1. Teacher Section: It Is Having Two Modules
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1. Teacher Section: It is having two modules
1.1. Add New Teacher : It consists of fields such as
A. Category as drop down consists of Management, Non-Teaching Staff, Teaching Staff
B. Name
C. Qualification
D. Subject
E. Classes Taken as drop down consisting of all the classes
F. Photo to upload
G. Description consists of all text options
H. Followed by two buttons Submit & Reset.
1.2. Manage Teachers : It consists of fields such as
A. Search Teacher By Name followed by search option.
B. Filter By as drop down consists of Management, Non-Teaching Staff, Teaching Staff
C. Showing as drop down consisting of number 5,10,15,20…
D. Down list of teachers consisting of fields such as Sort with a box consists of numbers , Name, Subject, Classes Taken and controls consisting of Edit, To Lock and Delete.
E. At the end bottom right corner consisting of two fields Export To Excel, Print
2. Alumni Members :
2.1. Manage Alumni Members : It consists of fields such as
A. Enter keyword with a box to enter keyword
B. Search By with drop down list consisting of First Name, Last Name and E-mail followed by search option.
C. Filter by year pass out with drop down list consisting of years followed by a button Filter.
D. On the right end corner a field showing as a drop down consisting of number 5, 10, 15, 20….. E. Down List Of Alumni members consisting of fields such as First Name, Last Name, Email Address, Year Pass out and controls consisting of Edit, To Lock and Delete.
2.2. Manage Year pass Out : It Consists of fields such as
A. Add New Pass out Year as main field under that a field by name Type the year with a box to enter the year followed by a button Add.
B. Down List of Manage Pass out Years consisting of fields such as Year and No. Of Members and controls consisting of Edit, Delete.
3. Video Section
3.1. Add New Video : It consists of fields such as
A. Title of the video with a box to enter title.
B. Paste the Embed link with a box and under that box a note as follows
Note: Pls make the width="451" height="270" as mentioned here
C. Description consists of all text options
D. Followed by two buttons Submit & Reset.
3.2. Edit/ Delete Videos : It consists of fields such as
A. Search Video By Name with a box followed by search option.
B. Showing as drop down consisting of number 5,10,15,20…
C. Down List Of Videos consisting of fields such as Sl.No, Video Title,and Status (consists of Block/Un Block), Edit, and Delete.
4. Yearly Planner
4.1. Create Planner : It consists of fields such as
A. Create Yearly planner as main heading under that Event consisting of a box to enter a particular event.
B. Date with three drop down boxes for Date, Month and Year.
C. Time with two drop down boxes for Minutes and Hours.
D. Followed by save buttons 4.2. Edit/ Delete Plans: It consists of fields such as
A. Events for that particular Month & Year as main heading.
B. Down list of fields such as Previous Year, Previous Month, Next Year, Next Month, View Current Month.
C. If Previous Year is Clicked it lists all the events in that particular year with fields such as No, ID, Date, Description, actions(Edit and Delete)
D. If Previous Month is Clicked it lists all the events in that particular year with fields such as No, ID, Date, Description, actions(Edit and Delete)
E. If Next month is Clicked it lists all the events in that particular year with fields such as No, ID, Date, Description, actions(Edit and Delete)
F. If Next Year is Clicked it lists all the events in that particular year with fields such as No, ID, Date, Description, actions(Edit and Delete)
G. If View Current Month is Clicked it lists all the events in that particular month with fields such as No, ID, Date, Description, actions(Edit and Delete)
H. If no events are there then it should display There are no Events to show.
5. Time Table:
5.1. Add Time Table : It Consists of fields such as
A. Create New Time Table as main heading.
B. Select Class as drop down with list of all classes.
C. Section consisting of a box (ex:a,b,c….)
D. School Assembly Time consisting of a box (ex: 10:30 A.M, 09:45 A.M)
E. School Start Time consisting of a box (ex: 10:30 A.M, 09:45 A.M)
F. School End Time consisting of a box (ex: 04:00 P.M, 05:00 P.M)
G. Select Total Periods as a drop down list consisting of 1,2,3,…..
H. Select Breaks as checkbox consisting of Interval, Break1, Break2, Break3.
I. Select Heading Color with a box followed by Color Chart.
J. Select Days Color with a box followed by Color Chart
K. Select Break Color with a box followed by Color Chart
L. Followed by three buttons Create Grid, Create Time Table, Cancel. 5.2. Edit/Delete Time Table.
A. Edit Time Table as main heading.
B. Followed by list of Timetables according to Class & Section. with fields such as Sl.No, Class & Section, Status(Block/ Unblock), Add Date, Edit Date, Edit & Delete
6. School Toppers
6.1. School Topper : It consists of fields such as
A. Add School Topper as main heading.
B. Followed by Student Name with a box to enter the name.
C. Roll No with a box to enter the Roll No
D. Class/Section as drop down consisting of classes and sections.
E. Exam as drop down consisting of Quarterly/ Half Yearly.
F. Percentage with a box to enter the Percentage.
G. Position as dropdown consisting of O+ve,E,
H. Followed by Add button.
I. Under that Manage Topper as another main Heading.
J. Search Name with a box to enter the name followed by search button.
K. Showing as drop down consisting of number 5,10,15,20
F. Followed by List Of School Toppers consisting of fields such as Sort Order with boxes to enter the order followed by down a button called Save Order , Student Name, Roll No, Class/Sec, Exam, Percentage, Position, and Action consisting of Edit, To Lock and Delete.
6.2. Topper Position : It consists of fields such as
A. Add position as main heading.
B. Followed by position with a box to enter the position
C. Order with a box to enter the order.
D. Down a button called Add.
E. Under that Manage Position as another main Heading. F. Search Position with a box to enter the position followed by search button.
L. Showing as drop down consisting of number 5,10,15,20
G. Followed by List Of Topper Positions consisting of fields such as Sort Order with boxes to enter the order followed by down a button called Save Order , Position, and Action consisting of Edit, To Lock and Delete.
6.3. Manage Exam : It consists of fields such as
G. Add Exam as main heading.
H. Followed by Exam with a box to enter the Exam
I. Down a button called Add.
J. Under that Manage Exam as another main Heading.
K. Search Class with a box to enter the Class followed by search button.
M. Showing as drop down consisting of number 5,10,15,20
N. Followed by List Of Topper Positions consisting of fields such as Sort Order with boxes to enter the order followed by down a button called Save Order ,Exam, and Action consisting of Edit, To Lock and Delete
7. Archieves
7.1. Add New Archive : It consists of fields such as
A. Add New Image as main heading.
B. Followed by Select Category as drop down consisting of image to select.
C. Followed by Image Title with a box to enter the Image Title
D. Image consisting of a box to upload the image
E. Add more images a drop down consisting of 1,2,3….
F. Followed by add button to Add.
7.2. Edit/ Delete Achieve : It consists of fields such as
A. List Of Gallery Images as main heading.
B. Followed by search with a box to enter the search item and a search button.
C. Filter By as drop down consisting of image D. Showing as drop down consisting of number 5,10,15,20
E. Followed by list of gallery images and fields such as Sl.No, Category, Image Title, Image, Status(Block/ Unblock), Add Date, End Date , Edit,Delete
8. Media
8.1. Add New Category
A. Add Image Category as main heading
B. Followed by two boxes to enter the category and Add button.
8.2. Edit Category
A. Edit Image Categories(Select the Category to edit) as main heading
B. Followed by two boxes to enter the edit category and update button.
8.3. Delete Category
A. Delete Image Categories(Select the Category to Delete) as main heading
B. Followed by two boxes to enter the Delete category and Delete button.
8.4. Add New Image
A. Add New Image as main Heading.
B. Followed by Select Category as drop down consisting of image to select.
C. Followed by Image Title with a box to enter the Image Title
D. Image consisting of a box to upload the image
E. Add more images a drop down consisting of 1,2,3….
F. Followed by add button to Add.
8.5. Edit/Delete Image
A. List Of Gallery Images as main heading.
B. Followed by search with a box to enter the search item and a search button. C. Filter By as drop down consisting of image
D. Showing as drop down consisting of number 5,10,15,20
E. Followed by list of gallery images and fields such as Sl.No, Category, Image Title, Image, Status(Block/ Unblock), Add Date, End Date , Edit, Delete