Dickey, David A. Curriculum Vitae
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Dickey, David A. Curriculum Vitae
PhD; May 1976; Department of Statistics, Iowa State University Winner of Snedecor Award for outstanding statistics graduate student at ISU MS; May 1969; Math; Math; Miami University, Oxford, Ohio BA; July 1967; Math; Miami University, Oxford, Ohio
Positions Held
6/2007 - Present Professor, Institute for Advanced Analytics, North Carolina State. 6/1976 - Present: Professor, Department of Statistics, North Carolina State University. Associate faculty, Economics. Financial Math faculty. 9/1971 - 6/1972: Instructor Randolph Macon College, Ashland, Virginia 9/1969 - 6/1971: Instructor College of William and Mary in Virginia 1968 Summer: Staff member Operations Research Division, Air Force Logistic Command, Wright Patterson AFB, Ohio 1968 - 1969: Math Instructor, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio
Sabbatical Leaves and Scholarly Assignments
10/2001: Visiting Scholar, Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis 9/1982 - 6/1983: Scholarly Assignment, US Census Bureau
Honors and Awards
SAS Distinguished Professor award presented at SAS Global Forum 2014. Appointed William Neal Reynolds Distinguished Professor, 2008 Outstanding Extension Service Award 2007 Fellow, American Statistical Association, August 2000 D.D. Mason Faculty Award, 1986. Academy of Outstanding Teachers at North Carolina State University in Spring 1994 Member of Honor Societies: Phi Kappa Phi, Sigma Xi, Mu Sigma Rho, Pi Mu Epsilon (mathematics), Kappa Phi Kappa (education), Phi Mu Alpha(music)
Areas of Research
Time series analysis (unit roots and nonstationarity) Funded Grants
Other Investi- Title Agency $ Amount Time Period PI/Co-PI gators StatisticalSupport for Project NCSU $98,999 2003-2006 D. Dickey M. OPEN subcontract L.Stefanski Williams Prognostic Capability for Coastal and Estuarine National Flooding Severe $17,000 2001-2006 D. Dickey Storm L. Pietrafesa Labs Determination of a USDC $75,000 2002-2003 L.Pietrafesa Recruitment Index NOAA L.Xie Methodology… NMFS D. Dickey D. Eggelston J. Morrison Faculty Research Award North $14,248 2001 D. Halstrom Carolina K. Smith State Univ. D. Dickey SCREMS grant # 0113012 National $43,844 2001 P. Bloomfield Science D. Dickey Foundation Several others Statistical Support (consultant $2,490 2001 Blake Brown on Brown grant) An Ergonomics Assesment (consultant $1,000 2000 C. Sommerich Methodology for Work- Sommeric Workers Systems h grant) Temporal Analysis of North $22,539 1999 D. Dickey Hydrology Variability Carolina Coop. Fish and Wildlife Research Unit. Ductile Grinding of Brittle (consultant $2,129 1993 T. Dow Materials on grant) R. Scattergood Waste Leakage in Laboratory (consultant $2,120 1993 P. Zia Produced Wall Assemblies on grant)
Books and Book Chapters
10 Dickey, D. A. and W. Fuller (2015) ‘Distribution of the Estimators for Autoregressive Time Series with a Unit Root’, Chapter 46 in Applied Econometrics, William Greene editor. Reprinted from Journal of the American
2 Statistical Association, 1979, 74, 427–31.
9 Dickey, D. A. D. W. Jansen, D. L. Thornton (2008, 1994). A Primer on Cointegration with an Application to Money and Income. Cointegration for the Appleid Economist. B.B. Rao editor (edition 2 and 1) pp. 9-45. 8 Rumsey,I.C., V.P. Aneja, S.P. Arya, D.S. Kim, W.P. Robarge, D.A. Dickey, L.S. Stefanski, H. Semunegus, H.L. Arkinson, K. Bajwa, W. W. Stephens, S. B. Goetz, L. Todd, K. Mottus, and C.M. Williams. (2006). “Characterizing Ammonia Emissions from Potential Environmentally Superior Technologies for hog farms in Eastern North Carolina”, Proceedings of the Workshop on Agricultural Air Quality: State of the Science, June 5-8, 2006, Potomac, MD, ISBN. 0-9669770-4-1, pp. 1076-1085. 7 Brocklebank, J. and D.A.Dickey (2003). SAS System for Forecasting Time Series 2ed. SAS Institute. In March 2008 this book went into its 4th printing. 6 Rawlings, J. O., S. G. Pantula and D. A. Dickey (1998). Applied Regression Analysis: A Research Tool. Springer Verlag, NY. 5 Steel, R.G. D., J. H. Torrie and D.A. Dickey (1997). Principles and Procedures of Statistics: A Biometrical Approach, McGraw-Hill, San Francisco (3ed.). 4 Brocklebank, J. and D. A. Dickey (1986). SAS System for Forecasting Time Series. SAS Institute. In 1998 this book went into its 7th printing. 3 Said, S.E. and D. A. Dickey. (1981). Distribution of Parameter Estimates in ARIMA(p, 1, q) Models in Applied Times Series Analysis O. D. Anderson, ed. 2 Bowerman, B.L., R. O’Connel, and D.A. Dickey (1986). Linear Statistical Models. Duxbury. 1 Dickey, D.A. (1983) “Statistics and the Stock Market,” in Fascination of Statistics, Book and Arnold eds.
Refereed Publications (* means first author is my PhD student)
71 Stancil, Daniel D., S.B. Yegen, D.A. Dickey, C.R. Gould (2017). “Search for Possible Solar Influences in Ra-226 Decays”. Results In Physics 7:385-406. (Reviewer comment: “Overall this is a fantastic article that definitely needs to be published.”) 70 Jeong, Ka Young, Paul V. Nelson, Carl E. Niedziela Jr., and David A. Dickey (2016), “Effect of Plant Species, Fertilizer Acidity/Basicity and Fertilizer Concentration on pH of Soilless Root Substrate. Hort. Science 51(12):1596-1601. 69 Niedziela, Carl E. Jr., Paul V. Nelson, and David A. Dickey (2015), “Growth, Development, and Mineral Nutrient Accumulation and Distribution inTulip from Planting through Postanthesis Shoot Senescence,” International Journal of Agronomy, vol. 2015, Article ID 341287, 11 pages, 2015. doi:10.1155/2015/341287. 68 Winner, W. E., D. A. Dickey and D. S. Showalter (2015) “Sustainability and Metrics: Use of Statistics and Independent Auditing,” Sustainability: The Journal of Record.8(2) 54-60 67 Yan, Tingzhuang, L.J. Pietrafesa, D. A. Dickey, P. T. Gayes, S. Bao (2015) "Seasonal Prediction of Land-falling Hurricanes along Eastern Seaboard of the United
3 States” International Journal of Climatology 35 2447-2453 and online at http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/joc.4163/epdf 66 Barnes, J., P. Nelson, B.E. Whipker, D.A. Dickey, D. Hesterberg, and W. Shi. (2013). Statistical Model for Predicting Macronutrient Impacts on Container Substrate pH Over Time. HortScience, 49(2):207-214. (This paper won the Kenneth Post Award from the ASHS Floriculture Working Group). 65 Pietrafesa, L. J., D. A. Dickey, P.T. Gayes, T. Yan, J.M. Epps, M. Hagan, S. Bao, M. Peng (2013). On Atmospheric-Ocean-Land Temperature Variability and Trends. International Journal of Geosciences 4: 417-443 (online March 2013) 64 Dickey, D. A., (2012).Normally Distributed Seasonal Unit Root Tests. In Economic Time Series: Modeling and Seasonality, Bell, Holan, and McElroy editors, CRC Press, 383-401. 63 Place, George T., SC Reberg-Horton, D. A. Dickey, T. E. Carter. (2011). Identifying Soybean Traits of Interest for Weed Competition. Crop Science. 51: 2642-2654. 62 Stewart, K.R., D. A. Dickey and S. P. Morehead (2011). Use and Effectiveness of Online Quizzes as a Study Aid for an Introduction to Animal Science Laboratory Course. North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture Journal 55(4): 97- 101 61 Nelson, L. A., D. A. Dickey, and J. M. Smith (2011) Estimating Time Series and Cross Section Tourism Demand Models: Mainland United States to Hawaii Data. J. Tourism Management 32(1): 28-38. 60 Mosavi, A. A., D. A. Dickey, R. Seracino, S. H. Rizkalla (2011). Identifying damage locations under ambient vibrations utilizing vector autoregressive models and Mahalanobis distances. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 59 Yan, Tingzhuan, L. J. Pietrafesa, D. A. Dickey, S. Bao, N, E, Huang, Z. Wu (2010). North Atlantic Ocean basin tropical cyclone activity as related to climate factors for the 2010 hurricane season. Advances in Adaptive Data Analysis 2(4): 463-508. 58 Dickey, David A (2010). Dickey-Fuller Tests. In: International Handbook of Statistical Science (Miodrag Lovric, ed). 385-388 57 Dickey, David A. and Y. Zhang (2010) Seasonal Unit Root Tests in Long Periodicity Cases, Journal of the Korean Statistical Society 39: 271-279 56 Yan, Tingzhuan, L. J. Pietrafesa, G. D. Bell,T. P. Karl, D. A. Dickey (2009). On the Inverse Relationship between North American Snow Extent and North American Hurricane Activity. Journal of Climate. 55 Taylor, J. Christopher, J. M. Miller, L. J. Pietrafesa, D. A. Dickey and S. Ross (2009). Winter winds and river discharge determine juvenile southern flounder (Paralichthys lethostigma) recruitment and distribution in North Carolina estuaries. Journal of Sea Research 64: 15-25. 54 Munoz, M. Pilar and D. A. Dickey (2009) Are Electricity Prices Affected by the US Dollar to Euro Exchange Rate? The Spanish Case, Energy Economics v. 31 #6, 857-866 53 Xie, Lingtian J. L. Flippin, N. Deighton, D. H. Funk, D.A. Dickey, and D. B. Buchwalter (2009). Mercury (II) Bioaccumulation and Antioxidant Physiology in Four Aquatic Insects. Environ. Sci. Technol., 2009, v. 43 #3, pp 934–940. 52 Aneja, V. P., S. P. Arya, I.C. Rumsey, D-S. Kim, K. Bajwa, D.A.Dickey, L.A. Stefanski, L.Todd, K.Mottus,H.L. Arkinson, H. Semunegus, W.P. Robarge and
4 C.M. Williams (2008) . Characterizing Ammonia Emissions from Swine Farms in Eastern North Carolina - Part I. Conventional Lagoon and Spray Technology for Waste Treatment. Journal of the Air Waste and Management Association 58 #9 1130-1144. 51 Aneja, V. P., S. P. Arya, I.C. Rumsey, D-S. Kim, K. Bajwa, D.A.Dickey, L.A. Stefanski, L.Todd, K.Mottus,H.L. Arkinson, H. Semunegus, W.P. Robarge and C.M. Williams (2008) . Characterizing Ammonia Emissions from Swine Farms in Eastern North Carolina - Part II. Potential Environmentally Superior Technologies for Waste Treatment. Journal of the Air Waste and Management Association 58 #9 1145-1157. 50 Reed, Robert E., Dickey, D. A., Burkholder, J. M., Kinder, C. A. and Brownie, C. (2007) Water level variations in the Neuse and Pamlico Estuaries, North Carolina due to local and remote forcing. Estuarine, Coastal, and Shelf Science, 76: 431- 446. 49 Gustafson, L.L., S.K. Ellis, M.J. Beattie, B.D. Chang, D.A. Dickey, T.L.Robinson, F.P. Marenghi, P.J. Moffett, F.H. Page, (2007). Hydrographics and the timing of infectious salmon anemia outbreaks among Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) farms in the Quoddy region of Maine, USA and New Brunswick, Canada. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 78: 35-56. 48 Pietrafesa, L.J. E.B. Buckley, M. Peng, S. Bao, H. Liu, D.A. Dickey, L. Xie. (2007) On Coastal Ocean Systems, Coupled Model Architectures and Products and Services. Morphing from Observations to Operations to Applications. Marine Technology Society Journal, 41: Number 10. 47 Pietrafesa, L.J., K. Kelleher, D. A. Dickey, T. Karl, S. Bao, M.Peng, M. Xia, H. Liu. (2006) A new Architecture for Coastal Inundation and Flood Warning Prediction. Marine Technology Society Journal, 40 Number 4, pps 71-77. 46 Burkholder, J. M., D. A. Dickey, C. A. Kinder, R. E. Reed M. A. Mallin, M. R. McGiver, L. B. Cahoon, G. Melia, C. Brownie, J. M. Smith, N. Deamer, J. Springer, H. B. Glasgow, and D. Toms, (2006). Comprehensive Trend Analysis of Nutrients and Related Variables in a Large Eutrophic Estuary: A Decadal Study of Athropogenic and Climatic Effects. Limnology and Oceanongraphy 5: 463-487. 45 Low, Ronald B., MD MS, Bielory, L. MD, Dunn, V. MD MPH, Qureshi, A. MD, Stuhlmiller, D. and Dickey, D. A. (2006). The relationship of stroke admissions to recent weather, airborne allergens, air pollution, seasons, upper respiratory infections, and asthma incidence, September 11, 2001, and day of the week Stroke 37: 951 - 957 (also available online) 44 Bao, S. L. J. Pietrafesa, Norden E. Huang, Zhaohua Wu, D. A. Dickey, P. T. Gayes, T. Yan. An Empirical Study of Tropical Cyclone Activity in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans: 1851-2005. Advances in Adaptive Data Analysis. 01/2011; 3:291-307. 43 Pietrafesa, L.J. D.A. Dickey, L. Xie, (2005). Sea level variability on U.S. Coastlines. Solutions to Coastal Disasters. 42-51, ASC publishers. 42 * Huh, Seungho, Dickey, D.A., Meador M. R., and Ruhl, K. E. (2005) Temporal Analysis of the Frequency and Duration of Low and High Streamflow: Years of Record Needed to Characterize Streamflow Variability,” J. Hydrology. 310: 78- 94. (This article is included in the online database “ASFA: Aquatic Sciences &
5 Fisheries Abstracts from CSA” 41 Phillips, K., Ghosh, T.K., Dickey, D. A. (2005) "Stress Relaxation of Tufted Carpets and Carpet Components: Analysis of the Tufted Carpet Structure," Textile Research Journal. Vol. 75 # 6, 485-491. 40 Dickey, D. A. (2004) “A Review of Unit Root Testing Results,” Estatistica com Acaso e Necessidade, Rodrigues, Rebelo and Rosado editors. Sociedad Portuguesa de Estatistica, Faro Portugal. 1-14 39 Dickey, Michael D., Stewart, M. D., Willson, C. G. and Dickey, D. A. (2006) “An Automated Statistical Process Control Study of Inline Mixing Using Spectrophometric Detection,” Journal of Chemical Education, 83(1), 110-113. 38 * Lee, Taiyeong and Dickey, D.A. (2004) “Unconditional Maximum Likelihood Estimator for a Season Unit Root Test,” Journal of Time Series Analysis, 25: 551- 561 37 Dickey, D. A., and S. G. Pantula (2002). “Determining the order of differencing in AR processes.” Journal of Business Economics Statistics, 20: 18-24. (20th Anniversary Commemorative Issue- published originally in 1986) 36 Xie, L., L.J. Pietrafesa and D.A. Dickey (2002). The mathematical architecture for a coastal and estuary modeling and environmental prediction system. Solutions to Coastal Disasters, p. 441-455. 35 * Evans, B.A. and D.A. Dickey (2002).”Normalizations for periodogram-based unit root tests”, Statistics and Probability Letters, 60: 343-350. 34 Pietrafesa, L.J., D. Dickey, L. Xie, (2001) Flooding due to Hurricanes Dennis and floyd. Chapter 2 in Environmental and Socio-economic impacts of Hurricane Floyd. Carolina Coastal Press. 33 Walker, John T., V. P. Aneja and D. A. Dickey (2000) “Atmosheric Transport and Wet Deposition of Ammonium in North Carolina”, International Journal of Atmosheric Environment 34, 3407-3418. 32 Dickey, D.A. (2000). “Time Series: Nonstationary Distributions and Unit Roots”, in International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences. 31 * Akdi, Y.M. and D.A. Dickey (1999). “Periodograms for Seasonal Time Series with a Unit Root”, Istatistik 2: 153-164 30 * Gonzalez-Farias, Graciela and Dickey, D.A. (1999). “Unit Root Tests: An Unconditional Maximum Likelihood Approach”, Boletin de la Sociedad Matematica Mexicana 5, 199-221. 29 * Akdi, Y.M. and D.A. Dickey (1998). “Periodograms of Unit Root Time Series: Distributions and Tests”, Communications in Statistics, 27: 69-87. 28 Christ, Carl F., and David A. Dickey. Assessing Applied Econometric Results. ICPSR01075-v1. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 1996-01-03. 27 Dickey, D.A., D. W. Jansen and D.L. Thornton (1996) “A Primer on Cointegration with an Application to Money and Income”. Reprinted in Foundations of Probability, Econometrics and Economic Games, Omar F. Hamouda, ed. Edward Elgar Publishing Lts. (original paper 1991). 26 Dickey, D. A. and J. Tim Arnold (1995). “Teaching statistics with data of historic interest”. Journal of Statistics Education, 3, n.1. 25 Bush, E. J., P. Cowen, W. E. Morgan Morrow, D. A. Dickey and K. E. Zering (1995).
6 “Empirical Similarity of Responses of Two Random Samples of North Carolina Swine Producers to a Management Questionnaire used in the US National Swine Survey”, Preventive Veterinary Medicine 22, 1-13. 24 Dickey, D. A., (1994), “A Statistical Test for Stability”, Current Contents 24: 8. Institute for Scientific Information. 23 Dickey, D. A., D. W. Jansen and D. L. Thornton (1994) “A Primer on Cointegration with an Application to Money and Income”, reprinted in Cointegration for the Applied Economist, B. B. Rao ed., MaxMillan Press (original paper 1991) 22 Dickey, D. A. and R. J. Rossana (1994). “Cointegrated Time Series: A Guide to Estimation and Hypothesis Testing”, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 56, 325-353. 21 * Chang, M.C. and D. A. Dickey (1993). “Recognizing Overdifferenced Time Series”, Journal of Time Series Analysis, 15, 1-18. 20 Dickey, D. A., D. P. Hasza and W. A. Fuller (1992). “Testing for Unit Roots in Seasonal Time Series”, reprinted in Modeling Seasonality, Oxford University Press, Sven Hylleberg, editor (original article 1984) 19 Dickey, D. A., (1992). “Comments on a Paper of Carl Christ”, 17th Annual Economic Policy Conference, Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis. 18 Dickey, D. A., D. W. Jansen, and D. L. Thornton (1991) A Primer on Cointegration with an Application to Money and Income. Review of Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, 73, 58-78. 17 Caruolo, E. V., R. F. Jarman and D. A. Dickey (1990). Milk Temperature in the Claw piece of the Milking Machine and Mammary Surface Temperature are Predictors of Internal Mammary Temperature in Goats. Journal of Veterinary Medicine A 37: 61-67. 16 Dickey, D. A. (1990). “Testing for Unit Roots in Vector Processes and its Relationship to Cointegration”, Thomas Fomby (editor), Advances in Econometrics, Volume 8: 87-105. 15 * Fountis, N. G. and D. A. Dickey (1989). “Testing for a Unit Root Nonstationarity in Multivariate Autoregressive Time Series”, Annals of Statistics, 17: 419-428. 14 Spooner, J. S. L. Brichford, D. A. Dickey, R. P. Maas, M. D. Smolen, G. J. Ritter, and E. G. Flaig (1988). “Determining The sensitivity of the Water Quality Monitoring Program in the Taylor Creek-Nubbin Slough, Florida Project”. Lake and Reservoir Management, 4(2):113-124. 13 Dickey, D. A. (1988). “Comment: A Reexamination of Friedman’s Consumption Puzzle”, Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 6(4) 410-414 12 * Sen, D.L. and D. A. Dickey (1987). “Symmetric Test for Second Differencing in Univariate Time Series”, Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 5: 463- 473. 11 Dickey, D. A. and S.G. Pantula (1986). “ Determining the order of differencing in AR processes”. Journal of Business Economics Statistics, 5: 455-461. 10 Dickey, D. A., W.R. Bell and R. B. Miller (1986). “Unit Roots in Time Series Models: Tests and Implications”, American Statistician 40: 12-26. 9 * Said, S. E. and D. A. Dickey (1985). “Hypothesis Testing in ARIMA (p, 1, q) Models”, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 80: 369-374. 8 * Said, S. E. and D. A. Dickey (1984). “Testing for Unit Roots in Autoregressive-
7 Moving Average Models of Unknown Order”, Biometrika, 71: 599-607. 7 Dickey, D. A., D. P. Hasza, and W. A. Fuller (1984). “Testing for Unit Roots in Seasonal Time Series”, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 79: 355- 367. 6 Mochrie, R.D. and D. A. Dickey (1984). “Comparison of Semiautomated Method with Official Optical Somatic Cell Counting Method III”, Journal of the Association of Official Analytical Chemistry, vol. 67 #3, 615-617. 5 Rosen, M.B., R. D. Mochrie, E. V. Caruolo, and D. A. Dickey (1983). “Relationship of Pulsation Ratio, and Linear Closure Rate to Milking Efficiency”. Journal of Dairy Science, 2580-2586. 4 Belongia, M. and D. A. Dickey (1982). “Prefiltering and Causality Tests”, Agricultural Economic Research, vol. 34, #4, 10-14. 3 Dickey, D. A. (1981). “Histograms, Percentiles and Moments”, American Statistician, 164-165. 2 Dickey, D. A. and W. A. Fuller (1981). “Likelihood Ratio Statistics for Autoregressive Time Series with a Unit Root”. Econometrica 49: 1057-1072. This article was name a “citation classic” in 1993 by the Institute for Scientific Information (publishers of the Social Sciences Citation Index). This article was cited in the official support documentation for the 2003 Nobel Prize in Economics (http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/economics/laureates/2003/ecoadv.pdf) . 1 Dickey, D. A. and W. A. Fuller (1979). “Distribution of the Estimators for Autoregressive Time Series with a Unit Root”. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 74: 427-431. This article was cited in the official support documentation for the 2003 Nobel Prize in Economics.
Presentations at Regional, National or International Meetings
Invited Presentations
107 Peering into the Future: Introduction to Time Series Methods for Forecasting. Short course for ASA Conference on Statistical Practice, Feb. 23-25, 2017, Jacksonville Fla. 106 What’s the Difference? (paper on unit root tests). SAS Global Forum, April 18- 24, 2016, Las Vegas. 105 Introduction to Data mining. Short course for SAS Global Forum, April 18, 2016, Las Vegas. 104 Statistics for medical and biological data. Osher Lifetime Learning Institute, Feb. 15, 2016, McKimmon Center, Raleigh 103 Peering into the Future: Introduction to Time Series Methods for Forecasting. Short course for ASA-SPES Fall Technical Conference, Oct. 8-9, 2015, Houston. 102 Forecasting with Time Series Short course for Wisconsin Illinois SAS Users Conference, June 24, 2015, Milwaukee. 101 Greatest Hits of Unit Roots. Keynote at Agricultural and Applied Economics Association meetings, San Francisco July 26-28 San Francisco. 100 The bookBot Ultimatum! (paper on effect of Hunt library). SAS Global Forum, April
8 26-29, 2015, Dallas, Texas 90 Peering Into the Future: Introduction to Time Series Methods for Forecasting. Tutorial at SAS Global Forum, April 26-29, 2015, Dallas, Texas 89 Forecasting Econometrics and Time Series short course for “Analytics 2014,” Las Vegas, Nevada, Oct. 20-22, 2014. 88 Time Series. Short Course presented at Capital One’s annual “Allstats” conference . Oct. 14, McLean Virginia 87 Overview of Data Mining. Boston Area SAS Users’ Group, Sept. 16, 2014. 86 Got Randomness? Mixed and Generalized Linear Mixed Models Research Triangle SAS Users’ Group meeting, Research Triangle Institute, RTP, NC May 28, 2014. 85 Overview of Data Mining. Presentation for patent examiners from USPTO, May 14, 2014 at SAS Institute, Cary NC. 84 Panel discussion: the role of analytics in business today. GSK Forum, RTP NC April 30, 2014. 83 Overview of Data Mining. U.S. Patent Office team visit to SAS Institute. Cary NC. May 14, 2014. 82 SAS for Mixed and Generalized Linear Mixed Models. SAS Global Forum, Washington D.C. March 25, 2014 http://video.sas.com/services/player/bcpid1873162645001? bckey=AQ~~,AAABs_kuvqE~,9q03viSCCi8Qu-ec7KH7e- bapzBTKVDB&bclid=0&bctid=3390235479001 81 Finding the Gold in Your Data: An Overview of Data Mining Techniques. Half day workshop at SAS Global Forum, Washington D.C. March 23, 2014. 80 Overview of Data Mining. RTSUG at Research Triangle Institute, RTP, NC, May 28 2014. 79 Introduction to Time Series Methods. Invited Short Course at Conference on Statistical Practice, Tampa, Fla. February 20, 2014. 78 Interview about STEM education and the International Year of Statistics. SAS Global Forum, San Francisco April 29, 2013. Recording available at http://www.livestream.com/sasglobalforum/video?clipId=flv_36bc3373-d96a- 4374-9614-bb43149dcae6&utm_source=lslibrary&utm_medium=ui-thumb 77 Finding the Gold in Your Data: An Overview of Data Mining Techniques. Statistics keynote address, SAS Global Forum, San Francisco, April 30, 2013. Recording at http://www.livestream.com/sasglobalforumpapers/video?clipId=pla_f0e16e61- 1920-423a-a8ac-9a388a50fcce&utm_source=lslibrary&utm_medium=ui-thumb 76 Overview of Unit Root Tests, Invited lecture for NCSU “Breakthroughs in Statistics” class (L. Stefanski, organizer) March 14, 2013. 75 Statistics and Graphics for Analysis and Insight. Keynote Address, 2nd Annual A.S.A. Conference on Statistical Practice, New Orleans, Feb. 22, 2013. 74 Overview of Data Mining. Nationwide Insurance Corporate Offices, Columbus, Ohio, Nov. 2, 2012. 73 Data Mining Invited talk to NCSU Encore program. Sept. 13 2012. 72 Normally Distributed Seasonal Unit Root Tests. Joint statistical Meetings, San Diego California, August 1, 2012. 71 Introduction to Predictive Modeling with Examples. SAS Global Forum. Orlando,
9 Fla., . April 24, 2012. 60 Stationarity Testing in High Frequency Seasonal Time Series International Statistics Institute, Dublin, Ireland, August 25, 2011. 69 Introduction to Predictive Modeling with Examples. Milwaukee Area SAS Users’ Group. Milwaukee Wisc. June 29, 2011 68 SAS ETS and the Nobel Prize, SAS Global Forum, Las Vegas, Nev. April 5, 2011. 67 Stationarity Testing in High Frequency Seasonal Time Series Tinbergen Institute, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, March 11, 2011. 66 Stationarity Testing in High Frequency Seasonal Time Series Tilburg University, Tilburg, The Netherlands, March 9, 2011. 65 PROC MIXED: Underlying Ideas with Examples Midwest SAS users’ Group Milwaukee Wisconsin, October 11-12, 2010 64 Stationarity Testing in High Frequency Seasonal Time Series Southeast SAS Users’ Group, Savannah Ga., September 27, 2010. 63 Nonlinear and Generalized Linear Mixed Models Weekend Workshop Southeast SAS Users’ Group, Savannah Ga., Septermber 26, 2010. 62 PROC MIXED: Underlying Ideas with Examples SAS Global Forum, Seattle, April 11-14, 2010 61 Ideas and Examples in Generalized Linear Mixed models SAS Global Forum, Seattle, April 11-14, 2010 60 Unit Root Testing in Time Series Bicentennial Beginnings of Statistics at Miami University (kickoff of new stat department at Miami) Nov. 13, 2009. 59 Overview of Unit Root Tests. Invited lecture for Bank of Korea, Seoul Korea, July 3, 2009. 58 Seasonal Unit Root Tests in Long Periodicity Cases. First IMS Asia-Pacific Rim Meeting Distinguished Lecture, Seoul Korea, July 1, 2009. 57 Stationarity Testing in High Frequency Seasonal Time Series. SAS Global Forum, Washington D.C. March 23, 2009. 56 Seasonal Unit Root Tests for Long Periodicities Triangle Econometrics Meeting, NISS Dec. 5, 2008. 55 One day course on time series and forecasting Capital One “All Stats” Conference (for company analysts worldwide) Nov. 17, 2008. 54 Data Mining Invited talk at NCSU Encore Series October 28, 2008. 53 Seasonal Time Series With Long Periodicities Stern School of Business, New York University, Oct. 6, 2008. 52 Further Results on Seasonal Time Series Joint Statistical Meetings, Denver, Co. August 4, 2008 51 Overview of Unit Root tests. F2008 (SAS Forecasting Conference, Embassy Suites), Cary, N.C. June 2, 2008. 50 Stationarity Testing and other Advanced Time Series Topics, live web presentation originating from SAS Institute, Cary NC, April 10, 2008. 49 Determining if a Time Series is Stationary. Statistical Society of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario April 8, 2008 48 Back to the Basics of Time Series and Forecasting Workshop: Statistical Society of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario April 7, 2008
10 47 PROC MIXED: Underlying Ideas with Examples SAS Global Forum San Antonio Texas March 17, 2008. 46 PROC MIXED: Underlying Ideas with Examples Southeast SAS Users’ Group, Hilton Head S.C. Nov. 5, 2007 45 Overview of Data Mining Scope Academy (NCSU PAMS event) Oct. 13, 2007. 44 Two Nonlinear Models for Time Series NBER-NSF Time Series Conference, Montreal Canada Sept. 14, 2007 43 PROC MIXED: Underlying Ideas with Examples Research Triangle SAS Users’ Group, Research Triangle Institute, Sept. 12, 2007 42 Teaching Data Mining in a University Environment, (coauthor Sue Walsh) UNC Teaching and Learning with Technology Conference, Raleigh N.C. March 15-17, 2006. 41 A Test for Stationarity in Time Series Data Conference on Probing the Distant Universe with Gravitational Waves, East Tennessee State University, Nov. 4-5, 2005. 40 Two Nonlinear Models for Time Series, Joint Statistical Meetings, Minneapolis, August 8, 2005 CD ROM paper 45. 39 Teaching Data Mining in a University Environment, SAS Users’ Group International, Philadelphia Pa., April 11, 2005, CD ROM paper 075-30. 38 Stationarity issues in Time Series Models SAS Users’ Group International, Philadelphia Pa., April 11, 2005. CD ROM paper 192-30. 37 Greatest Hits of Unit Roots. Keynote address, New Zealand Economic Association, Wellington, New Zealand., July 1, 2004. 36 Case Studies in Time Series II: Periodic Behavior and Related Issues SAS User’s Group International, Montreal Quebec, May 11, 2004. 35 Case Studies in Time Series, Southeast SAS User’s group, Nashville, Nov. 1, 2004. 34 Case Studies in Time Series II, Periodic Behavior, Southeast SAS User’s group, Nashville, Nov. 1, 2004. 33 A Review of Unit Root Tests. Joe Havlichek Memorial Lecture, Department of Economics, The Ohio State University, May 8, 2003. 32 Unit Root Tests, Keynote address Portuguese Statistical Society, Faro, 2003. 31 Case Studies in Time Series, SAS Users’ Group International, Seattle, Wash. 2003 30 A Review of Some Unit Root Testing Results, North Carolina ASA Chapter, 2003. 29 An Autoregressive Order 1 Process with Time Varying Coefficient, Joint Statistical Meetings, 2002. 28 A Review of Some Unit Root Test Results, Summer Research Conference in Statistics, Natchez, Miss. June 2002. 27 A Review of Some Unit Root Testing, Keynote address at the Middle East Technical University Conference on Economics, 2001. 26 Unit Root Tests, Iowa State University in honor of Wayne Fuller’s retirement, 2001. 25 Identifying Time Series Models, Southeast SAS User’s group, Charlotte, N. C. Oct. 2000. 24 Statistical Graphics, 24th Annual SAS User’s Group International Conference, 1999. 23 Distributions and Tests for Nonstationary Time Series, G. M. Cox Statistics Conference, 1999, SAMSI, RTP, North Carolina.. 22 Regression with Time Series Errors, Southeast SAS User’s Group Conference,
11 Norfolk, Va. Sept. 1998. 21 Regression with Time Series Errors, SAS Users’ Group International, Nashville Tenn. March 1998. 20 Beating the System: Adapting Exploratory Methods to the SAS Environment, Southeast SAS User’s Group Conference, 1998. 19 Graphics for Visualizing Statistical Concepts, Southeast SAS User’s Group, 1996. 18 A Look at the Time Series Forecasting Capabilities of SAS/ETS, Southeast SAS User’s Group, 1996. 17 Statistical Graphics, Southeast. SAS Users’ Group, Raleigh, NC., Sept. 1995. 16 Using graphics to convey statistical concepts and results, Southeast SAS User’s Group, Charleston, S. C., 1994. 15 Two Day Short Course on Time Series Kellogg Corporation, 1994. 14 Unit Root Testing, N. C. Chapter of American Statistical Association, 1992. 13 Box-Jenkins Transfer Functions, Pharmaceuticals Management Science Association, Boca Raton, Fla., 1990. 12 Unit Roots and Cointegration, UNC Wilmington (Econ), 1990. 11 Unit Root Tests and Cointegration, Federal Reserve Board of Governors, 1989. 10 Unit Root Tests and Cointegration, NCSU Economics Macro Workshop, 1989. 9 Elementary Forecasting Tools in the SAS System, SAS User’s Group International, 1988. 8 An Overview of SAS Statistical Graphics, ASA Winter Meetings, Orlando Fla., 1987 7 Checking for Autocorrelation in Regression Residuals, SAS User’s Group International Conference, 1986. 6 Performing the X-11 ARIMA Seasonal Adjustment, SAS User’s Group International 1986. 5 State Space Modeling, Pacific Statistical Conference, Auckland, New Zealand, 1985. 4 Preliminary Transformation in Time Series Modeling, Pacific Statistical Conference, Auckland, New Zealand, 1985 3 Using the SAS System to Perform Univariate and Cross Spectral Analysis, SAS User’s Group International 1984. 2 Preliminary Transformations in Time Series Modeling, SAS User’s Group International, 1984. 1 Testing for Stationarity in Time Series, North Carolina ASA Chapter, 1984.
Other Presentations
20 Unconditional Maximum Likelihood Tests for Unit Roots. American Statistical Association, August 1995. 19 Effects of Nonstationarity on Periodogram Distribution NBER-NSF Time Series conference, Harvard University, 1995 18 Exact maximum likelihood unit root tests, Triangle Econometrics Meeting, Research Triangle, N. C., 1994 17 Recognizing Overdifferenced Time Series, Business and Economics Statistics Section of the American Statistical Association, 1990 16 Comments on ‘A Reexamination of Friedman’s Consumption Puzzle’ by Stock JBES Invited Session, Joint Statistical Meetings, New Orleans, 1988.
12 15 Stationarity Transformations in Vector Autoregressions, Business and Economics Section of the American Statistical Association, 1986. 14 Power of Unit Root Tests, Business and Economic Statistics Section of the American Statistical Association, 1984. 13 Testing ARIMA (p, 1, q) versus ARMA (p + 1, q) Models Business and Economics Section of the American Statistical Association, 1981. 12 Diagnosing and Investigating Time-Series Realizations using SAS Software, SAS User’s Group International, 1998. 11 Unconditional Maximum Likelihood Test for Unit Roots, American Statistical Association, 1995. 10 Effects of Nonstationarity on Periodogram Distributions, NBER-NSF (Harvard), 1995 9 Recognizing Overdifferenced Time Series, ASA Winter Conference 1990. 8 An Unconditional Maximum Likelihood Test for a Unit Root, American Statistical Association, 1986. 7 Distribution of First Order Autoregressive Estimator, Business and Economic Statistics Section, American Statistical Association, 1976. 6 Testing for Unit Roots in Vector Autoregressions, 50th Anniversary Iowa State Stat Lab, 1983. 5 Testing for Unit Roots in Vector Autoregressions, NBER-NSF Time Series Meetings, Chicago, 1983. 4 Testing ARIMA(p, 1, q) versus ARMA(p+1, q), American Statistical Association, Detroit, 1981. 3 Autoregressive Estimation in Seasonally Nonstationary Time Series, American Statistical Association, 1979. 2 Nonstationary Time Series, IMS Time Series Meetings, Ames, Iowa, 1978. 1 Research on Nonstationary Time Series, ASA meetings UNC-CH, 1977.
Presentations by Coauthors
Mosavi, A. A., D. A. Dickey, R. Seracino, S. H. Rizkalla (2010) Time-series Models for Identifying Damage Location in Structural Members Subjected to Ambient Vibrations. Proceedings of SPIE Smart Structures and Materials + Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring" San Diego, CA, March 7-11 2010. J. M. Miller, L. J. Pietrafesa, J. C. Taylor and D. A. Dickey, 2008: Distribution and year- class strength of juvenile Southern flounder, Paralichthys lethostigma: the role of physical forcing. 7th International Flatfish Symposium, 2-7 November 2008, Portugal.. T. Yan, L. J. Pietrafesa, D.A. Dickey, L. Xie and T. R. Karl, 2006: Pre-Season Prediction of Landfalling Tropical Cyclone Frequency. 27th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology. April 2006, Monterey, CA
13 L. Pietrafesa, D. A. Dickey, S. Bao, M. Peng, J. Miller. Cape Hatteras, a confluence of climate and weather? George Institute Climate Symposium. Invited talk. Carolina Beach, NC. December 2006. Pietrafesa, L.J., D.A. Dickey, T.R. Karl, L. Xie 2006. On Water level variability in U.S. Coastal Waters. Proceedings of Climate Science Change.
47 Overview of Data Mining Online webinar for ASA section on Quality and Productivity, Nov. 20, 2014. 46 Overview of Data Mining. Dept. of Statistics, Oregon State University, Nov. 4, 2014 (plus discussion of potential Analytics program there) 45 Finding the Gold in Your Data. Miami University Farmer School of Business, Oxford, Ohio, March 13, 2013. 44 Overview of Data Mining. Miami University Dept. of Statistics, Oxford, Ohio, April 13, 2012. 43 Testing for Seasonal Unit Roots in Long Periodicity Cases. Department of Business and Commerce, U. Alabama, Tuscaloosa, April 11, 2011. 42 Seasonal Unit Root Tests in Long Periodicity Cases NCSU Department of Statistics Jan 15, 2010. 41 Two Nonlinear Models for Time Series, NCSU Agricultural Economics Seminar series, Oct. 13, 2009.. 40 Two Nonlinear Models for Time Series Polytechnic University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain. June 7, 2007. 39 Short Course on Time Series Polytechnic University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain. June 4-12, 2007 38 Two Nonlinear Models for Time Series Festschrift for the Retirement of Mir Ali, Ball State University, Muncie Indiana, May 18, 2007 37 Review of Unit Root Tests Purdue University Dept. of Economics, April 27 2007. 36 Data Mining, 2nd Annual Miami University CACR (Center for Advancement of Computation a Research) Symposium, Oxford Ohio, March 2, 2007. 35 A Review of Unit Root Tests. Department of Business and Commerce, U. Alabama, Tuscaloosa, March 11, 2005. 34 A Review of Unit Root Tests. Joe Havlichek Memorial lecture, Department of Economics, The Ohio State University, May 8, 2003. 33 A Review of Unit Root Tests., NC American Statistical Assoc., March 2003. 32 Experimental design – Invited lecture to senior design class in mechanical engineering NCSU, yearly 1992-2003. 31 Stationarity Testing in Time Series, NCSU stat seminar, 2000 30 Sample Size Determination under Autocorrelation, NCSU, Environmental statistics seminar, 2000. 29 R-square Measures in Logistic Regression lunchtime consulting group, 2000 28 Unit Root Tests, Gertrude Cox Conference, NISS, Raleigh N.C. Sept. 10, 1999 27 A Review of Selected Results in Unit Root Tests, Virginia Tech (Econ.), 1999 26 Time Series Short Course, ITESM Monterey Mexico, 1998 25 Unit Roots, Cointegration, and Statespace Representation of Time Series. Two time
14 series lectures at Universidad de Brasilia, Brazil, 1995 24 Using Graphics to Convey Statistical Concepts and Results, S.E. SAS Users’ Group, Charleston, SC, Sept. 1994. 23 Testing for Unit Roots, Virginia Tech (Stat.), 1993 22 A Review of Stationarity Testing, Appalachian State University, 1993 21 Statistical Design in Experimentation with Grinding of Brittle Materials, Preceision Engineering Center lunch seminar 1991, and Precision Engineering Review Workshop 1992. 20 Testing for Overdifferencing in Time Series, Clemson University (Econ.), 1991 19 Experimental Design as a Science Research Tool N. C. School of Science and Math, 1991. 18 Testing for Unit Roots, NCSU Math Department Probability Seminar, 1991. 17 Unit Roots and Cointegration, 5 day seminar at Federal Reserve Board of Governors, Washington D.C. 1990 16 Unit Roots and Cointegration, 2 day workshop/seminar, Clemson University, 1990 15 All About Cointegration, UNC Chapel Hill (Econ), 1990. 14 Unit Roots and Cointegration, 5 day seminar at Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, 1989 13 Testing for Unit Roots, University of South Carolina (Stat), 1989. 12 A Review of Unit Root Testing Procedures, East Carolina University (Math), 1989. 11 Stationarity Testing in Time Series, UNC-Charlotte (Math), 1986. 10 Statespace Modeling, SAS Users’ Group International, Reno, Nev. March 1985. 9 Research on Unit Roots, Virginia Commonwealth University (Math), 1985. 8 ARIMA and Statespace Models, Dept of Business Analysis, Miami University, 1984. 7 Testing for Nonstationarity in Time Series, University of Maryland, 1984. 6 Testing for Nonstationarity in Time Series, U. S. Census Bureau (SRD), 1984 5 Testing for Nonstationarity in Time Series, U. S. Department of Energy, 1984. 4 Using Inverse Autocorrelations in Model Identification, U. S. Census Bureau (Demography), 1984. 3 Introduction to Statespace Models, U.S. Census Bureau (Demography), 1984. 2 Effects of autocorrelation in Regression, Los Alamos National Labs, 1978. 1 Estimation and Hypothesis Testing in Nonstationary Time Series, Triangle Econometrics Seminar, 1976.
Students Directed
PhD Thesis Students (topic, journal, 1st job)
Sloan, Jennifer (2014) co-chair (nominal) with Roger Woodard (Roger did all the advising) Melinda Thielbar (2010) J. of Forecasting (online) (SAS Institute) Ying Zhang (2008) Testing for Unit Roots in Seasonal Time Series with Long Period. J. Korean Stat Society. (unknown) Qianyi Zhang (2008) Seasonal Unit Root Tests – a Comparison (Eil Lilly Co.). SeongTae Kim-(2007) Unit Root Tests Robust to Breaks. Proceedings B&E Section, Am Stat Assn. (Wake Forest, Bowman-Gray Medical School).
15 Han Sanghon (co-major) SangPil Hwang – (2004) Nonlinear Autoregressive Models. (Bank of Korea). Seungho-Huh – (2001) Sample Size Determination and Stationarity Testing in the Presence of Trend Breaks. J. Hydrology (Research Triangle Inst.). Hyunjung Kim (2001) Unit Root Tests in Panel Data: Weighted Symmetric Estimation and Maximum Likelihood Estimation. (Samsung Corp., Korea) Chen, Shuquan (co-major) Taiyeong Lee – (1998) Unit Root Tests in Nonstationary Time Series. J. Time Series Analysis, (SAS Institute) Barry Evans – (1998) Estimation and Hypothesis Testing in Nonstationary Time Series Using Frequency Domain Methods. Stat & Prob Letters (Glaxo-Wellcome) Yilmaz Adki – (1995) Periodogram Analysis for Unit Roots. Istatistik. (Professor, Ankara U. Turkey) Garciela Gonzalez-Farias (1992) A New Unit Root Test for Autoregressive Time Series. Boletin de la Sociedad Matematica Mexicana (Professor ITESM, Monterey) Key_Il Shin (1992) A Unit Root Test for Multivariate Autoregressive Time Series. (Professor Hankuk University Seoul Korea) Ming Chang – (1989). Testing of overdifference. Journal of Time Series Analysis (SAS Institute) David Sen – (1985). Robustness of single unit root test statistics in the presence of multiple unit roots. Journal of Business and Economic Statistics (IBM) N.G. Fountis – (1983). Testing for unit roots in multivariate autoregressions. Annals of Statistics (army services, Greece) S.E. Said – (1982). Testing for unit roots in autoregressive moving average models. JASA, Biometrika (Professor ECU)
Students in Calendar Year 2014
Fall 2014 Advisor/chair Committee member Stat Biomath Bionf.. Other Stat Biomath Bionf. Other PhD 1 0 0 0 7 0 0 10 MS 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 BS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Spring 2015 Advisor/chair Committee member Stat Biomath Bionf.. Other Stat Biomath Bionf. Other PhD 1 0 0 0 6 0 0 6 MS 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 BS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Courses Taught
Year Fall Summer Spring 2014-15 MSA * - St 610-G
16 2013-14 MSA * - St 610-G 2012-13 MSA * - St 610-G * MSA (Master of Science in Analytics) Involves teaching 6 modules, each to 40 students, in the Institute for Advanced Analytics.
Editorial Service
Associate Editor Journal of Business and Economics Statistics, 1987 – 1988 Associate Editor American Statisticians, 1984 – 1986 Associate Book Review Editor (Time Series), Journal of the American Statistical Association, (1981-1983) Reviewed NSF proposals Reviewed Natural Sciences and Engineering Council of Canada proposals Reviewed tenure cases for several U.S. and foreign universities Refereed papers for numerous statistical journals (including, Annals of Statistics, Communications in Statistics, Econometrica, Journal of Production Economics, Ecology, Psychological Methods, Technometrics, Journal of Forecasting, Journal of Agricultural Biological & Environemental Statistics, Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, Journal of Time Series Analysis, Statistical Science, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, JRSS-B, Journal of Monetary Economics, Canadian Journal of Statistics, American Statistician, Biometrics, Economic Theory, Journal of Econometrics, J. Multivariate Analysis, Science, Southerm Journal of Agricultural Economics, Journal Simulation and Computation)
Professional Service
W. J. Dixon Award Committee for American Stat. Assn. 2013, 2014. Program Chair, Business and Economics section American Statistical Association, 2007 Program Chair Elect, Business and Economics section American Statistical Association, 2006 Chaired sessions at various Joint Statistical Meetings and NBER-NSF Time Series Workshops Program Chair, Business and Economics section American Statistical Association, 1996 Program Chair Elect, Business and Economics section American Statistical Association, 1996 Program Chair Elect, Business and Economic section American Statistical Association, 1995 Publications Chairman of Business and Economics Statistics section American Statistical Association, 1990 Secretary-Treasurer of Business and Economic Statistics section American Statistical Association, 1986 Program Chairman for Econometrics, Time Series, and Operations Research Section, SAS User’s Group International, 1986 Helped organize of NBER/NSF Time Series Conference twice.
17 Section Chair Econometrics and Time Series, SUGI, 1986. Judge, Wilcoxin and Youden prize (Technometrics). 1985.
Departmental Service
Basic Exam Committee 2014 Big Data Committee 2014 Dept. Advisory Committee 2013, 2014 Cluster Hire review committee 2013, 2014 Department Leadership Review Committee (chair) 2007 Mendenhall Fellowship Committee, 1996 – 2003 Advisor to the Mu Sigma Rho honor society, 1990-2010 Sigma Xi Liaison, 1990-2010 Faculty Search Committee, 2001, 2002, 2005(chair), 2007 Qualifier exam committee, 2003, 2001 Beach Trip Committee, 1982 – 1992, 2009 Departmental Review Committee, 1987 Ph. D. Preliminary Written Exam Committee, 2010, chair 2000, chair 1986, 1983, 1982, 1979 Basic Exam Committee, 2014, 2009, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999, 1998, chair 1995, 1995, 1990, 1983, 1979 Post Tenure Review Committee 1999 Dept. Admissions Committee 1999 Econometrics position search committee, 1995 Computing position Search Committee, 1998 Seminar Chair, 1983, 1981 Cox Fund Committee 1979 United Way Chair 1979
University Service
COS Distinguished Professor Advisory Committee (chair) 2014-present Data Driven Science Cluster Hire Committee, 2012-2013. Provost’s Promotion and Tenure Advisory Committee 2010-2012. Langdon Chair Search Committee (Col. of Management) 2009-2010. PAMS Distinguished Professor Advisory Committee (chair) 2009-2014 Keller Award Committee (CALS) 2009, 2013, 2014 Institute for Advanced Analytics Steering Committee 2006 - present PAMS RPT Committee 2007-2009 Classroom Environment Committee, 1999-2003 Sigma Xi Exec Committee, 2003 PAMS Space Committee, 2003 SAS grant steering Committee (chaired 1993), 1993 – 2003 PAMS Advisory Committee, 1999-2002 Computer Affairs Committee, 1982-1983 Harrelson Infill Committee, 1993 PAMS Century II Campaign, 1991
18 Student-Faculty relations Committee, 1978, 1979
Estimated Allocation of Effort (three-year average)
Research 35% Graduate Student Advising 5% Teaching 45% Undergraduate Student Advising 0% Consulting 10% Professional Activities 5% Administration 0% Other 0%