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University of South Florida ● Election Rules Commission
University of South Florida ● Election Rules Commission
CTR 203 (813) 974-1749
Andrew J. Kirkland, Supervisor of Elections
Cindy Lorenzo, ERC Deputy Amber Alexander, ERC Deputy Tamara Williams, ERC Deputy Melissa Wiemken, ERC Deputy STAFF MEMBERS
ERC Marketing Director, Terri Walker
University of South Florida ● Election Rules Commission Student Body President/Vice President Election Packet 2006
Additional Forms and Information Approval Forms Table of Contents Table of Contents
Form Submission Policy Student Government Statutes Important Candidacy Dates ERC Rules of Procedure Candidate Sign-up Sheet Candidate Acknowledgement Policy for Campaigning/ Form Solicitation in Residence Halls Joint Ticket Declaration Form SG Election Rules Clarification Form T-Shirt & E-Mail Policy Form Organization Approval to Campaign Campaign Worker Waiver Candidates’ Contribution Statement Signage and Campaign Campaign Expenses 2006 Elections Material Policy Form Candidate Expense Statement Temporary Campus Signage Request Authorized Locations for Signs Grievance Filing Form Organization Approval for use of listserve. ***ALL items listed above must be turned in to a officer of the ERC before approval can be granted***
Form Submission Policy
Any printed materials that are to be turned in must be submitted during SG Business Office hours, 9am-5pm M-F excluding holidays to one of the following persons:
Supervisor of Elections, Andrew J. Kirkland ERC Deputy, Cindy Lorenzo ERC Deputy, Amber Alexander ERC Deputy, Tamara Williams ERC Deputy, Melissa Wiemken SG Dir. Admin. Services, David Armstrong SG Accountant, Melissa Rice SG Fiscal Coordinator, Jennifer Morris SG Secretary, Judy Pollock
You must receive a written receipt as proof of any information turned in.
ERC will not be responsible for any items handed in a manner that deviates from the above.
I ______, have been informed of the Form (Print) Submission Policy.
______(Presidential Candidate Signature) (Date)
______(Vice-Presidential Candidate Signature) (Date)
IMPORTANT CANDIDACY DATES All dates and times are subject to change Wednesday, January 18, 2006 Initial Candidates’ Meeting Time: 9:00 pm Location: Campus View East Candidate Picture Day – The only Picture Day for any candidate.
Tuesday, January 24, 2006 nd 2 Candidates’ Meeting Time: 9:00 pm Location: Campus View East
Friday, January 29, 2006 Candidates may begin to file for candidacy (may not campaign until paperwork is approved) Friday, February 10, 2006 Deadline for declaring candidacy Time: 5:00 pm
Thursday, February, 16, 2006 Official Election Rules Commission Presidential Debate Time: 7:00pm- 10:00 pm Location: TBA
Friday, February 17, 2006 Official Election Rules Commission Presidential Debate Time: TBA Location: Marshall Center Ballroom
Tuesday, February 28th , 2006 and Wednesday, March 1, 2006 Election Days
I ______, I have been informed of all above- (Print) mentioned important dates.
______(Presidential Candidate Signature) (Date)
______(Vice-Presidential Candidate Signature) (Date) CANDIDATE SIGN-UP SHEET
I will be running for (Circle One): President Vice-President
Name: ______Date: ______Please print clearly, as you want it to appear on the ballot
Current Address: ______
E-Mail Address: ______
Local Phone #: (H) ______(W) ______
Major: ______Classification: ______
Expected Graduation Date: ______
Buckley Waiver
I, ______, hereby authorize and consent to the release of my records which shall include my GPA, Major, confirmation of enrollment, and conduct status at the University of South Florida for purpose of verifying my qualifications for Student Government.
Signature: ______USF ID Number: ______(Note: By signing this you do not authorize the release of your records to students)
Assumption of Personal Responsibility
I understand that my candidacy will be governed by all applicable rules and procedures including, but not limited to, those contained in The Constitution of the Student Body of the University of South Florida, Student Government Statutes and The Election Rules Commission Rules of Procedure. I promise to follow all applicable rules and procedures and to conduct my campaign in an ethical manner. I also acknowledge that it is my responsibility to inform myself and all parties affiliated and working with my campaign of all applicable rules and procedures and that failure to do so does not in any way affect my obligations thereunder.
Signature: ______
USF GPA Verified _____ Conduct Status Verified _____ College Code ______Candidate (Eligible (Yes/ No) Student Body President and Vice President Candidate Acknowledgement Form
I, ______, do affirm that I have been given a copy of the Election Rules Commission Rules of Procedure and pertinent parts of the University of
South Florida’s Student Body Constitution and Statutes. I also affirm that I am responsible for following the rules as outlined in the above-mentioned documents; that I am responsible for the actions of my campaign workers, with whom I will personally review the rules; and that I am fully aware that I must attend meeting 1 while meeting 2 of the following Student Body
President and Vice President candidate meetings for all parties wishing to run for office is optional:
Meeting 1: Meeting 2: Date: Wed., Jan. 18, 2006 Date: Tue., Jan. 24, 2006 Location: Campus View East Location: Campus View East Time: 9:00 PM Time: 9:00 PM
I acknowledge that Friday, February 10, 2005 is the deadline for applying for candidacy. In accordance with Student Government Statutes, no candidate’s name shall appear on the ballot unless the candidate’s application is received and approved by the ERC.
______(Print name of Presidential Candidate)
______(Presidential Candidate Signature) (Date)
______(Print name of Vice-Presidential Candidate)
______(Vice-Presidential Candidate Signature) (Date)
Joint Ticket Declaration Form
We hereby declare our intention to form a joint ticket for the offices of Student Body President and Vice-President in the spring 2006 general election. We understand that if any one member should elect to withdraw from the joint ticket, the joint candidacy is dissolved and both candidates are withdrawn from the election.
If the candidates should decide to file for candidacy with new partners, they must file a new Candidate Sign-up Sheet and a new Joint Ticket Declaration Form with the ERC. The new candidacy will be subject to the deadline dates as established for the 2006 election. The deadline for applying and having the name on the election ballot is Friday, February 10, 2006. There is no provision for write-in candidacy.
Presidential Candidate:
Name: ______
Signature: ______
Date: ______
Vice-Presidential Candidate:
Name: ______
Signature: ______
Date: ______
T-Shirt & E-Mail Policy Form T-SHIRT POLICY: In the act of distributing any type of T-Shirt to campaign for my election, I assume responsibility for all individuals who receive a T-Shirt. I am aware that, in the event that a violation of the Election Code occurs (see ERC Rules of Procedure – Chapter 10) by a person wearing my campaign T-Shirt, I subject myself and my candidate-ticket to the point assessment outlined in ERC ROP. ONLY CAMPAIGN WORKERS MAY HAVE OR WEAR A
I also understand that neither I, nor my campaign workers (if a member of Student
Government), may wear a campaign T-Shirt when in the offices of Student Government or performing official Student Government duties outside the offices of Student Government. This restriction is in compliance with SG Statutes that states, “No individual member of the Student
Government may use his or her office to endorse or support any individual candidate, platform, or party.”
E-MAIL POLICY: I understand that the “USF-News” and “USF-Talk” listservs are off-limits for campaign promotions. The only listservs which candidates may use to disseminate information about their campaigns are “ClubTalk”, and “TogaTalk”. Any message that a candidate wishes to post on the “Senate Discussion” listserv must first be approved by the ERC. There will be the opportunity to present your platform on other listserv’s. If you wish to do this, please present the ERC with a short 200-300 word statement no later than Friday, February 04,
2005. Statement will only be accepted electronically- each candidate must e-mail the ERC directly with their statements. When submitting electronically each statement should be in MS word 2000 or higher. If statements are submitted in writing, the ERC will discard of it. The ERC will submit a list of all candidates who wishes to participate with listservs. Any candidate who wish to use an Internal organization listserves, one must have that organization to complete an Organization Approval for use of listserve Form.
______(Print name of Presidential Candidate)
______(Presidential Candidate Signature) (Date)
______(Print name of Vice-Presidential Candidate)
______(Vice-Presidential Candidate Signature) (Date)
The following is a list of the campaign workers for the ______ticket. Every member whose name and USF ID Number is listed has been made aware of the rules that must be followed as outlined in the ERC ROP and the USF Student Government Constitution/Statutes. They fully understand that their actions can result in the above listed ticket being assessed points and/or disqualified. The following people have agreed to work with this campaign and, therefore, are held accountable by the ticket named on this waiver.
Name USF ID NUMBER 1. ______
2. ______
3. ______
4. ______
5. ______
6. ______
7. ______
8. ______
9. ______
10. ______
11. ______
12. ______
13. ______
14. ______
15. ______
(Please turn over to continue) 16. ______
17. ______
18. ______
19. ______
______(Print name of Presidential Candidate) (Date)
______(Candidate Signature) (Date)
______(Print name of Vice Presidential Candidate) (Date)
______(Vice Presidential Candidate Signature) (Date) University of South Florida ● Election Rules Commission
ALL signs and materials used for campaigning must be approved by the Supervisor of Elections or an ERC Deputy before posting or distributing. For the purpose of this form, the term “ERC officer” shall be defined as the Supervisor of Elections or an ERC Deputy. Approved signs and materials will be properly “stamped” by the designated ERC officer. Signs may be placed on campus during the designated Student Government election period. Failure to comply may result within removal of sign and/or material and/or point assessment. Policies and Procedures will be enforced pursuant to the guidelines found in the Campus Signage Policy Statement in the University of South Florida Policies and Procedures Manual (3-008).
***NOTE: ANY sign found to be unsafe determined by the ERC Director will be removed immediately. All signs unclaimed after 30 days will be discarded.
Pursuant to ROP 9.4, all materials must be removed within 48 hours of the completion of the election in which that candidate is running. If materials that are not removed, candidates will be charged $100.00 and/or student records held.
LARGE SIGNS shall be defined as any sign larger than 11in. X 17in. Large signs can measure no more than 4ft X 5ft (2880 sq in) as measured at the widest point and highest point from the ground, including frames, props, and other methods of support (i.e. a 4ft tall sign can be no more 5ft wide; a 5ft tall sign can be no more than 4ft. wide). Two sided A-frames must be constructed in such a way that the sign cannot be easily tipped over. Final authority to determine the appropriateness and safety of all signs shall rest with the ERC and/or Physical Plant. In the event a sign is determined to be inappropriate and/or unsafe, it must be removed by the candidate within 12 hours of notice by the ERC.
SMALL SIGNS will be no larger than 11in X 17in.
Must be approved by an ERC member, then a Temporary Campus Signage Request Form must be completed and approved by the Office of Student Activities (allow seven [7] working days of the request to receive a copy of the request to be returned to you) before posting. All forms will not to be submitted to the Election Rules Commission only. We will handle processing your request.
Must be approved by an ERC member before posting.
______(Print name of Presidential Candidate)
______(Candidate Signature) (Date)
______(Print name Vice Presidential Candidate)
______(Candidate Signature) (Date) Residence Halls Campaigning/Solicitation Policy
No one is allowed entry into the residence halls for solicitation.
No door-to-door solicitation is allowed and no information is allowed to be put under the residence hall doors.
All campaign materials (i.e. posters, fliers) need to be approved by Ric Baker, Residence Education Coordinator
Contact information: Office – RAR 235 Phone – 974.0905
Approved posters & fliers will be posted by the RA’s, not the candidates.
Candidates and campaign workers are required to adhere to these Residence Hall solicitation rules. Failure to comply with these rules will result in a violation of the ERC Rules of Procedure and a referral to Student Judicial Services for violating university residence hall policies.
If you have a question or need clarification on any ERC rule or policy, please complete this form and return to the attention of the Election Rules Commission, CTR 203 or e-mail to [email protected]
From: ______Email Address: ______Local Telephone Number: ______
Describe below, in detail, the nature of the clarification requested. Please be sure to include any pertinent Rules of Procedure, Statutes, etc. Be specific, and, if possible, cite a specific example, or attach any pertinent forms, records or papers. (Please type or print clearly)
For ERC Office Use Only: Con ______Stat ______ROP ______Other ______Decision ______Received: ______Sent: ______Organization Approval to Campaign
I, ______, the President of the (Print)
Student Organization ______granted the (Student Organization Name) candidates listed below permission to speak to our organization.
I certify that this permission was granted and approved prior to them addressing our organization.
Candidates: ______
Meeting Location: ______
Meeting Date & Time: ______
______(Organization President Signature) (Date)
Organization Approval for use of listserve.
I, ______, the President of the (Print)
Student Organization ______granted the (Student Organization Name) candidates listed below permission to use our organization listserve.
I certify that this permission was granted and approved prior to them addressing our organization.
Candidates: ______
______(Organization President Signature) (Date)
Candidate’s Contribution Statement
All of the following contributions were received during my election campaign.
Name: ______Amount: $______Address: ______Phone: ______
Name: ______Amount: $______Address: ______Phone: ______
Name: ______Amount: $______Address: ______Phone: ______
Name: ______Amount: $______Address: ______Phone: ______
Name: ______Amount: $______Address: ______Phone: ______
Name: ______Amount: $______Address: ______Phone: ______
I do hereby swear or affirm that the above list of contributions is representative of my sum total of contributions received during my campaign for Student Government office.
______(Candidate Signature) USF ID Number
______(Witness) Date & Time CANDIDATE EXPENSE STATEMENT Deadline to submit this form is Tuesday, February 27, 2006 by 5:00 pm for the General Election.
Date: ______
Name: ______USF ID NUMBER: ______
Office Seeking: ______College: ______
Description Vendor Cost Quantity Total
Signature of Candidate ______
Witness ______
Total Money Expended to Date ______
Time: ______Date: ______University of South Florida Student Government Election Request CTR 203, 974-1749 Temporary Campus Campaign Signage Request We are pleased you wish to promote your campaign for Student Government Office by using large signs. Approval of your request will be based on factors such as number of other requests received and other campus events occurring at the same time. A copy of this request will be returned to you within seven (7) working days of the request.
A ticket can post a maximum of three (3) large above-ground, non-electric signs, at designated locations. If larger signs are requested, special approval must be obtained. Student Government election posters or signs not exceeding a four feet (4') by five feet (5') by two (2') deep box including all frames, stands, supports, etc may be utilized 15 days before Election Day plus an additional seven days for runoffs. They must not block any passageway, obstruct any University buildings, signs, or other structures or otherwise unreasonably distract or interfere with members of the University community in carrying out their normal functions. No posters or signs will be authorized to be put into the ground, i.e. lawn signs. Signs should not be placed in a manner which would block a driver's view at an intersection. Signs placed along the roadway must be placed a minimum of 30 feet (30') from an intersection. The University's Physical Plant Division may be consulted when there are any questions concerning the desired location of a sign. These posters or signs must be removed immediately following the scheduled event. The University and Student Government reserve the right to remove any election material deemed inappropriate, unsafe, etc.
Approval for all signage must be granted by all pertain members of SG and Residence Services (if a residence life area is chosen) before the Election Rules Commission will grant any signage requests.
All signage must come down immediately after the election. If the ticket is in the runoff, they may keep the signage up till the runoff is complete. If SG or Plant Operations has to remove the signage, the ticket will be charged a removal fee of $200.00 for each sign. By submitting this document, you agree to all terms and policies set out by SG, Election Rules Commission and The University of South Florida.
Requester's Name:______Phone:______Requester's Address:______Date of Request :______Date(s) Desired to Post:______Date Expected to Remove Sign(s):______(2 weeks maximum allowed) (Maximum 4'x5' unless special approval is received) Location of Each Sign: 1. ______(Be sure to keep to the 2. ______approved locations) 3. ______
Wording on Each sign:
Please attach proof sheet of all signage. ( For the ERC and Residence Services) Any logos/artwork must have pre-approval from ERC before its use.
Presidential Candidate ______Date______
Vice-Presidential Candidate ______Date ______
ERC Advisor ______Date______
Student Government Supervisor of Elections ______Date______
Residence Services (Ric Baker )______Date______
Approval Instructions: ______
All signs must be removed within 48 hours after the scheduled event. Office Use Only
_____ Physical Plant _____ Traffic _____ Housing _____ Cooper 107* * If Cooper area requested. AUTHORIZED LOCATIONS FOR SIGNS
Corner of North Palm and Fletcher
Corner of North Palm and East Holly
Corner of Maple and East Holly
South Maple Drive Hump
North Maple Drive Hump
In front of Subway at Cooper Hall
Corner of Alumni and Laurel
Corner of West Holly and Laurel
Corner of Elm and Maple
Martin Luther King Plaza
Residence Services Areas
Holly Hump
Maple / Cypress Hump
Outside Fresh food Company
Outside Andros Dining Hall
Greek Park Common Area
If you wish to file a grievance against a particular candidate(s) or a member of their campaign staff please complete this form and return it to the attention of the Election Rules Commission, CTR 203, or e- mail to [email protected]
From: ______
Email Address: ______
Local Telephone Number: ______
Describe below, in detail, the nature of the grievance. Please be sure to include detailed information. Be specific, including times, dates and locations (Please type or print clearly) If you need more space than is available please type your grievance and attach it to this form.
STEP 1: Read the Student Government Statutes (Chap. 700) and the ERC Rules of Procedure.
STEP 2: Complete all the forms listed under the Approval Forms Table of Contents on the first page of this packet by February 4, 2006. All papers MUST be turned into a member of the ERC or those listed on the Forms Submission Policy BEFORE approval can be granted.
STEP 3: Before distributing or posting any campaign material, it must be approved by an ERC member. Please refer to the Signage and Campaign Material Policy Form for details. STEP 4: HAVE FUN!!!
***A failure is just a word- not an action. You chose!