.

There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.50 pm.



DEMOCRATIC SESSION: A resident attended the meeting in support of the letter he sent regarding tree cutting in the Pony Drive/Bridle Close vicinity. See Minute 26/13(b). 11

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