Review: the Cosmic Logoi

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Review: the Cosmic Logoi

Review: The Cosmic Logoi

Please refer to the summary provided in TCF2; available on the FCF Schedule on :

Below is a segment of Michael’s commentary from S1S1, with my (vsk) bolding or colouring for emphasis, i.e., Questions, problems, or hints.

[Automatic numbering of comments is not the same as the original S1S1.]

The manifested Universe is contained within this Absolute Reality and a conditioned symbol of it. 1.We note that the “manifested Universe” is a conditioned symbol of the Absolute Reality. It can be questioned whether that symbol reflects the unknown WHOLE or only the merest fragment of that WHOLE. 2.My conclusion is that only an infinitesimal fragment of the BOUNDLESS WHOLE is reflected in the Universe. 3.The Universe, itself, is manifestation—no matter what level of the Universe is under discussion. Anything additional to the BIP (BOUNDLESS IMMUTABLE PRINCIPLE) is manifestation.

In the totality of this manifested Universe, three aspects are to be conceived. 4.When we speak of the “manifested Universe”, we are not speaking alone of that which is ordinarily tangible. We might say that anything other than the unmanifested “First Cosmic Logos” is manifested, even though extraordinarily subtle from even a refined human point of view. 5.In fact, from the highest point of view, the “First Cosmic Logos” (though often called “The Unmanifest”, is also manifest, simply because it is a specifiable something that is. 6.The words “manifested” and “Universe” are really equivalent. 7.Usually, however, the term “manifested” relates to so-called “objective reality”, i.e., to the worlds of form. 8.The following shows the work of the Three Logoi discussed below:


A Tabulation of Triplicities which May Bring Some Clarification :

First Aspect Second Aspect Third Aspect

Sustainer Pattern-Maker Doer

First Logos Second Logos Third Logos

Third Life Wave Second Life Wave First Life Wave Electric Fire Solar Fire Fire by Friction

Shiva Vishnu Brahma

God the Father God the Son Fohat/Holy Spirit

Time Space Motion

Spirits of Darkness Seven Rays (Cosmic) Seven Sons of Fohat

Life Quality Appearance

Sat Ananda Chit

Spirit Soul Body

9.When dealing with HPB’s [Secret Doctrine, e.g.] writings it is always necessary to determine whether we are dealing with the Universe as a Whole, or with the ‘Universe considered as a Solar System’ 10.In the chart above, it is clear that we are dealing with the manifestation of a Solar Logos, and yet the terms “First Logos”, “Second Logos” and “Third Logos”, and the descriptions given to them are very much like the terms used below, “First Cosmic Logos”, “Second Cosmic Logos”, etc. 11.It is probably wise to realize that we can apply what is said below to both the Universe in toto and to a Solar System, considered as a small ‘universe’. 12.In the Ageless Wisdom Teaching, the term “universe” does not always mean “the Whole Thing”. 13.The names for the three Logoi in the chart above (for instance “The Unmanifest” and “Spirit Matter” are used in the sentences below, and so, if the sentences below refer to the entire cosmos, we find the same descriptions applying both to the most stupendous Universal Logoi and to the three subsidiary Logoi of a solar system. 14.If we say that the Solar Logos is a cosmic Logos, we are justified in calling the three Logoi here discussed cosmic Logoi. But not otherwise, especially, if we are talking about the Three Logoi operating within a solar system. 15.As DK usually uses the word “cosmic”, it refers to an Entity whose scope is beyond that of a solar system.

1. The First Cosmic Logos, impersonal and unmanifested, the precursor of the Manifested.

16.Should the First Cosmic Logos not be called, as well, the “Spirit of the Universe”? 17.It would seem that “Spirit” remains forever unmanifested (in the ordinary sense, meaning assuming some degree of limitation) even while being forever the cause of manifestation. In a way, all that is manifested is, essentially, “Spirit”. 18.“Spirit” is a term which can be applied to that part of the Trinity which expresses electric fire, whereas Life is the truly unmanifest. Spirit, Soul and Matter are pervaded by Life. 19.The ABSOLUTE can be called “LIFE”, manifesting ‘in-universe’ as “Life”. 20.If we say that this First Cosmic Logos is “unmanifested” within a solar system, we mean that it does not assume specific, identifiable limitation or form within a solar system. 21.If we interpret the First Cosmic Logos in truly universal terms, it means the “Universal Logos”, the one and only ‘Cosmic Being’—but, of course, not, the ABSOLUTE.

2. The Second Cosmic Logos, Spirit-Matter, Life, the Spirit of the Universe. 22.This Logos represents the engagement of “Spirit” with itself through the dynamic of “Self- reflection”—the ultimate ‘Divine Mirroring’. 23.We have to be very careful about the use of the term “Life”. Given what HBP said about Life pervading Spirit, Soul and Matter, the term “Life” should not be used in relation to the Second Cosmic Logos. 24.Maybe the term “Spirit”, as used here, means that which animates the universe, and hence more the Soul of the universe. 25.What is said in this little sentence must be viewed very carefully, as there are many functions relating to the Second Cosmic Logos which are not suggested by what is said.

3. The Third Cosmic Logos, Cosmic Ideation, the Universal World-Soul. 26.But is not “soul” equivalent to “consciousness”? 27.This Logos appears to be the basis of all creativity. The preferred name for the third ray is the “Ray of Creative Intelligence”. Of course, here we are speaking of the ultimate Third Ray Lord of cosmos, or, if confining ourselves to our solar system, then, of the Brahma aspect of the Solar Logos. 28.We find that a few words cannot possibly contain the functions of these three Logoi—all of whom are subsidiary to a Solar Logos, IF we are speaking of that context called a solar system.

From these basic creative principles, in successive gradations there issue in ordered sequence the numberless Universes comprising countless Manifesting Stars and Solar Systems.

29.Below is a chart of “Parabrahm” and may give an idea of the “ordered sequence of numberless Universes” Parabrahm TCF Chart 12

30.From what is said immediately above, it is clear that DK is speaking of the cosmos in its entirety (even though there are parallels within that arena of creation called a solar system). 31.The term “universe”, however, as used in this case, is not a cosmic entirety. 32.We note that all proceeds from the fundamental “creative principles (or ‘Ultimate Cosmic Logoi’) “in successive gradations…and ordered sequence”. All systems, greater and lesser, are part of an inviolable cosmic order. 33.Points Emerging in Class Discussions: a.In this case, “universes” may be understood as galaxies or even starry systems. Galaxies were called “island universes”. b.Distinctions between galaxies and nebulae came only after 1925 in relation to the work of Hubble. 34.The following excerpt from DINA II, gives us some insight into the nature of Pure Being (cosmically considered). [excised, ref p. 284-285 DINA II] 35.Yet the statements therein also point to the apparent contradiction between the first two Fundamentals of the SD, i.e., that the “Boundless Immutable Principle” and the “Law of Periodicity” do not agree. Each Solar System is the manifestation of the energy and life of a great Cosmic Existence, Whom we call, for lack of a better term, a Solar Logos.

36.Now, DK comes specifically to the level of a Solar Logos—though, if He began cosmically, there are many, many types of systems between the Universal Being and a Solar Logos. 37.A Solar Logos is a “Cosmic Existence” and not simply a systemic existence. Retaining this idea, we may be justified in calling the “Three Subsidiary Logoi” Cosmic Logoi.

[Page 4] This Solar Logos incarnates, or comes into manifestation, through the medium of a solar system.

This solar system is the body, or form, of this cosmic Life, and is itself triple.

38.The term solar system is often considered to refer to a physical-etheric manifestation. The higher vehicles of a Solar Logos (such as His astral or mental vehicles) are often not considered to be part of the solar system.

This triple solar system can be described in terms of three aspects, or (as the Christian theology puts it) in terms of three Persons.

39.These “Persons” of the Logoic Trinity are the Three Fires considered as Entities. The energies of these Entities go by the name of the three fires we are studying.

ELECTRIC FIRE, or SPIRIT. 1st Person Father. Life. Will. Purpose. Positive energy.

40.The ideas presented here are familiar to the readers of Master DK’s books. 41.The major fire of our Solar Logos, especially in this second/fifth solar system dedicated to the expression of His cosmic Soul, is solarfire. 42.From this perspective, “electric fire” is but an aspect of the greater “solar fire” which we are considering to be the major fire of the Solar Logos. 43.Each major fire has three subsidiary fires. This is traceable upwards through many ascending triplicities which coalesce into that which is simply an aspect of a still greater triplicity. 44.Within the systemically inclusive solar fire of the Solar Logos, “electric fire” is the dominant fires of the three lesser fires.

SOLAR FIRE, OR SOUL. 2nd Person Son. Consciousness. Love-Wisdom. Equilibrised energy.

45.We must never forget the equilibrizing quality of “solar fire”, thus linking it to the sign Libra. 46.Solar fire is the ‘fire of relationship’. 47.Thus solar fire relates, as well, to form, for the second ray is the form-building ray. 48.The factor of dynamic equilibrium. Harmony related equilibrium. …

FIRE BY FRICTION, or Body, or Matter. 3rd Person Holy Spirit. Form. Active Intelligence. Negative energy. 49.“Negative” in this case means “receptive”. 50.This fire deals with externalities and is related to matter, and to the external interplay of forms. 51.The internal interplay of that which resides within the form is the province of solar fie.

Each of these three is also triple in manifestation, making therefore a. The nine Potencies or Emanations. 52.As stated above, every triplicity is really ninefold. 53.How do these nine correlate with the Seven Rays? Systems of seven and nine must be correlated.

Also make note of the various suggestive charts here: -- as well as, pertinent to this discussion on the 7 and 9, this type of illustration by Bruce Lyon has helpful charts on the planes and entities overlaid on the seven planes.

We also see this 7 and 9 reflection in the great Second Ray presentation in this series, The 7 Rays and the 9 Initiations. b. The nine Sephiroth. 54.With the exception of “Kether”, the first, or with the exception of Malkuth, the tenth. 55.The Kabala’s Tree of Life contains three triplicities. It is most logical to leave Malkuth from the triplicities. c. The nine Causes of Initiation. 56.It is an important matter to link the nine initiations to the nine Sephiroth. This suggests, of course, that there is a tenth initiation which is, in a way, the first initiation of another series. 57.Demand for freedom by the spirit is the cause of initiation. 58.There is a necessity for spirit to conquer one dimension after another of the cosmic Whole. a.The spirit has all, and drives us into the corresponding dimension (nine of them). …

These, with the totality of manifestation or the Whole, produce the ten (10) of perfect manifestation of the perfect MAN. 59.Ten is the number of perfection; it is a higher form of perfection than that which is represented by the twelve. The Zodiac of Ten and the Zodiac of Twelve are to be compared—one related to “MAN” (cosmically considered) and the other to the deva kingdom. 60.The ten of the two hands relates to this perfection. The two feet also enumerate a ten. 61.Through the Tetraktys, the ten and the four are related, (ten dots, four rows). These three aspects of the Whole are present in every form. 62.Every form contains the three fires, which are reflections of the three Cosmic Logoi. a. The solar system is triple, manifesting through the three above mentioned. b. A human being is equally triple, manifesting as Spirit, Soul and Body, or Monad, Ego and Personality. 63.This triplicity is reflected in the human physical body: head, torso and limbs. c. The atom of the scientist is also triple, being composed of a positive nucleus, the negative electrons, and the totality of the outer manifestation, [Page 5] the result of the relation of the other two. 64.Proton, Neutron, Electron. When was the neutron discovered? Is a later discovery the reason that it is not mentioned?

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