Part-Time and Direct Application Form

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Part-Time and Direct Application Form

1. Part-time and Direct Application (Accessible Version)

This form may be printed or photocopied, please write in black ink. Please affix official stamp where appropriate, at the end of the statement. SOLELY FOR APPLICATIONS NOT HANDLED BY UCAS THE UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES ADMISSIONS SERVICE OR OTHER CLEARING HOUSES. Please read the accompanying Notes for Guidance before completing this form.

1. Personal Details Title (Mr/Ms/Miss/Mrs etc): Family Name (block capitals): Given Name(s): Previous Family Name, if changed: Sex: Male/Female: Date of Birth: Your age on 31 December in year of entry:

Correspondence Address:

Post Code:

Home Address - if different:

Post Code:

Email address:

Telephone Number (including STD code): Daytime Telephone Number (including STD code): Evening Number – if different (including STD code):

1.a Military Personnel Only Military Service (e.g. Army): Rank: Branch/Trade:

2. Disability Needs/Special Needs Please enter the appropriate code provided if you have a physical disability or sensory disability which might in some way affect your studies at the university or may require special facilities or treatment. (See Notes for Guidance). Please provide full details in Section 9.

3. Fee Status Country of Birth: Nationality: Country of Domicile or Area of Permanent Residence: Applicants not born in the European Union please state Date of first entry to the EU: Date of most recent entry to the EU: Date from which you have been granted permanent residence of the EU:

Payment of Fees If you have a sponsor please write name and address here: Who is expected to pay your fees (Research Council, LEA, yourself, family member, employer, other): If an LEA, which one: Have you previously received an educational award from UK public funds? Yes/No: If yes, please provide details: Funding body: Course: Dates: 4. Details of course(s) to which you wish to apply Month and year in which you wish to start: Course Title: Preliminary choice of main subjects/options (if appropriate): Mode of study - full-time/sandwich/part-time/other: Year of entry: Stage, ie Year 1, Year 2: Please indicate how you heard of these courses:

5. Work Experience (Please consult Notes of Guidance before completing this section). Give details of work experience, training and employment. 1. Job Title: Name of Organisation: Full or Part-time: Nature of work/training: Date From: Date To:

2. Job Title: Name of Organisation: Full or Part-time: Nature of work/training: Date From: Date To:

3. Job Title: Name of Organisation: Full or Part-time: Nature of work/training: Date From: Date To:

Continue on a separate sheet if necessary. 6. Last two educational establishments attended Name and address of the most recent educational establishments attended:

Full or Part-time: Date From: Date To:

Name and address of the educational establishment attended prior to this:

Full or Part-time: Date From: Date To:

7. Academic Qualifications What is the highest qualification that you hold:

7a. Examinations Applicants should list all subjects taken, whatever the result, in chronological order. If you are awaiting the result of any examination recently taken write PENDING in the result column. Qualifications awarded by BTEC or SCOTVEC - please attach transcript of all results if known. Where examinations are still be be taken, please list all modules with value and level of each. Please include: Qualification level, Subject, Month, Year, Place of study, Results, CATS points if applicable.

8. Further Information (Please consult Notes for Guidance before completing this section)

9. Physical or other disability or medical condition including any which may necessitate special arrangements or facilities (Please consult Notes for Guidance before completing this section)

9a. Criminal Conviction If you have a relevant criminal conviction, enter X in the box. (See Notes for guidance).

10. Name and address of referees (Please consult Notes for Guidance before completing this section) Academic and employer references should provided on letter-headed paper and be in two sealed envelopes.

11. Declaration I confirm that, to the best of my knowledge, the information given in this form is correct and complete. I have read the instructions, in particular those relating to this section. I understand what they say, and I agree to abide by the conditions set out there, which I accept as conditions of this application. Signed:


Please return completed form to: Admissions, Academic Registry University of Lincoln Brayford Pool Lincoln LN6 7TS

Telephone 01522 886097 Facsimile 01522 886146 Email [email protected] Internet


General Before completing the form, please ensure that you read these notes for guidance carefully. You should also read the current university literature relating to the course(s) for which you are applying in order to ensure that you are familiar with the curriculum and entry requirements. Comparative course details are also provided in University and College Entrance: Official Guide. If you are applying for a postgraduate programme, please note that for our records we require 2 passport-sized photographs and a photocopy of your passport. If you wish to apply to study for a Higher Degree by Research (MPhil, PhD) at the university, please contact the Enquiry Centre on 01522 886644 to request an RD01 application form.

Exclusions You should NOT normally use this form when applying for FULL-TIME entry to the first year courses leading to the following qualifications: BA, BSc, DipHE and HND - please apply through UCAS.

The Data Protection Act 1998 The information which you give on your application form will be used for the following purposes only: To enable your application for entry to be considered To enable the university to compile statistics, or to assist other organisations or individual research workers to do so, provided that no statistical information which would identify you as a person will be published. To enable the university to initiate your student record Your application form will be photocopied before it is sent to admissions tutors and it is therefore important that you write neatly using black ink or typescript.

Section 1 - Personal Details Complete this section in BLOCK CAPITALS. Previous surname: if you have changed your name by marriage or otherwise, state your previous surname or family name. Correspondence address: enter the address to which you expect all correspondence to be sent.

Section 2 - Disability/Special Needs Please state the code from the list of statements below which is most acceptable to you. Describe your condition in Section 9 and where it is not obvious, i.e. with unseen disabilities, indicate whether you have special needs. Disabilities/support required: 1. You do not have a disability nor are you aware of any additional support requirements in study or accommodation 2. You have dyslexia. 3. You are blind/are partially sighted. 4. You are deaf/have a hearing impairment. 5. You are a wheelchair user/have mobility difficulties. 6. You need personal care support. 7. You have mental health difficulties. 8. You have an unseen disability, eg diabetes, epilepsy, asthma. 8 You have two or more of the above disabilities. 9 You have a disability not listed above.

Section 3 - Fee status If you live in the UK, state your area of permanent residence: for Scotland, the District or Islands Area (eg Clackmannan); for Greater London, the London Borough (eg Enfield); for the former Metropolitan counties give the District (eg Sefton); for the rest of the UK, the County (eg Dyfed). If you live outside the UK state the country (eg Italy) where you are living as your area of permanent residence. Please give details of who you expect to pay your fees for the proposed course. If not known, please indicate this.

Section 5 - Work experience Please include all your work experience and training, paid or unpaid, full or part-time, in your home or outside. This is particularly helpful in enabling admissions staff to assess the information provided in Section 7a.

Section 7a - Academic examinations Enter the exact subject name used by the examining board or group in the relevant column. Use the abbreviations for the examining bodies listed: a/ General Certificate of Education (GCE) Examining Boards (for A, A/O and AS levels and Special papers): AEB - Associated Examining Board CAM - University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate JMB - Joint Matriculation Board LON - University of London School Examinations Board NISEC - Northern Ireland Schools Examination Council OXF - Oxford Delegacy of Local Examinations O and C - Oxford and Cambridge Schools Examination Board SUJB - Southern Universities’ Joint Board for School Examinations WJEC - Welsh Joint Education Committee b/ Scottish Examining Board (SCE and CSYS examinations): SEB - Scottish Examination Board c/ General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) Examining Groups: LEAG - London and East Anglian Group MEG - Midland Examining Group NEA - Northern Examining Association NISEC - Northern Ireland Schools Examination Council SEG - Southern Examining Group WJEC - Welsh Joint Education Committee

The names of other examining bodies should be written in full. Applicants with qualifications obtained outside the UK should give details of the examinations taken as a preparation for entry to higher education. Some examples are: School and Higher School Certificates, Apolytirion, Baccalaureate, Diploma of Maturita, Examen Aritum, Reifezeugnis, Studentereksamen. Applicants with qualifications obtained in a language other than English should attach a certified English transcript to the form. Applicants holding a BTEC or SCOTVEC award should attach a transcript of their qualifications, giving details of the title and all units, modules and components. Please give full details of course title and units/modules/ components involved in any BTEC or SCOTVEC course you are currently taking on a separate sheet.

Section 8 - Further information Enter here any further information you may wish to offer in support of your application. Admissions Tutors will be interested in your reasons for choosing the course(s) listed in Section 4, your career aspirations, and relevant experience and information concerning your intellectual, social, sporting or other interests. You should also give details here of any non-examining subjects you are studying. If you have been out of education - for some time, please outline any relevant experience that may be taken into account in lieu of formal qualifications, either at home or in voluntary or paid work. It may also be helpful to explain any breaks in your career. If you are applying for deferred entry (ie a year beyond the next academic year), please give your reasons for doing so.

Section 9 Physical or other disability or medical condition including any which might necessitate special arrangements or facilities. Please see notes under Section 2.

Section 9a Relevant criminal convictions are only those convictions for offences against the person, whether of a violent or sexual nature, and convictions for offences involving unlawfully supplying controlled drugs or substances where the conviction concerns commercial drug dealing or trafficking. Convictions that are spent (as defined by the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974) are not considered to be relevant and you should not reveal them (but see the next paragraph). If you are applying for courses in teaching, health, social work and courses involving work with children or vulnerable adults, you must tell us about any criminal convictions, including spent sentences and cautions (including verbal cautions) and bindover orders. For these courses, you may need an ‘enhanced disclosure document’ from the Criminal Records Bureau or the Scottish Criminal Record Office Disclosure Service.

Section 10 Name and address of referees Please supply two references in separate sealed envelopes. Normally, your referee would be one of the following: The Head of your present or last school; Principal of your College of Further Education; Course Tutor of your present or last course of studies. If you have been out of education for some time, you may wish to consider one of the following: Your current or last employer, or training officer, or careers advisor; if you belong to a relevant organisation (voluntary or not), an officer of that organisation; Access Course Tutor. If you have any difficulty in identifying a suitable referee you should seek the advice of the university.

Section 11 - Declaration Any offer of a place you may receive is made on the understanding that in accepting it you agree to abide by the rules and regulations of the University of Lincoln, and by signing this form you are confirming your agreement to this. Important note All students will be required as a condition of enrolment to abide by, and to submit to University’s Regulations as amended from time to time. A copy of the current regulations is available, on request, from the university. The university will use all reasonable endeavours to deliver courses in accordance with the descriptions set out in the prospectus or other course information. However, the university does not provide education to UK undergraduates on a commercial basis. It is also very largely dependent upon charitable and public funds, which the university has to manage in a way which is efficient and cost effective, in the context of the provision of a diverse range of courses to a large number of students. The university therefore: reserves the right to make variations to the contents or methods of delivery of courses, to discontinue courses and to merge or combine courses, if such action is reasonably considered to be necessary by the university. If the university discontinues any course, it will use its reasonable endeavours to provide a suitable alternative course. undertakes to take all reasonable steps to provide educational services in the manner set out in the prospectus and in other documents. Should industrial action or other circumstances beyond the control of the university interfere with its ability to provide such services, the university undertakes to use all reasonable steps to minimise the resultant disruption to educational services.

The university does not undertake any absolute obligation whatsoever to provide educational services in the manner specified in the prospectus or in any other document, nor does it undertake any other obligation in respect of the provision of educational services which is more onerous than the obligations set out herein. cannot accept responsibility, and expressly excludes liability, for damage to students’ property, transfer of computer viruses to students’ equipment, liability for breach of contract, etc.

Notes for the guidance of referees The referee’s report is an integral and important part of the selection process, and the information you give will help to guide admissions tutors in making their decisions. In order that the university can evaluate an applicant’s academic and intellectual capacity, your reference should if possible cover: Suitability for the course(s) applied for. Intellectual qualities including: (a) development to date and previous examination performance with special reference to any factors which may in your opinion have adversely influenced the result; (b) present performance; (c) potential, including an assessment of the probable results of any pending examinations. Personal qualities. Career aspirations. Health and other personal circumstances relevant to the application. Athletic, social and other interests.

Mature applicants Referees may have difficulty in commenting on the academic abilities of mature applicants who may not have any recent educational experience, and in these circumstances, referees may wish to confine their comments to matters listed under 1, 2c, 3, 4, 5 and 6 above. Mature applicants are usually interviewed and may also be formally assessed by the university.

International applicants Applications from international students should normally be received by 30 June to allow for VISA applications. Part-time programmes are not normally available for overseas students due to VISA restrictions. Please check you have included the following items with your application:  Two references on official letter headed paper  Official copies of your qualifications  Details of English language qualifications  Two passport-sized photographs and a photocopy of your passport.

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