Building and Local Law Services

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Building and Local Law Services

BUILDING LOCAL LAW PERMITS & COMPLIANCE CRANES/LIFTING DEVICES Fact Sheet Unless in accordance with a permit, a person must not use a mobile crane, travel tower, lift or tackle on or over Council land. [General Local Law 2008 (No.1)]

General Information Applications for the issue of Local Law permits for the use of cranes (including encroachment by the jib or stabilising legs) and other hoisting devices over Council land are made to Council’s Building Local Law Permits & Compliance at the Prahran offices (Cnr Chapel & Greville Streets Prahran, by post to PO Box 21 Prahran 3181, by fax to 8290 3516 or by email to [email protected].

Application Requirements 1. A completed and signed permit application form. 2. Payment of the permit fee of $200 per day crane is to be used over a street. 3. A fully dimensioned and detailed site plan. 4. A fully detailed traffic management plan. 5. Written consent from Vic Roads if the placement of the crane is proposed on or over one of the following Vic Roads declared main roads:

Freeway South Eastern Freeway Highways Hoddle Highway - (Punt Road) Princes Highway East - (Dandenong Road) Warrigal Highway - (Warrigal Road) Declared Main Roads Alexandra Avenue Punt Road to Williams Road Alexandra Avenue Williams Road North to Grange Road Belgrave Road Burke Road Commercial Road Glenferrie Road Grange Road Yarra River - Alexandra Avenue High Street Malvern Road Orrong Road Toorak Road - Princes Highway East Toorak Road Tooronga Road Wattletree Road Waverley Road Williams Road/Williams Road North

6. Evidence of a public liability insurance policy with minimum cover of $10,000,000 and agreement to maintain the cover for the period of the permit. 7. Where a crane encroaches over land of a third party (a) evidence of written consent (license) by the owner of the airspace to the person responsible and, (b) where there is a building permit, clarification of whether protection work under Reg 5.2 of the Building Regulations 1994 is required by the relevant building surveyor (rbs) – and, if so, his/her administration of Building Act requirements.

Building and Local Law Services Stonnington City Council Municipal Offices Corner Chapel and Greville Streets, Prahran : PO Box 21, Prahran VIC 3181 Ausdoc: DX 30108 Telephone: 8290 3218 Facsimile: 8290 3516 Web: Email: [email protected] 2 Applications are to be lodged at least 2 weeks prior to proposed commencement of work to enable processing. Where an application relates to full street closure it must be lodged at Council at least 3 weeks prior to proposed commencement to enable Council to organise written notification to affected properties.


Building and Local Law Services Stonnington City Council Municipal Offices Corner Chapel and Greville Streets, Prahran : PO Box 21, Prahran VIC 3181 Ausdoc: DX 30108 Telephone: 8290 3218 Facsimile: 8290 3516 Web: Email: [email protected] 3

The placement of a mobile crane, travel tower or tackle on or over Council land without a permit issued by Council is an offence which may result in an infringement notice (fine) being issued or the breach being prosecuted in the Magistrates Court. Council has a number of field officers who monitor the municipal district to check that required Local Law permits have been obtained.Crane/Hoisting Device Permit Standard Conditions

Building and Local Law Services Stonnington City Council Municipal Offices Corner Chapel and Greville Streets, Prahran : PO Box 21, Prahran VIC 3181 Ausdoc: DX 30108 Telephone: 8290 3218 Facsimile: 8290 3516 Web: Email: [email protected] 4 1 Council is not responsible for the clearance of space prior to the 15 Concrete or other building materials spilt onto the roadway or set up of a crane or lifting device. the footpath of any street or road shall be removed immediately by the person delivering the materials. Equipment used for 2 Work is to comply with the Victorian WorkCover Authority Code transporting or handling concrete shall not be washed in or on Use of Cranes in the Building and Construction Industry (No. any street, road, or public place. Concrete shall not be washed 11, 1990) into any underground drain.

3 Vehicles must not cross any footpath to gain access to the work 16 The hoisting of building materials such as heavy structural site unless a vehicle crossing (either temporary or permanent) steel, timber, concrete, concrete blocks, bricks and similar has been constructed to the approval of Council. materials shall be in accordance with the following requirements: 4 Every stormwater channel/pit adjacent to the site to which this (a) The vehicle carrying the material shall be drawn as close permit relates shall be kept clear of obstruction at all times. to the kerb as practicable. (b) All hoisting shall be vertically from the hoisting zone. The 5 Rubbish or building materials must not be left in or on any road materials being hoisted shall not be swung out over the or public place. street or road. They shall be raised without delay to the requisite height and then swung directly on to the building site. At all times while hoisting is in progress, the boom Appropriate safety lighting shall be provided at sunset each day 6 gates at the ends of the hoisting zone shall be at right and kept alight from sunset to sunrise. If electricity is not angles to the kerb. available at the site a temporary supply shall be provided for the lighting. (c) No hoisting of heavy materials over a footpath shall be carried out while pedestrians are present under any 7 Pedestrians must be excluded from the working space. overhead protective awning. (d) Small building materials such as concrete blocks, bricks, 8 All electrical safety requirements are to be met. An exemption sand, screenings and the like shall be hoisted in containers of sound and strong construction properly suspended, and from the Office of the Chief Electrical Inspector must be such containers shall not be filled beyond the level of their obtained before the erection of any permanent or temporary sides. building, structure, scaffolding or post, or part closer to an aerial line of a network operator than the relevant minimum distance (e) Where there is a lane at the rear or side of the site of the specified in Table 38 of the Electrical Safety (Network Assets) building under construction as much material as Regulations 1999. practicable shall be hoisted from the lane.

9 Before any vehicle load may travel on or over the kerb, road or 17 Any person must not, when requested to do so, fail, neglect or footpath, a substantial bridge must be placed to protect the refuse to produce a Permit to – (a) an Authorised Officer of kerb, road or footpath. Planking thicker than 50mm must be Council or (b) a member of the Police Force used where necessary to avoid the possibility of damage to any surface. 18 Liability of Permit Holder In issuing a permit for the use of a crane or lifting device on 10 Sufficient timbers or other materials must be placed under the or over Council land, Council does not accept liability for stabilising feet of the crane/lifting device to ensure there is no damages or losses arising from the crane placement or use. damage to any kerb, road or footpath. When calculations are necessary with respect to the crane/lifting device loadings they 19 Damage to Council Property must have been submitted with the permit application. Any damage to Council road surfaces etc is to be reported immediately to Council’s Roads and Maintenance 11 The costs of any damage caused to Council road reserve/ Inspector, Michael O’Reilly, on telephone assets as a result of the crane/lifting device are to be 0417318736. reimbursed by the applicant. Approval of Council’s Engineering Department must be obtained prior to any repairs/reinstatement of damaged surfaces. 20 Offences Any person who (whether wilfully or not) – 12 The area surrounding crane/lifting devices must be provided (a) does not do anything directed to be done, or, with precautions to protect the safety of the public. All (b) does anything forbidden to be done by or under the Local pedestrian and/or vehicular traffic is to be re-directed with Law is guilty of an offence. appropriate flagmen and warning/detour signage to a safe route of passage. All cranes/lifting devices and signage are to comply (c) Where a person allows any act or omission which is a with VicRoads “Standards for Road Occupation”, Australian contravention of the Local Law that person is guilty of an Standard AS1742.3 – 1996 “Traffic Control Devices for Works offence. on Roads” and the General Local Law 2008 (No.1). (d) Where a person is the owner, occupier or person in charge of any premises in relation to which a contravention of the 13 Any obstruction or closure of footpaths and roads must meet Local Law occurs, that person is guilty of an offence. the requirements of Council’s Policy for Road Closures and Obstructions Associated with Building Works in particular that 21 Penalties pedestrians must generally be provided with an unobstructed Any person who is guilty of an offence under the Local Law is width of 1.5 metres on footpaths. liable to a penalty not exceeding 20 penalty units and in the case of a continuing offence is liable to a penalty not exceeding 14 The installation of any tilt-up panels must be in accordance with 2 penalty units for each day after conviction for an offence the WorkCover Authority Code of Practice – Tilt-Up during which the contravention continues. Construction.

Building and Local Law Services Stonnington City Council Municipal Offices Corner Chapel and Greville Streets, Prahran : PO Box 21, Prahran VIC 3181 Ausdoc: DX 30108 Telephone: 8290 3218 Facsimile: 8290 3516 Web: Email: [email protected]

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