Name: ______Period:______Date: ______

"To Kill a Mockingbird" Viewing Questions Part 1:

1- Where does this movie take place? What year is it?

2- Describe what Atticus does to calm Mrs. Dubois.

3- Who is supposed to get the pearl necklace when Atticus dies?

4- What did the man on the porch (Judge Taylor) ask Atticus to do?

5- What do the kids go to the courthouse to see?

6- Why do the kids spit on the gate as they sneak into Boo Radley's yard?

Part 2:

7- Atticus said Mr. Radley shot his gun at whom?

8- Why does Atticus say his father would not let him kill a Mockingbird?

9- Atticus says you can't understand a person until . . . what? 10- What did Atticus say is the main reason he is defending Tom Robinson?

11- Name at least three things Jem found in the hole in the tree.

12- Why did the Sheriff move Tom Robinson from the town jail?

Part 3:

13- What is it that made Mr. Cunningham and the rest of the crowd change their mind and leave?

14- Why do you think they claim that Tom confessed to the crime he is accused of committing?

15- How did Atticus show that Tom could not use his left hand?

16- Why does Atticus say that he has pity for Mr. Ewell's daughter?

17- What is the "assumption - the evil assumption" that Atticus calls a lie?

18- "In our country the courts are the great ______. . . all men are created ______." Part 4:

19- After the verdict why do you think there is complete silence in the courtroom?

20- Why do all the people in the gallery of the courtroom stand as Atticus walks out?

21- Why do you think Jem insists on going with Atticus to Tom Robinson's farm?

22- Why doesn't Atticus fight Bob Ewell when he spits on him?

24- Who do you think killed Bob Ewell?

25- Why doesn't the Sheriff want to prosecute Bob Ewell's killer?